big week bad guy

Chapter 403 The Legend of the Giant Dragon

Chapter 403 The Legend of the Giant Dragon (a super chapter of nearly 20000 words)
Daming Palace, Zichen Palace.

Emperor Xianlong is making a post.

He has always had a hobby of copying postcards, and objectively speaking, his calligraphy is barely good.

But lack of spirituality.

The strokes are too rigid, so that they can only be seen from a distance but not up close.

Of course, Emperor Xianlong himself didn't think so.

He believes that he is a famous calligrapher of a generation, and he will be famous for thousands of years because of this.

What's even more exaggerated is that Emperor Xianlong would often reward his courtiers with his calligraphy works.

Those ministers who got Emperor Xianlong's calligraphy were all grateful, there was no other way, what they ate was the emperor's rations, and when they should be praised, they should still be praised.

Otherwise, it is easy to lead to disaster.

Emperor Xianlong was obviously in a good mood today, so he practiced calligraphy for an hour.

For a moment he felt a little parched, so he signaled the little eunuch to get closer.

Emperor Xianlong took the teacup from the eunuch's hand and took a sip, feeling refreshed for a while.

"This tea tastes good, ask the palace to prepare more."

"According to the order."

The little eunuch quickly remembered it in his heart.

It is not easy to be on duty in front of the imperial court, that is, he must always write down the emperor's oral instructions.

It's not easy getting here.

Because it needs to be foolproof.

If there is a slight omission, it may lead to a fatal disaster.

Emperor Xianlong returned to sit on the throne.Just as he was about to continue waving his pen, he heard the little eunuch take the initiative to say: "Your Majesty, Tianshi Yuan asks to see you."

"Oh? Call him in."

Emperor Xianlong felt slightly astonished.The main reason is that the timing of Yuan Tiangang's appearance is too strange.

Generally speaking, Yuan Tiangang would not take the initiative to appear in the palace, even if Emperor Xianlong summoned him, sometimes Yuan Tiangang would have no excuses.

So sometimes Emperor Xianlong wondered if Yuan Tiangang had opinions on him.

Of course, Yuan Tiangang has performed quite well recently.

This made Emperor Xianlong feel a little relieved.

Generally speaking, Yuan Tiangang is the lord of the Three Treasures Hall for everything, so this time Yuan Tiangang took the initiative to come here to ask for something.

Emperor Xianlong returned to the state of sitting upright, and became that incomparably majestic human emperor again.

"My minister Yuan Tiangang pays his respects to His Majesty."

After Yuan Tiangang entered the hall, he waved his whisk and saluted Emperor Xianlong deeply.

He didn't kneel down.This is the special grace of Emperor Xianlong.

There are not many people in the imperial palace who can enjoy the face king not kneeling, and Yuan Tiangang can obviously be counted as one.

"Come here, give Tianshi Yuan a seat."

Emperor Xianlong nodded slightly, with a smile on his cheek.

Soon a little eunuch brought Yuan Tiangang a Jindun and put it in the middle of the hall.

Yuan Tiangang lifted up the hem of his robe carefully, and then sat down on the brocade pier.

"I don't know what Yuan Tiangang saw when he entered the palace this time?"

Emperor Xianlong's attitude was very kind, which made Yuan Tiangang somewhat uncomfortable.

Generally speaking, the more Emperor Xianlong is like this, the more careful he is.

Because this means that Emperor Xianlong is likely to make big moves next.

"I entered the palace this time because I have a secret to report to His Majesty."


For a moment, Emperor Xianlong's eyes narrowed.

Have a secret report?
This is interesting.

Generally speaking, Yuan Tiangang, a celestial master, is the result of Emperor Xianlong's coercion to spy on the secrets of heaven.

If Emperor Xianlong didn't force him to enter the palace, Yuan Tiangang would rarely take the initiative to spy on the secrets of heaven.

Because in Yuan Tiangang's words, mortals spying on the secrets of heaven are easily punished by God and backlashed.From this point of view, Yuan Tiangang's actions today are indeed abnormal.

So Emperor Xianlong wanted to see what went wrong.

"What kind of secret did Yuan Tianshi spy?"

"Reporting to Your Majesty, I saw two dragons descending from the sky."


When Emperor Xianlong heard this, his complexion instantly turned livid, his whole body was trembling, and he almost fell down.

"what did you just say!"

"Reporting to Your Majesty, I saw two dragons descending from the sky."

Yuan Tiangang was not affected by Emperor Xianlong's overreaction, so he repeated it without hesitation.


Emperor Xianlong was about to explode.

Two dragons descended from the sky?

What does it mean?
This clearly means that there are two emperors in the world.

The emperor is also called the real dragon emperor.

Doesn't "two dragons descend from the sky" mean that there are two emperors in the world.

Good guy this is not bad.

For a moment, Emperor Xianlong felt furious.

"Tianshi Yuan should be more cautious in his words. There is only one true emperor in this world. How could there be two dragons descending into the world?"

In other words, it was Yuan Tiangang who said this, if it were an ordinary person, he would have been ordered by Emperor Xianlong to be pushed out and beheaded.

Emperor Xianlong could not accept this omen no matter what.

It's a bad omen.

Of course, he could probably understand what Yuan Tiangang meant by saying this.

If Yuan Tiangang meant that one of the dragons was the prince of the East Palace, Emperor Xianlong could understand it.

After all, the prince is the crown prince.If Emperor Xianlong drives the crane westward, the prince will inherit the throne and become the new emperor.

So there is nothing wrong with saying that the prince is a dragon.

But Emperor Xianlong felt a little uncomfortable after hearing these words.

After all, to him, he is the absolute king.

As long as he doesn't die or abdicate, the prince will be a minister after all.

What's more, the recent friction between Emperor Xianlong and the crown prince has been intense.The battle between father and son has even reached a fever pitch.In this case, even the relationship between Emperor Xianlong and the prince has reached the point where there is no end to death.At this time, the two parties are afraid that they will really not think of any kind of kinship.At this time, Yuan Tiangang suddenly jumped out and said that the two dragons descended from the sky, what is his intention?

Emperor Xianlong could clearly notice that Yuan Tiangang's mood hadn't changed at the moment, as if he hadn't been affected in any way.

Emperor Xianlong tapped his hands repeatedly, observing the changes in Yuan Tiangang's expression.

But Yuan Tiangang's expression did not change from beginning to end.

"Huh, Yuan Tianshi, you came all the way to the palace to face the saint, just to tell me this?"

"Reporting to Your Majesty, I just want to say what needs to be said."

Yuan Tiangang said neither humble nor overbearing: "Caichen just said that there are two dragons coming to the world, one of them is naturally His Majesty, but the other dragon is neither in the East Palace nor in the kings."

When Bang Long heard this, Emperor Xianlong really almost fainted.

In addition, Yilong is not in the East Palace or the kings?

Yuan Tiangang, what does this mean?
For a moment, Emperor Xianlong felt that he was completely dumbfounded.

That is to say, there may be a change of dynasties and a change of master?

After all, no matter how much the royal family of the Great Zhou Dynasty fought, the country still belonged to their own family, and the surname of Jiang Shan was Li.

But if someone with a foreign surname took over the country, the situation might be completely different.

"Where is the other dragon?"

Emperor Xianlong asked tremblingly.

"The other dragon is at Zhongnan Mountain."

Yuan Tiangang said almost word for word.

Emperor Xianlong collapsed on the throne, the corners of his mouth twitching from time to time.

"Tianshi Yuan, are you joking with me?"

