big week bad guy

Chapter 387 Amazing Discovery

Chapter 387 Amazing Discovery (Super chapter of nearly 20000 words)
Wu Aolis silently watched the army of dead men charging up the mountain, his face was a bit stern.

Of course he doesn't care about the life and death of these dead legions, and even they themselves don't have any fear.

Because these soldiers of the dead army had already died once, but they were resurrected by black magic.

The resurrected Legionnaires of the Dead are still dead, nothing more than walking corpses.

They can move, they can fight, but that's about it.

They have no feeling, no pain, no emotion.

They're really just a bunch of moving zombies.

Therefore, it is necessary and most appropriate for these dead legions to act as vanguards to charge.

However, the current situation is still not very clear.

The initial advantage of the Corruptor's night attack is huge.

But this advantage began to slowly dissipate over time.

Maybe it's because the academy alliance called for reinforcements, maybe it's because more allies joined the alliance.

All in all, the pressure on the academy is getting smaller and smaller.

Then the pressure came to the Corruptor.

The accumulated stress will eventually overwhelm them if they delay opening up.

While Corruptors don't have emotions, they don't have fear.

But the other party will.

Once the academy alliance is confident, they will naturally become more and more courageous in the next battle.

Once the academy's self-confidence has accumulated to a certain level, it will be difficult for even corruptors to take advantage of them.


Wuoris took a deep breath, feeling the strong smell of blood in the air.

Most of the smell of blood came from the wounded and dead of the academy alliance army.

Because the Corruptors, especially the undead army of the dead, are already dead, and there is basically no blood left in their bodies.

In this case, even if they were killed again, nothing would change.

"Jeffren, how do you think the academy alliance will start this confrontation with us? The current situation can only be regarded as an appetizer, not a big deal."

"Well, that's true. Right now the academy is not doing its best, but we are not doing our best either. Isn't it?"


Wu Aolis paused, and smiled slightly: "The current situation is far more complicated than we imagined. It seems that the academy is more united than we imagined. But they have not shown their full strength for a long time. What is their purpose? , I still haven’t figured it out.”

"Maybe it's trying to confuse us. After all, the person who moves last can take advantage. The person who moves first is easy to be targeted."


Wu Aolis paused for a moment, and then continued: "If that's the case, then we really have to keep putting pressure on them, and we can't make them too comfortable."

Uorys has not now sent his strongest army.Because in his opinion, the battle has just begun, and both sides are in the stage of testing.

There is no need to use too much force at this stage.

Too much force, too early is not a good thing.

"So, in many cases, it depends on execution ability. Whoever has strong execution ability will be able to take advantage."

Jeffron seemed very confident. He believed that the strength of the Corruptor was not limited to that.

They may try their best to make the people in the academy look good at any time.


Wu Aolis pondered for a moment and then said: "Then when shall we exert our strength?"

"Wait a little longer and see if they have any backup. I still say the same thing, those who make the first effort in this duel are likely to be targeted, and those who make the most late will have the advantage."

Jeffron said leisurely: "We are not in a hurry. Our ultimate goal is to summon Satan and let Satan come to the world to rule the world. So we only need to be able to accomplish this goal. All the preparations made before this are for this Purpose."


Jeffron's words were very appetizing to Wu'oris, and Wu'oris smiled lightly: "It really makes people feel safe. What's more, the Emperor of Zhou hasn't done anything yet. What he promised before will be done. As for the Academy, we don’t know when they will choose to make a move.”

"I really don't understand the Emperor Da Zhou. When he promised before, he promised well, but when it's time for him to exert his strength, he seems to have changed his posture."

Jeffron frowned and said, "Could it be that the Emperor of Great Zhou is waiting for an opportunity to maximize his benefits?"

"It's hard to say. But I think there is a possibility."

Wu Aolis said: "In short, we should not have too many expectations and illusions for him. There is a saying that the greater the expectation, the greater the disappointment. The more illusions, the more disappointment."

"Tsk tsk tsk."

"If you look at it this way, the pressure we are facing is quite great. But we really shouldn't pin our hopes on other people. It is the right way to exert more force on ourselves and give more strength to ourselves."

"Well, it's better to ask others than to ask ourselves. This is the ancient and modern principle. All we can do is to do our best to maximize our potential."

"Yes, this way we can have a clear conscience, and Satan will not blame us."

"tsk tsk"

"I hope the night will come soon."

Wei Wuji, the Sword Master of Dongyue Jiange, was very excited.

At this moment, he has obtained an excellent opportunity to kill Emperor Xianlong.

It is reported that Emperor Xianlong will go out of the city to Taoyuan Village to farm in a few days.

This is the tradition of the emperors of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

Emperor Xianlong postponed it several times before due to various factors, but this time Emperor Xianlong could no longer postpone it.

Because the officials were furious, they knelt outside the palace gate to remonstrate.

Emperor Xianlong had to give an attitude anyway.

If not, these courtiers will not let him go.

In many cases, the emperor can't just go his own way.

Emperor Xianlong has achieved the ultimate level of an emperor, but even so, it is impossible for him to truly surpass his officials.

This is Wei Wuji's chance, he finally has the chance to take revenge.

Although the emperor would inevitably be surrounded by expert guards when he traveled, the chances were much greater than if he hid in the deep palace.

If Emperor Xianlong had been hiding in the deep palace, Wei Wuji would have to sneak into the palace to assassinate.

In this way, he not only has to face those opponents, but also faces the prohibition in the palace.

This restriction looks inconspicuous, but it can still restrict the practitioner's actions to a great extent.

Once the action is the first, the combat effectiveness of the practitioner will be greatly affected.

Practitioners who cannot maintain a high intensity are not much of a threat, especially to Emperor Xianlong who is guarded by countless masters.

Therefore, taking advantage of this opportunity for Emperor Xianlong to go out of the city to farm in person, Wei Wuji could not afford to make any mistakes.

The most important thing is to clarify who is the dog leg guarding Emperor Xianlong.

Only after figuring this out, can Wei Wuji deal with it in a targeted manner.

Zheng Jie?Feng Hao?
These two people can be regarded as Wei Wuji's old opponents, and they are simply Emperor Xianlong's right-hand men and protectors.

The absolute strength of the two is not Wei Wuji's opponent, but if they join hands, they may not have the strength to fight against Wei Wuji.

Of course, Wei Wuji also heard that Emperor Xianlong deliberately left Zheng Jie and Feng Hao in the cold recently, so he didn't know if the news was true or not.

Whether true or false, of course.

In short, Wei Wuji will make up his mind to cut off Emperor Xianlong's head.

What he was most afraid of was that the left and right guards guarding Emperor Xianlong were not Zheng Jie and Feng Hao but Yuan Tiangang and Master Huiyan.

Wei Wuji knew Yuan Tiangang's strength.Although the two of them haven't faced each other seriously, they should be equal in terms of strength.

As for Master Huiyan, he is known as the Grand Master of King Kong in the Western Regions, and his strength is evident.

Wei Wuji even felt that Master Huiyan might be stronger than him.

But the matter has come to this point, any fear should not be there.

Life and death are bearish, if you don't agree, just do it.

Wei Wuji felt that no one could stop him.

Except Shan Zhang!

But now the head of the mountain has broken with Emperor Xianlong, it is impossible to prevent him from killing Emperor Xianlong.

Moreover, the head of the mountain has to meet the invasion of the Corruptor and prepare for the opportunity to confront Satan.

Now is indeed the best opportunity for Wei Wuji.

