Chapter 19

Zhao Xun and Jia Xingwen are now a popular villain detective team.

To them, Feng Hao wants resources for resources, and convenience for convenience.

But the most important thing is freedom.

Feng Hao gave them the greatest freedom within the scope of their authority.

This is very important for investigating cases. Only by obtaining the power to investigate cases freely can one not be restrained everywhere.

East Vietnamese people...

This clue is really too important.

As long as you find these people, you will be able to follow the clues and peel off the cocoons.

According to the information Jia Xingwen received, these Dongyue people did not leave Chang'an City, but lived in Nancheng.

The layout of Chang'an City is rich in the east and cheap in the west, rich in the north and poor in the south.

The northern city is densely populated, while the southern city is sparsely populated.

Except for Qujiang Pond, which is forbidden by the royal family, they all look bleak and dilapidated at first glance.

Zhao Xun and Jia Xingwen went all the way south after leaving the Yamen of the Bad People, and the feeling became stronger the further south they went.

In Zhao Xun's memory, Chang'an City is full of carved beams and painted buildings, and the existence of mansions in Guangsha.

This situation in Nancheng is indeed in his blind spot of knowledge.

However, in any world, there will always be rich and poor areas, and Nancheng is obviously the poor area of ​​Chang'an City.

The housing prices here are cheap, but the population is not dense, probably because of the rampant banditry.

The lives of the poor are cheap, and the government and county government are not willing to take care of them.

Over time, the bandits became more lawless.

Robbery along the street is possible in broad daylight. On the way to Zhangjing Temple where the Dongyue people temporarily lived, Zhao Xun and Jia Xun encountered an incident of robbing a civilian girl. Rescued by a young young woman.

The education he received in his previous life told him that he must never make mistakes in matters of principle.

People can be dandies, but they can't be shameless.

These gangsters and bandits are completely devoid of conscience and must not be tolerated.

Of course, the prevarication and inaction of the Chang'an government at all levels is also the direct cause of this phenomenon.

With Zhao Xun's current ability, he is still unable to influence the government. He can only punish evil and promote good within his ability.

Zhao Xun and Jia Xingwen went to Zhangjing Temple immediately after sending the shocked woman home.

According to Jia Xingwen, Zhangjing Temple was first built in the Taizong Dynasty, more than two hundred years ago.

At the beginning, because there were eminent monks teaching Buddhism in Zhangjing Temple, Zhangjing Temple was very popular.

Until a strange thing happened.

A nine-tailed fox demon in human form came to Zhangjing Temple to become a monk, and every night it turned into a prototype to suck human essence and blood.

Anyone sucked by him turned into a mummy.

The eminent monks of Zhangjing Temple invited countless sorcerers and talisman masters to form a magic formation, but they still couldn't catch this fox demon.

Later, the monks in the temple ran and fled, and the temple fell into decline.

This temple is very dark, so even beggars are reluctant to live there.

When Zhao Xun and Jia Xingwen came to the temple, they found that the gate of the temple was covered with spider webs.

Zhao Xun frowned and said, "Brother Jia, is the source reliable?"

Looking at it like this, this temple should really have been lived in for a long time.

Even if it is inconvenient for Dongyue people to live in inns, there is no reason to live in such a gloomy place.

"The news is absolutely reliable. It was reported by Wu Ci, a dark chess player who has been with me for a long time. Among the bad guys, he should be the most trustworthy informant I can trust."

What Jia Xingwen said was decisive, without any hesitation at all.

For him, Wu Ci is absolutely reliable.

"In that case, let's go and see."

Just as Zhao Xun wanted to push the door, Jia Xingwen stopped him.

"Slow down, there is a demon."

When the mind is as calm as water, some practitioners can feel the evil spirit.

This is a kind of hidden talent, and it happens that Jia Xingwen has this kind of talent.


Zhao Xun was taken aback for a moment.

He remembered that this was the second time Jia Xingwen mentioned evil spirit.

The first time was in the residence of He Yushi in He Yuanshan, and the second time was in Zhangjing Temple.

If it is said that one time may be a misjudgment, two times cannot be explained so simply.

"Go up."

Jia Xingwen said concisely.

After washing his marrow, Zhao Xun has been promoted to the realm of a ninth-rank martial artist.

This realm is called a soldier, which sounds a bit low, but in fact, warriors of this realm can fly over the roof, otherwise Zhao Xun would not be able to do parkour on the roof of Chang'an City before.

The two of them looked at each other, and they used their true energy to rise into the air one after another, and sprinted along the outer wall of Zhangjing Temple.

Good visibility from high up.

Zhao Xun can clearly see each room. The main hall of Zhangjing Temple is located on the central axis, but due to years of disrepair, many tiles have fallen off, and the overall structure is also a bit crumbling, and may collapse at any time.

There was no sign of living people in the temple, and it was so quiet that it was suffocating.

"What to do now?"

"Let's go to the main hall to have a look."

The two jumped off the wall one after another, and then quickly moved towards the main hall.

When he came to the main hall, Zhao Xun immediately opened the door and entered, Jia Xingwen followed behind.

If it is said that the outside of the hall still maintains the general appearance of the temple, the inside of the hall is extremely desolate.

Cobwebs were everywhere, and there was a foul smell in the air that made people sick.

"The demonic aura is getting stronger here."

Jia Xingwen frowned, his tone a little low.

"Go behind the Buddha statue and have a look."

Zhao Xun continued.

Half of this Buddha statue has been damaged, and the Dharma appearance is no longer solemn, and even has a hint of gloom.

But since it has already come, there is no reason to back down.

Jia Xingwen nodded slightly, and walked back to the back of the Buddha statue with Zhao Xun.

They maintain absolute vigilance, so that even if danger arises, they can deal with it as soon as possible.

The moment they walked around the Buddha statue, the two were stunned. Countless dead bones were piled up here, like a hill.

Before the two could react, four masked swordsmen broke out and stabbed Zhao Xun and Jia Xingwen from four directions.

"Be careful!"

After washing the marrow, martial arts practitioners have true energy to protect the body, which cannot be harmed by ordinary arrows and swords, but Jia Xingwen doesn't know if the person who comes is a practitioner.

If the opponent is also a cultivator, it is possible to break the barrier of true qi on the body of a martial arts practitioner by tempering the true qi on the sword.

After all, practitioners are also flesh and blood, and they can be injured even if they lose their true energy protection.

Zhao Xun's entry was at the ninth-rank Martial Artist Realm, while Jia Xingwen was at the eighth-rank Martial Artist Realm.

Although there is only one rank difference, the strength is still quite different.

Jia Xingwen instinctively stood in front of Zhao Xun.

But Zhao Xun is not a coward, how could he back down.

Besides, the enemy is coming from all sides, and there is no possibility of hiding.

Bad people all have sabers, Zhao Xun and Jia Xingwen drew their sabers out of their sheaths as quickly as possible, filled the sabers with enough energy, and charged towards the enemy.

When you meet on a narrow road, the brave wins. You must not be cowardly at this time.

Speaking of which, this was Zhao Xun's real first battle after coming to the Great Zhou Empire, and he was faintly excited.



(End of this chapter)

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