big week bad guy

Chapter 728 Prince Li Xiankun's Depression

Chapter 728 Prince Li Xiankun's Depression
These details definitely need reasonable planning. After planning all the things and laying out all the details, Emperor Xianlong actually felt that he could make a move.

It's still too early.Neither the head of the mountain nor the God of Darkness has yet made a move.

Emperor Xianlong would at least wait until they had all made their moves before making any moves to pick up the leaks.

In fact, taking action to pick up leaks is actually what Emperor Xianlong is best at.

Every time he was able to pick up the leak just right.

Although Emperor Xianlong knew that such a situation would require him to bear it, but what's the problem?

As long as the final result is ideal, it doesn't matter much to Emperor Xianlong even if he forbears a little.

The reason why people get entangled in many cases is not because some very confusing things have appeared in certain situations?
But Emperor Xianlong will not be entangled now.

He will only make himself calmer, and on the basis of being calmer, there is no need for any confusion.

tsk tsk.
This kind of moment was incomparably wonderful for Emperor Xianlong.As long as he honestly hides in the palace, then there will be no problem with his safety.

This can also improve the state to a certain extent, so why not do it.

Emperor Xianlong couldn't think of a more perfect choice than this.

Sometimes people need to constantly improve themselves to achieve a relatively beautiful state.

Emperor Xianlong was full of confidence in himself.

The current him is indeed very different, the current Emperor Xianlong has completely evolved.

So at this moment, he only needs to keep his mind steady, and if there are no major problems, then the final result will be expected.

Reasonably control all these things. For Emperor Xianlong, as long as he can accumulate details well, that's enough.

Not everyone is able to know their bottom line at the beginning.

But Prince Li Xiankun finally understood that he has no bottom line after repeated temptations!

Failure again and again, failure again and again.

Crown Prince Li Xiankun was still not pissed off.

This can be said to be a miracle.

Many times Prince Li Xiankun felt that this was really incomprehensible.

Because many times people's judgment will have many problems.

When there is a problem with the judgment, it is difficult to realize the pre-designed situation.

This moment is definitely the most uncomfortable and embarrassing for Prince Li Xiankun.

In fact, it's not that he hasn't worked hard, but he always feels that his luck is a little bit worse.

Prince Li Xiankun really tried his best, but what can he do.

No matter from any aspect, Prince Li Xiankun seems to have no chance of success.

Even if it is a top practitioner like Wei Wuji, the sword master of Dongyue, it is the same.

At this moment, Prince Li Xiankun had completely given up.

Because he obviously felt that it was more difficult than going to heaven to kill his father.

What's more, didn't the last thunderclap explain a lot of problems?

At that moment, Prince Li Xiankun could clearly feel that God was protecting his father to the death.

Under such circumstances, Prince Li Xiankun is of course extremely desperate, because he feels that no matter how much effort he puts in, he will not be able to achieve his goal. If this is the case, what else should he worry about, what else should he be hypocritical about.Just lie flat and that's it.

In Prince Li Xiankun's view, his lying down at this time was not passive lying down, but lying down after a lot of struggle and tempering, a helpless lying down.

Lying flat, the crown prince Li Xiankun didn't have some unwilling emotions?
But what can I do if I am unwilling?What can unwillingness bring?

In fact, Prince Li Xiankun knew very well what he should do in his heart.

Sometimes when a person is very clear about what he is going to do next, he will actually know where many boundaries are.

You can't break through the boundaries, no matter from any aspect, you can't break through the boundaries.

If the limit is broken in this situation, the final result will be very miserable.

Fortunately, Wei Wuji managed to escape without being caught.

Otherwise, if he confessed to Prince Li Xiankun, the consequences would be unimaginable.

Not everyone is able to withstand such enormous pressure.

Prince Li Xiankun was actually under great pressure.

So far, his handling is quite perfect.

But when there are some detailed changes, it will still make people feel quite emotional.

"Well, Gu must be able to hold his breath now. Gu must not think too much at this time."

Prince Li Xiankun constantly used this method of psychological suggestion to make his thoughts clearer.Sometimes when a person's way of thinking begins to change, in fact, his state as a whole changes accordingly.

So for Prince Li Xiankun, at this time, he must not allow his judgment to deviate.

Because at this juncture, if his judgment deviates, the consequences will be extremely serious.

