big week bad guy

Chapter 729 Fusion of Primordial Spirit

Chapter 729 Fusion of Primordial Spirit
The evil spirit and evil spirit here are too strong.

And as they continued walking along the darkness, this smell became more intense.

At this time, Zhao Xun became even more curious.

What exactly is hiding in the dark?

Zhao Xun has always been a rather calm person.

When a person starts to become calm, then his overall judgment will become quite wonderful.

At this moment, Zhao Xun already possessed an inquiry quality that ordinary people do not possess.

Now that he has made up his mind, he must investigate to the end no matter what.

This is not easy.

But now that it has been decided, it is necessary to see the result.

At least for the moment, Zhao Xun no longer hesitated.

He has been very sure that he can get an extraordinary experience.

When he has this kind of expectation, Zhao Xun will go on even harder.

Zhao Xun knew that he couldn't have any confusion at this moment.

When a person has made up his mind to go on, then no matter from any aspect, it is greatly worth looking forward to.

Zhao Xun has actually reached a very wonderful state at this moment. For him, his ability to grasp this period is related to everything in his future.

At this moment, he must show some qualities that ordinary people do not possess, so that he can reach a relatively wonderful state in the future. More often than not, Zhao Xun actually loses opportunities in the entanglement.

But now he has actually adjusted his mentality.

So there is actually no big problem with Zhao Xun's thinking at the moment.

After planning all this reasonably, everything is in a perfect situation.

Tsk tsk tsk, it's not easy, all of this is really not easy.

As the saying goes, there are no doubts and no way out of mountains and rivers, and there is another village with dark willows and flowers.

When everyone felt that they couldn't see the light, in fact, a huge change had already begun to appear faintly.

This is quite different, and this is quite emotional.

At this moment, Zhao Xun's emotions are beyond comparison for ordinary people.

At this moment, Zhao Xun was able to cry with joy and feel an unparalleled feeling.

Tsk tsk tsk, it's not easy, everything is quite difficult.

Not all people are able to have a graceful experience at the beginning.

In many cases, people need to see hope in the process of experiencing struggle.

Although the whole process will make people feel a little tangled in this way, it is still worth looking forward to overall.

Zhao Xun is not a hypocritical person, what Zhao Xun is experiencing now is a rather graceful feeling.

For him, this can make him grow faster and faster, and it can make Zhao Xun perceive something that he has never perceived before.

That's enough.This is enough for him to have some completely different experiences.

tsk tsk.
These feelings can be said to be quite emotional.

Not all people can have a very graceful experience.

In fact, Zhao Xun already has a good feeling, so it is even more necessary to persevere.

Anyway, in Zhao Xun's view, there is no reason to choose to give up at this time.

It is absolutely unreliable to choose to give up at this time.

tsk tsk.
At this moment, for those who cannot be entangled, when it is time to make a decision, there must be decisiveness.

Otherwise, tsk tsk tsk would be really unimaginable.

Zhao Xun is not a hypocritical person, in fact Zhao Xun is a quite calm person.

When a person can become calmer, the situation he sees will be very different from the situation he imagined.

Sometimes when a person's thinking begins to change, it is worth looking forward to.

At least for the moment, Zhao Xun doesn't think it's hypocritical.

"Haha, it's finally coming to an end. But there's one thing that's very strange. Obviously we're all coming to an end, why is there still no trace of monsters?"

Zhao Xun was actually very puzzled about this.

In fact, Zhao Xun has always been in a very calm state.This moment is simply too much for Zhao Xun.

He doesn't want his judgment to be questioned, he wants to feel a different way.

tsk tsk.
This can be a brand new experience for Zhao Xun.

"Well, it's really strange. If it is said that the monsters noticed our existence and hid it, would it be?"

Sixth Senior Brother Lu Guangdou raised a possibility at this time.

In Zhao Xun's view, this possibility is indeed very possible.

It is also very important to make some necessary judgments when necessary.

In many cases, Lu Guangdou, the sixth senior brother, is a very realistic person.

The judgment he made is actually the closest to the reasonable range.

At this moment, Lu Guangdou, the sixth senior brother, can actually get a very good feedback.

Of course, Zhao Xun also hoped that this would be the case.

Because the IQs of monsters are actually not low.

When the monsters realized the danger, their instinct was to hide.

When the monsters can hide, it will be really hard for Zhao Xun and others to find them.

After all, it was the first time for them to enter this cave, and they had never experienced some details before.So at this time Zhao Xun needs to keep calm even more.

