big week bad guy

Chapter 404 Evolve, boy

Chapter 404 Let's Evolve, Boy (Super chapter of nearly 20000 words)
At this moment, Zhao Xun can understand why the relationship between the dragon clan and the giant dragon is so close from beginning to end.

Because the dragon never considers the members of the Dragon Clan as their masters, but considers them as family members.

This kind of family bond is more important than any other bond, and it allows all giant dragons to establish an extremely deep connection from birth.

Once the connection between the dragon and people is established, it is impossible for this connection and bond to dissipate in a short time.

In this case, the dragon can trust each other with the members of the dragon clan for a long time.

This bond will become deeper and more enviable as it is passed down from generation to generation.

I have to say that Zhao Xun is really envious.

Although his relationship with Pippi Xia Bai Jiaolong is also very good, but at present it only exists in this generation.It's hard to say what will happen after that.But Zhao Xun will indeed try his best and try his best.

He hopes that the relationship between himself and Pippi Xia can get better and better. If possible, Zhao Xun wants to find a partner for Pippi Xia Bai Jiaolong.

In this way, Pippi shrimp will not only no longer feel lonely and lonely, but also have its own offspring.

This is very important.

Because if this cannot be done, Pippi Shrimp will eventually die.

It is a pity that such a perfect gene has not been passed on.

And Zhao Xun also hopes that the offspring of Pippi Xiabai Jiaolong can live in harmony with Zhao Xun's offspring, just like family and friends, just like the ancient dragon clan and the giant dragon.

I have to say that the decision Haas made in one thought changed a lot of things.

If Haas didn't choose to adopt those little dragons but chose to kill them at that time, there would be no subsequent stories, let alone the subsequent dragon clan.

But seeing such a cute little dragon, no one can refuse, right?
I'm afraid it's a different person, and his heart will melt when facing such a cute little dragon that has just broken his shell, right?

I have to say that this is a perfect story, and it is even more fascinating.

Everything in the story was so perfect that it almost melted Zhao Xun's heart.

Of course, for Zhao Xun, all this is not just the end.

Then he had more talk with Lauren.After all, he now knows more about the history of the Lauren family.

To some extent, Zhao Xun has also become a "member of the Dragon Clan".

"Well, if there were no war, there would be so much to do."

Zhao Xun hoped that the war would end soon.

It is crucial for him to be able to maintain absolute calm.

Because the war is not over for a day, they have to tense their nerves.

"After reading the book for so long, I feel a little hungry, and I don't know what Third Brother Long Qingquan will give me to eat."

Zhao Xun couldn't help being curious for a while.

Of course, for him, there is nothing to worry about right now.

Because the third senior brother Long Qingquan's cooking skills are still good.As long as he is willing, he will be able to make delicious dishes.

All Zhao Xun had to do was to wait quietly.

"The Forbidden Army has been mobilizing for the past few days, and I feel that something big is about to happen."

In the main hall of the East Palace, Prince Li Xiankun was sitting upright, with very gloomy eyes.

Feng Hao and Zheng Jie stood side by side, their expressions varied.

Relatively speaking, Zheng Jie's state is relatively calm, and Feng Hao is about to appear a little nervous.

"His Royal Highness, the old slave thinks that maybe this is the forbidden army deliberately mobilized by His Majesty to lure you to do it."

As always, Zheng Jie raised doubts.

"Otherwise, why would the well-behaved Forbidden Army be mobilized? Could it be that there is some kind of war going on?"

"Isn't there a war at Zhongnan Mountain?"

Prince Li Xiankun frowned.

"According to Gu's knowledge, not only is there a war there, but it's also very fierce. Neither the Academy nor the Corruptor is willing to back down. They all feel that they will be the final winners."

When talking about this, the prince deliberately paused and said: "So I feel that this matter may have exceeded our expectations."

Li Xiankun took a deep breath, and then continued: "Father should have agreed to form an alliance with the Corruptor from the beginning. Otherwise, why did the Corruptor have no intention of attacking Chang'an City at all after so long? Logically speaking, Chang'an City should Is it much richer than Zhongnan Mountain, so it is worth attacking? But the Corruptors did not do this, because they know very well that they can get the support of the court to attack Zhongnan Mountain. As long as they get the support of the court, then they can go without accidents Take down Zhongnan Mountain and take down the Academy."

Prince Li Xiankun's analysis is not completely unreasonable.

Zheng Jie had also thought about this possibility before.

But according to his understanding of Emperor Xianlong, Emperor Xianlong was not the kind of person who would take action easily.

"If His Majesty really made a covenant with the Corruptor, it is indeed possible to make a move. But has His Majesty ever thought about it, if not, what if His Majesty is just defrauding His Majesty. Your Majesty is the foundation of the country, as long as you don't violate the principles If you make a mistake, there will be no problem. But if His Highness makes a principled mistake, even the gods will be hard to save."

Zheng Jie's worries and concerns are not without reason.

There is no problem with him wanting to initiate a palace change to advance to the position, and Zheng Jie also supports him in doing so.But the problem is that the prerequisite for him to do so is to have sufficient confidence.If a shot fails, there is no chance of a second chance.

As long as you make a move, there is no turning back at all, and you can only go one way to the end.

It is not easy for the prince to be in the East Palace for so many years.

Zheng Jie didn't want the prince to work so hard that the bamboo basket fetched water in vain.

"Duke Zheng, in your opinion, Gu will never have a chance to make a move?"

Prince Li Xiankun was obviously very unhappy.

Every time he was about to make up his mind, Zheng Jie would always jump out and hold objections.

If you keep doing this all the time, no one will be happy if you change it.

"That's not necessarily the case. The servant just thinks that now is not a good time to make a move. You might as well wait a little longer."

Zheng Jie knew that the prince was angry at this time, so he didn't argue with the prince.

He knew that as long as he could maintain absolute calm, then everything that followed would be fine.

His Royal Highness is not calm now.So he wants to persuade the prince more.

Zheng Jie glanced at Feng Hao who was next to him, and Feng Hao immediately cupped his hands to the prince knowingly and said: "His Royal Highness, I also feel that we should wait and see calmly at this moment, as long as His Highness survives this, the road will be smooth."

Prince Li Xiankun didn't expect Feng Hao to stand up and express his opinion at this time, and he was half-dead in anger for a while.

The two of them sang together, even if they were wearing a pair of trousers, what else could he say?
Prince Li Xiankun was as disgusting as if he had eaten a fly at this time.

But Feng Hao and Zheng Jie are his biggest reliance now, so since both of them have expressed their views, the prince can only hold his nose and admit it at this moment.

No matter how upset he is at the moment, the prince can't do anything about it.

"Okay, let's wait and see again. If there is any change, I will immediately order someone to notify the two of you."

"Little brother's meal is ready, come and taste the pizza I made."

When the third brother Long Qingquan delivered the freshly made pizza to Zhao Xun, Zhao Xun couldn't believe it.

Mamma Mia, this can't really be the third brother's handwriting, can it?

Not seeing each other for a day is like three autumns, and the craftsmanship of the third senior brother Long Qingquan has improved by leaps and bounds in the past half a day?

Being able to make pizza to this level, the third senior brother can really become a teacher.

Look at this drawing, look at this skirt.

Oh my god, the third senior brother's current skills are definitely worthy of the word "master chef".

"Let me taste it."

This appearance can be said to be absolutely top-notch, and what Zhao Xun has to do now is to taste it.If the taste is also perfect then it would be great.

Zhao Xun tore off a small piece of pizza, put it in his mouth and chewed it carefully.

