big week bad guy

Chapter 1218 Centipede Spirit

Chapter 1218 Centipede Spirit

After crossing the swamp, Zhao Xun found a patch of hills in front of him.

These mountains are not very high, but they are continuous, like a string of pearls.

Zhao Xun hesitated for a moment before deciding to go and investigate.

After all, the probability of finding the Sky Mending Stone is always higher in hilly areas than in swamp areas.

Now that Zhao Xun is here, he must try his best to find the Sky Mending Stone.

Otherwise, not only would he not be able to explain to Tianjun, but he would also feel very sorry for himself.

Zhao Xun is a person who cares about face. At times like this, he must push out all his potential.

If there are some breakthroughs as a result, that would be great.

"Pippi Shrimp, let's go."

Zhao Xun still has great trust in Pipi Xiabai Jiaolong.

This guy has a very strong sense of smell and can always find a breakthrough point no matter what situation he faces.

The more times like this, the more Zhao Xun needs to come up with some unique skills.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, it seems that there may indeed be a sky-repairing stone here."

Just when Zhao Xun was approaching a hill, the originally docile Pippi Shrimp White Dragon suddenly became extremely restless.

Zhao Xun's insight was quite sharp, and he immediately understood what happened.

"There is a Sky Mending Stone here, right? Pipi Shrimp, don't worry, I will help you find it as soon as possible."

The relationship between Zhao Xun and Pipi Xiabai Jiaolong can be said to be quite subtle.

As long as both sides can cooperate with each other, they can defeat the vast majority of opponents.

In this case, Zhao Xun would not have any fear even if the leader of the Faceless Men came forward in person.

"Fight, get ready to fight."

Zhao Xun knew that there would be no peace at this time.

He must always be ready to fight.

Unless something very bizarre happens, Zhao Xun will not stop exploring.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, I want to see who can stop me."

Zhao Xun strode forward, and just as he was approaching the mountain gate, a centipede spirit suddenly jumped out of nowhere.

Zhao Xun was really shocked.

The main reason is that the proportions of this centipede essence are too exaggerated.

He is as tall as three stories high.

Although Zhao Xun had seen many monsters before, he had never seen anything so terrifying.

But he didn't panic.

After all, he is a Confucian sage in this world, and his strength is still outstanding.

As long as he tries his best to bring out his advantages, this centipede spirit will not be his opponent.

"Come on, if you want to fight with me, use your unique skills. Otherwise, I will think that you are a person with no name. Besides, my subordinates, Zhao Xun, will not kill the nameless people. So you'd better go first Tell me your name."

Zhao Xun's attitude has always been relatively radical.

This moment is no exception.

Since the centipede spirit jumped out to block Zhao Xun's way forward, Zhao Xun naturally didn't mind using his strongest combat power.

As long as Zhao Xun can show his sharpest state, he can definitely crush everything.

"Hahaha, that's it? That's it?"

"Just because you want to fight me, you are just dreaming, aren't you? You are really overestimating your abilities."

Zhao Xun once again resorted to his verbal tactics.

After all, this is what he is best at.

As long as Zhao Xun can anger Centipede Jing, the other party will definitely make mistakes.

As long as the opponent makes mistakes, there will be many low-level mistakes.

After making a bunch of low-level mistakes, Zhao Xun could use this opportunity to hit his opponent hard.

In this way, sufficient advantages can be established.

"Well, you think you are strong, but in fact you are just a loser. Come on, I want to see what kind of strength you have."

His tactics certainly seemed to be working.

This centipede spirit showed a kind of extreme anger at this moment.

Most people can't imagine what this feels like, but Zhao Xun knows it well.

The anger Centipede Jing felt was inspired by Zhao Xun.

He showed an absolute rage at this moment.

"Hahaha, it seems that your internal strength training is still not up to standard."

Seeing the centipede spirit charging towards him, Zhao Xun felt a burst of joy in his heart.

Because in a duel between practitioners, the person who strikes first will often be at a disadvantage.

The person who takes action later will have the advantage.

The main thing is that the person who strikes first will show off his unique skills. This makes it easy for someone behind the scenes to target you.

In addition, Zhao Xun's own hard power is much higher than that of Centipede Jing.

The centipede spirit's death charge was like really destroying itself.

"Hahaha, you guys are really stupid."

Zhao Xun waved his sleeves without hesitation, and then pulled out his natal sword.

Zhao Xun's natal sword is his biggest weapon.

Normally he would not take it out and use it.

He will not use his natal sword easily. But once he uses the natal sword, there will definitely be a bloody storm.

"The sword energy penetrates all the way."

