big week bad guy

Chapter 389 Top Talent

Chapter 389 Top Talent (a super chapter of nearly 20000 words)
Different people have different perspectives on the same thing.

At least for now, the Corruptors don't think that Emperor Xianlong will completely betray them.

The main reason is that the two sides still share completely common interests.

That being the case, they will never separate until this common interest is gone.

As for what's next, that's for later.

Wuoris and Geoffron quickly reached an agreement.

They felt that if the academy disciples dared to take the initiative to provoke them next time, they would have the ability to keep them all.

"Okay, we can leave when we are almost ready."

After eating and drinking, Zhao Xun took the initiative to suggest that he and his third brother Long Qingquan go to meet Luo Lun.

Their previous plan was to launch a raid on the Alliance of Corruptors.

Although the most definite date has not been set, the current conditions are basically in line with the predetermined plan.

That being the case, there is no reason to procrastinate.

"Well, wait a minute."

Long Qingquan didn't appear to be in a hurry, he pressed his hands down and said, "Junior Junior Brother, I know you really want to deal a heavy blow to the Corruptor now. But don't you think this is strange?"

"Huh? Third senior brother, what are you referring to that is strange?"

"Even if the performance of the Corruptors is true, as the dwarf leader Jelin said, does this mean that the Corruptors must behave so stupidly and vulnerable? Is their ability to move so weak? Believe it or not, I don't believe it anyway."


Hearing this, Zhao Xun felt somewhat astonished.

But after thinking about it carefully, it seems that what the third senior brother Long Qingquan said also makes sense.

"But third senior brother, why didn't you say it then?"

If the third senior brother raised doubts at the beginning, then Zhao Xun and others would definitely stop and think about further plans immediately.

But the third senior brother didn't question it at that time.

At that time, instead of questioning, the third senior brother even expressed his trust.

This made Zhao Xun really speechless.

"Uh, I did have some hesitation at the time, but there were some problems with my judgment, so I didn't put forward my point of view at the time. But after calming down these days, I took away my deep-seated enemy from the enemy. I reviewed the experience of the head of a necromancer, and the more I thought about it, the more strange it became. There are too many strange things revealed in it. There must be a demon in the abnormal situation, and my junior believes that there must be something hidden in it."

Long Qingquan knew at this moment that he could no longer remain silent.

If he continues to remain silent at this time, then the younger brother and the others will definitely fall into this emotion and cannot extricate themselves.

If the younger brother and Lauren insisted on riding a dragon and flying deep into the Corruptor camp at this time, it would be tantamount to going deep alone, and they would probably be calculated by the Corruptor.

The Corruptors are likely to be ready at this time, waiting for them to die.

Jumping up at this moment is actually no different from moths jumping into a flame.

"Uh, third senior brother, let me think about it again."

"Well, little brother, think about it again. There is really no rush for this matter."

Long Qingquan knew very well that going deep into the enemy's army was not a good choice.Taking a step back, even if the Corruptor didn't intend to set up a trap at this time to attract them, it would still be very dangerous for the Academy to pounce on it at this time.

"I think what the third brother said makes sense."

After a moment of silence, Zhao Xun gave an answer that pleased Long Qingquan.

"The Corruptors really seem to be setting up a trap. They seem to be deliberately luring us out from the very beginning. I discovered it when you went deep into the enemy camp alone, Third Senior Brother."

"Yes, because if we stay in the academy, we will be protected by the large formation of the academy. As long as we are protected by the large formation of the academy, the corrupters can't do whatever they want. No matter how bad the magic circle is, it can make the corruptor's mana appear extremely A big drop. As long as the Corruptor is in this formation, it will be greatly affected. So as long as we are in this formation for a day, we don’t have to worry about being attacked by the Corruptor.”

Long Qingquan swallowed a mouthful of spit, paused for a while and said: "But if we leave this large formation, the situation will be completely different. We will have to be beaten head-on by the Corruptor. If we can survive the beating, that's all. , I’m afraid we won’t be able to beat it.”


Zhao Xun instantly felt the reality of the world.

That's right, if you can beat it, there is nothing to be afraid of, if you are afraid, you can't beat it.

Although their personal force values ​​are relatively high, no one knows the actual strength of the Corruptors.

At least they definitely won't be as weak as they appear.


"The Corruptors deliberately show weakness to attract us to take the bait. They think that we will be tempted by our youthful vigor. They think that we will be deceived by their illusion. I have to say that their methods are relatively clever. But I have actually I figured it out. Now that I have figured it out, it is impossible to be bewitched by them again."

Long Qingquan said calmly while patting his chest.

After hearing this, Zhao Xun felt very encouraged.

That's right, third senior brother Long Qingquan is also a big brother in an absolute sense.

In some respects his experience and instincts still play a good guiding role.

In this regard, Zhao Xun undoubtedly suffered from inexperience.

On the whole, he is no worse than the third senior brother, but there is still a big gap between his comprehension ability and the third senior brother in some details.

You need to think more about everything, if you just taste it or just look at the surface, it is really easy to be fooled by others.

Zhao Xun hopes that he can grow up quickly, so that when he faces a problem, he can think about it with a relatively complete perspective, instead of being reduced to the point where he can only rely on other people's analysis to make decisions.

This time it's the third senior brother, what about next time?

What will Zhao Xun do if no one puts forward constructive suggestions next time?
Can it be done twice?

Could it be that he was able to save himself from danger every time?
"It's okay, little brother, I think you should go to Luo Lun and explain this matter clearly to him. It's not that we intend to make fun of him, but we really can't be blind in this matter confidence."

"Well, I understand. Lauren is also a reasonable person, he won't mess around. I'll go and explain the situation to him and I believe he can understand. Don't worry, Third Senior Brother."

As for Luo Lun, Zhao Xun was not really worried. If he was really worried, he might be worried about the leaders of other tribes.

For example, the leader of the dwarves, Jelin.

At present, among the Allen Lore tribes, the camp belonging to the dwarf tribe is facing the greatest pressure.

There is no way to do this. Who told the dwarves to allocate the most peripheral area in the process of allocating camps?

Of course, Zhao Xun also had a lot of selfishness in this process.

The reason why he assigned the dwarves to the periphery at the beginning was that they hoped to rely on their sharp firearms to have a certain resistance to the corruptors.

In other words, at that time Zhao Xun regarded the entire dwarves as the first line of defense against the invasion and attack of the Corruptors.

Now it seems that there is no big problem with this plan in general, but some details are still open to discussion.

Fortunately, Jielin's temperament should be relatively easy to get along with, Zhao Xun thinks that he will not have too much emotion.

But if someone instigated it, the situation would be different.

Zhao Xun only hoped that there would never be any accidents or conflicts.

Now the academy alliance is in a stage full of holes, and it really can't stand any toss.

If there is any further change, it will be a huge blow to the academy alliance.

Zhao Xun quickly came to the residence of Luo Lun, the leader of the Dragon Clan. Seeing Luo Lun staring at a bamboo in a daze, Zhao Xun hurriedly stepped forward and said with a smile: "Why, you also started to imitate our Central Plains people and start to be extravagant." Is there any bamboo?"

"Ah? Zhao Xun, why are you here?

Luo Lun was obviously a little surprised by Zhao Xun's arrival. He asked curiously, "Ge Zhuzi? What does this mean?"


For a while, Zhao Xun felt a little embarrassed when he arrived.

