big week bad guy

Chapter 349 Life must have a sense of ritual

Chapter 349 Life must have a sense of ritual (10000-word chapter)
But can they really wait until this day?

Gondos wasn't sure.

Whenever he ignites the fire of hope, fate will always play tricks on him, and pour a basin of cold water on his head, cooling him down.

This will undoubtedly lead to despair.

Gondos is not a hypocritical person.

However, he suffered such severe blows repeatedly, which made him deeply doubt how likely his dream was to be realized.

If all this is destined to be impossible to achieve, then is there any need for him to persist?
Sometimes Gondos feels as if he is in a state of schizophrenia.

There seemed to be two voices in his mind all the time, one voice told him to persevere and persevere, work hard and work hard.What he shoulders is not only his own responsibility, but also the responsibility of the entire ethnic group.He must work hard to bring the clansmen out of the predicament.

But another voice told him to stop fighting, stop trying.

There is no point in fighting like this, it will only make yourself exhausted.

Just lie flat, why put yourself in such a state?

Gondos didn't know what to do, he only knew that these two voices had existed for a long time, and the two voices were constantly fighting, and his head was about to burst because of it.

Why did things turn out this way?

"Should I keep going?"

Gondos asked himself looking up at the stars in the sky more than once.

Will persistence pay off?
If persistence cannot be rewarded, is he still necessary to persist?
Gondos often feels lost.

After all, he is not a born genius, and he is also experiencing many things for the first time.

It's perfectly normal to feel confused in a situation like this.

Alas, things in the world are really unpredictable.

Maybe it was going smoothly one moment, but the next moment it became at a loss.

Just when Gondos was about to stop to rest, he suddenly noticed a ghost flashing in the distant jungle.

Gondos couldn't help but gasped.

what happened?

"who is it!"

Gondos asked sharply.

He could clearly see that there was indeed someone in the woods, but as for who it was, he couldn't be sure for a while.

Giants have poor eyesight, especially night vision.

This made it impossible for them to confirm each other's identities.

In this case, Gondos immediately ordered the giants to form a defensive formation.

In this way, they can meet the upcoming danger in the safest way.

The danger clearly lurks in the shadows.

The other party has obviously observed them for a long time.

But the opponent was not in a hurry to make a move, which proved that the opponent was not sure whether their strength could subdue the giants in an instant.

If they are not sure, the best option is to wait and see.

The giants were in good condition, and they were watching every move of the grove vigilantly.

No matter who their opponents are, the Giants are fearless.

Reporting to the group to keep warm is the best choice right now.

"Sneaky, if you have the ability, come out and let us see the real face."

The giant leader Gondos asked angrily.

In his opinion, the opponent has been hiding in the dark and dare not jump out to fight, which is a very cowardly expression.

The giants are very shameless in this behavior.

Even if the opponent rushed out at this time, Gondos would not say such a thing.

But the other party kept procrastinating like this, which made Gondos feel very disdainful.

No response, still no response.

This made Gondos feel a little tingly while being angry.

How did the situation become like this?
This is not what Gondos expected.

It seems that the other party has handled them just right, and the other party knows them too well.

What to do and what to do in what time period, the warriors of the giant race can be said to be thoroughly understood, and there is no privacy at all.

Gondos felt fear for the first time at this moment.

He felt a chill down his back, as if someone had pressed a knife against his back.

This enemy has been hiding in the dark, hiding silently.

So what will they see when this enemy comes out?

Immediately afterwards, Gondos, the leader of the giants, heard a crisp meow.

The voice was very crisp and clear, without any sloppiness.

At this time, the giant leader Gondos can be sure that their enemy is the cat-human race.

Only feline cats can make such noises.

So the creatures hidden in the forest are undoubtedly the cat-human race.

"tsk tsk"

The giant leader Gondos thought about many situations, but he never thought about this possibility.

He took that to mean they were dealing with a very powerful enemy.

The cat people and the werewolves can be said to be of the same origin.

They all originated from the ancient cat-wolf clan.

The reason why the cat-wolf tribe can reproduce in the continent of Alan Lore for tens of thousands of years is because they can constantly switch forms according to the environment.

The cat-human and werewolf not only inherited this advantage, but also optimized it in different directions.

One of the unique skills of the cat people is to confuse people's hearts.

No matter what tribe it is, anyone who is targeted by the cat people will be quickly demonized as soon as the cat meows.

