big week bad guy

Chapter 405 Academy Night Patrol Team

Chapter 405 Academy Night Patrol Team (nearly 20000 words super chapter)
Emperor Xianlong's eyes were filled with viciousness.

Sitting on the throne of the Zichen Palace, the Emperor of the Great Zhou had already made up his mind at this moment.

He will not hesitate to send the Great Zhou Forbidden Army to cooperate with the Corruptors to invade the academy.

Although this decision seemed sudden at first glance, he had thought about it many times in his heart.

What ultimately contributed to this was Yuan Tiangang's words.

Yuan Tiangang's prophecy made Emperor Xianlong dare not gamble.

If the head of the mountain really suffered a severe setback or even eliminated the Corruptor, what else in the world could resist the head of the mountain?
Wouldn't the head of the mountain be able to deal with Emperor Xianlong at will when he was transferred?
Of course, Emperor Xianlong couldn't just wait for death blindly, he had to choose to strike first.

Today he has another very important matter, which is to reach an agreement with Master Huiyan.

Master Huiyan has always been Emperor Xianlong's most powerful support.

It's just that Master Huiyan seems a little weak in the matter of the academy.

Although Master Huiyan claimed that he would target or even severely damage the academy, there is no doubt that he did not pose any great threat to the academy.

The head of the mountain is still there, Zhao Xun is still there, and all the disciples of the head of the mountain are still there.

At this moment, Emperor Xianlong could feel that everyone in the academy was mocking him at Zhongnan Mountain, and Emperor Xianlong vaguely remembered the humiliation he suffered at that time.So Emperor Xianlong vowed that one day he would take revenge, and one day he would make the gang of ignorant guys in the academy pay the price.

Of course, it takes the right time to do this.

Now this opportunity was waited for by Emperor Xianlong.

Corruptors have invaded, and the Academy has already endured considerable pressure on the frontal battlefield.

If Emperor Xianlong ordered someone to stab him in the back at this time, basically no one would be able to withstand it.

Not even the academy.

Of course, he needed a clear answer from Master Huiyan.Must be a clear answer.

"Holy monk, I have never asked you for anything, but today's matter is considered to be what I begged you, please be sure to agree."

Emperor Xianlong didn't blush when he told a lie.

Although he had asked Master Huiyan more than once, he selectively forgot.

As long as he didn't remember, it didn't appear.

As long as he doesn't remember it hasn't happened.

As long as he doesn't remember, then don't worry.

"Your Majesty, the poor monk should not ask you for a word. If you have any orders, please tell the poor monk directly."


Emperor Xianlong was very satisfied with Master Huiyan's attitude.

If everyone has the attitude of Master Huiyan, then why worry about not being able to destroy the academy, why not destroy the mountain chief?

In this regard, Yuan Tiangang's attitude is obviously worse than that of Master Huiyan.

But Emperor Xianlong could clearly feel that Yuan Tiangang was also trying his best to adjust his attitude, trying to make himself completely one-hearted with Emperor Xianlong.

Emperor Xianlong knew that this required a process of adaptation, so he did not urge Yuan Tiangang too much.

Emperor Xianlong believed that hard work pays off.

As long as Yuan Tiangang is willing to work hard, he will be able to do it successfully.

Of course, right now, his primary concern is Master Huiyan.

As long as Master Huiyan can make a clear statement, the stone hanging in Emperor Xianlong's heart will fall to the ground.

"Well, it's actually like this. I have decided to join hands with the Corruptor to destroy the Academy. The Academy is simply a cancer of the Zhou Dynasty. If the cancer is not eliminated, everyone will be lawless. If the cancer is not eliminated, everyone will be blind." If this cancer is not eradicated, everyone will lose sight of the imperial court."

Emperor Xianlong said three sentences in one breath, but he seemed majestic.

"That's why I hope Master Huiyan can help me to deal a severe blow to the academy in this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, so that it will be difficult for the academy to turn around."


Master Huiyan naturally understood what Emperor Xianlong meant when he heard this.

"Your Majesty means that you are ready to send troops?"


Emperor Xianlong said loudly: "The Academy bullies people too much, and the head of the mountain bullies people too much. So I can't bear it anymore. Since I can't bear it, then I don't need to bear it anymore. I have already thought about it, and I will give the Academy a hard time." Let them learn a lesson and let them know who is the real king in Dazhou."


Master Huiyan felt that these words were stupid, but since it was said by Emperor Xianlong of the Great Zhou Dynasty, he would bear it for the time being.

"Actually, Your Majesty doesn't need to be so eager. Since there are Corruptors leading the charge, His Majesty's timing can be slightly smoother later."

Master Huiyan tried to make his voice as calm as possible, so that Emperor Xianlong would not sound too harsh.

But Emperor Xianlong obviously didn't see it that way.

Emperor Xianlong made up his mind from the very beginning that he must destroy the academy.

How could he miss such a good opportunity now?

He came today just to ask Master Huiyan to express his position, but seeing Master Huiyan procrastinating like this made Emperor Xianlong very speechless.

Could it be that Master Huiyan wants to repeat the old trick again and make a dragging formula.

I have to say that dragging words is a very useful method in officialdom.

Some things will turn yellow if you procrastinate, some things will become cold if you procrastinate, and you won’t want to do some things if you procrastinate.

Emperor Xianlong had been emperor for decades, so he was naturally very familiar with it.

The problem now is that Master Huiyan actually wants to use this trick against him.

If Emperor Xianlong was fooled by this trick, where would he save his face?
"The holy monk's words are wrong. Sometimes timing is the most important thing. If you grasp the opportunity, you are only one step away from victory. If you fail to grasp the opportunity, you may be very embarrassed."

Emperor Xianlong took a deep breath and said: "So holy monk, I need to take action immediately, and I must not wait any longer. The opportunity to fight is fleeting, and if this opportunity is missed, it will be too late even if I want to catch up .”

When Emperor Xianlong said this, Master Huiyan basically understood what he meant.

This is forcing him to express his opinion.

Master Huiyan felt helpless.

He really didn't want to get involved.

Because it is one thing to fight against the head of the mountain, but it is another thing to help Emperor Xianlong destroy the academy.

If he did the former, he might have a good reputation in the arena.

If he did the latter, he would probably bear a lot of infamy because of it.

Master Huiyan is not a stupid person, on the contrary he is very smart.He knows exactly what choice he should make at what stage.None of the options at the moment were perfect for him, so he decided to do nothing.

But now that Emperor Xianlong forced him to express his opinion, it was impossible for him to do nothing.

Seeing that Emperor Xianlong pushed him so hard, Master Huiyan could only forced a wry smile and said, "Your Majesty needs the poor monk to do something, you might as well just tell me."

Emperor Xianlong and Master Huiyan were fighting at the moment, and both sides hoped that the other side would speak first, so that the pressure on himself would be less.

Emperor Xianlong saw that Master Huiyan was so cunning that he did not accept the move easily, so he could only clear his throat and said: "I hope that Master Huiyan can act with my army to cooperate with the Corruptor to attack the academy. When necessary, give Shan A long fatal blow."

If there was some cover-up for what Emperor Xianlong said before, at this moment Emperor Xianlong didn't want to cover it up at all.

Because he knew very well that next he had to give a clear signal to Master Huiyan.

Only in this way can Master Huiyan willingly agree to lead the forbidden army for him.

At present, only Master Huiyan is the most suitable.

Yuan Tiangang is strong enough but his personality is too gentle. Needless to say, Zheng Jie and Feng Hao are two traitors.