He might be able to escape once or twice.But it's not possible to be so lucky every time, right?

If you are unlucky again, then the result can be imagined.

Sometimes people still need to recognize themselves.

When people can clearly recognize themselves and the reality, the situation in various aspects will indeed change accordingly.

Not all people are able to improve themselves through this kind of self-awareness.

But Prince Li Xiankun can, and Prince Li Xiankun is a well-deserved strong man.

It is actually very important to become such a strong person.Because this means that Prince Li Xiankun can have some qualities that ordinary people don't have.

In fact, this is not a state that many people can achieve.

But Prince Li Xiankun can do it.

Enduring what ordinary people can't bear, this is the strongest point of Prince Li Xiankun.

When he can possess this advantage in all aspects, then no matter from any angle, it is worth looking forward to.

It's perfect, all the details make Prince Li Xiankun feel impeccable.

Under such circumstances, Prince Li Xiankun needs to bear it.

Anyway, this aspect is actually his old line of business, and Prince Li Xiankun will not feel anything strange when he does it.

Everything is extremely familiar, everything is extremely smooth, and everything is worth looking forward to.

These really don't need any confusion.

In fact, everything at the moment needs to be controlled by Prince Li Xiankun's constant efforts.

It may not be possible to achieve an optimal model at the beginning, but there should still be a relatively good result through continuous exploration.

In this regard, Prince Li Xiankun is actually extremely convinced in his heart.

So at this moment, there is really no need to tangle.

People still need a process of adaptation. After adapting to all this, all the overall thinking will also undergo tremendous changes.

People always need continuous improvement to increase their cognition.

After gaining cognition, then all aspects can be enhanced.

Therefore, although the assassination failure was a bad thing for Prince Li Xiankun, it may not be a blessing in disguise.

If he can make good use of this matter, at least he can improve his overall strength to a certain extent.

In fact, Prince Li Xiankun has always been committed to improving his overall strength.

What kind of state can be achieved is actually no one can say well.

But it doesn't matter.

Because Prince Li Xiankun firmly believed in his heart that he would have the last laugh.

To say something unpleasant, no matter how powerful the father is, how long can he hold on?
After the father died, wouldn't the throne still belong to him?

So Prince Li Xiankun didn't need to have any entanglement at all.

For him at this moment, it is necessary to achieve the most perfect state through reasonable planning.

In fact, sometimes people need this kind of adjustment to change their thinking.

When the way of thinking is changed, the ultimate feeling is really difficult for ordinary people to understand.

It's just a pity that Wei Wuji, it's a pity that the world's number one swordsman was tired by the law of heaven and couldn't take revenge.

What a pity, what a pity.

But so far, that's all there is to it.

"Wow, I didn't expect this dark river to be so long."

After Zhao Xun walked along this dark river for a long time, he still didn't see the end.

Generally speaking, underground rivers in caves can flow out.

So as long as they can keep going along the dark river, they will be able to get out of the cave at some point.

But this distance is too long, right?
This was definitely a huge shock for Zhao Xun.

After Zhao Xun was shocked, everything changed suddenly.

At least from the current point of view, Zhao Xun's judgment has begun to have huge problems.

After all this has happened, it is understandable that a person's thinking has problems.

"Shouldn't this be an illusion?"

Zhao Xun has even begun to suspect that what he sees in front of him is an illusion.

There is no way out, what happened is really too mysterious.

When faced with such a mysterious situation, in fact, Zhao Xun really doubted his previous judgment.

Earlier, Zhao Xun judged that Diadonas Lorenzo Haverifs would never appear.

But now Zhao Xun began to wonder whether Diadonas Lorenzo Haverifs had been hiding in the dark and observing secretly?

If this is the case, then Zhao Xun's judgment will actually become quite embarrassing.

Sometimes if there is a problem with the thinking, then everything will go wrong.

This moment is actually quite difficult for Zhao Xun.

If it is really an illusion, then Zhao Xun can only say that this illusion is too realistic.

If Diadonas Lorenzo Hafrefs really made a move, he should be able to achieve this effect.

So if Diadonas Lorenzo Haverfus really did it, then it's entirely possible.

It is indeed a very difficult thing to make a mistake in judgment in many cases.

Zhao Xun only hopes that his judgment can be kept as absolutely stable as possible.

