big week bad guy

Chapter 350 Satan Strikes

Chapter 350 Satan Strikes (10000-word chapter)
Seeing the third senior brother Long Qingquan chewing and eating the river fresh fried rice slowly, Zhao Xun felt that the third senior brother Long Qingquan really looked like a nobleman.

Generally speaking, nobles eat with incomparable elegance.

Because they pay a lot of attention to what other people think of them.

So as long as they have the opportunity, they will show their elegant and noble posture as much as possible, so as to declare their difference from others.

Of course, there are different types of nobles.

Some are show personalities, while others are more low-key.

But at least from the people Zhao Xun has met so far, there are basically no nobles who are not acting personalities.

Anyway, Zhao Xun is also the son of Cheng Guogong, and the nobles he has come into contact with since he was a child are too numerous to enumerate.

Zhao Xun is sure that none of them are as good at acting as the third senior brother Long Qingquan.

The third senior brother can't really be a down and out nobleman.

Zhao Xun cannot completely rule out this possibility.

The third brother should not be the Li family, not the royal family.

This can be seen from the surname.

It is still a very rare move for people in this era to change their surnames, because it would be considered a manifestation of disfilial piety.

So the third senior brother should be a down-and-out nobleman.

A down-and-out nobleman surnamed Long.
Could it be the former royal family?
Zhao Xun couldn't help but start thinking about it again.

You must know that the surname Long is too easy for people to imagine.

Well, if the third senior brother is really a former royal nobleman, it means that his mentality has been adjusted well.

After all, the Great Zhou has been established for hundreds of years, and it is impossible to overthrow it in a short time.

The royal family of the previous dynasty wanted to restore their country, which is tantamount to a dream.

If Long Qingquan, the third senior brother, spends his energy on this, it will definitely not have very good results.

So it's good for the third senior brother to be like this. Being able to spend more energy on cultivation and improving one's strength in martial arts practice is far more reliable than thinking about overthrowing the rule of the Li family's royal family.

Zhao Xun thought about it carefully again, and felt more and more that his inference was tenable.

You must know that Long Qingquan, the third senior brother, also disdains the rule of the Li family.

When mentioning Emperor Xianlong, Long Qingquan mostly had such an attitude.

From this, it is enough to see that he has no respect for the current royal family.

Except for a traveler like Zhao Xun, except for a master-level practitioner like Shan Zhang, who would dare to disrespect the current emperor?
It seems that there are only former royal families, right?
Although everything is just Zhao Xun's inference, it is quite logical after careful consideration.

Zhao Xun secretly marveled, feeling as if he had opened the door to a new world.

If this is the case, it is absolutely wonderful.

Of course, Third Senior Brother Long Qingquan still retains some noble qualities.

Although he has no interest in fighting for power and profit, it doesn't mean that Third Senior Brother Zhe doesn't want to show his aristocratic side.

At least from what Zhao Xun saw right now, the third senior brother did perform very well.

It is not easy to be able to do this.

"Third senior brother, you said before that you are a native of Yongzhou, right?"

"Yeah, what's the problem?"

Long Qingquan, the third brother who had turned on the rice cooker mode, didn't notice the change in Zhao Xun's expression at all. He was still savoring the taste of every grain of rice, every piece of meat, every piece of ham, and every river prawn in the river fresh fried rice.

These ingredients are mixed together and served with Zhao Xun's special sauce, which makes people want to stop.

"No, nothing."

Zhao Xun knew that he couldn't ask too deeply. If he asked too deeply, it might arouse the suspicion of the third junior brother.

But Zhao Xun always wants to find out the truth of this matter.

At present, everything is just Zhao Xun's inference, but Zhao Xun can definitely dig out something from it.

Well, third senior brother, I didn't expect your life experience to be so complicated and confusing, so let me, a former unprofessional person, dig through the cocoons and pick the gold from the sand, and slowly uncover this mystery.

"Oh, I really didn't expect it, little brother, you can make such a dish of river seafood fried rice into such a wonderful taste."

After eating and drinking, Third Senior Brother Long Qingquan patted his round belly and stretched his waist in great enjoyment.

"Uh, third senior brother, you've praised me absurdly, but it's actually not as good as you praised."

Zhao Xun didn't know what to say for a while.

Third senior brother, third senior brother, you are really a tormenting little goblin.

