big week bad guy

Chapter 402 Attack, Dragon

Chapter 402 Let's Attack, Giant Dragon
In the dark night, the deafening roar made everyone terrified.

The roar of the giant resounded through the night sky, but the academy responded very forcefully.

Whether it is a gunner or an archer, they can have a strong suppression force against the Corruptor.

The paladin also played a huge role in assisting the magic circle.

Zhao Xun watched the whole process with fear, but he knew that this is how battles are, the situation changes rapidly, and you will never know what will happen until the last moment.

But at least so far, the entire academy alliance has shown some hard power.

In the entire alliance, the main members have also completed their respective tasks relatively well.

It can be said that Zhao Xun is very satisfied so far.

Of course, Zhao Xun also knew that this was just the beginning.

No one knows what will happen next.

Jessica, the leader of the werewolf clan, appeared behind Zhao Xun at some point, and he lowered his voice and said as quietly as possible: "Be careful with the flanks."

Zhao Xun knew that the werewolves had extremely powerful perception, and they could sense danger from a long distance.

This is also the most important consideration for Zhao Xun to set up scout positioning missions for the werewolves.


Zhao Xun knew that no news about the werewolves was the best news.

Once the werewolves have news, it will prove that something big is going to happen.

At this moment, Zhao Xun was extremely nervous.

"What happened to the flank?"

"The Corruptor should be tempted to sneak in from the flank."

Jessica still spoke in a very low voice.

Zhao Xun smiled coldly, his heart was extremely cold.

For Zhao Xun, he is not afraid of the Corruptor confronting him head-on, but he is afraid of the Corruptor playing tricks.

Because if the Corruptor really wanted to play tricks, Zhao Xun would be able to effectively counter him.

Because you can't always reasonably predict where your opponent will be.

Even with the existence of werewolves, Zhao Xun can only roughly know where the opponent is now.

Like now that he knew the Corruptor might attack from the flank.

and then?
Then what can Zhao Xun do?

Zhao Xun found himself very helpless.

"Send some more men to the flanks."

Zhao Xun asked Long Qingquan, the third senior brother beside him.

"Well, it's a good idea."

Long Qingquan still maintained a considerable degree of rationality.

Because he knows very well that at the moment, every corner of the academy is equally important.

On the frontal battlefield, the Academy is under the greatest pressure.However, the Wing Academy is also under a lot of pressure.

If they cannot bear this pressure, they are likely to collapse from the shortest short board.

"But who to send?"

"It's still the human race. They have the largest number of people, and they can be regarded as Tianke for the Corruptor."

"Okay, then I'll go and talk to Prince Harry Portsman."

Zhao Xun knew that the battle was urgent and fierce, and at this time, he must have the utmost tenacity and determination.

Every decision must be made with great firmness, without the slightest hesitation.

Even a moment of hesitation can cause the whole situation to get out of control.

So far, Zhao Xun's control over the situation can be regarded as perfect.

But he still didn't dare to take it lightly.

Because he knows that the situation may get out of control at any time and may collapse at any time.

In order to really carry on, he still needs to do a lot of things.

Wuoris quietly watched the Corruptor storm the academy, with a strange smile on his lips.

Well, at least so far, the Corruptor is doing pretty well.

Wuoris never imagined that one day he would face such a difficult battle.

In the past, as long as the Corruptor launched a charge, not to mention destroying it immediately, at least it would be as powerful as a bamboo.

But this battle has been fought for so long, which is beyond Wuoris' expectation.

Everything is beyond his expectations.

"People always think that the unknown enemy is the strongest, but in fact they don't know that the strongest enemy is themselves. As long as they can make themselves stronger and stronger, then no matter how powerful the enemy is It doesn't matter."

After taking a deep breath, Wuoris turned to Jeffren who was on the side.

"Aren't the giants the best example? The giants who are usually docile and docile at this moment show a powerful explosive power. They are simply the best gift Satan gave us. With them, we have explosive power, There will be the capital to win the academy in one fell swoop."

"Yes, the giants are indeed the most important part of changing the current situation. Explosive power is crucial. Without a burst point, you will never be able to make your opponent panic. Without a burst point, you will never be able to make your opponent afraid of you."

Jeffron suddenly said with emotion: "So the next thing we have to do is to put as much pressure on the opponent as possible. The opponent always thinks that they are the strongest, but they don't know that the core of the Corruptor is always to soften them. Let distrust appear within them. Trust is the most indispensable thing right now. People will always lose trust due to various factors. I think the academy alliance is also coming soon."

"Yes, as long as the first crack appears, the second and third will follow. As long as there are too many cracks, it will be impossible to heal. As long as there are too many cracks, it will give people tremendous pressure. "

Wu Aolis showed a smug expression on his face.

"The Academy has always thought that they are as stable as a rock, but in fact the disaster has been buried from the very beginning. They have absorbed so many allies in one go, who gave them the confidence?"

Wu Aolis raised his eyebrows and said: "At that time, they will know that one day they will face death-like silence."

"Who would have thought that? Who would have thought that we have so many means? From the perspective of the academy, it is reasonable for them to recruit as many members as possible from the beginning. It's just that they didn't expect that this would lead to a big mistake. "

Jeffron looked very excited.

"Some things are impossible to heal. Once the cracks appear, they will grow bigger and bigger. Maybe they can be bonded at first, but there will be a day when they will be completely broken."

"Yeah, so we just need to wait and see what happens. They think that the biggest threat comes from the frontal battlefield, but they don't know that the biggest scourge is inside them."

"Well, the attack including the flanks is actually just a cover-up. We want them to completely regret it, and completely pay the price for their original choice."

"Long live Satan, Satan is invincible. May Satan come to the world, may Satan rule the world."

"Satan come, bring eternal darkness to this world."

When Baron Guos led the human magicians and some paladins to the place Zhao Xun designated, he immediately noticed that something was wrong.

Some Corruptors can be seen sporadically on the hillside.

But if it’s only on this scale, there are too few Corruptors.

Or are the Corruptors ready to fight the long game from the start?

So they didn't intend to gnaw off a piece of meat from the academy right away?
But if so, something is wrong.

Because if only so few people are sent, it can only play a detective role at most.

But Baron Gus still performed his duties.

Because he knew that at this moment, he had to show the necessary momentum.

Now these mages and paladins under his command all follow his lead.

If Baron Guos cannot show the necessary momentum, it will be difficult for these guys to have a stronger desire to fight.

"Go and kill all these Corruptors."

The word killing is actually somewhat inaccurate.

Because the army of the dead is itself dead.

But at this moment, Baron Guos was obviously not in the mood to chew his tongue.

So what he can do now is to hit the Corruptor as much as possible.

As long as he can continuously eliminate the Corruptors, it will be a good thing for the entire alliance.

As long as the Corruptors are continuously eliminated, the confidence of the entire alliance can be greatly improved.

Soon the scattered Corruptors were almost wiped out.

When Baron Goose went back to report to Prince Harry Botsman, he found an extremely terrifying scene.

I saw that the originally pitch-black sky suddenly turned bright red.

A huge gap appeared above the sky, and the face of a giant beast opened its fangs, sucking many corpses of the dead army into it.

Yes, Baron Guos could clearly see this scene.

Seeing this so clearly shocked Baron Guos.

"What kind of monster is this?"

Baron Guos had basically guessed the answer in his heart, but he still didn't dare to say it.