Zhao Xun wielded the sword energy to the extreme at this moment, and all the sword energy merged into his body in a short time.

At this moment, Zhao Xun has completely reached an extreme state.

"Death spin."

The combination of sword energy and true energy is simply an aura that sweeps the world.

This centipede spirit had never seen such a battle before, and he was dumbfounded for a while.

"That's it?"


At this moment, he could only choose to dig into the soil in an almost humiliating way.

Zhao Xun was strong enough, completely ignoring that the centipede spirit had fled, and controlled the flying sword to break through the ground directly.

"That's it?"

"I thought you had the ability to navigate the world, but you turned out to be just a fool."

In this case, he has no reason to talk nonsense with this centipede spirit here.

What Zhao Xun has to do is to do his best to use his unique skills.

"Earth Breaking Technique."

Zhao Xun directly zoomed in, and the centipede spirit was instantly cut into several pieces without any chance to react.

It all happened in a flash of lightning.

"Hahaha, this centipede spirit is really a person who overestimates his abilities."

After Zhao Xun finished speaking, he patted Pipi Shrimp and Bai Jiaolong gently, and said very gently: "Pippi Shrimp, let's go."

Zhao Xun has not been in Paradise State for a long time, but he has gradually adapted to it.

In Zhao Xun's view, this is actually not much different from fighting monsters and upgrading all the way.

It's just that there are some creatures here that he has never seen before.

But it doesn't affect that much.

After all, Zhao Xun has a very strong understanding and can also draw parallels.

As long as he can figure out how to do it, he can handle this group of creatures with ease.

"It's really just a bunch of trash."

He is not afraid of these creatures in the Paradise State. Zhao Xun didn't know whether he could find the Sky Mending Stone in this hilly area, but since he was here, he had to look for it carefully.

Zhao Xun once again took out the golden compass and started a large-scale search using the Taoist secret technique of great search.

The Sky Mending Stone is still very critical. At this moment, we must find the Sky-Mending Stone no matter what.

Of course, he doesn't necessarily have to find the Heaven-level Sky-Mending Stone now. Just a random Sky-Mending Stone can make Zhao Xun happy for a long time.

But now it seems that even a small piece of Tian Mending Stone is difficult for Zhao Xun to find.

This is indeed a bit desperate.

But Zhao Xun's character is that he becomes more courageous the more frustrated he becomes, so no matter what, he will definitely try his best to fight for it.

As long as he can search to the last moment, he will definitely be able to find the Sky Mending Stone.

For Zhao Xun, the sooner the better.

As long as they can obtain enough resources, they will have more chances of winning. At this moment, all the details must be done so that there will be no regrets.

At this stage, Zhao Xun already has absolute confidence.

The leader of the Faceless Men felt a throbbing sensation.

This comes from the distant world of Dazhou.

To be precise, it comes from the Paradise State.

Zhao Xun has really arrived in Paradise State.

Zhao Xun not only went to Paradise State, but also explored most of everything in Paradise State.

It's impossible for the soldiers and generals in Paradise State to stop Zhao Xun.

In this case, Zhao Xun will be able to find the Sky Mending Stone sooner or later.

Once Zhao Xun brings the Sky Mending Stone back, the situation will become quite passive.

The reason why the leader of the Faceless Men opened a hole in the fairy world was to use the turmoil in the fairy world to contain Zhao Xun.

Then he can take advantage of this rare opportunity to practice hard.

But if Zhao Xun easily cracked the plan of the leader of the Faceless Men, it would be like trying to fetch water from a bamboo basket.

The current mode is quite difficult for the leader of the Faceless Men.

To break the situation, he needs to think of many ways.

Just relying on one's own advantages is no longer enough to contain Zhao Xun.

Zhao Xun's understanding is indeed too strong, and he can easily figure out a way to solve it.

So now the leader of the Faceless Men must change his thinking and try to make Zhao Xun submit from other angles.

"Perhaps I can try to make Haoran Academy become a riot. In this way, Zhao Xun will never be able to sit still. No matter what method I use, I must make Zhao Xun stop his progress."

Zhao Xun's own qualifications are very strong. If he practices more diligently, he will become even stronger.

This is what the leader of the Faceless Men does not want to see anyway.

Once the leader of the Faceless Men is really passive, no one can give him the answer.

Therefore, the leader of the Faceless Men must be self-reliant.

"Come on, Zhao Xun, I want to see if you have any weaknesses. This is the time when you make mistakes."

Everyone has weaknesses. From the perspective of the leader of the Faceless Men, Zhao Xun is no exception.

At this time, what is competing is internal strength.