If you can keep calm, then there is really no need for any entanglements.

At this moment, Zhao Xun has been constantly making himself stronger. When he can become stronger, he can indeed play a very good role model.

But at this time, becoming stronger doesn't have much effect.

Because he can obviously feel that there is nowhere to use his strength.

This feeling is actually quite bad.When Zhao Xun felt such a feeling, it meant that in the future he must try his best to adjust his emotions more perfectly.

This is actually very difficult.

Not all people are able to achieve this state of perfection.

Sometimes it is necessary to make some fine adjustments.

After making such detailed adjustments, the response to the crisis will actually become more diversified.

At present, it is still a bit too monotonous.

tsk tsk.
The adjustment of these details is actually the comprehensive factor that a person needs to have.

At this moment, Zhao Xun cleared his throat and said: "Anyway, it is already this time, we have put in so much effort, there is no reason to give up under this situation. We should still have some reasonable qualities It’s okay, otherwise, it’s unbearable.”

Zhao Xun is actually a very calm person. After he can analyze everything comprehensively, he suggests that everyone should continue to walk unswervingly.

If this step can be achieved, in fact, everything is greatly worth looking forward to.

Anyway, in Zhao Xun's opinion, even if no monsters were found in the process of exploring the cave, it's not a big problem, but they should still explore.

These are two concepts, whether you can do it or not is one thing, and whether you can feel it is another.

It's so difficult, all of this is really quite difficult to grasp.

At this moment, Zhao Xun has been trying to control the rhythm.

At this moment, Zhao Xun has been constantly adjusting his state.

Maybe it may not be able to achieve the most ideal state at the beginning, but there is still no big problem after all.

"Come on, since the younger brother has said everything to this point, why do we have any reason to choose to give up. Let's work harder, everyone, we can still see hope after all."

At this time, Long Qingquan, the third senior brother of Brother Twisting Rope, began to seriously think about this matter.

He's actually a pretty calm guy, and everything starts to look different when he works hard.

The control of this detail is a crucial factor for his continuous improvement.

When he has some qualities that others do not have, in fact, Zhao Xun can have some different experiences when being called.

tsk tsk.
It's not easy, everything is quite difficult.

For him, this moment is really beyond the reach of ordinary people.

So Zhao Xun actually hopes to guide everyone forward.

There have never been any cowards in the Academy Youth League.

No matter from any aspect, it is the same.

Zhao Xun is an extremely meticulous person, so as long as he can give full play to it and everyone learns from it, the final effect will not be too bad.

But there is one thing we must pay attention to, that is, we must control our emotions and rhythm reasonably.

Otherwise, it's no joke.

In many cases, people still need to have some calm factors. When people start to become calm, then everything starts to be completely different.

Zhao Xun knew that there must be a lot of things hidden in the dark. Although it might not be Diadonas Lorenzo Haverifs, it might surprise everyone in the academy.

At this moment, what Zhao Xun has to do is to control his emotions as much as possible.

His emotions must not collapse, and his emotions must not have any problems.

tsk tsk.
At this moment, there was a loud bang.

Then the ground began to tremble.

Zhao Xun almost fell down at this time.

Guys, what's the situation.This is too sudden, isn't it an earthquake?
Zhao Xun's first reaction was an earthquake.Because in his opinion, the phenomenon here is really too weird.

When he was able to feel this feeling very shockingly, in fact, the whole person's thinking began to undergo a huge change. For him, everything at this moment could already give him some ominous omens.


The ground continued to tremble.

Now it's not just Zhao Xun, but the whole group of people, including their mentor Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi, all turned their backs after waiting for a while.

Good guy, this kind of shocking feeling is really hard for ordinary people to experience.

This feeling is really quite surprising.

tsk tsk.
It's so hard, it's all too hard.

It's hard to maintain this state. Zhao Xun still needs to control his stability as much as possible at the moment, and he must not lose his stability, so that he can't stand up completely.

If this is the case, the consequences will be even more unimaginable.

No one knew what was going to happen until the last moment.

Sometimes when a person starts to have a more comprehensive cognition, his overall thinking will actually undergo a huge change.

At least for the moment, Zhao Xun's way of thinking is actually not a big problem.

It was nothing more than the sudden appearance of the scene that made people feel a little puzzled.

What kind of situation is this?

Zhao Xun tried his best to control his emotions and rhythm, trying his best to achieve a graceful state.

But it is very difficult, it is difficult to maintain the stability of the body.

This feeling is too much like an earthquake.