"It's Satan."

The Elf King Odysseyka said the name that Baron Guus dared not say.

"That's right, this person is Satan. Satan brought us death, distrust and disputes. We experienced it once when we were in the mainland of Alan Lore. Now that we have come to the world of Dazhou, we did not expect Satan is still after us. Are we going to have to go through it all over again?"

Elf King Odysseyka looked very frustrated.

"Is it really Satan? But he didn't come."

"Of course it didn't come. If Satan wants to come, he needs a whole set of rituals. If any part of the ceremony is incomplete, it will be difficult for Satan to come."

The Elf King Odysseyka sighed and said, "What we see now may be part of the ceremony."

"Uh this."

Baron Guos felt his scalp go numb.

"You mean, they are offering sacrifices to Satan now?"

"Of course, otherwise, what is the meaning of these dead bodies?"

The Elf King Odyssey said: "Didn't the Corruptors always play this kind of trick? The dead bodies in their hands are just a group of playthings that can be reused."


For the first time, Baron Guos felt a sense of fear.

This was something he had never had before.

No matter what the Corruptor says, it can be seen and touched.

However, at this moment, he was facing a completely invisible and tangible opponent.


Undoubtedly the most formidable opponent he has ever faced.

Baron Guus has never even had the experience of confronting Satan.

As the head of the Holy Knights, Baron Guos shoulders the mission of suppressing evil spirits.

He naturally didn't have any pressure to deal with ordinary evil spirits.

But in the face of Satan, the God of Darkness and the King of Evil Kings, can he bear this responsibility?

Baron Guus really didn't know.

"Is there no way to stop their sacrifice?"

"Stop it? How can you stop it? As I said before, this is a kind of black magic. The Corruptor uses black magic to continuously summon the legion of the dead. In fact, each summoned soldier of the legion of the dead does not think independently Ability. They completely depend on the control of the master. The master is also the necromancer. Didn’t we think about using dragon flames to kill the necromancer by relying on the dragon’s surprise attack before? But then I don’t know why this plan suddenly stopped. "

Elf King Odysseyka sneered and said, "Anyway, I can't figure out why, but from the current point of view, this may be the most wrong choice."

Failure to stop this sacrificial ceremony means that the entire army of the dead will continue to sacrifice power to Satan.

When such sacrifices accumulate to a certain level, Satan may really come,
No one knows exactly where this tipping point is, but by the time they do, it will definitely be too late.

"No, I must tell His Royal Highness that this sacrificial ceremony must be stopped."

Zhao Xun quietly stared at the scarlet night sky.

He had never seen such a strange scene.

The entire night sky was completely scarlet, and then one after another dead bodies were sucked into that vortex, into that bloody mouth.

Beside him, Prince Harry Portsman's face was ashen.

How could this be?How could it suddenly become like this?
It seems that the Corruptors have been planning all this for a long time, waiting for them to take the bait?

It seems that they have been laying the groundwork, and everyone including Zhao Xun did not realize the seriousness of the problem during the whole process.

Damn it, really damn it!

Zhao Xun was extremely annoyed at the moment.

He knows that he has an inescapable responsibility for the whole process.

If he had spent more time thinking about it, perhaps the situation would have been different.

Apparently, this was a ritual to summon Satan.

At first, Zhao Xun was still wondering why the Corruptor was not afraid of being killed in battle at all, and he didn't care about the battle damage at all.

It now appears that everything was premeditated.

The battle damage that occurs can be turned into nourishment for Satan to a certain extent, helping Satan to come to the world as soon as possible and take human form!

This is the true purpose of the Corruptors.

If this greedy devil is allowed to continue to absorb nutrients, it won't be long before the entire academy will face a huge threat.

Because no one knows when Satan will come.

If the conditions for Satan's descent are met, the entire academy will face catastrophe.

This is simply horrible.

So what can Zhao Xun do now?
At this moment, Zhao Xun was really dazed.

At this moment, he saw Baron Guos rushing towards him in a hurry.

"Your Highness, Your Highness"

Obviously, Baron Goose is going for Prince Harry Portsman.

After realizing this, Zhao Xun seemed somewhat embarrassed.

"Uh, Baron Guos, what's wrong with you?"

Prince Harry Botsman had never seen Baron Goose panic like this.

In his impression, Baron Guos has always been calm and calm.

What happened today that made Baron Guos so nervous?
"Heaven, the ritual of the corrupter in the sky, the sacrifice of Satan."

Baron Guos suddenly became a little speechless.

Zhao Xun came closer and said, "Is there a way to stop this ceremony?"

"Even if there is no way, find a way."

Baron Guos clenched his fists and said resolutely: "Now, we have to take some responsibility, or we will die. When Satan really comes to the world, when he really takes human form, what do we rely on?" withstand?"


Hearing this, Zhao Xun thought the same thing.

Satan's strength lies in his ability to give people a great sense of oppression.

After all, in the legend, Satan has always been an invincible existence.

The tribes of these Allen Lores basically grew up watching such legends from childhood.So they definitely have a fair amount of fear.

Fear of Satan, fear of Satan, this is engraved in the bones, and it is impossible to easily erase it in a short period of time.

"So what are we going to do next?"

Zhao Xun asked.

What he wanted was a result, not a question.

"End this ceremony first. Only after ending this ceremony can we have a chance to breathe in the future."

"The end ceremony."

Zhao Xun glanced at Luo Lun not far away.

"Roren, it's time for us to act."

Zhao Xun had discussed a similar plan with Luo Lun before. In this plan, if an extreme situation arises, Zhao Xun and Luo Lun will rush out without hesitation.They will ride dragons and fly deep into the enemy's camp to deal a heavy blow to the enemy.The biggest use of this is to make the enemy lose the main sacrifice of the summoning sacrifice ceremony.

Shoot people first, shoot horses, and capture thieves first.

That's what he said.

"it is good."

Lauren just uttered a word lightly, and his mood didn't fluctuate much.

Because he knows it's his responsibility.

Now the entire academy alliance has reached a critical point.

If someone can't stand up.

The entire academy alliance may fall apart or even collapse.

And he has the ability to turn the tide.

Lauren blew a whistle, and then the Dark Wings swooped down from the night sky.

When he got closer, Lauren jumped up without hesitation, and lightly jumped onto the back of the big black dragon.

Seeing this, Zhao Xun shouted a mantra without hesitation: "There is no discrimination in teaching."

As soon as the words fell, Pippi Xiabai Jiaolong rushed out from the chessboard space.

The first time he saw Zhao Xun, Pippi Xiabai Jiaolong snorted excitedly.

It kept rubbing its head against Zhao Xun to show its intimacy, and Zhao Xun also patted his back lightly in response.

"Pippi Shrimp, let's go."

Zhao Xun then jumped onto Pippi Xia Bai Jiaolong without hesitation.

He lightly grabbed the white flood dragon's scales, and then issued an order.

Afterwards, Zhao Xun and Bai Jiaolong soared into the sky, following Luo Lun who took off first.

For Luo Lun and Zhao Xun, this is not the first time they have flown together.

But flying together under the pitch-black night sky was a real first.

At this moment, Zhao Xun was extremely excited.

Because he knew it was a great opportunity for him.

All along, they have been trying their best to proceed from the overall situation, maintaining restraint and forbearance.