After being demonized, people become unconscious for a short period of time and are completely at the mercy of the cat people.

Although they were able to recover their minds afterwards, the previous memory was cut off by the cat people.

This means that the cat people can manipulate people's minds and behaviors at will.

as long as they want.

This is extremely scary.

Gondos, the leader of the giant clan, had only heard of this statement before, but now facing this situation in person, he felt horrified for a while.

"If it is really a cat-human race, running away is useless. The more you run away, the more you show your inner fear. In this way, they will be more vicious and unscrupulous when they erode."

For a moment Gondos felt that he was in a dilemma.

Running and not being able to run, wouldn't staying in the same place be equivalent to becoming a target of the cat-human race?

What on earth should he do?
Gondos felt that he was all bad.

But no matter how difficult it was, Gondos had to force himself to stand up.

The whole tribe of giants needed his advice.

Although there are not many members of the tribe, this is the last fire, the last hope of the withered giant tribe.

Gondos must take all these tribesmen out alive, and must take them to Zhongnan Mountain, which is like a fairyland in a dream.

So in the face of the cat-human invasion, how should he make a decision to achieve all this?

"Third senior brother, can we not practice more, I really can't bear it."

Zhao Xun really broke down after being lifted up by the third brother Long Qingquan at night.

It's all right, I don't sleep at night, and I don't have anything to do with these things.

Zhao Xun really didn't know what the third brother Long Qingquan was thinking.

"Uh, junior brother, I think you should practice or practice. In fact, you don't have much extra practice. You have to know, junior brother, with your current practice amount, if you want to be promoted to the realm of a third-rank practitioner, at least It will take another month. But we may not be able to have a month now. But it is no joke if the enemy invades in advance. So I think, we should try to increase the amount of training. This way you can break through and repair The time for it will be earlier.”

The third brother Long Qingquan talked eloquently, and what he said was clear and logical.

After Zhao Xun thought about it carefully, he really couldn't find any faults.

"Ahem Third Senior Brother, I think it's better not to put too much pressure on yourself. At the beginning, I also thought it was very important for me to be promoted to the third rank. But now after calming down and thinking about it carefully, it seems that it is not as important as I imagined. Three Senior brother, think about it. When the enemy attacked, the academy had the head of the mountain, the senior sister, the second senior sister, the Qinglian Taoist priest, the bamboo forest sword fairy, and of course, the third senior brother you. There are so many super-rank, first-rank, and second-rank There are masters here. What is there to be afraid of?"

Zhao Xun's words made Third Senior Brother Long Qingquan very helpful.

Of course, the main reason is that the junior brother was able to bring him into it.

If the younger brother hadn't mentioned Long Qingquan just now, it would be a completely different situation.

"Well, little brother, what you said is right or wrong. The reason why I say what you said is right is because, as long as we are here, we will definitely not let you go forward and desperately. But I The reason why you say you are wrong is because, little junior brother, we will not be able to take care of you after all. But if this happens, we will not be able to take care of you. If the enemy takes advantage of the loopholes, it will be terrible .”

The third senior brother, Long Qingquan, paused for a while, and then continued: "The more important thing is that your improvement of cultivation level is a big breakthrough for yourself. It is impossible for you not to think about making progress and keep relying on the fourth rank. The fourth grade sounds nice, and it is considered a high-level practitioner. But you have to know, this is actually the lowest-level existence among high-level practitioners. Any third-rank can step on you, let alone a master of first-rank or second-rank Although there are not too many first- and second-rank masters, there are many third-rank. Think about it, little brother, you are also a disciple of the academy after all. If you walk in the rivers and lakes, any cat or dog can step on you, then Isn’t the face of the academy completely lost? Even if you don’t feel ashamed yourself, the head of the mountain will definitely feel ashamed. Of course, I will feel ashamed too.”

Third senior brother Long Qingquan spread his hands, expressing his attitude very clearly.

Zhao Xun didn't know what to say for a moment.

"The third senior brother, can't we have other ways?"

Zhao Xun swallowed a mouthful of foam and said: "In other words, let's slow down and don't be so eager for quick success. I mean, I will definitely not be indifferent, and I will definitely try my best to improve my cultivation level. But can you Give me more time. After all, it takes time to achieve a breakthrough in cultivation. I don’t want to make it so rushed, it always feels like rushing ducks to the shelves.”

