big week bad guy

Chapter 386 Chapter 3 Chapter 85 The Onslaught of the Corruptor

Chapter 386 The Third Hand Chapter 85 The Corruptor's Onslaught
Jessica, the werewolf leader, is worried these days.

Originally thought that after leading the tribe to Zhongnan Mountain, they would be able to live a peaceful life.

But who knew that the Corruptor was just like a shadow, like a tarsal maggot.

Who can bear this?
Jessica felt tired for a moment.

As the patriarch of the werewolf clan, what he has to consider is not only himself, but the interests and future of the entire clan.

If he is not careful, he will lose the whole game, even if he takes a wrong step, he may step into the abyss, which is absolutely unacceptable to Jessica.

The werewolf tribe is not like those big tribes, their population is thin and there is no fault tolerance at all.

If you take a wrong step, you will face completely unimaginable and terrible results.

So Jessica had to keep herself absolutely calm.

All the decisions he makes from now on must be after careful consideration, and there must be no carelessness.

Judging from the current situation, the Corruptor is still thinking about fighting them to the end.

Although the Corruptor has not launched a decent and large-scale onslaught, judging from the current situation, the Corruptor is ready to fight the Academy to the end.

It doesn't make any sense to get cold feet at this time.Since the werewolves have chosen to form an alliance with the academy, they are an inseparable part of the academy alliance.

At this moment, Jessica couldn't wait to show her strength, showing that she belonged exclusively to the werewolf clan.

Many times people will deliberately downplay their own role, because they don't want to take too much responsibility.

There is a saying that goes well with as much ability as there is responsibility.

But not everyone wants to take responsibility.

If you want to wear a crown, you must bear its weight.

This sentence is by no means as simple as saying it.

Jessica never thought of being a king or an emperor, but even his current status as the patriarch still required huge responsibilities and pressure.

If you are not careful, you will face immeasurable consequences.

So what are the advantages of the werewolves?
This is a question Jessica has been thinking about.

The advantage of werewolves is detection?

Compared with the general tribe, the werewolf's agility is quite high.

High agility can give werewolves unexpected mobility.

So they can get a lot of information as a matter of course.

But is that all?
of course not!

The werewolves possess extremely strong resilience from top to bottom, and their role in the tug-of-war is far greater than that reflected in a single battle.

Maybe they can't kill with one blow when facing the enemy.But they will never give up easily, but they will try their best to fight for it whenever they have the opportunity.

Even just biting off a piece of meat can make the enemy feel extremely painful.

This point is very important, after all, for the current alliance, everyone needs to show the strengths they need to have.

If you can't show this strength, you will probably be calculated.

No matter how strong the tribe is, the same is true, not to mention the werewolf tribe is far from being so strong.

Jessica knows that he has a great responsibility, but he also needs to show his own value in front of Zhao Xun in the academy, and show the value of being unique to the werewolf clan.

If not, the importance of the werewolf clan in Zhao Xun's mind might really fall behind in the academy's mind.

Jessica absolutely cannot accept this.

Effort is important, but showing ability is also important.

Jessica decided to give everything for the werewolves.

Elf King Odysseyka has calmed down a lot these days.

In the beginning, he was indeed dazzled by hatred. At that time, his mind was filled with the idea of ​​going to seek revenge with the human prince Harry Botsman.

The father's debt is paid by the son, which is justified.

In Odysseyka's view, this is the revenge that must be avenged.

Even if Zhao Xun came forward to stop him at that time, Odysseyka did not give up revenge.

Some grudges must be reported, if you don't report, you are not a man.

Odysseyka has kept this hatred in his heart for more than ten years because of the elves, and it is time to end it.

But later Odysseyka found that things were very different from what he had imagined.

As Zhao Xun said, all this is like a conspiracy carefully planned by the Corruptor.

Throughout, the Corruptors have been stealthy, but in fact they have been operating in the dark.

This made Odysseyka feel unacceptable.

All right, why did the Corruptor choose him as a breakthrough?
Could it be that his willpower is not firm enough and he is a soft persimmon?

Should not be ah.

Odysseyka thinks that although he is not a tough guy, he is by no means a soft persimmon.

As long as there is a chance, Odysseyka will definitely show excellent strength in front of others.

Whenever there is an opportunity, he will do his best to fight hard without leaving the slightest regret.

Unfortunately that is the case.The Corruptor just regarded him as a soft persimmon and chose him as a breakthrough.

From various indications, the Corruptor has been planning to do it since a long time ago.

What Odysseyka showed was just the tip of the iceberg.

But even so, Odysseyka did not give up.

Given the chance, he will fight to the end.

After realizing the ruthless intentions of the Corruptors, Odysseyka decided to show them some color.

Don't Corruptors like to play tricks behind their backs?

Then let's play to the end and see who is the final winner.

Odysseyka couldn't wait to show his hard power, and let the Corruptors realize that the elves can also become fearless tough guys.

As long as they are given a chance, they can be feared by everyone.

The most powerful elves are their powerful hearing and perception.

Even if they are separated by tens of miles, they can still keenly hear any disturbance.

This ability seems inconspicuous at first glance, but in fact it is very effective, and it can greatly make the alliance indestructible.

Of course, the archery skills of the elves are also top notch.

The archers of the elves are all powerful, and almost no one can face the enemy as easily as they do without fear.

The arrows attached with powerful magic can cause huge damage to the enemy once fired.Magic arrows can easily tear apart any armor, and can beat all enemies to pieces.

Even the Corruptor cannot completely ignore the lethality of magic arrows.

The powerful strength of the elves allows them to easily deal with any opponent.

With these archers, at least the academy alliance can remain invincible in positional warfare and defensive warfare.

Of course, it is not ruled out that the Corruptor will play some insidious tricks.

But in that case, the academy must have other backers, and this is not something Odysseyka, the Elf King, has to consider.

The Terran Prince Harry Botsman has looked a little dignified recently.

The current situation is getting more and more complicated, and it is inevitable that he has to think more about his future plans.

As far as the moment is concerned, the Corruptor Alliance may launch a general attack at any time.

Although they didn't have such plans before, it doesn't mean they won't do it in the future.

Isn't the involution of the elves the result of the Corruptor behind the scenes?

If the Corruptor hadn't been fanning the flames behind him, Harry Postman would not have believed that Odysseyka, the always calm Elf King, would point the finger at him.

The reason is very simple.Hatred can make a person crazy, hatred can make a person forget everything, hatred can also make a person ignore any consequences.

Of course, the threat brought by this is quite huge.

If the allies of the academy alliance hate each other and distrust each other, the entire alliance will inevitably be unsustainable.

It's hard to imagine how a coalition with its own agenda could fight together.

Even as the leader of this alliance, it is useless for the Academy to show a fairly strong leading role.

The academy can manage it for a while, but can it manage it every time?

This is simply not realistic.

The academies also have limitations of the academies, and the academies also have scruples of the academies.

Colleges also have their own interests.

Of course, the academy would not say these things to the members of the alliance.

Even if they are an alliance, some things cannot be made public.

Prince Harry Botsman knows this well.

Just like some things in the human kingdom, Harry Botsman would not take the initiative to mention it to Zhao Xun.

Even if Zhao Xun came to inquire, Prince Harry Portesman would only briefly mention it.

The two sides are very understanding, and Zhao Xun has never asked the bottom line.

This is the choice a wise man should have.

It's not beautiful if you ask about the taboos of the other party.

Sometimes it's good to be confused.