It was his fault too, Lauren couldn't understand what he was saying.

In other words, Luo Lun could understand the literal meaning of Zhao Xun's words, but he couldn't understand the implication.

This is also something that is well understood.

After all, Lauren is a real alien.

Not only is the tribe different, he is not even from the Great Zhou World.

Luo Lun comes from the distant continent of Alan Lore, and exists completely parallel to Zhao Xun's Great Zhou world.

Since it is a parallel existence, his cultural background and his comprehension are still at the stage of Alan Lore's different world, which is completely different from the thinking environment of Dazhou people.

The general thinking environment is different, the thinking background is different, and the things understood are of course different.

Zhao Xun thinks this is really easy to understand.

It's just that it will be more difficult for him to explain to Lauren.

"Gewu. You can understand it this way, it is to observe. As for Gezhuzi, it is to observe bamboo."

Zhao Xun explained to Luo Lun very patiently, just like treating a child who has just started.

For a moment, Lauren felt a little astonished.

"Really, then what's the point of observing bamboo? Is it for eating?"

Zhao Xun almost lost his breath when he heard it.

I am a good boy, brother, your comprehension is really scary.

Grid bamboo is for eating?
Do you think you are a giant panda?
"Of course not for eating."

Zhao Xun tried his best to calm down and told himself not to be angry.

After all, Lauren was from a completely different cultural background from them.

In this case, what Zhao Xun has to do is to help Luo Lun analyze as much as possible and help him get familiar with Da Zhou's cultural background.

Everything needs a process, Zhao Xun can imagine Luo Lun at this moment as a three-year-old child.

Once Zhao Xun imagined Luo Lun as a three-year-old child, then many things Luo Lun did next can be understood.

He must be patient with a three-year-old.

Teaching itself is not difficult, the key lies in the process of teaching.

Maintaining patience is also a manifestation of a person's self-cultivation, which can reflect a person's quality to the greatest extent.

Zhao Xun felt that it was necessary for him to show this quality.

So as long as there is a chance, he will do his best to popularize Confucian culture to Luo Lun.

"Observing bamboo is for understanding."

"But what does observing bamboo have to do with understanding things? This is a bamboo. Besides being used for appreciation, isn't bamboo just for eating? Could it be that there are really some other functions that I don't know about?"


Now Zhao Xun was completely confused.

He didn't see that Lauren was still a barbarian.

Originally, Zhao Xun thought that Luo Lun was at most digging into some tiny details.

But now it seems that things are not so simple.

Lauren doesn't just have a knack for some tiny details, he seems to do a knack for everything.

This made it difficult for Zhao Xun.

After all, it is not easy for Zhao Xun to keep calm in an absolute sense.

Humans are often very emotional animals.

Even if Zhao Xun tried his best to give himself psychological hints, he couldn't resist Luo Lun's actions.

If you don't work, you won't die, Lauren, don't be too hard on yourself.

"Well, let's understand it this way. Bamboo can be used for viewing, there is nothing wrong with it. Bamboo shoots can also be used for eating, there is no problem. Didn't you just eat the snail noodles I made yesterday? Smelly sour bamboo shoots are obtained by fermenting bamboo shoots. But we can’t just look at the problem so one-sidedly and superficially. Does it mean that we can’t study other things besides these?”

"Study something else? You mean?"

"For example, why the world is this world, for example, why people are humans instead of animals. These are all very core reasons."

Zhao Xun tried his best to make himself calmer, so that his credibility would be much higher.


Luo Lun seemed to be brought into the rhythm by Zhao Xun, and gradually began to understand.

"So, in fact, the core and key of the problem is that you think you should think about problems, life, and the world by observing bamboo?"


Seeing that Luo Lun's comprehension is so strong, Zhao Xun was very excited.

"That's what I mean. We are extremely humble and insignificant, and we are just a drop in the ocean in this universe. Our world, uh, I have to say here, the world can be divided into a world in a broad sense and a world in a narrow sense. If it is a world in a broad sense, it means the entire vast universe, and a world in a narrow sense can be the country where you and I live, or it can be an extension of this country.”

Zhao Xun thought to himself that there is some philosophical meaning in saying this.

"So what is the relationship between the world in the broad sense and the world in the narrow sense?"

Luo Lun was obviously very interested in these arguments, and before Zhao Xun opened them up, he launched targeted questions on some of the points of interest.


Zhao Xun thought in his heart that this is not okay, he can't just answer a question from Luo Lun.

In this way, he will completely lose the initiative.

He must dominate the whole process of interpretation as much as possible.

"Your question is very good. In order to explain this question, we must introduce a new concept, that is, what is the world. Some people think that my heart is the world, and some people think that the universe is the world. What do you think? How do you think it means you are a subjective idealist or a materialist.”

Zhao Xun started the mode of being a pedant, and he gave a impassioned speech, which completely confused Luo Lun.

Seeing that Luo Lun was in a state of confusion, Zhao Xun was very proud.

This is precisely the state he most hopes to achieve now.

As long as Luo Lun can be in a state of confusion, Zhao Xun doesn't have to worry about Luo Lun asking some weird questions.

As long as Lauren doesn't ask some weird questions, Zhao Xun can take the lead.

"So, let me think you are an idealist. Idealists think that the whole world and their hearts are linked. What's more, some people think that their personal mood will affect the quality of this world. Your world I don't know much about it, after all, the Alan Lore continent is a different world that is completely parallel to our world. But as far as the Great Zhou world is concerned, there are still many idealists."

Zhao Xun swallowed a mouthful of spit, and was trying to observe the changes in Luo Lun's facial expressions.

As a master of emotion management, as a master of micro-expression management, any change in a micro-expression will directly lead to a change in a person's attitude.

"Well, keep talking."

"In fact, poets are the greatest representatives of idealism in the Dazhou world. Of course, poets are also divided into romantic poets and realistic poets. Romantic poets are more likely to be idealists. But of course not all of them absolute."

Every sentence and every word that Zhao Xun uttered has been carefully considered and carefully thought out. He will never use any wrong words easily.

"Romanticism, Realism"

Now Lauren was confused again.

Because Zhao Xun introduced new concepts in order to explain a concept, and these terms are very unfamiliar to Luo Lun.

"Good guy, these are really hard to understand."

"Okay, let me give you a chestnut."

Zhao Xun paused and said: "Flying down three thousand feet, it is suspected that the Milky Way falls nine days. Do you think these two poems describe idealism or materialism?"


Lauren could understand the literal meaning of these two poems, so he began to understand and translate these literal meanings word by word.

"It seems to be more idealistic?"

"Not bad!"

Zhao Xun agrees with Luo Lun's analysis.

"There is indeed more idealism in these two poems. But it is not all idealism, and there are elements of realism in it. It is just that some objects are exaggerated and exaggerated on the basis of realism. So let people see It seems to be more idealistic."

Zhao Xun explained very hard, basically trying to cover all important points.

This is certainly not an easy task.But he wanted to impress Lauren deeply from the very beginning, so he could only do this, and he had to do it.

Obviously, now Luo Lun is completely brought into Zhao Xun's rhythm.

It is impossible for Zhao Xun to lose in his own rhythm.

He cleared his throat and said, "So, what is idealism and what is materialism? People's understanding is often one-sided, or some alienated version based on their personal understanding."

Zhao Xun paused for a moment, and saw that Lauren was thinking thoughtfully, so he continued: "So, when we investigate objects, what we observe is not only the object itself, but also the things behind the object. Not just the objects, but also the spirit behind the objects.”