Zhao Xun saw that he could only be soft when he saw that he couldn't be tough, he cleared his throat and said, "Oh, third senior brother, I know you love me the most. Look at how miserable I am now, you still have to love me .If you don’t even love me, third senior brother, I really don’t know who in the academy can still love me.”

When it comes to acting like a baby, Zhao Xun is absolutely unique.

He can catch everyone's weakness just right.

Especially the third senior brother Long Qingquan's, it can be said that Zhao Xun took advantage of it.

Sure enough, after Zhao Xun acted like a baby, Long Qingquan, the categorical third senior brother whom he had said just now, lost his composure for a moment.

"Oh, little junior brother, don't be coquettish. You can talk if you have something to say."

Long Qingquan was speechless for a moment.

"I think, you should still practice, but if you feel that the pressure is too much in the short term, we can take it easy for a while."

Third Senior Brother Long Qingquan finally let go.

He cleared his throat and said, "Little Junior Brother, how long do you want to rest?"

Hearing the third senior brother Long Qingquan take the initiative to ask questions, Zhao Xun was extremely excited for a moment.

Good guy, of course he won't let go of such a good opportunity.

"Third senior brother, I think it's best to rest for ten days and a half months. My muscle group is sore all day long, not to mention how painful it is. Third senior brother, do you know about lactic acid accumulation? My current muscle group is lactic acid accumulation , so it’s extremely sore.”

"Ten days and half a month? My good fellow, what you think is really beautiful, Junior Brother."

The third senior brother Long Qingquan almost lost his breath when he heard this.

"No, absolutely not. You should think about it again."

"Then? Three to five days?"

In fact, Zhao Xun knew that Long Qingquan, the third senior brother, would most likely not agree to the ten-day and half-month condition.

So now he has to deliberately slow down the conditions, hoping that the third brother Long Qingquan can let go.

"No, it's too long. People say that three days of fishing and two days of drying nets, but you, little brother, can rest for three to five days, which is even more excessive than three days of fishing and two days of drying nets. Think about it carefully." Again."


Seeing that the third senior brother kept shaking his head, as if he didn't listen to Wang Ba's chanting, Zhao Xun was speechless.

This doesn't work either, that doesn't work either.

What the hell is the third senior brother going to do?

In this case, why not ask Zhao Xun if he set a time for himself?
Anyway, the third senior brother Zhao Xun was not satisfied with the time he said.

"Uh, third senior brother, how long do you think is appropriate?"

"In my opinion, one day off at most."

"one day?"

Zhao Xun rolled his eyes and said.

"What's wrong with one day? Actually, I wanted to say half a day at first, but seeing that you are really too tired, I changed it to one day. If you are not satisfied, then we can rest for half a day."

The third brother Long Qingquan said angrily.

"Satisfied, one day at a time. One day is fine."

Zhao Xun hurriedly accepted it.

"Third brother, don't worry, I will definitely use this day to rest and recover well. I promise to recover to a full state after a day. I'm sure, when you see me again in a day, my mental outlook will be better. Much better than now. Of course, this is also conducive to cultivation."

After finally dismissing the third senior brother Long Qingquan, Zhao Xun finally got a rare rest time.

For Zhao Xun, this is an extremely happy moment.

Since the rest time he won was only one day, Zhao Xun should cherish this hard-won opportunity to rest and relax as much as possible.

Of course, rest is not as simple as sleeping.

At this moment, Zhao Xun felt a little hungry.

He decided to make a supper first, and then talk about it after offering sacrifices to the Wu Zang Temple.

Well, what should I have for supper?
It is unrealistic to go to barbecue hot pot Malatang in the evening.

Zhao Xun was too lazy to bother.

So making a bowl of sour noodle soup should be the ideal choice.

Zhao Xun immediately went to the small kitchen to prepare the ingredients.

Noodles are naturally needed, plus a few vegetable leaves, and some shrimp skins.

Then add some dried seaweed, lie on a poached egg.

tsk tsk.
Just thinking about it, Zhao Xun started drooling.

good guy.
Can't wait any longer, start making noodles immediately!

Delicious and delicious arrangements!
Zhao Xun knew that at such a time, he must take advantage of the fiery energy and start working immediately.

But if there is even the slightest slack, it must be lying down and falling asleep.

But now he urgently needs to make a delicious supper to comfort his stomach.