But at this moment, they don't have to bear it anymore.

Because they know very well that they must show some housekeeping skills at critical moments in order to affect the changes in the entire battle situation.

It is clear to everyone that everything the Corruptor is doing now is for this ceremony.

Everything they foreshadowed was to satisfy Satan's appetite in the sacrificial ceremony and successfully summon Satan out.

It's certainly not an easy thing to do, and it's likely to last for quite some time.

So this also gave Zhao Xun and the others a chance.

They don't necessarily need to completely kill the leaders of these sacrificial ceremonies.All they have to do is interrupt the spellcasting.

As long as they can successfully interrupt the spellcasting, their goal will be achieved.

"Haha, it's such a great feeling to be able to ride a dragon and fly with you in the night sky."

Letting Shuofeng pass by his ears, Zhao Xun felt a different kind of pleasure at this moment.

"Who says it's not? The feeling of flying a dragon is really cool."

It's been a long time since Lauren rode a dragon so happily.

Since he came to Zhongnan Mountain and settled in the academy, Luo Lun kept a low profile as much as possible.

Because he knows that if he is too high-profile, it is likely to cause the entire league to look at him differently.

This is a situation he doesn't want to happen.

He didn't want to be treated differently, he just wanted to be an ordinary member of the academy alliance.

But when facing the Corruptor, Lauren will still show a strong fighting spirit.

This is engraved in the bones and will not be wiped out so easily.

"This time our purpose is to interrupt their priests from casting spells. So as long as we can prevent them from summoning Satan, we will be successful. Don't fall in love with fighting. Once you fall in love with fighting, the consequences will be disastrous."

Zhao Xun knew that he had to make it clear to Luo Lun in advance that only by doing this could they be able to effectively evacuate at any time in the ensuing battle.

"Well, there's no problem, don't worry, I won't fall in love with Zhanlang Zhan."

If it was placed more than ten years ago, this situation might have happened to Lauren.

But now Lauren would never.

Because he has become a lot more mature.

In such a mature mode, Lauren can better use his own advantages and control his emotions better.

He knew that he represented not only himself, but also the whole tribe.Now it is the entire academy alliance.

His impulsiveness is likely to ruin the whole situation.

So now he and Zhao Xun have reached a basic agreement, that is to keep calm and restraint when facing the enemy, and only show due strength in the most critical link.

"Okay, then we've made a deal, as long as we stop the Corruptor's priest summoning ceremony, we will evacuate immediately."

"What it is?"

Wuoris asked, pointing to a black dot on the top of his head.

Corruptors have far superior vision.

So they can clearly see many things that ordinary people cannot see.

But at this moment, Wu Aolis couldn't really see clearly, that's why he asked such a question.

"I don't know, maybe it's a star."

At this moment, a dazzling scarlet color flickered in the entire pitch-black sky.

It is also normal that some less bright stars cannot be seen clearly in this situation.

But Wu Aolis didn't feel any surprise.

"Well, don't worry about it for now. As long as we can complete the sacrificial ceremony according to the plan, then we can easily make Satan come to the world, defeat the head of the academy and become the most powerful person in the world."

"At that time, Satan will be number one in the world."

"I've always wondered why someone would compare Shanzhang with Satan. The two are not on the same level at all. Satan can beat Shanzhang as long as he wants. The reason why Shanzhang looks so strong is that It's because Da Zhou's world is really a group of weak chickens, which makes him appear to be very strong. If you let go of the fight, Shan Zhang is no match at all."

"Yeah, only the people in the Great Zhou world are blowing the head of the mountain. In fact, it is understandable. Because they blow the head of the mountain is equivalent to blowing themselves. After all, if the head of the mountain is very strong, then he loses to The head of the mountain can understand it, at least he won't look so ugly."

"Yeah, many times people are taking the initiative to save face for themselves. Many times we must ensure that we have the absolute right to speak, which is really important."

"Who says it's not, so we don't need to care about whether the mountains are long or not. Our mission is to summon Satan to the world. As long as Satan comes, everything will be over."

"Yes, Satan can eliminate all creatures that oppose him in the world."

As soon as the voice fell, the black spot that was just the size of a mung bean suddenly became larger.

A gust of wind followed.


Wuoris instinctively gasped.

What he saw next was something he will never forget.

I saw a huge black dragon swooping down with its huge wings spread out, enveloping a mighty aura.

Then the huge black dragon opened its mouth wide and spewed out a mouthful of dragon flames.


Wuoris instinctively reached out to cover his face, but the dragon flames still engulfed him.

Jeffron on the side was dumbfounded.

What's happening here?
Just when he was about to take a step forward to find out, another giant beast rushed towards him.

Before he had time to react, he was knocked to the ground by the giant beast that swooped down from the sky.

Then the giant beast spewed out a powerful gas, and Jeffron was directly thrown into the air.

He flew tens of meters away, then slammed heavily on a big rock and sprayed blood.

Everything happened so suddenly that Wu Aolis and Jeffron had no way to deal with it.

But they are, after all, battle-hardened veterans.

After experiencing the initial panic, they quickly regained their composure and then rose to prominence.

When Uoris walked out of the flames, Jeffren was still very happy.

Because it is obvious that the dragon flame roasting temperature just now is high.

Wu Aolis was sprayed violently again without any preparation, and the whole person was in extreme panic.

Everyone knows that it is extremely difficult to keep calm at this time.

But Jeffron and Wu Aolis had to adjust their emotions in time.

Because for them, every emotional adjustment helps them to make timely feedback.

"Damn it, people from the Dragon Clan really came. They will follow what they say."

"It seems that I don't know if it is the dragon clan, but the one who attacked me just now seems to be a strange beast from this world. It seems that the academy can't help it."

"Okay, these guys take turns to fight one by one, do you really think that you are invincible?"

Wu Aolis clenched his fists and said angrily.

He has always wanted to give the academy people some flair, but he didn't expect that today the academy people would take the initiative to come to die.

The trash of the dragon clan also came to die together.

Why do you say they are trash?

Because the human race had a lot of conflicts with the dragon race back then.

At the beginning, the Dragon Clan was the dominant side, but just when everyone thought that the Dragon Clan would win the final victory, the Dragon Clan patriarch at that time chose to retreat.

After ruining the good situation with his own hands, the Dragon Clan became a joke in the entire Allen Lore Continent.

"Come on, taste the power of my dark soul-locking technique."

Wu Aolis muttered something silently, and then raised his right hand, and a black storm hit the dragon leader Lauren not far away from his right hand.

But the big black dragon with dark wings is very sensitive and flexible. After realizing the danger, it immediately flew up and avoided it lightly.

For Darkwing, this is not the first time it has fought against the Corruptor.

The hand-to-hand experience between the two sides gave it some instinctive stress reactions.

These primitive accumulations may seem insignificant at first glance, but once you realize their criticality, you will understand that all accumulations are necessary.

This allows everyone to feel the effects of instinct in the first place.

After Dark Wing led Lauren to escape the catastrophe, Lauren patted his neck excitedly to express his excitement.

At the same time, Zhao Xun on the other side was also counterattacked by Jeffron.

Jeffren is a very powerful demon, and the best thing a demon is good at is flying.

Unlike Wuoris, who needs to use long-distance spells, at this moment, Geoffron kicked off the ground and flew into the air.

After only a short distance from Zhao Xun, Jeffron snorted easily, and then stuck out his claws.