Zhao Xun thought to himself that he ran a bit sideways, so he must be pulled back immediately.

Otherwise, it is really impossible to bear it.

"So, I seem to understand."

Lauren nodded frequently, and the whole person seemed to relax a lot.

"So why did you come to me this time?"


Zhao Xun showed an embarrassed but polite smile for a moment.

"Well, that's a long story."

He knew that it would be unacceptable for Luo Lun to suddenly tell Luo Lun what he had just said to his third senior brother Long Qingquan.

But now it seemed to be something he had to do.

"Actually, I'm here to tell you that we can no longer storm the Corruptor Alliance's lair according to the original plan."


Luo Lun's reaction after hearing Zhao Xun's words was exactly the same as what Zhao Xun imagined.

For a moment, Zhao Xun was dumbfounded.

"Are you serious?"

"Of course it's serious, otherwise do you think I'm deceiving you?"

Zhao Xun helplessly spread his hands and said: "Just now, the third senior brother Long Qingquan took the initiative to find me and analyzed the situation carefully with me. I really think what he said is very reasonable. Not a wise move."

"You think, why did the Corruptors invade? Naturally, they feel that they have the hope to rule Zhongnan Mountain, or control Zhongnan Mountain. They have this confidence and capital, so they do this. But things are not that simple what."

Zhao Xun swallowed a mouthful of foam and said: "If they had overwhelming hard power, they would have fought against us long ago. It would not be the current situation. The strength shown by the Corruptors can only show that they have They have a certain strength, but how to realize their strength depends on their next performance."

Zhao Xun is already trying to explain, but I hope Luo Lun can understand.

"They don't have overwhelming strength, but they don't seem to be as weak as they appear. The third brother thinks that the Corruptor is deliberately selling us a loophole, and its purpose is to attract us to the bait and make us look like a stupid pig." Hit it."


Lauren's cheeks blushed when he heard this.

Although Zhao Xun didn't mention his name, it was no different from saying him.

After Jaylin explained the situation back then, Lauren was the first one who advocated a dead-end confrontation with the Corruptor.

After all, he is the leader of the dragon clan, and he still has a considerable say in the dragon and dragon flame.

With such a right to speak, of course Lauren wanted to show off in front of the crowd.

It's a pity that Lauren didn't expect that the development of things would be very different from what he expected.

Long Qingquan raised doubts at this time, more or less meant to slap Luo Lun in the face.

But at this time, Lauren couldn't fight back.

Because if he fights back, he has to come up with a good reason.

But he just couldn't find the reason.

Zhao Xun was calmly observing Luo Lun's state at the moment. Seeing that Luo Lun remained relatively calm, he felt quite relieved.

We are all adults, and there is really no reason to allow our temper to be emotional.

Emotional deterioration does not bring any benefit, it just makes things worse.

The most important thing is to observe how the situation develops at the moment.

"Well, that's what it means. If the Corruptors can lure us out of Zhongnanshan's defensive formation, their disadvantages will almost disappear. At present, the reason why they still have disadvantages is because of this Large formation. Excluding the advantages of large formations, our hard power is actually [-]-[-]."

Although this sentence hurts morale, Zhao Xun still wants to say it.

The advantage of the Academy is the head of the mountain, and the advantage of the Corruptor is Satan.

If these two are offset, in the end the Academy will still have to face the Corruptor face to face.

The only consolation for the academy is that they have the support of most of Alan Lore's tribes.

But the Corruptor is not alone.

The dog emperor Xianlong may dispatch the army of Da Zhou to reinforce the Corruptor at any time.

Once the Great Zhou army and the Corruptors gather together, it will be an extremely huge challenge for the entire academy.

Zhao Xun's mood is very emo.

Lauren's mood was even more so.

But there are some things that must be said. Since everyone is one of their own, there is no point in deceiving oneself and others.

Luo Lun had almost figured out the purpose of Zhao Xun's initiative to come to him this time, nodded lightly and said: "Understood, I really understand this time."

"So what are we going to do next? Stand still?"

Lauren asked for the first time.


Zhao Xun nodded and said: "Standing still is the best choice for us at the moment. The Corruptors are anxious now, because they may have received orders from Satan and must launch an offensive immediately for some reason. At this time And why do we take the initiative to fight together?"

Zhao Xun is very aware of the importance of rational use of advantages.

Since the academy has an advantage, it would be a fool not to take advantage of it.

"Well, but I'm afraid that in the long run, the morale of the academy alliance will be affected."

Lauren's worries were not completely unreasonable.

After all, the damage to the morale of the high-hanging free card is not so great.

In the long run, there are not many people who can resist it.

"I'm not too worried about morale."

But Zhao Xun has a completely different opinion on this.

"Because we have always been the dominant side. We did not have any weakness when facing the Corruptor. Why is morale low? There are only two cases of low morale. One is when we have an absolute advantage. A completely brittle defeat. One is that there is no possibility of a comeback from being suppressed from the beginning to the end. If either of these two situations may indeed face extremely huge pressure. But now it is clear which of the two Not at all. If so, why is there pressure? How can morale be low?"


Luo Lun was completely conquered by Zhao Xun's brilliant tongue.

"So, in many cases, people still have to be confident. I don't mean to be blindly confident, but I think there should be a lot of self-confidence. If you are not confident, you may be shit on the head of others, and you will be bullied by others. Bullying. But if you have self-confidence, it’s different. The enemy can have one rhythm, and you have another completely different rhythm. Although everyone’s rhythm is completely different, you still have to stick to your own rhythm. Things change and I stay the same. So what do we need to worry about?"

From beginning to end, Zhao Xun was emphasizing the importance of maintaining his own rhythm, and of course Luo Lun understood after listening so much.

In fact, he also agrees with Zhao Xun's argument.

It's just that sometimes people will have some mutations due to various factors.

This creates some self-doubt.

Lauren is an unconfident person. He often doubts himself. The main reason is that under his leadership, the Dragon Clan has a not-so-glamorous past and a not-so-bright future.

But actually it wasn't entirely his fault.

Lauren even gave his all in the process, dedicating a lot to the Dragon Clan.

So Zhao Xun felt that he could not be too harsh on Luo Lun, he had already done his best within his ability.If there is anything Lauren can do, it is to give his life.

Of course, it's clearly not there yet.Zhao Xun didn't want to go to that step either.

"If you think about it, the reason why the Corruptors were able to be invincible in the continent of Alan Lore is based on many situations. This result was finally caused by the blessing of these many situations. But I don't think they can be invincible in the mainland. The world of Zhou reproduced their glory in the continent of Allen Lore. Because the enemies they faced were completely different, and the situation they faced was also completely different. Facing this completely different situation, we naturally don’t have to have any self-deprecation. Even if the Corruptors are trying their best at this time, we can still fight against them."


Zhao Xun's persuasion was somewhat effective.

Originally, Luo Lun was quite unconfident, but under Zhao Xun's persuasion, he has recovered more than half.

It is not easy to maintain the original intention at any time. It is easy for a person to lose himself due to various factors.The impact of losing yourself is many aspects.

If you can adjust it well, you can get a huge improvement, but if you don't adjust well, the pressure you face will increase exponentially.

Lauren is at one such tipping point right now.

Zhao Xun is very clear about this.So now Zhao Xun must do his best to help Luo Lun, he must help Luo Lun get out of this vicious circle.

