big week bad guy

Chapter 390 Enlightenment and Cultivation of Mind

Chapter 390 Enlightenment and Cultivation of the Mind (nearly 20000 words super chapter)
Hatred can really distort a person completely sometimes.

At this moment, Prince Harry Portesman really wanted to tear Naomi into pieces. Only by doing so could he vent his anger, and only by doing so could he completely let go of this past.

The relationship between the Holy Knights and the Kingdom of Casper is not only a symbiotic relationship, but also makes the Kingdom of Casper the number one country in the continent of Ellen Lore.

The feeling of crushing the elves and dragons is very refreshing, and not everyone can experience the pleasure.

But it was all smashed by a bitch.

This bitch is Naomi.

"Your Highness, Naomi has been on the run for a while now, and it will not be easy for us to catch her."

The head of the Holy Knights, Baron Guos, knew that although his words at this time were a little too much, he still hoped to remind His Royal Highness to keep him calm and sober at all times.

Only by keeping calm and sober can a person possess superhuman judgment and leadership in an absolute sense in the future.

As a prince, Prince Harry Portsman must have such qualities.

The expeditionary force of the entire Casper Kingdom is currently looking forward to it.

So every decision Prince Caspar makes is crucial, and if the choice is right, it will put the entire kingdom in absolute euphoria.

"Well. The top priority right now is to block this wave of Corruptor's offensive."

At this moment Prince Harry Portesman regained his calm and composure.

He knows very well that if he is impulsive at this time, the consequences will be very serious.

Because no one knows what will happen next.Corruptor's suppression is quite powerful.

And as we all know, once the Corruptors have gained an advantage, they will then expand their advantage infinitely.

At that time, even the gods will be hard to save.

So from the beginning they have to be strong.

The strength of the academy alliance is vividly reflected, which is mainly due to the strength of their leading academy.

Zhao Xun and his brothers and sisters never let the Corruptor take advantage of it.

Even when the Corruptors were attacking the dwarven camp, they were able to show their conviction and rush for reinforcements.

The role of this reinforcement is quite important.

If the Corruptors were allowed to attack the Dwarves' camp, the Dwarves would not be able to last for too long, and their defenses would inevitably be pierced by the Corruptors in the long run.

At that time, it will not only be as simple as the dwarves, but the entire academy alliance will be under tremendous pressure.

So the decision made by the Academy is quite far-sighted.

There is nothing wrong with their choice.

It is not enough to rely solely on the strength of the academy.

The human race must also show its role.

Since they are in an alliance, it is natural to advance and retreat together.

"Send more magicians to the dwarf camp for reinforcements. Anyway, these magicians are not very useful here. It will be different when they arrive at the dwarf camp. On the front line, their value can be brought into full play .”


Baron Guos nodded.

His Royal Highness has really become more and more mature.

Today, His Royal Highness considers issues not only based on his own preferences, but also from the overall situation, from the overall environment, and considers issues thoroughly.

This is the luck of the Casper Kingdom, this is the luck of the human race, and it is the luck of the academy alliance.

Zhao Xun had a good sleep and slept until dawn.

Facts have proved that after extreme fatigue, the body function of the whole person will be greatly affected, and a good sleep can make people get the ultimate relaxation.

This is critical and necessary.

If you can't get enough sleep supplements when you are exhausted, there is no doubt that the whole person will feel more tired, such a vicious circle.

Of course Zhao Xun doesn't want a vicious circle to happen.

For him, the current environment can be said to be bad or bad.

The academy was able to handle the attack of the Corruptor with ease, but it didn't have a huge advantage.

Especially after the mountain chief said those words to Zhao Xun yesterday, Zhao Xun couldn't help but feel more heavy.

Sometimes a person's growth is due to the influence of the environment.

After being affected, a person's state has changed greatly, which may be for the better or worse.

It depends on the quality of the environment that affects him, as well as the individual's endurance and adaptability.

Corruptors are not idle people, so they are certainly not good at these three tricks.

The strength shown by the Corruptors is that they can be adjusted according to different situations. When facing the academy, they have a kind of fighting desire and fighting power, and when facing other members of the alliance, they have a completely different fighting power and fighting desire .

This combination of relaxation and relaxation can make the Corruptor's offense more layered and more tense.

This mode helps the Corruptor face enemy attacks at a deeper level.

But this is not good news for the Academy.

Facing such a difficult opponent means that the academy must ensure absolute concentration from beginning to end.

A little slack can lead to a total loss.

Zhao Xun is not a hypocritical person, but he is also very aware of the pressure to face such a powerful opponent.

But if you want to wear a crown, you must bear its weight.

Since the academy is the leader of this alliance, it is only natural that it should bear this burden at this time.

Only when they shoulder this heavy burden can they show strong adaptability and strength in the face of absolute threats, so as not to be criticized by others.

"Today I made an appointment to play chess with Sixth Senior Brother, I almost forgot."

Zhao Xun suddenly remembered something and slapped his head.

After returning to the academy, Zhao Xun rarely took the initiative to find someone to play chess, and usually others came to him to play chess.

Among the people who come to him to play chess, the third and sixth senior brothers are usually the majority, and occasionally Yao Yan, the bamboo forest sword fairy, will also come to him.

In this regard, Zhao Xun's attitude is that no one will be rejected.

Since people want to ask him to play chess, he really has no reason to refuse.

As long as it does not affect the lives of others, playing chess is indeed a good way to relieve emotions.

Of course, Zhao Xun also knew very well that Lu Guangdou's chess skills were far inferior to the current Sixth Senior Brother Lu Guangdou.

So Zhao Xun's mentality was well adjusted, and he went to play chess with the sixth senior brother with the mentality of studying and studying with the prince.

Whether he can win or not is not important, the important thing is that the sixth senior brother is happy and that Zhao Xun can learn something.

Isn't he the best of both worlds?

"Little brother, you are here. Sit down quickly."

Next to the bamboo forest, Lu Guangdou, the sixth senior brother, had already chosen a place.

Seeing Zhao Xun coming, he immediately greeted him happily.

"Uh, thank you Sixth Senior Brother."

Zhao Xun was really helpless in front of his sixth senior brother Lu Guangdou, especially in terms of chess skills.

When Zhao Xun came here, he had a learning mentality, and now he said in a deep voice: "Why is Sixth Senior Brother suddenly thinking about playing chess?"

"Haha, wasn't this taught when I played chess with the Bamboo Forest Sword Immortal a few days ago, so I wanted to play chess with my junior brother to see if I can come up with a better way to break it."

good guy.
Zhao Xun couldn't help but smile bitterly in his heart.

Dare to feel that he is a real tool man.

That's all, since the sixth senior brother is so obsessed with this, then he is willing to accompany him as a tool man.

"Okay, Sixth Senior Brother can arrange the chess pieces first."


Lu Guangdou nodded repeatedly.

Since it is to restore the chess game, it is natural to arrange the chess pieces first.

Then the chess players of both sides are substituted into the endgame, so that they can better make corresponding judgments on the situation.

It can be said that the endgame has been studied and studied, but the results of each study are different.

Everyone handles different situations differently.

Zhao Xun is more conservative, while Lu Guangdou, the sixth senior brother, is more radical.

It's hard to say which side has the better advantage. The situation is changing rapidly. Maybe one moment is still the same situation and the next moment the situation will completely change.