Why did the words seem to change after the third senior brother uttered them?

At least Zhao Xun can really feel the difference.

"Oh, junior brother, you are too modest. When I say it's delicious, it's really delicious."

The third senior brother wiped the oil from the corners of his mouth, and used a toothpick to pick out the food residue in the gaps between his teeth, and then burped happily.

"Your river fresh fried rice can definitely be kept as a reserved item in the future. Trust me, little brother."

Third Senior Brother Long Qingquan patted his stomach very satisfied.

"Little brother, little brother, although you are teaching me to cook now, I feel that I still can't learn the essence of your dishes. Tell me, where is the problem?"

How can Zhao Xun accept these words?

Three senior brothers, you can really do it.
Zhao Xun was speechless for a while.

What if he said it was because of Third Senior Brother's own talent?
He certainly can't say that.

Then what should he say, saying that it was because he didn't teach well, deliberately reserved, worried about teaching apprentices, and starving the master to death?

Of course he couldn't say the same.

Third senior brother, third senior brother, you ask such a tricky question, how can I answer it.

"I think it may be that the opportunity hasn't arrived yet."

After much deliberation, Zhao Xun could barely come up with such an excuse.

I have to say that the third senior brother Long Qingquan still understands it very well.

Seeing Zhao Xun's ambiguous words, he probably understood what the younger brother meant.

He laughed twice and didn't bother anymore.

"Well, it seems that the time has not yet come. This is actually normal. Everything has a cumulative process. If the time has not arrived, no matter how much effort you put in, it will be useless. But, I will not I gave up. Junior brother, you understand my character. Even if there is only the slightest chance, I will stick to it without hesitation."

The third senior brother Long Qingquan patted his chest and promised: "You only teach, I only care about learning. Although I may not be able to reach your height in the end, little junior brother, I can still be unique and stand alone. At that time, little junior brother, you will be at ease. You don’t have to worry about food for everyone in the academy anymore, you can just share it.”


Zhao Xun didn't know what to say for a while.

He was really touched.

The third senior brother Long Qingquan really got to the point, he talked about the issue he was most concerned about.

Zhao Xun can only say that the third brother Long Qingquan really understands him very well.

For a man who knows himself so well, it is only natural for Zhao Xun to get along well with him and teach him his cooking experience.

As long as the third senior brother Long Qingquan finally grows up, Zhao Xun will be able to relax a lot.

"Third senior brother, I've finished my meal, I should take a lunch break."

"Wuxiu? Okay, let's go out and practice."

"Huh? Third Senior Brother, what are you practicing?"

"Little brother, didn't you say you want to practice martial arts? Of course we went to the bamboo forest to practice the exercises. Otherwise, what else can we practice?"

For a moment, Zhao Xun was completely bewildered.

What is the third senior brother thinking all over his head?

What Zhao Xun said was lunch break, not martial arts.

"Senior brother three, I mean I should take a nap, I don't want to rush out to practice some exercises."


For a while, Long Qingquan, the third senior brother, was completely confused.

"Little brother, why don't you explain clearly. I thought you wanted to practice more."

"Uh, third senior brother, how is it possible? I have clearly said that I will take a break. If I can't get enough rest, it is definitely impossible for me to recover. And I only have one day of rest in total. Ah, just do it, don't embarrass me anymore. I beg you, third senior brother."

Zhao Xun turned on the mode of soft grinding and hard foaming again. The third brother Long Qingquan was most afraid of this mode. Seeing Zhao Xun's offensive, he was defeated in an instant.

"That's all, I really have nothing to do with you kid."

Long Qingquan shook his head helplessly and said: "That's good, I'll go out first, you go to bed. If you change your mind after sleeping well, you can come to find me by the bamboo forest at any time. I should be practicing with the bamboo forest sword fairy Yao Yan by the bamboo forest. Sword. If it’s not there, then you can continue to look for it next to the ink pool, I should be playing chess with the old man Shan Zhang.”

The third brother Long Qingquan was worried that the junior brother Zhao Xun would change his mind temporarily, so he didn't say the word to death, but left a living mouth.

In this way, as long as Zhao Xun changes his mind temporarily, he can come to him at any time.

The third brother Long Qingquan hoped that the junior brother Zhao Xun could temporarily change his mind and decided to start additional training.

What is required for practicing exercises is that you must concentrate on it, you must work day and night, and you must not be lazy.

