big week bad guy

Chapter 1219 Taoist Priest Qinglian takes action

Chapter 1219 Taoist Priest Qinglian takes action

Following Zhao Xun's suggestion, the third senior brother Long Qingquan immediately went to find Qinglian Taoist Priest Wu Quanyi and asked him to preside over the repair of the academy's defensive formation.

This work can be said to be of great significance.

If a solid foundation can be laid from the beginning, it will be of great benefit to the academy's subsequent defense.

It is not difficult to do this with the strength of Qinglian Taoist Wu Quanyi.

Most importantly, he is willing to give.

As long as it was for Zhao Xun and the academy, his mentor Qinglian Taoist Priest Wu Quanyi would not have any hesitation. The more you give at this moment, the higher the possibility of harvesting in the future.

There really cannot be any hesitation at this stage.

"So essentially you have to adapt to the environment during this period. After adapting, your condition will be better."

"Let Pindao come and see where the problem lies."

Wu Quanyi became very serious at this time, no longer as cheerful as before.

Long Qingquan and others hid aside obediently, for fear of disturbing Taoist Priest Qinglian.

"Actually, it seems that the leader of the Faceless Men only destroyed a very small link, which resulted in such a series of problems. It's really strange."

After some preliminary inspections, Qinglian Taoist Priest Wu Quanyi has come to a conclusion.

"Pindao will repair this area first. As for what the effect will be next, Pindao cannot guarantee at present. We can only say that we will take it one step at a time."

Qinglian Taoist Master Wu Quanyi is a very meticulous person.

For him, what he did during this period was to ensure that he took the initiative as much as possible.

As long as you do this, you can still have a good experience.

This mode is not considered a difficult mode for Qinglian Taoist Priest Wu Quanyi. He also intended to prepare all this.

Naturally, Long Qingquan and others fully cooperated.

According to junior brother Zhao Xun, the leader of the Faceless Men had no intention of launching a full-scale attack at this time.

The Faceless Men are more of a tentative attack.

So as long as they can maintain their own rhythm, there won't be much of a problem.

"It seems that the leader of the Faceless Men tried to break through the outer circle of spells to corrode the inner spells. However, he encountered greater resistance after breaking through the outer circle of spells, and his movement was restricted. "

At this moment, Qinglian Taoist Priest Wu Quanyi began to analyze carefully.

"If that's the case, the spells in this inner circle seem to be powerful enough."

"Yes, this inner circle spell was written by the Confucian sages of the past generations. Each generation of Confucian sages will engrave their own efforts in it. As long as the Confucian sages of the past generations work together, the leader of the Faceless Men will not even have any chance. ”

Qinglian Taoist Priest Wu Quanyi can be said to be quite confident.

No matter what happens next, you need to deal with it reasonably.

In this way, sufficient advantages can be established.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk. No wonder my junior brother told me to rest assured. It turns out that he knows that the inner circle spell will not be broken through by the leader of the Faceless Men."

Third senior brother Long Qingquan suddenly realized this.

According to Qinglian Taoist Master Wu Quanyi, Confucian sages of all ages would write down their understanding of the talisman formation here.

And the younger brother Zhao Xun is a Confucian sage of the time, so he will naturally write in his understanding of the talisman array.

In this way, everything can be connected together very easily.

Naturally, the powerful array built by the Confucian sages of the Academy cannot be broken through by the leader of the Faceless Men alone.

With this powerful defensive array, they hardly have to worry about anything.

The more it is at a moment like this, the more important it is to ensure absolute calmness.

In this way, they can ensure an absolute sense of belief no matter what happens next.

In this way, it is not difficult to have an absolute initiative.

The leader of the Faceless Men actually knew this very well.

He was constantly harassing just to cause chaos in the academy.

As long as the academy maintains a stable state, his goal will not be achieved.

"How long will it take to fully repair it?"

"It takes up to three days to repair the peripheral spells. But the most important thing is to repair the connection layer. It may take ten days and a half."

"This is still acceptable."

Third senior brother Long Qingquan nodded when he heard this and said: "If you need any help, Priest Qinglian, please just ask. I will definitely try my best."