In the face of a changing situation, what may have been a very reasonable response just now may seem very stupid the next moment.

This is also the most quintessential and most attractive place to play chess.

If everything remains the same, and chess players play chess according to the scriptures, then the whole chess game will appear lifeless and lifeless.

"Little brother, can you tell me how you think about this move?"

Seeing Zhao Xun making a move in an unlikely place, Lu Guangdou frowned and asked.


Zhao Xun smiled awkwardly and said, "Turn to instinct. In fact, I don't have so many worries when I play chess, and I tend to instinct more."

"Well, one tends to instinct."

Lu Guangdou nodded. Now he can understand Zhao Xun's meaning. Zhao Xun's state is very good now, but the younger brother is not bound by a fixed chess game, nor does he follow the so-called seniors in the chess world. Instead, he went on a rampage and blazed his own path.

This is very critical.

You know, not everyone can have such a strong courage.

There are no rules, or no fixed rules that can make a person appear to be comfortable in the face of variables.

Because he won't use a fixed pattern to deal with it.

Even in the face of extremely difficult situations, he may still use unexpected ways to turn the tables against the wind.

This is the quality that a strong person should have, and it is also the key to a strong person being different from others.

Zhao Xun did a good job in this regard.

You can say that he is a newborn calf who is not afraid of tigers, or you can say that he is a fearless warrior, in short, Zhao Xun has indeed blazed a path that belongs to him alone, and this path makes Lu Guangdou feel very envious.

"Little brother, you are really strong. This move has a different taste, and it also makes me feel the unpredictable changes in the way of chess."

Lu Guangdou nodded in praise frequently.

Facing Sixth Brother's praise, Zhao Xun felt a little embarrassed for a while, scratched his head and said: "Uh, Sixth Brother, I really just acted out of instinct, and didn't think too much about it at all. You really praised I feel embarrassed."

"Oh, you should praise when you should. Junior brother, you have performed so well. If I don't praise, wouldn't I be black-hearted. To be honest, I never considered this level of relationship when I played chess. .Now that I think about it, I really fell behind.”


Lu Guangdou's words made Zhao Xun feel really shy.

Brother Six was really too polite when he spoke, and he lifted Zhao Xun to a position too high.

Zhao Xun thought carefully that he was really not as good as the sixth brother said.

Sixth Senior Brother is also true, if he is praised so highly, he will really be able to float.

That's how people are. He may not believe you when you say it once, but he may still not believe it when you say it twice.

But if you say it three times in a row, he will not believe it.

Zhao Xun doesn't know how long he can hold on, but judging from the current situation, it seems that he is almost unable to hold on.

"Hey, who would have thought that such a game of chess would be broken by a half-way monk like you, junior brother. So sometimes it is not necessarily a good thing to be professional. Because being professional means that he is bound by something, Being professional means that he is trapped in a certain circle. It is easy to enter the circle, but it is extremely difficult to jump out of the circle. Junior brother, I finally understand how difficult it is to maintain creativity .”


Brother Six is ​​getting more and more outrageous the more he talks about it.

"In fact, our current situation is not a game of chess. Zhongnanshan is the chessboard, and the camps of the two sides are the Corruptor Alliance and the Academy Alliance. The chess players are Shanzhang and Satan. You and I are both chess pieces."

When he said this, Lu Guangdou, the sixth senior brother, suddenly became a little dignified, which made Zhao Xun feel a little difficult to adapt for a while.

"Senior Brother Six, there is no need to be so pessimistic."

Zhao Xun spread his hands and said with a smile: "It doesn't matter whether you are a chess player or a chess piece, isn't this game of chess still to be played? Since we have to play it after all, what we think about is how to play this game well. If we can maximize the Killing opponents. In fact, isn’t it just such a little thing if you think about it carefully? What’s so difficult about it? Sometimes people don’t always look forward and backward, and don’t always think about too many problems.”

Lu Guangdou suddenly realized.

I have to say that many of the words that the little junior brother said are quite reasonable.

It may sound ordinary and unremarkable at first glance, but as long as you think about it carefully, you will find its meaning.

"So, sometimes people really have to keep calm. In fact, Sixth Senior Brother, you have been doing very well in this regard, but you should try to remind yourself more in your heart. This way, even in the face of many emergencies, you can still calm down. Don’t panic and get confused.”


Lu Guangdou thought about it carefully, and it seems that this is indeed the case.

"Now I have much more confidence in the battle that is about to begin. Thank you, junior brother, for giving me confidence, and for telling me where I should be in this game of chess."

Playing chess has never been a simple matter, sometimes there will always be some unexpected situations.

These are beyond the expected range.

However, Zhao Xun performed very well from beginning to end, and perfectly assumed the role of a training partner.

In terms of absolute skills and chess skills, Zhao Xun is definitely not as good as the sixth brother Lu Guangdou.

But sometimes it is not only the basic skills that are compared in chess, but the mentality and strategy are also very important.

Relying on these two advantages, Zhao Xun actually forced the Sixth Senior Brother to a draw in the end.

This is something he never thought of.

Of course, this result can be accepted by both parties, and it can be said to be a happy result.

"After playing a game of chess, happily practice sword skills."

Now Zhao Xun has not practiced sword skills for a while.

The main reason is that there are too many broken facts during this period, and Zhao Xun needs to worry about these things, so he naturally doesn't have much time to think about the practice of swordsmanship.

But just now he played a game of chess with his sixth senior brother Lu Guangdou, Zhao Xun can stop thinking about those miscellaneous things for the time being, and can completely let go and calm himself down.

A person in a state of absolute tranquility can have a better state and enjoy life in a better state.

This kind of state is needed to practice knife skills.

This time Zhao Xun didn't ask the third senior brother Long Qingquan to be a training partner.

Because sometimes sparring can increase a person's technical strength, but it will make people more dependent.

For example, Zhao Xun would ask the third senior brother Long Qingquan for more opinions when practicing sword techniques,
The third senior brother's opinion may not be the best, nor may it be the most suitable for Zhao Xun.

But Zhao Xun would really listen.

A suggestion affects not only Zhao Xun himself, but also many extended things.

Many things in this world are related, and in this connection, people will be affected in many cases.

But it is completely different to realize the Tao by yourself.

Zhao Xun can be in a state of emptying in an absolute sense, and can not worry about the so-called influence of other people's opinions at all.

This point is still very important, because if a person cares too much about other people's opinions, it is impossible to have his own understanding.

"The core of the Canglang knife technique is the word brave. The characteristic of the Canglang knife is domineering. Therefore, to practice this knife technique, the core of the core, the key of the key is to be brave, to be domineering, to be bold. Searching carefully will not have any effect. On the contrary, it will affect a person's performance."

Zhao Xun carefully analyzed the core of Canglang Saber Technique.

This is critical.

If a person wants to make great progress in martial arts practice, he must be good at analyzing his own problems and shortcomings.

Only when all these shortcomings are analyzed and analyzed, can we perform well in the next link and show absolute strength in the next operation.

This point is crucial.

Because if this cannot be achieved, it means that you will always be in a relatively positive environment and position.

In this way, it is undoubtedly difficult for this person to make great progress and breakthroughs.

Zhao Xun is not a hypocritical person.

But for him at the moment, there is still a long way to go in order to make great progress.

Especially in the use of sword techniques, he deliberately imitated too much before, which caused him to be unable to have his own mark and style for a long time.