This smell is really full of fragrance, tangy and tangy.

Mixed with the aroma of cheese, the fragrance of the ingredients made Zhao Xun feel wonderful for a while.

"It smells so good, this smell."

Zhao Xun was quite touched at the moment.

It's not easy, it's really not easy for the third senior brother to achieve such an achievement.

At this time, Zhao Xun naturally wanted to boast to the third brother Long Qingquan to encourage him to make persistent efforts in the future.

"Come on third brother, keep this state and you will definitely become the most beautiful boy in the whole academy. I am optimistic about you."

Zhao Xun made a heartfelt gesture to the third senior brother, and then began to bloom again.

Well, the head of the mountain and his teacher, Daoist Qinglian, both said that he paid more attention to rest during this time, so Zhao Xun still had to eat enough food to replenish energy while getting enough sleep.The whole person will only be in good condition if he eats well.Only after eating well will the whole person be in a state of excitement.

"Well, it's delicious. How much cheese did the third brother add, this taste is really amazing."

Zhao Xun has never eaten such a fragrant pizza, this delicacy is really refreshing.

"Tsk tsk tsk, next time we have to enjoy it."

But Zhao Xun felt like something was missing while eating.

But he couldn't speak for a while.

"Third senior brother, don't you have any drinks?"

Yes, Zhao Xun said something was wrong.Sure enough, there was no drink.

How can there be no drinks with pizza?
Drinks can elevate the taste of pizza to a whole new level.

After adding the drink, the mellow aroma of pizza will spread in the mouth more, which will make the human body experience a more wonderful feeling.

"tsk tsk"

"Little brother, I knew you would say this a long time ago. Don't worry, Wangcai is making juice for you now, and it should be delivered right away. You know that he wakes up late, so don't worry."

"Hahaha no no no."

Zhao Xun thought to himself that it was Wangcai who was making drinks, and there was really a clear division of labor between the third senior brother and Wangcai.

But this is also good, to ensure that both parties are in an absolutely reasonable distribution mode.

Alas, this feeling of eating ready-made is really wonderful.

Although Zhao Xun didn't want to admit it, it was like a fairy day.

Zhao Xun is always called the God of Cooking by his brothers and sisters on weekdays, but in fact Zhao Xun wants to be a foodie quietly.

Why do you want to be a chef if you can be a foodie?
That kind of extreme enjoyment can make people experience absolute pleasure.

"Come here, brother Mingyun's juice is here."

Just as Zhao Xun was talking, Wangcai trotted in with a tray.

Seeing this, Zhao Xun hurriedly said: "Be careful, be careful. Don't worry about Wangcai and don't spill the juice."

Zhao Xun was afraid that Wangcai's soles would slip and fall, so he reminded him very carefully.

"Hahaha, brother Mingyun, don't worry, I won't overturn the car."

Wangcai spread his hands and said confidently.

Zhao Xun laughed and said, "That's good. That's good."

When Wangcai put the juice beside Zhao Xun, Zhao Xun observed it carefully and said, "This time it seems that there is not only orange juice, but also watermelon juice?"

"That's right, watermelon juice, papaya juice, and orange juice. I'll make you a cup of each of the three."

Wow, Zhao Xun felt a sense of happiness when he heard this.

Wangcai is still reliable.Knowing that Zhao Xun had difficulty choosing, he decided to do the same.

Well, well, well, then Zhao Xun will have a good time.

Being able to drink all three kinds of fruit juices once is a day like a fairy.

Of course, Zhao Xun's favorite drink is orange juice.

He picked up a glass of orange juice and took a sip, and suddenly felt a sweet feeling in his mouth.

This wonderful mysterious feeling is really refreshing.

Then Zhao Xun picked up the watermelon juice and tasted it, which tasted completely different from orange juice.

Watermelon juice tends to be more sweet.

So even a sip is still delicious.

Next is papaya juice.

The taste of papaya juice is much lighter than that of watermelon juice and orange juice.

However, this still couldn't stop the mellow taste of papaya juice from spreading in Zhao Xun's mouth.

Each of the three juices has its own characteristics, and each of the three juices has its own delicacy.

It is difficult for Zhao Xun to evaluate which one has the absolute taste advantage, but there is no doubt that this is Wangcai's intention.

As long as it is a prosperous intention, it is very good.

Zhao Xun nodded and said: "Very good, Wangcai. These three kinds of juices are very delicious. I really think that your progress is getting bigger and bigger. Very good, keep it up, it won't take long You are the drink king of the academy in the future."

Zhao Xun is very good at giving people titles.

Wangcai was clearly arranged by Zhao Xun.

Sure enough, Wangcai laughed loudly when he heard the words: "Ah, really. Thank you Brother Mingyun for your praise. Actually, I still have a big gap. But with your words, I have confidence, and I will definitely work harder To make drinks, to innovate on the basis of maintaining the current level. Of course, if there is anything I don’t understand, I will definitely come to bother Brother Mingyun. Brother Mingyun then don’t think I’m annoying.”

"Hahaha, no, no, of course not. You just come, and I will teach you everything I have learned all my life."

Western Regions, Anxi Protectorate.

Jia Xingwen is processing this document very seriously.

As Liu Lin's staff, Jia Xingwen's most important duty is to advise Liu Lin.

But when the war is not so urgent, what Jia Xingwen needs to do most is to help Liu Lin deal with some daily chores.

The Anxi Protectorate's Mansion is quite large, and the problem brought about by its vast territory is that there are many daily things that need to be dealt with.

These daily things are usually handled first-hand by Jia Xingwen.

Only when Jia Xingwen was sure that there were no problems, and the important ones were selected, would they be submitted to Liu Lin for further review.

Liu Lin only looks at what Jia Xingwen thinks is important, so the importance of Jia Xingwen is reflected.

If Jia Xingwen missed some memorials by mistake, the consequences would be quite serious.

So Jia Xingwen has been reading very carefully, for fear that some documents will be missed, which will affect the judgment of the chief guardian Liu Lin.

Everyone has their own value in this world.

And Jia Xingwen has now found his own value, he will do his best to show his talents, and show his talents to the fullest.

If Liu Lin gave him this opportunity, he would firmly grasp it.

"Everyone is protected!"

While Jia Xingwen was concentrating on looking at the document, the soldiers outside the house reported in a low voice.

Jia Xingwen quickly put down the pen and paper and got up to greet him.

"See the Chief Protector."

Jia Xingwen bowed to Liu Lin, and Liu Lin raised his hand to help Jia Xingwen up and said, "Xingwen, didn't this general tell you that you don't need to be so polite in private."

"Princess Protector, etiquette cannot be discarded."

Jia Xingwen is a person who accepts death.

For a while, Liu Lin couldn't laugh or cry.

"That's all, it's up to you."

Liu Lin took a deep breath and said, "I heard that you are working on an Anxi military regulation recently, is that right?"

"If you go back to the General Guard, that's exactly the case. There are no rules. There are military regulations in Dazhou, but they are too general. Therefore, the subordinates decided to rewrite a regulation that belongs to the Anxi Army, so as to restrain military discipline. effect."

Jia Xingwen replied very respectfully.

"Well, you did a great job."

Liu Lin said with emotion: "In fact, this general has always had this idea, but he has been unable to do so. Now that you are here, you can take this matter out and think about it again. It's really great. "

"This is the responsibility of the subordinates, and the subordinates will naturally do their best to do it well."

Jia Xingwen is a very upright person, and sometimes even makes Liu Lin feel a little helpless.

"That's right. From now on, you will be in charge of military discipline. When the Anxi Military Regulations are issued, you will strictly enforce them. If anyone violates them, they will be severely punished."