Only by comforting his stomach can Zhao Xun feel a sense of happiness.

After that it was a good night's sleep.

Eat and drink enough, and then sleep well, life is simply not too happy.

Little Junior Brother doesn't seem to be quite right.

After Long Qingquan returned to his room, he immediately noticed the part of his mistake in the conversation with his junior brother Zhao Xun just now.

Logically speaking, he should occupy the absolute initiative and a strong position, but he was confused by the little junior brother's few words.

Long Qingquan slapped his head, only feeling remorseful.

Oh, why can't his brain turn around.

He had to wait until after the event to react.

The eloquence of my junior brother really deserves his reputation.

But he did push Zhao Xun a little too hard, no wonder the junior brother tried every means to be lazy.

Of course, it is also possible to be lazy appropriately.

It's just that Long Qingquan is afraid that Zhao Xun will develop a habit because of this, and he will be lazy every time the intensity is turned on, so it's okay?
Long Qingquan is very aware of the differences and gaps.

It's okay once, but if it happens every time, it means that no matter how good the talent is, it will be ruined.

There must be a lack of a strict father in the growing environment of the junior junior brother.

Cheng Guogong Zhao Yuan looks fierce, but in fact he loves his son the most.

As long as Zhao Xun shows a little fatigue, Zhao Yuan will definitely follow Zhao Xun's wishes.

As for Zhao Liushi, let alone.

So Long Qingquan understands why Zhao Xun has become the current state.

Of course, the lack of self-management ability of junior juniors can be corrected by the day after tomorrow.

As long as Long Qingquan can devote enough energy to help the junior brother make changes, then the junior junior brother will definitely be able to change successfully.

Well, just give him a day off.

When the time of the day is up, Long Qingquan will try his best to ask Zhao Xun to return to the original training mode.

It's just that Long Qingquan will learn from the previous lessons and increase the amount slowly, so that junior brother Zhao Xun will not feel that it is difficult to adapt to the sudden increase of force.

As long as Long Qingquan can do this, he believes that his junior brother Zhao Xun will finally understand his painstaking efforts and become a master through hard training.

"Wow, this noodle is really delicious."

After the delicious sour noodle soup came out of the pot, Zhao Xun was so moved that he burst into tears.

He has been training hard with the third senior brother, and his entire eating habits have been destroyed and disrupted.

It's not because the third senior brother won't let him eat.

Practicing exercises and losing weight are two different things.

Practicing Qigong does not require a lot of dieting like losing weight.

But the problem is that Zhao Xun won't be in the slightest mood to eat a big meal after a day of hard training.

As such.
The problem arises.

The more tired he is, the less he wants to cook, the more tired he is, the more he wants to rest.

But when he rests, he will not want to eat even more, but he is very hungry.
Zhao Xun was in a very contradictory situation, and was in a dilemma for a while.

If he hadn't plucked up the courage to say no to third senior brother Long Qingquan today, it would be difficult to break this deadlock.

If he hadn't said no to the third senior brother today, he might have fallen asleep drowsily still hungry.

This is not the life Zhao Xun wants.

The life he hopes to get is happiness.

The life he wants is to have enough to eat and drink.

The life he hopes to get is to do what he wants, and not to do what he doesn't want to do.

The third senior brother obviously didn't understand these things.

So it depends on Zhao Xun to fight for it.

Fortunately, Zhao Xun has already taken the crucial first step.

Next, he will continue to emphasize his demands and his bottom line.

Even the third senior brother couldn't break through Zhao Xun's bottom line.

If the third senior brother breaks through Zhao Xun's bottom line, Zhao Xun will correct it immediately.

I believe that the third senior brother will finally understand Zhao Xun's intentions.

Of course, what Zhao Xun has to do now is to enjoy this delicious supper.

"Suck it up."

Zhao Xun sucked a piece of sour soup noodles into his mouth, and poured the soup into his mouth, a sense of happiness overflowed his mouth.

Zhao Xun has not tasted this kind of homemade noodles for a long time.

In the academy, he always cooks big meals for his brothers and sisters in different ways.

A feast requires exquisite ingredients, innovative cooking methods, and an incomparably gorgeous appearance.

But the taste may not be as suitable for the stomach as home-cooked food.

For example, when you are hungry in the middle of the night, laying down a bowl of sour noodle soup and laying down an egg is simply a blissful thing.