"How dare I act like this. I really got such an omen after spying on the secrets of heaven. At that time, I watched very carefully. One dragon is Your Majesty, and the other dragon is located in Zhongnan Mountain. But I didn't see clearly who this dragon is." .”

Although Yuan Tiangang didn't see clearly who that road was, it was enough for Emperor Xianlong.Because he was basically sure that the road represented the academy and came from the academy.

So that one speaks for itself.

Who is the strongest in the academy?Nature is the head of the mountain.

But what makes Emperor Xianlong a little confused is that if the head of the mountain really wanted to fight for the throne, he had had countless opportunities, why didn't he fight for it?

"Tianshi Yuan, what should I do now?"

"Reporting to Your Majesty, I only saw this small part, but I feel that since this involves a dispute over the destiny of the country, I should be more cautious."

Yuan Tiangang carefully considered his words, and then said in a deep voice, "If possible, we should pay more attention to Zhongnanshan Academy."

The reason why Yuan Tiangang told Emperor Xianlong so much was that there was no other way.Because to some extent he and Emperor Xianlong are bound together.Emperor Xianlong contributed a lot to Taoism's current status.If Emperor Xianlong and the imperial court did not vigorously advocate Taoism within the Central Plains, it would be impossible for Taoism to prosper and become the number one religion in the Great Zhou Dynasty.

The digger does not forget to dig the well.

It was impossible for Yuan Tiangang to ignore Emperor Xianlong.

To put it bluntly, even if the new emperor ascends the throne, it is impossible to offer a better price than Emperor Xianlong.

So what Yuan Tiangang can do now is to share all the information he got with Emperor Xianlong.

Even if this information comes from spying on the sky.

Yuan Tiangang felt that this was not a particularly big problem.

"Let me think about it."

Emperor Xianlong's face sank like water, obviously extremely dignified.

He was really flustered.

If the head of the mountain really wants to change the dynasty and replace him, what can he do even if he knows the news in advance?

With the soldiers in his hands, can he resist the head of the mountain?

Obviously the ban is useless.No matter how many imperial guards there are, they are like dust in front of the head of the mountain.


Restrictions may be useful to other practitioners, but to the head of the mountain, they are simply decorations.

Shan Chang entered the palace several times, but he was still in a state of no one.

So in the final analysis, only practitioners can fight against the head of the mountain.

Only the practitioner can defeat the practitioner.

Now it seems that this is really a bit funny.

Emperor Xianlong thought about it carefully, and felt that it might not be impossible to win.

First of all, he has Master Huiyan under his command.

This son is known as the Grand Master of King Kong in the Western Regions, and he is firmly among the top three in the world.

Although Master Huiyan has never fought against the mountain leader before, it can be seen from several side-to-side fights that Master Huiyan will at least not be at a comprehensive disadvantage when facing the mountain leader.

As long as you can fight, it's okay to say.

In addition, Yuan Tiangang should be among the top practitioners that Emperor Xianlong could use.

This son is also in the realm of a super master. Although he does not fight or grab on weekdays, his strength is transcendent and he has a good chance to pose a threat to the head of the mountain.

Originally, Zheng Jie was worthy of a battle.It's a pity that now Emperor Xianlong has completely broken up with Zheng Jie.

It is obviously unreliable to count on Zheng Jie in this situation.

Emperor Xianlong was not thick-skinned to this level either.

Therefore, the top practitioners that Emperor Xianlong could rely on were actually only these two.

For a moment, Emperor Xianlong felt quite a lot of pressure.

"How should I guard against the head of the mountain? If he really wants to take my life, can Yuan Tianshi and Master Huiyan join forces to resist him?"

At this time, Emperor Xianlong was very panicked.So I didn't care about face, and asked directly and simply.

He wants to be able to get a safe answer, he wants a clear answer.

Yuan Tiangang was silent for a moment and said: "If that moment really comes, I should make a move."

Hearing this, the stone hanging in Emperor Xianlong's heart can finally fall to the ground.

As long as Yuan Tiangang agreed to this, it would be fine.

"However, Pindao still advises His Majesty to strike first."

"Be the first to strike first?"

Emperor Xianlong did have this idea in his heart, but he said it directly because of his face.

So he hoped that this sentence would be spoken by Yuan Tiangang.

Sure enough, Yuan Tiangang really said it, so Emperor Xianlong was very satisfied.

"That's right. If Your Majesty strikes first, then the odds of winning will obviously increase a lot."

"It's just how to act first?"

"Corruptor, Your Majesty can take advantage of the Corruptor. If you use a knife to kill people, you can easily eliminate the disaster."

Emperor Xianlong never expected such words to come from Yuan Tiangang's mouth.

But I have to say that Emperor Xianlong felt that it was quite enjoyable after hearing it.

"Well, let me think about it."

In fact, Emperor Xianlong has always been in contact with the Corruptor, he just didn't want to make it too obvious.

And he didn't like the feeling of being forced by the Corruptor.

If there is an opportunity, Emperor Xianlong hopes to order the Corruptor to do things even more.

But now it seems that this is obviously impossible.

If Emperor Xianlong had the opportunity, it would be the most ideal state to be able to get rid of the head of the mountain with the help of the Corruptor.

From the perspective of Emperor Xianlong to think about the problem, it is necessary to get rid of the head of the mountain.

At the beginning, Emperor Xianlong hesitated a little.

But now the head of the mountain has threatened his throne.

So Emperor Xianlong had to take action.

If he hadn't done anything up to now and responded with a negative attitude, then it was very likely that he would be targeted to death by the head of the mountain.

At present, the battle between the Corruptor and the academy is in full swing, and the head of the mountain must be focusing all his energy on the Corruptor.

If the head of the mountain finally wins in the battle with the Corruptor, then the head of the mountain will definitely free up his hands to deal with Emperor Xianlong, and Emperor Xianlong will suffer a catastrophe.

Therefore, Emperor Xianlong had to take advantage of the time when the mountain chief was incapacitated and join forces with the Corruptors to attack the mountain chief.

Take advantage of your illness and kill you.

This is the ruthlessness that a generation of emperors should have.

Master Shan, you asked for this!
Emperor Xianlong swore fiercely in his heart.

He never thought that the head of the mountain would want to seek the throne.Isn't it enough for you to be number one in the world? You even want to be the emperor.That being the case, then I will never keep you any longer.

Fuck me!

Emperor Xianlong didn't mind using the hands of foreigners to get rid of the head of the mountain. In his opinion, as long as the goal could be achieved, then no matter what he did, it would be worthwhile.

Haoran Academy.

Zhao Xun got up early to prepare breakfast.

During this period of time, he received a lot of guidance from the third senior brother, and he had an epiphany in practice, and made rapid progress.

Zhao Xun naturally wanted to reciprocate.

Of course, Zhao Xun's way of reciprocating love is a little special, that is, to cook a big meal and invite the third senior brother to eat.

After all, according to the words of everyone in the academy, Zhao Xun's talent in cooking is far higher than his talent in cultivation.

Therefore, as long as Zhao Xun has the opportunity, he should cook more dishes. Maybe he can suddenly realize Taoism in the process of cooking, maybe it can also give him some spiritual inspiration.

After Zhao Xun came to the kitchen, he began to think about what to cook next.

This is really a headache.

You know, Zhao Xun basically has no routines in cooking, he just cooks whatever he wants.

But making breakfast for the third senior brother Long Qingquan is different. Zhao Xun needs to consider the preferences of the third senior brother and what the third senior brother likes to eat.

Only by doing what he likes can the third senior brother be happy.

If you just do it casually, it doesn't really make much sense.

What is the third senior brother's favorite food on weekdays?
This is the question that Zhao Xun must consider now.