The strength of the Corruptors lies in their ability to take down their opponents in unexpected ways.

But their weakness is that they don't have anyone who can decide everything in one fell swoop.

Satan may be, but only if Satan can successfully descend.

If Satan cannot come successfully, then these are all vain.

Now it seems that the head of the mountain has indeed played a crucial and even pivotal role.

Even if the mountain leader doesn't make a move, the deterrent is there, and the corrupter will not dare to mess around.

Of course, the human race must also give full play to its own strength and role, and can't just rely on the academy's efforts.

The best way is naturally to rely on the role of the Holy Knights.

As the guide and leader of the Holy Knights, Baron Guos holds a very important position.

If Guos can cooperate with the mountain chief and join hands with the mountain chief, Prince Harry Botsman can hardly imagine that there is any possibility of losing this alliance.

Of course, the premise of everything is that Prince Harry Portsman himself cannot be in any danger.

If Prince Harry Portesman's property and life were threatened, Baron Goose would naturally protect Prince Harry Portesman first.

Only when Prince Harry Portesman was ensured to be safe, Baron Goose would free up his hands and spend more energy on helping the academy alliance.

Prince Harry Portesman can't wait to go head-to-head.

Come on, Corruptor, end this war in a manly way.

The leader of the dwarves, Jaylin, was cleaning the barrel of his gun very seriously.

For him, the firecracker is his second life.

Looking at the major tribes of Alan Lore, there are few that rely on firearms like the dwarves.

Firecrackers, artillery, or other objects, all in all, firecrackers can bring people a great sense of security.

Dwarves themselves are short in stature, which makes them naturally feel inferior.

When facing foreign enemies, if you don't rely on firearms to choose a frontal tough dwarf, you may be at a disadvantage.

But everything is different when you have a firearm.

The combat effectiveness of dwarves with firearms has risen in a straight line, and they have nothing to fear even in the face of corrupters.

Well, the Corruptor, yes, the Corruptor.

Jaelin has never been afraid of Corruptors. As early as in the continent of Alan Lore, the dwarves were the only ones who dared to face the Corruptors.

Facing the Corruptor invasion, they responded with guns.

From the beginning to the end, the Corruptor did not occupy any inch of the dwarven land.

Of course, this has changed greatly as most of the dwarves moved away from the continent of Alan Lore.

But even so, it still cannot change the undefeated record of the dwarves against the Corruptor.

Now the battlefield has changed from the mainland of Alan Lore to the world of Dazhou.

In the opinion of the leader of the dwarves, Jaylin, there is no fundamental change, it's just a change of soup but not medicine.

The Corruptor still used the same two or three ways of attacking, and the dwarves were proud of their firearms for their survival.

As long as they hold their firearms tightly, they have nothing to fear.

As long as they hold the firearms in their hands tightly, they can achieve a strong defense to the maximum extent.

Of course, the ally of the academy is also quite reliable, and can help the dwarves to a considerable extent.

If fighting alone, the dwarves will face tremendous pressure.

But with the academy everything is different.

With the academy, at least the dwarves no longer have any worries, and no longer have to worry about being backstabbed by the Corruptor.

This point is crucial.

Because Corruptors are extremely insidious guys, there is no morality in their hearts, and they can do anything to achieve their goals.

They can use any means to attack, even shameless ones.

The academy actually plays the role of a bottom-line guarantee.

As long as there is an academy, the overall situation will not be bad.

As long as there is an academy, the dwarves will have nothing to fear.

Of course, the dwarves also had a lot of exchanges with the academy.

The academy is already familiar with the defense system of the dwarves.

This can reduce many unnecessary misunderstandings between the two parties when cooperating.

After all, firecrackers don't have eyes.

It would be wrong if some academy disciples were accidentally injured during the defensive battle.

Therefore, Jielin, the leader of the dwarves, must speak to the academy disciples in advance, tell them the danger, and let them be mentally prepared in advance.

In this way, even if the blunderbuss did accidentally injure some academy disciples during the actual combat, it would not be a problem of the dwarves.

Brothers still have to settle accounts clearly, let alone the different tribes in the alliance.

Everyone comes together because of common interests, so it is natural to show absolute caution and not take it lightly.

Zhao Xun took the initiative to talk to Luo Lun.

In his mind, he hadn't visited Lauren for a long time.

Ever since so many things happened in a row during this period, Zhao Xun didn't have the energy to chat about life, ideals, wind, flowers, snow and moon, spring rain and autumn frost with his good brother Luo Lun.

But aren't these the best things in life?
If these are discarded, only the so-called interests and reality are left in the mind, isn't it a very sad thing?

Life can't just be mediocre, but there must be poetry and distance.

Even if poetry and the distance seem far away and illusory, there must be one.

With a hope standing in the distance, Zhao Xun can have the confidence to fight hard.

And if this hope is lost, people will become mediocre and don't care about struggle.

This kind of life is not what Zhao Xun wants.

And he knew very well that Lauren was also a person with ideals and ambitions.

They are identical in this regard.

So every time Zhao Xun gets along with Luo Lun, he can always feel happy.

It was a pleasure that emanated from the inside out, without any pretense, without any pretense and cover-up.

In Zhao Xun's view, happiness is happiness, and happiness is pure, so why cover it up.

"Haha Brother Luo Lun, this time I specially brought home-brewed plum wine. The taste of the wine is very sweet. Come and taste it."

The first thing Zhao Xun did when he saw Luo Lun was to sell his self-brewed green plum wine.

The green plum wine is not high in alcohol content. Like other fruit wines, the green plum wine tastes very sweet, and it is not too much to say that it tastes like fruit juice.

"Well, then I have to try it out."

Lauren became interested for a moment.

"Green plum wine. Green plums can also be used to make wine. This is really the first time I've heard of it."

Luo Lun opened the wine bottle, poured himself a glass first, and then poured another glass for Zhao Xun.

He picked up the wine glass and first observed the color of the wine, then shook the wine glass a bit, and took a sip.

"This taste is really sweet and delicious."

Obviously, Luo Lun was very satisfied with the taste of the green plum wine brewed by Zhao Xun, after only one sip, he was full of praise: "Zhao Xun, for the relationship between the two of us, you can bring me a few more bottles. With the taste of plum wine, I can drink a bottle a day."

Zhao Xun wanted to roll his eyes when he heard that.

He thought to himself, good guy, can you drink a bottle a day?
As far as your drinking speed is concerned, no one can afford it if you change it.

One must know that Zhao Xun didn't brew much green plum wine in all, it was just for drinking and having fun, and he didn't think about really having to measure it.

After all, Zhao Xun didn't point to this thing to make money.

But judging from what Luo Lun said now, it seems that Zhao Xun has to re-plan and re-plan.

"Okay, okay, as long as you want, you can drink as much as you want."

Zhao Xun was a little dumbfounded for a while.

What can he say?

It's impossible for him to directly reject Lauren's request, right?

In that case, how can we chat about ideals, life and women?

At this moment, Lauren felt that his whole body was going numb.

"Hahaha, happy, really happy. I never thought that you would be so happy. It's fun, it's fun!"

Luo Lun drank the glass of green plum wine in his hand, and then asked, "Well, why did you suddenly think of coming to me?"

"Uh, I really can't hide anything from you."

Zhao Xun smiled awkwardly and said, "Actually, the situation is very simple, because I want to ask your opinion on Corruptors."

"What about the Corruptor?"