But there is only one chance. If he still misses the chance this time, then it may be difficult to find such a good opportunity again.

Daming Palace, Zichen Palace.

Emperor Xianlong changed into the gown under the service of his servants.

The emperor's clothes are the clothes worn by the emperor when attending various important ceremonies and ceremonies. The specifications belong to the highest level among the many clothes of the emperor.

Immediately after Emperor Xianlong put on his uniform, he felt much refreshed.

His temperament really matches the emperor's supreme gown.

Emperor Xianlong sat in front of the bronze mirror for a long time in satisfaction, and then nodded in satisfaction.

"Not bad, it's really good. The embroidery of this Dagon suit is very good, and the treatment of the gold thread is just right. I'm very satisfied."

"Your Majesty, it took Jiangnan embroiderers three years to embroider this uniform. The patterns on it have been carefully compared with those of the manufacturing office in the palace to ensure that there will be no The problem!"

Seeing that Emperor Xianlong was so happy today, the servant serving Emperor Xianlong couldn't help saying a few more words with a smile on his face.

But who knows that just after he finished speaking, Emperor Xianlong said with a straight face: "Who told you to talk too much. Slap your mouth!"

The waiter couldn't help being stunned.

He really didn't understand what he said was wrong, but his instinct told him not to go against His Majesty's will.

"The servant is too talkative, the servant deserves to die. Please forgive me, Your Majesty, please forgive me."

He yanked his mouth fiercely, and instantly scarlet palm prints appeared on the servant's face.

But the servant didn't dare to stop at all, because Emperor Xianlong didn't call to stop.

If he stopped at this time, what awaited him would be an even more miserable end.

In any case, he could not offend Emperor Xianlong's Tianwei, this is the bottom line and the principle.

Eunuchs are not like foreign ministers, their power comes entirely from the emperor, and their life and death are at the emperor's whim.

So they must please the emperor, not for honor or disgrace, but for life and death.

If they want to live, they have to look at the emperor's face, there is no other way.


Perhaps it was because the little eunuch slapped his mouth too loudly, which disturbed Emperor Xianlong, and Emperor Xianlong finally yelled angrily.

The little eunuch stopped immediately in fright.

"Get out of here for me."

Emperor Xianlong shouted loudly, and the little eunuch retreated out immediately.

At this moment, his back was already drenched with sweat from fright.At this moment, the little eunuch seemed to be pardoned.

Companion to the king is like companion to the tiger, there really is nothing wrong with what the elder eunuchs said.

He had been very careful just now, but he still touched the emperor's scales.

Fortunately, he reacted quickly enough, otherwise he might really lose his life because of it.

In the palace, especially in front of the imperial court, one must not talk too much.

When the master asks a question, he answers it.

Master didn't ask more questions, so he shouldn't answer more.

More to say more wrong, less to say less wrong, not to say good.

Talking too much may offend His Majesty's taboo.

And it won't work if you don't say anything.

His Majesty the Emperor will feel that he is served by a stupid wooden man.

Oh, it's so difficult.

At this moment, the little eunuch realized that being on duty in front of the imperial court was not as good a job as he imagined.

He has so much to learn.

If you are not careful, your head may fall to the ground.

After the little eunuch left, an old eunuch was replaced to wait for Emperor Xianlong to change his clothes.

This old eunuch obviously knows the rules better than the young eunuch.

This satisfied Emperor Xianlong tentatively.

Of course, he didn't want to put himself in a bad mood before the plowing ceremony.

If so, he would not be able to maintain the majestic father figure throughout the ceremony.

If it was a normal day, even if he didn't kill the little eunuch, he would definitely have someone drag him out and beat him with the court staff as a punishment.

There are rules in the palace, only by following these rules can the palace operate normally, and the nobles in the palace can live comfortably.

If not, everyone would think of what to say, and the chicken with a mouth and a duck with a mouth would have turned the sky upside down?
Emperor Xianlong valued legitimacy and rules more than anything else.

Because this is the basis of imperial power and the basis of rule.

If the subjects of the world no longer believe in these things, the foundation of Emperor Xianlong's rule will be shaken.

Once the foundation of Emperor Xianlong's rule was shaken, the entire Great Zhou Dynasty would be in turmoil.

Of course, these were not what Emperor Xianlong wanted to see.

So he will do his best to maintain this order.

To maintain this order is to maintain the rule itself.

The same is true of the plowing ceremony in essence.

Because Dazhou is a farming country, the people in the whole country live a self-sufficient life.

If people are lazy and don't do farming, it will largely lead to a crisis in the rule of the entire empire.

So no matter how disdainful and reluctant Emperor Xianlong was for farming, he had to make some concessions and compromises.

He was forced to ask himself to participate in farming in order to set an example for all people in the world.

After all, even the Son of Heaven has personally plowed the crops, so what reason can the people of the world not take good care of the crops?

As soon as the preparations were completed, Emperor Xianlong began to stride into his imperial carriage.

For Emperor Xianlong, the journey out of the city was very long.

Even though the entire road had been paved with green bricks, the carriage was much more comfortable to drive on, but it was still a big challenge for Emperor Xianlong who lived in the deep palace all day long.

Before practicing, Emperor Xianlong even suffered from motion sickness.

But now, there is no doubt that the situation is much better, at least he will no longer have inexplicable motion sickness.

But the whole process is still extremely boring and tedious.

If it wasn't for protecting his image as a Mingjun, Emperor Xianlong would never have done this anyway.

"Get off."

Following the old eunuch's chanting, the imperial carriage ran quickly.

After leaving Miyagi, the carriage will be escorted by the imperial guards.

The entire army will defend around Emperor Xianlong.

Master Huiyan will follow after that.

This is the result of Emperor Xianlong's persistent request.

With Master Huiyan by his side to show Emperor Long, he would feel at ease, and there would be no panic in his heart.

If not, Emperor Xianlong always felt empty in his heart.

That feeling can drive people crazy.

Emperor Xianlong valued his own life more than anything else.

So every time he goes out of town, he has to make sure everything is safe.

Although Taoyuan Village, where he went out of the city to cultivate himself this time, was on the edge of Chang'an City, Emperor Xianlong still ordered people to do a detailed investigation and check out the locations before that, to ensure that there would be no youngsters murdering Junfu.

Emperor Xianlong knew that the Corruptor was fighting fiercely with the academy, but he didn't want to enter the field so early.

He did promise the Corruptors that he would take action against the academy, but he never promised a time.

Maybe it was when the Corruptor and the academy were both wounded, maybe when the academy was on the verge of defeat, or when the head of the mountain was besieged.

Anyway, definitely not now.

If Emperor Xianlong attacked at this time, it would be cheaper for the Corruptor.

Emperor Xianlong would never do things that let others take advantage of him.

In many cases, what is needed is not just an explanation, but a process.

But Emperor Xianlong was not someone who valued the process.

So even at the last moment, Emperor Xianlong would not be in a hurry.

Now that the Corruptor has already started, let the Corruptor and the academy dog ​​bite the dog now.

There is no turning back when the bow is opened. At this time, even if the Corruptor wants to return, he has no chance.

For some reason, Master Huiyan felt that something important would happen today.

His premonition was so strong that Master Huiyan became upset for a while.

"Good, good, monks shouldn't be so irritable."

Master Huiyan deliberately calmed down while twisting the beads.

In his opinion, calming down is not an easy task.

But now he needs to concentrate on doing it without the slightest distraction.

Even the slightest distraction can be fatal.

Because if something happens, it's a big deal.

