Chapter 20
There are nine ranks in martial arts, but this is only a broad definition.

In fact, there are many branches of martial arts practice.

For example, these Dongyue swordsmen are all disciples and grandchildren of the sword sage Wei Wuji, and they entered martial arts with swords.

But bad people like Zhao Xun and Jia Xingwen learned sword skills.

Of course, a soldier like Zhao Xun who has just entered the rank is limited in strength, and it is not too much to say that he is the five scum of the war.

Of the two, Jia Xingwen, who was at the eighth-rank Martial Artist Realm, was obviously the stronger.


Jia Xingwen let out a loud shout, and then kicked off the ground and jumped into the air.

When the fish machine knife is out of its sheath, there will be blood!
The four Dongyue swordsmen sacrificed a mandarin duck sword array. The powerful sword energy was intertwined and gathered into a fine fishing net, covering Jia Xingwen and Zhao Xun.

"Tips for carving insects!"

Jia Xingwen was obviously not flustered, he used the power of his dantian to force out the zhenqi from his whole body, and attached it to the body of the Yuji knife.

Bad people's unique fish machine knife technique focuses on a domineering.

Let you have all kinds of martial arts, and I will kill ten fast with one force.


This powerful blade shattered the mandarin duck formation formed by the Dongyue swordsmen.

The fine golden threads are scattered like a goddess scattering flowers.

So many things happened in a few breaths, Zhao Xun was dumbfounded in surprise.

This was the first time he really saw a battle between practitioners.

No, it is personal experience!
Those Dongyue swordsmen saw that they couldn't take advantage of Jia Xingwen, so they turned to kill Zhao Xun.

Practitioners can perceive the vitality of the surrounding heaven and earth, and can roughly infer the grade of other practitioners.

Therefore, it is very difficult to kill people with higher grades. Only when you break through the martial arts state before the battle can you fight back to the limit.

But this probability is too low.

When the soldiers came to block the water and soil, it was impossible for Zhao Xun to just sit there and wait for death.

Although he had just entered the product, he still waved his knife to greet him without hesitation.

The fish machine knife technique emphasizes domineering, the more domineering the user, the stronger the impact on the enemy.

"Ten steps to kill a person, a thousand miles will not stay behind!"

After all, it was the first time to fight a practitioner, so Zhao Xun instinctively yelled out a poem to strengthen his courage.

Unexpectedly, his whole body seemed to be suddenly filled with the vitality of heaven and earth, filling every gap.

At the same time, a picture flashed in Zhao Xun's mind, it was Haoran Academy!
All this happened in a short time, Zhao Xun didn't have time to think about it, he instinctively mobilized the arrogance to attach to the Yuji knife, and the knife's energy rose sharply in an instant, breaking through the mandarin duck formation of Dongyue swordsmen, and severed their connection .

The faces of the Dongyue swordsmen all showed horror. They thought Zhao Xun was a soft persimmon, but who would have thought that he would be a ruthless character.

The key point is that this ruthless character is so invisible that people think he is a weak chicken, but he suddenly explodes and uses a killer move.

"Awe-inspiring Qi, it's Haoran Qi!"

One of the Dongyue swordsmen recognized the aura in Zhao Xun's saber technique and exclaimed repeatedly.

This guy is obviously a martial artist, how could he acquire awe-inspiring energy?

Moreover, not only did he acquire the Grand Virtue Qi, but he also used the Grand Virtue Qi to enter the saber technique, with an aura like a rainbow.

These Dongyue swordsmen wanted to run, but they couldn't run away.

Haoran Qi can destroy mountains and seas, even though Zhao Xun has only scratched the surface, he is still extremely powerful.

The powerful aura sent the Dongyue swordsmen flying, vomiting blood on the spot.

There is no doubt that their viscera have been injured internally by the Haoran Qi, and they have lost their fighting ability in a short period of time.

All this happened so quickly that Jia Xingwen was stunned when he saw the Dongyue swordsman collapsed on the ground.

"Ming Yun, did you just carry the awe-inspiring spirit?"

Although the four Dongyue swordsmen were not of high rank, they were only at the ninth rank, but after all, they cooperated all the year round, and when they joined the formation, they had the strength of the eighth rank.

Jia Xingwen fought back and forth with them, but Zhao Xun was able to directly defeat the four of them.

If it is said that Zhao Xun did not rely on external force, Jia Xingwen would not believe it anyway.

Just now he heard an Dongyue swordsman exclaiming in awe, but he still couldn't believe it, so he wanted to ask Zhao Xun for proof.

Zhao Xun exhaled a turbid breath to calm down, and smiled helplessly: "Brother Jia, I actually don't know what's going on. When those swordsmen came to kill me just now, my mind was completely empty. Just flashed a picture of Haoran Academy, and then the whole body's Qi apertures seemed to be pierced."

"It's so scary!"

Jia Xingwen gasped when he heard that.

"So have you broken the border?"

"This, I don't know either..."

Zhao Xun spread his hands and said, "It stands to reason that there should be obvious feelings after breaking through, right? But why don't I feel anything?"

"Hey, stop talking and tie up these guys and take them back to the yamen."

It is extremely important for Jia Xingwen and Zhao Xun to be able to get a living. This is the direct clue to He Yushi's killing.

The two worked together to tie up the four Dongyue swordsmen who were seriously injured and unable to move, and then dragged them out of Zhangjing Temple like a dead dog.



Bad people's yamen, dungeon.

Flames flickered in the gloomy space, and the salty, rotting air made people sick.

The four Dongyue swordsmen were tied up, and they were taken out of the cell by the jailer for interrogation.

The bad handsome Feng Hao sat on the chair, clasping his fingers repeatedly.

Standing on the left and right are Zhao Xun and Jia Xingwen.

The two worked together to capture four Dongyue swordsmen and made a great contribution.

"I advise you to confess earlier. You should have heard of the power of bad people. After entering our prison, I have a hundred ways to make you open your mouth. If you confess earlier, you will suffer less flesh and blood."

Silence, dead silence.

Feng Hao snorted coldly and said, "Use torture."

Immediately, several burly men stepped out and whipped the whips dipped in salt water towards several Dongyue swordsmen.

After that, there was a burst of howling like ghosts and wolves.

"I want to see how long you can last."

Although these Dongyue swordsmen are practitioners, they are more resistant than ordinary people.

But their bodies have already been severely injured by Hao Ranqi, and they are actually very fragile now.

What surprised Feng Hao was that after dozens of whips were beaten, these Dongyue swordsmen cried and cried, but none of them confessed.

Feng Hao showed displeasure and wanted to increase his punishment.

Seeing this, Zhao Xun quickly persuaded him: "Master Feng, do you want to invite the Lord Qin Tianjian? These guys' internal organs have been injured, and the subordinates are worried that they will not be able to survive the beating too hard."

This is what Zhao Xun managed to catch, and he didn't want the clues to be cut off like this.

Qin Tianjian is proficient in observing the mind, and can easily enter the practitioner's sea of ​​consciousness and see what the practitioner is thinking.

In other words, it is possible to call up the practitioner's memory.

"Hmph, isn't it a sign of my incompetence to invite those people? I still don't want to speak up after entering my office of bad people. Come on, give me a post."



(End of this chapter)

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