Lauren raised his eyebrows and said, "Which aspect is it?"

"Naturally, what mode they will choose to launch a general attack."

He didn't pay much attention to other aspects, but Zhao Xun still cared very much about this aspect.

Because after all, he is not from the continent of Alan Lore, no matter how much he knows it through the records of classics, it is impossible for the natives of Alan Lore like Luo Lun to know more about Corruptors.

As the saying goes, know yourself, know your enemy, and win a hundred battles. The big battle is imminent. Knowing as much as possible about the Corruptor's past battles will help them fight this crucial battle well.

No matter what others think, Zhao Xun feels that this battle is a battle that will determine the future fate of the Great Zhou World.

Whether it can be held will directly determine the direction of the next few decades or even hundreds of years.

"this one"

When he said this, the smile on Lauren's cheeks disappeared, revealing a very embarrassed look.

"It's a long story to say."

Lauren is trying his best to control his emotions, but he knows that it is not easy to do this.

"Every time the Corruptors attack, they spare no effort in an attack mode like mercury pouring down the ground. They don't care about the number of soldiers at all, because they are summoning the army of the dead anyway, and they are fearless when attacking, without any scruples at all. Of course, many At that time, the strength of the army of the dead was still quite huge. Even our Dragon Clan cannot guarantee that we can wipe out all the army of the dead at once."

"But isn't Longyan against the Legion of the Dead?"

When Luo Lun said that, Zhao Xun was a little confused.

In his impression, Longyan is completely like Tianke.

Could it be that there is something hidden in it?

Facing Zhao Xun's questioning, Luo Lun sighed and shook his head and said: "Well, it's a long story. People only know one thing and don't know the other. They all think that Longyan is a sky-beater against corrupters. Some kind of To a certain extent, there is really no problem with this, but if you want to dig deeper, you will find the problem. It is out of proportion. Today's dragon clan is no longer what it used to be. The dragon clan was very prosperous back then, and there were a lot of giant dragons .So they are not afraid of the army of the dead in terms of numbers. But it is different now, the dragon clan is withered and defeated, and there are very few giant dragons left. Even the dragon flame of a giant dragon can burn hundreds of skeleton soldiers of the army of the dead. But the remaining What about the giant dragon? What about the rest? The army of the dead can expand infinitely. Tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, millions. When the number of skeleton soldiers increases to a certain level, no one can resist such a powerful attack!"

hiss.Hearing this, Zhao Xun finally figured it out.

To a certain extent, there is nothing wrong with Longyan being a sky-beater to the army of the dead.

But in many cases, the advantage of quantity is far greater than people think.

The Corruptor's greatest strength is precisely its numbers.

As long as they can pile up their numerical advantages to a certain extent, basically the Dragon Clan can't do anything to them.

Hundreds of them were killed by one fire, but the dragon also needs to breathe and rest.

If the dragon is not given enough rest time, it will soon lose its combat effectiveness due to exhaustion.

So in fact, the current situation is far worse than Zhao Xun imagined, and the test they are facing can be said to be quite huge.

If the Corruptors could also realize this, they would be able to use crowd tactics unscrupulously.

Once the number advantage reaches a certain level, it cannot be resolved by any external force.

"So how do we deal with it now? It's definitely not enough to rely solely on the dragon's dragon flame deterrence. We also need to join in the power of other tribes, right? The archers from the elf king, the gunners from the dwarves, including the human race Paladins and magicians. These are all things that I have confirmed can be added to the academy's defense system. Is there anything else?"

"this one"

Lauren seemed somewhat hesitant.

"Some things I didn't want to say too much, but since you have already said this and asked here, if I deliberately hide it, I would be a little sorry for you. I think, in fact, the importance of the werewolf clan is very important. And we Their role has been ignored all the time."

Zhao Xun felt slightly astonished.

The answer was indeed somewhat unexpected.

"Are the werewolves really so powerful?"

"Of course. Their role is not in other aspects, but in perception. In my impression, there is no other tribe that has such a powerful perception of werewolves. Especially for the perception of corrupters, I am afraid that only witches can barely Compare them with them."


When Zhao Xun heard this, he understood it thoroughly.

Werewolves can sense the Corruptor's movements.

So once the Corruptor made any small move, the werewolves would be able to report it to Zhao Xun immediately.

The importance of this is that it can prevent problems before they happen.

After all, many times the danger lies in not responding well in advance.

You cannot be fully targeted without responding in advance.

If you don't respond in advance, you will be passive in the face of the enemy's attack and make temporary adjustments in a hurry.

These are taboos for military strategists.

Although Zhao Xun has never led a soldier, he has read a lot of military books.

There are still a lot of impressions about the records in this regard.

"Well, so to speak, the werewolf clan is indeed a crucial part of our alliance. Whether we can win this battle successfully depends not only on the hard power, but also on the soft power. If we cannot achieve full If the position is suppressed, then it is better to do more planning on some details."

With the changes in the battlefield situation, Zhao Xun's thinking has also undergone some targeted changes.

At present, the Corruptor Alliance has not attacked for a long time, which to some extent also gave the Academy Alliance a chance to adjust.

Conversely, if the Corruptor Alliance has already launched an onslaught, they have little chance to adjust.

"Well, hurry up and find Jessica, the leader of the werewolf tribe. Let's have a good chat."

Lauren used the word us, not you.

This is definitely not just talking casually, but has deep meaning.

How could Zhao Xun not hear it?

In fact, the reason is very simple. Lauren's identity and status as the leader of the Dragon Clan is there.

With Lauren's support, it can somewhat help Zhao Xun persuade the werewolf leader Jessica.

As long as Lauren is around, the problem won't be too big.

Otherwise, if Zhao Xun faced Jessica alone, all sorts of weird and strange things might happen.

Of course, Zhao Xun can understand Luo Lun's good intentions, and he is still very grateful to Luo Lun at this moment.

"Okay, I'll go right away, go back quickly, wait for me!"

The leader of the werewolves, Jessica, was flattered by Zhao Xun's initiative to visit.

He couldn't believe how a little leader of the werewolf tribe could get so much attention from the spokesperson of the academy.

Although the head of the mountain is the real soul of the academy, Zhao Xun has indeed played the role of a spokesperson.

No matter what others think of this point, Jessica is sure of it.

Not to mention that Zhao Xun gave a lot of help to the werewolf clan when they settled down in Zhongnan Mountain.

These Jessica have always kept in mind.

Jessica is a person who misses old kindness, and he will repay those who have helped him in the future.

"Let's go, let's talk to Lauren."

Zhao Xun didn't show much solemnity and deliberation, because he knew that this would make Jessica fall into a nervous mood.

This is not what he wants to see.

Keeping calm is the most important thing they need to do right now.

Only by keeping calm can we think properly and arrange the defense system perfectly.

And if a person loses his mind and wisdom, whatever he does next will turn into a headless chicken, bumping around.

Another thing is that he hopes to start the conversation with Lauren.

As Luo Lun said, with Luo Lun by his side, Zhao Xun doesn't have to have so many scruples.

Luo Lun can help Zhao Xun a lot, and can make Zhao Xun have no worries.

When Zhao Xun got stuck and didn't know what to say, Luo Lun was able to pick up the words in time.

This is still crucial.

Seeing Zhao Xun's relaxed expression, Jesseka naturally didn't think much about it.

He thinks it's like a gathering of old friends, some things don't need to be thought about so much.

"Okay, let's talk to Lauren."

In the academy, the relationship between Jessica and Lauren is pretty good.