Zhao Xun took another sip of the soup, then poked the only egg with his chopsticks, put it in his mouth, and chewed it.

Well, this poached egg is perfectly cooked, and it's still sweet.

Zhao Xun likes to eat this kind of candied poached eggs the most, so that he can feel the taste of home.

The addition of seaweed and shrimp skin makes this bowl of sour noodle soup very delicious.

The addition of green leafy vegetables makes the sour noodle soup more nutritionally balanced.

Alas, it seems that I still have to make some home-cooked dishes every once in a while.

These home-cooked dishes, Zhao Xun, don't have to take them out for his brothers and sisters to eat, it's enough for him to taste them alone.

These old flavors that Zhao Xun enjoys are contained in these home-cooked dishes.

Maybe a chopstick can make Zhao Xun cry.

After eating the whole bowl of noodles, Zhao Xun finished the soup again, and then burped in satisfaction.

Well, there is nothing happier in the world than this.

Now Zhao Xun doesn't want to wash the dishes, he just wants to sleep until he wakes up naturally.

After sleeping until noon tomorrow, he will think about what to eat for lunch.

Silent all night.

Sure enough, Zhao Xun fell asleep until noon.

He didn't get up until the sun was up, and sat up and stretched enjoying himself, Zhao Xun felt very refreshed for a while.

It's so cool, I haven't enjoyed this kind of pleasure for a long time.

Ever since he practiced against his third senior brother Long Qingquan, Zhao Xun's life has become extremely boring in an instant.

It seems that apart from training, there is nothing left.

Of course, there is still help.

At least Zhao Xun could feel the growth of his cultivation level visible to the naked eye.

As for how far it has grown, whether it has grown to the point where it can be compared to third-rank powerhouses, Zhao Xun doesn't know.

However, judging from the current situation, the effect is still very good.As long as Zhao Xun gritted his teeth and persisted, there should still be good results.

Of course, these are not issues that Zhao Xun should consider now.

It is not easy to have a free day without practicing kung fu, Zhao Xun wants to enjoy this hard-won good time.

"Well, what does a good day start with? Cooking, of course."

As always, Zhao Xun wants to have breakfast and lunch together.

It must be too late to have breakfast at this time, so I simply combined two meals into one, so that it would be very refreshing to eat like this.

Zhao Xun is an exquisite boy who enjoys life very much, so even if it is an ordinary lunch that cannot be more ordinary, he will carefully prepare it.

From the selection of ingredients to the preparation of seasonings, he will be very careful.

The food that strives to make is sweet and delicious, delicious and pleasant.

Alas, in this world, there are only food and love that cannot be let down.

Once you enjoy these, nothing else matters.

This time Zhao Xun intends to cook in secret this time, and he must not let the third senior brother Long Qingquan see it.

Otherwise, Zhao Xun would be forced to start the teaching mode.

This is something Zhao Xun doesn't want to do.

After all, no matter how patient Zhao Xun is, he can't bear it if he keeps on teaching mode.

He still hopes to be able to enjoy the moment well and enjoy his alone time.

But Zhao Xun came to the small kitchen carefully on tiptoe, and then tiptoedly prepared the ingredients.

He ate noodles in sour soup last night, so naturally he couldn't eat noodles today.

It is one of Zhao Xun's principles that good food does not repeat itself.

No matter how delicious mountain delicacies are, if you keep eating them, they will lose their taste.

So Zhao Xun will try his best to cook in different ways.

Well, let's eat fried rice noodles today.

I ate curry fried rice once before, and it tasted very good. Today, I will change the style again and have ham and seafood fried rice.

Of course, Zhongnan Mountain is located in the Central Plains, and seafood is difficult to get, so Zhao Xun decided to use river fresh food instead.

Although it seems that the taste will be worse and the color will be worse, but it is better than nothing.

In short, Zhao Xun thinks this is still very good.

"La la la la, today is a good day."

Zhao Xun likes to hum a ditty while cooking.

First, you can mobilize your emotions and calm down your mood.

Second, you can immerse yourself in a rhythm, so that there will be no things that are too jumpy.

You still have to stay focused when cooking. Only by keeping your focus can you cook delicious dishes to the greatest extent.

If there is a distraction, it can be quite fatal.

For a dish, it can be the difference between life and death.

"The most important thing about fried rice is the heat. The same ingredients are fried by different people, and the taste is completely different, either because of their technique or because of the difference in the heat."

