Chapter 27

In Chang'an City, there are no secrets.

Especially poems and songs, once a good work is born, it will immediately spread to the public.

Zhao Xun's "Autumn Ci" is no exception.

Especially in Pingkangfang, the entertainment CBD in Chang'an City, the younger brothers and sisters in the workshop are extremely fond of this poem.

From the big oirans in Pingkangfang to the young Qingshou, they all began to try to change this poem into a tune to sing.

It's just that poetry doesn't have a fixed rhyme like Qupai, and it's not so easy to sing.Even so, it couldn't dampen the enthusiasm of the practitioners in Pingkangli.

"Have you heard that Mr. Zhao Xun, the son of Cheng Guogong, and Mr. Zhao Xiaolang wrote an autumn poem when he was visiting the lake in Qujiang, which was appreciated by the owner of Yonghe County."

"Then why haven't you heard that this poem is so popular now?"

"That Zhao Xun who fell from the building after Zui Xiaoxiang and His Royal Highness the King of Wei fought?"

"Who else could it be if it wasn't him."

"But didn't he fall to his death?"

"Shh, don't dare to talk nonsense. Did you see it? Didn't see any nonsense. This is a popular young gentleman who even His Majesty ordered to praise him. How could he be dead? Besides, Zui Xiaoxiang is only two floors high, even if If you fall down, you will be injured at most. It will be fine after a few days.”

"Yes, yes, let's not talk about this. Let's talk about poetry, sisters, let's try to sing it, how about?"

"Since ancient times, autumn has been sad and lonely. I say that autumn is better than spring. A crane in the clear sky will lead the poetic sentiment to the blue sky."

"Why do you sing in the Middle Ages? I think it's more interesting to sing in Chang'an Mandarin."

"The Luoyang accent is obviously better, let me sing it again and listen to it..."

"Each has its own advantages. If it's from my family, it's not a tune. No matter how you sing it, it's very good."

"I've told you all about it."

"Hey, it's just that everyone in Pingkang is singing this poem now. It's hard for us to sing well. If we can compose and sing a poem by Mr. Zhao alone, then we will be a hit."

"How can Mr. Zhao like us vulgar fans? Oh, that's all, that's all."



Bad people Yamen.

Zhao Xun got up early to wash up as usual.

Now he is used to living in the yamen.

Except for holidays, he would return to Duke Cheng's mansion to accompany his father, mother and sister, and basically he would live in the yamen on weekdays.

This has the advantage that it solves the problem of commuting time and can sleep for a long time.

For a workaholic who is used to 996 introversion, it is not difficult to do this.

But this seems a bit awkward to other colleagues.

You are so clumsy, what should we do?
Zhao Xun is like a catfish thrown into a fish pond, forcing others to follow suit.

However, this indirectly improved the work efficiency of the villain's office a lot.

In this regard, the bad handsome Feng Hao saw it in his eyes and was happy in his heart.

"Unexpectedly, Zhao Xun, a little bastard, could make the atmosphere in the yamen so good. I didn't expect it either. Mr. Zheng, you won this bet. I'm willing to admit defeat, and the Qujiang Poetry Society will be held in a month's time." , I am willing to let Zhao Xun go to participate."

"Why, Mr. Feng also thinks it's a pity that Zhao Xunzhi didn't participate in the Qujiang poetry meeting?"

Zheng Jie, the internal servant, narrowed his eyes slightly, and said with a half-smile.

"This kid does have something. At first I thought he was just a dandy, but now it seems that he is extremely strong in both literary talent and detective talent."

Feng Hao likes talented young people very much, and countless young people have been promoted by him.Now, among the three big purple robes in the villain's yamen, two of them were promoted by Feng Hao all the way from the green robes.

Now Zhao Xun has indeed shown his talent, but that alone is not enough, Feng Hao has to wait and see for a while.

"This is Qujiang Shihui. It's good for him to follow along to the fun and excitement. Maybe there will be unexpected gains."

Feng Hao had heard Zhao Xun's report a long time ago, and had an understanding of the various connections between Dongyue Swordsman, He Yushi, and the Demon Cult.

This kid is really good at being a man, he greets him in the morning and asks for instructions in the evening.

Anyone can feel comfortable.

Feng Hao is no exception.

"That's fine."

Smart people always talk to the point, there is no need to speak too clearly.

"In this way, our family will go back and report to His Majesty."

Zheng Jie propped up the chair and walked away with his hands behind his back.

"This old fox."

After Zheng Jie walked away, Feng Hao put down the teacup and cursed with a smile.



"One, two, three, four, one more time..."

Zhao Xun started to do squats and push-ups during the bad guys' lunch break.

This is to exercise basic strength, even practitioners need strength exercises.

Otherwise, even if you have the ability to practice, you will be like a flower in the mirror of the moon in the water, without roots.

After washing the marrow, his physique has indeed become much stronger. In the past, he was exhausted and out of breath after doing fifty push-ups, but now he can do a hundred in one breath without panting.

However, Zhao Xun didn't intend to relax at all. Power is a thing that can be used or used, and it may degenerate if you don't pay attention.

"Mingyun, what are you doing?"

Seeing that Zhao Xun always likes to do some strange actions alone, Jia Xingwen asked suspiciously.

"Ah, it's push-ups and squats, for strength, and yoga... for flexibility."

Zhao Xun stood up, patted the ashes on his hands, and smiled slightly.

"Uh... I came today to introduce you to a new colleague. Master Feng found me this morning and assigned a newcomer to our group."

Zhao Xun felt a bit of slander in his heart, thinking that there are only two people in our group, and there are only three people including this new colleague. Do we still need to emphasize the concept of group?

But yes, if you don't emphasize it, how can you show the importance of Jia Xingwen, the team leader.

"Oh, okay, it should be easier for us to investigate the case with more people."

"This is not necessarily the case."

Jia Xingwen showed bitterness, then patted Zhao Xun on the shoulder and said, "You wait here, I'll bring him and bring you an orange by the way."

Zhao Xun had black lines on his face, he was taken advantage of for no reason, and he couldn't say anything.

It took about a cup of tea, and Jia Xingwen went back and forth, followed by a short fat man with a round belly.

Countless question marks appeared above Zhao Xun's head.

Could this person be a new colleague in the same group?
Before he could ask a question, the fat man made a cross-hand salute to Zhao Xun: "Brother Zhao, I, Pan Jinxing, whose name is Wangcai, was ordered to join the bad guys and assigned to Big Brother Jia's group. I would like to ask Brother Zhao for your advice. "

Zhao Xun couldn't hold back, and burst out laughing.

Prosperity?This word is really happy.But if you think about it carefully, the word is a supplementary explanation of the name, this guy is called Pan Jinxing, and the word Wangcai is not a problem.But no matter how you look at it, it doesn't look like this guy can be a bad person.Is there something wrong?



(End of this chapter)

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