big week bad guy

Chapter 21 Who is the Murderer

Chapter 21 Who is the Murderer
The so-called "pasting and adding officials" is to paste soaked paper on the prisoner's face.

Added layer by layer, the prisoner will have more and more difficulty breathing until he is almost suffocated.

Prisoners usually confess at such times.

The jailers in the bad man's yamen are all veterans, and they are easy to operate.

The four Dongyue swordsmen refused to confess at first, but as they reached the third floor, these practitioners couldn't bear it any longer.

Top practitioners can hold their breath for a long time, but they are only ninth-rank martial arts after all, and they are not very good at breath control.

With the fifth floor, the feeling of suffocation hit.

The instinct to survive caused the psychological defense of four of the swordsmen to collapse, and they confessed one after another.

"I said it, I said it all."

Feng Hao then raised his hand to signal the jailer to uncover the wet paper.

"We are from the East Vietnam. We came to Chang'an this time to create chaos and affect the holding of the Qujiang Poetry Association."

Qujiang Poetry Society?

Zhao Xun was stunned for a moment.

Before he heard the girl from Miaoyinlou mentioned the matter of the emperor offering sacrifices to heaven.

Does this have anything to do with Qujiang Shihui?
He turned to Feng Hao, and found that this ruthless bad guy was also puzzled.

Dongyue Kingdom has always been a thorn in the side of the Great Zhou Empire.

The emperors of all dynasties wanted to flatten this tiny country, but Dongyue Kingdom always gave birth to peerless practitioners.

During the Xianlong period, there appeared such unborn geniuses as Wei Wuji.

Emperor Xianlong had some scruples, that's why he pushed the "great plan of peace" again and again.

If the Great Zhou Empire is going to hold a martial arts conference in Chang'an, it is understandable that the Eastern Yue swordsmen want to come and sabotage.

But it seems that there are no famous literary saints in Dongyue Kingdom.

What does it matter to them that the Great Zhou Empire held Qujiang Poetry in Chang'an City?

"Why do you want to affect the holding of the Qujiang Poetry Club?"

"Because this Qujiang poetry meeting is different from the past, it is said that there is the shadow of Haoran Academy behind it."

Said a swordsman.

"It is said that the winner can be admitted to the Haoran Academy and become a disciple of the academy."

Another swordsman added.

"The Juggernaut said that Da Zhou already has a mountain chief, and there can be no second one."

Hearing these words, no matter Feng Hao, Zhao Xun or Jia Xingwen were shocked.

We must know that although the writing style of the Great Zhou Empire was prosperous, in general, the official school headed by Guozijian occupied the mainstream position.

Although Haoran Academy has a high status in the Jianghu, but because of its small scale, the recruitment of disciples is irregular, and it all depends on the personal preferences of the head of the mountain, so it has always been out of the mainstream literary circle.

But this is not to say that Haoran Academy is not important.

All the literati in the Great Zhou Empire knew that the head of the mountain was a sage of literati, and he was also the only one in the world who was above the Qing Xuan Realm of the first rank.

Confucianism's Pure Profound Realm, Buddha's Vajra Realm, Taoist Inaction Realm, Warrior's Breaking Army Realm, and Demon Sect's Nirvana Realm are the existences of the five transcendent levels, and they are also the ones closest to heaven.

A duel of masters of this level can often change the luck of a country.

That's why the Great Sword God, who is a warrior who breaks through the army, is afraid of the head of the mountain to recruit disciples again, right?
Because in the bottom of Wei Wuji's heart, he, who is "invincible under heaven", is not sure that the mountain leader will win.

You know, Haoran Academy has not opened its doors to the worldly people for ten years, and the head of the mountain has not recruited new disciples for ten years. It is rumored that the qualifications of scholars are mediocre, and the head of the mountain has no plans to recruit disciples.

There is only one reason why the head of the mountain can make a sudden change, and that is the appearance of Wenquxing.

Wen Quxing is a person born with outstanding literary talent. If he is discovered by the mountain chief and accepted as a disciple, he will probably improve his cultivation level sharply and eventually become a strong man no less than the mountain chief.

If Wei Wuji was afraid of Haoran Academy and the head of the mountain, he naturally didn't want to see himself facing two strong men who were as strong as the head of the mountain in the future.