In this case, more or less Zhao Xun will become mediocre, and eventually even disappear with everyone.

This is of course not a good thing.

So Zhao Xun had to seek a breakthrough, constantly seeking breakthroughs.

With one slash, a piece of bamboo snapped off, the incision was very crisp and neat, without muddle along.

But Zhao Xun was not satisfied with this, for him this performance was a bit too bad.

For ordinary practitioners, it is not bad, but Zhao Xun is not an ordinary practitioner.

Anyway, Zhao Xun is also a dignified third-rank cultivator now. If he only has this level, he can't justify anything.

Therefore, Zhao Xun must find a way to improve his overall strength and strive to become a very powerful and all-round practitioner.

"The core of the sword technique is dominance. My sword technique is not domineering enough at the moment. But how can I make the sword technique become domineering?"

Zhao Xun in the bamboo forest is like Wang Yangming, who is like a grid of bamboos, and began to think.

But Wang Yangming's thinking is obviously not at the same level as Zhao Xun's thinking, so there is actually not much reference value.

so hard.

For a moment, Zhao Xun had difficulty understanding, and his whole body was in a very entangled state of mind.

It is really not an easy task to think of the best solution if you want to control your emotions.

At this time, the benefits of having a training partner are reflected.

In any case, the sparring partner can listen to your complaints and give some suggestions according to your requirements.

Although the advice given by the sparring partner may not satisfy you, it is better than nothing.

Now Zhao Xun can only rely on himself.

"Meditate, I'm going to enter a state of meditation now."

Zhao Xun kept giving himself psychological hints.

Today, his state control is pretty good, but he still seems a little impetuous.

When people are impetuous, they cannot completely enter the ideal mode.

Therefore, the best way for Zhao Xun to get rid of his impetuous emotions is to settle down.

How to get into meditation quickly, that is meditation.

Zhao Xun has tried meditation more than once, and has achieved good results.

Facts have proved that as long as you can devote enough time to meditation, you will be able to achieve enviable results.

Many Zhao Xun really entered the state of meditation. In the state of meditation, Zhao Xun can not think about anything at all, keep the concentration in the absolute sense, and keep the emptiness in the absolute sense.

At this time, he felt that his entire spiritual consciousness had been completely opened up, and his sea of ​​consciousness had expanded countless times in an instant.

Zhao Xun's primordial spirit can also stride freely in the sea of ​​consciousness and enjoy everything in the sea of ​​consciousness.

Of course, Zhao Xun wanted more than that.

He must be able to thoroughly feel the core of the sword technique, and he must be able to appreciate the qualities that a swordsman should have.

As a practitioner, as a top practitioner, enlightenment is quite necessary.

Only by realizing the Dao can one master the core cultivation in the next step.

So Zhao Xun forced himself to talk to himself in his divine consciousness.

"Who are you? Where are you from? What did you see?"

These are the three questions Zhao Xun asked himself.

Although these three questions seem simple, it is not a simple matter to truly answer them perfectly.

Because sometimes a person will be affected by various objective factors, or by subjective emotions.

Under the influence of these emotions, it is difficult for a person to truly vent in a complete sense.

Under such circumstances, it is basically difficult to maintain a breakthrough in spiritual consciousness.

But Zhao Xun still has to try, since he has already set such a small goal, there is no reason to choose to give up at this time.

Choosing to give up at this time is the most stupid behavior.

"I'm Zhao Xun. I come from another world. I have seen life and death, light and darkness, good and evil, and everything."

Zhao Xun answered his own question almost instinctively.

This feeling is very mysterious, as if someone is pushing him forward.

There is no need to exert too much force at all, just try your best and you will get good results.


With a long breath of foul air, Zhao Xun felt the extreme pleasure brought by this.

Very cool, Zhao Xun felt a different kind of pleasure after answering these inner questions.

This is really cool, he hasn't experienced this feeling for a long time.

It was a kind of exhilarating feeling after breaking through self-enclosed and self-barriers.

In fact, Zhao Xun wanted to ask himself these questions a long time ago, but he never had the chance to ask them, and it was never possible to ask them.And now he can ask, he can ask.

He can take all that comes with it, he can take praise and he can take slander.

He has become more mature, he is no longer the young boy who just entered the academy, now he is mature like an old man.

Saying this is more or less strange, but Zhao Xun doesn't think it's strange, because his emotional control has always been very good.

Maintaining good emotional control helps maintain a steady state.

Only when a person maintains a stable state can he continue to output.

Why are there so many famous practitioners in history who were originally very strong, but they all disappeared in the end?
Why are they clearly able to achieve more powerful achievements, but they all disappeared in the end?
Isn't it because they can't maintain their emotions well, and can't maintain their state for a long time?

Does stability matter?
Stability is important.

Stability can keep a person at high intensity and high level for a long time.

Stability can prevent a person from plummeting in the realm.

Stability allows a person to maintain a high and upward posture.

Zhao Xun seems to have found a passage to go up, and what he has to do next is to climb up along this passage as much as possible.

It may seem difficult at first, but once you take the first step, it's actually not that difficult.

Walking in the sea of ​​consciousness, Zhao Xun saw many things that he couldn't see at all before.

But in fact, these things have always been there, but he didn't look carefully in the past.

Today's Zhao Xun is able to concentrate his consciousness in a complete sense, and can make his senses enter a state of perfection in a complete sense.

In this state, his induction power is undoubtedly magnified, so he can meet many things in a more powerful way.

He saw the prairie, he saw the forest, he saw the swamp, he saw the plateau.

Rivers, rivers, sun, moon and stars.

Good bad, beautiful, miserable.

Sunny and icy.

Everything in this world seems to appear in Zhao Xun's sea of ​​consciousness at this moment.

This made Zhao Xun feel flattered for a while.

How did that happen?

Zhao Xun was really surprised.

This was too unexpected for him.

Originally, in Zhao Xun's impression, everything should be just some illusions.

But these so-called illusions seem so real, so real that Zhao Xun can't believe that these are actually illusions, or are they replicas?
Well, it is obviously more reasonable to describe it as a replica.

Because illusions are invisible.

The replica is visible and tangible.

Zhao Xun tentatively stretched out his hand to touch, but found that all the things in front of him could really be touched, not only could be touched, but he could really feel clearly!
This is not easy, this kind of perception and attempt made Zhao Xun feel that his adaptability and sensitivity have risen to a new level!
It is not an easy task to maintain the state, but Zhao Xun is now forcing himself to maintain the state!
"Reach out and touch the world."

Zhao Xun gave himself a psychological hint again.

He found that no matter what he thought, his hands and feet would automatically make the choice next.

This feeling is really amazing, the wonderful Zhao Xun feels that everything is like an illusion.


After exhaling a turbid breath, Zhao Xun felt that he was really in an illusion this time.

A strange smoke enveloped his surroundings, rising smoke everywhere.

Zhao Xun could clearly feel that strange feeling.

Like a fairy, like a dream, like a dream.

Everything is so unreal, but Zhao Xun stretches out his hand to touch it, but he can really feel it.

Mamma Mia, what kind of experience is this?
Zhao Xun couldn't describe this feeling.

Enjoy the moment, this may be the key to his enlightenment.

For some reason, Zhao Xun feels that everything has a final conclusion, everything has a reason, and everything has an intersection.

Everything is preordained.