The matter is likely to be related to Emperor Xianlong.

Emperor Xianlong was not a qualified king in the true sense, and he even performed very poorly in some aspects.

But even so, since Master Huiyan had already hugged Emperor Xianlong's thigh tightly, there was no reason to let go at this time.

In any case, Emperor Xianlong played a very active role in the spread of Western Tantric Buddhism in the Central Plains.

With this alone, Master Huiyan can't have any other thoughts.

He can only be tied to death with Emperor Xianlong.

As for the prince, King Qi.

Even if these people really succeed in succeeding the Great Treasure, they will not be able to offer a higher price than Emperor Xianlong in the end.

That being the case, why did Master Huiyan bother this time in vain?Isn't this a thankless task?

Therefore, Master Huiyan has made up his mind that he must ensure the absolute safety of Emperor Xianlong.

Today is the day to go out of the city to do the farming. For Emperor Xianlong, this is just an ordinary ceremony that can no longer be ordinary.Even Emperor Xianlong would not notice any sense of crisis.

But in Master Huiyan's view, the danger is still quite huge.

There must be someone who wants to assassinate the king.

The threat facing Emperor Xianlong today is no less dangerous than when the High Priest of the Demon Sect led his troops to besiege Chang'an City.

So the time has come for Master Huiyan to take action.

Master Huiyan must ensure that he is in absolute concentration.

Because he had a vague premonition that the person who made the shot this time should be strong, at least at the level of a grand master.

There are only a handful of great masters in the world, and there are only a few who can pose a threat to Emperor Xianlong.

The head of the mountain will not take action, and after thinking about it, only Wei Wuji and the high priest of the Mozong could kill Emperor Xianlong.

One is the Sword Master of Dongyue, and the other is the leader of the Demon Sect.

Both of them have extraordinary strength.

But as long as Master Huiyan is more careful, neither of them has much chance.

Confidence comes from strength. Master Huiyan has strength, so he can be extremely confident.

Wei Wuji put on a disguise, and now he is mingling with the crowd as a hunter.

His height, weight and other images are in line with his current setting.

In order to assassinate Emperor Xianlong, he really went all out.

Of course, Wei Wuji also knew very well that even if he put in so much effort and put in so much effort, if he wanted to really kill Emperor Xianlong, he would have to fight hard.

There are always dog legs around the emperor, and there are more than one dog legs.

So Wei Wuji knew very well that he only had one chance.

If you miss this time, there is basically no possibility of continuing.

"This time I will succeed no matter what."

Wei Wuji clenched his fists and encouraged himself over and over again.

He knows that through constant psychological suggestion, his probability of success will increase accordingly.

Of course, no one was quite sure what was going to happen until the last moment.

At least for now, Wei Wuji has given everything.

Emperor Xianlong, Emperor Xianlong, you never thought I would come again, did you?

The mantis catches the cicada and the oriole is behind.

You lured the corruptors to fight with the academy, and wanted to reap the benefits, but I didn't expect that I was the one hiding behind it.

When you think that others are chess pieces, you don't know that you have also entered the chess game.

And it's still a dead end.

After Wei Wuji practiced in closed doors for a period of time, his sword intent had skyrocketed at this moment.

What Wei Wuji practiced was the Worldly Sword.

The sword of entering the world requires practitioners to have a heart of entering the world, even in the face of difficult situations, they must have the confidence to win.

It's not easy, because swords in the world often require blood sacrifices.

The blood sacrifice itself needs the blood of the strong, preferably the blood of the powerful.

Emperor Xianlong is the best choice.

This time Wei Wuji will never miss again.

"Well, this wave of the Corruptor's offensive has finally been temporarily suppressed."

Looking at the sky turning white, Zhao Xun breathed a sigh of relief.It is not easy for him to support until now.

Of course, the teammates who fought side by side with him were also exhausted.

The elves, humans, and allies of the academy alliance including werewolves and dragons have all played to their extreme.

The best chance for the Corruptors is now over.

The pressure they are facing right now is quite enormous.

If they can't swallow the Academy in one bite, they have to find another way.

But since the Academy Alliance has become vigilant, it is naturally impossible to let the Corruptor do whatever they want like before.

The Corruptors are actually taking advantage of a sneak attack. If they really fight openly, they may not be able to take advantage of it.

Now that the academy alliance has undergone some adjustments by Zhao Xun, its combat power has been greatly improved, and there are basically no shortcomings and obvious loopholes.

Even those tribes that were previously sowed by the Corruptor have now regained their sanity.

Especially the elves and humans, these are one of the best tribes in the Alan Lore continent.

If they can't control their emotions, they will face a disaster that is completely unattainable.

Fortunately, the situation finally stabilized.This still makes Zhao Xun feel gratified.

"It's a pity that the Corruptors should have only retreated temporarily. Since they are servants of Satan, and since they obey Satan's orders, it is impossible for them to admit defeat so willingly."

The third brother Long Qingquan answered a sentence inappropriately, Zhao Xun wanted to roll his eyes when he heard it.

He thought to himself, Third Senior Brother, Third Senior Brother, why don't you recite a little bit.You have to make everyone depressed and emo before you are willing to let it go, right?

Forget it, he didn't want to argue with the third brother Long Qingquan on these aspects, now that he had finally repelled the Corruptor, he just needed a wave of relief.

Humans are not robots. If the clockwork is fully wound and there is no chance to rest, it is impossible for anyone to survive.

Of course Zhao Xun didn't want himself to end up with a mental breakdown.

So to take advantage of this rare interval, he must have enough rest time for recovery.

So, how to rest?
"I think we should have a song party."

Zhao Xun cleared his throat and said: "Since the atmosphere is very tense, I think everyone should come and sing. Of course, some positive and uplifting songs must be sung, which will help boost morale."

The decadent music that is popular in Pingkangfang is definitely not acceptable.These songs are too soft and gentle, it is easy to make people want to lie flat.

It's not wrong to want to lie down, the key is how to lie down at the right time.

If there is a problem with the timing of lying down, it will provoke public outrage.

For example, at present, when the enemy is present, the Corruptor may overturn and pierce the defense of the academy alliance at any time.

Lying flat at this time is obviously not a wise move.

Normal people should not choose to lie flat at this time.

"Okay, this proposal from my junior brother is good."

Lu Guangdou, the sixth senior brother, is known as the voice of nature, and he is the leader in the academy's singing circle. He can even sing some ancient tunes, and he can sing very well. He is a model of versatility.

Seeing Zhao Xun's proposal to sing, Lu Guangdou was the first to stand up and express his support.

Long Qingquan was also very satisfied and said: "Well, this little brother's method is really good. We really need something to motivate us right now. Singing should be the best choice."

"Of course, there's one more thing."

Zhao Xun saw that there were basically no objections from everyone, and most of them were in support, so he cleared his throat and said: "We have to respect other major tribes, and we can understand what we can't sing. Otherwise, there will be no singing festival meaning."

"That's reasonable. In my opinion, it's better for each tribe to produce a song. This is the most fair way, and no one will talk about it."


Zhao Xun thought about it carefully, and it should be the best choice for a tribe to release a song.

"Just do it."

The atmosphere of the dwarf camp in Zhongnan Mountain in the distance was very harmonious, which also made the head of Haoran Academy Zhongshan feel good.

In Shan Chang's view, spiritual practice is a very important thing, and fighting is also very important, but the most important thing is life.

What is life?

Life is not survival.

These are completely two concepts.

Survival is to survive, as long as you can get enough food, enough water, and enough space, you can survive.