In fact, if you think about it carefully, it is not difficult to find that the third senior brother's favorite food should still be finger cakes.

As an extremely simple delicacy, finger cakes are quite scalable and extensible.

For example, finger pies can be served with fried eggs, finger pies can also be served with ham sausage, and of course finger pies can also be served with bacon.

It seems to be delicious no matter what it is paired with, it is simply versatile.

So Zhao Xun thought about it carefully, and decided to make finger cakes for a real treat.

In addition, he himself likes to eat finger cakes, so finger cakes should be the best choice.

"La la la la, make the cake first, and then add anything to it. The third senior brother likes to eat fried eggs, so fried eggs are essential. Add some lettuce and my special sauce. It’s the absolute son.”

Zhao Xun is still looking forward to the finished product.

It's not the first time he has made finger cakes in the academy, but the technique may seem a little rusty after a while.

But it doesn't matter.This kind of thing only needs to be tried once.

After you have tried it once, you will be more experienced when you do it next time, and basically there will be no rollover.

Zhao Xun sang while putting the finished pie crust into the oil pan to heat up.

The oil in the oil pan cannot be put too much, nor too little, it must be put just right.

Otherwise, the problem is still very big.

Zhao Xun knows that controlling the amount of oil is the key to making finger cakes. Otherwise, the finger cakes made are either too oily or short of oil, which will greatly affect the final taste.

In many cases, it is because people do not pay attention to some details that they end up with extremely bad consequences.

Finger cakes seem simple, but the simpler the dish, the more the skill and technique of the chef will be tested.

Just like egg fried rice, it seems that everyone can do it, but how many people can do it at the level of a top master?

Zhao Xun is a person who is extremely strict with himself.In his opinion, if you want to do it or not, you must do your best.

This time, he even wanted to make a big breakthrough in grabbing pancakes, trying to bring third senior brother Long Qingquan a surprise.

Wangcai got up to go to the toilet, but he smelled a fragrance as soon as he got out of the latrine.

His legs moved involuntarily, moving in the direction of Zhao Xun.

"Wow, what a delicious smell. What is it that smells so good?"

Wangcai's legs swung rapidly, and he came to the kitchen soon.

He went into the kitchen and saw, as expected, Zhao Xun was inside.

"Brother Mingyun, are you making breakfast? Wow, it's rare for me to get up early, but I want to see what you're cooking now."


Zhao Xun was speechless for a moment, he swallowed, forced a smile and said, "Uh, I'm really making breakfast, but it's for Third Senior Brother Long Qingquan. Of course, if you want to eat, I can do more too."

Zhao Xun told the truth.

He knew that basically after seeing Wangcai, he would definitely make a double copy.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for the little fat man to move.

There is no way out, who told him that he owed Wangcai's debt in his previous life, so he should pay off the debt in this life.

"That's a good thing. Brother Mingyun, you should cook more, I'm afraid there won't be enough food."


Zhao Xun couldn't laugh or cry for a while.

What can he say?
Wangcai had already talked about this, so he could barely bear it.

"Okay, then you wait here, if you have time, you might as well make some juice for me."


Wangcai thought about it for a while, and felt that it would not be a bad idea to make a few juices in exchange for a hearty breakfast.And he can drink the juice himself.

After careful consideration, Wangcai nodded repeatedly and said, "Okay, okay, Brother Mingyun, just wait, I'll make this juice right away."

Zhao Xun stopped communicating with Wangcai, but focused on making his own hand cakes.

After about another stick of incense, Zhao Xun finally finished all the finger cakes.

When he finished all the pancakes and brought them in front of Wangcai, Wangcai couldn't control himself and began to take a deep breath.

"Wow, this taste is really amazing."

"Brother Mingyun, can I have a taste first?"

The reason why Wangcai said this is because Zhao Xun specially made this finger cake for the third brother Long Qingquan at the beginning.

Wangcai did this incidentally after bumping into him.

"Uh, that's fine. But you should save the third senior brother Long Qingquan's share first."

Zhao Xun had lingering fears about Wangcai after the tragic experience last time, so he had to remind Wangcai again and again.

Seeing Wang Cai said excitedly: "Brother Ming Yun, don't worry. Even if I eat your share, I can't eat your third senior brother's."


Seeing Zhao Xun staring at him with black lines on his face, Wangcai chuckled and said, "Brother Mingyun, look at your expression, I'm just kidding you."

Zhao Xun thought to himself, good guy, you don't look like you're joking.

Mamma Mia, save the child.

Of course, it is impossible for him to be serious with Wangcai.

Wangcai, the child, the more serious you are to him, the more likely to cause problems.The more serious you are with him, the more motivated he will be.

So it's better to just look at each other and smile, and live in peace.

Well, that's pretty good too.

"Okay, I don't care how you eat after we part."

Zhao Xun spread his hands, then took a glass of juice and took a sip.

Well, the taste is very sweet and positive.

I have to say that Wangcai is really talented in making drinks.

I don't know if he was attracted by the scent, but the third senior brother Long Qingquan who slept late last night also followed the scent to find it.

After Zhao Xun saw the third senior brother Long Qingquan, he quickly waved his hand and said, "Oh, the third senior brother is here. I thought you were going to sleep for a while, so I didn't dare to disturb you."

Long Qingquan rolled his eyes and said, "Is there anything else you dare not do, Junior Brother?"

Zhao Xun hurriedly made a haha ​​and said, "Look at what you said, third senior brother, I respect you very much. It's not like what you said. By the way, this is the finger cake I specially made for you. Come and taste it." taste."

After finishing speaking, Zhao Xun nodded to Wangcai's side.

Sure enough, the third brother Long Qingquan immediately changed his posture when he saw the pancakes, trotted all the way to Wangcai's side, picked up a plate of pancakes and grabbed them without caring about his appearance.

Probably the third senior brother Long Qingquan saw Wangcai's posture when he was cooking, and he was a little scared.

After all, for the third senior brother, his appetite is incomparable to that of Wangcai, so as long as he can eat his share, he will be satisfied.As for how much Wangcai will eat next, it has nothing to do with him.

"Well, this taste is very positive."

Third Senior Brother Long Qingquan took a bite and gave a thumbs up.

"This sauce is really amazing, it tastes like a fairy."

The third brother Long Qingquan gave the same evaluation as Wangcai.

Of course, Zhao Xun was very excited to receive unanimous praise from everyone.

It's not easy, it's not easy.

Being able to make a dish with a perfect score from Dianping will be of great help to Zhao Xun's self-confidence.

Of course, Zhao Xun still has a long way to go.At least not too drifting, or to have self-knowledge.

"Well, little brother, come and taste it too."

"Uh, I'm eating."

Just as Zhao Xun picked up a piece of finger biscuit and was about to put it in his mouth, he suddenly felt dizzy, and his eyes went dark and he passed out.

"Ah, little brother, what's wrong with you, don't scare me."

"Wangcai, come and help me."

Seeing that Zhao Xun fell down on his back so upright, Long Qingquan was terrified, and he didn't care about the cake in his hand, so he hurriedly called Wangcai to come and carry him.

"It should be like this when you lift it, don't make a mistake."

While Long Qingquan gave Wangcai careful guidance, he was anxiously thinking about where to move Zhao Xun.

The kitchen seems to be closer to Daoist Qinglian's residence, so just move the younger brother to Daoist Qinglian's place.Anyway, if he moved to Zhao Xun's house, he would have to invite Daoist Qinglian.

Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi was digging his feet in the room.From time to time, I put the sole of my foot next to my nose and smell it. The smell, tsk tsk, is just refreshing.

It was a long, long time ago that he had such eccentricities.