If you are lazy once, you will be lazy the second time, and if you are lazy the second time, you will be lazy the third time.

After the number of times of laziness increases, many times the whole person will become slack, like a sheepskin raft that has been deflated.

So Long Qingquan extremely hoped that the junior brother could hold on to this breath.

Sometimes people's bad breath is just this.

But as long as it is bitten, there will not be so many problems.

But if you don't bite.
That is really too difficult.

Zhao Xun is very clear that for a practitioner, it is extremely important to maintain concentration in an absolute sense.

But he really needs a break.

If you don't rest and keep tightening the string, then no one can hold it.

Zhao Xun doesn't want to be the No. 1 sudden death in the practice world.

Why do you have to push yourself so hard?

As long as there is even the slightest chance, Zhao Xun wants to enjoy life well.

So after sending away the third senior brother Long Qingquan, Zhao Xun immediately went to sleep mode.

Although he got up late, he just had an early lunch.

But it still couldn't stop him from feeling drowsy.

It may be that such a long period of continuous training has made Zhao Xunzhou feel exhausted all over his body. It is difficult to recover completely without a whole block of rest time.

Therefore, Zhao Xun must try his best to restore his body functions to a state of recovery.

As long as you can recover for a period of time, you can return to the original full state to the greatest extent.

Then practice at full capacity for a period of time, and then lie flat for a few days.

so back and forth.

Soon Zhao Xun fell asleep.

This time he dreamed again.

What he saw was a giant.

The giant turned its back to him, like a statue, and stood still like a small hill.

Zhao Xun couldn't help but gasped.

Dude, why is he dreaming of giants all of a sudden?

Is it true that what you see in your daily life will be reflected in your dreams?

So he has the potential to become a dreamer?

Zhao Xun didn't know.

But he was trying to calm himself down.

This is his dream, he is the master of this dream, so Zhao Xun can't interfere with his dream without authorization, he must expand the dream as much as possible, and make the dream into a peaceful state as much as possible.

Only in this way will it be possible to see clearly what is happening in front of you.

The giant stood there without looking back.

So Zhao Xun couldn't tell the identity of this giant.

But Zhao Xun could feel an inexplicable sense of familiarity.

It seemed that this giant belonged to the giant family they saw by the swamp before.

Could it be that this is really fate?
Zhao Xun is not sure, but judging from the current situation, it seems that everything has a definite number in the dark.

"I wish I could see his face."

Zhao Xun said this sentence casually, but I don't know if the giant heard his words and suddenly turned over.

Zhao Xun was really taken aback, and subconsciously stepped back.

Damn, don't be scary, you can't roll this well.

When the giant turned around completely, when Zhao Xun was able to see his face clearly.

Zhao Xu was completely stunned.

Because this is a faceless man.

A giant faceless man.

Zhao Xun had seen Faceless Man more than once before.

The first time happened when the High Priest of the Demon Sect invaded his dream.

Then it happened a second time and a third time.

So many faceless man incidents happened one after another, which made Zhao Xun feel very confused for a while.


It is difficult for Zhao Xun to feel what is hidden behind all this.

It was as if an invisible hand was manipulating all of this.

Could it be that it was controlled by someone?

"who are you?"

Zhao Xun asked tentatively.

Although he knew that if he asked such a question, the other party would probably not give an answer.

"who are you?"

No response, not the slightest bit of response.

Immediately afterwards, Zhao Xun heard a strange whining sound.

It's like the whimpering sound of a child, but the frequency and volume of this sound are obviously much louder than that of a child whimpering.

For a moment, Zhao Xun felt his scalp go numb and his back feel cold.

What happened was so weird that Zhao Xun couldn't adjust his state in a short time.

A giant with such a burly and strong body can make such a strange sound, or in this state, how can it not be scary?

If it's purely just fear, that's all.

But Zhao Xun's current emotions are not just that.

He felt as if his whole body was covered by an invisible hand, unable to move at all.


Zhao Xun, who seemed to be disturbed by the sound of a baby whimpering and crying, was extremely annoyed.

He couldn't describe how he felt at the moment.

It's hard, it's really hard.


At this moment, Zhao Xun wanted to jump out of this dream immediately.

Although this is his dream, although he is the owner of this dream, Zhao Xun feels that this dream is too unfriendly to him.

"Stop, that's enough, stop shouting."