But life is different.

Life is about quality.

If the quality of life is too poor, then there is no point in surviving.

Life is all about style, and no matter what, you must show something different.

Although it sounds a bit pretentious, it is actually so important.

Shan Chang is a person who seeks the ultimate meaning of life.

When he opened up such a paradise in Zhongnan Mountain, he wanted to explore the ultimate of life under extreme circumstances.

It stands to reason that this is already a place like a peach blossom garden.

The disciples of the academy don't have to worry about food or clothing, and they can practice freely all day long.

Is this all there is to life?

of course not!

It's just the face of life.

If a person is only satisfied with this, then he will never have a big breakthrough.

Whether it is in the realm of practice or other aspects of life.

Life is about exploring.

This is the truth that the head of the mountain has realized recently.

Only through continuous exploration can we understand why people are different. Maybe the same thing done by different people will have completely different results.

This is caused by different gaps in different people.

Many times people are immersed in the so-called self-world, they abandon thinking, just follow what others say.

It is impossible for such a person to understand why people live in this world.

Of course, once upon a time, the head of the mountain was also such a person.

But later he was not reconciled to this, so he began to seek enlightenment.

He closed himself off by himself, and began to ask himself to seek to understand life like a Zen practitioner.

He cultivates bamboo, flowers and grass, and comprehends the essence of life through contact with nature.

Every time you feel something, you can feel something completely different, and every time you feel the mountain leader, you can gain something new.This is precisely what he cares most about.

With these attentions, the head of the mountain transformed.

This is also the most critical factor for the straight-line improvement of his cultivation realm over the years.

Of course, many people can't see it.

What Shan Chang seeks is not only personal attainment, but also a breakthrough in the way of heaven.

It is easy to say to break through the way of heaven, but it is not easy to truly achieve the ultimate.

The head of the mountain has been searching for what is the way of heaven, and now he understands.

The so-called way of heaven is to eradicate all injustices in the world.

Those who refuse to accept will hit you.

This is not only applicable to the Emperor Xianlong, but also to everything in the world.

Heaven and earth are not benevolent and regard all things as cud dogs.

Since the world is not benevolent, the head of the mountain will teach the world a lesson.

If you don't accept it, you can defeat it, and God is no exception.

This is the way of the mountain chief, and this is the way of the academy.

As for Zhao Xun now, he is the closest existence to the head of the mountain so far.

Although Zhao Xun is not yet mature in some details, but at least in some aspects he is infinitely close to the head of the mountain.

This made the head of the mountain very satisfied.

After all, not everyone can achieve the ultimate all at once.

Zhao Xun's talent is extremely high and his comprehension is very good, so Zhao Xun has a good chance to reach the height of the mountain leader.

As for whether it can reach this height, no one can say at present.

The head of the mountain can only say that he is optimistic about Zhao Xun.

Sometimes you can't blindly spoil the children, but let them show their talents and talents.

Now Shanchang is showing a process of letting go.

Of course, he didn't completely let go, and he didn't care about everything.

He was still observing Zhao Xun silently in the dark.If Zhao Xun needed his help, he would still lend a helping hand without hesitation.

Of course, everything is under the premise of ensuring that Zhao Xun's life is not threatened.

If Zhao Xun's own life is threatened, then the head of the mountain will immediately put down all the work at hand and rush to rescue Zhao Xun from danger without hesitation.

This is not easy, because everyone is staring at it, even if the head of the mountain has the opportunity, it will not be so easy.

But sometimes things are like this, and enough possibilities must be given to burst out with sufficient strength and fighting spirit.

Sometimes people's willpower is improved through hard work.

The head of the mountain is very optimistic about Zhao Xun's great improvement in this catastrophe, and he also hopes that after this catastrophe, Zhao Xun can open his eyes and understand the way of heaven.

There are many ways to relax, but singing is undoubtedly the most stress-relieving one.

At least Zhao Xun felt that the pressure in his whole body was swept away after a hoarse roar.

This is not easy, because most of the time people have to bear all kinds of pressure.

For various reasons, or because of various other factors.

All in all, staying rational is not as easy as you might think.

During this Corruptor's invasion, Zhao Xun was on the verge of collapse and despair several times.But in the end he held on, and survived.

This is still very important.

Now Zhao Xun's ability to resist pressure and fight against blows has made great progress and improvement.As long as he can maintain a good momentum, Zhao Xun believes that he can still get a great improvement in the future.

Of course, the premise of everything is that Zhao Xun can last until then.

In the final analysis, it still depends on the result of their battle with the Corruptor.

If the academy alliance wins, everyone will be happy.If it fails, there is no doubt that it will face huge challenges.

But Zhao Xun will not have any fear.

Fear is an emotion only for cowards. The brave are fearless, the brave will not look for reasons, and the brave will only face difficulties.

Emperor Xianlong sat on the carriage with his eyes closed and meditated.

The gold-plated carriage drove slowly on the Zhuque Street paved with bluestone roads, and the imperial guards had already cleared the road.

The onlookers looked forward to seeing the face of the emperor from afar.

If it was in the early years, Emperor Xianlong would be interested in raising the curtain of the car and waving to the onlookers.

But now he doesn't feel that way anymore.

Because he's used to it.

When a person has developed a habit, it means that he takes many things for granted and should be taken for granted.

He will take it for granted that these people bow down to him and the emperor.

Once such sentiment arises, there will be no action to be friendly to the people.

Emperor Xianlong's current state is roughly like this.

He has been too lazy to show that he loves the people like a son, and is too lazy to show that he is a generation of wise and mighty sages.

Because in his opinion, that's who he is.

Since this is the case, why bother to cover it up?

Everything has become a streamlined thing, everything has become a revolving lantern.

Emperor Xianlong's personal plowing this time was just a show.

But these people believe it is true.

Emperor Xianlong once thought these common people were ridiculous.

When people get older, their thinking and ways of thinking about problems are completely different from when they were young.

At least so far, Emperor Xianlong didn't think it was a good thing for a monarch to get too close to the people.

Because what the king wants is a sense of mystery, a sense of superiority.

If he gets too close to the people, there is no doubt that the people will think that the king is very ordinary, a person of flesh and blood just like them.

Once the king makes the people feel this way, disaster will come.

How can a king be an ordinary person?Even if this is the case, it cannot give people this feeling when promoting it.

At this moment, Emperor Xianlong could clearly feel the awe of the people from the bottom of their hearts, and this awe was precisely caused by the sense of alienation.

If Emperor Xianlong had been extremely close to the people from the very beginning, the people would certainly not be so full of awe in their eyes now.

In life, grass grows in autumn.

Emperor Xianlong didn't know if he could really live to be [-] years old, or if he could successfully become an immortal after crossing the catastrophe.

If neither of these can be achieved, Emperor Xianlong will eventually die and turn into a dead bone one day.

Therefore, Emperor Xianlong must enjoy himself in time.

Take every opportunity to enjoy.

As a king, he can get the best of everything in this world, but only when he is alive.

People die like lights go out.Everything will disappear like smoke.

Before that, Emperor Xianlong must earn enough capital.

Even if he tried his best, he would not be in vain to be a king.

The arrival of the Corruptor this time did give him a chance to come back.

Originally, Emperor Xianlong felt that he would be under the pressure of the head of the mountain and the academy for the rest of his life.But now he sees the hope of completely eradicating the Academy.

As long as there is a chance, Emperor Xianlong will definitely give it a go.Even if he bears infinite infamy because of this, he feels that he will not hesitate.