When he was still cultivating Taoism in Qingcheng Mountain, he suddenly saw that his junior uncle Yuan Tiangang would often take off his shoes and socks when he was alone, and put the soles of his feet in front of him to smell.

At that time Wu Quanyi was very puzzled.You know, in his opinion, people who practice martial arts and Taoism sweat a lot all day long.The feet are wrapped in shoes and socks again, and it must be smelly after a day.

Little Master Yuan Tiangang, what kind of fairy operation is this, holding his feet and hearing about it?

Out of curiosity, Wu Quanyi secretly tried it when no one was around.

Who knew that this trial would directly open the door to a new world.

For a while, Wu Quanyi was out of control, and basically every day after practicing martial arts, he would deliberately smell his feet.

The sour and sour smell made him feel ecstatic.

Such eccentricity has followed him from Shuzhong to Chang'an, from Mount Qingcheng to Mount Zhongnan.

Of course, basically few people know about his quirk.

Because Wu Quanyi would only do this when he was alone.

Today, he was enjoying smelling his stinky feet when he suddenly heard someone knocking on the door.

Wu Quanyi was startled, quickly put on his socks, dragged his shoes and walked forward.

"Oh, who is it?"

After opening the door, Wu Quanyi was taken aback by the scene in front of him.

Because the person in front of him was none other than his little apprentice Zhao Xun.

And Zhao Xun was still being carried, and the people who carried him were Long Qingquan and Wangcai.

"How is this going?"

"Oh, my junior brother suddenly fainted while eating breakfast. I don't know what happened. Isn't this just to hurry up and bring him here?"

Third senior brother Long Qingquan's voice almost started to cry.

"Okay, let's put him on the bed."

Wu Quanyi nodded in the direction of the bed, and hurried to get the medicine box.

Generally speaking, he doesn't need to take a medicine box to diagnose and treat patients, he only needs the pulse signal to roughly infer the situation.

But today's situation is a bit special.

Because Zhao Xun is not awake, but in a coma.

In a coma, Wu Quanyi needed acupuncture to stimulate Zhao Xun to wake up.

Soon Long Qingquan and Wangcai put Zhao Xun on the bed.

Wu Quanyi also came to the bed with the medicine box on his back.

He lightly put down the medicine box, then took out a silver needle from the pouch, and stabbed it into Zhao Xun's body without hesitation.

Zhao Xun stood up in response, but did not wake up.

Wu Quanyi frowned and took another silver needle, and then stuck it on another acupuncture point of Zhao Xun.

In this way, seven silver needles were pricked one after another, and seven acupoints were pricked, and then Zhao Xun suddenly woke up.

"Teacher? Where am I?"

Zhao Xun was in a completely sullen state.He just felt a pain in his head and couldn't remember what happened at all.

"Stinky boy, you suddenly fainted, in the kitchen!"

Wu Quanyi gave him a hard look and said, "What's the matter with you? I scared the old man. The old man just gave you an injection. Usually, a person should wake up after three injections. But you didn't wake up until seven injections." Come on, I almost didn't scare the old man to death."


Zhao Xun seemed to recall some details after being reminded by his teacher.

He seems to have passed out suddenly while eating finger pancakes?

After that, Zhao Xun didn't remember some details.

"Men, this is not the sequelae of my poisoning last time, is it?"

Zhao Xun suddenly remembered something, and asked in fear.

Because he couldn't think of anything else to do with it.

"It's hard to say."

Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi said with a long sigh.

"In the beginning, I thought you were healed, and the toxins in your body were basically gone. But now that you have made such a fuss, I am a little confused. If the poison of the Corruptor is still lurking in you In the body, that means he will only trigger it under certain conditions?"

Hearing what his mentor Qinglian said, Zhao Xun felt terrified.

Mamma Mia.

If this is the case, doesn't it mean that Zhao Xun will face an extremely embarrassing situation?

Because he does not know what the environment and factors that induce this toxin are, he cannot prevent it.

Once encountering such predisposing factors, Zhao Xun would faint immediately even under extremely accidental conditions and circumstances?
My God, just thinking about it is a very scary thing.

Zhao Xun was about to go crazy.

"Don't do it like this, I'm really scared. Teacher, is there any way to solve the problem at once?"

"Stinky boy, you ask me, who do you ask as a teacher?"

Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi rolled his eyes and said, "Don't make any noise, let me think about it."

Wu Quanyi began to pace the room with his hands behind his back. While pacing, he began to think carefully about the cases corresponding to Zhao Xun's illness.

In his many years of practicing medicine, he really rarely encountered such a situation.

It can be said that Zhao Xun's illness is very rare.

But rare doesn't mean completely absent.

Wu Quanyi searched desperately in his mind at this moment, hoping to get some clues.

But even with the strength of a first-rank Dzogchen practitioner, it is difficult to retrieve it.

After about a stick of incense, Wu Quanyi shook his head and let out a long sigh.

"No, I didn't find any similar cases for my teacher."

Hearing this, Zhao Xun's expression darkened.

"Teacher, what should I do with this disciple, the disciple will not be saved, right?"


Wu Quanyi gave him a hard look and said, "What are you talking about here? How could it be hopeless? There is hope for everything, how will you know if you don't try it?"

Wu Quanyi only felt upset and said: "Forget it, I will ask the head of the mountain for my teacher, and see if the head of the mountain has any opinions."

The head of the mountain is playing chess with Yao Yan, the bamboo forest sword fairy.

When the two were fighting inextricably, they suddenly saw Daoist Qinglian walking in in a hurry.

"Oh, are you here to play chess with the old man? Didn't you enjoy playing chess last time?"

"Oh, hello, my mountain chief. At what time are you still in the mood to play chess? Your little apprentice suddenly fainted again."


The smile on Shan Chang's face stopped abruptly and became solidified in an instant.

"You said Zhao Xun suddenly fainted again?"

"Yeah, I don't know how such a strange thing happened suddenly. It is reasonable to say that he was fine when I gave him a diagnosis and treatment last time. This sudden coma made me sleepy for a while. Panicked."

Daoist Qinglian complained and said: "Master Shan, you have seen a lot, can you know what's going on?"

The head of the mountain said leisurely: "Most likely it has something to do with the last time he rode a dragon to the Corruptor's camp. His coma phenomenon must have started from that time."

"Yeah. He's been in a coma regularly since then."

Daoist Qinglian scratched her head and said, "But it can't be said that this is because of the toxin in the last time. It can only be said that it is very likely to be caused by this."

"It's actually very simple to see if there is any toxin in Zhao Xun's body."

The head of the mountain thought for a while, and then said loudly: "We just need to help him wash the medicinal bath again."


Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi was obviously very interested in this, and asked tentatively: "Take a medicinal bath? What is the effect of taking a medicinal bath?"

"Of course it works. It is of course useless for ordinary mortals to take medicinal baths. But Zhao Xun is a practitioner, and now he can be considered a high-level practitioner. The physique of a high-level practitioner is different from ordinary people. If there are toxins in his body, After taking the medicated bath, the place where the toxins remain in the body will turn red or even turn blue, and you will know it when you look at it."

The words of the head of the mountain undoubtedly aroused the interest of Wu Quanyi, the priest of Qinglian.

"Is there really such an aura?"

"of course."

"Then what are you waiting for, let's go and try."

Zhao Xun got the third brother Long Qingquan and Wangcai behind a screen in a daze.

There is a wooden barrel behind the screen, which is full of hot water, and there are some strange herbs that Zhao Xun can't name.

"Uh, what is this for?"