Zhao Xun felt that he was going to be in a state of madness.If this guy continues to shout, Zhao Xun's emotions will collapse sooner or later.


Zhao Xun roared hysterically.

Perhaps this roar played a role, and Zhao Xun jumped out of the dream in an instant.

Zhao Xun got up suddenly, looked at the eaves and the bamboo forest in the distance, and sat on the bed panting heavily.

This dream is so bizarre, so strange that Zhao Xun can hardly describe this strange feeling.

It's like. It's like.
Zhao Xun only felt like a huge stone was being pressed on his chest, and it was difficult to breathe.

This feeling is really indescribable.

No, it can't go on like this, he has to go to a professional to interpret his dream to see where the problem lies.

In Haoran Academy, if talking about dream interpretation experts, of course it is Lu Guangdou, the sixth senior brother.

Although Wu Quanyi, the mentor Qinglian Daoist, can also interpret dreams, but after all, he is not as professional as the sixth brother.

Professional people do professional things, this is a principle that Zhao Xun has always been.

Facts have proved that this principle is also quite reliable and easy to use, and it has brought benefits and benefits to Zhao Xun many times.

Now that Zhao Xun has encountered problems in dreaming, it is naturally appropriate to ask Lu Guangdou, the sixth senior brother, for some countermeasures.

But Zhao Xun came to the bamboo building of the sixth senior brother in a hurry, and the sixth senior brother was playing with his golden compass.

Zhao Xun was in a state of bewilderment.

How is this going?

What happened to Sixth Brother?
Could it be that there were some evil things mixed into Haoran Academy in Zhongnan Mountain and some unclean things?
Because in Zhao Xun's impression, this golden compass has miraculous effects on evil and unclean things.

Brother Six suddenly took out the golden compass to verify something deliberately?
Otherwise, with Sixth Senior Brother's character, he wouldn't suddenly take this thing out.

"Senior Brother Six, did something important happen?"

Zhao Xun rushed forward in three steps and two steps, and asked with great concern.

"Not really."

Lu Guangdou shook his head and said, "I'm testing the level of righteousness in the recent academy. It seems to have dropped a lot."

This answer greatly exceeded Zhao Xun's expectations.

Has the content of awe-inspiring aura in the academy decreased?
How is this possible.

Generally speaking, the content of Haoran Qi in the academy system should be in a relatively stable state.

If there is a large-scale decline, it can only show one thing, that is, someone is deliberately absorbing the luck of the academy.

Who dares to be so bold?
Moreover, it has such a powerful strength that it can suck away the awe-inspiring aura of the academy without anyone noticing.

In Zhao Xun's opinion, this person's behavior can be described as extraordinary.

"Senior Brother Six, have you figured out who did it?"

Zhao Xun can be said to be worried about the future of the academy.

"not yet."

Sixth Senior Brother Lu Guangdou shook his head helplessly.

"But I guess I'll figure it out soon."

Lu Guangdou, the sixth senior brother, tried his best to adjust the position of the compass. Zhao Xun saw that the pointer of the golden compass was constantly deflecting, and he couldn't exist in a fixed posture for a while.

This shows that the specific location of this evil spirit is not fixed.

In other words, more than one evil thing invaded Haoran Academy.

This is a bit fatal.

One must know that if there was only one evil thing that invaded the academy, then Zhao Xun and the others would not encounter much difficulty.You only need to rely on the pointer of the golden compass to determine the direction of the evil thing.

Immediately afterwards, the disciples of the academy will chase in this direction.

It is impossible for anyone to escape from the siege of a group of academy disciples, even the strongest people cannot do it.

But if there is more than one person on the other side, then the problem will be a little troublesome.

The opponent can completely rely on the advantage of numbers to disperse guerrillas.

If the evil aura spread from all directions, then Zhao Xun and the others would not be able to accurately determine its location.

"Then what should we do, Sixth Senior Brother, are you really sure?"

Zhao Xun was still very worried.

Although Lu Guang, the sixth senior brother, said that there was no problem, Zhao Xun knew that there was no such thing as absolutely no problem at this time.

"Little brother, you don't believe me?"

After his professionalism was questioned, Lu Guangdou seemed very displeased.

"In terms of geomantic omen, I, Lu, still have some reputation."

"Uh Sixth Brother, I didn't mean that. I didn't mean to question your professionalism."