Zhao Xun said to himself.

He often likes to talk to himself while cooking, because it keeps him focused and allows him to enjoy cooking in a more cheerful way.

Heat is of course very important in cooking.

If you can handle the heat well, even a simple dish can have a different taste.

Differentiation options are important.

A chef can only capture the stomachs of diners if he cooks a dish that is unique to him.

This dish does not necessarily have to be a big dish in the traditional sense, even if it is a home-cooked dish.

But most importantly, it must have its own characteristics.

In terms of characteristics, Zhao Xun has maintained quite well.

He maintained an independent way of thinking from beginning to end.

He has been thinking about the whole process of cooking, and he has been thinking about what innovations can be added.

Cooking is like practicing. Although it is not as difficult as practicing, it will encounter many difficulties and bottlenecks.

Most people will choose to give up when encountering difficulties and bottlenecks.

Those who are better may choose to fool the past.

Anyway, almost on the line.

But Zhao Xun is a character who strives for perfection.

There is no possibility of fooling around in his mind.

Since we want to do it, we must do it to the extreme, and we must solve the problems and bottlenecks.

Otherwise, it is impossible to make a dish that satisfies everyone.

If you can't satisfy yourself, how can you satisfy others?
This is a principle of Zhao Xun, and he firmly believes that this principle applies to all dishes.

"Well, the umami flavor of river fresh meat and the aroma of fried rice are mixed together, and then added with my exclusive sauce, it's really fascinating."

When Zhao Xun poured the sauce into the pot, he just felt a little cool.

Good guy, this scent is too strong.

Zhao Xun felt an indescribable pleasure at this moment.

"Tsk tsk tsk, it's really a blessing to be able to enjoy this feeling."

Zhao Xun's exclusive sauce quickly released its aroma after heating, which made Zhao Xun feel refreshed for a while.

This smell is really tempting.

Zhao Xun tried his best to calm down, and then felt the special taste of sauce mixed with rice and freshwater fish.

Substituting river fresh seafood for seafood will definitely change the taste of this classic seafood fried rice dish to some extent.

But to a certain extent, it will produce a unique charm.

This charm is something that Zhao Xun has never felt before, and it belongs to this cooking.

So there are surprises everywhere in life.

Maybe at the beginning, you can't feel the exquisite charm, but as the cooking deepens, as the cooking deepens, that feeling will still come.

Zhao Xun felt very relieved, he really grasped the soul of cooking.

Cooking is all about maintaining a pure heart.

There can be no hesitation, no other emotions, you must concentrate on it, and you must pour all your heart and blood into it.

It may feel a little awkward at first, but after you get used to it, you will find that this is a very enjoyable process.

"Well, the river fresh fried rice is finally ready, and it's really fragrant."

The most important thing after cooking a delicious dish is to eat it.

Zhao Xun enjoys the process of cooking, but even more enjoys the process of eating.

After working hard for half an hour, it may only take ten minutes to eat the meal.

But these ten minutes can bring great pleasure to people.

This is why Zhao Xun has always enjoyed cooking.

"Oh, it's delicious. I never thought that an ordinary and extraordinary river seafood fried rice could be so delicious. It seems that my exclusive sauce should have played a very important role."

Whether a meal is delicious or not, the sauce definitely occupies an extremely important factor.

If the sauce is good, the food will certainly not be bad.

It can be said that the sauce is the soul of a delicacy.

And these can be said to be right in this respect.

Deliciousness is to be tasted slowly and carefully, just like tasting tea.

Some people like to drink tea in a big bowl.

Drinking tea in this way is really refreshing and thirst-quenching, but some of the flavors in the tea cannot be tasted.

But if you can enjoy it slowly and taste it slowly, some of the hidden flavors can be tasted.

Of course, this does not mean that a certain way of drinking tea is good and a certain way of drinking tea is not good.

It should be said that each has its own advantages.

It can only be said that Zhao Xun prefers the way of tasting tea slowly.

Well, drinking tea like this can keep people's emotions in a state of excitement all the time, but they won't be too out of control.

In Zhao Xun's opinion, this is indeed the best mode of tea tasting, and the most suitable way for him to taste tea.

It's the same with eating.

Gobbling only solves the problem of being full, but if you want to eat well and feel happy after eating, you still have to keep tasting.

Maybe it's just an uncommon movement, but it's a sense of ritual.