"The head of the stinky boy said that if you take this medicine bath, if there is any toxin left in your body, that part will turn blue and purple. So just try it. We must now find out whether you have been poisoned or not. , so that we can prescribe the right medicine. If you are not poisoned, we have to find another reason. If you are really the Corruptor in the last time and the toxins have not been drained, we will find a way to help you detoxify."

Zhao Xun thought it was so.

"Is this the idea of ​​the head of the mountain?"


"Is it reliable?"

"Are you doubting the head of the mountain?"

"No, no, that's not what I meant."

Zhao Xun said helplessly, "Can I not take this medicinal bath?"


Daoist Qinglian said without hesitation.

"You'd better jump in obediently, or the teacher will lift you up and throw you in."


After Zhao Xun heard the words, he finally gave up struggling.

Good guy, what's the point of struggling at this time.It will only add trouble to yourself.

Forget it, let this end quickly.

Zhao Xun didn't want to struggle anymore, he took off his clothes without hesitation and jumped into the barrel.

The amazing thing happened next.

I saw that Zhao Xun's body really started to change color.

His shoulder blades and the back of his neck turned red at first, and then turned blue and purple, which was exactly the same as the phenomenon described by the head of the mountain.

"Sure enough, the toxins in your body haven't disappeared yet."

Daoist Qinglian murmured.

"This toxin is really ruthless. If you are a little negligent, it is very difficult to cause a catastrophe."


The more Zhao Xun listened, the more frightened he became.

"Then teacher, what should the apprentice do now?"

"Don't panic, since you have been poisoned, there is always a way to detoxify. The key now is to find out the key that induces your coma. Otherwise, you will faint every two days. As a teacher, I can't guarantee that you will always be in a coma." By your side, if something really goes wrong with you, it will be terrible."

Daoist Qinglian pondered for a while and said: "You don't want to take a medicinal bath, just wipe it off quickly and go to see the head of the mountain with your teacher. The head of the mountain came up with this method, and he must have a second hand."


Zhao Xun coughed and said, "Boss, you go out first, I will change clothes."

After Zhao Xun hurriedly changed his clothes and wiped his hair, he followed his teacher Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi and went straight to the residence of the head of the mountain.

Now he can't wait to know what can cure his disease.

I have to say that the head of the mountain still looks like an outsider.

The white clothes are better than the snow, and the long hair flutters.

If you only look at the back and not the front face, you may think it is some Pianpianjia son.

Of course, Shan Chang's temperament is incomparable to those little fresh meats.

The slightly vicissitudes of the cheek are full of stories.

When Zhao Xun was brought to the head of the mountain by Daoist Qinglian, he immediately said: "I want to report to the head of the mountain, after taking the medicinal bath through the method you mentioned, my apprentice has now shown a purple color. It seems that the toxin is not serious. It has not been completely drained, and it still exists at present.”


The head of the mountain nodded lightly and said: "I know it for the teacher, my good disciple, it seems that the Corruptor hurt you very badly this time."

Zhao Xun was also worried.

At present, his situation is still quite complicated.

The toxin that the Corruptor planted on him last time seems to have not been completely drained. If it keeps breaking out like this one after another, the situation will be very complicated.

"Master, what should I do now?"

Zhao Xun's eyes were shining brightly.

In his opinion, the head of the mountain is his current life-saving straw. Zhao Xun naturally hopes that the head of the mountain can help him more.

In this way, no matter what kind of problems arise, Zhao Xun will not be at a loss.

"Well, let Teacher Wei come and take a look for you. Little 72, you sit here."

The head of the mountain nodded a little to the futon beside Zhao Xun, and Zhao Xun immediately sat on it knowingly.

Then the head of the mountain walked behind Zhao Xun and sat down.

Then put the palm on Zhao Xun's head, took a deep breath, and entered into his consciousness.

Daoist Master Qinglian had entered into Zhao Xun's consciousness before, but this time the mountain leader once again entered Zhao Xun's sea of ​​consciousness, but the feeling is completely different.

Zhao Xun felt as if someone was deliberately beating him.

That feeling is really amazing.

Zhao Xun didn't dare to move, he closed his eyes obediently and let the head of the mountain search in his sea of ​​consciousness.

The head of the mountain is a peerless expert, so as long as the head of the mountain can discover something, it will be a big gain for Zhao Xun in an absolute sense.


Zhao Xun took a deep breath and tried his best to calm down.

Calm, the most important thing right now is to stay calm.

As long as he can remain calm, other problems are not a problem.

After about a cup of tea, the head of the mountain slowly withdrew from Zhao Xun's sea of ​​consciousness.


Zhao Xun finally let out a sigh of relief when the mountain chief made his voice.

It's not easy, it's really not easy.

"Shan Zhang, how is the situation?"

Zhao Xun is still very concerned about his health.The matter was of great importance, and he really wanted to find out what his body was like now, and even more wanted to figure out what would happen next.

The head of the mountain obviously saw Zhao Xun's current state, and let out a breath of foul air.

"The problem is not big, and it is still within the controllable range. About half of the toxins in your body have accumulated. It will take a few months to completely clean up."


After hearing this, Zhao Xun couldn't help but exclaimed.

It's still a few months away.Zhao Xun just wanted to cry but had no tears.

Originally, he thought that there was only a local part of the toxin in his body.But now it seems that is not the case at all.

According to Shan Chang's statement, the next days may be a little troublesome.

"Shan Zhang, will this situation have a big impact on the disciple's daily actions?"

"That's not true. As long as you don't make a big fuss in your practice, there won't be any major problems."

Shan Chang's words can be regarded as a reassurance for Zhao Xun.

For Zhao Xun, the current state is already acceptable.

As for not being too forceful in practice, now it seems that I can only accept it.

What's the use of not accepting it, it will probably only make Zhao Xun's physical condition worse.

You must know that the toxin of the Corruptor will trigger the toxicity when Zhao Xun uses his kung fu, and Zhao Xun's state will undoubtedly become worse at that time.

Zhao Xun is not a hypocritical person, but with his current state, it still takes a lot of effort to completely eliminate the influence.

It is necessary to keep calm.

Keep calm and at least not make mistakes on some major issues.

Don't practice, don't practice.

It's really not a big deal if you don't practice for a few days.

Zhao Xun smiled wryly, "Why does the head of the mountain always get hurt every time?"

The head of the mountain gently stroked his beard, and said leisurely: "Well, do you ask me to be a teacher? You always rush to the front every time. It's not you who has a problem, but who else has a problem."

Zhao Xun felt like crying when he heard this.

But if you think about it carefully, it really makes sense.

Alas, I can only say that Zhao Xun is still too young.

All he wanted was to fly with Roland on a dragon, severely injure the Corruptors, and forcibly interrupt their sacrificial ceremony.

But now it seems that he is thinking too much.

The Corruptor is powerful and tense.

So even if he interrupted one of Corruptor's dragon-riding flights, it didn't actually have much effect.

On the contrary, it would put Zhao Xun himself in an extremely embarrassing situation.

But it was already like this now, at least Zhao Xun's doing this pushed back the days when the Corruptor summoned Satan to come, didn't he?
Right now, that's all I can do to comfort myself.

"Teacher, that disciple has been recuperating for a while, right?"

"Well, remember to guard against arrogance and impetuosity, and don't be impulsive anymore."


Zhao Xun took a deep breath and nodded.

Since even the head of the mountain had already expressed his opinion, he actually had nothing to say, so he just listened to the head of the mountain honestly.

As long as he can ensure a good state, Zhao Xun believes that he can still deal with the situation well in the future.

The current situation is actually far more complicated than Zhao Xun imagined.

The Corruptor was staring at him, and Emperor Xianlong might rush out from behind and stab him at any time.