Seeing that Lu Guangdou, the sixth senior brother, misunderstood his meaning, Zhao Xun hurriedly made amends.

"What I mean is, should we cooperate with Daoist Qinglian to investigate. After all, Daoists are also experts in this field."

Zhao Xun felt that he had made his meaning clear this time.

There are many people and strength, so it is somewhat difficult to rely on Lu Guangdou, the sixth senior brother, alone.

But if many people are involved in it, it will be completely different.


After Lu Guangdou understood the meaning of his younger brother Zhao Xun, his expression softened a little, and he said in a deep voice, "It's okay, although I don't think it's necessary."

Lu Guangdou's attitude is also very clear.

That is, he felt that he could handle it alone.But if junior brother Zhao Xun insisted on inviting his master Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi over, Lu Guangdou would not object.

Hearing this, Zhao Xun breathed a sigh of relief, it's fine if you don't object, it's fine if you don't object.

"Alright then, I'll go and invite my mentor here. Sixth senior brother, you should do your work first."

Zhao Xun ran away after saying that.

He was afraid that Lu Guangdou, the sixth senior brother, would go back on his word.So he had to run to the residence of his teacher Taoist Qinglian as quickly as possible, and then invite the old man over to catch the evil things together.

Zhao Xun is a hot-tempered character, now that he has made up his mind, he naturally rushed to the residence where his teacher, Daoist Qinglian, was at the fastest speed.

Zhao Xun's attitude was good, and when he arrived, his teacher and teacher greeted him briefly.

Daoist Qinglian's attitude is of course good.

He raised his chin refreshedly and asked, "Finally, why did you come to find me as a teacher. There is something wrong, so I have to act as a teacher, right?"


Zhao Xun felt embarrassed when he was seen through by his mentor at a glance.

"Benevolent teacher, master Mo Ruo, the apprentice. You still know me all the time. You have always seen me through."

"Hmph, there's actually nothing to see through. If I don't even understand the apprentices I accept, then it's okay. Your temperament is very clear as a teacher. After all, what do you want to be a teacher? As a teacher, I moved to the academy myself because of you brat, what else can I not do for you?"

Zhao Xun thought about it carefully, and it seemed to be true.

It can be said that the mentor gave everything for him.

Such a good master, he really has nothing to choose from.

"That's right, teacher, I dreamed again when I just took a nap. This time I dreamed of a giant. Do you remember the scene when we went to track the giant together? It's right on the edge of the swamp, that's the kind of giant."

Zhao Xun swallowed a mouthful of spit to cover up his embarrassment, and said helplessly: "The point is not this, the point is that when that giant turned around, I found that he is a faceless man."

Zhao Xun's words also startled Wu Quanyi, the mentor Qinglian Daoist.

"Stinky boy, what are you talking about, this guy is a faceless man?"

Wu Quanyi blew his beard and stared, confirming again and again.


Zhao Xun spread his hands helplessly and said: "Uh, this is the third time I have dreamed of the Faceless Man in the dream. Tuer doesn't know what it means. Tuer also had a faceless man in the previous two times. I came to you to interpret my dreams. This time, I didn't dare to delay even the slightest, so I came here immediately."


Daoist Qinglian sighed and said, "Boy, it seems that the situation is more complicated than I imagined."

Wu Quanyi shook his head and said helplessly: "If this is the case, it is enough to show that the other party is probably just invading your dream in a different form. He can transform into any form. So I think it is very likely It’s not the High Priest of the Demon Sect or other practitioners, but I think it’s probably Satan himself. In other words, it was Satan who invaded your dreams in the form of the High Priest of the Demon Sect before, but he is possessed by the High Priest of the Demon Sect.”


Hearing this, Zhao Xun only felt that his head exploded, and his whole body was not well.

It can be said that things turned out like this, which was completely beyond his expectation.

"Satan? If he is really possessed, then the situation is really much more complicated."

Zhao Xun only felt that the whole person was not well.

"So, teacher, can I say that Satan is targeting me?"


Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi raised his eyebrows and said: "Uh. Do you think you are a god, brat. Satan wants to target you specifically?"

He picked his nostrils, and then said: "Stinky boy, I think Satan's repeated invasion of your dreams can only show one thing, that is, he thinks you are the softest persimmon in the academy. He Invading your dreams can maximize the useful information that appears in the academy."