Understanding and cultivating the Tao, sometimes it really depends on one's understanding.

At least for now, Zhao Xun's comprehension is not bad.

Then try to keep going.

Zhao Xun doesn't want to give up halfway.

After all, it was hard for him to achieve his current achievement.

It takes too much energy to keep it going.

But Zhao Xun felt it was worth it.

Because these sacrifices will definitely be reflected in his future enlightenment and promotion.

Zhao Xun can feel the pleasure that comes from the heart.

This pleasure cannot be concealed.

Happiness is happiness, and happiness cannot be concealed by any emotion.

Canglang knife technique?
The Canglang Saber Technique itself is no longer important, in other words, the Canglang Saber Technique itself does not mean anything anymore.

At this moment, what Zhao Xun can experience is more of an improvement in realm.

When the realm is improved, isn't it normal for externalized things like swordsmanship and swordsmanship to be improved?

In life, some things must be faced alone after all.

When you face it alone, when you walk through this threshold alone, you will find that the world is so vast, and the problems you faced before are no longer problems.

The mountains and rivers are full of doubts, and there is another village.

It's a mysterious feeling.

Zhao Xun is not a hypocritical person, but he needs this kind of feeling, he needs this kind of impact, and he needs the ultimate enjoyment brought by this kind of pleasure.

A person, a cultivator must experience this feeling several times in his life to achieve the ultimate improvement.

If it is always tepid and in a relatively stable environment, then of course it will be quite stable, but it can't bring the feeling that Zhao Xun wants.

In Zhao Xun's view, life should be full of challenges.

Even if it is full of thorns, just cut off the thorns.

This is the simplest and most direct way to solve the problem.

Although it seems a bit simple and rude, what does it matter?

After all, this is a world that only looks at results.

In such a world, what everyone needs to bear is limited, and what everyone needs to realize is fixed.

In this limited and fixed world and environment, if one can realize the unfixed and infinite things, isn’t it enlightenment, isn’t it promotion?

In the vast world, there will always be variables.

At this moment, in the sea of ​​consciousness, Zhao Xun has been able to realize that extreme feeling.

"It's time to take a break."

Zhao Xun got what he wanted from meditation.But he knew he couldn't stay immersed in that world forever.

Because in the final analysis, this world is illusory, and this world is nothingness.

Sinking in such a world of nothingness for too long will only make a person more drifting.

There is no problem with floating a little bit, but it is obviously not a good choice to float all the time.

"Well, it's really cool. I will do it every three to five times in the future, and I will definitely get good results."

In the short term, it won't be of any direct help to sword skills or even martial arts, but what Zhao Xun sees is long-term.

As long as the long-term effect is strong, it has the desired effect.

Zhao Xun looked forward to what would happen next.

Maybe something big will happen next?
"Little brother, where did you go so early in the morning? It was very hard for me to find you."

Seeing Zhao Xun coming, Third Senior Brother Long Qingquan put on a stinky face, and complained very unhappily.

"Uh, third senior brother, in fact, I haven't been away for too long, have I?"

Zhao Xun was somewhat helpless about this.

"It's not long, little brother, do you know that you have been away for more than an hour. If I hadn't learned how to make pancakes, I would have starved to death when you came to make them."

The good guy really came here.

Zhao Xun should have thought of it long ago.

The third senior brother has now regarded him as a long-term meal ticket.

Forget it, forget it, there is no need for Zhao Xun to argue with the third senior brother on this kind of matter.

"Since you have eaten breakfast, let's prepare lunch."

Zhao Xun is still quite concerned about lunch.

After all, he didn't actually have breakfast just now.

In contrast, Long Qingquan, the third senior brother, was not so anxious.

After all, he just ate two large pancakes, which were quite generous.

In this case, even if he doesn't eat anything for a short time, it doesn't have much impact.

"Third Senior Brother? Third Senior Brother?"

Seeing the third senior brother Long Qingquan in a daze, Zhao Xun reminded him from the side.


"What's the matter, little brother?"

"Uh, I was just saying, shouldn't we start preparing lunch?"

The years are quiet and good, because there are always people who are carrying the burden.But at present, it seems that Zhao Xun and Long Qingquan are the ones who carry the weight forward.

The two shouldered the important task of cooking in the academy.

This job may seem ordinary, but the responsibility is great.

Whether the disciples of the academy can eat fresh food and feel the ultimate sense of enjoyment depends on them.

"Good guy, then we have to prepare well. Who told us to be academy disciples."

Long Qingquan patted his chest and said, "Little Junior Brother, let's start."

I have to say that the third senior brother Long Qingquan has always been able to maintain a good enthusiasm.

Zhao Xun was very pleased with this.

Enthusiasm needs to be maintained for a long time to be effective.

And the third senior brother is precisely the one who can do this.

So in many cases, the third senior brother can show a bit sharper than ordinary people.

It is because the third senior brother is really able to maintain enthusiasm from beginning to end.

"Okay, let's make noodles with scallion oil today."

Now Zhao Xun is more inclined to simple home-cooked dishes, not because he thinks delicacies from mountains and seas are troublesome to cook.It's because I'm tired of eating these every day.

Changing home-cooked dishes and changing tastes is more helpful for people to adjust their mood and state.

"Okay, I like the scallion noodles you made the most, little brother. But, can you add a little more noodles when you make scallion noodles? If you give too little noodles, there is always something to eat The feeling of not being full. Junior brother, don’t worry, I guarantee that no one in the academy wants to lose weight.”

The third senior brother Long Qingquan talked about this, and Zhao Xun really couldn't say much for a while.

What can he say?

No matter what he said now, there was a hint of hypocrisy.

Just do what you should do honestly.

"Well, that's fine, then give me some more noodles. But third brother, you must make sure to eat all the noodles, we are here to prevent waste."

"Haha, I'm sure, little brother, you can rest assured, we won't waste anything."

Third senior brother Long Qingquan patted his chest and began to reassure.

For him, the most important thing is to let the junior brother give the amount first.

Of course, Long Qingquan didn't think they would waste it either.

As far as the amount given by the junior brother before, even if it is multiplied by twice, it is nothing.

Sometimes people still have to give themselves enough pressure.

Only when enough pressure is given, will there be motivation to fight for it.

Of course, they are gratified by the strength shown by the current junior brother Zhao Xun.

So they only need to finish the scallion oil noodles given by the younger brother, and I believe the younger brother will be more willing to make more scallion oil noodles next time.

Take your time, he believes that the younger brother will understand this truth.

Life is short, why lose weight?
Enjoying the moment in time is the most important thing.

"Tsk tsk tsk. This taste is really amazing."

The scallion noodles are very simple to make, even simpler than the cold mustard noodles.

Zhao Xun made noodles with scallion oil, and brought them to Long Qingquan, the third senior brother, for him to taste. Long Qingquan, the third senior brother, showed the ultimate feeling of enjoyment.

"Haha, little brother, your scallion noodles are the best thing I've ever eaten recently."

Zhao Xun wanted to roll his eyes when he heard this, he thought to himself that the third senior brother's mouth was a deceit, he believed in nothing and could not trust the third senior brother Long Qingquan.

Zhao Xun has heard such words countless times.

Every time the third senior brother eats a new dish or new food, he will say similar words.

Zhao Xun was already numb.

Good guy, third senior brother really doesn't care what other people think.