In this case, what Zhao Xun has to do is to keep calm as much as possible.

Look at the problem with a clear-eyed mentality.

Just like what the head of the mountain said before, at this time, no matter what, you can't be impulsive anymore.

Keep calm, keep calm.

After leaving the mountain chief's residence, Zhao Xun went straight back home.

For him now is absolute rest.

Only by maintaining a calm state of mind can the toxin not be triggered.

As long as there is enough time, the toxin will slowly dissipate.

Now Zhao Xun has to believe the words of the head of the mountain, and he can only believe in the words of the head of the mountain.

Wait quietly, there is really no good way other than this.

"Senior brother, I'm afraid the food during this time will trouble you."

"Haha, there's no problem. At worst, I'll cook a few more meals. It's also a good time to test how my cooking skills are now, and whether I have reached the point of becoming a teacher."

Long Qingquan's mentality was very peaceful.

For him, this is already a very good result.

Compared with Zhao Xun, Long Qingquan's cooking skills are slightly inferior.

But he is confident of catching up.

The most critical issue now is that Long Qingquan must get the opportunity to train.

If he doesn't get enough training opportunities, then his culinary skills will always stagnate and it will be difficult to make great progress.

Long Qingquan was well aware of this.

So he didn't feel any lightness, but insisted on maintaining a good state.

For him, the next period of time is crucial.

If he can maintain a good state, then he may catch up with the junior brother or even surpass his cooking skills.

Long Qingquan felt that this was not impossible.

Nothing is unachievable.

Long Qingquan's talent lies here, as long as he works hard, he is likely to achieve his goal.

"Third senior brother, come on, I am optimistic about you."

Zhao Xun is very satisfied with the attitude of the third brother Long Qingquan.This is the brother of the same sect, and this is the attitude that Logger should have.

Zhao Xun is currently subject to various circumstances, and the third senior brother Long Qingquan can directly step up, which makes Zhao Xun relax a lot.

If there are three senior brothers who buy it, he doesn't have to worry too much about the school's food.

As long as everyone can eat well and be full, then Zhao Xun can feel at ease.

Of course, Zhao Xun still had to tell Third Senior Brother Long Qingquan a few words.

"Ahem, but there is one thing, I may have to say a few more words."

"Well, little brother, tell me."

"Third brother, I think the most important issue now is how we can maintain the stability of the dishes."

Zhao Xun swallowed a mouthful of spit, and then continued: "I'm not saying that the quality of the dishes you cook is problematic, what I mean is that we need to maintain a certain stability of the dishes, so that we can make better dishes in the next process. Dishes that make everyone more satisfied.”

Zhao Xun paused and said: "So you must let me taste it after you finish it. I'll make sure there is no problem and then take it out for other brothers and sisters to taste."

"Wow, that makes sense. Junior brother really has you."

Long Qingquan slapped his head fiercely and said: "Why didn't I think of it. Junior brother, if I had followed your method a long time ago, I'm afraid I would have taken off completely by now."


Zhao Xun thought to himself that I didn't give you a chance before.

In this case, what Zhao Xun had to do was to appease Third Senior Brother Long Qingquan as much as possible and stabilize him.

As long as Zhao Xun has achieved this, then the next problem will not be a problem.

"Third senior brother, come on, I am optimistic about you."

Zhao Xun smiled faintly, then waved his fist to cheer up Long Qingquan, the third senior brother.

"Come on third brother, you can definitely do it."


When Zhao Xun said this, Long Qingquan felt his blood boil for a while.

I think that when he first started to practice, he also had such an unyielding energy all over his body.

But as time passed, as time passed, the energy in him gradually dissipated.

Human beings will always be gradually smoothed over time.

This is not something incomprehensible.

In fact, in Long Qingquan's view, this is nothing more than normal.

But at this moment, Junior Brother Zhao Xun awakened his enthusiasm again.

At this moment, Long Qingquan felt that he was becoming full of energy again.

"Haha, thank you, Junior Brother. If I can make a breakthrough in the future, it will be thanks to you, and you must be a part of the credit for it."

When Long Qingquan said this, Zhao Xun felt a little embarrassed.

"It's easy to say, easy to say, everyone is a family, and it is also necessary to help each other."

"Well, then you should have a good rest first, and I won't bother you."

Long Qingquan knew that what Zhao Xun needed most now was rest and recuperation, so he gave him a faint smile and took the initiative to retreat.

"Senior Brother Third is really a good person."

Zhao Xun felt so emotional.

For him, it couldn't be better to have the support of such a wonderful person as the third senior brother at this point in time.

Zhao Xun can lie down completely now.

Not to mention that this feeling is quite amazing.

Zhao Xun lay on the bed, completely let go, and fell asleep not long after.

"Shan Zhang, is Zhao Xun's situation really stable?"

After Zhao Xun left, Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi asked very seriously.

He didn't dare to ask when Zhao Xun was there just now, but now it seems that the situation is more complicated than he expected.

"It's hard to say. The old man just entered his sea of ​​consciousness and saw a lot of traces left by the Corruptor. If the Corruptor insists on making a fuss, the old man doesn't know if the good boy can survive. "

The words of the head of the mountain made Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi feel extremely heavy for a moment.

He never thought that Zhao Xun would face such a dangerous situation.

Now it seems that what Shan Zhang said just now should be purely to stabilize Zhao Xun and make him feel at ease.

If even the head of the mountain can't be sure that there will be no problems, then the situation will be really difficult.

"These goddamn corruptors are really ruthless, and they actually attacked a child."

At this moment, Daoist Qinglian clenched his fists tightly.

"Forget it, what we can do now is to wait and see what happens. These days, pay more attention to Zhao Xun. If he feels uncomfortable, we can intervene in time."

The scariest thing in this world is that you don't know what's going to happen.

I don't know what to do next because I don't know what to expect.

Since then, the entire rhythm has been interrupted.

But for everyone in the academy, this is indeed the only thing they can do now.

Just wait quietly, maybe Zhao Xun will surprise them.

Daming Palace, Zichen Palace.

Emperor Xianlong had basically decided to take action against the head of the mountain.

The reason why he made this decision was not because of the repeated urging from the Corruptor, let alone the ultimatum given to him by Wuoris.

In fact, Emperor Xianlong did this simply because he wanted to.

As an emperor, as the supreme emperor in the world, Emperor Xianlong can do limited things to the number one mountain leader in the cultivation world.

But if he is given a chance, he can still try his best.

Now is an opportunity.

The reason why Emperor Xianlong wanted to make a move could also be said to be asked for by the head of the mountain.

If Zhong Nanshan had not threatened his throne, Emperor Xianlong would not have made a move at this juncture anyway.

Wouldn't it be nice to watch the fire from the other side and reap the benefits of the fisherman?

Why do you have to come in yourself?
But what Yuan Tiangang said made Emperor Xianlong really panic.

Emperor Xianlong was extremely convinced that under the current situation, the head of the mountain might threaten his throne and his country.

Combined with what Yuan Tiangang said, Emperor Xianlong was even more convinced of it.

After all, the head of the mountain has this strength.

One dragon is in the palace, and one dragon is in Zhongnan Mountain.

Isn't this meaning more clear?Counting all the people in Zhongnan Mountain, except for the head of the mountain who is the strongest, who can threaten him?

At this moment, Emperor Xianlong was extremely convinced that the head of the mountain was his biggest threat.

Of course, even so, Emperor Xianlong knew that he could not act blindly and impulsively.

Because the head of the mountain is so powerful, if there is a slight deviation in the whole process, it will bring extremely serious consequences.

