big week bad guy

Chapter 26 The Balance of King Qi

Chapter 26 The Balance of King Qi

After Li Taiping, the lord of Yonghe County, returned to the Qi Palace, he told his father Li Xiang what he had seen and heard in Qujiang Pond today.

Talking about the poem written by Zhao Xun, Li Taiping's tone was full of admiration.

"Father, it seems that Zhao Xun is not as unbearable as the rumors in the market. If he is really a libertine, how can he write such ambitious poems?"

"Since ancient times, autumn has been sad and lonely. I say that autumn is better than spring. When the sky is clear and the cranes line up on the clouds, the poetic sentiment will be drawn to the blue sky. Good poems are indeed good poems."

Qi Wang Li Xiang said with emotion while patting Li Taiping in his arms.

"Father, since even you think Zhao Xun is talented, why don't you make friends with him?"

Li Taiping said with a pair of big watery eyes.

"It's all right, but this king can't show up, so tell your brother to go."

For this daughter, Li Xiang has always loved her very much, and he couldn't bear to let her suffer even the slightest grievance.

He patted Li Taiping's shoulder lightly, his eyes full of doting.

It is said that it is good to have a son, but among the royal family, they prefer daughters.

Because the son will become a competitor without knowing it, only the daughter is not a threat, so that these nobles can feel a little warmth that is not easy to detect.

Family affection is an extremely luxurious thing for them, so they will cherish it more and more.

Qi Wang Li Xiang basically knew about the many nobles in Chang'an, the capital.

This Zhao Xun can be regarded as the number one among the noble sons, Cheng Guogong's name is also well-known, so there is no problem in making friends with him, and he will not lose face to Prince Qi's family.

However, Li Xiang is a prince after all, so it is not appropriate for him to take the initiative to make friends with a noble son of the younger generation.It is most appropriate for the prince of Qi to do this matter.

Li Jianye, the son of Prince Qi, has always liked poetry and songs. He is a scholar, so he can play some role this time.

"Then I'll talk to my brother in a while."

Speaking of which, Li Xiang is the second son of Emperor Xianlong, who is today's son, and was named King of Qi.

According to the custom of Dazhou, the prince must go to the fiefdom to become a vassal when he grows old.

But rules are just rules after all.

Rules are dead, people are alive.

In the final analysis, whether the prince will be a vassal or not depends entirely on the emperor's will.

If the emperor loves him, even the vassal king can stay in Chang'an even when he is an adult.In the end, those who left Chang'an in despair and rushed to the fief were all unfavored princes.

King Qi is of course favored, because his mother and concubine is Emperor Xianlong's favorite concubine Cui Guifei.

After Empress Chen passed away, the position of the Central Palace has been vacant, and countless concubines coveted it, but no one dared to make any substantive actions.

The truth is actually very simple, the king's mind is unpredictable.

Empress Chen is the first wife of the current emperor.

As early as when Emperor Xianlong was still the prince, Empress Chen was the princess.

The two have always respected each other as guests, and after Emperor Xianlong ascended the throne, it was only natural for him to make the crown princess the empress, and his mother honored the world.

Empress Chen gave birth to a son, who is the present prince.There are two other daughters, one of whom is Princess Yongkang, the eldest princess, and the other is Princess Pingyang, the youngest favorite of Emperor Xianlong.

After Empress Chen's death, Emperor Xianlong never established another queen. In fact, his attitude was very clear, that is, he did not want other princes to have unrealistic ideas.

Because once another queen is established, the position of the prince of the East Palace will be very embarrassing.

And if there is no queen, the prince's position will be relatively stable.

King Qi is the eldest son of a concubine, it is impossible to say that he has no idea about the reserve position at all.But he couldn't reveal it easily, because he knew very well what kind of person his father Emperor Xianlong was.

He is scheming, proficient in power tactics, and his control over people's hearts is incredible.

No matter how scheming Li Xiang was, he would not dare to play tricks with his father, because the old birthday star hanged himself, and he was impatient.

Forbearance, wait and see what happens is the most appropriate approach at the moment.

But forbearance does not mean inaction.

In fact, Li Xiang has been secretly cultivating his own power.

Emperor Xianlong must have been well aware of this.

With such a huge intelligence agency as bad people, Emperor Xianlong should know every move of Sun Gongqing, the king of the Manchu Dynasty.

But the emperor did not speak out, and did not come forward to stop it, which shows that the emperor acquiesced.

It's not that the emperor doesn't want to see the princes fighting at all. Proper fighting can put pressure on the prince and make the emperor feel more at ease.

As long as it doesn't touch his bottom line, the emperor won't say much.

It's just that no one told Li Xiang where the bottom line is and how to grasp the speed.

He also crossed the river by feeling the stones, relying on some understanding of his father to do it.

In his view, the Ministry of Officials is in charge of officials, and the Ministry of Households is in charge of money.As long as he doesn't move these two places, the emperor will not care.

As for bad people.
Bad people's yamen is a bit special. If it is important, it is definitely not as important as Liubu and Yushitai.

But it exists independently of the bureaucratic system of the Great Zhou Dynasty, and it is the eyes and ears of the emperor in an absolute sense.

If Li Xiang made friends with bad handsome Feng Hao, it would definitely be a big taboo, Li Xiang would never be so stupid.

However, Zhao Xun, who King Qi wants to befriend, is just a green robe, the lowest existence in the hierarchy of bad people, only higher than the white robe of the helper, who is not included in the bad person system.

Of course, the Son of Heaven wouldn't care that Prince Qi's mansion would win over such an ordinary bad person.In addition, Li Xiang will instruct his son Li Jianye to do this, so he will not give others a handle.

As the descendant of the dragon, his every move is watched by others.

Li Xiang naturally had to be cautious.

Being born in an emperor's family has too much involuntary control, but there is only one emperor, so it is bound to be a life-and-death struggle.

In the end, the winner takes all and gets everything, and the loser may lose a mess or even lose his life.

But until the last moment, no one will think that they will definitely lose.

The same is true of Qi Wang Li Xiang.

In his opinion, there are a lot of diners in his house, but there are really no one with literary talent like Zhao Xun.

On the contrary, there are many talented young people in the Prince's East Palace.

If Li Xiang can draw Zhao Xun to his side, it will be a counterattack against the prince, and it will be a thousand dollars to buy a horse bone, which can attract more talented people to come and join him.

Once this situation is formed, it can put enormous pressure on the East Palace.

Li Xiang didn't even need to exert himself, he just waited for Donggong to be stupid and give him a chance.

Sometimes Li Xiang felt that it might not be a good thing to sit in the position of prince.

Because this is equivalent to being the target of someone else's attack.

And as a chaser hiding in the dark, it is often easier to exert strength.

If it doesn't sing, it will be a blockbuster.

When Li Xiang decided to exert his strength, the time must be ripe.

At that time, he will definitely let the world understand that he, King Qi, is the most suitable person to be the emperor of the Great Zhou Dynasty.



(End of this chapter)

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