Or maybe the third senior brother has a bad memory?
Regardless of the type, all in all, the third senior brother is really worrying.

"Okay, okay, since the taste is good, then I will make it according to this method. Third senior brother, don't patronize the food, come and help me."

While Zhao Xun was busy greeting the third senior brother Long Qingquan, he put the new pasta into the pot and started cooking.

Now he wished that he was born like an octopus, so that he could cook food to the maximum, without worrying that the inability to use his hands and feet would affect the efficiency of cooking.

"La la la, I hope brothers and sisters will like this delicacy I made."

"Definitely, definitely. Where can I find such delicious scallion oil noodles. The scallion oil noodles you made should be the best in the whole academy, no, it's the best in Quan Chang'an."


Invisible flattery is the deadliest.

Rainbow farts are not something everyone can afford.

As Zhao Xun said before.

Once or twice may be acceptable, but three or five times?
Anyone would believe it.

After all, more people in this world like to listen to good words, which cannot be changed.

"Okay, then let's hurry up and make these scallion noodles and take them to the brothers and sisters."

Daming Palace, Zichen Palace, Emperor Xianlong's attitude changed drastically since he suddenly decided to return to the palace.

In the beginning, he wanted to maintain his emperor's posture anyway, but now he doesn't care about these so-called images at all, and often gets angry and scolds the palace people because of some trivial things.

For a while, everyone in the palace was in danger, and everyone was worried that they would become victims.

After all, the king and ministers had to die, not to mention that they could only be regarded as the emperor's domestic slaves, not even the courtiers.

Emperor Xianlong wanted them to die as easily as crushing an ant.

Since then, who else dares to take the lead?
Doing more is more wrong, doing less is less wrong, not doing well.

This principle is really normal in the palace.

It was clear to all that whatever he did as emperor was right.

So for all the palace people, if they want to save their lives, the best choice is to try not to offend Tianwei.

When the emperor is angry, you take the initiative to lean forward, isn't that no different from courting death?
Anyone should have self-knowledge at any time. It is really not a good idea to blindly do something that people can't understand.

In the past, Zheng Jie dared to persuade him, but now after Zheng Jie and Emperor Xianlong broke up, there is not even a single person.

All the palace people could only pretend to be deaf and dumb in silence, hoping that this storm would end soon.

For Emperor Xianlong, the most unacceptable thing for him was to be in danger of his life at any time.

He is a person who values ​​his life more than anything else.

In Emperor Xianlong's mind, his personal life was above everything else.

Perhaps to others he was not a wise monarch, but what did it matter?
Dare to be angry?

As long as you dare not speak up, you will be fine.

As long as they didn't get angry openly, as long as they didn't yell and scold, as long as they didn't let Emperor Xianlong feel their anger, that was enough.

Emperor Xianlong didn't think he was a hypocritical person.

He is used to this style of acting, and he is also used to this mode of governance.

Naturally, he will not change easily.

In fact, in Emperor Xianlong's view, it is natural that all the people in the world should adapt to him, not by him, the majestic emperor, to adapt to all the people in the world.

Such a simple thing, such a simple truth, these people can't figure it out, can't they?

I shouldn't get angry at this time, it's not good for my health, it's not good for my practice.

Although Emperor Xianlong wanted to get angry instinctively, he was still exercising restraint.

For Emperor Xianlong, maintaining his health is the most important thing at the moment.

After all, he was already old, and if he got angry rashly in such a healthy state, his physical condition would definitely cause problems.

Until then, I really regret it.

Emperor Xianlong definitely did not want the situation to develop to such an unmanageable point.

After all, the current situation is still under control, and Emperor Xianlong hopes to live a few more years.

If he can become a cultivator at the level of a grand master, let alone live to ten thousand years old, there must be no problem in living a thousand years old, right?

"I have to restrain myself, I have to restrain my emotions. The current situation is still within the controllable range, so take your time, don't rush, don't rush."

With continuous psychological hints, Emperor Xianlong's emotions have gradually calmed down.

In the eyes of Emperor Xianlong, this was a remarkable thing.

After all, it was done by Emperor Xianlong himself from beginning to end, and he did not use artificial hands or other external forces.

This allowed Emperor Xianlong to clearly feel his own potential.

If he was not an emperor, but simply a practitioner, he should have achieved great achievements by now, right?

In Emperor Xianlong's view, this is a certain thing.

But the fact is that he is indeed an emperor.

It is impossible for him to abandon the responsibility of the emperor.

So striking a balance among them is the most important thing.

As long as he can strike a balance, everything is under control.

As long as he can achieve a balance, whether it is ruling the huge Zhou Empire or personal martial arts practice, Emperor Xianlong will definitely be able to reach a higher level.

"Come here, Master Xuan Huiyan."

At this time, Emperor Xianlong couldn't wait to do one thing, which was to share his insights and insights with Master Huiyan.Master Huiyan is the person Emperor Xianlong looks forward to working with the most.This man is smart and sensible.

The most important thing is that Master Huiyan knows what to say and what to do as a courtier.

Master Huiyan would never say what he shouldn't say, so he would definitely not offend Tianwei.

Emperor Xianlong is a very self-confident person, so he will never allow anyone to make decisions for him.

This is his bottom line and also his reverse scale.

The reason why he broke with Zheng Jie is also because of this.

So far, Master Huiyan has performed quite well, and has not touched Emperor Xianlong's bottom line.

In this case, what should Emperor Xianlong worry about?

He can chat with Master Huiyan for a long time, and he can communicate with Master Huiyan without reservation.

As long as there is a chance, Emperor Xianlong will do it, as long as there is a chance.

"Your Majesty summoned?"

Knowing that Emperor Xianlong summoned him, Master Huiyan felt somewhat strange.

What does it mean that His Majesty summoned him at this point in time?
Ever since he suddenly decided to drive back to the palace, Emperor Xianlong's attitude made Master Huiyan feel a little unpredictable.

The way Master Huiyan decided to deal with it was, since he couldn't figure it out, he simply stopped thinking about it.

As long as he thinks about it, he will inevitably be cranky.

Master Huiyan felt that instead of this, it would be better to leave this matter behind.

If Emperor Xianlong wanted to see him, he would naturally summon him.

If Emperor Xianlong didn't want to see him, why would he touch Emperor Xianlong's bad luck?
Self-knowledge is the most important thing in a person. Don't touch things that you shouldn't do by yourself, and don't do things that you shouldn't do by yourself.

If you break through this limit, there will definitely be problems.

At least so far, Master Huiyan has grasped it very well, so he has been favored in front of Emperor Xianlong.

Zheng Jie is different.

Zheng Jie couldn't understand this truth, so he lost his favor in an instant.

As for Yuan Tiangang, another important figure in the Great Zhou court, his performance is still very good.

This person usually doesn't show his mountains and dews, but it doesn't mean that he hasn't shown his due strength.

Yuan Tiangang would also roll up his sleeves to reveal his muscles when necessary.

Some people only make a move when they choose the most suitable time.

Taking shots easily will only consume strength frequently.

So far, Yuan Tiangang's performance can satisfy everyone.

There is only one exception, and that is Master Huiyan.

If the two were not competitors, Master Huiyan might really applaud Yuan Tiangang.

It's a pity that Master Huiyan and Yuan Tiangang are not only competitors, but also endless competitors.

No one wants to lose the initiative in front of such a competitor.