This can really be said to be a magic catch.

When Zhao Xun saw the sharp claws, he instinctively felt palpitations.

But he didn't panic.

"Pippi shrimp, let's go."

Zhao Xun and Luo Lun had already discussed it before they came, as long as they can prevent the Corruptor from casting spells, the goal will be achieved.Then they will look for every opportunity to leave.After all, it is still a bit short for them to fight against top corruptor leaders like Jeffron and Wuoris.

Only by escaping from the dangerous area as much as possible can they play their due role in this tug-of-war.

If they were trapped on this battlefield by the Corruptors, they might have to be rescued in the end.

Since then the whole situation has become very passive.

Zhao Xun tried his best to calm down his mood, trying to make himself look calmer.

"Laurent, let's wait and see to see if the sacrificial ceremony is still going on. If not, we'll go back to the academy."

Of course, Zhao Xun is still a very cautious person.

He knows that there are exceptions in everything.

So they did not leave immediately after the flight rose to a safe distance.

Zhao Xun carefully observed the shapes in the sky while shouting to Luo Lun.

The blood-red humanoid monster that had just appeared suddenly disappeared.

The night sky that was originally reflected like a tomb of blood also turned pitch black again.

Tut tut, not bad, really good.

Zhao Xun thought to himself that the two of them won the first battle, which can be regarded as laying a very solid foundation.

The next step is to see what changes the Corruptor will make.

"It seems that the situation is very good, let's go first."

Hit and run, leave you to smell the farts.

This is what Zhao Xun is happiest at the moment.

Zhao Xun told Luo Lun to fly on a dragon, and soon left the gathering area of ​​corruptors.

They quickly returned to the camp of the dwarves.

The moment they landed, everyone stepped forward and asked with concern: "How did you just now? It seems that you have achieved great success. The scarlet monster in the sky seems to have disappeared."

"Haha, yes, the Corruptor is nothing more than that now."

Zhao Xun, who returned from the big victory, was very happy.

He didn't expect his role to be so powerful, nor did he expect the Corruptor to be so vulnerable.

In general, his and Lauren's performance was quite perfect, and they basically completed their tasks.

"Well, the Corruptors just look a little strong at first glance, but they are actually a bunch of vicious trash."

After this battle, Luo Lun's self-confidence also skyrocketed, and he talked with Zhao Xun.

You must know that before this battle, he was more or less panicked.

Because the Dragon Clan's previous record against the Corruptor cannot be said to have an advantage, and even has some disadvantages.

Under such circumstances, Luo Lun, who was driven to a dead end, needed to shoulder the heavy responsibility of the entire Academy Alliance to fight against the Corruptor.Anyone else would be nervous.

But the facts have proved that as long as one can show courage and strength, the Corruptor is not as terrifying and powerful as people imagined.

Be it Human Race or Corruptor.

Or the Dragon Clan or any other tribe has its own unique characteristics.

Relying on these qualities to deal with, you can win beautifully and simply.

In this case, basically no problems will be encountered.

The Corruptor certainly understands this.But they were caught off guard by Zhao Xun and Luo Lun, so there was nothing they could do.

The timing of Zhao Xun and Luo Lun's shots was perfect.

In this case, the Corruptor was completely unprepared, and could only be said to have suffered a dark loss.

"Little brother did a great job."

Third Senior Brother Long Qingquan was the first to go up to congratulate Zhao Xun when he saw Zhao Xun returning from victory.

He didn't expect things to go so smoothly.

From the current point of view, Zhao Xun has indeed performed extremely well.

"Haha, thank you Third Senior Brother. Actually, I didn't expect it to go so smoothly. It's all thanks to Lauren's cooperation."

"Me? Zhao Xun, you are too modest. You are the one who is in command from the beginning to the end. I am just following your rhythm and messing around. It is my credit."

Zhao Xun and Luo Lun were very humble, which made Long Qingquan not understand.

"What should I say about you two, that's all, winning at this moment is the best news. Then we can face the Corruptor without any worries. Let's see what they will do next. Let's see them in a short time It seems unlikely that Satan will continue to be summoned."

The words of the third senior brother Long Qingquan can be regarded as reaching Zhao Xun's heart.

The reason why he made up his mind to fight with Lauren before was mainly because he was concerned about the series of effects that would be brought about by Satan being summoned.

You must know that no one has fought against Satan who came to the world.

Including the head of the mountain.

What is the strength of Satan?Nobody knows.

However, it can be seen from the rumors and records in some classics that Satan is still quite powerful.

To face off against such an absolute powerhouse with such strength, one must have certain preparations in all aspects.

But now the academy is obviously not ready for these.

So the best choice for the academy is to continue to postpone.

As long as it is delayed, it will be very beneficial to the academy.

"Now it seems that the Corruptor is nothing more than that, and it is blown up like a god."

Lu Guangdou, the sixth senior brother, also seemed very excited.In his opinion, the strength of the Corruptor lies in its propagandistic nature.When people in the entire Allen Lore continent think that the Corruptor is extremely powerful, people will instinctively think that he is really powerful.

This is what the three become tigers said.

But if you really fight, if you really fight hard, you will find that the Corruptor is really nothing more than that.

But many times people don't want to go desperately, or they think that others will paddle desperately behind them.

In this way, the gap will naturally appear.

Not everyone can clearly feel the gap between periods.

But as long as the first person stands up and expresses his opinion, more and more people will understand the truth.

What Zhao Xun does is the role of a pioneer.

Of course, Lauren was also included.

They are all heroes, the heroes of the academy alliance, and even the heroes of the world.

"Retreat, retreat, retreat."

I don't know who shouted at this time, and then everyone followed the voice, and found that the Corruptor really started to retreat at this time.

The first to retreat was the tallest giant.

When the giant charged just now, it was the first to rush to the front. Seeing that momentum was enough to make one's heart tremble.

The giant also ran quite fast when retreating now.

In fact, it is normal to think about it carefully. One step taken by a giant is equal to many steps taken by an ordinary person.

So after the trumpet for the Corruptor's retreat sounded, the giant was of course the fastest runner, at least in the eyes of everyone.

The army of the dead also ran quite fast.

Although they are not conscious themselves, they can be manipulated by necromancers.

At this moment, the Necromancer must have received clear instructions.

Retreating in this situation is the most obvious option.

"It's not easy, it's not easy. We can finally breathe a sigh of relief now."

Just now Zhao Xun didn't feel that obvious, but at this moment he could already clearly feel the exhaustion, and sat down on the ground.

When Zhao Xun woke up again, he was already on the warm and comfortable bamboo building.

Zhao Xun found himself lying on the bed and struggled to sit up.

Looking at the senior brothers and sisters who were watching from afar, Zhao Xun felt quite surprised.

"Uh, brothers and sisters, why are you all staring at me? I don't have flowers growing on my face"

Zhao Xun was really embarrassed.Although he didn't realize what happened just now, he could basically deduce from the expressions of his brothers and sisters that he should have fainted.

As for why he fainted, Zhao Xun didn't know.Maybe it's because I'm too tired, or something else?
"Little brother, you scared me to death. Do you know that you have been in a coma for three days and three nights."


This time Zhao Xun just exclaimed.

Zhao Xun scratched his head and said, "Second Senior Sister, you are not lying to me, are you? I have been in a coma for three days and three nights?"