"Well, third brother, don't worry. We are all a family, and your business is Pindao's business. I will definitely try my best to repair the defensive array of the academy."

"But I need to make something clear first. Don't disturb my disciple. He will definitely encounter a lot of trouble if he goes to find the Sky Mending Stone. If we still distract him at this time, then It’s definitely not good.”

"Yeah, we understand."

The deeper he went, the more Zhao Xun felt that Paradise State was quite magical.

There is a feeling of chaos everywhere, everywhere you look.

"What is the origin of this world? What is its background? Why can't I feel it?"

Sometimes Zhao Xun would feel extremely confused.

This emotion may last for a long time.

It would take a lot of effort for him to get rid of this emotion.

As far as Zhao Xun himself is concerned, he needs to gain a deeper understanding, which will make him extremely delicate.

"Perhaps this is a spark of alien civilization in the Great Zhou world?"

Suddenly, Zhao Xun had a very bold idea.

The thought made his hair stand on end.

"If this is really the case, it is not difficult to explain why the Sky Mending Stone was taken from here. Because this is the interaction between the Great Zhou world and the universe."

Zhao Xun knew very well that at times like this, he needed to remain absolutely calm.

Impulse cannot solve any problem, only calmness can remain invincible.

"Actually, it seems now that I should have come here to explore from the beginning. The earlier I come here to explore, the more I can feel the different points. At this stage, I gradually feel the essence of life. If I were allowed to get subsidies If it’s a sky stone, it will provide a deep analysis of what this stone contains.”

Zhao Xun knew exactly what he had to do to become stronger in such a world.

"Well, it seems like this is all starting to get a little more detailed."

Zhao Xun began to touch something he had never felt before.

This allowed him to deal with all these problems with a calmer mind.

Nothing will appear too abrupt. Everything blends together for ultimate comfort.

"Well, the Sky Mending Stone must be hidden in a corner. It should be close by now."

The golden compass in Zhao Xun's hand shook more and more violently. This just shows that what he is looking for is close at hand.

At this time, Zhao Xun must maintain absolute concentration and must not slack off in the slightest.

If he is distracted at this time, he will most likely ignore the key information.

If you ignore the key information at this time, you are likely to miss the Sky Mending Stone.

This is something Zhao Xun cannot accept no matter what.

After finally reaching this point, Zhao Xun must discover the Sky Mending Stone and bring it back to the fairy world.

This is not only a promise, but also reflects Zhao Xun's determination to fight against the leader of the Faceless Men. No matter what the price is, Zhao Xun will definitely fight to the death with the leader of the Faceless Men.

"Wait, leader of the Faceless Men, I will prove you wrong!"

"Ancient demon, please come to this world quickly. I hope you can attack Zhao Xun now. He will cause more harm to us if he explores Paradise State for one more day. So we must unite to stop him from continuing. explore."

The leader of the Faceless Men began to pray for the favor of the demon god.

For him, what he did at this time was actually the most fundamental choice.

At this moment, if the evil forces continue to fight on their own as before, it will be difficult to fully suppress their opponents.

At present, Zhao Xun's strength is increasing day by day, and the academy's strength is also constantly improving.

The leader of the Faceless Men must think of many ways to suppress Zhao Xun.

He must increase his judgment through constant perception and execute it unswervingly.

Any hesitation at this time will lead to the deterioration of the situation.

At the beginning, he hoped to restrain Zhao Xun through the academy battlefield.

But now it seems that a mere Taoist Priest Qinglian can repair the defensive array that was damaged by him.

Zhao Xun doesn't have to go back at all.

Therefore, the leader of the Faceless Men can only change his thinking and choose a brand new way to affect everything.

"I have to think of some completely different methods as much as possible. Only in this way can Zhao Xun feel fear."

The leader of the Faceless Men knew very well that his choice at this time would determine the development of events for a long time to come.

No matter what, he has to stay on the right path. No matter what, he has to have stronger options.

At this stage, he couldn't make any mistakes at all.

Soon, the demon god seemed to respond to him.

"We can only use the devil's heart to encourage the demons to dance wildly."

"Is the Devil's Heart in Paradise State?"