So what Master Huiyan can do now is to stimulate Yuan Tiangang to make mistakes as much as possible.

But he can't be too obvious.

Because Emperor Xianlong was not a fuel-efficient lamp.

If Yuan Tiangang's performance is too obvious, it is obvious that Emperor Xianlong will notice.

At that time, I'm afraid that the character set that he put up with great difficulty will collapse immediately.

It takes a lot of hard work for people to set up, but it may collapse in an instant.

So what Master Huiyan has to do now is to endure.

Forbearance for a while is all right, forbearance for a while is all things are allowed.

He must always show an attitude of not fighting or grabbing in front of Emperor Xianlong.

Only in this way will Emperor Xianlong trust him and dare to use him.

Only in this way can Master Huiyan gain the upper hand in this battle with Yuan Tiangang.

This is a long tug of war.

If you want to win the final victory, you must be able to endure until the end.

However, people taught by Buddhism want to learn to endure, so Master Huiyan feels that he can still do this.

"Give a seat to Master Huiyan."

After Master Huiyan came to the Nuan Pavilion of the Zichen Hall of Daming Palace, Emperor Xianlong immediately ordered his servants to give him a seat.

Although the absolute time he spent with Master Huiyan was not very long, the two of them got along very well during this period of time.

Emperor Xianlong even had the feeling that he hated meeting Master Huiyan for a while.

In many cases, emperors cannot have personal emotions.

Because if you have personal emotions, you will have things to fear. If you have personal emotions, you will worry a lot. If you have personal emotions, you will have choices.

And if you want to become a successful emperor, these will be taboos.

Emperor Xianlong knew very well that in order to be a successful emperor, he must not have emotions.

The most ruthless emperor's family may sound a little cold, but it is the truth.

So no matter how friendly he is to Master Huiyan, it's just a way to show off to win over his courtiers.

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

Master Huiyan clasped his hands together and saluted Emperor Xianlong.

He enjoys the privilege of not kneeling in front of the king, and this privilege has lasted for quite some time.

But even so, Master Huiyan would respectfully salute Emperor Xianlong.

"Your Majesty, I don't know what your Majesty's order is for summoning the poor monk late at night."

"Haha, I suddenly have some insights and want to share them with Master Huiyan."

"Your Majesty, please speak."

Master Huiyan was very respectful, but neither humble nor overbearing, making people feel quite comfortable.

"Well, Master Huiyan, you don't have to be polite, I'm just chatting casually."

Emperor Xianlong pretended to be deeply contemplated, and then continued: "What is the way of heaven in Master Huiyan's eyes?"

Good guy, this is a very difficult question for Master Huiyan to answer.

What is Heaven?

This question is really too difficult to answer.

"Returning to Your Majesty, in the eyes of the poor monk, the way of heaven is the law of heaven. The law of heaven is the collection of laws of all things in the world. There are laws in all things in the world, so no matter what kind of situation we face, we can always find a suitable way to deal with it. This is projection from the lawful collection of all things in the world. In the final analysis, this is the way of heaven.”

Master Huiyan knew that since Emperor Xianlong wanted to understand this truth, he couldn't just fool around blindly.

Emperor Xianlong is not so easy to fool, so at this time Master Huiyan must come up with some insights to convince Emperor Xianlong thoroughly.

"Well, it seems to make sense, let's continue."

Emperor Xianlong listened with relish, and in his opinion Master Huiyan's introduction could be said to be quite in place.

The point is that he still hopes to dig deeper, as long as they dig deep enough, they can figure out what is the way of heaven to the greatest extent.

Only by clarifying this point can Emperor Xianlong's next rule be more handy, and then he can better rule the behemoth of the Great Zhou.

Of course, understanding the way of heaven is also of great help to the improvement of his personal cultivation realm.

As long as this is achieved, Emperor Xianlong believes that one day he will really become a king at the level of a grand master.

That was an extreme enjoyment.

"The poor monk also said just now that the way of heaven is a collection of human principles, so we can grasp these details from all sides. But if we only master a one-sided detail, it cannot be said that we have completely mastered the way of heaven. In this world There should be no one who has mastered all of the Dao of Heaven, at most he has mastered a part of the Dao of Heaven.”

"If it is God, does God have mastered the way of heaven?"

It seemed that Emperor Xianlong was not satisfied with the ambiguous answer given by Master Huiyan, but deliberately questioned some details.


Master Huiyan was completely confused by Emperor Xianlong's question.

Isn't God an abstract concept of God for the common people?

It is hard to say whether God really exists in this world.

"The poor monk thinks that God should control the way of heaven."

But after thinking about it again and again, Master Huiyan decided to follow Emperor Xianlong's words to explain.

The reason is very simple.The emperor claimed to be ordered by heaven, he was the son of heaven, and he ruled the world on behalf of heaven.

Therefore, if Master Huiyan denies the existence of God, it is tantamount to denying the legitimacy of the emperor's rule.

How amazing.

So even if he has all kinds of thoughts in his heart at the moment, he must bear it.

"That's good."

Sure enough, Emperor Xianlong was very satisfied when he heard this.

As long as God masters the way of heaven, it means that the way of heaven can still be mastered.

It's just that there is no such strong existence as God in the world.

And the emperor is undoubtedly the person closest to God, because the emperor is the son of heaven.

If even the emperor can't master the way of heaven, who else in the world can do it.

Yuan Tiangang?
The most this guy can do is to glimpse the secrets of heaven, and it is unrealistic to truly grasp the way of heaven.

Mountain leader?

Who gave him the courage?

Although the head of the mountain is the most powerful person in the world, in the final analysis he is only invincible in the world.

If he can really grasp the way of heaven, why doesn't he go to heaven and fight against God?
In the final analysis, it is still weak.

If the strength is not enough, the strength is not enough, why should I pretend to be omnipotent?
This is the point that makes Emperor Xianlong feel the most foul smell.

Many times when people are confused, they are confused because they cannot recognize themselves.

The head of the mountain is obviously a little drifting now, and he actually thinks that he can replace the court and the role of the king.

No matter how strong Shan Zhang is, he will never be able to replace this.

If there is one person who can master the way of heaven in the world in the future, it must be Emperor Xianlong.

At this moment, Emperor Xianlong felt that the burden on his body was heavier, but he didn't feel the slightest worry.

On the contrary, he was very happy because of this.

Because this gives him the opportunity to become one of the few kings who may be as famous as God and God.

This will definitely leave a name in history, and it will last forever, right?
"Things in the world are really unpredictable."

Emperor Xianlong suddenly said with emotion: "In the past, I always believed that the strength of the Corruptor was based on Satan, but now it seems that even without Satan, their combat power is still very strong. Their current tug-of-war with the Academy The fight is in full swing. From the current point of view, it is still difficult to see who is the dominant side. Master Huiyan thinks who will have the last laugh?"

Emperor Xianlong is the one who dominates the topic, so he can switch the topic at any time.

As the undertaker, what Master Huiyan can do is to respond in a timely manner and follow the rhythm of Emperor Xianlong.

"It's hard to say, this is also part of the way of heaven, or part of the secret of heaven."

Master Huiyan pretended to be deep and said: "Is Your Majesty so concerned about this result?"

"of course."

A sharp look flashed in Emperor Xianlong's eyes.