Obvious, really quite obvious.

tsk tsk.
Zhao Xun has already reached a relatively good state in the process of continuous efforts.

But if this feeling of earthquake doesn't stop, it's still difficult for him to perform.

Diadonas Lorenzo Haverfuss?
Could it be that Diadonas Lorenzo Haverfus was playing tricks?

In fact, Zhao Xun thinks that this possibility is not impossible.

Although Zhao Xun deduced that it was unlikely that Diadonas Lorenzo Haverfus was playing tricks before, but after thinking about it carefully, this possibility still exists.

So at the critical moment, I am afraid that I still have to come up with some judgments of my own.

At this time, Zhao Xun wanted to show his powerful strength.

But after they can fully demonstrate their strength, then at least they can stabilize the primordial spirit.


At this time, Zhao Xun blurted out.

Third Senior Brother Long Qingquan, Sixth Senior Brother Lu Guangdou, and Tenth Senior Brother Xu Rong immediately understood what Junior Junior Brother Zhao Xun meant when they heard the words.

Because they have used Heshenjutsu many times with each other, they have long been familiar with it, and they tacitly know it.

On the contrary, Wu Quanyi, the master Qinglian Daoist, was taken aback for a moment.

Because before this, he had never had the energy to use the Heshen Art with his apprentice Zhao Xun.

After Zhao Xun realized this, he said to his teacher Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi alone: ​​"Master, He Shenju."


Master Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi just woke up like a dream.

Good guy, this Heshen Art is simply amazing.

I saw that Zhao Xun first put up a shelf, and then Long Qingquan, Lu Guangdou, and Xu Rong came out of their bodies and merged with Zhao Xun's soul.

This state is actually enjoyed by Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi very much.

So after that, he followed suit and began to integrate the primordial spirit according to the gourd painting.

In Qinglian Daoist Wu Quanyi's view, the process of merging the primordial spirit is actually quite interesting.

When a person's thinking begins to undergo a huge change, then the rhythm of everything will be completely different.

At this moment, their thinking is quite open.

Because of this, everything seemed to be quite smooth.

There were not even any flaws in the whole process.

At this moment, no one cares about any external changes anymore.

To say a bad word, no matter how big the outside world changes at this time, it doesn't matter.

At this moment, even if Diadonas Lorenzo Hafrefs came in person, it would not affect their operations.

Soon, the primordial spirits of the five people were completely integrated into one.Therefore, there is no abnormal movement in the face of a powerful earthquake.

At this moment, a monster covered in scales came out of the ground.

This monster looks very strange, it seems to be a combination of jackals, tigers and leopards, but it also has lizard legs and snake tails, just like a combination monster.

tsk tsk.
In this case, Zhao Xun was actually shocked.

Good guy, he really didn't expect things to be so shocking.

Sometimes Zhao Xun's thoughts are actually very clear.

But he really didn't think that such a violent earthquake would actually be caused by the sudden impact of this monster from below the surface.

This shocking feeling was far beyond Zhao Xun's expectation.This shocking feeling is hard for Zhao Xun to feel.

When having some different feelings, in fact, Zhao Xun is really constantly expanding his cognition.

After gaining cognition, in fact, the rhythm of everything is completely different.

tsk tsk.
At this moment, Zhao Xun was actually thinking hard about what kind of monster this was.

He seems to have never seen it before, and it seems that there has never been a similar record in the library of the academy.

tsk tsk.
"My dear, what the hell is going on? This is simply a more terrifying existence than Diadonas Lorenzo Haverfus."

Zhao Xun was not being hypocritical when he said this, but he really thought that this monster was far more terrifying than Diadonas Lorenzo Haverifs.

Because it is obvious that the hard power of this monster is stronger than that of Diadonas Lorenzo Haverifs in any aspect.

The size of this monster is completely crushing the existence of Diadonas Lorenzo Hafrefs.

The reason why the latter is dreadful is more because of the injection of the dark power of the God of Darkness.That's all.

Putting this aside, it's really nothing to be afraid of.

At this time, Zhao Xun had to control his emotions and rhythm reasonably.

He knew that the monster in front of him was not good.

So at this time, he should be able to underestimate the enemy even more.

At this time, if there is still a situation of underestimating the enemy, the consequences will be even more terrible.

tsk tsk.
At this time, you can't be hypocritical anymore.

If it continues to be hypocritical, it will be difficult to sustain no matter what the situation is.

Everything at the moment needs constant grinding, and only when it reaches a certain level of grinding can the power of the divine art be brought into full play.

(End of this chapter)

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