"As ordered."

In Jia Xingwen's opinion, Liu Lin is really his lucky star.By Liu Lin's side, he can really do what he is interested in.

Of course, it doesn't mean that he is not good around Feng Hao.Feng Hao also thinks highly of him.But Jia Xingwen always felt that something was wrong.That feeling was very strange and hard to describe in words, but it did make him feel very awkward.

Of course, now he doesn't have to worry about anything.Because he is completely in his comfort zone now, he can do things freely and according to his own temperament, and there is the support of the big guard behind him, which is really cool.

Zhao Xun never imagined that one day he would be able to live a beautiful life where he can stretch out his coat to eat and open his mouth.

Eat and sleep, eat and sleep, if you are really tired, you can still read a book.
This life is simply more comfortable than that of a god.

Even if there is a fairy who wants to change with Zhao Xun, Zhao Xun will not respond.

Of course, in many cases, things will not always proceed according to the expected ideal mode, for example
When Zhao Xun thought that everything would develop in the direction of time and peace.
Life hit him hard.

That's right, the Corruptors are attacking again.

Although he already had the experience of last time, Zhao Xun still seriously doubted whether the brothers and sisters could stand it.

After all, without Zhao Xun as the leader, will there be any problems in their communication with the Alan Lore tribe?
This is what Zhao Xun is most worried about right now.

But now Zhao Xun is really at a loss.

After all, he still has to recuperate from his illness, and this is what the head of the mountain said was the most important thing for him right now.

If he can't get well, Zhao Xun will face little pressure.

The longer the toxins accumulated in his body, the greater the permanent damage.

If it is not adjusted, the consequences will be disastrous.

So now even if Zhao Xun really wants to go to the front line to help, he has to force himself to suppress this idea.

"Calm down, you must stay calm now"

It seems that the Corruptor does not intend to take away the Academy Alliance in one wave, but will continue to see the saw in the form of a wheel battle.

To achieve the ultimate goal by consuming the physical strength of the academy alliance members or damaging their self-confidence.

In general, in the face of this model, what the Academy Alliance needs to do most is to stabilize their mentality and then fight steadily.

It's useless to be anxious, if the enemy doesn't fight you with the bayonet, don't you still take the initiative to go up the pole to meet them?

Isn't that a joke?
So now the best way for the Academy Alliance is to build a fence and wait for the Corruptor to rush.

To put it bluntly, this is a contest between spear and shield.

It depends on whether the spear is sharper or the shield is stronger.

The side with the upper hand will win the final victory.

"My boy, little brother, you haven't seen it. The aura of the army of dead men all over the mountains and plains is really terrifying when they charge. If our restriction is not strong enough, it is really possible to be rushed by them." Crash."

"Uh, is it so scary?"

Zhao Xun felt somewhat surprised.

"What about the giants, last time the giants worked really hard. How about this time, did the giants play a bigger role this time?"

"Hehe, the giants are indeed working hard, but the Corruptor seems to want them to act as a charge to open the way. The Corruptor did not give them much trust. In this way, basically the function of the giants That’s all.”


It can be seen that the situation has stabilized.

That's the best thing ever.

"The third senior brother, let me ask one more question. At present, the mood of the entire alliance should be relatively stable."

He kept it, but Zhao Xun still paid close attention to the mentality of the big guys.If the mentality is not very stable, it is hard to say what will happen next, and it may collapse suddenly.

"Of course the mentality is more stable. After all, we are now the dominant side."

Third senior brother Long Qingquan seemed quite confident.

"Little brother, don't worry, everything is under our control. The Corruptors seem to be powerful, but they are actually a bunch of bullying waste."

The third brother Long Qingquan paused and said: "What you have to do now is to take good care of your illness, and everything will be fine after you take care of your illness."


Zhao Xun was somewhat happy.

The current situation cannot be regarded as perfect for him, it can only be said to be quite perfect.

Only when he was able to heal his illness safely and get rid of the toxins completely, could Zhao Xun rejoin the battle, fighting side by side with the brothers and sisters of the academy and the members of the alliance.Otherwise, it would be a bit exhausting to have the condition come and go again and again.

"Junior brother, wake up, wake up."

In a daze, Zhao Xun felt that someone was calling him.

Are you dreaming?

It sounds like the third senior brother?
Zhao Xun opened his eyes and saw that Long Qingquan, the third senior brother, was right in front of him as expected.

"Senior brother, what's the matter?"

Zhao Xun rarely saw the third senior brother Long Qingquan in this state.

Generally speaking, the three senior brothers are quite calm existences.

The third senior brother suddenly stated that the situation might really have changed, which greatly exceeded their expectations.

"The head of the mountain told you to go there."

"The mountain chief called me in the middle of the night?"

Zhao Xun was dumbfounded.

Isn't this trouble?

"you sure?"

"Of course, do you think I suddenly ran over to make fun of you when I didn't sleep in the middle of the night? I have that leisurely mood?"


Zhao Xun thought about it carefully, and it seems that this is indeed the truth.

"Okay, let's go and see."

"Well, hurry up."

At present, Zhao Xun's condition is under control quite well, but rest is the most critical point.

If you don't rest well, it's very normal for the condition to recur.

So Zhao Xun guessed that this time the head of the mountain suddenly asked him to go in the middle of the night, probably because of his illness.

Maybe a cure for his poisoning has been found?Or maybe it's related to these.

All in all, Zhao Xun trusts the head of the mountain very much, and he also believes that the head of the mountain will not let him down.

Soon Zhao Xun and Long Qingquan came to the bamboo building where the head of the mountain was.

The two entered the bamboo building one after another, and saw the head of the mountain playing with some bottles and cans.

What's even more amazing is that Wu Quanyi, the master Qinglian Daoist, is also on the side.

Zhao Xun immediately affirmed in his heart that this was probably the same as what he had guessed. It must be that the head of the mountain and Taoist Qinglian came up with a countermeasure when they were discussing together.Otherwise, it would be impossible for the two of them to call Zhao Xun over in the middle of the night.

Zhao Xun can be said to be full of expectations at the moment.

Who doesn't want to have a healthy body?
Even if there is only a glimmer of hope, Zhao Xun also hopes to completely drain the toxins from his body.

"Come on, let the health come more violently."

At present, Zhao Xun is extremely looking forward to the mountain chief being able to expel his toxins directly as soon as he appoints Qiankun, so he stepped forward to salute with full of expectation: "I have seen the mountain chief, and I have seen my benefactor."

After saluting to the two masters respectively, Zhao Xun asked cautiously: "I don't know what is the important order from the head of the mountain to call the apprentice in the middle of the night?"

"Eh, Master found a way to help you detoxify."

Shan Zhang cleared his throat and said leisurely.

Sure enough!

"Ah, really, this is really good."

Zhao Xunzhi couldn't hide his excitement at the moment, waving his arms and said: "If that's the case, then please ask the mountain chief to help me and help this disciple get rid of this poison."

"Well, come here and lie down here. This potion is prepared by Master and Daoist Qinglian and needs to be applied on your body."

Hearing this, Zhao Xun was taken aback for a moment.

No, no, Mr. Shan, this is not serious.

Do you want to apply this ointment on your body?

good guy.
It turned out to be external therapy.

Zhao Xun swallowed, and after some hesitation, he chose to do so.

After all, for him, it was almost impossible to refuse.

"Well, alright, the head of the mountain can start."

After Zhao Xun lay down, Shanzhang and Taoist Qinglian came over.