Sometimes people still need the courage to face danger.

As a king, he must dare to gamble. If he wins the bet, he is the only supreme of the Great Zhou.

There was nothing to say all night, and the sun rose as usual the next morning.

It seems that everything in this world may change, but the sun will not change.

Dongsheng sunset, day and night alternate, repeating the cycle.

It's like the birth, old age, sickness and death of people.

Zhao Xun felt a little dizzy after waking up, which should be the sequelae of last night's hangover.

Originally, Zhao Xun didn't want to get drunk.

But when I sang, I was really too high, so I got greedy and drank more.

Alcohol drinking is really different from person to person.

Some people drink more, so they can drink more.

Some people drink less, and it's okay to drink less.

The most critical is a state.

When the state is reached, nothing matters.

But if the status is not enough, there is still a big gap.

Zhao Xun's drinking capacity can't be considered high, it can be considered moderate at best.

So he still retains some basic awareness when drinking, that is, try not to drink too much.

When a person clearly knows where his drinking limit is, he will deliberately control it, which at least means that this person is a person who knows how to control himself, not a person who has no reason to let himself go.

Indulging oneself will only make people in absolute indulgence, and it will be difficult for this person to make any major breakthroughs if things go on like this.

Zhao Xun is a person who has extremely strict requirements on himself, so naturally he will not indulge himself.

In many cases, people need to have a limit. Zhao Xun doesn't want to reach the level of a saint, but he can't become some clown.

After getting acquainted, Zhao Xun saw Jielin in military uniform and armor.

The patriarch of the dwarves has apparently fully recovered from last night's indulgent carnival.

At this moment, he has switched to that incomparably powerful leader role again.


"Morning, Zhao Xun."

"How is it now, are the Corruptors launching an offensive again?"

Zhao Xun is still very concerned about this, because the Corruptors posed a huge threat to the Academy Alliance Army last night.

If it weren't for the timely layout of the academy, which attracted the two powerful forces of the human race and the elf race, it might not be able to withstand the attack of the Corruptor.

Sometimes the two sides are competing with one momentum, if they can gain the upper hand in momentum, they will soon have an absolute advantage in the future.

On the contrary, if you are on the weaker side in terms of momentum, then obviously you will also be at a disadvantage in battle.

So far, the academy has not lost in momentum, so Zhao Xun is still very relieved.

"Well, they launched another tentative attack in the early hours of this morning, but this time their attack was far less violent than last night. They should just want to test the waters."

When Jielin said this, he looked a little tired.

Zhao Xun thought about it carefully, and it seemed to be the same reason.

After all, Zhao Xun woke up naturally after falling asleep after last night, and Jie Lin had to get up early in the morning to command the battle.

Although it did not lead to any immeasurable consequences in the end, Jielin did not open his eyes.

During the whole process, Jaylin must have been extremely nervous.

It is about the happiness of his whole family, and Jielin must show all his determination.

Fortunately, in the end, the Corruptor only launched a symbolic offensive, and didn't want to really fight hard.

Jaylin also felt relieved.

"Well, it's good that it's okay. I guess this tug-of-war will continue for quite a long time, and I don't think it will end in a short time."

Zhao Xun smiled bitterly, and then continued: "Next, we have to spend more time on the components of the defense system. In fact, I think the Corruptor is now trying to see how we can take down us with the least cost. .We can’t let the other party succeed through trial and error so easily. If the other party finds the optimal solution so easily, we will have to worry about the next thing.”


How could Jaylin not understand this truth?

Jaelin knew very well that the Corruptor would not let them off easily.

This attack was only tentative, but what about the next time?What about next time?
Who can guarantee that the Corruptor will not try his best, and who can guarantee that the Corruptor will not fight them desperately?

"Hey, I didn't expect the Corruptors to mobilize almost all their strength this time. This time, they probably moved all the old people from the continent of Alan Lore."

When he said this, Jaylin was somewhat mocking.

"Uh, you mean that the Corruptor didn't have many people left on the continent of Alan Lore in order to invade the Great Zhou World this time?"

"Sure. Look at this scale. Even if the undead can summon the army of the dead at will, but his backbone necromancer must be brought. Every necromancer can summon in a certain period of time The number of undead skeletons is limited. All of a sudden, the undead tribe made such a huge army of dead people. It can only explain one thing, that is, they brought almost all the undead magicians. The situation of the demon tribe is roughly the same. So I said this time They really paid for it.”

What Jielin said was clear and logical, and Zhao Xun listened carefully.

In Zhao Xun's mind, the magic summoning technique of the undead clan can always be used indefinitely.

But from what Jie Lin said, it seems that this kind of undead magic summoning technique also has a CD?
This is simply a very important discovery.

In Zhao Xun's view, as long as the magic has a CD, it will be easy to handle. Those who have the CD will have a chance to catch it, and they will be able to use this gap to make a big fuss if they have the CD.

"Well, then we should be able to use this gap to do something?"


Jielin heard Zhao Xun's implication, but then he sighed and said, "Actually, I thought so too at first. But didn't you realize that we have no chance to destroy their necromancers at all. We We have been in the passive stage of being beaten, even if the opponent stops for a moment, we can't notice it. Even if we capture this gap just right, can we rush out and kill the necromancer among thousands of horses?"

Jielin's words undoubtedly poured a basin of cold water on his head, which greatly changed Zhao Xun's mood.

This doesn't work and that doesn't work, so it's too difficult for them.

In the final analysis, it is because the Corruptor is the active party, and the academy alliance can only start targeted changes according to the change of the Corruptor.

This kind of hysteresis has caused them to only have the power to parry, but not to fight back.

It's fine if it's just for a while, but it's not a solution for a long time.

Zhao Xun rested his chin with one hand, lost in thought.

This movement amused Long Qingquan, the third brother beside him, after all, this was his signature movement.

"Haha, little brother, can you stop imitating my movements all the time, it's almost making me laugh."


Only then did Zhao Xu realize that the third senior brother, Long Qingquan, was also beside him, and he showed an embarrassed but polite smile.

"Hahaha, third senior brother, third senior brother, no problem, no problem. I won't do this move in the future."

The scene was very embarrassing for a while, but fortunately Zhao Xun managed to resolve it fairly well.

Then Long Qingquan smiled and said: "Actually, it's not impossible. If we can accurately locate a person, it will be a matter of minutes for me to take the head of the general among the thousands of troops flying with the sword."

Long Qingquan's words were somewhat bragging, but Zhao Xun was still surprised when he heard it.

"Third senior brother, are you serious? The power of the Corruptor is incomparable to that of ordinary people. If you go deep into the tiger's den, the danger is not ordinary."

"Look at your little brother, since when have I, Long Qingquan, been afraid? Let alone a corruptor, even if Satan came in person, I wouldn't even blink."


Zhao Xun thought to himself that it's good that Jielin and the others couldn't understand what the third senior brother said, otherwise it would be really embarrassing to death.

"Uh, why don't the third brother give it a try later?"

Zhao Xun suggested with a wicked taste.

In fact, he knew that the third senior brother would probably not agree, so he would probably just find a reason to refuse.

But who would have thought that these three senior brothers seemed to be determined to pay attention, and immediately responded with pats on their chests.

"No problem. Since you have said so, little brother, why should I not agree? Isn't it just to kill a few necromancers? Why is it so difficult? But little brother, you have to ask me clearly What do these undead mages look like? I can’t rush in and find out where these undead magicians are, it’s really embarrassing.”