The second senior sister Liu Yingying immediately rolled her eyes when she heard the words and said, "Cheat you, who wants to lie to you. Ask other people, how long have you been asleep?"

Third Senior Brother Long Qingquan cleared his throat and said: "Second Senior Sister is right, Junior Brother, you have indeed been comatose for three days and three nights."

What the hell!

Hearing this, Zhao Xun was shocked.

He has been in a coma for three days and three nights?This is too scary.

But the key point is that Zhao Xun has no memory at all.

If it is said that he has really been in a coma for so long, doesn't it mean that he has been greatly traumatized?
Otherwise, why did it take so long to wake up?

"Did someone read it? What's going on with me?"

"Well, Daoist Qinglian has already read it, saying that you were poisoned by the Corruptor, that's why you fell unconscious."

"The Corruptor's Toxin?"

Now Zhao Xun was confused again.

How could he be poisoned by the Corruptor?

Could it be that.
Zhao Xun recalled the scene where he swooped down with Lauren to disrupt the Corruptor's summoning of Satan's sacrificial ceremony, and seemed to recall something.

Suddenly, Zhao Xun remembered that Wu Aolis seemed to be attacking him with a black storm.

At that time, Zhao Xun still felt quite painful.

But he regained his composure shortly thereafter.

Because the entire black storm did not cause too fatal trauma to him.

But this should be the most fundamental reason for his poisoning.

It can be seen that Daoist Qinglian should have given him a diagnosis and treatment, so there will be no serious problems.

Because if there was really a serious problem, Daoist Qinglian would already be sitting here guarding Zhao Xun.

"Can this toxin be detoxified?"

"Daoist Qinglian said that the toxicity of the toxin will become lower and lower as time goes by, and it should all disappear in the end."

"Well, that's fine."

Zhao Xun breathed a sigh of relief.

"This incident really made me a little nervous. But it seems that the Corruptors are really a group of vicious things. Seeing that they can't gain an advantage, they want to blackmail me. Still Fortunately, I reacted quickly enough and didn't let them succeed. If I was forced by that guy for a little longer, God knows what accidents will happen."


"Don't say these bad words, little brother, aren't you already awake now? Just wake up, just wake up."

The third brother Long Qingquan said in a deep voice: "Sit here and don't move, I'll ask Priest Qinglian to take a look."

Zhao Xunzhi was dumbfounded by the cautious appearance of the third senior brother Long Qingquan.

But if you think about it carefully, there seems to be nothing wrong with it.

After all, the third senior brother rarely saw such a sudden situation, so he must have been frightened.

And among the Zhongnan Mountain in Nuo University and the Haoran Academy in Nuo University, in terms of superb medical skills, there is really only Taoist Qinglian.

That's all, Zhao Xun can do whatever they say.

Cooperate with the brothers and sisters, so that they can feel at ease.

After about a stick of incense, the third brother Long Qingquan left and returned.Behind him is Zhao Xun's mentor Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi.

Zhao Xun quickly stepped forward to give a deep salute to his mentor.

Daoist Qinglian smiled slightly: "My dear disciple, you don't need to be too polite. How do you feel now?"

"Returning to the teacher, now the apprentice feels refreshed and does not feel any discomfort."

"Ah, very good."

Daoist Qinglian nodded and said: "As long as you don't feel uncomfortable, it means that your current state is very good. As long as you can maintain this state, it means that most of your toxins should be eliminated."


What the mentor said earlier made Zhao Xun happy, but what he said later made Zhao Xun's heart hang up again after he had finally put it down.

"Master, but what?"

"However, the possibility of toxins lurking in your body for a while is not ruled out. I think it's better for you to take a good rest during this period, and don't be too tired."


For a moment, Zhao Xun felt a little astonished.

"Good teacher."

But when he thought about it carefully, there was really nothing wrong with what his teacher said.

After being ill for a while, he still needs to rest, not to mention that he has been poisoned.

The person who poisoned him was also a very insidious corruptor.

But basically those who are cared about by the Corruptor will not end well.

Zhao Xun was somewhat worried about this.

So the teacher said that, the conclusion he can basically draw is to keep calm, maintain a good attitude, and take care of it for a period of time, and there should be no serious problems.

"Your brat is indeed very courageous this time, which I did not expect as a teacher. You and Luo Lun bravely rushed into the enemy's camp, which really played a very important role. Without your obstruction, I am afraid that Satan will Arrived early."

"Advent early?"

"Well, I opened the eyes of the sky for the teacher before, and basically calculated the time when Satan will come. The teacher also communicated with the head of the mountain, just to let him have a psychological preparation in advance. But who knows that the corrupter seems to have figured out the secret. Acting according to the Tao, they did not abide by the time in the way of heaven, but chose to summon Satan in advance. They advanced the time for a long time, and their purpose was to catch us off guard. If it weren't for you, the teacher and the head of the mountain would probably be killed. They have been fooled by this trick."


When Zhao Xun heard this, he was terrified for a while.

It can be seen that the head of the mountain and his teacher, Taoist Qinglian, have made preparations in advance.

But why these corroders don't play their cards according to the routine.

They plan to steal, rape and play tricks, and engage in some routines.

Unexpectedly, a Zhao Xun came out halfway and beat the master to death with random punches.

It can only be said that this is life.

It was somehow destined that Zhao Xun would be born out of nowhere, ending the Corruptor's dream of spring and autumn.

"But you can stop them once, but it's impossible to stop them every time. After this experience, the Corruptor will definitely be more vigilant. The teacher feels that it will be difficult to stop them from summoning Satan in the future."

When talking about this, Daoist Qinglian seemed very depressed.

Zhao Xun comforted him and said, "Men, you don't have to worry too much. In fact, it is inevitable for the Corruptor to summon Satan. Haven't we already prepared for the worst?"

"That's true. I'm afraid that a situation will suddenly arise and we will be unable to resist. But we don't have to worry about it now, and we will try our best to make it to the end."

Daoist Qinglian walked to Zhao Xun's side and said softly, "My dear disciple, stretch out your hand, and I will give you the pulse for Master."


Although Zhao Xun felt that this move was a bit redundant, but after all, it was a wish from his teacher, Daoist Qinglian, so he couldn't refuse it directly.

"Strange, your pulse is very stable, it doesn't look like you have been poisoned at all. Could it be that the toxins in your body have been drained so quickly?"


Zhao Xun really can only scratch his head now.

The point is that he didn't dare to say that there was any difference.

After all, the mentor is a master in the medical world, Zhao Xun really can't even say a word in this regard.


Daoist Qinglian thought for a while and said: "Forget it, let me enter your sea of ​​consciousness and take a look as a teacher."

Zhao Xun hurriedly made a cute gesture and sat down.

He's already used to this pattern.

With a mentor who entered the sea of ​​consciousness to help him take a look, he could feel completely relieved.

Daoist Qinglian is now in the first-rank Dzogchen realm, which is a whole level higher than before.

So now Daoist Qinglian can see more clearly what Zhao Xun is thinking at the moment.

After some inspections, Daoist Qinglian withdrew without hesitation, took a deep breath and said, "I can't see anything unusual in the sea of ​​consciousness. All signs indicate that you should be in no danger."


Originally, Zhao Xun was very happy to hear this, but the teacher's words made him finally let go of his heart, which came to his throat again.