It is necessary to control emotions. Only when emotions are controlled can a calm and correct judgment be made.

Emperor Xianlong was extremely sure that he would have the last laugh, but he had to be cautious, and he had to make clever moves between the Corruptor and the academy, and there must be no deviation.

Keeping calm is the most important thing.

Only by keeping calm can you make a steady profit without losing money.

The imperial army will definitely be dispatched. This is an attitude, and it is the key to overwhelm the opponent in terms of momentum.

But in addition to the forbidden army, Emperor Xianlong also had to mobilize all the masters in Ouchi to go out together.

This can lead to panic in the academy to a large extent.

As long as there is panic in the academy, Emperor Xianlong's goal can be achieved.

Many people would naturally think that this is an unreasonable model, but Emperor Xianlong didn't think so.

Even if it's an academy member, it's impossible to make a big landslide in front of you without changing your face, right?

Confronting a Corruptor is enough of a headache for them.

If Emperor Xianlong intervenes again at this time, the entire academy will become panicked, right?

Emperor Xianlong had this self-confidence, and he was sure that he could ultimately influence the direction of the entire battle with his own strength.The key is to place pawns carefully throughout the whole process, and it is necessary to ensure that every pawn placed is in a key position.As long as there are no principled problems in the placement, there will be no major problems.

Zhao Xun woke up.

To his surprise, he wasn't dreaming.

Recently, Zhao Xun must dream whenever he sleeps. It can be said that the quality of sleep is quite poor due to various dreams.

Zhao Xun is also very helpless, but there is no good way.

Because most of his dreams are related to Corruptors.In other words, most of the cases are caused by the Corruptor invasion.

Invading dreams is indeed a very disgusting thing, which will make people lose the most basic judgment for a long period of time, and will also make people feel extremely depressed.

Zhao Xun has shown signs of depression more than once.

Fortunately, Wu Quanyi, Taoist priest of Qinglian, had a good diagnosis and treatment, and pulled Zhao Xun back.

Mental torture is sometimes more terrifying than physical torture.

Zhao Xun also has a deep understanding of this.

At present, his state is still in a good state, at least he doesn't have to worry about being calculated by others in his dreams.

That's fine.

Of course, although Zhao Xun said he was resting now, he couldn't let himself be completely idle.

If a person is completely idle, it is quite a scary thing.

It’s okay if this time lasts for a short time, but if it lasts too long, when you want to get nervous, you will find that it is basically impossible to do it.

Being in a state of tension will make people collapse, but being in a state of complete relaxation will make people crippled.

In this regard, Zhao Xun, who has been a man for two generations, deeply agrees.

With sufficient experience, Zhao Xun will naturally show his due advantages as much as possible in the actual operation.

So now he decides to read books to enrich himself.

Books are really a good thing.

The book has its own Yan Ruyu, and the book has its own golden house.

The old saying goes well.

Of course, Zhao Xun's reading is not just for interest, he wants to fully understand the continent of Alan Lore and the world.

Zhao Xun knew that the Alan Lore continent was actually divided into three eras.

The duration of each epoch is quite long but not fixed.

In this case, many people will actually be more interested in things in a certain era.

Research will also focus on analyzing things in a certain era.

Zhao Xun was like this before, he will pay more attention to the history of the Second Era.

Because it was during this period that the Corruptors began to aggressively invade the continent of Alan Lore.

It was also during this period that fierce battles broke out among the tribes on the entire continent of Allen Lore.

It can be said that this period is the most critical period faced by many tribes on the Alan Lore continent.

A clear understanding of the history of this period will be of great benefit to Zhao Xun's future understanding of more history.

But now Zhao Xun's point of view has changed.In his opinion, he must have a comprehensive understanding of the history of the continent of Allen Lore, including the origins of the major tribes.

You don't need to know very detailed, but you must know about each tribe.

Because in many cases, some deviations are due to some details.

Because you don't know a certain detail very well, there will be some omissions.

Because you don't know a certain period of history, there will be deviations.

These deviations and omissions forced Zhao Xun to force himself to hold up his eyelids, and then read these tomes of classics again.

From this point of view, this really makes people want to cry without tears.

So instead of going back and forth like this, it's better to assume a very mature and serious attitude from the beginning.

As long as Zhao Xun can put his mind on it, then the following problems will not be a problem.

Zhao Xun is an extremely powerful person, and also a person with very strong mental power.

So he adjusted extremely quickly.

Right now, he has moved the tome of "A Brief History of Allen Lore" from the library to the house.

In this way, as long as he wants to watch it, he can watch it at any time without any obstacles, let alone any discomfort.

"Come on, since you can't do other things, you can read books anyway. Reading makes me happy, and reading makes me happy."

Zhao Xun stretched his waist, then sat down at the desk and began to seriously flip through the book.

Zhao Xun had never read this book before, but this was the first time he read it.

Zhao Xun carefully opened the first page, and then his eyes lit up.

I saw a short line written on the title page.

"Satan wants night, so night will come. Satan wants death, so death follows."

good guy.
Zhao Xun thought to himself that the editor of this book should be a supporter of Satan, otherwise he would not have such an idea.

Unexpectedly, there are similar fanatics on the continent of Alan Lore. At the beginning, Zhao Xun thought that such so-called fanatics only existed in the Great Zhou world.

It seems that he is a little younger now.

"Things in the world are really unpredictable."

After Zhao Xun sighed, he continued to read seriously.

Zhao Xun knows that this book may not be able to provide a detailed description of a certain tribe in those specialized books, but it should be able to cover every tribe to provide a general introduction.

That's enough.

Zhao Xun now wants to be able to have the most comprehensive understanding of the history of the entire Alan Lore continent.

Once this is done, everything else will follow.

Zhao Xun is not a hypocritical person, so he won't jump around or double-check important things.

Every page is important to him.Every page is worth reading carefully.

Only by reading every page honestly, can he fully understand the entire Alan Lore continent.

This point is crucial.

Because so far, Zhao Xun has not been able to fully understand the tribes on this continent, and all the information is obtained from scattered information.

Scattered information acquisition has a very serious problem that is information deviation.

The more fragmented the information, the greater the possibility of information bias.

So this time Zhao Xun can be said to have made up his mind to thoroughly clarify some things.

"Well, Haas, the oldest leader of the dragon clan, this name does sound very ancient. He met the oldest evil dragon, Kavas, during an extremely unexpected gold panning operation. Kavas is the overlord of the Devil Mountain. Trespassing on that All the people in the mountains were killed by Kavas. Kavas killed these people and stored their skulls in his cave with the gold coins he collected."

When reading this, Zhao Xun couldn't help gasping, and his whole body began to tremble.

For Haas, the situation at that time could be regarded as quite deterrent.

After all, he was facing the notorious dragon.

And this dragon has a habit of collecting human skulls.

Zhao Xun didn't know what Haas was thinking at the time, but Haas did not hesitate to kill the Devil Mountain.

"Well, it turns out he's not only a gold digger, but a bounty hunter. That would totally explain why he took such a big risk."

When Zhao Xun read this, he had already fully understood.

Things like bounty hunters have actually existed for a long time, and it is only natural to use money to do things.

Haas knew that there was a lot of gold in the Devil's Mountains, and the gold attracted him to go there.

At the same time, he received an order to kill the notorious dragon Kavas lurking in the Demon Mountain.

You can get two cents for going to a place, and there must be a brave man under the reward.

Under the double blessing, Haas chose to go resolutely without any hesitation.

This undoubtedly caused a sensation under considerable circumstances.

After all, there were almost no dragon slayers in that period.

Someone who dares to fight against the dragon must be treated as a warrior.

That Haas is no exception.