If the leader of the Faceless Men can target Zhao Xun from all directions, he will always be able to make Zhao Xun make mistakes.

"Zhao Xun, Zhao Xun, just wait for me, I won't make it easy for you."

"Junior brother, are you there?"

Suddenly Zhao Xun heard someone calling him.

And this voice was extremely familiar to him.


Could it be Third Senior Brother Long Qingquan?

Zhao Xun thought about it carefully, and it seemed that he really was the third senior brother!

"Third Senior Brother? Is that you?"

"Yes, that's me. Junior brother, how are you doing now?"

"I'm okay. I've arrived in the Paradise State now. There are Bat Knights and Centipede Spirits here who want to stop me. But these guys are too ignorant. Are they worthy?"

At this moment, Zhao Xun did not forget to show off his achievements in front of his third senior brother Long Qingquan.

After all, being able to kill these guys with such overwhelming momentum is not something that ordinary people can do.

Zhao Xun's strength in all aspects is very balanced, and he shows a decisive attitude when facing these guys.

That's why he was able to win so easily.

"That's good. But there's a big mess here at the academy."

"How do you say this? What happened to the academy?"

Zhao Xun's heart skipped a beat when he heard this.

"The academy's talisman formation has failed."


Zhao Xun couldn't believe his ears.

"How could the academy's talisman array fail?"

"Well, I don't know, maybe it has something to do with the leader of the Faceless Men. When you were in the academy, he dared to try to invade. Now that you are gone, he is even more emboldened."

Third senior brother Long Qingquan's mood could be said to be extremely low.

Now, although Zhao Xun cannot see the face of the third senior brother Long Qingquan, he can clearly feel the third senior brother's despair.

After all, with Third Senior Brother Long Qingquan's arrogant character, being fooled around by the leader of the Faceless Men would feel uncomfortable no matter what.

The most embarrassing thing is that he doesn't know how to fight back.

This feeling of being teased by the faceless leader must be very uncomfortable.

"Don't worry. First we need to determine whether it was the leader of the Faceless Men who did it."

Zhao Xun knew that the top priority now was to quickly stabilize the third senior brother Long Qingquan.

After all, with the character of Third Senior Brother Long Qingquan, no one knows what he will do next.

Zhao Xun didn't have any hope that the third senior brother could change his destiny, but at least he shouldn't hold back the academy.

As for the senior sister and second senior sister, they can definitely withstand the situation.

"Junior brother, what do you say?"

"The easiest thing is to ask my mentor, Taoist Master Qinglian, to repair the talisman array first. It doesn't have to be perfect, as long as it can withstand this wave."

Zhao Xun thought for a moment and felt that he still had to trouble his mentor, Taoist Priest Qinglian, to come out of the mountain.

As long as the mentor comes out, the situation can be stabilized.

"Well, I know this. I'll ask him for help in a minute."

Third senior brother Long Qingquan nodded.

"Then, we can't just rely on Taoist Qinglian, right?"

"Of course we can't just rely on our mentor. We also have to ask the immortal kings to come down to earth to help us repair the magic circle."

"But the Immortal World has been poked with holes, and the Immortal Lords have already been overwhelmed with care for themselves. How can they still have the energy to take care of us?"

"Well, this is it"

Zhao Xun smiled and said: "It's disrespectful to come back without reciprocating. I have promised to help Tianjun find the Sky Mending Stone, so they have to show some sincerity. Besides, for them, this is a simple effort. Not worth mentioning.”

Zhao Xun's thinking is still very clear.

At this moment, the Immortal Lord is needed to enter the scene.

As long as a group of immortal kings can come down to earth to help, the situation in the academy will definitely be stable.

To put it bluntly, this is the plan of the leader of the Faceless Men to lure the tiger away from the mountain.

As long as Zhao Xun returns in a hurry, the goal of the leader of the Faceless Men will be achieved.

Therefore, Zhao Xun cannot return to the academy at this time anyway.

Zhao Xun believed that with the strength of his mentor Qinglian Taoist Priest Wu Quanyi and the Immortal Lords, they could withstand this offensive from the leader of the Faceless Men.

In fact, Zhao Xun also felt that the leader of the Faceless Men was just making a tentative attack this time and would not use all his strength.

Therefore, Zhao Xun will continue to stay here and return to the academy after finding the Sky Mending Stone.

"I will find the Sky-Mending Stone as soon as possible. As long as I find the Sky-Mending Stone, I will return to the academy as quickly as possible to join everyone."

Zhao Xun patted his chest and promised.

"Third Senior Brother, you can rest assured."

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