This is mainly due to the good relationship between the Dragon Clan and the Werewolf Clan.

Youdao is the enemy of the enemy is a friend.

The werewolf clan and the eagle clan are enemies, and the dragon clan and the eagle clan also have a competitive relationship, which can also be regarded as enemies.

So it is normal for the two tribes to come together.

Soon Zhao Xun and Jessica came to the bamboo building where Lauren was.

When Lauren saw the two men approaching, he took the initiative to go forward.

"Haha Jesseka, my old friend, we haven't seen each other for a long time."

In fact, they just had dinner together more than ten days ago, and it was somewhat embarrassing that they hadn't seen each other for a long time.

"Haha, it's not like I haven't seen you for a long time."

Jessica scratched her head and said, "Why, what do you want to talk to me about today?"

Luo Lun nodded and said with a smile, "Don't be in a hurry, let's sit down and talk."


Jessica was a little taken aback, but he did it anyway.

Then Luo Lun and Zhao Xun sat down one after another.

The three of them sat together, Zhao Xun opened another bottle of green plum wine and poured it for the three of them one by one.

Since we want to chat without drinking, how can we do it?

Although the amount of green plum wine that Zhao Xun brews is not much, this is obviously not the time to be distressed about wine.

If Jessica could complete the task willingly, then no matter how much green plum wine she took out, it would be worth it.

In any case, the topic needs to be guided by someone. If there is no one to guide, it will never be possible to open the situation.

Zhao Xun cleared his throat and said: "The thing is like this, isn't the Corruptor about to launch a fierce attack recently, we want you to discuss how to defend."

Zhao Xun raised his head, and Luo Lun answered from the side: "Yes, yes, the situation is far more complicated than we imagined. The Corruptors have various ways of attacking. We must beware of their sneak attacks, so The role of your werewolves is obvious."

Jessica is a smart person. If Zhao Xun's words are still secretive, the meaning of Luo Lun's words can't be more obvious.

The Minru sense of smell and perception of the werewolves allow them to avoid deadly dangers under extreme circumstances.

"You want us to serve as sentries for the academy, right?"

Jessica knew that at such a time, it would be better to speak up directly than to cover up, which would be beneficial to both parties.


Seeing that Jesseka took the initiative to speak out, Zhao Xun was very satisfied.

"That's actually our purpose. Jessica, you already understand what happened. If that's the case, we have nothing to worry about."

Jessica grimaced.He hasn't agreed yet, but judging from what Zhao Xun said, it seems that he has agreed by default?

For a moment Jessica really didn't know what to say.

"Well, we agreed to help."

Now that the other party has already talked about this, Jessica can only go downhill.

If you just stick to it, not only will he not look good in face, but Zhao Xun will also not look good in face.

Jessica's willingness to agree so readily was beyond Zhao Xun's expectations, and even Luo Lun, the leader of the Dragon Clan, did not expect it.

Dude, this is a godsend forever.

"Okay, let's talk about the plan in detail."

Zhao Xun thought to himself that he could finally talk about the details.

It's not easy to talk about the details.

Because the academy alliance is likely to face all kinds of weird situations.

There are various situations, and the threats faced are naturally various.

All they can do now is plan.As for the effect, it depends on the actual combat performance.

But Zhao Xun is still looking forward to it.After all, Jessica was chosen by Lauren.

Even if Jessica stretches her hips, she won't stretch her hips anywhere.

The three of them held a long talk for a long time.

This period of time is enough for them to study the entire plan over and over again.

Facts have proved that the effect of the research is quite good.

Jessica has shown considerable enthusiasm, at least so far.

As long as there is enthusiasm, it is a good thing. The only thing to be afraid of is not being able to maintain enthusiasm.

There is a limit to how long a person's passion can last.But Zhao Xun hopes to maintain this state of excitement as much as possible.

Because this can make a person or even a tribe maintain a high morale.

Fighting spirit is really important in battle.

There is a huge difference in combat effectiveness between an army with fighting spirit and an army without fighting spirit.

Even if an army lacks armor and weapons, as long as it has fighting spirit, it can still display strong resilience in battle, and finally rely on resilience to win.

But an army has no fighting spirit, no matter how well-equipped it is, it is useless, it is just a show.

For now, the fighting spirit of the academy is still full.

Next is how to deal with the Corruptor.

Many times, people are blindly confident.

The same is true for Emperor Xianlong.

Especially as the king of a country, as the emperor will always bring himself to the point of supremacy.

In his mind, he is the supreme existence, and everyone in the world should worship at his feet.

To a certain extent, this is true, but not everyone in this world is willing to be a dog for him willingly.

For example, Zheng Jie and Feng Hao are now.

After discussing with the prince, they finally decided on the time to do it.

That's when the Son of Heaven went to plow.

As the Son of Heaven, Emperor Xianlong would sometimes go to farm in person to set an example to all the people.

Although it is just a symbolic wave of a hoe, it will still attract the admiration of all people.

At this time, Emperor Xianlong would leave the palace, and the defense forces around him would become weaker, but this was the best time for them to attack.

If you don't seize this moment, Zheng Jie really can't think of any good opportunities in the short term.

Opportunities are reserved for those who are prepared. The prince has endured and waited for so long, and it is time to show his true strength.

But Zheng Jie is very clear that this alone is not enough.

The crown prince was able to command and move some troops, and Emperor Xianlong also had the imperial guards guarding him.

In the final analysis, it ultimately depends on the strength of the top practitioners.

Which top practitioner is the most favored by Emperor Xianlong's side now?

No need to ask, it must be Master Huiyan.

Ever since this Buddhist monk from the Western Regions came to Chang'an, Emperor Xianlong was fascinated by him, and even ignored state affairs.

It was because of this that Zheng Jie completely broke with Emperor Xianlong, and finally decided to work for the prince to help the prince to the throne.

Of course, if Zheng Jie was one-on-one with Master Huiyan right now, Zheng Jie would not have any advantage.

Because Master Huiyan's absolute strength is above him.

But Zheng Jie doesn't need to defeat Master Huiyan, he just needs to be able to hold Master Huiyan back.

Zheng Jie's role is to hold back Master Huiyan, and leave the rest to his teammate Feng Hao.

Feng Hao has now successfully broken through the realm barrier and reached the first-rank realm.

Although the foothold is not stable, it is not considered the top grade, but in Chang'an City, as long as you don't meet super-grade mind cultivators, it is enough.

So the key now is whether there are any other super masters coming in besides the most trusted Master Huiyan of Emperor Xianlong.If there is, Feng Hao is still no match.

But the number of super masters in this world is actually quite limited, and Zheng Jie can think of only a handful of them.

The most obvious one is the length of the mountain.But the relationship between the head of the mountain and Emperor Xianlong is now endless, and it would be good if the head of the mountain didn't pick off Emperor Xianlong's head.

In addition to that, it is Yuan Tiangang.

After all, Yuan Tiangang is now the Grand Master of the Zhou Dynasty, so he still wants to give Emperor Xianlong some face.

But no one knows how far Yuan Tiangang can play.

If Yuan Tiangang only meant it symbolically, then Zheng Jie, Feng Hao and the others still had a pretty good chance of winning.

Everything depends on Yuan Tiangang's choice, everything is in Yuan Tiangang's thought.

So Zheng Jie decided to revise a book and send it to Yuan Tiangang, trying to keep him neutral.

It's raining, but the Zhongnanshan area actually doesn't see much rain.