So after thinking about it, the only thing that Emperor Xianlong can use now is Master Huiyan.


Master Huiyan did not respond immediately, he remained silent.

This deadly silence undoubtedly made Emperor Xianlong's heart rise to his throat.

He couldn't understand why Master Huiyan didn't say a word at this time.

He couldn't understand why Master Huiyan couldn't agree at this time.

Say I am willing to have such difficulties?
Say I would like to be so unspeakable?
ah?Do you want Emperor Xianlong to personally teach Master Huiyan what to do?

At this moment, Xianlong was so angry that he almost lost his anger.

What should he say to convince Master Huiyan?What should he say to make Master Huiyan understand his intentions?

"The poor monk is willing."

After a long silence, Master Huiyan finally spoke.

In fact, at this moment, his brain is running at a high speed, he is weighing the pros and cons, and judging various possibilities.

In the end, after thinking and thinking, he still felt that he had to agree to Emperor Xianlong.Even if it's not for himself, even if it's for Buddhism in the entire Western Regions, he must agree to Emperor Xianlong.

People have to bow their heads under the roof.

What's more, Master Huiyan is still asking Emperor Xianlong.

At this moment, Master Huiyan actually had no choice at all.

Since there is no choice, there is no need to worry about it.

"Okay, that's really great!"

After hearing this remark, Emperor Xianlong was extremely happy.

"What I'm waiting for is your words. With your words, I have nothing to be afraid of."

When Emperor Xianlong said this, Master Huiyan smiled helplessly and said, "But Your Majesty, the poor monk can make a move, but there is no guarantee that he will be able to defeat the mountain chief."

If it was a few months ago, Master Huiyan would never have said such a thing. At that time, Master Huiyan arrogantly believed that he should be number one in the world.But so many days have passed.Master Huiyan's attitude has quietly changed.At this moment, Master Huiyan realized that the head of the mountain is indeed No. 1 in this world.There is still a certain gap between his absolute strength and the head of the mountain.

So in fact, there is still a big distance between the two parties. If Master Huiyan and the head of the mountain are really one-on-one, Master Huiyan thinks that he basically has no chance of winning.

Emperor Xianlong finally felt happy for a while, but was poured cold water by Master Huiyan's words.

Emperor Xianlong's eyebrows were knit together again, and he said very displeasedly: "Master Huiyan, I'm afraid it's not good to let others' ambition destroy your own prestige at this time. I don't ask you anything too much, as long as you can give Shan at the critical moment. A fatal blow is enough. I don’t care if you can defeat Shan Zhang alone, I just want Shan Chang to die.”

Emperor Xianlong gritted his teeth when he mentioned the word death.

Master Huiyan smiled helplessly: "The poor monk understands." In fact, at this time, Master Huiyan looked down on Emperor Xianlong in his heart.The duel of practitioners emphasizes fairness.How can it be fair? Naturally, it is necessary to conduct a one-on-one duel.It is actually meaningless to engage in sneak attacks or attack in groups.

Master Huiyan took a deep breath and said, "Your Majesty, if the Corruptor fails to break through the academy's defense system, should we help? Or should we just pick up leaks on the flanks?"

Since he agreed to take action, Master Huiyan naturally wanted to ask the matter clearly.

In his opinion, Emperor Xianlong is a very dog.

Generally, people who are very dogs are not willing to charge forward.

But he still has to confirm.

"Well, try to attack from the flanks, and don't attack from the front unless it is absolutely necessary."

Sure enough, Emperor Xianlong gave Master Huiyan the expected answer.

"The poor monk knows."

The reason why Emperor Xianlong said this is of course his own considerations.

What he sent this time was the imperial army.What is the forbidden army, it is naturally the army that defends the royal family and protects the emperor.

These armies are extremely powerful, but their strength is relatively small, and it can be said that one death is one less.

Emperor Xianlong naturally cherished such an army very much, and was afraid of any loss.

If it hadn't been for being forced this time, it would have been impossible for Emperor Xianlong to send the imperial army to wipe out the academy.

But now that the decision has been made, Emperor Xianlong will not have any regrets.

"Your Majesty, the poor monk has another question."

"Saint monk, please speak."

Now that Master Huiyan has agreed to Emperor Xianlong's request, Emperor Xianlong's attitude towards Master Huiyan is much better now.

"Based on the current situation, if the Corruptors win, does your Majesty think they will continue to attack Chang'an City?"

What Master Huiyan said was actually what Emperor Xianlong was worried about all along.

But he has never dared to face this problem head-on.

He has hinted to Yuan Tiangang more than once, hoping that Yuan Tiangang can get a glimpse of the secret.

But Yuan Tiangang only looks at what he is interested in, and will not act completely according to Emperor Xianlong's wishes.

In this way, Emperor Xianlong did not know the true intentions of the Corruptor.

At present, Emperor Xianlong and the Corruptor are allies, and said that they will attack the academy together.

But these are all temporary, and they are all determined by temporary interests.

After the academy was wiped out by their joint efforts, Emperor Xianlong didn't know whether the former allies of the Corruptor would turn around and attack Chang'an.

"What does the monk think?"

As soon as Emperor Xianlong changed the topic, he threw the question back to Master Huiyan.

"The poor monk thinks there is a great possibility, so His Majesty should plan ahead and make plans early."

Zhongnan Mountain, Haoran Academy.

The head of the mountain picked up a chess piece, and then placed it carefully.

Sitting on the opposite side of him is Daoist Qinglian.

The head of the mountain holds white, and the head of Qinglian Road holds black.

The two sat opposite each other with serious expressions on their faces.

Now Daoist Qinglian, who has just entered the realm of first-rank Dzogchen, has no disadvantages in playing against the super-rank master, the No.1 mountain head in the world.

This alone can show that Taoist Qinglian's chess skills are very superb.

Standing beside him was Yao Yan, the Bamboo Forest Sword Immortal.

His chess skills are considered to be at the top level among everyone in the academy.

But he seldom appreciates the mountain master playing chess with others.

In his opinion, it is a very lucky thing to be able to witness the game between Shanzhang and Taoist Qinglian.

"There is a big movement in Chang'an City."

"Oh, who is the head of the mountain talking about?"

"Yes, the one in the palace."

The head of the mountain smiled leisurely, and said lightly: "The person in the palace always makes some noise and wants to attract attention, but he doesn't know that he is actually killing himself by doing so."

"That's right, this emperor really has a bad brain. He thinks he's smart, but in fact, he's just some little cleverness that doesn't make it into the hall of elegance."

Daoist Qinglian picked up a chess piece and dropped it lightly, his eyes were full of contempt and disdain.

He has never looked down upon Emperor Xianlong, and since Zhao Xun's accident, he has become even more disdainful towards the royal family.

It is obviously the dirtiest and most insidious place, but still likes to pretend to be a saint.

"This kind of hypocrite will definitely do it."

The head of the mountain said lightly: "Then let him do it. Anyway, the old man is not afraid of him."

"Does the head of the mountain know what he is going to do?"

"How else can I do it? Naturally, I will do it with his Corruptor."

The head of the mountain sneered and said: "He is willing to be the father of the Corruptor, and if he is willing to be a shameless ghost, then let him do it. But generally speaking, being a ghost will not end well."

"It's true."

Daoist Qinglian picked up the teacup and took a sip, then continued: "I don't know what this guy is thinking. The purpose of introducing the Corruptor and forming an alliance with him is to deal with the Academy? This is simply a way to drive away tigers and wolfs Even if he really introduces the Corruptor to destroy the Academy, he will be destroyed by the Corruptor in the future. What's more, even if he joins hands with the Corruptor, he is not the Academy's opponent."