Hearing this, Zhao Xun was in a bad mood.

Explain that I am the softest persimmon in the academy.

Hey, hey, teacher, don't you want to lose face?
Zhao Xun only felt that he was about to vomit blood with anger, and sighed helplessly.

"Student, don't be discouraged. I don't think things are too bad to be uncontrollable. At least in this way, we can deal with various situations in a more targeted manner."

"That's true"

Zhao Xun suddenly felt like a lab rat.

Anyway, what the mentor said, Zhao Xun was the first to react.

"Ahem, brat, it's a good thing for you to be invaded by Satan in your dreams. It's better than being invaded by other unknown people, right?"

Master Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi took a deep breath and said: "Stinky boy, but there is one thing that I need to tell you in advance as a teacher. It is not terrible that the dream is invaded, but the terrible thing is that you cannot get out of the dream. The sixth child also told you before. Well, you are the master of your dreams, and you are the only one who can control your dreams. So you don't have too many negative emotions, controlling your emotions is the most important thing."

Zhao Xun felt more and more confused.

Of course he understood what his mentor and sixth senior brother had said to him.

But the problem is that sometimes it is difficult to control emotions even in dreams.

Even in Zhao Xun's own dream, his own home court.

Well, let's take one step at a time.

At least from the current point of view, everything is going well.

As for which step to take next, it is not something that Zhao Xun can decide.

"Teacher, if you have anything to say, you might as well tell the disciple directly. You can also be honest about your plans. The disciple is mentally prepared and can handle it very well."

Zhao Xun thought that his teacher Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi was worried about his psychological problems, so he said this.

So he also called the situation directly.

"Stinky boy, what plan can you have as a teacher. If Satan invades, he is determined to use you as a breakthrough, then we can only follow his train of thought and plan. When Satan invades your dream next time, if we can It may be effective to catch him. Otherwise, no matter how much I say here as a teacher, it will be just talk on paper."


Zhao Xun thought about it carefully, and it seemed that there was nothing wrong with what the mentor said.

In his current situation, there really wasn't much he could do.

"But this disciple is very scared. This Satan must be a big devil. He has repeatedly invaded disciple's dreams. Is it really as simple as wanting to inquire about the academy? If not, what if he has other secrets?" If it is a picture, what should the disciple do."


Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi wanted to roll his eyes when he heard this.

"Oh, you just have to put 1 in your mind. With a teacher around, what can go wrong with you?"

Daoist Qinglian spread her hands and said, "How about this, my teacher will live with you from now on, if you find him again after falling into a dream, I will give you a signal, and my teacher will enter your sea of ​​consciousness and give you a platform. ?”

Zhao Xun can only say that this is the best solution he can think of so far.

Of course, Zhao Xun also decided to call the sixth senior brother Lu Guangdou and other members of the Academy Youth League.

The effect of these guys together is still very obvious.

The last time the disciples of the academy entered the dream together, it helped Zhao Xun to a considerable extent.

If it hadn't been for a small omission at the last moment that made the success fall short, it is very likely that the phantom of the high priest of the Demon Sect was really captured.

Of course, looking back now, things were not that simple.

Maybe Satan just possessed the high priest of the Demon Sect and invaded Zhao Xun's dream as the High Priest of the Demon Sect.

This is really a headache.

Zhao Xun didn't know what to do for a while.

Judging from the current situation, the sea of ​​people tactic may be the best choice.

Unless Shan Zhang and his old man have other ideas.

Of course, Zhao Xun would not give up so easily.

He decided to ask the head of the mountain for his opinion before making any calculations.

"Shan Zhang, the situation is like this. I have already asked Sixth Senior Brother and Daoist Qinglian for their opinions, and they have different opinions. Among them, Daoist Qinglian's cognition is more radical. He thinks that things are very likely. It was Satan who was doing the tricks. Not only this time, but many times before, it was probably Satan who was doing the tricks."

"Well. What do you think of the matter yourself, my boy?"

Shan Changyun calmly took a sip of tea, and then said with a soft smile: "Your own opinion is the most important. Other people's opinions can only be used as a reference at best."

For a moment, Zhao Xun only felt his scalp go numb.

There seems to be nothing wrong with what the head of the mountain said.

"Teacher, I feel that if this matter is really done by Satan, then the timeline at each time point seems to be barely correct. Only a little bit."