Daoist Qinglian was responsible for holding the medicine box in his hand, while Shanzhang dipped his fingers in the medicine and began to smear it on Zhao Xun's face.

"tsk tsk"

At the beginning, the head of the mountain began to wipe Zhao Xun's face.

This potion is basically black, which is about the same color as the ash water of plants and trees.

But Zhao Xun has a problem, that is, there are too many itchy flesh on the face, so even if Shan Zhang applied it evenly, Zhao Xun still felt very itchy.

good guy.
How long can this last.
Zhao Xun himself doesn't know, but for him now he must keep as calm as possible.

Well, lying dead, he's going to do it now.

There cannot be any movement, because Zhao Xun is afraid that any movement will affect the next operation of the mountain chief.

After all, Zhao Xun finally recovered to this state.He naturally hoped to completely eradicate the toxin.

The head of the mountain just painted on Zhao Xun's body and nodded in satisfaction.

"Okay, it's fine now, little 72, just lie down and wait until the potion is completely absorbed before getting up."

"Uh, how long does it take Shanchang to fully absorb this potion?"

"At least a few hours."

Zhao Xun almost lost his temper when he heard the words of the head of the mountain.

Then why is he still tossing, close your eyes and rest.

Maybe after a good night's sleep it's all over.

"Men, is the potion you put on the little brother really effective?"

"of course."

The head of the mountain lightly stroked his beard and said: "The potion I applied for the teacher is very effective. After applying it, the whole person will feel refreshed and the toxins can be completely discharged. Your little brother has always been a strong person." Personality. If you let him lie like this all the time, he will go crazy. So I thought of such a method as a teacher. It may look a little weird at first glance, but the actual effect is quite good. Not bad."

"Well, that's really nice of me."

After hearing this, Long Qingquan was quite excited.

To him, as long as the junior brother can recover, that is the most exciting thing.

Not to mention anything else, during the few days when the younger brother was away, he had taken on the heavy responsibility of the academy kitchen.

Mamma Mia, that's simply not a human thing, Long Qingquan now understands how much pressure the junior brother was under at that time.

Although Long Qingquan was also working by Zhao Xun's side at that time, he was just a helper.Playing the second hand and being the real main force are completely two concepts.

You don't need to think about what to eat or what to do today, you just need to listen to the chef's yelling.

But as a chef, everything is up to you.

Even the slightest deviation is your fault.

Therefore, Long Qingquan extremely hoped that the junior brother would get better.

In this way, Long Qingquan can hand over the important task of cooking in the academy to the junior brother.

When Zhao Xun woke up again, he only felt refreshed, and his whole body seemed to have become a lot lighter.

This is really an incomparably miraculous feeling. It is difficult for Zhao Xun to describe this feeling. I can only say that it is really cool.
Then Zhao Xun found that there were many black pieces on the bed where he was sleeping, like a wall.

Could it be that the potions fell off after they solidified?
There was no one in the house, so Zhao Xun quickly put on his clothes and went outside.

Seeing that the third senior brother was taking a nap outside, Zhao Xun quickly patted the third senior brother Long Qingquan awake and said, "Third senior brother, wake up."

"Huh? Junior brother, are you awake?"

"That's right, I slept very comfortably this time. Third senior brother, where's the head of the mountain, where's the Taoist priest Qinglian?"

"They should go out to play chess. The last time they played a game of chess, the head of the mountain always felt that it was not enough. He often talked to Daoist Qinglian about killing another game."


Zhao Xun couldn't laugh or cry when he heard this.

good guy.
It seems that there is nothing wrong with him.

Otherwise, Master Shan and Daoist Qinglian would not be so relieved to let him lie on the bed like that and ignore them.

"By the way, little brother, how do you feel now?"

Seeing that Zhao Xun was already awake, Long Qingquan asked with great concern.

Whether Zhao Xun recovers or not is related to whether Long Qingquan can step down as a chef.

"I feel very refreshed, like shedding a layer of shell. That feeling is really special."


Long Qingquan was taken aback for a moment, after all, Zhao Xun's metaphor is really interesting.

But he changed his mind and started laughing wildly: "If that's the case, then I can only say that you are a wonderful person, Junior Brother. That's all, now it seems that we should make arrangements for you."

"Arrange what?"

"Of course I'm going to cook. Since you've recovered, little junior brother, I, the acting chef, can step down and give way to Xian."

Long Qingquan rubbed his palms excitedly and said, "Little Junior Brother, what do you want for lunch today?"

Zhao Xun was about to faint.

He thought to himself, third senior brother, third senior brother, can you not be such a dog as a human being.How much time has passed, how does it feel like you are about to resign as head chef.

I haven't been relaxed for a long time, can't you make me feel better?
Of course, Long Qingquan obviously didn't have this idea.

For Long Qingquan, even working as a chef for one more day is a kind of torture.

This position is still suitable for juniors.

The junior brother is always able to do all kinds of tasks perfectly in a calm and breezy manner.

Long Qingquan felt ashamed of himself.

So, of course Long Qingquan wanted to give up the wonderful task to his junior brother.

"Let's not talk about this for now, let's go out and watch Shan Zhang and the others play chess."

Zhao Xun had no choice but to pull the third senior brother Long Qingquan to go outside.

Right now he is obviously paying more attention to the chess game between Shanzhang and Daoist Qinglian.

After all, for Zhao Xun, he should thank his two mentors face to face when he finally woke up.

If it weren't for the head of the mountain and Taoist Qinglian to search for herbs day and night, it would be impossible for Zhao Xun to recover to his best condition so quickly, and it would be impossible for the toxins in his body to be drained so quickly.

However, they said that soon after the two left the bamboo building, they saw Shanzhang and Taoist Qinglian in the bamboo forest not far away.

Zhao Xun hurried forward to say hello.

"A disciple sees the head of the mountain, sees the teacher."

"Ah, little 72, you're awake. Let's just watch from the sidelines. Wei Shi and Daoist Qinglian are killing each other inextricably."

At this moment, the head of the mountain is like a child, and Taoist Qinglian Wu Quanyi is similar.

"Uh ok."

Zhao Xun stood with his hands tied in a cute pose.

What can he do, his seniority here is the lowest.

Watching chess does not speak a true gentleman.

To be reasonable, Zhao Xun's chess skills are still very good, but he can still exercise restraint and not make random comments.

Let them solve the chess game between the two mentors by themselves.

Although the third brother Long Qingquan has watched chess for so many years, his chess skills have not improved much.

Watching Shanzhang and Taoist Qinglian playing a game to win the son, Long Qingquan was startled and bluffed.

To be honest, this can be regarded as Long Qingquan's routine operation.

But Zhao Xun still wanted to roll his eyes.

Third senior brother, third senior brother, can't we be more reliable?
Of course, at this moment, Zhao Xun still hopes that the third senior brother can remain more reserved.

After all, this is a game between two top players.

It would be good if Lu Guangdou, the sixth senior brother, was beside him, after all, the sixth senior brother could still maintain his basic manners.


Zhao Xun tried his best to take a deep breath to calm himself down.

For him, it is enough to maintain the most basic calm at the moment.

After carefully going deep into the chess game, you will find that the chess moves of Shan Chang and Qing Lian Dao Chang are quite monsters, and it is difficult for ordinary people to understand.

A few moves among them even surprised Zhao Xun for a time.

For a person to be able to play chess to this extent, it is enough to show that all skills are quite comprehensive, and the ability to adapt to changes is particularly strong.

It's not easy, it's really not easy.

In the end, Shanzhang won Daoist Qinglian by a very small margin, and Daoist Qinglian smiled bitterly: "I still haven't counted on you. I lost, I really lost this time."