I am quite confident in the Academy Qinglian Daoist.

This confidence mainly comes from the head of the mountain.

As long as there is a mountain, the academy will have the most powerful hard power.

As long as there are mountains growing, everything is possible.

Of course, the reason why Daoist Qinglian came to the academy to live temporarily was actually just in case.

If he really faced the invasion of the Corruptor, if the head of the mountain really had an accident, then Daoist Qinglian could still take Zhao Xun away.

Of course, Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi knew that this kind of occurrence might be quite low, basically equivalent to non-existent.

"People are different. Some people will forget that they are just an ordinary person after being in power for a long time. It's just because of various chances that he sat in that position."

The head of the mountain said indifferently: "Emperor Xianlong is such a person. He thought he was really the son of destiny. In fact, there is no such thing as a son of destiny in this world."

The head of the mountain paused and said: "As for his alliance with the Corruptor, in the old man's opinion, it may be because he hates the old man too much."

"Why does he hate the head of the mountain?"

Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi felt a little bit astonished for a moment.

"Is the head of the mountain sorry for him?"

"Oh, how can these things be explained clearly?"

The head of the mountain shook his head and said: "Don't talk about this anymore, the old man is now thinking about how he will plot against the old man. An upright duel is definitely not in line with his character. Besides, the old man is not afraid. All the old man can think of is him. He will use all kinds of despicable means to slander the old man."

Speaking of this, the head of the mountain sneered and said: "Most of this guy will let the Corruptor charge in the front, and then send someone to attack from behind. Although the old man can basically guess it, it is still a bit hard to guard against."

There was some helplessness in Shan Zhang's words.

The difference between a gentleman and a villain is that a gentleman is magnanimous, while a villain is long-standing.

The reason why a villain is a villain is because he dare not do things openly, dare not do things openly.

In this case, the situation that the head of the mountain basically has to face is to be calculated by Emperor Xianlong.

In other words, Emperor Xianlong was the one who made the move first, and Shan Zhang was the one who made the move last.

The person who moves first may not have an advantage, but he will definitely be disgusting to the person who moves later.

It is no longer the time when one or two people can easily control the situation.

The current situation has caused the entire Corruptor Alliance to change its attitude.

If you can't strictly control the changes in your emotions, it's easy to be caught by Emperor Xianlong.

"The old man is still a little worried, and that is how Yuan Tiangang will choose."

Speaking of this, the head of the mountain stared straight at Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi.

Daoist Qinglian laughed and said, "My little uncle has a personality that does not compete with the world. The head of the mountain can rest assured about this."

"You're saying he won't be involved, are you?"

What Shan Zhang wants is not a joke, what he wants more is a basis that can be used as a judgment.

The current situation is actually not very favorable for the academy.

If the head of the mountain can't control the overall situation, if he can't take all the possibilities into account from the beginning, he will probably face an extremely embarrassing situation.

So he has to take into account all the pieces on the board, as well as the players who are playing chess.

"Probably won't participate."

Wu Quanyi, Taoist priest of Qinglian, didn't dare to give an accurate statement, so he could only reluctantly say so.

"If Emperor Xianlong insists on forcing him to take a stand, I'm afraid he will choose to be neutral."

Wu Quanyi gave his own judgment.He also really hoped that Yuan Tiangang could remain neutral.

After all, this involves the relationship between Taoism and the Academy.

If Daoism is really on the opposite side of the academy, Wu Quanyi is actually the most difficult to do.

Because if Wu Quanyi chooses to support Taoism, it means that he will be an enemy of the academy and the head of the mountain.

And Zhao Xun was still a disciple of the academy at this time, and his whole family was under the protection of the academy.

If Wu Quanyi chose to support the academy, he would be standing on the opposite side of the Daoist sect, and would be considered a traitor by the disciples and believers of the Daoist sect.

It can be said that no matter how Wu Quanyi chooses, it will be difficult for him.

"I hope so."

Shan Chang sighed and said, "I feel that Yuan Tiangang's strength is only slightly inferior to this old man. If there is a real fight, I'm afraid there will be one less top-notch cultivator in the world."

Although the words of the head of the mountain were calm, but to Wu Quanyi's ears, they were deafening and murderous.

What does this mean?
It is clearly saying that although Yuan Tiangang is very strong, he is still slightly inferior to him.

It would be best if Yuan Tiangang chose to remain neutral.

If Yuan Tiangang wanted to die, then the head of the mountain didn't mind killing him in battle.

Although Shan Zhang is only slightly higher than Yuan Tiangang in strength, even a slightly higher level in the duel between top masters will often play a decisive role in the early stage.

The head of the mountain said it so easily, but the more it is so, the more it can reflect the head of the mountain's self-confidence, and the more it is so, the more it can reflect the invincibility of the head of the mountain.

The head of the mountain has this confidence, the head of the mountain has this confidence.

It seems that in the eyes of the head of the mountain, no one can be relied upon. In the eyes of the head of the mountain, as long as anyone dares to openly make an enemy of him, he will be smashed with a punch.

When Wu Quanyi heard this, he felt his hairs stand on end.

What kind of existence is the head of the mountain?

Getting along with the head of the mountain, he felt that the whole person became much tougher.

Perhaps birds of a feather flock together, and people form groups.

At first, Wu Quanyi felt that he was the same kind of person as his junior uncle Yuan Tiangang.

But later Wu Quanyi discovered that he was a completely different type from the little uncle.

The little uncle is very rigid when he does things, and he follows the rules very well.But Wu Quanyi's pursuit of doing things is to do whatever he wants, and what he pursues is to follow his heart.

As a result, Wu Quanyi found that he was very similar to Shan Zhang in some respects.

Of course, it's just similar.

If you really want to compare, there is still a lot of gap between him and the mountain.

The only thing Wu Quanyi wants to do now is to witness the mountain chief sling the Corruptor, and then witness the top-level duel between Master Huiyan and the mountain chief.

"My little uncle will probably remain neutral. But Master Huiyan is different. Pindao thinks that he will probably choose to work for Emperor Xianlong."

"It's a certain thing."

The head of the mountain replied without hesitation: "The reason why Emperor Xianlong is shameless is because he always uses external forces to do things for him. Master Huiyan is not from the Central Plains, but he thinks that the Central Plains is profitable, so he came here Emperor Xianlong probably should have known his intentions, but he didn't care about them at all. Because in Emperor Xianlong's view, as long as it can be used by him, as long as it can bring him benefits, then he is acceptable. Isn't such a person shameless?"

"Indeed. Master Huiyan's purpose is to promote the prosperity of Tantric Buddhism in the Western Regions in the Central Plains. What Emperor Xianlong wants is his combat power. It can be said that both parties get what they need. It's just that the way of cooperation is shameless." .”

Wu Quanyi has never looked up to Master Huiyan, just as the head of the mountain has never looked down on Master Huiyan.

"What is the King Kong Master of the Western Regions? It's just something blown out to fool people. If you really ask him to fight with the old man, the old man guarantees that he will go back to the Western Regions immediately."

Shan Zhang is still quite confident in his hard power.

He took a sip of tea and said: "This old man is invincible all over the world. It seems that there are people who may threaten this old man, but they are definitely not Master Huiyan."

Although the head of the mountain did not explain, Wu Quanyi basically guessed who the head of the mountain was talking about.

"Yes, it's Satan."

The head of the mountain said before Master Huiyan: "Satan should be the biggest opponent of the old man, but the old man has never fought against him, so I don't know his routines. People without routines are the most difficult to deal with, because you don't know him. What moves will be made, and when will the moves be made."