He said in a deep voice: "The mysteries are unfathomable, but I am the Son of Heaven, so I should know the mysteries of course."


Master Huiyan said in a deep voice: "Actually, it is a good thing for His Majesty to win the final victory between the Corruptor and the Academy."

"how do I say this?"

Emperor Xianlong was somewhat curious about Master Huiyan's argument.

"If the Corruptor wins, the academy will surely perish, and the head of the mountain will surely die. Hasn't Your Majesty always made the head of the mountain a serious problem? As long as the head of the mountain is dead, His Majesty has nothing to worry about."


Emperor Xianlong nodded in satisfaction.

Emperor Xianlong instinctively hoped that the head of the mountain and the academy would lose.

Because from the perspective of his personal interests, this is the most beneficial.

However, if the Corruptor lost and the Academy won, why did Master Huiyan say it was beneficial to him?

Where is this advantageous point?
Why can't Emperor Xianlong figure it out?

"Tsk tsk, what if the academy wins?"

"If the academy wins, Chang'an City will be safe. The mountains and rivers will be safe, which is the best result at the moment."

"That's true."

Emperor Xianlong nodded slightly.

In fact, what he had been worried about before was that if he could not control the rhythm well and let the Corruptors wipe out the Academy in one wave, he would then turn around and attack Emperor Xianlong.

After all, the ultimate goal of the Corruptor is definitely not just to summon Satan, but to hope that Satan can use this opportunity to rule the world in one fell swoop.

Then Emperor Xianlong will become a stumbling block on Satan's way of ruling the world.

The battle between the rulers is endless, and Emperor Xianlong is well aware of this.

So it would be understandable if a conflict broke out between him and the Corruptor.

But if the Corruptor can't lose his tail, with the current strength of Emperor Xianlong, can he deal with the Corruptor with the current resources in his hands?

It's really hard to say.

From this point of view, Shanchang won, but Emperor Xianlong's throne was actually safer.

After all, the head of the mountain does not seem to have any intention of becoming king in the secular world.

So far, the strong attitude shown by the head of the mountain is only limited to suppressing the prestige of Emperor Xianlong.

So which side should Emperor Xianlong hope to win?
This is really difficult to choose. On the one hand, it involves personal grievances, and on the other hand, it involves the stability of the throne and the stability of the country.

"Your Majesty, there is really no need to think about it so much."

"If you have to choose, in the eyes of the poor monk, it may be the best choice to lose both."


Emperor Xianlong seemed somewhat surprised.But if you think about it carefully, what Master Huiyan said is indeed very reasonable.

Two dogs fight, play off.

The harder the academy fought against the Corruptors, the more Emperor Xianlong and the imperial court would benefit.

At present, neither side can occupy an absolute advantage.

In Emperor Xianlong's view, this is indeed a development that will hurt both sides.

It would be great if it could develop like this.

"Master Huiyan thinks I should give it a push."

The reason why Emperor Xianlong asked this was mainly because he had made a promise to the Corruptor before.

Although Emperor Xianlong could choose not to honor it in the end.

However, the traditional concept of Jun Wuyan is still imprisoning him.

The most important thing is that if he rebels or doesn't work hard, will the Corruptor immediately turn the gun on him in anger?
How will Emperor Xianlong deal with himself at that time?
"It's not easy to say that."

Master Huiyan didn't dare to speak out directly.After all, for him, the current situation is considered the most ideal.

Since it is an ideal state, why do you always want to change it?

It would be good if it changed.

Wouldn't it be self-defeating if the change is not good?
Many times people are blindly pursuing change, but they do not know that the best philosophy of life is to respond to all changes with the same.

"The poor monk's advice is not to make blind decisions."

Master Huiyan's focus has always been different from that of Emperor Xianlong.

Because he was always able to see things through the surface.

In Master Huiyan's view, so far, everything is within the controllable range.

That being the case, making a decision blindly is the worst choice.

This may destroy the balance that was created with great difficulty, and it may also make the situation develop out of control for a while.

"Well, just wait and see what happens?"

The more Emperor Xianlong thought about it, the more he felt that Master Huiyan's suggestion was full of wisdom.

Respond to all changes with the same, and respond to all changes with the same.

This is definitely great wisdom.

"Yes. Your Majesty really doesn't need to worry about these things now. On the contrary, the Crown Prince and the Eastern Palace need to be more careful."

It's good that Master Huiyan didn't mention the Crown Prince and the East Palace, but when he mentioned the Crown Prince and the East Palace, Emperor Xianlong's face immediately turned pale.

"Hmph, that traitor!"

Emperor Xianlong flicked his sleeves angrily and said: "I really didn't expect that traitor to dare to seek power and usurp the throne, he really has grown up."

Although it has been reported that the prince intends to launch a palace change, in fact, Emperor Xianlong still has a fluke mentality.

My own son knows best.

Emperor Xianlong knew that the prince was cowardly by nature.

Born in the deep palace, grew up in the hands of women, if you want to be not cowardly, you must go through strict training and arduous experience the day after tomorrow.

However, the prince has no such experience.

Therefore, Emperor Xianlong believed that the crown prince was just bluffing a few times at most, and couldn't cause any big storms.

But who would have thought that the prince is really capable now, and then made such a big commotion.

At one point, Emperor Xianlong was even forced to mobilize the imperial army to deal with this possible rebellion.

But after all, the rebellion did not happen.

Since it didn't happen, Emperor Xianlong couldn't really order the imperial army to besiege the East Palace.

This will only make the world laugh.

The prestige of the royal family has been continuously accumulated over hundreds of years, but it only takes a few tens or even ten days to completely defeat it.

Emperor Xianlong didn't want to be infamous in history because of this.

What he wants to do is to be an emperor through the ages, to be the supreme sage, not some stupid king or tyrant.

"The prince should be bewitched by the villain. But the prince should have no chance of turning back now."

Master Huiyan, who saw through Emperor Xianlong's thoughts, continued to fan the flames: "So Your Majesty should be more vigilant against the East Palace to prevent uncontrollable situations."


Emperor Xianlong nodded frequently and said: "I will."

"Since this is the case, the poor monk can't think of anything else that can threaten His Majesty."

Master Huiyan clasped his hands together and said, "It's so good, Your Majesty will definitely be able to unify the future."

"Haha, alright, let's borrow auspicious words from Master Huiyan."

Prince Li Xiankun is like a bird frightened.

The planned action had to be cancelled, and he felt that the whole person was going to have a nervous breakdown.

I don't know if it was an illusion, but Li Xiankun always felt that the entire East Palace was being watched by the Imperial Army and inner guards.

It feels really bad.

The prince felt like a bird in a cage, losing all freedom.

What's more frightening is that he can no longer communicate with Zheng Jie and Feng Hao as before.

The emperor obviously deployed a large number of manpower to increase the intensity of inspections, and strengthened the degree of barriers.

Since then, even the top practitioners Zheng Jie and Feng Hao could not enter and exit the imperial city and palace city as they wished.

If they insist on going their own way, the restriction will be triggered, and the emperor will be able to get news accordingly.

Once this is the case, the prince will be convicted of adultery with powerful officials.

Once there, the prince is really finished.

Li Xiankun felt that he had fallen into a desperate situation, and he really didn't know what to do next.

The situation changed too fast.

Right now, what Li Xiankun can do is to protect himself wisely.

Try to be as low-key as possible, and don't let the imperial guards and hidden guards get caught.