There must be a sense of ritual in life, and a sense of ritual in eating.

Only with a sense of ritual can there be a sense of happiness.

Of course, there are times when you have to be vigilant.

Because people will lose or reduce their vigilance when they are happy.

That way they won't notice when danger approaches.

Just like now!

When the third brother Long Qingquan jumped behind Zhao Xun, Zhao Xun didn't realize it at all, and was almost scared to death.

"Oh, how many times have I said, third senior brother, can you walk with a little voice, it's really easy to scare people to death."

For a moment, Zhao Xun was in a state of bewilderment.

Third senior brother, third senior brother, tell me about you, you are not a cat, so don’t like to engage in ambushes so much, okay?

Whoever it is, my heart can't bear being so scared by you every two days.

Zhao Xun was already in a good state of mind, but he still felt very panicked.

If this were an ordinary person, wouldn't he be scared to death in place.

Zhao Xun is a person who is very good at controlling himself, but even his current state cannot be adjusted for a while.

It took him a long time to barely calm down, panting heavily
"Oh, little brother, I can't do that. I just jumped behind you suddenly to give you a surprise. Look at you, you're so scared. It's like I'm some kind of beast."

The third senior brother Long Qingquan suddenly felt very bored.

He spread his hands and said, "Forget it, if you really don't like it, at worst, I won't play with you like this in the future. Is it okay?"

"It's almost there"

Zhao Xun, who was not scared to death, tried his best to calm down.

In his opinion, this is already the limit state he can accept.

If Long Qingquan, the third senior brother, pushes it again, he really can't bear it.

"The third senior brother"

Zhao Xun swallowed a mouthful of spit, and asked tentatively: "We agreed to give me a day off today, don't go back on your word."

"Of course I don't go back on my word. I will give you a holiday as I said. Junior brother, you can rest assured."

Third Senior Brother Long Qingquan took a step forward, patted Zhao Xun on the shoulder and said, "If you want me to say, people have to maintain an optimistic attitude. You are very good like a junior brother, and you can often be calm in a calm way." It’s good to deal with the little things in life. Look, you were crying and tired yesterday, but after cooking a delicious meal today, you immediately revived with blood.”


Zhao Xun looked helpless.He really didn't know how to answer the words of the third senior brother.

But no matter what, what the third brother said is correct, Zhao Xun is indeed a person who is full of infinite optimism and yearning for life.

Even in the face of difficult and difficult situations.

As long as there is a will, Zhao Xun will work hard to fight.

This point is crucial.

"Yeah, Third Senior Brother, since you're here, why not try this river seafood fried rice together. To be honest, it's also the first time I've made this river seafood fried rice. Please bear with me if the taste is not to your liking. "

In fact, Zhao Xun wanted to say that I had a meal of sour noodle soup last night, and the feeling of eating the supper was really warm.

Third senior brother, third senior brother, you can't show up anytime, anywhere, right?

Tsk tsk tsk, this taste is really amazing.

"Okay, since you have invited me so sincerely, Junior Brother. If I don't join, it will be unreasonable anyway."

The third senior brother Long Qingquan kept rubbing his palms.He had this intention in the first place, and it just so happened that his junior brother Zhao Xun sent out an invitation, so he naturally had no reason to refuse.

Such delicious food is really irresistible.

Long Qingquan enjoyed all of this, because it could bring him wonderful enjoyment to a considerable extent.

Especially this river fresh fried rice, it can be said to be full of color, flavor and taste.

Long Qingquan just smelled it, and felt very enjoyable.

"Little brother, your taste is really amazing."

"Third senior brother, please try it quickly. Fried rice must be eaten while it is hot. If it is cold, the taste will be greatly reduced."

Zhao Xun's taste of fried rice is very precise.

In his opinion, hot fried rice and cold fried rice are two different things.

Even if the fried rice is cooled and then returned to the pot to stir fry, the taste will change a lot.

"Okay, little brother, I'll come and taste it."

Third Senior Brother Long Qingquan swallowed hard, then picked up a spoon to take a spoonful of rice, put it in his mouth and tasted it carefully.

The third senior brother, Long Qingquan, is also a man who has a sense of ritual in life.

It can be clearly seen when eating.

Every movement is carefully planned.

After Zhao Xun saw it, he couldn't help but secretly praised it.

Good guy, if everyone eats like the third senior brother, that would be too particular.



(End of this chapter)

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