The head of the mountain paused and said: "But the old man is not afraid. What the old man is thinking now is whether the duel with Satan can be put at the end. In this way, the old man can relax as much as possible without being distracted. Otherwise, here One here, one over there. The old man is nothing to be afraid of. But the fight is really noisy."

The strength of the head of the mountain is fully reflected at this moment.

Shan Chang never thought that he would lose, he just didn't want his opponent to swarm him.

If the opponents swarmed up, the head of the mountain would have to be distracted, and even create some illusions to fight, as if he himself couldn't beat him.

"Satan should be the last one to play."

Wu Quanyi nodded and said: "Because he probably doesn't bother to take advantage of you, Shan Zhang. He should want to fight you fairly and justly."


The head of the mountain nodded lightly and said: "I hope so. The old man has fought all over the world in his life, and sometimes he really feels a little lonely. So if we can fight with him openly and heartily, then in fact It’s something worth talking about.”

When the head of the mountain said this, he took a deep breath and said: "It's just that when Satan comes, I'm afraid the whole world will be shrouded in darkness, and those people will suffer."

The prosperity of the people is suffering, and the death of the people is suffering.

There is no way to do this, and it cannot be changed by the head of the mountain alone.

In fact, not only the head of the mountain can't change this, even God can't change it.

Because in a sense, Satan is the god of Alan Lore's world.

"Sometimes this world really doesn't satisfy the old man, but when there is no way to bear it, I still have to bear it. The old man always thinks that if the old man doesn't want to bear it one day, the old man will overthrow the sky. But so Since then, the common people have no heaven, they can eat and drink whatever they want, so they can only do it."

The head of the mountain was arrogant for a while, and even Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi felt his blood boil when he heard it.

It is really rare for a person to be so good as a mountain leader.It is rare for a person to be as fraternal as Shan Zhang.

What Wu Quanyi appreciates most about Shanzhang is that he can endure many accusations very well, but in front of those who really need him, Shanzhang is like a protector.

Such a long mountain, how can people not love it?

"Shan Zhang, don't worry, you can fight as much as you want. Your apprentice is also the apprentice of Pindao, and Pindao will protect him with all his might."


The head of the mountain nodded and said: "If that's the case, it's naturally the best. In fact, the only thing I'm worried about is Xiao 72. Xiao 72 really doesn't look like a person in this world. A trait that the old man admires very much. It is precisely because of this trait in him that the old man is willing to cultivate him. The old man firmly believes that one day he will achieve the same achievements as the old man."

Western Regions, Anxi Protectorate.

"Don't grab it, don't grab it. Everyone has a share in this land deed, and everyone has a share. If you take a share and put your fingerprint on it, the land will belong to you."

Jia Xingwen shouted on the platform.

He came up with this idea, rewarding the soldiers of Anxi Protectorate Mansion, promising them a piece of fertile land around the Protectorate Mansion every day, but the premise is that they must reclaim the same amount of barren land.

The more wasteland they reclaim, the more good land they can get.

Generally speaking, it is impossible for military reclamation to be privatized by soldiers.

But this time Jia Xingwen had no choice but to do so.

Nowadays, the entire Anxi Protectorate's land is seriously desertified, and many original fertile fields have become barren fields after desertification.The remaining fertile fields alone are not enough to feed 8 people with [-] mouths.

So the only way now is to reclaim wasteland as soon as there is still food left.Only when enough barren fields have been reclaimed will they be able to harvest the first grain by this time next year.This is actually an imminent thing.

If it is delayed by another year, the entire Anxi army will starve to death.

They only have enough food to last them another year, and that's it.

In order to fully stimulate the enthusiasm of the soldiers to reclaim wasteland, Jia Xingwen wrote this regulation, and after reporting it to the chief guard Liu Lin and obtaining Liu Lin's consent, Jia Xingwen officially announced the regulation.

Jia Xingwen has high hopes for this regulation.

In his opinion, as long as the soldiers have the encouragement of the fields, they will definitely roll up their sleeves and work hard to cultivate the fields.

Giving these good fields to the soldiers is actually giving them a reassurance.

After getting the land deed, they knew that the land belonged to them completely.

In fact, the soldiers are sometimes really pitiful, all they want is a piece of land, but more often even this small wish is not satisfied.

What Jia Xingwen did was to enable them to get what they deserved.

That's it.

"Don't crowd, don't rob, everyone has a share, everyone has a share."

Jia Xingwen was afraid of a stampede, so he repeatedly emphasized the need to ensure discipline.

Never fight when it shouldn't.

Keep calm, keep order, and make sure to line up. Everyone can get their own title deed.

Of course, there will be people who want to grab more land deeds at one time to store up.

But in fact, the title deed they got now is only a symbolic guarantee.

In the end, it still depends on how many acres of wasteland they can really reclaim.

If they can't reclaim enough wasteland, it will be useless even if they take away more land deeds, even if they have stamped their fingerprints in advance.

At that time, Jia Xingwen will order people to take back the excess land deeds they took away in advance.

But I have to say that this move did greatly stimulate the enthusiasm of the soldiers.

Originally, everyone thought it was only natural to serve as a soldier and eat food.

If the Anxi army did not distribute food on time, the entire army would feel conflicted and even furious because of it.

Even mutiny is normal.

But now the soldiers of the Anxi Army will definitely not think so anymore.

Because now they have their own land.

So they can spend more time farming.

As long as they can grow enough food, they will have no worries about food and drink.

This kind of positive motivation really works.

Of course, Jia Xingwen also knew that this was a dangerous move.

There is a saying that it is easy to go from frugal to extravagant, but difficult to go from extravagant to simple.

When the soldiers are used to owning the cultivated land, it is almost impossible to suddenly ask them to give up the cultivated land.

But now Jia Xingwen has no other choice.

The situation is difficult, and survival is the most important thing.

Only by living can there be more possibilities.

So even if the land given to the soldiers later cannot be taken back, Jia Xingwen thinks it is worth it.

Moreover, most of the guardian Liu Lin has already agreed to this matter, so Jia Xingwen has the biggest backer to support him, and he will not have any fear.

He just needs to finish his current task well, and the next thing will be nothing.

At a time like this, no one dared to jump out and demolish him.

Even those old fritters who watched Jia Xingwen suddenly parachute into the Anxi Army would not fart.

Because tearing down Jia Xingwen's platform is tantamount to tearing down Liu Lin's platform.When they slapped Jia Xingwen in the face, it was tantamount to slapping Liu Lin in the face.

It still depends on the owner to beat the dog. Everything Jia Xingwen is doing now is actually Liu Lin's instruction.

So Jia Xingwen is really fearless.

The next thing to look at is the effect of the policy after it is implemented.

Jia Xingwen himself is quite confident in it.

Everyone needs to show responsibility at critical moments, and everyone needs to show perseverance at critical moments.

Jia Xingwen has never lacked these things.

When he was in the bad people's yamen, Jia Xingwen had been a gangster for more than ten years.His colleagues have all been promoted, but Jia Xingwen is still standing still.At that time, Jia Xingwen was indeed dissatisfied and angry.But then Jia Xingwen let go.

He thought about it.These are not problems.

He wants to be himself, not what others want him to be.

Later, Jia Xingwen met Zhao Xun, which further confirmed this point.

In Zhao Xun's body, Jia Xingwen saw many shadows of himself back then, and in Zhao Xun's body, Jia Xingwen saw himself in his youth.

That's what he looked like when he joined the bad guys!