"Senior brother, are you serious?"

The answer of the third senior brother greatly exceeded Zhao Xun's expectations.So Zhao Xun had to confirm again and again.

He didn't want the well-behaved third senior brother to go astray.

Although it sounds very cool and full of youthful spirit to enter the tiger's den alone, it will actually bring huge risks to a considerable extent.

This is what Zhao Xun does not want to see.

After all, the third senior brother can be regarded as the person closest to him in the academy.

Zhao Xun absolutely does not want any mistakes for the third junior brother.

"Of course, what I, Long Qingquan said, is full of spit and pitfalls. There will be absolutely no mistakes, absolutely no falsehoods. You can rest assured, little brother."


Zhao Xun thought to himself, well, this road was chosen by you, Third Senior Brother, so don't blame me.

"That Jie Lin, my third senior brother wants to try to go deep into the Corruptor army and kill the necromancer."

Zhao Xun then turned to Jie Lin, the leader of the dwarves, and repeated the words of the third senior brother Long Qingquan.

Although Zhao Xun and Long Qingquan both spoke the language of Da Zhou, but Jielin seemed not to understand what Long Qingquan meant.But after the same words were relayed by Zhao Xun, Jie Lin could understand them.

Zhao Xun didn't know what the reason was.

But just being able to communicate is enough, isn't it?

"Magician? Uh, you are going to assassinate a magician? But there are many magicians. There is not only one. Killing just one magician won't have much effect, right?"

Now Jaylin felt a little astonished.

After all, if only one magician is killed, the effect is really limited.

But it is unrealistic to kill many necromancers in one go.

That's why Jielin felt that the third gentleman in the academy still wanted to kill one of the necromancers, Li Liwei.

"Well, talk is better than nothing."

Zhao Xun spread his hands, showing his attitude.

This is often the situation we face.

We always look forward to being able to prove ourselves again and again, and when we can really prove ourselves, we will have other ideas.

The third senior brother is a person full of acting personality.Since he desperately hopes to get a chance to perform, Zhao Xun thinks it's better to give him this chance.

Blindly suppressing the third senior brother and not allowing him to get this opportunity is actually a disguised form of torture for the third senior brother.

Zhao Xun doesn't want the third senior brother to change into an emo properly.

"Okay, the necromancer in the Corruptor still looks very distinctive. I'll help you draw him with a pen and paper."

"it is good!"

Zhao Xun felt very excited for a moment.

He immediately asked people to prepare paper and pens, and after waiting for the dwarf Jaylin to finish, he saw Jaylin pick up a pen and ink and start to draw on the paper.

When Jaylin was in Allen Lore Continent, he used to write with a quill pen dipped in ink, so drawing with a brush was not as difficult as he imagined.

At least in Zhao Xun's view, Jielin's current state is still quite excellent.

Not to mention that the necromancer drawn by the little dwarf Jaylin is so lifelike, at least one looks at it and thinks it must be really not made up.

The third senior brother, Long Qingquan, paid close attention to this throughout the whole process. Seeing that Jielin's painting was almost done, he immediately took the initiative to move forward.

"Oh, I didn't expect, I didn't expect this necromancer to look like this. It's really beyond my expectation."

Zhao Xun laughed and said, "Who said it wasn't? This necromancer looks a bit naive. Originally, I thought this necromancer should look fierce anyway."

"Okay, I remember his appearance. Next, I just need to shout "Sword Come", and then step on the Burial Flower Sword and rush into the large formation of Corruptors to kill these necromancers with my hands."

"Uh, low-key, low-key Third Senior Brother, don't be impulsive. Let's just kill a necromancer, there's no need to kill too many. After all, our purpose is to establish a prestige."

"That's true."

Long Qingquan nodded and said: "But it still depends on my mood at the time. If I am in a good mood and kill a necromancer, I will come back. If I am in a bad mood, it is still unknown if I will kill a lot .”

Zhao Xun thought to himself, third senior brother, can you die if you don't pretend to be forceful?

None of the two Corruptors, Wuoris and Jeffron, are fuel-efficient lamps.

You can't take advantage of these two people.It's best to steal the chicken and run away. You have to mess up the relationship between the two of you to be happy, right?
If this was the case, Zhao Xun would be a little worried about the safety of the third brother Long Qingquan.

After all, if Wu Aolis and Jeffron got serious, the third senior brother Long Qingquan might not be able to retire successfully and leave the base camp of the Corruptor.

Of course, what the third brother Long Qingquan decided was that even ten cows could not be brought back.

There is no way, who told Long Qingquan to be this stubborn.

It's not that Zhao Xun just met the third senior brother, so after making a symbolic attempt, seeing that the third senior brother didn't intend to change his mind, he stopped insisting.

That's all.Since third senior brother wants to try, let him try it.

Humans, after all, you don't know how much you weigh until you try it once.

If he didn't try it last time, he would definitely not be reconciled.

What Zhao Xun can do now is to prepare a jug of good wine for Third Senior Brother Long Qingquan to practice.

He believed that as long as the third senior brother could maintain a normal mind and not be so eager to win, he would still be able to escape unscathed.

"Third Senior Brother, I respect you for this glass of green plum wine."

"Uh, thank you little brother. But I still say the same thing, you just wait, I can kill a necromancer right away, and let them know who is the master of Zhongnan Mountain. Don't say it's mere corruption Otherwise, even if they are a dragon, they have to curl up for me when they come to the academy. We are the masters of the academy, and what we say counts.”

The third senior brother Long Qingquan finished speaking, took the green plum wine that Zhao Xun handed over, and drank it down in one gulp.

The whole process was smooth and smooth, without delay.

Zhao Xun was watching in awe.

Good guy, I really didn't expect the third senior brother to be so strong.

Is this still the third senior brother he knew?
But why does Zhao Xun always have a bad feeling?
Like the feeling Jing Ke had before assassinating the King of Qin?
The wind is slack and the water is cold, and the strong men never return.

This feeling must be too shocking.

Bah, bah, bah, this is not a good sign, Zhao Xun should stop talking about it.

"That third senior brother, do you still remember a sentence that the head of the mountain often talks about?"

"Huh? Fist is the last word?"

"No. Just run away if you can't beat it."


Long Qingquan felt embarrassed for a moment.

But Zhao Xun had finished talking to this point, so he could only clear his throat and say, "Don't worry, they are the ones who should run away when they meet me."

Long Qingquan is a person who pays great attention to the sense of ritual.

So before going out for the expedition, he made the preparations to the extreme.

This ensures that he has sufficient fighting spirit.

A person without fighting spirit cannot exert absolute strength in battle.

Long Qingquan knew this very well.

So from the very beginning, he tried his best to bring out his potential.

This is still very useful.

Because the Corruptors are like wolves and tigers.

If he was timid in terms of momentum as soon as he came up, it would be impossible to suppress the Corruptor.

But if he can show a different aura, he may be able to suppress most of the Corruptors.

At least it can scare the Corruptor into oblivion, right?

I saw Long Qingquan yelled "Sword Come".

Immediately, the Flower Burying Flying Sword flew out from the scabbard with a buzzing sound, and Long Qingquan jumped onto the flying sword without hesitation.

Although Zhao Xun has seen this way of appearance many times, it is the first time for the leader of the dwarves, Jelinka.

For a moment, he shocked Long Qingquan into a heavenly being.

"Good guy, Mr. Third Academy is amazing. It seems that this time may really surprise us."

After Long Qingquan filled his sense of ceremony, he flew with his sword towards the base camp of the Corruptor.