If Luo Lun can't get out but gets stuck in it, the soldiers will face a terrible future.

"You can try to think of it this way. The Dragon Clan used to be the most glorious tribe in the Alan Lore Continent, right? At that time, even the Human Race and the Elf Clan had to hang their noble heads in front of the Dragon Clan. But at that time, hundreds of It happened years ago. Then the dragon clan began to decline due to various reasons, and it was not your fault. Why are you so harsh on yourself?"

Zhao Xun knew very well that Luo Lun had entered a dead end.

So even if he had to pay a high price, he had to help Lauren get out.

Even if it is very difficult, even if it requires Zhao Xun to pay a huge price, he doesn't care.

Because we are born as human beings, sometimes we have to show something.

"You mean that this is a result of a natural development, and it is not something I can decide on my own."

"That's right, it's not just something you can decide on your own, it's not even something you and your clan can decide."

Zhao Xun took a deep breath and said in a deep voice: "So, you still have to keep your original intentions. There is really no point in panic, and it will also affect the confidence of your clansmen in the future. You are the clansmen's confidence now. Relying on and expecting, you play an absolute role as a benchmark. Everyone is watching you, so you have to stand up no matter what."


The more Luo Lun listened to Zhao Xun's analysis, the more he felt that his previous thinking had entered a blind spot.

Sometimes people are like this. Once their thinking state enters a blind spot, they will think about many inexplicable things in a daze.

But in fact, as long as you can change your mind and think about it, you will find that many of the problems you thought about at the beginning are actually not problems at all.

"I think there is still a choice in life. If there is a choice, there will be hope. If there is hope, there will be the desire to struggle."

Zhao Xun strikes while the iron is hot: "The path you have chosen now is very good. I think you have chosen an extremely correct path. The key now is persistence. If you can persist, you will definitely be able to turn the crisis into safety."

"I also believe that under your leadership, the Dragon Clan will eventually be able to rejuvenate."

In fact, this sentence was what Lauren wanted to hear the most.

How difficult it is for a tribe to revive.

To truly move towards revival requires the joint efforts of many factors.

But Zhao Xun felt that at least this time Luo Lun should give a positive signal.

Keeping this positive signal, they can have a bright future.

After returning from Luo Lun's residence, Zhao Xun felt dry mouth.

Good guy, this is more tiring than having a concert.

The key is that Zhao Xun has been talking from beginning to end and has never stopped.

As for Lauren, he is good in everything, but he has some dead heads.

It's nothing more than a brain.But he will still hold on to some points, and then reason with you.
This is a bit difficult.

Zhao Xun's theory of heart theory is that after the first time, there will be a second time, and after the second time, the third time will inevitably happen.

He is no longer a professional debater.

Comparing with Lauren here, the whole person will become extremely embarrassing.

"Finally back. If I stay with him for a while longer, the whole person will become useless."

"Oh, little brother, you're back. How's it going, how's the discussion with Lauren, have you talked it over?"

The third senior brother Long Qingquan didn't know when he appeared, and he happened to appear from behind Zhao Xun, almost scaring Zhao Xun to death.

Zhao Xun held his heart and complained: "Oh, third senior brother, I know your lightness kung fu is good, but can you make some noise when you walk? If there is no sound, is it a ghost or a human being? I don't know how many times I have asked this question. "

Zhao Xun really hated and felt helpless.

He really said this question to third senior brother Long Qingquan many times.

But the third senior brother just doesn't care.

What can Zhao Xun do?He is also very helpless.

"I know, I know, I will definitely pay attention next time."

Long Qingquan made a haha, expressing that this is not an example.

Zhao Xun didn't quite believe this.

The main reason is that the third senior brother is a "recidivist", who belongs to the typical type who refuses to mend his ways despite repeated admonitions.

Committing so many problems in a row, who can stand up to changing groups.

"It took a lot of effort for Lauren. I'm really numb."

Zhao Xun spread his hands helplessly and said: "But the ending is still very good. Luo Lun still agreed with my suggestion, and he also felt that the Corruptor was deliberately luring us into the bait, so it's not okay for us to stop and observe the situation for the time being." Can't."

"Hahaha, that's it."

Long Qingquan nodded frequently and said: "Actually, that's the truth. Many times we are faced with such helpless situations. Obviously the opponent's strength is not as good as ours, but he will change his tricks and think of some weird ways to come up with it." Deal with us. We still get hit all the time, and we don’t know why.”


Zhao Xun thought about it carefully, and felt that what the third senior brother Long Qingquan said was indeed quite reasonable.

People are cheap sometimes.

The point is that sometimes you don't know it.

"So we don't have to think about trespassing in the tiger's den in the future. We can enjoy life in the future, just for the time being."

Long Qingquan opened his arms to welcome a beautiful life.

Life itself is indeed beautiful and indeed worth looking forward to.

"So third senior brother, you mean we are going to start cooking again, right?"

Zhao Xun knew the third brother Long Qingquan too well.

So even if the third senior brother just showed a slight expression, Zhao Xun knew what Long Qingquan was thinking at the moment.

There is nothing wrong with describing Zhao Xun as the roundworm in Long Qingquan's stomach.

"Uh, more or less. Isn't cooking your favorite thing in your life, little brother? Enjoying the process of cooking is enjoying life. Isn't this a sentence you often talk about?"

"Well, there seems to be nothing wrong with it."

Zhao Xun thought about it carefully, and it was indeed such a truth.

"So, what dishes are we going to start this time?"

Long Qingquan rubbed his hands repeatedly, feeling extremely curious in his heart.

"What are you cooking?"

Zhao Xun smiled bitterly and said, "I really didn't think about it for a while."

"Senior brother, what do you want to eat?"

"Well, why don't you make something refreshing this time, after all, it's summer now."


Zhao Xun searched desperately in his mind, which dishes are refreshing, but he couldn't really complete the check-in except salad.

That's a little harder.

"Third senior brother, you don't just want to eat salad, do you?"

"Salad? No no no?"

Hearing this, Long Qingquan nodded again and again: "I'm in pretty good shape now, I don't need to eat salad to lose weight. I mean it's relatively refreshing, and I don't require you to cook cold dishes."


Zhao Xun thought to himself, it seems that there is a problem with his understanding.

The third brother wants to eat something relatively refreshing, but not a cold dish
Got it!

After thinking for a long time, Zhao Xun suddenly thought of a suitable dish.

"Cold noodles! It's up to you."

It is obvious that the third senior brother Long Qingquan really wants to eat a dish that is cool in summer, but at the same time, this dish cannot be a cold dish.

Because obviously cold dishes are unlikely to be full.

Under the premise of not being able to eat enough, the whole person will be in a state of depression.

The third senior brother, Long Qingquan, attached great importance to the feeling of satiety.

Therefore, this dish cannot be a cold dish, or even a single dish. Obviously, the effect will be better if it is rice.

Long Qingquan's attitude greatly affected Zhao Xun's attitude.

The cold noodles he made basically met all of Long Qingquan's requirements.

Of course, this kind of cold noodles is not cold noodles in the simple sense, but mustard wheat noodles.One of the great advantages of mustard wheat noodles is that it is rich in dietary fiber, which can make people have a very strong sense of fullness, which can exactly meet the requirements of the third brother Long Qingquan.

Didn't the third senior brother hope to be full at once?Mustard wheat noodles are always delicious.