"During this period of time, you should make more adjustments to what you said before you became a teacher on time. I will come back to help you take a look as a teacher in a few days."

so far so good.
Zhao Xun was also worried that his mentor would say one or two reasons that he could not accept.

If that was the case, Zhao Xun would really collapse.

For now, everything is acceptable.

"Good boy?"

"Huh? My mentor, my apprentice is here."

"Remember, no matter what happens, don't look back."

What does the teacher mean by saying this suddenly?
Zhao Xun was really a little dazed.

But he still nodded instinctively.

Unclear, although he didn't understand, he still agreed.

After all, the teacher has lived so long longer than him, and it is normal for him to have rich experience.

There is absolutely no need for Zhao Xun to question his mentor, he just needs to follow his mentor's thinking.

Wu Aolis's face was flushed red, his chest heaved sharply, and anger was written all over his face.

"I would never have imagined that such a guy would make a move. It's a shame on me."

Although three days had passed, it was still difficult for Wuoris to get out of his anger.

The main reason is that he never thought that he would capsize in the gutter.

Zhao Xun?

Of course he knew that Zhao Xun was currently the leader of the academy alliance.

But in his view, Zhao Xun is nothing more than a symbolic leader.

The real leader should be the head of the mountain.

It's just that it's not convenient for the mountain leader to show his face, so Zhao Xun was pushed out to act as the leader.

Comparing the two, Zhao Xun is completely different from Shan Zhang.

If it was the head of the mountain who came this time, even if the summoning ceremony was blocked, Wu Aolis would not feel so angry.

But this time it was Zhao Xun who came!

How can a mere Zhao Xun have such abilities?

How can a mere Zhao Xun have such power?

What makes a mere Zhao Xun tell him that all his previous efforts have been wasted?
He couldn't figure it out, and Wuoris couldn't figure it out anyway.

"Look at it, the matter has come to this, what else can we do?"

Jeffron smiled wryly and said: "In the final analysis, we were not prepared enough, and we underestimated the enemy carelessly."

"Careless to underestimate the enemy? Why does he ask us to make a special plan for him? What kind of onion is he?"

"Well, it doesn't make sense for you to say that. He did cause us a lot of trouble."

Jeffron shook his head and said: "We are indeed lacking in preparation, which allowed him to take advantage of the loopholes. And that Luoren, if there is no Luoren walking with him, we should not be like this Embarrassed, at least not both of you will be disturbed."

Wu Aolis thought about it carefully, and it seemed to be the case.

The biggest problem just now was that he and Jeffron were both disturbed by Zhao Xun and Luo Lun at the same time.

This forced the interruption of the sacrificial ceremony.

As long as there is one person who is still performing the ceremony, then Satan is most likely to be successfully summoned.

Of course, it doesn't make any sense to say these things now.

Once the sacrificial ceremony is interrupted, it will take a few days to summon Satan again.

Thinking of this, Wuoris felt a pain in his liver.

But he really didn't have any good solutions.

Things have come to this, he can't go back to the past and do it again.

"But not everything is bad. At least this time it proves that the giants are still very powerful and reliable."

"Yeah, I didn't expect the giants to work so hard this time."

When Wuoris mentioned the giant, his tone became significantly calmer.

"This can be regarded as something that can comfort us. However, the academy is so united, I am afraid that things will be difficult in the future."

"The current situation is still a bit confusing. No one knows what will happen in the future. But we must do our best now."

Wu Aolis nodded and said: "At least the original plan remains unchanged, and the next thing depends on the specific situation. If there are major changes, we will make modifications according to the specific situation."

"Well, now it seems that's all there is to it."

Jeffron took a deep breath and said, "It's the Emperor Da Zhou who needs to be urged. He is really a dead pig who is not afraid of boiling water. As long as we don't urge him, we can keep procrastinating. How blind were we at that time?" I chose to cooperate with him. Now it seems that he is completely using us. Haha, I never thought that someone would dare to use the Corruptor, he really doesn't know how to write dead words."

A sternness flashed across Jeffron's eyes.

The years are quiet and good, and the years are like songs.

Zhao Xun woke up after a faint, not only did not feel any strangeness, but became stronger and more energetic.

Qinglin Taoist Wu Quanyi helped Zhao Xun to watch it a few times, and he also thought that Zhao Xun was fine and could live with peace of mind.

And then Zhao Xun discovered a more miraculous thing, that is, he became more relaxed and handy when manipulating Tian Nei's true energy.

This is definitely an extremely miraculous thing.

It is difficult for ordinary people to explain.

But Zhao Xun actually doesn't need to explain now.

Because as long as it is beneficial to his practice, it is a good thing, since it is a good thing, why bother to ask the bottom line here.

Zhao Xun can't wait to practice hard at this moment, the time has come to show his skills.

As a matter of course, this time, Third Senior Brother Long Qingquan acted as Zhao Xun's training partner again.

The training experience between the third brother and Zhao Xun can be said to be quite a lot.

After some training, Zhao Xun found that there is one advantage of training with the third brother, that is, you can let go.

Don't have any worries at all.

Because of familiarity.

Moreover, Long Qingquan, the third senior brother, had something to ask of him after all.

In this way, even if Zhao Xun's individual movements are indeed a little too much, the third senior brother Long Qingquan will endure it and will not attack.

But it might not be like this with someone else.

Just like Yao Yan, the Bamboo Forest Sword Immortal.

The relationship between him and Zhao Xun can be regarded as good, but Zhao Xun just dare not sit down for some actions.

After all, there is still a layer of things separated.

Zhao Xun pays great attention to the cultivation of details, because he is convinced that it is often some small details that really determine success or failure in actual combat.

The polishing of these details is the biggest gap between a motivated practitioner and a mediocre practitioner.

A motivated practitioner can have more possibilities, while a mediocre practitioner will have a large gap in all aspects.

And this gap is not static but will increase.

As this gap widens.All will realize that it's the little things that make the difference.

And Zhao Xun is a different kind, he realized the importance of details from the very beginning.

"Third senior brother, now I feel that the vitality in my body is getting stronger and stronger, as if someone is deliberately injecting vitality into my body. This feeling is really strange and indescribable."

"Huh? You mean that your body is not only the original three strands of true energy?"

"Yes or no, I can't tell. The last time my teacher, Daoist Qinglian, looked at it, he didn't say why."


For a moment Long Qingquan felt a little astonished.

"If you say that, it's really interesting. Forget it, what do you care about it now? Aren't you already in the third-rank realm? If you want to go further, you can't just focus on the cultivation itself."

"Ah? Third Senior Brother, please clarify."

"Think about it, there is a limit to a person's level of cultivation. If he wants to make a big breakthrough, he must have thought about whether to break through these restrictions from the very beginning, or to use his strength. Whether it is him Whichever way you want to take, all in all, it is best to gather all your energy. In this way, even if some flanks deviate, there will not be too many problems. Otherwise, it is easy to go crazy. Your little brother The disciple’s fight is still very solid, and there is a Taoist Qi nourishing technique for neutralization and conditioning. So I don’t think you will have some big problems. The key is to clarify what you want next. This is someone else’s Can't decide for you."

"What do I want."

Zhao Xun remembered that he was once asked a similar question by the third brother Long Qingquan.

It's just that at that time Zhao Xun focused more on the direction of the natal object.

Now the third senior brother asked another question, but it focused on what Zhao Xun wanted
How to answer this question?