So later, Jia Xingwen found his original intention and found what he wanted to be.

He has maintained this goal until now.

Jia Xingwen has never given up on his ideals, even though these ideals may seem a little out of reach in the eyes of others.

But Jia Xingwen didn't think so.

He felt that as long as he persisted, these ideals could eventually be realized.

As long as he perseveres, these ideals can eventually be realized.

Jia Xingwen firmly believes that he can do it.

Even if he left the bad guys and joined the Anxi Army, these changes in objective conditions still did not make Jia Xingwen forget his original intention.

Many times people think about some problems subconsciously, but in fact, after really thinking hard, they will find that many things can be achieved after hard work.Many things are not as difficult and difficult as imagined.

Jia Xingwen now feels that the environment he is in is very good. The Anxi Army is a big melting pot, and everyone is very united.

Chief Protector Liu Lin also thinks highly of him, so what reason does he not have to do a good job and help Chief Protector Liu Lin take care of the internal affairs of the Anxi Governor's Mansion?

Everything he does now is his responsibility.

"Little brother, little brother, tell me, we've already told these guys what the werewolf said, why don't they believe it?"

Third senior brother Long Qingquan felt very speechless.

In his opinion, this is actually a very easy to understand thing.

But these Allen Lore tribes are such a bullhead.

"I don't know either. Could it be that they have a prejudice against werewolves and don't trust what they have said?"

Zhao Xun was also very helpless.

It stands to reason that Jessica, the leader of the werewolf clan, had described the situation at that time vividly, which can be said to be full of evidence.

But these tribes of Allen Lore just refused to believe what Jessica said.

Even if this remark has been repeated by Zhao Xun, it will not work after Zhao Xun's authentication.

Zhao Xun was about to faint.

"These guys are really too arrogant, and they will definitely pay the price for this choice."

At this moment, Long Qingquan was about to vomit blood.

"It's just a pity. If they pay the price, they will pay the price, and we have to be included. Why did we come here, and we have to suffer with them."

It can be seen that Long Qingquan is quite angry, but anger actually doesn't have much effect at this time.

We can only try to be rational as much as possible, and slowly dissuade them.

"We can only try to dissuade them slowly, and hope they can understand."

Zhao Xun is really helpless now, the current situation cannot be said to be so complicated, but it is definitely not safe.

It is not a good thing to allow this kind of suspicion to spread throughout the league.

The head of the mountain must have no time to take care of these small things, so Zhao Xun can only make his own decisions and preside over the situation.

"If you want me to say it, I have to clean them up and let them know that the sky is high and the earth is strong. Anyway, you are now the leader of the entire academy alliance, junior. If they don't listen to what you say, then it's okay?"

Long Qingquan rolled his eyes and said: "I can tell that this group of guys are the ones who bully the weak and fear the hard-bodied. They see that you have a good temper and bully, so they will bully you with all their might. Oh my god, if this really makes their scheme succeed Is it worth it?"

Long Qingquan's mood Zhao Xun is understandable.

But he felt that the third senior brother's behavior was a little too extreme.

These guys are not that exaggerated.

"Third brother, it's over. These guys are still acceptable."

Zhao Xun thought to himself that when he accepted these tribes to join the academy alliance, he had actually inspected them, and finally agreed after confirming that they were correct.

Now it seems that Zhao Xun made the right choice.

Because if he hadn't been screened first, God knows what would have happened.

Now that they have passed the screening, there are still some who disobey Zhao Xun's discipline.

Of course, their disobedience was less obvious than it might have been.

It's just that after this incident, if Zhao Xun doesn't respond forcefully, no one will dare to openly respond to Zhao Xun's call in a short time.

So the third senior brother Long Qingquan still said that there is no big problem in this regard, Zhao Xun must respond and must respond extremely forcefully.

Only when he made a strong response, those guys would recognize Zhao Xun as their leader, and they would tightly surround Zhao Xun.

To put it bluntly, these guys are a group of bullying masters, as long as they have the opportunity, they can't give up the opportunity to grab benefits.

Unless the leader of this alliance is quite strong, don't give them any chance to jump.

Zhao Xun really needs to be stronger now.

As long as he is strong, he basically doesn't have to worry about being besieged.

What's more, there are so many people around him giving him a platform.

Third Senior Brother, Sixth Senior Brother, Tenth Senior Brother, Bamboo Forest Sword Immortal, Qinglian Taoist Priest.
If necessary, the senior sister and the second senior sister will definitely not sit idly by.

It's just that they are a girl's family after all, as long as the situation does not get out of hand, the two will not come forward easily.

But as long as the two of them come forward, it means that the situation has reached the point where it must be managed.

One of the biggest characteristics of academy disciples is to protect the calf.

It's easy to say anything from family members behind closed doors, and it's not uncommon to even fight each other.

But in front of outsiders, I'm sorry, that must be able to protect the calf.

So Zhao Xun doesn't have to worry about this, he can do it according to his own ideas with confidence, and the disciples of the academy are his most solid backing.

"I think the best way is to let them experience the pain once and know the danger, and then they will understand my good intentions."

"Huh? Junior brother, what do you mean?"

"In fact, I have fulfilled my obligation to remind. But they insisted on refusing to strengthen their guard. If something goes wrong, they are really taken advantage of by the Corruptor. In fact, they are the ones who are hurt. Their clansmen will definitely complain after losses. At this time, they Will definitely do as I say."

Zhao Xun was actually very helpless when he said that.

After all, they are allies. At this time, it is not impossible for Zhao Xun to slap his face openly and forcefully. Anyway, he has the backing of the academy.

But in this way, the relationship between everyone will drop to a freezing point.

Once the relationship has dropped to a freezing point, it will be too difficult to recover.

So Zhao Xun didn't want to tear his face too bad unless he had to.

"Well, this is also a way."

Long Qingquan thought about it carefully and felt that the method that the younger brother Zhao Xun said could be tried.Anyway, you have nothing to lose by giving it a try.

"Third brother, but we still can't completely relax. It's their business to let them relax, and it's our business to be on guard. As the leader, we have to show our attitude and set an example. So I decided to set up a patrol team and start every night. Night patrol. Who do you think can be recruited? I mean, let’s use the people from the academy as the skeleton.”

"Well, this is good."

After hearing this, Long Qingquan felt very excited.He has always liked to join in the fun.

"I definitely want to join, and the sixth and tenth junior brothers can also join in. The Bamboo Forest Sword Immortal doesn't need it, he has to accompany the second senior sister at night, otherwise he will have to kneel on the washboard when he sneaks back with us."

"Well, I also want to add the werewolf leader Jessica. His sense of smell is very sensitive. Last time, he found evidence of the Corruptor's invasion with his sense of smell. If there is night patrol, we can It's more efficient."

As soon as Zhao Xun finished speaking, Long Qingquan echoed, "Okay, this is good. I think this Jessica is a ruthless character, so let's take him in too."

"What? Are you going to set up a night watch team?"

When the werewolf leader Jessica heard the news, he couldn't laugh or cry for a while.

"That's right, now that we know that the Corruptor has plans to invade the Academy Alliance, we naturally have to do something."

Zhao Xun spread his hands and said resolutely: "The current situation is actually quite complicated. But we must take action. Only in this way can the members of other alliances realize the seriousness of the problem. It can also avoid many problems. Unnecessary loss."

In fact, there is another point that Zhao Xun didn't say, which is to give other academy alliance members a sense of shame.

After all, these guys didn't listen to Zhao Xun's words at the beginning, and they were arrogant.

As a result, after suffering a dark loss, I came back and found that Zhengzheng was still silently guarding them.