As we all know, people will not want to eat after they have a feeling of fullness.

At this time, the third brother actually didn't take in much carbohydrates.

This is simply good news for dieters.

Because you don't need to eat too much, and you don't need to eat too little.

You don't have to worry about starvation, nor do you have to worry about growing meat.

It can be said that mustard wheat noodles are tailor-made for dieters.

As for the third brother, Long Qingquan, who has been yelling that he is not fat and does not want to lose weight, haha, just listen.

No one in this world is willing to admit that they are really fat, and no one is willing to admit that they need to lose weight.

If so, how strong is this person's psychology?

Long Qingquan was just talking about it, once he really had the opportunity, he would definitely be the first to jump out and eat a diet meal without hesitation.

What is the most important thing to lose weight?

Keep your mouth closed and take your legs away.

Third Senior Brother, Long Qingquan, as a cultivator, there must be no major problem with the amount of exercise.So there's nothing wrong with him moving his legs.

but shut up
Originally, the third senior brother Long Qingquan still controlled it well.But everything changed after following Zhao Xun into the kitchen.

The third senior brother, Long Qingquan, was fed by Zhao Xun until he became fat and fat, and he gained an unknown amount of meat.

Of course, Zhao Xun cannot be blamed for this, after all, Long Qingquan's self-control is really bad.

Take a sip in this place and a taste in that place.

In the long run, how could it be possible to bear it.

The key among the key points is that Third Senior Brother Long Qingquan has always felt that he is not fat.

This is the most critical point.

If a person has spirituality and knows where his problems are, then there is hope for him no matter what.

What I am afraid of is that this person is completely unaware, and is completely in a state of self-comfort.

This is about to die.

Who can stand it instead.

So I can only rely on Zhao Xun to help the third senior brother to forcefully lose weight.

Zhao Xun has to be careful, if the third senior brother sees that he is deliberately changing his recipe, it will be a big trouble.

But at this time, Zhao Xun cut in just right.

Third senior brother Long Qingquan showed no doubts at all, not even the slightest surprise.

This is a bit interesting.

"Okay, little brother, what's the recipe for this cold noodle?"

"Yeah, come with me first, third senior brother."

Seeing that the third senior brother had already taken the bait, Zhao Xun called him into the kitchen first.

"First of all, let me explain that the noodles we are going to make today are mustard noodles. Cold mustard noodles, as the name suggests, we need to prepare some mustard noodles first. Do you know what mustard is, third brother?"

"of course."

"Okay, in addition to mustard wheat noodles, we also need to prepare a millet pepper. There are also accessories such as shallots and garlic. As for the seasoning, rice vinegar, soy sauce, and sesame oil are all essential."

Zhao Xun swallowed a mouthful of spit, and then continued: "Let's mash the garlic first, then add various seasonings and water to mix. Put water in the pot, and then throw this mustard wheat noodles into the pot to cook ?”

"How long?"

"The work of a cup of tea."

Zhao Xun thought to himself that there is no final conclusion on this thing, and how long it must be boiled is stipulated, and the time for a cup of tea is almost the same.

"it is good."

Long Qingquan seemed extremely excited.

For him, it is the most important thing for him to be able to observe the details of his junior cooking as much as possible.

Since you want to steal a teacher, you naturally have to learn the key points.

If you just simply learn some fur, it doesn't mean much.

Long Qingquan's ambition is still quite big, if he doesn't learn, he will be done, as long as he learns, he must learn the essence.

"And then what?"

"Uh, Third Senior Brother, help me chop the millet pepper and green onion first. Yes, just cut the green onion into sections."

Then Zhao Xun took the almost cooked mustard wheat noodles out of the pot.

The next key step came, that is, he put the mustard noodles that he had fished out into cold water for a while.

Even though it was such a small step, it played a vital role.

It can be said that the cold noodles that have been treated with cold water and the cold noodles that have not been treated with cold water are completely different in taste.

The taste of the two is also very different.

Comparing the two, the huge gap can make people feel completely different tastes.

Of course Zhao Xun wanted to choose the optimal solution.

For him, the current choice is enough for Third Senior Brother Long Qingquan to completely remember this cold mustard wheat noodles.

"Almost all right."

After finishing the mustard wheat noodles in the cold water, Zhao Xun put the auxiliary ingredients prepared by the sight into it, and then added some seasonings and mixed them evenly.

It can be said that cold mustard wheat noodles are a must-have delicacy for summer home travel.

Not only is it delicious, refreshing and full of satiety, but it won't make you fat!
This is really good news for those who want to lose weight.

Long Qingquan, the third senior brother, let's not talk about it.

Girls like Senior Sister Xiao Ning, Second Senior Sister Liu Yingying, etc., there is no one who does not pay attention to their figure, right?

Body management is a compulsory course for every girl. If you can manage your body well, it can also show that a person has strong self-control ability from a certain aspect.

In other words, if an adult can't even do this well, then don't expect him to be able to make any big moves or great things.

Today, Zhao Xun has grasped the essence of the preferences of the third brother Long Qingquan.

At present, it seems that Long Qing, the third senior brother, still has a huge subjective tendency.

If Zhao Xun can do what he likes, the dishes he cooks will definitely be praised by the third senior brother.

"Come and taste, third senior brother. Come and taste the taste of this mustard wheat noodles."

Zhao Xun laughed.

"Well, okay, then I will be disrespectful."

Long Qingquan took a sip with satisfaction, and he was completely conquered by Zhao Xun after just one sip.

"Tsk tsk tsk, this taste, this taste is really amazing, little brother, how did you make such delicious cold noodles."

Zhao Xun thought to himself, third senior brother, third senior brother, isn't your performance a little exaggerated?

How come I don't feel so delicious?
But he took a closer look at the facial expressions of the third senior brother, and felt that it didn't seem to be fake.

So what is the reason?
Is it really because of an accidental attempt by him that he came up with a unique taste?
Zhao Xun thought about it carefully, and felt that there might be such a possibility.

You must know that delicious food varies from person to person, because everyone has different tastes.

But if you can make a delicacy that the public is satisfied with, it at least proves that this dish basically meets the taste of the public.

Zhao Xun felt that the taste of Long Qingquan, the third senior brother, could basically represent the taste of the public.

Of course, in order to make the final confirmation, he still needs to let other brothers and sisters taste it before he can draw a conclusion.

But from the current point of view, at least a good start.

"How about it, is there a refreshing feeling unique to summer?"

Zhao Xun is obviously in a good mood.

Being able to share food with others will always bring a different kind of pleasure.

At least for now, it seems that the dish he made is quite successful.

The next step is to see if the evaluation of the third senior brother Long Qingquan can be confirmed by other senior brothers and sisters.

If this is achieved, it will prove that Zhao Xun's cold mustard wheat noodles are completely popular.

If not, you prove that this delicacy is still a little short of fire.

It is not a bad thing to be short of heat, which will give Zhao Xun the motivation to make some improvements.

I'm afraid that they are all compliments, so Zhao Xun will also get away with it.

"No, no, no, it's really delicious. Let's make some more and ask other disciples to taste it. By the way, junior brother, you can make a separate copy and send it to the head of the mountain. Don't worry, the head of the mountain will definitely like it." It's so cool and refreshing."

The third senior brother, Long Qingquan, patted his chest while chewing mustard wheat noodles, assuring him.

is this real?
Shan Chang and his elders will also like this dish?

Zhao Xun was a little skeptical about this.