The Corruptor is now only a few hundred meters away from the coalition forces in the Zhongnanshan camp.

Although these hundreds of meters are equivalent to a cliff, Long Qingquan is still very careful.

He starts flying high enough that the Corruptor won't be able to spot him in the first place.

Next, Long Qingquan will slowly lower the flying altitude.

Long Qingquan was very careful from beginning to end, he would not give the Corruptor any chance.

Although he boasted before Zhao Xun and Jielin, Long Qingquan still knew how to protect himself.

Playing handsome and flamboyant must be carried out under the premise of protecting oneself.If this cannot be guaranteed, then all efforts are made of bullshit.

Long Qingquan hummed a folk song, carefully observing the dense crowd of corruptors below.

Just now, he had observed carefully in the painting and thoroughly recognized the details of the necromancer.This will ensure that he will never admit the wrong person.

Otherwise, if he tried so hard to kill the undead mage but killed a little undead, who should he cry to?

Long Qingquan paid great attention to efficiency, so if he didn't make a move, it was fine, and if he made a move, he must be killed in one blow.

"La la la la, little junior brother, you should take a good look and see who is the No. 1 academy other than the head of the mountain."

Long Qingquan generally only dared to say such cruel words when the senior sister and the second senior sister were not around.

Because if such words are heard by the two elder sisters of the academy, Long Qingquan must be cut down.

It was impossible for Long Qingquan to bear such a roar.

Of course, without the senior sister and the second senior sister, he can play handsome to his liking.

Anyway, it's a joke, and there is no loss.

"Hey, the Corruptor doesn't seem to be moving anymore? What's going on?"

Now Long Qingquan's distance from the Corruptor is not as high as before, so he can barely see the current situation in the Corruptor's camp clearly.

He found that the Corruptors were still crowded together, but unlike before, the Corruptors were basically not moving at this moment.

Is it really like what the younger brother said, these undead legions of the dead are driven entirely by magic.Between the use of magic, they will return to the state of the dead, motionless?
Hey, just thinking about it is scary enough.

Of course, Long Qingquan knew that seeing is believing.

And you have to see it up close to count.

Now is a very good opportunity for him, he must seize it, and must not let such a good opportunity slip away from him.

At this moment, Long Qingquan had made up his mind, he gave a loud shout and then flew downwards with the Buried Flower Sword.

At this time, the Corruptor should be resting, and he is the easiest to succeed.

Long Qingquan kept descending, but obviously the Corruptor didn't find him.

It wasn't until Long Qingquan was only tens of meters away from the Corruptors that some undead magicians raised their heads dully.

They obviously didn't expect that anyone would dare to come at this time.

And it was Yujian who came here.

Long Qingquan exhaled a breath of arrogance, and then took advantage of the momentum to chop down.

The sharp sword qi cut a Corruptor undead magician in half in an instant.

"Oh, I seem to be overdoing it."

In desperation, Long Qingquan adjusted his strength, took advantage of the situation, and cut off the head of an undead magician.

This time Long Qingquan was very excited.

He originally had a little fear of the Corruptor.

But now it seems that he obviously overestimated the strength of the Corruptor.

These guys are as dull as stakes.

Although he is a mage, his responsiveness is relatively poor.

But the reaction was so bad that Long Qingquan didn't expect it.

At this moment, Long Qingquan thought of the famous saying that his younger brother Zhao Xun often said: I pass you like crossing the road in the morning.

Of course, Long Qingquan also knew that it was not suitable to stay here for a long time.

His purpose is to take the head of the necromancer among the ten thousand armies.

Now that this goal has been achieved, he naturally has no reason to stay any longer.

For him, the longer the stay, the more dangerous it actually was.

Wu Aolisi and Jeffron still have two brushes.

As long as they were given a chance, they would have the chance to keep Long Qingquan on the spot.

Long Qingquan pretended to be coercive, and now there is really no reason to stay.

He yelled and lifted the necromancer's head with one hand, and then flew away with the sword flying.

A group of necromancers watched the swordsman get farther and farther blankly, but there was no better way.

After Long Qingquan returned to the dwarves' camp with his head in hand, it caused an uproar for a while.

Everyone was shocked.

Zhao Xun was also included.

Until the third senior brother Long Qingquan successfully returned, Zhao Xun didn't really believe that the third senior brother could successfully complete the task of taking the head of the enemy general among the ten thousand armies.

It can only be said that the third senior brother is really too strong.

It was so strong that even Zhao Xun didn't expect it.

"Senior Brother Three will always be divine. Come and drink a glass of ice water to quench your thirst."

Zhao Xun didn't have any other drinks at hand, so he could only reluctantly take out a piece of ice water and handed it to the third senior brother.

The third senior brother Long Qingquan was holding the head in one hand at the moment, so he could only put the Flower Burial Sword back into the scabbard first, and then free the other hand to take the water cup.

He lifted his neck and gulped it down.

Immediately, he flaunted to Zhao Xun the head of the Necromancer holding his finger: "How about you, little brother, I didn't lie to you. I said that if I can kill the Corruptor Necromancer, I will definitely be able to do it. To tell you the truth, these Undead mages are as dull as wooden stakes. When I cut off the head of an undead mage, I was a little bit astonished, and I couldn't believe it was true. At that time, I thought of a clear statement you often said."

Long Qingquan deliberately didn't finish speaking, waiting for Zhao Xun to ask.

"What is it?"

Although Zhao Xun knew what the third senior brother Long Qingquan was thinking, he still asked cooperatively.

"That's right, I passed you like crossing the road in the morning."

"Hahaha, so that's the sentence."

Who said that the third brother has no sense of humor, isn't this very funny and good at it?

Zhao Xun didn't know what to say for a while.

"It is reasonable to say that mages should react slower. They rely on the protection of soldiers. But this reaction ability of undead mages is indeed a bit slow. So is there some other reason?"

"Little brother, what are you referring to? Is it because they are replenishing energy?"

In fact, Long Qingquan also found something strange.Because these necromancers have been gathering together, it's like reporting to a group to keep warm.

Zhao Xun expressed this doubt to Jielin, the leader of the dwarves, and wanted to see if Jielin knew some details.

Sure enough, after hearing this, Jie Lin was shocked.

"I've heard a legend. It is said that every time the necromancer consumes mana for a period of time, they need Satan to give them power again. They gathered together to facilitate Satan to give them power."


Zhao Xun thought to himself that Jie Lin had never seen it with his own eyes, and it was just hearsay.

However, this statement still has a certain degree of reliability.

After all, Satan is the god believed by all the undead people.

It is also understandable that the main god bestows power on them.

"If this is the case, does it mean that if we block their way of gaining power and break their connection with Satan, we will be able to greatly weaken the Corruptor's combat effectiveness?"

Zhao Xun's judgment is quite strong, so he can keenly capture some details.

And deduce based on this detail.

At present, this possibility exists.

"Yes, I also think this is an opportunity."

The leader of the dwarves, Jaylin, nodded and said, "Maybe this is really a good idea. At least it's worth a try."

Long Qingquan put his chin in one hand and said: "So what we need now is someone who can block the connection between Satan and the necromancers. This is too difficult."

"Not difficult."

Jelin suddenly thought of something, his eyes sparkled.

"There's one in our league."

"who is it?"

Everyone asked almost in unison.


Lauren didn't understand why he was called out all of a sudden.

But he believed in Zhao Xun.

If nothing extremely important.

Zhao Xun would not take the initiative to call him at this juncture.