"Of course, as the saying goes, things must be reversed at the extremes. The Paradise State is the most wonderful place, and it is also the most miserable place. It is the most just place, and it is also the most evil place. The heart of the devil is hidden at the end of the Paradise State. As long as you can pass the devil His heart made the demons dance wildly, and some Zhao Xun suffered."

"I understand."

The leader of the Faceless Men nodded when he heard this.

For him, all this is actually the best test for him. How far a person can go depends on his or her cognitive abilities.

Previously, the faceless leader's cognition was indeed limited.

But now he has received guidance from the Demon God, making him understand that he should use the Demon Heart to open up the situation.

Zhao Xun may take the initiative for a moment, but he cannot always be in an invincible state.

At this moment, they must change their thinking in time and seal Zhao Xun in the Paradise State as much as possible.

After the devil's heart urged the demons to dance wildly, no one could withstand such power.

If the earth breaks apart and the sky collapses, Zhao Xun will be trapped in Jilezhou forever.

This makes the leader of the Faceless Men nearly invincible.

As long as Zhao Xun doesn't come out of the mountain, the leader of the Faceless Men can do whatever he wants.

Even if he only has 10% of his magic power, it is enough to deal with these academy disciples.

Therefore, the most important step is to limit Zhao Xun's performance.

At present, what the leader of the Faceless Men has to do is to find the exact location of the devil's heart and encourage the demons to dance wildly.

"Why is the evil spirit here so strong? It must be a scam."

Although Zhao Xun had roughly determined the location of the Sky-Mending Stone, he still did not dare to take action rashly.

Because he knows that once he chooses the wrong direction, it will bring extremely terrible consequences.

At this time, he must adjust his condition as much as possible.

"There is indeed a strong demonic aura here. No, it's the aura of the devil."

Zhao Xun was still impressed by the devil's aura.

He had felt this kind of breath up close when he was in the Devil's Eye, and he felt sick for a moment.

Now he felt this breath again.

But this is obviously the Paradise State. It's so good, how can you feel the devil's aura?

There must be a demon in the abnormal situation.

At this moment, Zhao Xun could only keep calm enough.

If you panic at this time, your next choices will become extremely passive.

At times like this, it is even more important to maintain an absolute balance.

As long as your mentality is balanced, you will not be corrupted by the devil.

"Haoran's righteousness protective shield."

In order to ensure nothing went wrong, Zhao Xun used the Haoran Zhengqi protective shield.

For him, as long as he protects his soul from the outside at this moment, he can ensure that no major problems will occur.

At this time, Zhao Xun became extra cautious.

Even if there are some details that cannot be easily seen, Zhao Xun will actively analyze them.

"There seem to be many traces of ancient times remaining in the gaps here. I will follow these traces and analyze them, and I may find something completely different."

Zhao Xun knew very well at this moment that he could only rely on himself.

If he chooses to get in touch with the senior brothers and sisters in the academy at this time and rely on them to analyze the changes here. First, there will be a very obvious delay, and then their feelings may not be as intuitive as Zhao Xun's.

In this case, Zhao Xun might as well put everything on his shoulders.

Although it may seem very stressful at first glance. But in fact, Zhao Xun has long been accustomed to this method.

For him, this can even be considered a common occurrence.

In that case, what did he have to worry about?

Zhao Xun knew that there might be terrible evil creatures hidden beside him. But this is not the time to be afraid.

As long as he is calm enough, he can handle most crises.

"The sword of destiny."

To be on the safe side, Zhao Xun even summoned the natal sword directly.

For him, the function of the natal sword is to cut off evil at the most critical moment.

The key to demonic power is to control the practitioner's physical body and make him commit acts of self-harm.

But if Zhao Xun can cut off evil with his natal sword, the control behavior of the devil's power will be ineffective.

This is the effect Zhao Xun most hopes to achieve.

As long as it enters a chaotic fighting mode, it is exactly the most advantageous for Zhao Xun.

Different people will have different perceptions.

At present, it seems that Zhao Xun's choice has made him focused enough, allowing him to have the power to fight against potential demons.

As for what exactly will happen, no one can tell.

Zhao Xun will just let nature take its course.

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