In fact, Zhao Xun has seriously considered this issue.But you said that whether it's the big shots or the small characters in the world, isn't it all about fame and fortune?
How many people can completely jump out of Vanity Fair?

It is definitely impossible to say that Zhao Xun does not seek fame and fortune, but it is naturally biased to say that all he seeks is fame and fortune.

It can only be said that Zhao Xun does have his own ideas in some aspects.

"I think it's better to love what you love and protect the people you cherish."

Zhao Xun gave the third brother the answer.

"Very good, little brother, you are really able to stick to your original intention and not forget your original intention. I remember that when I asked your natal object, I had a similar question, and you answered almost the same way."

Third Senior Brother Long Qingquan was quite satisfied with Zhao Xun's answer.

What he values ​​most is Zhao Xun's coherent attitude towards problems.

Sometimes people will deliberately modify their opinions.

Or after talking for a while, their original point of view has changed.

This makes people feel very hypocritical.

But Long Qingquan believes that a person should keep his heart, and he should have an attitude from beginning to end.

Junior brother Zhao Xun is indeed quite good in this aspect.

This made Long Qingquan feel very gratified.

"So what you have to keep is righteousness. In fact, it is similar to the situation of most of our academy disciples, but your righteousness will be stronger."

Long Qingquan spread his hands together and said: "Junior Junior Brother, try to feel the mighty qi in your three qi, try to extract this awe-inspiring qi separately."


Extract the Haoran gas alone?Still have this kind of operation?
Zhao Xun had to say that the operation requested by the third senior brother was somewhat beyond his comprehension.

It is indeed difficult.

"Third Senior Brother, I can't seem to tell which one is Haoran Qi."

Long Qingquan almost lost his breath when he heard these words.

If it wasn't Zhao Xun who said this, Long Qingquan was sure that he would collapse.

But since he is a junior junior, he has to admit it while pinching his nose.

"Why can't you tell the grandeur qi? Junior brother, you are like this, restrain your breath as much as possible, and then condense all your mind. Feel the hottest vitality, that is the grandeur qi."

The vitality of different sects will be very different.

From Long Qingquan's point of view, the biggest characteristic of Haoran Qi is that it is hotter and stronger than other true Qi.

In this way, you can feel a more violent feeling.

Of course, Zhao Xun said that he couldn't tell the difference between Hao Ran Qi and other true Qi.Long Qingquan felt that the biggest problem was that Zhao Xun didn't intentionally divide his true energy.

As long as you differentiate with your heart, you can always tell the difference.

"Then I'll give it a try."

Zhao Xun knew that he had to be more serious now, and it would be ugly if he annoyed Long Qingquan, the third senior brother.


The third senior brother Long Qingquan was on the sidelines working seriously as a supervisor, which undoubtedly put some pressure on Zhao Xun.

But there is a saying that is good, there is no motivation without pressure.

The pressure that the third senior brother Long Qingquan put on Zhao Xun helped him to have the potential to explode to some extent. This time, Zhao Xun was able to really feel the hottest zhenqi in the chaotic zhenqi, that is, Haoran qi.

At this moment, Zhao Xun was as excited as a child.

"Third senior brother, I found it, I found it!"

"Well, junior brother, try to extract these breaths first."

Zhao Xun followed the wishes of the third senior brother Long Qingquan, began to use his strength and then pulled Haoran Qi out as much as possible.

This is like the feeling of tug-of-war, Zhao Xun felt that he had tried his best, but the effect was really mediocre.

"Uh, it doesn't seem to be very good. Third senior brother, I have been able to separate the awe-inspiring energy, but I can't get him out."

"Stay focused, like I am now."

Long Qingquan had no choice but to start the teaching mode of hand in hand.

At this moment, he already regretted it a little.

It can only be said that they dote on the little junior too much on weekdays, so that the little junior will deform when doing some actions.

And they didn't criticize the little junior too harshly.

Zhao Xun was also spoiled.

If Long Qingquan and others had been able to strictly demand Zhao Xun from the beginning, it would have been a completely different scene.

Of course, Long Qingquan would not say these words to Zhao Xun now, because he knew that saying them would not have much effect, but would affect Zhao Xun's mentality.

That being the case, why bother?

"Wow, third senior brother, you look so handsome."

Zhao Xun carefully observed the details of the third senior brother Long Qingquan, and found that the third senior brother Long Qingquan did really well.

In some details, he is really not a star behind the third senior brother.

Of course, Zhao Xun didn't deliberately pull his hips either.

For him, every action in the moment counts.

Especially when he was learning the core movements of the third brother Long Qingquan, he was very serious.

On weekdays, when I saw a few senior brothers and sisters force out their arrogance, they were so relaxed. Zhao Xun thought it would be very simple, but after trying it himself, he found that it was a completely different matter.

Now that the third senior brother Long Qingquan can give him a demonstration at close range, Zhao Xun naturally has to study hard.

"Okay, I've finished the demonstration. You can try again, little brother."

ah?So fast?
Zhao Xun was amazed when the third senior brother Long Qingquan finished his movements.

He thought it was too fast.

"Well, come on."

Seeing Zhao Xun standing there in a daze, Long Qingquan urged from the side.

"Oh, good."

Zhao Xun just woke up like a dream at this moment, and quickly began to adjust his movements.

I have to say that Zhao Xun found out after such a trial that this is really different.

After walking around according to the details of the third brother Long Qingquan, Zhao Xun found that it was really much easier for him to extract Haoran Qi.

It can be seen that it is really necessary to control one's true energy and control one's emotions.

There is indeed a world of difference between those who have been professionally trained and those who have not.

"Okay, it's comfortable."

After Zhao Xun took Haoran Qi out of his body, he found it very comfortable.

Long Qingquan pointed out from the side: "Little brother, look, your aura is now in the shape of a green dragon, which is a sign of great wealth."

Ah, Qinglong?

When Zhao Xun heard the word Qinglong, he suddenly remembered the scene he saw in the Duke's Mansion when he just crossed.

When it was like a dream but not a dream, he saw the Haoran Academy in the desert guided by the green dragon.

Could it be that this is the fate in the legend?
Time is fate, this is really a rare thing.

"Senior Brother Third, does this Azure Dragon have any special sayings?"

Zhao Xun is still very curious about this. Of course, Zhao Xun doesn't know what will happen next.He just hopes to realize some strange things as much as possible.If the third senior brother can give him guidance on some unheard of miraculous things, then he may indeed be of great help to his future practice.

"Qinglong guards the home country and the world. This shows that you will have a hearty battle in your life."

Long Qingquan said calmly.

But such a simple sentence made Zhao Xun's blood boil.

Hearty battle, in order to protect the country and the world.

Mamma Mia, this is really blood pumping.

"So when will this great war come, and can I understand this blue dragon as my koi?"


Long Qingquan was stunned.

"No one knows when it will come. As for whether it is a koi or not."

Long Qingquan showed a slight embarrassment and said: "Just take a look. I think it can still bring you good luck."

"Okay, there is one more question, does this Qinglong have anything to do with Pippi Shrimp?"

"You think too much."

Hearing this, Long Qingquan gave Zhao Xun a clear answer: "The two have nothing to do with each other. Bai Jiaolong and Qinglong are not the same species."

Zhao Xun scratched his head and said, "It seems to be the same."