Since there are extremely important matters, Lauren has no reason to shirk.

"Haha, what's the matter, what did you ask me to do?"

The relationship between Luo Lun and Zhao Xun is still very good. After meeting, they gave Zhao Xun a bear hug.

good guy.
Although Zhao Xun is now a third-rank practitioner, he has a good physique.

However, after colliding with the tall and burly Lauren, he felt a sudden pain in his shoulder blades.

After forcing himself to smile wryly, Zhao Xun said with a deep smile, "Oh, it's the third senior brother. The third senior brother just went to the base camp of the Corruptor to kill a necromancer and brought back his head." Yes. Just now, as Jaylin said, it is likely that the necromancer became dull during the interval of gaining Satan's energy. We think this is an opportunity to break the connection between Satan and the undead. Jaylin mentioned a person, that is you."

Lauren turned to Jaylin instinctively, and said in a deep voice, "Are you serious?"


Jaylin nodded and said: "Using Dragon Burn should be our best opportunity at the moment. We found that the Corruptor Necromancers are in a state of gathering during the process of replenishing energy. No matter what the reason for their gathering together, Dragon Burn They can burn all the undead corruptors on a large scale in a relatively short period of time."


Lauren listened carefully, and it seemed to make sense.

He turned to Zhao Xun who was at the side again, and asked, "What do you think about this matter?"

Luo Lun doesn't need to pay attention to other people's opinions, but he still has to listen carefully to Zhao Xun's opinions.

"I think we can actually give it a try. After all, we have nothing to lose."

Zhao Xu spread his hands and said very seriously.

"Okay, I believe you."

What Luo Lun said next brought tears to Zhao Xun's eyes.

What kind of trust does this come from?Trust is the hardest thing.

But Lauren chose to trust him unconditionally.

This moved Zhao Xun very much.

"However, there is one thing I need to explain, that is, although the dragon's dragon flame is against the undead among the Corruptors, it is not very effective against the demon race. Even the flame of the devil will cause great damage to the dragon. Harmful. So I can ride a dragon and use dragon flames to breathe fire, but you must ensure that I will not be harmed by the demons, and it is best to have someone who can disperse the power of the demons."

"This is easy to handle, at worst, the third senior brother will make another trip."


Long Qingquan scratched his head and said: "Little Junior Brother, you have clearly arranged for us. But what about you, don't you want to fight?"


Zhao Xun was questioned by the third brother Long Qingquan, and he was a little speechless for a while.

"Well, third senior brother wants me to go together?"

"Of course."

"Then I will risk my life to accompany the gentleman."

Zhao Xun knew that he couldn't be hypocritical at this time, so he simply agreed.

"Okay, refreshing. But you still don't want to fly with the sword. I gave you the skill of flying with the sword. I don't think you have been trained yet, so you should fly on a dragon."


Zhao Xun stared at Long Qingquan with a black line on his face, thinking that the third senior brother really didn't save him any face.

That's all, in this case, Zhao Xun should try his best to be himself.

There is nothing wrong with flying Yulong, at least Zhao Xun feels more secure riding Pippi Shrimp.

Well, speaking of which, it's time for him to develop a relationship with Pippi Shrimp.

"Teach without discrimination!"

Zhao Xun yelled this slogan, and then Pippi Xiabai Jiaolong burst out of the chessboard space in an instant.

The sudden appearance of such a big white flood dragon was beyond everyone's expectation.

Even the dwarf leader Jelin was taken aback.

"Good guy, what kind of creature is this?"

"Haha, let me introduce you. This is a white flood dragon, a kind of flood dragon, and it belongs to the mythical beast in our Great Zhou world. Oh, don't lick it anymore, Pippi shrimp. At least pay attention to your image in front of people."

Zhao Xun was introducing himself well, when Pipi Xia Bai Jiaolong suddenly started to lick him.

Now Zhao Xun can't handle it anymore.

He quickly patted Pippi Xia Bai Jiaolong's back, Bai Jiaolong immediately understood Zhao Xun's meaning, instead of licking Zhao Xun, he rubbed his head against Zhao Xun instead.

There are only a few ways for Bai Jiaolong to express intimacy, and Zhao Xun can't criticize Pippi Shrimp anymore.

"Good boy, so good, good boy."

Zhao Xun began to comb Bai Jiaolong's hair and scales as usual.Bai Jiaolong also grunted and hummed in satisfaction.

Zhao Xun thought to himself that the little guy is comfortable, I am the strength of a top masseur.

Luo Lun had seen Bai Jiaolong before, so he didn't find it unusual.

But it was the first time for Jaylin to see him, and his eyes were full of curiosity.

"This white flood dragon can also fly? Isn't it the same as the giant dragon in our world?"

"It's totally two kinds of creatures."

Zhao Xun explained seriously: "However, in fact, the two sides still have some similarities in essence, right Lauren?"

"Well, the black giant dragon and the white flood dragon are very close, and the two seem to be born to play together."

When Lauren said this, he was a little dumbfounded.

Fortunately, the black giant dragon, Dark Wing, is not here now. If he sees Pippi Shrimp and White Flood Dragon, the two sides will have to run out and have a good time.

"Then it's over. Since both sides can fly, the most difficult problem will be solved."

Jie Lin nodded and said: "The next step is to choose a suitable time to attack. I think the sooner the better. The sooner we attack, the more we can take the initiative. The earlier we attack, the easier it is for the enemy to be unprepared."

"Well, I also agree to start early. There is a saying that hurry up early rather than late, especially at such critical moments."

Long Qingquan agreed.

"Little brother, we can actually call a few more guards, so that we can avoid any accidents to the greatest extent. Right now we can't afford any accidents."

Lauren was very satisfied with the arrangement of the academy disciples.

It can be seen that the academy attaches great importance to the safety of the dragon clan.

If the Dragon Clan can get such attention, basically there will be no problem with safety.

"Actually, the Corruptors took a risk this time. It might be better if they waited a little longer. But they didn't choose to wait. This is an opportunity for us."

Lauren said meaningfully: "The solar eclipse will be in a few days, and the solar eclipse is when the sky is darkest. At that time, the Yin energy is at its strongest, and the Corruptor's strength is the strongest, and at that time it is very likely that they will successfully summon Satan." Sex is also the highest. But since they have chosen this way, it is beneficial to us. We must seize it."

Zhao Xun did not expect that there would be so many things to say.

It can only be said that the Corruptor can't hold back anymore.

Perhaps it was because Satan gave them a death command?

In any case, this is beneficial to the academy.

As Roren said, since the opponent gave them a chance, they must seize it.

If they were given a chance but didn't seize it, it really wouldn't be anyone else's fault.

"Okay, then this matter is tentatively decided to be like this. Third senior brother, let's go back to the academy first, I have to report this matter to the head of the mountain."

Although the situation is under control so far, Zhao Xun is quite satisfied with his performance, but he still hopes to get the guidance of the head of the mountain.

Even a little pointer would be nice.

After all, the mountain leader's age and qualifications are there, and he has eaten more salt than Zhao Xun.

The head of the mountain only needs to give some pointers, and Zhao Xun can avoid many detours.Why not do it?

"Okay, since that's the case, I'll accompany you back to the academy to meet the head of the mountain."

Long Qingquan's current actions have always been bound to Zhao Xun.

Since Zhao Xun chose to return to the academy at this juncture, Long Qingquan would naturally do the same.

Jie Lin said goodbye to them: "You go slowly, if there is another change here, I will send someone to inform you again."

(End of this chapter)

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