But since the third senior brother Long Qingquan had talked about this, he wanted to give the third senior brother some face.

Of course, the mountain chief just depends on luck.

Either the head of the mountain likes it very much, and Zhao Xun became popular with this dish.Either the head of the mountain doesn't like this dish, but he shouldn't be too harsh on Zhao Xun, and he has a bad opinion of Zhao Xun.

So for Zhao Xun, this is actually not a difficult choice.

"Okay, then I'll cook a little more at a time."

Zhao Xun nodded and said, "Then how about we split up to deliver it. I'll deliver it to the head of the mountain, and third brother, you can deliver it to the other senior brothers and sisters."

Since Long Qingquan, the third senior brother, joined Zhao Xun's kitchen men's team, the cooperation between the two has been very tacit.

With such a tacit understanding, basically there will be no objections.

Sure enough, after hearing Zhao Xun's proposal, Third Senior Brother Long Qingquan immediately patted his chest and promised, "Okay, I will follow your suggestion, Junior Brother."


Zhao Xun is quite satisfied with the result.Next cook the noodles.

"Shanchang, what do you think of this cold mustard wheat noodles, does it still suit your taste?"


When Zhao Xun took the initiative to bring the cold mustard noodles to the head of the mountain, he was ready for the head to say that the mustard noodles were not tasty.

Although the third brother assured him that the head of the mountain would like it, the mouth is on the head of the mountain, and it is up to the head of the mountain to decide whether it is good or not.

So Zhao Xun still made the worst plan.

Under the premise of such a worst-case plan, even if the head of the mountain immediately came to a conclusion that he didn't want to eat a bite and asked Zhao Xun to take it out immediately, Zhao Xun would not be unacceptable.

Silence, dead silence.

This silent emotion really scared Zhao Xun.

Mamma Mia, you old man at least make a sound.

No matter what emotions you have, it's good for you to keep making a sound.

Saying nothing like this is the most frustrating thing.

"good, very good, excellent."

After a long time, the head of the mountain finally spoke.

This time, Zhao Xun's voice was too long away from what Zhao Xun expected.

Zhao Xun was so moved that tears welled up in his eyes.

What moved him was not only that the head of the mountain finally spoke out, but also that the head of the mountain was able to give such a good evaluation.

It seems that now his cooking has reached a certain level of proficiency, and even the old man Shan Zhang can give such a high evaluation.

"Well, if you like to eat, then eat more."

Zhao Xun knows that delicious food is worth sharing with relatives, and the head of the mountain is obviously one of Zhao Xun's relatives.

Furthermore, if the head of the mountain likes it, it means that this dish can be greatly promoted in the future.

With this gold-lettered signboard, do you still have to worry that this dish will not become popular?
Cold mustard wheat noodles, Zhao Xun has even seen the scene where this dish will be popular in the streets and alleys of Chang'an City in the future.

This is really a very refreshing thing.

"Little 72, how is the battle over there?"

The head of the mountain seldom asked Zhao Xun about the situation of the war. This time, the head of the mountain took the initiative to ask that the situation had indeed deteriorated to a certain extent.

"Uh, in fact, it is still under control. But we found that the Corruptor seems to be deliberately luring us to attack."

In front of the head of the mountain, Zhao Xun naturally told the truth and there was no need to hide anything.

Sure enough, after hearing the words, the head of the mountain stroked his beard and said: "The teacher has already guessed this point. The Corruptors are no match for this large formation in Zhongnan Mountain, so they can only make a big fuss about these aspects. They think their chance Here we come, but we don’t know that this is actually just the behavior of a clown.”

"You are not impulsive, are you?"

"No. After seeing through the plot of the Corruptor, we made a total calculation and decided to stand still."

The head of the mountain slightly nodded when he heard the words: "Not bad, very good. Your choice is very correct, and you have done a good job."

Zhao Xun was praised by the head of the mountain, so he was naturally full of joy.You must know that the head of the mountain seldom takes the initiative to praise others.Shan Zhang's praise this time shows that Zhao Xun's judgment is very correct.

"Thank you, Master Shan."

"But I think there may be some allies who can't hold back."

"who is it?"

"As a teacher, I don't know."

The head of the mountain smiled bitterly: "First of all, I didn't open my eyes as a teacher. Secondly, even if I opened my eyes, I might not be able to see clearly such things. Because these allies are not from our Great Zhou, but tribes from the Alan Lore continent. So we can’t see what’s going on in their hearts.”

Zhao Xun's expression darkened involuntarily.

Yes, there is indeed nothing wrong with what the head of the mountain said.

He was too excited just now, causing Zhao Xun to make a mistake in his haste, hoping too much to find out which ally was the impulsive one.

But actually figuring it out is easier said than done.

"In fact, these are not critical and will not affect the final occupation."

In the end, the words of the head of the mountain gave Zhao Xun a reassurance.

"Well, that's fine."

"However, you still have to prepare both hands. If, what the teacher said is if, if the teacher really wants to confront Satan head-on one-on-one, you must be prepared."

"Uh, do you really want to confront Satan head-on, do you have to?"

"It's hard to say now, but I think it's impossible to escape."

The head of the mountain is neither sad nor happy, just like the Zhongnan Mountain behind him.

Zhongnan Mountain has never been as conspicuous as those other famous mountains, but it still gives people a very down-to-earth feeling.

Zhao Xun didn't know why, but this feeling was very strong.

Perhaps, this is because birds of a feather flock together.Most of the people who are willing to come to Zhongnan Mountain are hermits who are tired of the world, and they don't deliberately care about how prosperous Zhongnan Mountain itself is.On the contrary, the faintness of Zhongnan Mountain gave them the motivation to move on.

"Actually, I've been looking forward to this battle for a long time. It's been a long time since I've had a hearty fight. It's natural to have a good fight. It's really meaningless if you keep hiding your appearance. "

"Satan should be the strongest opponent that my teacher has accepted in recent years. I really want to see how powerful this so-called supernatural Satan is."

Shan Zhang's mood was very stable from the beginning to the end, even if he was talking about a major event that determined the life and death of both parties, he still seemed neither happy nor sad.

This undoubtedly gave Zhao Xun a sense of security to a large extent.

To be able to grow up under the protection of the head of the mountain is really an extremely lucky thing for him.

It's just that he will eventually face the time when he will not have the protection of the mountain chief.

Will he be able to handle it by then?
Will he be able to hold out when the time comes?How long will he be able to hold out by then?

This is not only a problem that Zhao Xun has to face alone, in fact, all the people in the academy need to face such an embarrassing situation.

But Zhao Xun didn't feel panicked.

Because the head of the mountain gave him confidence.

Even if the head of the mountain is not by his side, the head of the mountain is still fighting for the academy, and for all the disciples of Haoran Academy.

This is enough.

"Is there anything the mountain leader needs his disciples to do?"

Although Zhao Xun knew very little that he could help the head of the mountain, he was still willing to contribute his modest strength.

"You live well is the greatest help to the teacher."


"There is an opportunity in you that the teacher can't see through. I don't know if Daoist Qinglian has told you that this opportunity in you can reach the sky?"


Zhao Xun's jaw almost dropped in surprise.

"I didn't lie to you as a teacher, what I said was the truth."

The head of the mountain smiled slightly: "It's not the kind of nonsense that the emperor is ordered by the sky, you really have the opportunity to reach the sky."

Uh, when I heard this, Zhao Xun's scalp was a little numb.