"So, junior brother, you have really worked hard. You have such a talent that it is very possible to make a big breakthrough. With the protection of the green dragon, your cultivation level will not be far behind."


Zhao Xun nodded and said, "So third senior brother, can we take a break first. I seem to be recovering from a serious illness and I'm still a little weak."

Seeing Zhao Xun suddenly start acting like a baby, Long Qingquan wanted to cry but had no tears.

"Okay, let's take a break."

Zhao Xun's goal has been achieved, the next thing to do is to trim it as much as possible.

Refreshing is essential, and of course, making a few drinks is even better.

Zhao Xun quickly went to the kitchen to make a few cups of freshly squeezed orange juice, and then delivered it to the third brother Long Qingquan.

"Third senior brother, come and taste this iced orange juice, it tastes great."


Long Qingquan nodded in embarrassment and said, "Thank you, Junior Brother."

"Haha, what are you doing so politely among my brothers and sisters?"

Zhao Xun took a sharp breath first, and then asked: "Senior brother, actually, I have always been curious about one question, and that is how you have always maintained your enthusiasm for cultivation. It’s easy to like the new and dislike the old. This time, it’s easy to forget the things that I valued before. For example, I wanted to practice boxing some time ago. After a few months, I found swordsmanship very interesting, so I went to practice swordsmanship. After a few months, I found Fu Dao very interesting again, and I probably went to draw Fu Dao. How did you maintain the state for a long time?"

Long Qingquan was almost stunned when he heard this.

"Eh, this one."

He scratched his head and said: "It seems that he didn't deliberately maintain it. Maybe it's because you really practice something for a long time and you get used to it, or you develop feelings?"


Zhao Xun didn't know what to say for a while.

"That is to say, no matter what kind of situation you face, as long as you try hard, you can always try out your feelings?"

"It's about the same, but you have to make sure you have a good one to get used to, little junior brother. You can't go fishing for three days and hang out on the net for two days. Your talent is really good, but don't waste your talent!"

Western Regions, Anxi Protectorate.

Jia Xingwen has been quite busy during this time.

He has too much to do.

Chief Protector Liu Lin decided to reclaim barren fields within the scope of Anxi Protectorate's Mansion, and reward the reclaimed barren fields to the soldiers.

This is of course a good thing.

In Jia Xingwen's view, this can stimulate the enthusiasm of the soldiers to the greatest extent.

As long as the soldiers can maintain their enthusiasm, the speed of reclamation of wasteland will not slow down.

However, the General Protector only proposed a direction. The specific details are perfected, and Jia Xingwen needs to do it to perfect the regulations.

Fortunately, Jia Xingwen also did clerical work for a period of time when he was a bad person.Although it hasn't been long, but at least I have accumulated some experience, and now I am starting to draft some regulations again, so that my eyes will not be dimmed.

In Jia Xingwen's view, since the enthusiasm of the soldiers is to be stimulated, rewards and punishments must be clearly defined.

Certain rewards will be given to those soldiers who actively reclaim wasteland, and certain punishments will be given to those who steal, rape and play tricks.

Anyway, it is necessary to let the soldiers see the attitude of the Duhufu, and let the soldiers understand that the Duhufu has tendencies.

Only by doing this can it be truly convincing.

While Jia Xingwen was drafting the Anxi Army's Regulations on Reclamation of Wasteland in the Western Regions, he thought carefully about some rewards and punishments and details.

It can be said that when there are bad people, rewards and punishments are also very clear.

People who do things efficiently move up the ranks fairly quickly.

People who dawdle often can only hang out at the bottom.

Jia Xingwen combined some of his past experience and began to write a big book.

There may be a slight pause at the beginning, but the effect will be much better after that.

In short, after an hour passed, Jia Xingwen had written out a complete set of regulations.

After that, you have to read more to ensure that there are no sentence problems in the regulations.

Afterwards, Jia Xingwen was satisfied with the regulations and prepared to meet Liu Lin, the guardian of the capital.

At the moment Liu Lin is handling official business in the Protectorate's Mansion.

There are indeed many things waiting for him to deal with when he just returned to the Protectorate's Mansion.

Looking at the paperwork piled up like a hill, sometimes Liu Lin does feel a little dazed.

"Prince Guard, Jia Xingwen asks to see you."

"Call him in."

Liu Lin waved his hand and ordered to the soldiers.

Liu Lin is quite optimistic about Jia Xingwen.

Over the years, Jia Xingwen is the most spiritual person Liu Lin has ever seen since joining the army.Not that kind of cleverness, but great wisdom.

So Liu Lin planned to keep Jia Xingwen by his side to teach him personally and cultivate him slowly.

At present, Jia Xingwen is still a piece of jade in the rough. If he wants to be completely improved, he needs constant polishing.

After a while, Jia Xingwen was brought into the house.

"This subordinate pays homage to the Chief Protector."

"Hmm. Xingwen, what's the matter?"

"Report to the Chief Protector, the documents and regulations you asked your subordinates to draft have already been drafted, and I specially brought them to the Chief Protector for review."

"Oh? So fast?"

Liu Lin was overjoyed when he heard this.

He knew that Jia Xingwen was a person with high execution ability and high efficiency.

But he didn't expect Jia Xingwen to come up with a finished product so soon.

"Bring it up and take a look."

Jia Xingwen hurriedly stepped forward respectfully and handed the document to Liu Lin with both hands respectfully.

After opening it, Liu Lin took a closer look, nodded with satisfaction, and said, "Not bad, very good. Wonderful, wonderful. Haha, I really didn't expect that you could write such a perfect document in such a short time. The paperwork regulations. But, just follow the one you wrote."

Jia Xingwen was stunned for a moment.

Is this over?

Seeing that the chief guards mean to pass directly?
There is no need to modify it?
Even if it is to make some modifications to some individual entry statements.

For a moment, Jia Xingwen felt terrified.

"Report to the Chief Protector, is this over?"

"of course."

Liu Lin said: "There is nothing wrong with your document or regulation, so you can release it directly. Don't worry, this general will give you credit here. This is your credit, and no one can take it away."

Liu Lin stroked his beard and smiled.

"Uh, this subordinate doesn't mean that."

Jia Xingwen quickly waved his hands and said, "This subordinate is worried that there are many omissions in the drafting of this document, which may cause dissatisfaction among other soldiers."

"Oh, you're just thinking too much."

Liu Lin pressed his hands down, signaling Jia Xingwen not to worry too much.

"This matter is actually the general's intention. Whoever dares to embarrass you is embarrassing the general. I believe that there will be no such reckless thing appearing at this time."

Liu Lin said in a deep voice: "Just put your heart in your stomach. As long as you do your duty, this general guarantees that you will be able to rise to the top."

"Thank you, General, for your kindness, I am ashamed of my subordinates."

"Hey, you have this talent, and this general also cherishes it. So you deserve it. If you change those guys who have no ability, even if they stick to this general all day long, this general may not be able to do anything to them Have a good face."

Liu Lin didn't hide it at all.

He walked up to Jia Xingwen, patted him on the shoulder lightly and said, "Work hard, this general is optimistic about you. This Anxi army cannot lack talents like you."

At this moment, Jia Xingwen was moved to tears.

A scholar died for his confidant, and Liu Lin's chief guardian can appreciate him so much, what else can he say?Naturally, you have to work hard for the general.

(End of this chapter)

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