Rainwater is only enough.

So much so that the local people will pray to God for rain every dry season to alleviate the drought of crops.

After all, for these farmers who face the loess and back to the sky all day in the fields begging for food, rainfall is the most critical.

Once the crops are not irrigated by rainfall, they can only artificially build canals to drain water.It takes a lot of money to repair the canal.If there are no big households such as squires to take the lead in investing, basically there will not be enough money to complete the drainage.

But rainfall is different.

Rain doesn't need to cost a penny or a copper coin, the only thing you need is to see the mood of God.

But for the people of Haoran Academy, the rain is a completely different feeling.

They do not need the rain to live, but there is no doubt that the rain can bring them many things.

The most important thing is the sentiment, the artistic conception.

After all, for scholars, they are not only satisfied with eating three meals a day.

They need to have spiritual pursuits.

Rainwater can create this kind of artistic conception, or modify and catalyze the artistic conception to a certain extent.

Countless literati are only interested in rain, and they will write many poems and songs to describe the scene in the rain.

Especially the mountain scenery in the rain is extremely quiet and beautiful.

But now Zhao Xun is not in such a mood.

Seeing the rain dripping down from under the eaves like a rolling curtain, his heart was very heavy.

Because not long ago, Jessica, the leader of the werewolf clan, issued an alarm to him, saying that the Corruptor had already made a clear invasion move, and it was estimated that a big war would be provoked soon.

If this is true, it means that the entire academy has to enter a state of full alert.

Corruptors are not idle people, they have quite powerful combat effectiveness.

Zhao Xun knew very well what it meant to give the Corruptor space.They will mercilessly tear apart all enemies.

So at the beginning of the battle, Zhao Xun and the academy alliance had to take a strong attitude.

He vaguely felt that whoever can gain the strength at the beginning of this battle will be able to maintain this strength until the end.

Zhao Xun didn't know when the Corruptors would invade, but they had to be prepared for the Corruptors to invade at any time.

This way, even if the Corruptors do start to invade, they will be able to deal with it and not rush the ducks to the shelves.

"Little brother, something is wrong!"

But just when Zhao Xun was feeling lost, the voice of the third senior brother Long Qingquan pulled him back to reality from the distraction.

"what happened?"

Zhao Xun was taken aback, and then asked: "Senior Brother, could it be?"

"Yes, the Corruptors are finally attacking aggressively."

"finally come."

A wry smile appeared on the corner of Zhao Xun's mouth.

He considered many possibilities, but he didn't expect the Corruptor to act so quickly.

It seems that after some research, the Corruptors found that the Academy Alliance is not as powerful as they imagined, so they decided to attack with all their strength, right?
But in fact, Zhao Xun was not fully prepared, but now he can't take care of so much.

"Where are they now?"

"It should be near the territory of the dwarves."

Long Qingquan's voice changed in a hurry.

But Zhao Xun felt a little more at ease after hearing this.

The reason why he put the dwarves' territory at the outermost edge of Zhongnan Mountain was because he had planned to deal with the invading Corruptors.

One advantage of placing the dwarves at the outermost edge is that there is no need to worry about the Corruptors being able to penetrate the academy alliance's defense system in waves.

Because the dwarves have the most powerful gun system in the entire Allen Lore continent.

Whether it is artillery or firecrackers, they are all first-class.

Powerful firearms allowed the dwarves to win many wars that they had no chance of winning.

Moreover, they are quite familiar with the Corruptor, and they can connect seamlessly, so Zhao Xun does not need to spend time training.

Such a ruthless character acting as a vanguard is undoubtedly the best choice.

Of course, at this time Zhao Xun had to rush to the scene in time to boost morale.

He must not let the dwarves feel isolated and abandoned.

Once the dwarves have this idea, their desire to fight will drop sharply.

Then the entire league will face tremendous pressure.

Zhao Xun must let the dwarves know that he is with him.

As long as there are dwarves around, Zhao Xun will definitely be there.

Only by tying them together, the dwarves will do their best in this battle.

"The battle was too fierce. The first wave of the Corruptors charged us thousands of firearms. It was overwhelming Corruptors. The blackness was like flies. You couldn't see it if you looked around. Even so, we barely suppressed their offensive."

The leader of the dwarves, Jaylin, still had lingering fears when he said this.

He didn't expect the Corruptor's offensive to be so fierce this time, nor did he expect the Corruptor to attack with all his might.

Originally, in his impression, the Corruptors were just pretending at best.But now it seems that the Corruptor really wants to go all out.

"Uh, I see it."

The territory of the dwarves is located halfway up the mountain.

One side is flat land, and the other side is a cliff.

Zhao Xun looked in the direction of the cliff, and saw a lot of corpses hanging on the cliff.

These corpses were originally summoned by the leader of the undead tribe, Wu Aolis, using black magic, so they do not feel any pain in essence, so they can be naturally driven as vanguards, playing the role of death squads in battles again and again .

"You have enough firecrackers, do you want me to call in some elf archers?"

Zhao Xun could intuitively feel the enormous pressure the entire dwarves were facing, so he made such suggestions.

However, it seems that the leader of the dwarves, Jelin, did not buy it.

"No, I haven't reached that point yet. If I feel like I can't stand it anymore, I will definitely tell you."

Good guy. Is this a dead duck?
Zhao Xun didn't know what to say for a while.

Since the Academy is an alliance, it should give full play to the advantages of belonging to the alliance.

Unfortunately, it seems that the leader of the dwarves, Jelin, is very conceited.He felt that he had the strength to resist the invasion of the Corruptor alone.

Of course, the possibility that he was punching a swollen face to pretend to be fat is not ruled out.

Because as far as the current situation is concerned, the Corruptor's determination to invade is still very firm.

Even if the dwarves can resist this time, can they resist every time?

This is definitely not realistic.

So Zhao Xun felt that Jie Lin, the leader of the dwarves, would bow his head to him soon.

That's all, at that time, Zhao Xun will bring up the matter of letting the elf archers join.

But even so, Zhao Xun must ensure that others are here.

The reason is very simple, what others say here is an attitude, which shows that the leader of the academy is with the dwarves.

And if Zhao Xun leaves, it means that the leadership of the academy alliance doesn't pay much attention to the dwarves, so the conflict is likely to escalate because of this.

Of course Zhao Xun didn't want to cause a big conflict.

Home and everything are prosperous.

Today's academy alliance is a big family, and every tribe is a family member of this big family.

Only when family members are in harmony can it last for a long time.

What's more, there are foreign enemies around, and the two forces of Corruptor and Emperor Xianlong are likely to attack the academy.

At this time, Zhao Xun naturally wanted to win over every member of the alliance.

"Well, if you need help, just say so, we can provide you with maximum support."

After a short pause, Zhao Xun continued: "The Corruptors are only attacking from the front now, right? There are no traces of them on the flanks?"


Jaylin, the leader of the dwarves, nodded and said, "Since those tunnel exits were blocked, we have never seen any traces of the Corruptor from the flanks or from the ground. It seems that if they want to enter Zhongnan Mountain, they can only attack from the front. That's a big benefit to our defense, at least we don't have to focus all on one side."

What Jaylin said was true.

For the Academy Alliance, they are not afraid of the number of corruptors, but they are afraid of their crooked thoughts.

For example, dividing troops, such as Mingxiu plank road and dark Chencang.

If the Corruptor really moved such thoughts, it would be difficult for the academy to make a targeted response.