What kind of character Emperor Xianlong is, Zhao Xun is very clear.

So Zhao Xun never respected him from the bottom of his heart, nor did Zhao Xun think that Emperor Xianlong was ordered by heaven.

It's all just nonsense.

But when the head of the mountain said these words, there were completely different meanings.

At least at this time, Zhao Xun felt sure that the head of the mountain was definitely not trying to deceive him.

So what kind of opportunity is hidden in Zhao Xun?
How miraculous is this opportunity?
What kind of role will Zhao Xun assume after this?
Everything is unknown, everything is unknowable.

This inexplicable sense of mystery actually caused Zhao Xun to have some faint expectations.

For him now, looking forward to the future is undoubtedly the most important thing to do.

Because life is meaningful only if you are full of expectations for the future.

That's what Shan Zhang did.

"Thank you for the instructions from the head of the mountain, I will keep it in my heart."

The teachings of the head of the mountain are very useful.

At least Zhao Xun could feel a refreshing feeling after hearing it, and knew that his future was not a dream, but destined to have big ups and downs.

As for the specific performance, it depends on Zhao Xun's chance.

"Little brother, you're back. I thought you had some accident after you've been away for so long."

Seeing Zhao Xun's return, Third Senior Brother Long Qingquan immediately rushed forward.

"Look at you, but you scared me half to death."

"Uh, what surprises can I have when I go to the head of the mountain? It's nothing more than a few more words from the head of the mountain, and then delays the time."

Zhao Xun explained with a smile.

"The head of the mountain really loves you. By the way, junior brother, what did the head of the mountain say to you?"

In Haoran Academy, when it comes to the attributes of gossip and gossip, Long Qingquan ranks second, and no one dares to claim to be the first.

At least Zhao Xun has experienced it deeply.

So Zhao Xun didn't feel any surprise when the third senior brother wentssip like this.

"Uh, third senior brother, actually the head of the mountain said that I have great opportunities. These opportunities may appear in a certain period of time in the future, and then affect the lives of me and the people around me."

Zhao Xun briefly repeated what the head of the mountain had said.He really didn't want to talk too much about this with Third Senior Brother Long Qingquan.

Because in many cases, the third senior brother will always lead a very simple question to a certain extreme.

And this is exactly what Zhao Xun does not want to see.

"Oh, the head of the mountain always said that, but what you know, I want to know more about what aspects of your chance, little brother."

Sure enough, Third Senior Brother Long Qingquan didn't want to let it go easily, but changed the subject abruptly.

Zhao Xun did not expect to be so powerful.

"Actually, I don't know, neither does the head of the mountain."

Zhao Xun told the truth: "Sometimes chance really depends on the number of days. Although I don't believe in fate, sometimes fate must have it sometimes, and there is always time in fate. Don't force it."

Dropping the book bag is Zhao Xun's nirvana to end a conversation, and it will get twice the result with half the effort against the third senior brother Long Qingquan.Sure enough, Long Qingquan, the third senior brother, was taken aback after hearing this and said: "Good poems, great poems. I never thought that you could get such a chance, little junior brother. I admire it. I really admire it."

The third senior brother is definitely not pretending. Generally speaking, the third senior brother is still genuine.

What he said shows that he really appreciates Zhao Xun's poems.

This can be regarded as Zhao Xun's major trump card.

Every time Zhao Xun wanted to gag the third brother Long Qingquan, he would recite a peerless poem, and he used it just right.

So Long Qingquan was completely conquered.

"By the way, let's not talk about this. Third senior brother, I want to know if I like my cold mustard noodles?"

This is the question that Zhao Xun is most concerned about right now.

"Haha, I almost forgot if you didn't tell me. Just you making that pot of mustard noodles is not enough."

The third brother Long Qingquan became energetic as soon as he said this.

"Good guy, I've never seen a group of academy disciples so enthusiastic, as if they can't grab it if they're a step too late. But the taste of this mustard wheat noodles is really top-notch, there's nothing to question about that."


Zhao Xun thought to himself that after tossing and tossing for so long, it is almost night.He had to worry about the dinner for everyone in the academy again.

There is no way, Zhao Xun is born with a tired life.

This is simply exhausting people.

That's all, that's all.Then let's get started.

"By the way, Third Senior Brother, do you have any suggestions for dinner?"

"Dinner? Since you've already eaten noodles, it's better to change it."

Long Qingquan cleared his throat and said, "Junior Junior Brother, do you have any specialties in fried rice, or something you haven't done before?"


Zhao Xun thought to himself that the condition of the third senior brother was really harsh, and he had to ask for something that he had never done before.Isn't this equivalent to testing Zhao Xun's reserve strength?That's all, that's all, fortunately Zhao Xun knows a lot of tricks, otherwise he would have been asked by the third brother Long Qingquan.

"Shrimp fried rice should be good, do you want to try it?"

"Wow, shrimp can also be fried rice?"

It was obviously the first time Long Qingquan had heard of it, and he was extremely excited.

"Then you have to give it a try."

Zhao Xun understood now, and he thought to himself, please come and watch my performance.

There are ready-made shrimps in the academy, rice and all side dishes are complete.

This is the advantage of cooking in the academy, at least you don't have to worry about the ingredients, let alone run around for the ingredients.

Thinking about those poor people, they are so busy for food, it is really miserable.

"Third brother, it's still the same, you come and help me."

Now Zhao Xun and the third brother Long Qingquan have a very tacit understanding.

With a tacit understanding, many things become much easier.

"Well, don't worry, I will prepare according to the ingredients on the list you requested."

The third senior brother Long Qingquan patted his chest and promised.

He is still quite confident in this regard.

Zhao Xun is also very satisfied with this.

The third senior brother is a very talented and confident person.

Once you give him hope, he will be able to produce a perfect result according to your general idea.

Although it may not be as good as Zhao Xun doing it himself, it saves worry and effort.

It is really important to be able to save worry and effort.

"Come on, third senior brother, I am optimistic about you."

Since the third senior brother Long Qingquan performed so well, it is only natural that Zhao Xun should give him some encouragement.

In this way, the third senior brother will work harder, and Zhao Xun will be able to relax more.

The preparation of ingredients is more than careful.In this regard, Third Senior Brother Long Qingquan still has no doubts.

Zhao Xun always thought that the third senior brother, Long Qingquan, was a good cook.

The main reason is that the third senior brother can always bring him surprises.

Seriously cook every dish, even if it's just a side dish.

This is a very important bonus item for Long Qingquan, the third senior brother.

In addition, the third senior brother Long Qingquan was able to communicate with Zhao Xun from time to time, asking Zhao Xun for relevant opinions, and giving Zhao Xun some targeted suggestions.

This makes Zhao Xun not feel lonely when cooking, let alone feel lonely.

This point is crucial.

Because cooking is something that requires a lot of recognition.

And if you wait until the dishes are ready for the diners to taste before giving some feedback, the whole time is too long.

Such a long time can easily cause the situation to get out of control.

But with the real-time feedback from the third brother Long Qingquan, Zhao Xun no longer has to worry about this.

The third senior brother performed very well. Whether it was the evaluation of the dish production process or other aspects, the third senior brother played the value that an assistant chef should have.

Although at present, it is still difficult for the third senior brother to be alone.

But with Zhao Xun charging ahead, it's not a problem for the third senior brother to quietly be a supporter.

The next step is to watch Zhao Xun's performance.