"Haha, very happy. I haven't played such a happy chess for a long time. Daoist Qinglian's skillful hand, I really admire this old man."

Seeing that Taoist Qinglian was so polite, Shan Chang also started a business exchange.

Zhao Xun was delighted to see it in his eyes.

He thought to himself, good guy, the two mentors are really eloquent.

Obviously, both sides want to show off their superiority, but they have to be so indifferent, so calm.

Maybe this is the attitude that a real expert should have.

Zhao Xun has always wanted to reach this level, but at present, he is still a little behind.

Zhao Xun dare not say what level he can achieve in the future, but he will definitely try his best to improve his realm as much as possible.

"The two benefactors have finished playing chess? Can the apprentice ask one more question, am I considered cured now?"

After holding back for so long, Zhao Xun was finally able to speak, but his heart was suffocated.

"Well, your potion should have been completely absorbed, right? This means that there is no problem at all."

Shanzhang stroked his beard and said leisurely: "Little 72, Daoist Qinglian contributed a lot to your recovery this time. You have to thank your benefactor."

"Wherever the mountain leader is the key to your recovery, you have to thank the mountain leader."

Zhao Xun thought in his heart, good guy, these two teachers are bragging about business here.

You two old men can brag about each other, it makes me a little embarrassed.

Zhao Xun smiled helplessly and said, "Men, with the situation first, can I withdraw?"

"Of course, isn't it time for lunch? I have been eating the dishes made by the third child for my teacher these days, and I am already tired of them. The dishes made by the third child are not bad, but basically the routines are not changed. .So as a teacher, I still want to change the pattern, you know what I mean?"

The head of the mountain stared at Zhao Xun with a smile, and he really gave Zhao Xun his hair.

Good guy, Shanzhang, Shanzhang, you can't be disrespectful.

I've just met, and I'm about to go into the kitchen to do coolies.

Mamma Mia.

Zhao Xun wanted to cry but had no tears, but there really was no good way at the moment.

Shan Chang and his elders have already talked about this point. If Zhao Xun tries to tear things down again, it will be unreasonable anyway.

Forget it, I endured it.

"Okay, that apprentice is going to cook. Third senior brother, let's go."

Seeing the third brother Long Qingquan standing there laughing foolishly, Zhao Xun was about to die of anger.

"Huh? Am I going too?"

"Of course, you just don't have to be a chef anymore, you still need a helper."

Zhao Xun rolled his eyes angrily and said in his heart that the third senior brother thought he was completely freed, no way no way.

"Ah, ok ok."

Third Senior Brother Long Qingquan looked reluctant, Zhao Xun was helpless.

Alas, things in the world are really hard to say.

Obviously one moment Zhao Xun was still a childish little prince who stretched out his clothes and opened his hands to eat, but the next moment he had to become an old mother busy in the kitchen.

It's really hard.

Zhao Xun has never felt such a difficult time for himself.

But life really dealt him a heavy blow, and his face was swollen from the beating.

Calm down, you must keep calm at this time.

However, after the two of them arrived at the kitchen, Long Qingquan immediately started to mess around.

I saw that he found a small Maza from nowhere and sat on it.

Just sit and sit with one leg up.Just tilt it up and hum a ditty.

Zhao Xun felt angry for a moment.

"Senior brother, this is not a place to rest, do you want to move another bed for you?"

"Oh, little brother, I'm not creating conditions for you to recover. You just returned to the kitchen when you need to find your form. If you don't recover for too long, you will be numb."


Zhao Xun was speechless for a while.

Boy, is this okay?
This feeling is for the third senior brother's benefit?
Man's mouth deceitful ghost.

At this moment, Zhao Xun could only come up with such a comment.

"Don't talk about these useless things, go and wash and cut the dishes. Third senior brother, since you are now a helper and not the head cook, you should act like a helper and be quicker and more diligent."


Zhao Xun really wants to cry now.

Fortunately, the third senior brother Long Qingquan still knows propriety, righteousness and shame.

After some education by Zhao Xun, he finally gave up on displaying rotten dishes and started washing and chopping vegetables.

Zhao Xun has always thought that the third senior brother Long Qingquan's knife skills are quite good, just from this point of view, the third senior brother definitely has the potential to become a top chef.

Of course, the key is to see how hard he works the day after tomorrow.

No matter how talented a person is, it's useless if he doesn't work hard enough.

At present, the third senior brother has worked hard, but it is not enough.

If Long Qingquan can show some momentum, it is indeed possible to stand up.

But for now, there is still a long way to go.

In fact, at this moment, Zhao Xun didn't have much time to think about the third brother's problem, because he had to think about what to have for lunch.

This was his first meal after returning to the academy kitchen, and he had to surprise everyone with his skills.

If not, I'm afraid it will disappoint the two teachers and brothers and sisters.

Zhao Xun is not a hypocritical person, but he still understands the point of leaving a good impression on people.

Well, since we want to do our best, of course we have to show some attitude.

What kind of food are you cooking?
This dish can't be too simple, everyone can't cook it, especially it can't be the third brother Long Qingquan's special dish.

Just now the head of the mountain made his words so clear that he got tired of eating the dishes of the third senior brother Long Qingquan every day.

So Zhao Xun had to come up with a completely different dish, and it had to be able to shock the teachers.

The lunch can be made richer, so that everyone can enjoy eating.

After thinking about it, Zhao Xun came up with a perfect choice, that is braised chicken and rice.

This can be said to be a well-known dish.

Although it is very simple to make, the taste is not cheap at all.

Especially at noon, if you can eat a meal of braised chicken and rice, it will definitely make you feel refreshed and very comfortable.

After Zhao Xun settled down, he said to the third senior brother Long Qingquan who was beside him: "Third senior brother, it's time for you to perform."


Long Qingquan was taken aback for a moment, apparently not understanding what Zhao Xun meant.

"what's going on?"

"I mean, Third Senior Brother, it's time for you to perform."


"Go and catch a chicken for me."

"Catch the chicken? Junior brother, are you serious?"

Long Qingquan's eyes stared like cowbells, obviously feeling very unbelievable.

"Yeah, I'm going to make braised chicken and rice. If you don't have chicken, how do you make braised chicken and rice?"

Zhao Xun rolled his eyes and said.


The third brother Long Qingquan swallowed and said, "The braised chicken and rice sounds delicious."

Zhao Xun thought to himself, of course, this is my special skill.

As long as I offer this stewed chicken and rice, I will definitely be the brightest star in the academy in a short time.

"Uh. Well, I'll catch it now."

In fact, Long Qingquan didn't blame him for hesitating.

Because there is no shortage of chickens and ducks in the academy, but these chickens and ducks are not raised in captivity, but free-range chickens and teal ducks.

Basically, these chickens and ducks are free-range.

We all know that it is not so difficult to catch a free-range chicken.

But at this moment Long Qingquan didn't back down in any way.

Because braised chicken and rice beckoned to him.

Long Qingquan's mouth watered at the thought of having the delicious braised chicken and rice cooked by his junior brother himself.

Although catching chickens may seem difficult at first glance, it is actually acceptable.

"cluck cluck, cluck cluck"

When the third brother Long Qingquan really caught a big rooster back, Zhao Xun was really surprised.

Good guy, the third senior brother's efficiency is too high.

"Senior Brother Third, you will be able to have the title of Little Chicken Catcher in the future. You are really strong."

Zhao Xun made a gesture to Long Qingquan, the third senior brother, expressing his praise.

"Uh, it should not be exaggerated, it should not be exaggerated."