Because the academy is really too big, or Zhongnan Mountain is really too big.

Even the defensive gas shields they created actually only completed the coverage of a certain part, not all of them.

So as long as the Corruptor is willing to look for it, there is definitely a chance of success.

It seems that Corruptors don't have this tolerance.

The Corruptors seem to have lost their patience after their provocative actions self-defeating.

They decided to put all their strength into the frontal battlefield at once.

As Zhao Xun analyzed just now, they are not afraid of confrontation.

"I'll ask my mentor Qinglian Taoist priest and sixth senior brother Lu Guangdou to draw a few talismans. Is that okay?"

Zhao Xun knew that the reason why Jielin refused the elf archers to settle in was mostly because of face.

It's a good face, which is understandable.

After all, with so many people from the elves rushing into the territory of the elves at once, the face of the dwarves will not look good.

But if only a few people from the academy entered the dwarven territory to help, the effect should be much better.


Sure enough, this time, the leader of the dwarves, Jaylin, nodded and agreed.

As far as the moment is concerned, this is already the best result Zhao Xun can accept.

"Okay, then I'm going to call someone."

Zhao Xun was extremely excited.

He just can't bear to be just a mascot.

If he just stayed here as a mascot to do some so-called morale-boosting things, it would be more painful than cutting his flesh with a knife.

Zhao Xun still hopes to show his strength more in the battle.

Soon the sixth senior brother Lu Guangdou and his teacher Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi were called by Zhao Xun to the residence where the dwarves were.

For them, drawing symbols is a simple matter that cannot be simpler.

They really couldn't understand why Zhao Xun found it difficult to draw symbols.

In fact, as long as you are willing to show your strength, you can definitely draw a very good talisman.

Zhao Xun is mostly lazy, because he seldom concentrates on doing one thing.

But they don't want to delve too deeply into this matter.

Anyway, the most urgent task now is to draw the talisman itself.

As long as the talisman is drawn to deter the evil spirits, their goal will be achieved.

as for the next thing
It depends on fate.

The talisman array is a natural restraint against evil spirits and monsters, and has a strong deterrent effect, but this is only under certain circumstances.

Under some extremely special circumstances, Xie Chong can also break through the suppression of the talisman array.

But overall it is better than nothing, as long as the talisman exists for a day, it can put the corruptor in a high degree of fear.

As for what will happen next, no one knows.

This talisman array was drawn by Daoist Qinglian and filled by Lu Guangdou, which is in line with the identity comparison of the two sides.

After all, Taoist Priest Qinglian has older qualifications and deeper knowledge, so it is natural for him to come forward to preside over the situation.

Although Zhao Xun was not proficient in drawing symbols, he still watched carefully from the sidelines.

There's no way he wants to give face to his mentor, Daoist Qinglian, and sixth senior brother Lu Guangdou.

If he showed a little bit of impatience, it's hard to say what the sixth brother Lu Guangdou would do, but he would definitely be beaten to death by his teacher, Daoist Qinglian.

He is very clear about the character of his mentor.

So Zhao Xun didn't dare to be careless in the slightest.

He had to show enough respect.

"Wow, the painting was finished so quickly. My mentor will always be a god, the sixth brother is awesome."

Speaking of flattery, if Zhao Xun's skill ranks second in the academy, no one would dare to call himself number one.

"Haha, actually, I think, this talisman is so-so, it doesn't represent my best state."

The sixth senior brother Lu Guangdou dragged his chin pretendingly at this moment, and uttered a sentence that was incomparable to Versailles.

Zhao Xun almost lost his breath when he heard this.

Damn, Sixth Senior Brother, you have a limit to pretending to be aggressive, so you should pay attention to the occasion.

Besides, if this talisman was drawn by you alone, it would be fine, but it is obviously due to the credit of your teacher, Daoist Qinglian.When you say that, where do you put Daoist Qinglian's old face?
Sure enough, Daoist Qinglian became a little unhappy after hearing this, cleared his throat and said: "Ahem, actually this talisman is not bad, it should be enough. But there is one thing, if there are too many evil spirits , it is possible to break through the limit of this talisman and break his restriction."

good guy.
Is this the so-called limit to everything?
Even the talisman has a so-called limit?

In other words, the impact of the Corruptor would cause the rune array to be damaged to a considerable extent.If the rune array cannot be repaired in the first place, cracks will appear.After the cracks have accumulated to a certain extent, a complete rupture will occur.At that time, even the gods will be hard to save.

Hearing this, Zhao Xun's scalp became numb.

"So why don't we draw a few more rune arrays at once?"

"Junior brother, you're an outsider."

This time it was Lu Guangdou's turn to feel embarrassed.

"Character arrays are not pancakes. It is impossible to mass-produce them. Do you still want to draw a few more arrays at a time for preparation?"

The sixth senior brother Lu Guangdou rolled his eyes again and again, his appearance was very similar to that of the third senior brother Long Qingquan.

"Uh, really?"

At this time, Taoist Qinglian Wu Quanyi couldn't listen anymore, he scratched his head and said, "My boy, there is nothing wrong with what he said. Think about it. The drawing of the talisman array is all based on the power of thought. Mind power is the most important thing for practitioners besides true qi. If mind power can be used indefinitely, of course you can draw more rune arrays for preparation. But the problem is that it can’t be done. Mind power will be consumed as it is used .It will take a lot of time to replenish. During this period of time, it is naturally difficult to draw some rune arrays."

"I see."

Master Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi explained very seriously, after Zhao Xun listened, he nodded quickly and said: "In this case, let's draw this talisman first."

"Well, let's draw this talisman first. But we can live here first, so that we can respond in time even if the situation changes."

"it is good!"

Zhao Xun also had this intention.But he is a junior after all, so it is not easy to order directly to his mentor.

But the mentor himself brought it up on his own initiative, so Zhao Xun could follow what the mentor said.

The patriarch of the dwarves, Jelin, was still very happy.

After all, for him, this can already be regarded as the best result.

There are big boys from the academy in the camp, and nothing will happen if it is up to the sky.

into the night.Zhao Xun simply cooked a meal of fried noodles for himself, his mentor Qinglian Daochang, the sixth senior brother, and the leader of the dwarves, Jie Lin.

With the big battle going on, he must not be in the mood to cook a big meal.

But the meal still has to be delicious.

Only when you have a good meal can you have the energy to fight.

If the whole person is in a state of half-starved and half-fed, or simply hungry and thirsty, then one can imagine what kind of combat state it will be.

Fighting in this state, it is not bad if you can not be blown up during the duel.

"Oh my, I really didn't expect the fried noodles you make are so delicious, junior brother."

Lu Guangdou, the sixth senior brother, felt the deliciousness of the fried noodles the moment he got it.

He only took a sip, and his whole body was conquered.

The taste of fried noodles is really too fragrant.

It is a fragrance that penetrates from the depths of the soul. The taste makes people feel ecstatic, and makes people feel extremely excited.

Zhao Xun also nodded very usefully, with a slight smile on the corner of his mouth.

His advantage is that he can not only cook big meals, but also home-cooked dishes.

He belongs to the type who looks at the dishes and cooks as much rice as he has.

In fact, compared to the so-called big meals, Zhao Xun himself prefers home-cooked dishes.

Because home cooking can make people feel a different meaning.

A taste of family cooking.

There is no doubt that the academy is Zhao Xun's second home in this world, so Zhao Xun will do his best to prepare every home-cooked dish, especially when cooking for his brothers and sisters.