At this time, the sense of shame alone is enough to make these guys die of shame.

"So would you like to join?"


Jessica seemed a little hesitant.

Zhao Xun was a little disappointed and said: "Why, don't you want to? You know we urgently need someone with a keen sense of smell. We have been in the academy for a long time, and we are quite familiar with every plant and tree in the academy. But There is one problem, our night vision is really bad, and our sense of smell and hearing are not good. So we urgently need a supplement in this regard. Taken together, you are indeed the best choice."


Jessica hesitated a little, because in his opinion, this is indeed a very good cooperation model.

It's just that Jessica is a little worried about what other tribes will think if he joins.

The reputation of the werewolves in the entire Alan Lore continent is not very good. If Jessica joins the night watch team at this time, wouldn't it be slapping the faces of other Alan Lore tribes?

In this way, the Alan Lore tribe will definitely have a prejudice against the werewolf tribe.

"If I join, won't those other tribes be more prejudiced against the werewolves?"

Zhao Xun thought what Jesseka was worried about, but seeing that he was worried about it, he laughed and said, "This is not easy? I will hide the list first, and we are also conducting night patrols in secret, so we will not make it public. Wouldn’t it be better to make it public after the fact?”

"Well, that's really good."

Jessica thought about it carefully, and felt that Zhao Xun's arrangement could be said to be seamless.

"Then you agree to join the night watch team?"

What Zhao Xun needed was an accurate answer.


Jessica nodded.


Zhao Xun waved his fist excitedly at this moment.

In his opinion, this can really be regarded as the most ideal result.

"But I have to explain one thing first, that is, I can join the night patrol team. But first, you must not disclose my affairs in the night patrol team. The second is that we must let me guide the patrol route .And you have to listen to me while on patrol."

At first glance, it sounds like Jessica's conditions are a bit harsh, but when you think about it carefully, it is actually reasonable.

Zhao Xun said almost without hesitation: "No problem, I agree with your two conditions."

Right now, being able to win Jessica is the most important thing.With Jessica joining, Zhao Xun and the others will hardly feel any pressure.

The whole night patrol will become very easy.

Before the first night mission, everyone felt both excited and nervous.

The excitement is that they can finally show their skills in the night patrol, and the nervousness is that they may encounter invading Corruptors.

After all, if an extremely ferocious Corruptor rushes over in the dark night, in an environment where you can't see your fingers, it will still feel a considerable degree of psychological pressure.

Of course, Zhao Xun still has some experience in this area.

When he was still in the bad people's office, he often investigated cases at night.

Because bad people have the privilege of walking at night.

Basically, when investigating a case, you will encounter all kinds of strange things and strange creatures.

The most frightening among them should be the so-called devil's sect.

Although monsters are scary, they are rarely encountered.

These guys are similar to Corruptors. They are ferocious, ugly, and powerful. They are unique in hurting people and killing people.

So Zhao Xun can be regarded as being courageous after being tempered.

Those who have been trained not only have courage, but also strength.

When facing these guys, having strength and not having strength are completely two states.

A capable person can be calm and calm to deal with it.

People who have no strength on average are likely to be frightened out of their wits and unable to move.

Back then, the combination of Zhao Xun and Jia Xingwen was perfect.

As long as the two take action, there is basically no case that cannot be detected.

Of course, Jia Xingwen has already left for the Western Regions.

Zhao Xun can only sigh with emotion when he misses Jia Xingwen.

He should still have a good relationship with the existing teammates of the night patrol team, and then patrol as much as possible.

"Everyone should be ready. This is the first time we all gathered together to perform a night mission. So I have a few words to tell everyone. Everyone must ensure that they are always in a state of contact, and don't go alone Don’t leave the team voluntarily. If there is anything, you can communicate with the team to ensure that there are no safety issues.”

The first thing Zhao Xun wants to emphasize is the safety issue.

The purpose of the night watch is to protect the academy and everyone in the academy alliance.

So Zhao Xun is willing to put himself in danger.

But everything has a limit, and you can't fight beyond this limit, that would be too dangerous.

Zhao Xun never thought of taking his own life and the lives of the night patrol team as a joke.

So from the very beginning, Zhao Xun had to emphasize safety issues.

Only when the safety issue is done well, will there be enough space to display their talents and patrol the territory.

"Secondly, everyone should try not to force out the awe-inspiring energy to illuminate. I know that everyone's night vision is not very good, so when walking at night, they will feel a little faint. At this time, everyone may instinctively want to force out of the body But what I want to say is that this is absolutely unacceptable. What is the purpose of our night patrol? Naturally, it is to find the corruptors sneaking in. But if we force our true energy to illuminate, Although we can see clearly, the invading Corruptors can see us even more clearly. So what's the point? All we have to do is trust Jessica unconditionally, he will definitely lead us out of a safe and reliable line."

Zhao Xun's words made Jessica who was silent at the side very moved.

He and Zhao Xun are old acquaintances now.

But the problem is that he is not familiar with Zhao Xun's seniors.

Long Qingquan's words are better, we have met several times.As for Lu Guangdou and Xu Rong, they didn't know each other at all.

Now that the five of them were abruptly getting together, Zhao Xun said something so provocative just now that even Jesse Aka himself felt a little embarrassed.

"Ahem, don't worry, everyone. I will definitely do my best to show you a safe and secure path. As long as the big guys follow the path I brought out, there shouldn't be too many problems. The problem."

Jessica knew that he would more or less make a statement at this time, so she cleared her throat and said briefly.

"Well, that's pretty much what it means."

Zhao Xun was very satisfied with Jessica's statement.

Generally speaking, Zhao Xun thinks that Jesseka is a very honest person.

Basically, Jessica is not willing to promote herself too much, but to do things honestly.

But Zhao Xun can't let honest people suffer.

If there is a chance, Zhao Xun still hopes that Jesseka can show more talents in front of others.

Because only by doing so, more and more people will be willing to be an honest person in the future.

"Well, if you have no other opinions, let's go."

Zhao Xun also didn't want to spend too long in the mobilization process, it was meaningless.

So he shortened this part of the time as much as possible.

A group of five people set off from the gate of the academy, and patrolled clockwise in the order of the camps of the major tribes in the periphery.

Generally speaking, there is nothing wrong with this line, but there is one thing that you may not look so carefully.

Because even if the Corruptor invades Zhongnan Mountain, it is impossible to go to those big camps and big roads.

At most, they overlook from some distant positions.

So in theory, if you want to detect and patrol and get some useful information, you have to drill into the woods.

The reason why Zhao Xun made this basic route first is to ensure that the basic disk is okay.Then he handed over the task to Jessica.

Zhao Xun fully trusts Jessica, and believes that with Jessica's experience, he will be able to successfully capture any disturbance around him.

Once a Corruptor really appeared around, it would definitely be impossible to hide it from Jessica's eyes.

"Little brother, the night is really dark. Damn, this feeling of not seeing your fingers is scary enough."

Zhao Xun didn't expect that Long Qingquan, the third senior brother who always showed his aloof image, would express such emotions not long after they walked out.

Mamma Mia, save the child.

"Third senior brother, isn't it? Isn't it just walking at night? You are also an old man after all, show some responsibility of an old man."

Zhao Xun was so helpless by the third senior brother Long Qingquan, he could only spread his hands and said forcefully.

"Oh, little brother, it's really not my fault, it's really too dark here. I can't even see where the road in front of me is, I'm afraid I'll step on the ground."

Zhao Xun was speechless for a moment.

Third senior brother, third senior brother, can you think of something better, what are you doing here to fix the crow's mouth.