Shrimp fried rice, the heat is quite important.

It can be said that the taste of fried rice fried at different heat is completely different.

Zhao Xun prefers to stir-fry over high heat.The fried rice fried in this way is delicious, and the shrimp is even more mellow.

Zhao Xun thought about it and actually started drooling.

Keep a low profile, you must keep a low profile at this moment.

The third senior brother was watching from the sidelines, Zhao Xun had to maintain his image.

Soon the first shrimp fried rice was made by Zhao Xun.

When Zhao Xun brought the fried rice with shrimps to the third senior brother Long Qingquan, the third senior brother Long Qingquan felt incredible.

"My good fellow, this taste is absolutely perfect."

Although the third senior brother Long Qingquan hadn't tasted it yet, he was completely conquered just by smelling it.

"Little brother, little brother, why are you able to cook such beautiful dishes every time? You are simply a genius, a genius of cooking. Really, you should stop practicing and just concentrate on cooking. Although You are very talented in cultivation, but it is nothing compared to your talent in cooking. Even if you have the opportunity to be promoted to the first rank in the future, so what. There are many first-rank practitioners in the world, but chefs at the master level are not Rarely. You are expected to be promoted to the master of the chef world."


Zhao Xun couldn't help but feel a little bit dumbfounded by the evaluation of the third senior brother Long Qingquan.

The grand master of the chef world?
This is what the third brother made up by himself.

Why did Zhao Xun feel so outrageous?

"Okay, okay, I will cook with my heart, but I will not give up my practice. After all, even the head of the mountain said that I have a great opportunity in practice. If I give up at this time, the head of the mountain will definitely be the first Can't spare me."

"Haha, that's true. How could I have forgotten this one. Then you should allocate your time and energy well, and don't let your energy run low. I and a group of academy disciples are waiting for your delicious food. "

The high priest of the Mozong has been in a very unhappy mood these days.

It was clearly predicted that Satan would come, and the Corruptors started their first battle to attack Zhongnan Mountain, but why did they suddenly die down?
The disappearance of everything was too bizarre, too unexpected by the High Priest of the Demon Sect.

Could it be that his prediction was wrong?
This is impossible!

This idea was rejected by the High Priest of the Demon Sect as soon as it was born.

He did not believe that his prediction could be wrong.

Many times people deliberately speculate about many things, even relying on ignorance.

Of course, such predictions are likely to be wrong.

But the High Priest of the Demon Sect is not.

The prediction of the High Priest of the Demon Sect is well-founded, and it is by no means a wild guess.

So he knew very well that the God of Darkness was about to come, and Satan was about to rule the world.

But the fact is that the Corruptors made a lot of noise in the first battle, and the next move can only be said to be unsatisfactory.

If you say that nothing happened, no one will believe it.

So what went wrong?

Where did the Corruptor go wrong?

At this moment, the High Priest of the Demon Sect is eager to know the answer!

Of course, at this moment, it is impossible for the high priest of the Demon Sect to actually visit the Corruptor's camp to question Wuoris, and it is even more impossible to break away from the group of black wizards.

Anyway, now he and the group of dark wizards are grasshoppers on a rope.

Their pace must be absolutely consistent, and it is impossible for different opinions to appear.

Of course, the high priest of the Demon Sect had to admit that he was very unhappy with the group of dark wizards.

These guys are like a group of maggots, they will only influence the judgment of the High Priest of the Demon Sect again and again.

But he cannot escape from them.

Because to summon the God of Darkness, a group of black wizards is indispensable.

Especially Augustine, the leader of the Dark Wizard.

This person has boundless mana, even slightly higher than the High Priest of the Demon Sect.

This is also one of the most critical factors for the high priest of the Demon Sect to tolerate the group of black wizards for so long.

If it weren't for their strength, the High Priest of the Demon Sect would not bear it anyway.

But things have come to this point, forbearance is already something that the High Priest of the Demon Sect must do.

If he couldn't bear it, it might cause the whole situation to completely get out of control, and all the sacrifices he had made over the years of bearing the burden of humiliation would be ruined.

So the High Priest of the Demon Sect must endure.

As long as he can successfully summon the God of Darkness, then all his sacrifices will be worthwhile.

"Perhaps, the God of Darkness is testing me, testing my willpower, to see if I can serve him."

"So I have to be stronger and braver. I can't be easily influenced by these people in my state, and I can't be influenced by these guys in my judgment."

The high priest of the Demon Sect kept admonishing himself, admonishing himself not to be impulsive.

Impulse is the devil, especially in the current environment.

Once there is a mood swing, the entire Corruptor Alliance, including the group of dark wizards, can detect it.

Although their goals are the same to some extent, they each have their own little calculations, so they can't really come together.

In many cases, the High Priest of the Demon Sect had to leave enough room for himself.

In this way, even if one day he is forced to confront the Corruptor and part ways with the Dark Wizard, his eyes will not be dimmed.

"Your Highness, I have been able to contact the Paladins. They are all well."

In the human camp, Baron Gus came to Prince Harry Portsman very excitedly and reported the good news to his most beloved prince.

"Oh? This is really great news."

Prince Harry Portesman pumped his fists excitedly when he heard the good news.

For a long time, Prince Harry Portesman has suffered in this absolute sense.It's because he lost contact with Casper Kingdom.

At that stage, the Paladins were severely damaged, but Prince Harry Portesman didn't know what happened.

Under such circumstances, no one would be able to understand how much pain he felt in his heart.

He was not only worried about the Paladins, but also about his father, his people and his country.

At that time, Prince Harry Portesman was just holding on in front of people.

Of course, there is one person who understands him.

This person is Baron Guos, the chief royal knight, and the head of the Holy Knights.

Baron Guos, blessed by many identities, has always acted as the guardian of Prince Harry Portsman.He has also been playing very well.

Still, Prince Harry Portesman was too scared to face it.

If the Paladins were really destroyed, God would have a pity to see what the entire Casper Kingdom would look like.

A kingdom that loses the protection of the Paladins will have difficulty resisting the invasion of foreign forces, and it is very likely that it will be overturned overnight.

Now, here comes the news
And it's good news!

If Baron Gus didn't announce in advance that this is good news, Prince Harry Portsman might not dare to listen to it.

But now that he was convinced that this was really good news, he wanted to hear it anyway.

"In the end what happened?"

"A traitor appeared among them. This traitor is Naomi. She lured the enemy to invade. She also destroyed the nodules connecting the Paladins. If they didn't work hard to repair the nodules later, I am afraid that we are still fighting with the Paladins now." The regiment is in a state of disconnection."

"Naomi? The bitch!"

Prince Harry Portesman was surprisingly annoyed at the mention of Naomi.

Because this guy also served his father in front of the imperial court, who is the current king of the Casper Kingdom.

With such favor from the royal family, this Naomi even colluded with foreign enemies to betray the kingdom.

Really a white-eyed wolf!

"Your Highness, please calm down. Naomi's behavior is indeed beyond our expectations, but His Majesty the King is well, the Holy Knights are well, and the Casper Kingdom is well. This is the best news."


After hearing this, Prince Harry Portsman was completely relieved.

However, he was still a little unwilling and said, "Where's Naomi, has this bitch been caught? This prince must cut her into pieces and throw her into the dog pen to feed the dogs."

Prince Harry Portsman waved his fists, venting his anger.

He wished he could end Naomi's life with his own hands.

(End of this chapter)

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