Long Qingquan chuckled and said: "Actually, it's nothing special, I just did what I should do."

"Okay, now you go and help kill this chicken and chop it into pieces. The braised chicken will be used."

After Zhao Xun boasted a bit, he changed hands and arranged for the third senior brother Long Qingquan clearly.

"uh ok"

However, the third senior brother didn't seem to feel much discomfort.

After all, for him, he is very willing to help Zhao Xun now.

As long as he can finally eat the braised chicken and rice that he has been longing for, it will be perfect.


In addition to cooking braised chicken and rice, Zhao Xun also made a soup.

After all, if you only eat braised chicken and rice at noon, it will look a little monotonous.

Therefore, Zhao Xun must make some soup as much as possible, so as to do some neutralization and conditioning.

There are sweet and salty soups.In view of the taste of braised chicken and rice, Zhao Xun finally decided to make a sweet soup.

After much deliberation, Zhao Xun decided to make a sweet corn soup.

This thing is really sweet and really fragrant.

After drinking one bowl, prepare to make people want to drink the second bowl, and after drinking the second bowl, prepare to make people want to drink the third bowl.

It can be said that desserts do not have any disadvantages, if there are, they are not sweet enough.

At this moment, Zhao Xun has completely turned into a soup master, and started the extreme soup making mode.

Zhao Xun knew that if he wanted to really make a soup that everyone was satisfied with, he had to come up with real ingredients from the very beginning.

So Zhao Xun is very concerned about the viscosity of the soup and other key factors and indicators when making soup.

Because he is sure that only when these aspects are done perfectly can the soup taste good.

Otherwise, the soup made will definitely have some problems.

At this time, the third brother Long Qingquan had already killed the chicken and cut it into pieces.

Zhao Xun couldn't wait to cook the braised chicken.

But he's really busy right now.

So Zhao Xun told the third senior brother Long Qingquan the steps, and asked the third senior brother to cook according to the steps.

This is the advantage of two people cooking at the same time, so you don't have to worry about some omissions.

Two people cooperate with each other, so basically the whole person can relax.

It's really not easy.

To be able to maintain such a perfect state, to be able to maintain such a perfect state, Zhao Xun felt that he was back in that peak period.

Zhao Xun is a very competitive person, and also a very eager to perform.

So whenever he has the opportunity, he will do his best to show his talents.

There is no doubt that this time gave him a chance.

"Come, come, let's have a taste of the golden corn soup I made myself."

"It tastes really good."

Zhao Xun picked up the spoon and tasted it, and said with satisfaction, "It tastes really good, Third Senior Brother, come and taste it too."

It is rare for Longqingquan to taste some soup alone in the dish tasting session.

But this time, the younger brother took the initiative to invite him to save face.

Seeing Zhao Xun put the spoon into Long Qingquan's mouth, Long Qingquan only took a sip and said with emotion: "Wow, the taste of this corn soup is really amazing."

Zhao Xun has never been a hypocritical person, let alone deliberately ask others to flatter and praise him.

All he wanted was the most honest evaluation.

A real evaluation can make him truly recognize himself.

A real evaluation can let him see his own shortcomings.

As far as this corn soup is concerned, it is indeed pioneering and innovative.But Zhao Xun has never been complacent.

Because until the end you never know the public's taste.

In addition, there are a group of gourmets in the academy, their taste buds are very picky, as long as there is any slight problem in the dishes and soups made by Zhao Xun, people will find faults.

Of course, it is precisely because Zhao Xun cooks for his brothers and sisters for a long time that he has developed a temperament that is not afraid of evaluation and ridicule.

No matter what comments he received, he was basically able to digest them well.

So Zhao Xun can get better and better.

It is impossible for those who are easily defeated by some venomous comments to become top chefs.

Zhao Xun is very clear that the next period of time is crucial to him.

If he can have a continuous upward posture on this basis, then it won't take long for him to truly complete the transformation.If not, I'm afraid it will always be vacillating at this stage and level.

"Okay, the stewed chicken and rice are almost ready. You can serve these for everyone to taste."

Zhao Xun is full of confidence in this dish and soup.

He believes that brothers and sisters will fall in love with this dish after tasting it.

There is something equally fascinating about dawn and dusk.

Zhao Xun stared at the mottled reflection in the bamboo forest for a moment.

Although he can see such scenes every day, he doesn't stop to watch every time.

For Zhao Xun, it is not easy to keep calm in an absolute sense.

But when he sees these beautiful scenery, his mood can really calm down.

These beautiful views are like magic, which can make a person really calm down.

Zhao Xun has stopped here to watch more than once.

Now he gradually understands why Wang Yangming chose Gewu, and why he chose bamboo instead of other things when he chose Gewu.

Compared with other things, bamboo really has a very different magical power.

This kind of magic power can make Zhao Xun truly feel a kind of extraordinary pleasure.

"Little brother, it's time to make dinner."

"Got it! Here we come!"

Although Zhao Xun felt a little bored when he heard the third senior brother Long Qingquan calling.

But this feeling of boredom can be said to have passed in a flash.

Because Zhao Xun knows very well that cooking is also a part of spiritual practice.

If a person can maintain efficient cooking methods, can maintain efficient cooking skills, and can even maintain a high mood while cooking, then he is bound to achieve great achievements.

The strength of Zhao Xun is that he can always make good use of his own advantages.

This is actually not so easy to do.

Because many people can't really see themselves clearly.

They can't really determine where their strengths are, and they can't really clarify where their strengths are.

But Zhao Xun can.

So Zhao Xun has been improving, although sometimes it seems a bit slow, but it is always improving.

After re-entering the kitchen, Zhao Xun's state of mind was very stable.

"Haha, little brother, you have won the first battle. The braised chicken rice and corn soup we ate at noon were praised by everyone as delicious. A half-assed chef like me can't compare to a chef."


Zhao Xun felt a little embarrassed when Long Qingquan said that.

After all, given the current situation, it is actually difficult to guarantee that the dishes will always be maintained at a first-class level.

Although Zhao Xun has always been strict with high standards.But he can't guarantee that there will be some accidents in the whole process.

Once an accident occurs, the consequences are quite dire.After all, Zhao Xun set the flag and standard too high before, and it would be easy to fall into the mud if he pulled it out so suddenly.

"Come on, let's start cooking dinner."

Zhao Xun adjusted his emotions quite quickly, so he rolled up his sleeves and prepared to fight hard.

"Little brother, what are we going to do tonight?"

"Uh, let me think about it. I eat rice at noon, so I must change it tonight. Even if you eat all the delicacies, you will definitely get bored."

"Okay, why don't you eat fried noodles."

"Oil-splashed noodles? What's this?"

"Uh, after the noodles are cooked, sprinkle with chili noodles. Then pour boiling oil on top. But when you hear the sound of sizzling, you can feel the refreshing feeling."

"tsk tsk"

For a moment Long Qingquan felt extreme pleasure.

For him, this can definitely be regarded as a brand new attempt.

Long Qingquan has always wanted to try new things.

Because trying new things can give him a completely different enjoyment.

Although it may be only a short-lived pleasure, Long Qingquan will keep his hard work in his heart.

That feeling is really hard to forget sometimes.

"Okay, just tell me what you need me to do?"

"Eh, this is actually very simple to make. It's really unnecessary. If you really want to help, third brother, you can help chop the chopped green onion."

"That's it?"

It was the first time that Long Qingquan had done such a simple thing as Zhao Xun's cooking assistant for so long.

For a moment, he doubted whether Zhao Xun was making fun of him.