But it's a pity that the third brother Long Qingquan is not here at this time, otherwise he will definitely praise Zhao Xun's fried noodles again.

Zhao Xun is still looking forward to how the third brother will praise his fried noodles.

"Don't just eat fried noodles, Brother Six, try this mashed potato salad I made."

Zhao Xun's favorite refreshing side dish is salad.Especially the mashed potato salad.

The soft and mellow mashed potatoes and the sweetness of the salad can make people feel a different kind of mix and match.

Zhao Xun is not a vegetarian, but he prefers vegetarian salads in the choice of salads.

Because vegetarian salad will give people a different refreshing feeling.

Zhao Xun doesn't like tuna salad or sirloin salad because it tastes too greasy.

It's okay to be greasy when eating hard dishes for dinner, but it can't be justified if the salad is also greasy.

Besides, when eating, you can only feel the taste of each dish when you eat it together. If there is only one taste, the pleasure between the taste buds will actually be reduced a lot.

"Well, this salad is also quite delicious."

Lu Guangdou, the sixth senior brother, took a sip of the mashed potato salad made by Zhao Xun, and he was full of praise as if he had opened a door to a new world.

Brothers and sisters like it, which is the biggest motivation for Zhao Xun to fight.

At least so far, Zhao Xun's dishes have basically received positive reviews.

"Hahaha, this mashed potato looks exactly like my grandma's."

At this moment, the leader of the dwarves, Jelin, who had been working silently, suddenly made a sound.

Zhao Xun was really taken aback.

What do you mean that the potatoes he made taste like the one made by Grandma Jielin?

good guy.
Zhao Xun didn't know whether to be happy or sad.

"Haha, as long as you like it."

For a moment, Zhao Xun could only think of this method to answer the conversation.

"I mean, my grandma used to make me mashed potatoes. That was when I was very young. I didn't like to eat bread at that time, because the bread in our place was basically black bread, very It was hard. I was very young and my teeth were not very good, so eating bread was an extremely painful thing for me.”

"Later, my grandma made delicious food for me so that I could eat more and absorb more nutrients. I have eaten all kinds of soups and some desserts, but The mashed potatoes are the one that I can’t forget. The taste of mashed potatoes is really special. The feeling of softness in the mouth is really unforgettable.”


Hearing what Jielin said was so emotional, Zhao Xun didn't seem to be lying in his heart.

It seems that the mashed potatoes really left Jaylin with many good memories.

Memories that belong exclusively to him and his grandma.

It's just that Zhao Xun has always been a little puzzled. People say that eating potatoes can help you grow taller.How did Jaylin eat so much mashed potatoes and still be so short?
Of course, it was impossible for Zhao Xun to ask this sentence.

The most important thing to be a human being is to have a high EQ. If you don't have a high EQ, you won't be able to hang around for a long time.

"The best thing about potatoes is that they are delicious in color, flavor, or lack of shortcomings."

Zhao Xun nodded and said: "There are very few ingredients that have so many advantages of potatoes. So it's understandable that you like potatoes. Because potatoes are a popular delicacy. Potato salad, please enjoy it slowly. There will be a bowl of vegetables in a while Soup, it is the most greasy."

"Wow, junior brother, you are too considerate, I love you."

Lu Guangdou, the sixth senior brother, took the conversation very inappropriately.

Zhao Xun was so embarrassed.

He originally said this to Jielin, why is Sixth Senior Brother joining in the fun here!
But since the Sixth Senior Brother has already said so, it is not easy for him to pick up any more words.

A good feast has to be disturbed by him.

"Hahahaha, I really didn't expect that what you are best at in the academy is not cultivation but cooking. I seriously doubt that when the head of the mountain accepted you as a disciple, what he valued was not your talent in literature and cultivation, but you A talent for cooking."

hold back, hold back
Zhao Xun kept telling himself in his heart that he should not be angry, and he must not be angry at this time.

It's not the first time he's heard this kind of words, sixth brother Lu Guangdou just said again what he doesn't like to hear, what's the matter?
Furthermore, sometimes there are some things, you still have to have a certain amount of heart.

Manly man, don't be so mother-in-law and mother-in-law, entangled endlessly about some details, it really doesn't make sense.

"Eat vegetables, eat vegetables"

Soon this slightly embarrassing potluck was over.

Zhao Xun behaved decently from the beginning to the end, and did not fight with the sixth senior brother Lu Guang.

In his opinion, there is really no need to argue, as long as he bears with it for a while, some things will pass.

As for the teacher Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi, he performed quite well.

He didn't say much, but ate the food quietly.

After the potluck was over, it was natural to go to the camp to rest.

The patriarch of the dwarves, Jielin, didn't know if it was because of his cannibalism, so he specially ordered someone to prepare a very good bamboo building for Zhao Xun and others.

The scale of this bamboo building is about to catch up with the one in Zhongnan Mountain.

Zhao Xun was naturally very pleased.

This made him feel like he was back in the academy.

He has a lot of sleep problems.The most important thing is not to be disturbed by others during sleep, and sleep very lightly.

Once someone disturbs you, you won't be able to fall back asleep after waking up.

So Zhao Xun can get a good sleep quality if he is camping outside.

Because in the wild, the sky is the quilt and the ground is the bed, it is difficult to ask for any conditions.

But if conditions permit, Zhao Xun still hopes to have a good sleep alone.

If you live with others, you will inevitably encounter roommates snoring.

In this way, it is simply to face the most painful thing in the world.

So this arrangement of Jielin satisfied Zhao Xun, at least he didn't have to worry about sleeping anymore.

The sound insulation effect of the bamboo building can still be guaranteed, so basically there will be no insomnia.

Zhao Xun has been exhausted all day, and he just wants to have a good rest at this time.

The next period is the most critical period, and he can only make a reasonable judgment if he maintains enough energy.

Otherwise, it is likely to face an extremely embarrassing situation.

Zhao Xun fell into a deep sleep until he realized someone was shaking him.

Are you dreaming?
It seems to be, but it seems not to be.

Zhao Xun opened his eyes in desperation, and what he saw was the very familiar face of Lu Guangdou, the sixth senior brother.

It was somewhat strange to see the face of Sixth Senior Brother at such a close distance.

Zhao Xun was taken aback, and instinctively jumped up.

"Senior Brother Six, why don't you sleep, it's the middle of the night"

Zhao Xun didn't have the nerve to finish the second half of the sentence, what he wanted to say was Brother Six, you don't sleep in the middle of the night, why come here to scare people?
"Little brother, you can still sleep. Didn't you hear the shouts of killing outside the house? The Corruptor launched a night attack!"


Zhao Xun was numb when he heard this.

"The Corruptor launched a night attack? How could it be so fast?"

"Oh, who knows, it can only be said that the Corruptors are too good at pretending. At first they sold a loophole to make the dwarves feel that they were vulnerable and let their guard down. Then they launched a surprise attack at night when they were most relaxed. At this time The dwarves must have been unprepared. The chance of the Corruptors has come. Oh, let's not talk so much, let's go to the battle first."

"it is good"

Zhao Xun's mood at the moment is also very complicated.

For him, the present is the best time to face the Corruptor, but he faces an extremely serious problem, that is, his night vision ability is not very good.

Not only is his night vision poor, but the night vision of the academy disciples is average.

This is not the fault of the academy disciples, it is because people's night vision ability is very poor.

In contrast, cats have strong night vision capabilities, such as lions and tigers. The reason why they mostly hunt at night is to rely on their extremely powerful night vision capabilities.