"No, with Jessica leading the way, it's very stable."

Zhao Xun cheered up the third senior brother.

Walking in the dark night, Zhao Xun could clearly hear the voice of the night owl and some moths.

Although these sounds are heard on weekdays, they will become much weaker and less obvious when mixed with other sounds.

But at this moment, they were walking in the silent night, and they could even hear their own breathing and heartbeat clearly.

In such a silent sound contrast, basically any subtle sound will be amplified several times.

At this moment, Zhao Xun could hear creatures moving in the woods.

Although his senses were not as good as those of the werewolves, this feeling still made him a little excited.

"There are creatures moving in that forest in Jessica, right?"

"Well, it should be a sika deer."

Jessica was able to judge that the opponent was a sika deer just by the movement of the opponent, which undoubtedly surprised Zhao Xun.

Is it really so evil?

Or is Jessica really that powerful?
Zhao Xun couldn't help feeling a little bit emotional, he really made the right choice when he chose the night patrol team members.

Even without the third senior brother, sixth senior brother, and tenth senior brother, Jessica can't be lost.

Jessica is really crucial.

It is said that Zhuge Liang is the best of three cobblers.But even if the three senior brothers were tied together, it might not be as good as a single leg hair of Jessica.

So at this moment, Zhao Xun paid more attention to Jessica's judgment.

"Go here and follow me. There are many dead branches on both sides, and some soil nests. Everyone should be as careful as possible when walking, and don't get hurt."

Jessica said in a low voice.

"Everyone follow."

Zhao Xun simply answered a sentence, and then followed Jessica personally.

At this time, there is no need for too many words and too many actions, some of the most basic behaviors are the best support.

Since Zhao Xun has decided to support Jessica unconditionally, he will naturally do his best to follow Jessica at this time.

In many cases, people are really dominated by emotions, and their judgments are affected by emotions.

But Zhao Xun will not.

He will always keep reason first.

Jessica is currently the most experienced person in the entire night patrol team, so Zhao Xun feels that there is no problem with them following Jessica.

The more you go up, the more rugged the road is, and the more you go up, the more you will lose your way.

But Zhao Xun knew that even if there were no roads, it would not be a big problem, because if there were more people walking, there would be roads.

"Everyone keep up with Jessica, don't fall behind."

Since it was the first night patrol, Zhao Xun naturally had to give more instructions, since accidents are always bad.

"Well, we know about Junior Brother."

The third senior brother, Long Qingquan, has apparently gradually recovered from the initial panic.

Judging from the tone of voice, the current third senior brother Long Qingquan remained very calm.

The third brother Long Qingquan remained calm, and Zhao Xun felt relieved.

"If you find any changes, don't rush to respond first. You can tell me first, and I will tell you what to do after I judge."

Jessica was afraid that someone in the night watch team would make a mistake, so she emphasized it.

In his opinion, the most important thing is to ensure that no major mistakes are made. As for tracking the whereabouts of the Corruptor, it is based on this foundation.

"Oh my god, didn't realize it was just a stupid roe deer hiding here. I mean I thought it was going to be a Corruptor or at least something about a Corruptor, but I didn't realize it was just a Silly roe deer."

For a moment Zhao Xun looked very desperate.

"Uh, sorry, there seems to be some problems with my judgment."

Jessica looked a little frustrated, and his emotions were filled with apology.

"It's okay, this is not your fault, judgment will always go wrong. But I think you have done well enough. Come on, buddy, I believe you will do better next time."

Although Zhao Xun knew that Jessica hadn't done well now, he knew better that he couldn't put too much pressure on Jessica at this time.

Otherwise, it is possible that Jessica's performance will completely stretch her hips.

He didn't need to put so much pressure on Jessica.

Because to some extent, Jessica's performance is already quite good.

"You know, what I'm trying to say is that at the moment, we're in for nothing."

The third senior brother Long Qingquan jumped out very inappropriately and said something that left everyone speechless.

"Uh, there's no need to do this, third brother, I think the situation is much better than we expected. After all, this is the first night patrol together, so there will definitely be some problems with the above. But as long as we get used to it, we will definitely It will be better than it is now.”

Zhao Xun saw that the third senior brother Long Qingquan started to "attack" Jessica, and quickly jumped out to help Jessica out of the siege.

Although Jessica may not be able to understand what the third senior brother said theoretically, her expression will not lie, nor will her eyes that want to kill someone alone.

"My goodness."

Third Senior Brother Long Qingquan started to hold his head in his hands at this time, and looked at Zhao Xun with extremely shocked eyes.

"Little brother, are you speaking for outsiders? What's more, is there a problem with my question just now? Obviously you said that Jessica's keen sense of smell can help us better capture the clues of the Corruptor during the night patrol. But look at the result of following him all the way now. We thought we found the Corruptor, but we only found a stupid roe deer. The blow it caused was too great."

The third senior brother, Long Qingquan, seemed to have lost all his sanity at this moment, and began to roar like crazy.

Zhao Xun saw that going on like this was definitely not an option, so he pulled the third senior brother a few steps away.

"Senior brother, what are you doing? Jessica must be kind. It's normal that we didn't find any traces of the Corruptor. It's impossible to find traces of the Corruptor right away."

Zhao Xun said helplessly: "You should also understand more. The current situation is like this. If your attitude keeps Jessica chilled, how can we cooperate in the future?"

Anyway, Zhao Xun felt that Long Qingquan, the third senior brother, had gone too far in this matter.

So he decided to stand up and say a few words for Jessica to uphold justice no matter what.


The third brother Long Qingquan thought carefully about what the junior brother Zhao Xun said, and felt that there was nothing wrong with what the junior brother said.

"Uh, I was a little impulsive just now. I apologize to you, little brother."

"No, Third Senior Brother, if you really want to apologize, you should also apologize to Jessica."

Zhao Xun was helping the managers but not the relatives, what the third senior brother Long Qingquan did this time was indeed a bit too much.

So Zhao Xun had to teach the third brother a lesson.

"Uh, junior brother, are you serious?"

The third senior brother Long Qingquan was a little astonished, he really couldn't figure out what the little junior brother was thinking.

"Of course, I think the people in our academy should be polite and respectful."

"Well, if that's the case, I'll go and apologize to him."

At this moment, Long Qingquan spread his hands helplessly, looking a little depressed.

Zhao Xun feels sorry for the third senior brother, but he knows that this is an indispensable experience.

If he chooses to indulge Third Senior Brother Long Qingquan at this time, it will be detrimental to Third Senior Brother Long Qingquan, and it will be unfair to Jessica.

Zhao Xun took the third senior brother Long Qingquan back to Jessica's side, and then said in a deep voice: "Jessica, I'm sorry just now, my third senior brother was a little emotional and said something that shouldn't be said, now he I want to apologize to you."

After finishing speaking, Zhao Xun turned to Long Qingquan.

Long Qingquan's face turned red, and he held back for a long time before he muttered: "It was my fault just now, I shouldn't get angry at you. Occasionally making mistakes in judgment is a normal thing, I hope we can find traces of the Corruptor next time. "

Although the apology seemed not so sincere, Zhao Xun knew that this was the limit that the third brother Long Qingquan could do.He also didn't need to go too far to force the third senior brother, otherwise it would be unnecessary if the situation ended badly.Now he needs to take good control of his emotions and ensure that they are in an absolutely safe atmosphere.

Zhao Xun hastily translated to Jessica what the third senior brother Long Qingquan had said.

After hearing this, Jessica waved her hands again and again: "There's no need to apologize like this, I didn't take it to heart."