"Little brother, are you sure you're not joking?"

"Of course, what's the point of me joking about this kind of thing?"

Zhao Xun seemed a little dumbfounded for a moment.

"Third senior brother, if you feel that you are really in a hurry, you can cook two side dishes. The cold shredded tofu and cucumber are the most uncomfortable arrangements for you. I believe these two cold dishes are quite suitable for the fried noodles."


Faced with Zhao Xun's suggestion, Long Qingquan could only choose to accept it.

There's nothing he can do. He thinks the oil-splashed noodles are too simple and plain.

If he just ate this oil-splashed noodles, he always felt that there would be something close to it.

But if two cold dishes are added as an auxiliary, the situation will be much better.

"Okay, little brother, I believe in you. I hope your oil-splashed noodles can conquer everyone's stomachs. I will also prepare two small dishes. We will have a good meal tonight."

Long Qingquan swallowed and spit.

"Don't worry, my dishes are guaranteed and won't overturn."

Zhao Xun said confidently.

It was the first time for Wangcai to eat oil-splashed noodles made by Zhao Xun himself. He had heard Zhao Xun describe it before, but this was really the first time he had eaten it.

But the wonderful feeling filled the mouth at the first second of entrance.

"Wow, it's really delicious."

Wangcai was trying his best to control and suppress his emotions, but he still danced excitedly.

"Brother Mingyun, how did you make such delicious noodles. There are countless kinds of noodles in Chang'an City, but I have never tasted such delicious noodles."


Seeing Wangcai's exaggerated performance, Zhao Xun didn't know what to say for a while.

"Uh, if it's delicious, eat more, don't worry, no one will snatch it from you."

Although he knew that the little fat man Wangcai was growing up, but looking at his slightly bloated body, Zhao Xun still felt a little embarrassed for a while.

Wangcai, Wangcai, you can have some snacks.

It is not easy to lose so much meat in a short period of time.

It's really cool to eat, but you also have to consider the future situation.

If you can't maintain a stable weight and body shape, you will definitely suffer in the future.

It's not that Zhao Xun doesn't want Wangcai to eat, but he feels that Wangcai's body shape really needs to be controlled.

If it is not controlled, the situation is likely to deteriorate to a certain extent.

At that time, I am afraid that Wangcai will regret it.

"It's delicious, it's delicious, and this cold shredded tofu is also very fragrant."

Wangcai didn't let up at all while eating the oil-splashed noodles.

Seeing him eating so happily, Zhao Xun was quite relieved for a while.

Third senior brother's cold dishes are really good.

After Zhao Xun's influence, Long Qingquan's culinary skills can now be firmly ranked second in the academy.

Of course, the third senior brother, Long Qingquan, still has a long way to go if he wants to fully catch up with Zhao Xun.

But Zhao Xun believes that as long as he is given enough time and opportunities, the third senior brother will definitely be able to take charge of himself.

"Brother Mingyun, I really miss Brother Jia. I don't know if he is eating well in the Western Regions, whether he is wearing warm clothes, and whether he misses us."

Zhao Xun was taken aback by Wangcai's sudden words.

Good guy, Wangcai is really sensational.

This sensational Zhao Xun was really caught off guard.

"Brother Jia will definitely have a good life in the Western Regions. Needless to say."

Zhao Xun spread his hands and said: "Think about who Brother Jia is, he is a dragon and a phoenix among people. He was very successful when he was in the office of bad people. I heard that this time he was personally recommended by Mr. Feng, the bad guy." Is it possible that the treatment is poor? You don’t have to worry about eating, drinking and dressing. But if you want to say whether he misses us, I think he definitely does. It’s like we miss him too. But okay The man’s ambition is everywhere. Everyone is working hard for the future. So in fact, there is no need to worry about it. As long as we have each other in our hearts, it’s fine. I firmly believe that there will be a moment for us to reunite after all.”

Zhao Xun's answer can be said to be watertight, basically people can't fault it.

At this moment, Wangcai was even more moved to tears.



Isn't Zhao Xun's expression of Wangcai a little too exaggerated?
Is it more or less acting?
"It's almost done, Wangcai. There are so many people watching, you don't feel ashamed."

Zhao Xun was dumbfounded by Wangcai's performance, and didn't know what to say for a while.

"One year spent similar, each year is different."

Zhao Xun suddenly wanted to sublimate, and recited two poems, which moved everyone for a while.

"Brother Mingyun, it's really a good poem. Although Wangcai's ability to appreciate poems is not so strong, after hearing this poem, his eyes still feel slightly red."

"Good fellow, junior brother, I really suspect that you are a Wenqu star descending from the sky. What the head of the mountain said is right, you are a real demon."

Long Qingquan, the third senior brother, was no longer surprised by Zhao Xun's random lines of poetry.

But when Zhao Xun really uttered some poems, he still felt very surprised.

"Junior brother, if your poetry talent is used in Confucianism and Taoism practice, it will be at least first-grade now."


Zhao Xun wondered how everything could be related to the practice of Confucianism and Taoism.

Zhao Xun felt his scalp go numb for a while.

But the third senior brother has said so, so he can't just slap the third senior brother in the face.

I can only follow the words of the third senior brother Long Qingquan and say: "Third senior brother, the practice of Confucianism and Taoism and poetry and poetry are completely two things. It cannot be said that there is a sense of superiority in poetry, poetry and poetry, but the practice of Confucianism and Taoism must be able to Improve it. Anyway, I have been working very hard in my cultivation, and you should know this best, third brother. I can do it with a clear conscience."

Zhao Xun's statement made Long Qingquan not know what to do for a while.

"Uh, okay, okay, that's what I said. I just think you have a talent for poetry. It would be a pity if you can't make good use of it in time. Of course, I have no other meaning. You can have such a talent. It is indeed not easy to make a huge improvement. There will be a long way to go in the future, so let's work harder."

A lonely person always has his own rhythm, and a lonely person never bothers to follow the rhythm of others.

When Zhao Xun returned to the room alone, he opened the tome Alan Lore Continent information book that had been prepared by the bedside.

Generally speaking, such books are consulted when needed.

Because it is too thick and the content is too much.

But now Zhao Xun started to read bit by bit.

Because he wants to have a more comprehensive understanding of the history of the entire Alan Lore continent.

Every piece of history is very important, and only by piecing together these seemingly fragmented historical fragments can we see a more comprehensive history.

If you want to defeat the enemy, you must understand the enemy more comprehensively.

If you want to beat your opponent, you must know him better than your opponent.

Zhao Xun knew it was difficult, especially for someone like him who started from scratch.

But Zhao Xun did not intend to give up.

Because he firmly believes that he can succeed.

"Come on, young man, start to fill in the relevant knowledge little by little, and you will succeed in the end."

What Zhao Xun wanted to know this time was the history of the werewolves.

After all, this tribe is still quite mysterious, and Zhao Xun vaguely thinks that it will be the winner of this war.

Jessica, the werewolf leader, sensed danger.

This is derived from the nature of werewolves.

Werewolves are born to perceive danger and respond accordingly.

This is not an easy task.

But Jessica was able to do it well.

Strong perception combined with strong execution can make Jessica fearless.

At this moment, Jessica desperately wanted to find out what happened.

The night was very dark, but Jessica rushed out of the house without hesitation.

He turned into a wolf form while running, and then disappeared into the forest.

As a werewolf, it is the instinct of the werewolf to switch between the human form and the wolf form at will.

Jessica can do this very well.

The werewolves have a very sensitive sense of smell, and they also rely on their sense of smell to make judgments.