The bad guys and the internal guards are under the control of Feng Hao and Zheng Jie, so he doesn't have to worry about these two points.

As for whether the other vassal kings will take this opportunity to make trouble, the prince doesn't know.

These are really out of his control.

It's really troublesome.

Li Xiankun's whole body was in a state of numbness.

Take one step at a time.Now it can only be like this.

"The strange dream has begun again."

The first thing Zhao Xun did after waking up was to cry in front of his mentor Qinglian.

"Tu'er doesn't know what's going on, as long as he falls asleep, he can dream all kinds of weird dreams. It's really a ghost."

"Uh, don't worry, tell me what you dreamed about."

Daoist Qinglian, who is an expert in dream interpretation, wants to hear the details of Zhao Xun's dream even more at this moment.

Right now, only from the details in these dreams can we judge what exactly happened to Zhao Xun.

"It was pitch black at first. Then I could see an ocean. There was a lone boat floating on the ocean. It was really a lone boat, one of those canoe types. A wave hit the canoe and it capsized. I was in the ocean After floating for a long time, I came to an isolated island. All I could do on the isolated island was to pray for the end of this dream. Then strange cacti grew taller and taller on the isolated island, and countless vines also grew. If you look carefully, you will find Even the coconut trees began to grow taller. It seemed to be an agreement. They grew wildly and crazily, trying to pierce the sky. Then the ground began to collapse, and I fell into the ground. There are holes everywhere in the ground, and the roots are intertwined. It's like a city. I fell deeper and deeper, and I completely lost my sense of direction. At this moment, I woke up"

"Well, this is the first time I've heard of this dream as a teacher."

Daoist Qinglian rested her chin with one hand, her face was a little stern.

"It seems that someone is invading your dreams again."

"Uh, then this is really endless."

Zhao Xun felt bored for a while.

Being invaded into dreams frequently, and endlessly, is this something that no one can bear?

Zhao Xun's temper is good enough.But he still felt very uncomfortable.

"Isn't this person a Corruptor?"

"Probably. The key is his position and identity in the Corruptor camp."

Daoist Qinglian said meaningfully: "If you don't understand this point, it doesn't really make much sense."


Zhao Xun probably understood what his teacher meant.

The level of the corruptor who invaded the dreamland directly determines what kind of coping strategy they will have next.

Generally speaking, the higher the rank of the Corruptors who invaded Zhao Xun's dream, the stronger their determination to stare at Zhao Xun and start from Zhao Xun.

If it is a quasi-boss like Wu Aolis, then it means that Zhao Xun has been designated by them as a breakthrough in the academy.

Persimmons should be picked and squeezed softly. This is an eternal truth.

But when Zhao Xun realized that he had become a so-called soft persimmon, he still felt a little unacceptable emotionally.

"They invaded my dreams frequently in order to crush us all mentally and completely crush us."

Zhao Xun knew that his mental breakdown affected not only himself, but also the disciples of the academy.His senior brothers and sisters, including Shanzhang and Qinglian Daozhang, all value Zhao Xun very much.

If Zhao Xun had any accidents, those who cared about Zhao Xun would be the ones who couldn't accept it the most.

Perhaps Zhao Xun's trauma was more painful than their own trauma.

But what can Zhao Xun do now?

Strong self-support to be strong?

This doesn't seem right either.

After all, human capacity is limited.

Zhao Xun is not some steel fighter robot.

If he can support it, he will naturally support it, but it seems that Zhao Xun really can't support it now.

Desperately suppressing one's emotions will only cause the emotions to collapse even more, making the situation completely out of control.

At that time, if there is a backlash, the entire academy will have to be buried with Zhao Xun.

The current situation is an incomparably huge test for Zhao Xun.

Where should he go?

It can be said that all the decisions that Zhao Xun will make next will directly affect everyone's judgment and choice.

A series of chain reactions will be produced as a result, whether Zhao Xun can withstand this pressure.

"Master, how likely is it to be able to catch this intruder in the dream?"

This is not the first time Zhao Xun tried to catch the intruder in the dream.

The first time was when I faced the High Priest of the Demon Sect, but in the end I almost missed it, which can be said to be quite a pity.

Later, the intruders changed in various ways, and the pressure Zhao Xun had to face also changed again and again.

Generally speaking, these people think that Zhao Xun is a soft persimmon, so they only pick Zhao Xun to attack.

Zhao Xun is also very helpless in his heart, what can he say?
After all, his strength is indeed the weakest in the academy, but it's not his fault.After all, he didn't have much time to step into the realm of practitioners.Being able to obtain such a big improvement in such a short period of time, this improvement speed can already be said to be relatively fast.

"Five or five."

Daoist Qinglian gave Zhao Xun an extremely desperate answer.

"[-]-[-]? It means that we actually have little chance and little chance of winning?"

"Well, almost."

Daoist Qinglian said in a deep voice, "So do you want to give it a try?"

"Let's give it a try."

Zhao Xun said helplessly: "In the current situation, we can only give it a try."

"Okay, then you are ready. When you need me, I will enter your dream. By the way, isn't the sixth man in the academy also proficient in this way? I think I can call him up."

"Okay. I'll go tell Sixth Senior Brother right now."

Zhao Xun thought to himself that he should either not do this kind of thing, and once he decided to do it, he would have to call everyone.

The third senior brother and the tenth senior brother all have their value.

"What, little brother, your dream has been invaded again?"

"My good boy, why is it always you who gets hurt?"

Faced with the questions from his senior brothers and sisters, Zhao Xun wanted to cry but had no tears.

He doesn't know either.If he knew, would he still be in this embarrassing situation?

"I really don't know, brothers and sisters, can you help me?"

"This...Of course we have to wait until the fish is caught in the urn."

Long Qingquan pinched his fingers and said: "Actually, things are far from uncontrollable. He is still tentatively invading your dreams, right, little brother?"


Zhao Xun nodded and said: "At present, it is still tentative. But I don't know if they will choose a more violent invasion after tasting the sweetness."

Long Qingquan pondered deeply: "If this is the case, it can only show that they know the academy very well. Or they have internal support."

"Internal response?"

After hearing this, Zhao Xun smiled wryly and said, "Is this impossible, is there a traitor in the academy?"

"Not necessarily in the academy."

Long Qingquan shook his head: "If we expand the scope a bit, what about the entire Zhongnan Mountain? Then there is a great possibility."


Zhao Xun thought about it carefully, and it seemed to be true.

"If it is in the entire Zhongnan Mountain, there is indeed a lot of possibility."

"Senior brother, what do you mean to say, those tribes of Alan Lore are the ghosts?"

"I just think there is such a possibility. Of course, another possibility is not ruled out, that is, the Corruptor is connected with the High Priest of the Demon Sect. Do you remember your fear of being dominated by the High Priest of the Demon Sect? I've passed you, the number of times I've invaded your dreams can't be counted, right?"


Zhao Xun really felt a pain in the head when he mentioned the High Priest of the Demon Sect.

No way, this guy left a deep impression on Zhao Xun.

"If this is the case, does it mean that the High Priest of the Demon Sect has been conquered by the Corruptor?"

"Or in essence, they are people from the same path. Birds of a feather flock together and people are divided into groups. They are like dogs of the same feather."

If this is the case, the pressure on the Academy is really too great.

"So, we're going to do both, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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