With night vision ability, you have unlimited possibilities, and you will take the lead in the dark night.

The Corruptor chose to launch a surprise attack at night, so Zhao Xun couldn't help but think that the Corruptor's night vision ability would be very strong.

After all, they are monsters driven and manipulated by magic, and it is normal for them to have strong night vision.

"Oh, I suddenly thought of something!"

Zhao Xun slapped his head fiercely, and then continued: "The night vision ability of the werewolves is quite powerful, we should call the werewolves to help."

"Oh, it's too late. There's no time to call a werewolf now."

Long Qingquan couldn't laugh or cry.

"Little brother, the most urgent task now is to go to the dwarf camp as soon as possible to see what is going on on the battlefield."

"Oh yes."

Zhao Xun did make some mistakes in his busy schedule.

Sometimes people still have to maintain a certain degree of rationality and calmness. If they cannot maintain rationality and calmness, they are likely to make mistakes.

"Well, I'll go and see the situation on the battlefield right now, and then we'll make calculations."

At this moment, the night sky has been lit up by the flames as if it were daytime.

The leader of the dwarves, Jaylin, looked ashen, and he no longer had the confidence he had during the day.

After nightfall, a sentinel sent an alarm saying that the Corruptor had moved.

At that time, Jielin dispatched troops and made preparations.

Sure enough, the Corruptor launched a swift night attack next.

This time, the army of the undead was still the main force, but some other demon soldiers were added.

Its impact is completely different from that during the day.

Jelin could immediately come to the conclusion that the Corruptor was just pretending!
The purpose of their deliberately weak appearance is to confuse the dwarves.

Once the dwarves take it lightly, the Corruptor can have an even stronger desire to fight.

In this way, the gap between one piece and one relaxation is obvious.

"so hard"

Jellin did feel a little hopeless.

He didn't know how the situation became like this, but in terms of the current situation, it was very difficult to hold the position.

Just when Jielin was feeling desperate, he suddenly saw some figures moving in his direction.

At first, Jaylin thought it was his eyesight, but after repeated confirmations, Jaylin confirmed that he was right!

The people who came were indeed allies, from the Academy!

"Zhao Xun, you came at the right time. The Corruptors have already launched a general attack. Their night attack must have been premeditated. The daytime battle is a loophole they deliberately sold, and their purpose is to lower our defenses."

When he said this, Jaylin's mood seemed very decadent and depressed.

For them, this is undoubtedly a huge test.

If you can't pass this test, the entire dwarves will face annihilation.

And if the dwarves can't hold on, the entire academy alliance will be in danger.

Because the camp of the dwarves is the first line of defense of the entire academy alliance, it is expected to be high.

If the first line of defense is penetrated so easily, it means that there will be a series of chain reactions in the future.

And these chain reactions are certainly not what they want to see.

"Don't worry, things are indeed a little sudden, but the situation is not so bad that it is out of control. At least so far everything is still under control. Relax, let's see what happens next."

Zhao Xun tried his best to cheer up the dwarf leader.

Because he knows that the general is the soul of an army.

If Jaylin's anger is lost, the morale of the dwarves will plummet, and it will be difficult to continue to gather together.

But if their morale hadn't drained, things would have been different.

As long as the will is united, as long as the Corruptors work together, there is no chance of turning the tables in the face of desperation.

Of course, the premise of everything is that they can withstand it.

"I'll send a signal to the seniors in the academy to tell them to come quickly for reinforcements. Also, you should be able to accept reinforcements from other tribes, right?"

Zhao Xun still wanted to ask Jielin for his opinion in advance.

After all, Zhao Xun asked Jielin the same question during the day.

At that time, Zhao Xun wanted to mobilize elf archers to station in this area for a long time.

Of course, the situation now is completely different from the situation during the day.

During the day, the situation is completely under the control of the dwarves.

But this is not the case now, and now the entire Corruptor is charging with a rather violent offensive posture.

If this model is followed, they may not be able to withstand it.

Sure enough, this time Jaylin gave in.

He nodded repeatedly and said, "Okay, okay, let them come quickly. Resisting the Corruptors is not the job of a single tribe of the dwarves. Since everyone is an alliance, they should have the strength to go to one place."


The situation is really getting out of control now.

But Zhao Xun still had to stabilize the situation.

The most important thing is not to panic in times of danger.

Soon under Zhao Xun's mediation, everyone in the academy alliance gathered together.

Among them, the patriarchs of the major tribes are basically there, and some main leaders who can speak are also gathered.

The current situation is extremely critical for the academy. If it can withstand this wave of offensive, then the situation it is facing can be said to be another village.

If you can't stand it, you may be defeated like a mountain.

Zhao Xun knew that it was time for him, as the leader of the academy alliance, to stand up and speak out.

"Everyone, don't panic, and listen to me. The Corruptor must have carefully considered the choice to attack in the middle of the night. The reason why they chose to do this is to surprise us all. But the situation is not so bad that it cannot be controlled. Then As long as we can deal with it calmly, we will still be able to resist this wave of Corruptor's offensive."

What Zhao Xun said was impassioned, hoping to inspire the pride and enterprising heart of the alliance members.

"No problem, we won't panic. The reason why the big guys want to form an alliance is to report to the group for warmth. The Corruptor wants our lives, and we naturally won't make it easy for the Corruptor. Just say it, we need to do it what."

The Terran Prince Harry Botsman was the first to speak out.

Harry Postman's attitude matters.

Because the human race is the largest tribe in the academy alliance.

Their opinion counts.

Zhao Xun nodded in satisfaction and said, "Now the Corruptors seem to be able to launch their offensive only through the cliffs. It seems difficult for them to reach Zhongnan Mountain by drilling tunnels before. So our main battlefield must be placed here."

Zhao Xun paused deliberately, seeing that everyone was listening carefully, and then continued: "Elves and humans must send people to join the defense system of the dwarves. Only relying on the defense system of the dwarves Defense, it's hard to really defend."

After Zhao Xun finished speaking, he continued, "Do you have any opinions?"

This was said to Prince Harry Botsman and Odyssey the Elf King.

Because there had been some unhappiness between the two of them, Zhao Xun had to ask their opinions in advance.

If this cannot be achieved, Zhao Xun would rather not deploy them together.

If the plan to fight the Corruptor is affected by the hatred and conflict between the two tribes, it would be too much to lose.

"I have no problem."

As the victim, the Terran Prince Harry Botsman was the first to express his opinion.

Next, Odyssey, the Elf King, also nodded and said, "I don't have any problems here. We can let go of our prejudices and finish this battle first."

Hearing this, Zhao Xun finally breathed a sigh of relief.

What he was most worried about just now was the Odyssey of the Elf King.

If Odyssey, the Elf King, had difficulty controlling his emotions, many things would be useless.

But after a period of adjustment and calming down, the Odyssey of the Elf King has returned to its normal state.

That's right, Zhao Xun doesn't want the elf king to explode, as long as he can maintain a normal state and not affect the academy's plans.

As for how to play next, it can only be said to be one step at a time.

"Another point is that the werewolves need to wander around and sense the breath of the Corruptor at any time. Once the Corruptor has a tendency to emerge from other places, report immediately."

Although the Corruptors haven't shown any signs of emerging from tunnels or other hidden places so far, Zhao Xun still has to prepare for the worst-case scenario.

Once the situation gets out of control, these means are necessary.

(End of this chapter)

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