That's why they sent people to Chang'an to prevent the holding of the Qujiang Poetry Association.

"But what does this have to do with He Yushi being killed?"

While there is some truth to this, there is also something that doesn't make sense.

The fact that He Yushi was killed is the most unreasonable thing.

"He Yushi was killed?"

An Dongyue swordsman was stunned.

"How is this possible?"

Seeing this, Zhao Xun sneered and said, "What are you pretending to do now, don't tell me that you have nothing to do with He Yushi's death."

"Of course not, we have a cooperative relationship with He Yushi."

A swordsman said helplessly: "The Sword Master said that He Yushi could write a letter to the imperial court, stating that the Qujiang Poetry Club will harm the country with empty talk and has many disadvantages. And the Emperor of the Great Zhou Dynasty is about to sacrifice to heaven. At this juncture, the Qujiang Poetry Club will be held , Haoran Academy will definitely come forward to steal the limelight. The Great Zhou court has always disliked Haoran Academy, and we hope that through this move, we can influence the Great Zhou court’s attitude towards the Qujiang Poetry Society.”

Zhao Xun thought about it carefully, and felt that it seemed reasonable.

The emperor's sacrifice to heaven is a top priority. At this time, Haoran Academy will steal the limelight if it wants to pass the Qujiang poem, and the emperor will definitely not agree.It is foreseeable that as long as He Yushi writes, Emperor Xianlong will probably agree to cancel the Qujiang Poetry Association.

As long as the poetry society is cancelled, the head of the mountain will naturally not be able to openly accept disciples.Although the head of the mountain is a literary sage and his cultivation is extremely powerful, he should not be able to directly distinguish the position of Wenquxing from the vast crowd. He can only feel the breath of Wenquxing that has appeared recently.

There is a specialization in the art industry, which is what the magic sticks of Qin Tianjian are best at.

It is naturally impossible for a person with such a proud mountain leader to bow his head and ask Qin Tianjian for help, so he will choose the talent from the Qujiang Poetry Society next.The number one scholar in the imperial examination may not necessarily be favored by the head of the mountain and become a student of Haoran Academy, but those who write peerless poems will definitely be looked at by the head of the mountain.

So as long as the holding of the Qujiang Poetry Club is affected, the threat to the sword master Wei Wuji will be temporarily eliminated.

But if all these inferences are true, it means that someone else killed He Yushi.

At first, Jia Xingwen concluded that He Yushi's sudden death was caused by a monster.Later, Zhao Xun found out the Dongyue swordsman with reasonable deduction and visits.

But later it was proved that the Dongyue swordsman was an ally of He Yushi, and someone else killed He Yushi.

This case is too confusing, right?

If this reversal continues, Zhao Xun's heart can't bear it.

"I seem to have heard He Yushi mention the Devil's Cult in the restaurant..."

Another Dongyue swordsman muttered.

"Everyone was drunk at the time, so I thought He Yushi was talking about drunkenness. But if it is true, would this case be related to the Demon Cult?"

Demon religion?

Feng Hao narrowed his eyes slightly when he heard these two words.

These two words are the last thing to be mentioned in Chang'an City.

The Demon Cult is different from the orthodox way of practice, but forcibly absorbs the vitality of heaven and earth into the body.

This way of practice can greatly reduce the time of practice, and the speed of breaking through the level will also become very fast, but the problem is also obvious, the spirit of the practitioner is likely to be disturbed.

Could it be that He Yushi has something to do with the Demon Cult?
The Imperial Court, Haoran Academy, Demon Sect, Dongyue Jiange...

With so many forces entangled together, Zhao Xun always felt a little confused.

"Okay, the interrogation ends here today."

Feng Hao waved his hand and said, "Put them all down."

After that, he turned around and walked away.

Seeing this, Zhao Xun and Jia Xingwen quickly followed behind.

After leaving the prison and returning to the government office, Feng Hao said coldly: "Today, you are not allowed to say a single word about the Devil's Cult."

Zhao Xun and Jia Xingwen answered with clasped fists.

The Qujiang Poetry Society will be held in January, and it seems that Chang'an City will not be safe.



(End of this chapter)

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