Now he smells something that shouldn't be there.

This smell indicates that the enemy is nearby.

Jessica was walking in the rugged foothills, trying to move her steps.

He moved carefully for fear of making noise and being spotted by his opponent.

Any slight movement is fatal.

Any slight movement may lead to the wastage of previous efforts.

So Jessica must be more careful, more cautious.


Jessica held her breath, and followed the scent emitted by the enemy to search for it.

The smell became stronger and stronger, and Jessica could clearly smell who this smell represented.

It's a corruptor, there's nothing wrong with it, it must be a corruptor.

There is a separate space in Jessica's nasal cavity that is used to store smells.

Werewolves have memories of smells.And this memory will not fade with the passage of time.

Jessica had stored the smell of the Corruptor before, and after a comparison, he was sure that it was the Corruptor.

But why did the Corruptor suddenly appear in Zhongnan Mountain?

Isn't Zhongnanshan already under the protection of the academy's prohibition?
How did all this come about, how did it happen?

At this moment, Jessica could clearly feel her heart beating.

"Boom boom boom boom boom boom"

His heart was beating faster, and it was difficult for Jessica to maintain absolute composure in this situation.

But Jessica forced herself to calm down from the spiritual level.

Although this may seem difficult, it is really necessary.

"Cuckoo, cluck"

At this time, Jessica heard a bird call, perhaps this sudden bird call alerted the invading Corruptors.

Jessica could clearly sense that the Corruptor had fled away.


Want to chase?
This was the first thought that popped into Jessica's mind.

But not long after this idea burst out, Jessica was pushed back violently.

In his opinion, it is not wise to chase at this time.

First of all, he doesn't know the strength of his opponent.

If the strength of the opponent is higher than that of Jessica, even if he catches up, he will still be killed.

So the best way for Jessica at this time is to seek stability.

As long as he can maintain stability, keep calm, and bring the news back to the academy to Zhao Xun in time, it will be beneficial to the defense of the academy alliance in the future.

Jessica let out a long breath.

After thinking about it, Jessica no longer hesitated, but resolutely went to the academy.

"Huh, the history of the werewolves is really more complicated than I imagined."

Just when Zhao Xun put down his book, he didn't expect someone to knock on the door outside the house.

Zhao Xun stood up vigilantly and walked towards the gate.

Is there anyone here at this late hour?This is really unusual.

Zhao Xun became vigilant instinctively, trying to figure out what happened.

"Keep calm, be sure to keep calm."

Zhao Xunqiang suppressed his nervousness and asked in a deep voice, "Who is it?"

"It's me, Zhao Xun, I'm Jessica."

A voice that was very familiar to Zhao Xun sounded outside the house.

That's right, Jessica.

Zhao Xun breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this voice.

He opened the door and Jessica came in.

"Jessica, why are you?"

"Uh, I just smelled an intruder, so I switched to wolf form and followed all the way. The intruder fled into the woods, and finally I chased him not far away. I'm sure this intruder is Corruptor."

Bang, when he heard this, Zhao Xun's brain exploded.

"What, the Corruptor has invaded?"

"Yes, I can guarantee that the invaders must be Corruptors."

The leader of the werewolf tribe, Jessica, said resolutely: "Their smell remains in my nasal cavity, and I am absolutely sure of that."

Jessica took a deep breath and said, "At that time, he seemed to be startled by the sound of a bird, so he ran away immediately. My first reaction was to catch up, but after thinking about it carefully, I gave up. This idea. Because if I chased him at that time, it meant that I had to face him one-on-one. I don’t know the strength of this corruptor. If I were not his opponent, I would probably lose my life. It's not worth it."

After finishing speaking, Jessica stared at Zhao Xun, as if she wanted to get Zhao Xun's affirmation.

"You did a good job, don't fight in waves."

Zhao Xun had discussed this issue with Jesseka and other leaders more than once before.At present, it seems that Jessica and others have completed quite well, and this execution is worthy of encouragement.

"It seems that the Corruptors don't only use brute force as we imagined. They still have quite a lot of ghost ideas."

Zhao Xun felt a pain in his head for a moment.

"The current situation is actually very tricky for us. We need to prevent the Corruptor from attacking from the front, and also prevent them from attacking from the flank. Both are actually deadly."

Zhao Xun shook his head helplessly and said: "The key is that we have no idea where the Corruptors will launch their offensive. They are the active side, and we can only respond passively."

This was what Zhao Xun felt most annoyed about.

If it is possible to prevent problems before they happen, then no matter how many troops the Corruptor puts in, Zhao Xun will not feel terrible.

I'm afraid that the Corruptor will suddenly hide in the dark and come out to shade you, and you will really want to cry without tears.

"The current situation is hard to say. I can only ask everyone to cheer up and pay more attention."

The current situation is a very severe challenge for Zhao Xun.

Now that he has just recovered, he has to devote himself to such harsh preparations, and the pressure on his shoulders can be imagined.

But Zhao Xun didn't take a step back, because he knew he could never back down.

Everyone in the academy alliance is staring at him.

Zhao Xun's every move will affect the state of these people.

If Zhao Xun can't control his emotions and state well, then he will infect other people with this pessimistic mood.

One person, ten people, one hundred people...
The exponential rate of propagation is astonishing.

So now Zhao Xun must be himself and control his emotions.

This is his responsibility and his responsibility.

The next morning, Zhao Xun got up early, washed up and went to look for the third brother Long Qingquan.

"Third senior brother, a big event happened last night."

Zhao Xun didn't hide anything, but directly revealed this important matter.

"Hey, who would have thought that the Corruptors would invade the academy again."

"What, junior brother, are you serious?"

Third Senior Brother Long Qingquan also felt a little inconceivable after hearing the news.

He repeatedly asked Zhao Xun for proof.

"Of course it's true, absolutely true."

Zhao Xun spread his hands and said: "The specific situation has actually been clarified. The werewolf leader Jessica followed the intruder all the way into the forest. They were very close at one point, and Jessica could take advantage of his keen sense of smell." advantage to confirm. He told me that the smell of this intruder is exactly the same as the smell of the Corruptor stored in his nasal cavity before."

Hearing this, Long Qingquan gasped.

"I didn't expect it to be so scary."

After listening to Zhao Xun's narration, Long Qingquan was basically sure that what Zhao Xun said was true.

Even if he doesn't believe in Zhao Xun, it's impossible not to believe in Jesseka.

Because the werewolf leader's sense of smell is too sensitive.

There was no way he could be wrong with what he smelled.

"It's just that I don't know how the Corruptors got into Zhongnan Mountain. Isn't there a restriction? It stands to reason that they can't get in."

"It's hard to say. It's hard to guarantee that there are one or two loopholes in the prohibition. If so, the situation will be a bit complicated."


Long Qingquan was speechless for a moment.

"This is a good restriction. It's too difficult for loopholes to appear every three days."

"Who says it's not? The situation is indeed very complicated, so it's hard to say what will happen now. All we can do is to prevent the deadly defense as much as possible to prevent the Corruptor from resurging and invading the academy. On the frontal battlefield, we also need to come up with the Some strength, let the Corruptor realize that we are not easy to bully."

Zhao Xun spread his hands and said, "I came to the third senior brother today to hope that we can reach an agreement on this aspect. As long as we can reach an agreement, we are not afraid of losing control. At that time, I will call all the alliance members to make a public announcement. If so, it is considered complete.”

"Well, junior brother, you are very thoughtful, so just do as you say, don't worry, I will be there to cheer you up on the platform."

Long Qingquan nodded and said in a deep voice.

(End of this chapter)

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