Zhao Xun said helplessly: "This time it is indeed the third senior brother who did something wrong, I hope you can forgive him."

Jessica looked a little embarrassed.

"Well, if you must, then I forgive him."

Zhao Xun breathed a sigh of relief when he heard this.

Anyway, it was a good experience for Jessica.

For the third senior brother Long Qingquan, it is also an indispensable part of the growth path.

With this experience, Zhao Xun believes that in the future, the third senior brother, Long Qingquan, will definitely be more calm when dealing with problems or doing things, and will think twice before acting.

In this way his purpose is achieved.

It's not easy, it's not easy for people to live in this world now.

Even if it is able to think about the problem from another angle, it is also very good.

Today's night patrol can end here, if it continues, Zhao Xun will feel that the atmosphere is a bit strange.

Of course, after that Zhao Xun firmly believed that no matter what, he would do his best to pay attention to the state of the third brother Long Qingquan.

As long as the third senior brother Long Qingquan's emotions were slightly on the verge of exploding, Zhao Xun would desperately press down.

Alas, it is not easy for everyone.

Since it's not easy, let's think about it more.

After all, the academy alliance can be formed, and it is really not easy to be able to achieve what it is today.

Next, let's cherish and cherish it.

"Go back, this is the end of today's night patrol. Everyone, please rest early, you have worked hard."

Zhao Xun gave the command to return.

After a night of exhaustion, Zhao Xun fell asleep and woke up naturally.

It has to be said that a good rest is quite crucial.

It's not just talking about it when you feel sleepy.

At least at this moment Zhao Xun really felt relaxed.

After opening his sleepy eyes, Zhao Xun found that everything in front of him was so familiar.

Well, it feels so good to live in the academy.

Before he knew it, Zhao Xun had completely regarded the academy as his home.

As for the Duke's Mansion far away in Chang'an City, Zhao Xun really didn't pay much attention at the moment.

After all, his entire family has been taken to the academy by him.Now that the family members have come, Zhao Xun has nothing to worry about.

With his family as companions, Zhao Xun can live the life he wants with peace of mind.

Of course, the premise of everything is to repel the Corruptor.

If the Corruptor is not eliminated, Zhao Xun will inevitably face threats.

Not only Zhao Xun will face threats, but Zhao Xun's family members will also face threats.

So now it's not just fighting for yourself, it's fighting for your family.

Now Zhao Xun has obviously matured a lot, and he knows that he has to take on more responsibilities.

After Zhao Xun got up, he washed up as usual, and then began to change clothes.

Then it was off to make breakfast.

It happened that Zhao Xun met the third brother Long Qingquan near the kitchen, and the two had a face-to-face meeting.

Obviously, after a good night's sleep, the two of them had completely forgotten about yesterday's unhappiness.

For Third Senior Brother Long Qingquan, there is nothing that a breakfast can't solve.

If so, come for two meals.

"Little brother, you have to make finger cakes for me this morning, do you know why?"

Third Senior Brother Long Qingquan approached shamelessly and said with a playful smile.

Zhao Xun had no choice but to nod his head and said, "Okay, you can eat as much as you want."

Zhao Xun also didn't want to talk endlessly about what happened last night.

"I'm going to make finger cakes for breakfast today. Brother San, go and make soy milk for me. Give the finger cakes to me, and the soy milk to you."

"no problem."

At this moment, the third senior brother seems to have regained his full of energy and vigor.

Zhao Xun felt relieved about this.

As long as there is no grudge between their seniors and brothers, it will be fine.

Zhao Xun didn't care about other things at all.

After entering the kitchen, Zhao Xun completely switched to the full fire mode.

It has to be said that Zhao Xun is extremely confident in the kitchen.

No matter what dishes he is facing, Zhao Xun can always make amazing dishes, which is still very enviable.

The third senior brother, Long Qingquan, was about to lose his mind in this regard.

He does have a few specialties, too.

But apart from those special dishes, it is basically difficult for the third brother Long Qingquan to maintain a high standard in other dishes.Otherwise, there would not be the situation where the head of the mountain commented that he was tired of eating the old dishes made by Long Qingquan.

"The essence of finger cakes lies in the crust and the heat. Only by mastering these two points can the finger cakes made be delicious."

Seeing that the third senior brother Long Qingquan likes finger cakes so much, Zhao Xun introduced them to the third senior brother Long Qingquan without reservation.

It can only be said that the third senior brother is indeed very powerful, so powerful that Zhao Xun only tapped a few words, and the third senior brother remembered it in his heart.

"Haha, no problem, I'll remember my little brother. You can start quickly, I'm watching."

The third brother Long Qingquan said with a smile on the side.

Seeing this, Zhao Xun was speechless.

Third senior brother, third senior brother, who do you look like with your shameless appearance?

His Xin Dao Shanzhang didn't look like this either.

Forget it, don't mention it.

"Turn it over like this, and then add the eggs. Don't you like eggs, you can add double."

Zhao Xun knew that the third brother Long Qingquan liked to eat eggs, so he specially instructed him.

Anyway, there is no fixed routine for hand pancakes. You can add whatever you want, which is very flexible.

The third senior brother Long Qingquan nodded repeatedly: "Okay, okay, then I will do it according to the routine you said. If the taste is different from what you make, then I will come to you again, little brother."


Zhao Xun was left speechless by the third brother Long Qingquan.

Well, what the third senior brother says is what it is, at least from the current point of view, Zhao Xun has given all his knowledge about hand-cooked cakes to the third senior brother Long Qingquan.I only hope that the third brother Long Qingquan can learn and use it in the future.

As long as the talent of the third senior brother can be mastered flexibly, he will definitely be able to make delicious hand pancakes.

"By the way, third senior brother, how is your soy milk? It should be almost the same?"

"Ah, soy milk, it's ready. I'm going to adjust the sugar again."

The third brother Long Qingquan took some white sugar and sprinkled it into the soybean milk very carefully.

The third senior brother prefers sweet food, so he added more sugar.

Zhao Xun didn't care too much, and let the third senior brother come.

Anyway, to him, this can be regarded as an accompaniment to the meal, and whatever it is made of is acceptable.

Soon the third senior brother Long Qingquan made all the soy milk and poured it into the cup cup by cup.

After Zhao Xun saw this, he nodded in satisfaction and said, "Wow, it looks very good, let me have a taste."

The freshly made soy milk is very viscous, which makes people very appetizing.

Zhao Xun picked up a cup and took a sip first.

Well, that mellow and soft feeling instantly expanded into Zhao Xun's mouth.

The taste is really amazing.

"It's delicious."

"This soy milk will always be a godsend."

Zhao Xun didn't just flatter the soy milk made by the third senior brother, but he really felt that the soy milk made by the third senior brother was perfect.

Such perfect soy milk should be praised.

"Haha, what about the finger cakes, I'll have a taste too."

At this moment, Long Qingquan had already started to drool greedily.

His favorite food is finger cakes. Now that there are fresh finger cakes out of the oven, he naturally hopes to have a delicious taste.

"Okay, it's all here. Third senior brother, you can decide how much you want to eat."

Zhao Xun spread his hands.

He was not in a hurry, because he knew that even though the third senior brother liked finger pancakes very much, he couldn't finish them all.

But if Wangcai is here, it's another matter.

It is really possible for Wangcai to eat up all the pancakes here at once, and the nickname Dazhou Cooking Rice King is not for nothing.

So before Wangcai got up and came to the kitchen, Zhao Xun had to finish his breakfast first.

(End of this chapter)

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