"Just what?"

The attitude of the head of the mountain seemed to be very kind, and he didn't mean to urge Zhao Xun in a hurry.

On the contrary, Zhao Xun himself was a little nervous when asked.

"It's just why Satan chooses disciples as the target of the dream invasion. How can disciples be capable?"

"Because you are different from us."

The words of the head of the mountain made Zhao Xun feel a little dizzy.

What does it mean that he is different from everyone else?
What did Shan Chang mean by this?
"Teacher, what do you mean when you say that your disciples are different from you?"

"Naturally that's what it means."

The head of the mountain is playing charades with him
For a moment, Zhao Xun was completely stunned.

What is the situation.

"Master, you can be more straightforward."

"Everything about you is different from us, especially the quality that radiates from you, your mind, your soul."

Shan Zhang's words were like small nails piercing into Zhao Xun's body, making him feel that the whole person was in a state of chaos.


The head of the mountain has seen through him?Did the head of the mountain recognize him?

Does the head of the mountain know that he is a time traveler?

For a moment, Zhao Xun didn't know what to express.

If everything is really like this, then Zhao Xun doesn't need to bear so much pressure.

Because this is the case anyway, Zhao Xun can directly show his cards.

But the question is, does the head of the mountain really have this attitude?
In case the old man in the mountain happened not to have such an attitude, Zhao Xun would be blind if he expressed his position blindly.

"My dear disciple, you don't need to be nervous. Being a teacher doesn't mean to force you. I just want you to understand that many things in this world are actually doomed from the beginning."

The head of the mountain said very calmly: "From the very beginning, we were able to deal with everything in the world with a relatively peaceful attitude, because our destiny is like this. Everyone's life trajectory is different, except for their own struggles. Different, this fate also plays a big role. No one can completely get rid of this fate."

Why does Zhao Xun feel that chatting has become a philosophical question?

Or did the head of the mountain think that this was a philosophical question?
Mom, save the child.

"So, Master Shan, what is the fate of this disciple?"

"Your fate is very clear, and you have seen it clearly from the beginning as a teacher."

The head of the mountain paused for a moment, then took another sip of tea and said, "Your destiny is to save the common people."

For a moment, Zhao Xun was numb.

Why not help the world and calm the people?

If this is the case, he can live an emperor's addiction.

And saving the common people can be done without being an emperor, and Zhao Xun feels that with his current state and identity, there is a high probability that it has nothing to do with being an emperor.

"So teacher, what kind of relief method is this to save the common people?"

Zhao Xun knew that sometimes he had to ask more clearly.

Otherwise, the vague words would still make some people dizzy.

"Rescuing the common people is of course to act righteously, stand up and fight against the dark and evil people, so that the common people in the world will not be killed. Simply put, you will fight Satan and smash him to death."

The head of the mountain is really getting more and more skinny now, and he has started to use Zhao Xun's catchphrases and catchphrases.

These were originally Zhao Xun's favorite.
That's all, since that's the case, let the mountain chief come.

"So, benevolent teacher. This disciple feels that I actually can't afford this heavy responsibility."

"It's not up to you whether you can resist or not, and it's not up to the teacher, it's up to Heaven."

Is this way of heaven the fate that the teacher just said?

"So the apprentice has actually been doomed since he came to this world?"

"you can say it this way."

The head of the mountain nodded and said: "You need to know a lot of things that have their own destiny."

"Okay, so how should disciple deal with this Satan now."

After paying attention to the future, Zhao Xun also has to pay attention to the present.

As the saying goes, looking up at the stars and not forgetting to keep your feet on the ground.

Only by achieving these two points at the same time can we effectively face the beatings of life.

"Satan is not scary, what I'm afraid of is your fear. As a teacher, I saw fear in your eyes. Don't be afraid, my dear student. You are in the academy, and it is your dreams that he wants to invade. You have all the time The location is favorable and the people are harmonious, what is there to be afraid of?"

Good guy. Zhao Xun thought to himself, Mr. Shan, you said it simply, but the pressure on me is really not ordinary.

"Shan Zhang, even though this is the case, I still feel that I can't take it lightly. As far as the current situation is concerned, Satan may invade at any time. The key is that I don't know when he invaded. In this regard, Satan Taking the absolute initiative, Tuer is passive instead. Do you have any good ways to deal with it?"

(End of this chapter)

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