Since this is the case, at least there will be no situation where the hips are too stretched.

If we can have some calmer cognition in the future, then everything will indeed be completely different.

tsk tsk.
Zhao Xun hoped that he could calm down a bit.

Because at least so far, Zhao Xun's judgment has not shown any major flaws.

Even if there are occasional slight flaws, it is actually understandable.

In this case, there is no need to make yourself so tired.

Zhao Xun tried his best to calm down, then closed his eyes, and used his spiritual sense to perceive the world.

Have to say this is pretty surprising.

Sometimes when a person can have some calm cognition at the beginning, then his judgment of the world will become more accurate.

Isn't this cave a small world?

The vitality in this cave is actually constantly interacting with the practitioner's body.

This interactive experience is actually quite wonderful.

When Zhao Xun was able to calm down and feel it completely, he found that everything was completely different.

Will Diadonas Lorenzo Haverfus show up?
Zhao Xun was indeed asking himself this question constantly.

But he received no response.

Gradually, Zhao Xun realized that this was not important.

What if Diadonas Lorenzo Haverfus showed up, so what if he didn't?
In fact, no matter whether this guy appears or not, they will still deal with the problem according to their previous judgment.

It is impossible for a person to allow himself to be led by the nose and influenced by other people.

In this way, the entire thinking of the whole person may change accordingly.

People should still be in a calm state of mind as much as possible.

With a calm mind, it will not become quite narrow.

Narrow emotions are completely unnecessary.

When you have narrow emotions, the judgment of the whole person will also have a huge impact.

Diadonas Lorenzo Hafrefs should not be around at the moment.

Zhao Xun sensed it with his spiritual state, and everything is quite wonderful now.

Zhao Xun didn't feel any embarrassment, so he really didn't have to worry too much about it.

The reason why people have entangled emotions is actually a manifestation of lack of self-confidence.

For a chosen son like Zhao Xun, if it is said that he is not confident enough because he is afraid of Diadonas Lorenzo Haverfus, then Zhao Xun himself would not be willing to do so. believable.

In many cases, people should still have a calm judgment. When encountering a crisis, the whole person's thinking will actually change accordingly.

What Zhao Xun has to do is to make this fluctuation as small as possible.

It's impossible to have no volatility at all, that's a robot.

Of course Zhao Xun is not a robot, he is a living person with flesh and blood.

So for Zhao Xun, after fully grasping these, it will make people feel quite emotional.

tsk tsk.
Not everyone has this wonderful feeling.

At this moment, Zhao Xun is completely used to it.

When he opened his eyes again and began to observe the dark river seriously, he was surprised to find that the dark river was different from what he had imagined.

At this moment, Diadonas Lorenzo Haverfus had been completely forgotten by Zhao Xun.

He didn't pay attention to the God of Darkness at all.

Is the God of Darkness the key?

Are disciples of the Dark God important?
What they want to explore now is actually the cave itself.

Exploring the cave itself is very real.

After realizing this, Zhao Xun can actually let go of his thoughts, so that he will not be suppressed in any way.

Sometimes people just need to use this method to make themselves stronger.

The process of becoming stronger may not be as difficult as imagined, because it can make people have some very graceful qualities from the beginning.

This is really not easy for Zhao Xun.

It can be said that Zhao Xun is challenging his own limit.

But he believes that all of this is still possible.

When you have some possibilities, everything becomes completely different.

This is definitely an extraordinary experience for Zhao Xun right now.

At this moment, after constant groping, Zhao Xun realized where the end of this dark river was.Sometimes when you have some judgments, the overall thinking will change accordingly.

Zhao Xun is not a hypocritical person, he hopes to improve himself in all aspects.

In this way, he can actually have certain advantages when facing Diadonas Lorenzo Hafrefs and others in the future.

People still need to continuously accumulate advantages.

Even if you don't have an advantage at the beginning, it doesn't matter much.

In Zhao Xun's view, the handling of details will actually lead to a completely different final result.

Zhao Xun has always been a calm person, so he believes that even if there is no Diadonas Lorenzo Haveriffs in this cave, he will continue to pursue it very calmly.

Because Zhao Xun is sure that in the future, quite a lot of very important things will be excavated in this cave.

Will be more important than Diadonas Lorenzo Haverfus.

(End of this chapter)

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