Of course, Haas's road to the Devil's Mountains was not all smooth sailing.

"He got lost just after entering the Devil's Mountain. After getting lost, Haas couldn't determine the way forward, and started to turn around in this area again and again. He was able to make adjustments calmly at the beginning, Even if he went back to the original point, he was not afraid, he would just start over. But Haas also started to get discouraged after the number of times like this. He didn't understand why he always had problems, he didn't understand why the god of fate didn't Take care of him. Haas was very confused at that time."

"tsk tsk"

Zhao Xun felt a little curious for a while.

It's like chasing a drama, he is quite interested in the next plot direction.

He wants to know how the protagonist Haas will behave.

One must know that if Haas's performance is not as perfect as imagined, Zhao Xun will complain.

As a melon-eating crowd, this is undoubtedly the happiest thing for people.

"Keeping calm is very important. Keeping calm can make people feel the sense of direction to the greatest extent. This Haas should have kept calm in the end."

Zhao Xun guessed as if guessing the direction of the plot, and then he continued to read.

"Finally, when Haas was feeling desperate, he finally found the entrance of the cave where the evil dragon lived. At that time, Haas felt a burst of ecstasy. But after the ecstasy, Haas felt fear for the first time. After all, it is related to the evil that eats people. It is not an easy thing to fight a dragon. He must be very careful, because if he makes a wrong move, he may be swallowed by the dragon."

Zhao Xun thought to himself, good guy, this turning point is a bit too fast.

But this is also good, it can make the direction of the plot more vivid.

Otherwise, it really doesn't make much sense to keep wandering here and there.

"Haas chose to enter the cave after calming down. His timing seemed to be good. Because the dragon Kavas did not seem to be in the cave when he entered the cave."

After Haas entered the cave full of various gold coins and precious stones, he was stunned by the sight in front of him.

He noticed all kinds of treasures in the cave.

For a moment his eyes were captivated.

It was difficult for him to take his eyes off these treasures, because he had never seen so much treasure in his life.More importantly, Haas could clearly feel that these treasures were shining bright golden.

These treasures seemed to have their own halos, and Haas's eyes began to shine brightly.

Haas jumped directly into the mountain of gold coins.

The smell of gold coins drove him crazy.

The extreme pleasure made his heart beat faster and his breathing faster.

All of this allowed Haas to enjoy the air with an extra pleasure.

Yes, the air here is refreshing.

Haas breathed heavily, as if taking one more breath would release all the pressure.

He even started to "swim" in this golden mountain, enjoying all this in an alternative way.

I have to say that Zhao Xun was still shocked when he read this.

Although he had long expected that Haas would sink and become a slave to money, he didn't expect it to happen so quickly.

It can only be said that everything was too sudden, and Zhao Xun was completely unprepared for it.

"Then when Haas was completely intoxicated, he heard a strange sound. The sound came from outside the cave. There is no doubt that this is the dragon coming."

Zhao Xun was a little nervous when he read this.

Although he knew he was just reading a book, the tension still wrapped around him.

Tut tut, it's interesting.

"Has knows that the evil dragon Kavas has returned. The evil dragon Kavas has a fixed time every day to forage. Then it will return after a certain time. After returning, Kavas will enjoy resting in the golden mountain Good time. It is very important for Kavas to be able to rest. Every dragon spends more than half of their life resting. Adequate sleep can make them look radiant. Adequate rest can maximize their pleasure. "

Zhao Xun wondered if this giant dragon is similar to cats, in terms of sleep.
Of course, cats can even sleep for more than 20 hours a day, which may be somewhat worse than the giant dragon.

"Haas was very nervous, because he knew that if he couldn't kill the dragon in one shot, he would be killed by the dragon. The power balance between the two sides was very different. So Haas only had one chance. Either he succeeded, Either fail and be killed by the evil dragon. He has no second chance. Haas hides himself under Jinshan. Because he knows that the evil dragon Kavas will definitely come to Jinshan to rest. He waits until the time when the evil dragon Kavas completely relaxes his vigilance. A moment. Then he can shoot."

Zhao Xun thought in his heart that Haas must be the winner in the end, otherwise there would be no future Dragon Clan.

But somehow he was nervous, as if the next scene was going to be a shocking scene.

Keep calm, lad, it's no big deal.

Zhao Xun thought in his heart that he had nothing to be nervous about. This was just the history of Haas, the first leader of the Dragon Clan, which was recorded.

All he had to do was watch calmly.

"The evil dragon Kavas didn't realize that there was a human being in the cave. It entered the cave without hesitation and came to the golden mountain. As it usually does, Kavas lay down directly on the golden mountain. , showing its white belly. It keeps rubbing those gold coins with its belly. The evil dragon has a habit of collecting gold coins, although he will not spend them after collecting them. But it just enjoys the joy of collecting. It kept rubbing the gold coins with its belly like tickling. At this moment, Haas was about to stop breathing, and he could hear his heart beating. I don’t know when his heart beat began to accelerate rapidly Yes. For a moment, Haas can clearly feel the huge pressure."

Getting better, getting better.

Zhao Xun is more and more looking forward to the next development.

So what happened?
"When the dragon Kavas turned over and was within walking distance of Haas, Haas took the dagger without hesitation and stabbed it into the dragon's heart. The dragon is covered with hard scales, but they The belly of the dragon is very soft and fragile. Especially the heart of the giant dragon is the most vulnerable part of his body. Even a single knife can kill it. Haas took a long time to prepare, so his knife penetrated very deeply, and It was powerful. This made the dragon Kavas completely unprepared, and it struggled desperately and threw Hass far away. But the dragon that was stabbed in the heart was doomed to die, and this was the ending they could not escape."

"It didn't take long for this giant dragon to die. The blood flowed all over the ground, staining the piles of gold coins in bright red. There was a smell of blood in the air. Haas stepped forward and after some confirmation, he Only then did he dare to believe that the dragon had died. At this moment Haas burst into ecstasy. He knew that he had done something unbelievable and surprising to everyone. He killed the dragon. He Not only can you get a generous bounty, but you can also take these treasures alone."

When he read this, Zhao Xun thought to himself that he could basically guess the solution of the story.

At this time, scales grew on Haas's body, and his originally handsome face began to become hideous.In the end, the warrior who slayed the dragon became a dragon.

Well, it should be such a rhythm, right?
But the development of the plot seems to be very different from what Zhao Xun expected.

"Haas found a humming sound not far away. He followed the sound and finally saw a nest behind the hill of gold coins. There were a few dragon eggs in the nest. The little dragons struggled to get their heads out. They hadn’t opened their eyes yet, and they were so weak and helpless. Haas softened his heart. Instead of killing these little dragons, he took them out of the eggshells and carefully placed them in the Take care of it in the palm of your hand."

Hiss. After seeing this, Zhao Xun was really shocked.

In this way, Haas adopted these little dragons?
But in this way, the following plots can basically be connected together.

Because for little dragons, they hadn't opened their eyes when they just broke out of their shells.Animals often identify the first thing they see as a parent.

So as long as Haas raised them honestly, the little dragons would regard him as their parents when they opened their eyes.

So that's how the Dragon Clan came from?

Haas developed a lifelong bond and affection with the dragons because Haas received them in a very unexpected situation.

For quite a long period of time, he lived with Xiaolong, and as Xiaolong grew up, Haas also got married and had children.

Gradually the little dragon grew up, and Haas also grew old.

However, this wonderful bond between Haas's descendants and Xiaolong's descendants has also been maintained, and it has been maintained from generation to generation.

Tsk tsk tsk, this is really an anti-routine story.

(End of this chapter)

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