Chapter 792
Not all people can reasonably control their emotions.

When faced with great difficulties, it is really difficult to calm down.

At this moment, it is even more necessary to control one's emotions.

If not, it will definitely lead to a lot of terrible things to happen.

For the remnants of the Demon Sect, there is only one real thought in their minds at this moment, and that is to escape.

When not to run at this time.

If they were caught up by Zhao Xun, then they would have absolutely no chance of escaping.

Difficult, all of this is quite difficult.

So at this moment, they must reasonably control everything and seize every opportunity to escape.

This has to be done.

At any point in time, it is very difficult to make a correct choice. When you are facing many challenges, it is very important to control any details.

Not everyone can control their emotions well, and not everyone can control their own proportions.

When there are some problems in the process of control, the consequences are actually unimaginable.

Not everyone can make the details so perfect, and not everyone can reasonably control their own operations.

This is the case with these demon sect remnants.

Their strength was not bad, but when they faced Zhao Xun, they seemed very flustered and confused.

No matter when it is, no matter what point in time, it needs to be reasonably controlled.

Otherwise, it will definitely cause an unparalleled pressure.

Zhao Xun's pursuit was too fierce.

Such a ferocious pursuit cannot be stopped by anyone.

In many cases, making a reasonable choice is quite critical.

If there is a problem with the choice, the result will be quite difficult.

Not all people can have a good judgment at the beginning.

Once there is a problem with the judgment, it will cause quite a lot of trouble in the future.

As long as there are too many troubles, it will definitely be a pretty bad experience.

For these demon sect remnants, in fact, they are unlikely to accept this kind of result.

When the pressure you face becomes enormous, your thinking will change dramatically.

This kind of experience is definitely beyond the control of ordinary people.

In many cases, when a person can reasonably control his emotions, any sense of crisis is nothing.

In many cases, when the choice is clear, there will be no hypocrisy at all.

But the problem lies in the choice.

If you encounter many problems when choosing at the beginning, it is actually quite difficult to deal with.

For example, the remnants of the Demon Sect, there was obviously something wrong with their escape direction.

When encountering this kind of pressure, the whole person's thinking will also undergo a huge change.

At this time, Zhao Xun's pursuit was really too tight.

Encountering such a great pressure is definitely not something that ordinary people can bear.

When faced with such a huge pressure situation, it is simply normal to make mistakes.

Sometimes, when people can reasonably control their emotions, everything becomes different.

When people can reasonably control everything, everything becomes completely different.

This kind of emotion is very critical, and the control of this kind of emotion is very important.

When the remnants of the Demon Sect made wrong choices, they had to be responsible for their own choices.

Not everyone can do this.

Not everyone can reasonably control their emotions.

No matter what the situation is, the choice can make people completely present a different state.

At this stage, Zhao Xun's pursuit can be said to be too fierce.

It is so fierce that it is difficult for ordinary people to resist.

Faced with such a huge crisis, the remnants of the Demon Sect finally thought of the Qimen Dunjia technique.

Because relying on one's own strength is not enough to escape.

Therefore, under timely control, using an illusion from the Qimen Dunjia to confuse the opponent and escape from the sky is the only way that the remnants of the Demon Sect can use right now.

In fact, the effect of this method is actually very good.

As long as they are willing to use it, it should be possible to achieve a good feeling in the end.

In any case, choice is quite critical.

At any time, when a person can make the most reasonable choice, there is basically no need for any hesitation.

Selection is critical, and selection is quite critical anyway.

So when they can figure out this truth, they will never struggle again.

The handling of details at this moment can make people experience a completely different feeling.

At this stage, reasonable control over the details of oneself is beyond the experience of ordinary people.

At this moment, they began to use Qimen Dunjia.

There is nothing to be ashamed of.

Everything is for survival, under the premise of being able to survive, there is nothing to worry about.

It's all about surviving.

What's wrong with trying to survive?
They absolutely want to live.

There is nothing wrong with wanting to live, and wanting to live can make them have some stronger competitiveness in the future.

This is not easy, but if possible, they must be able to survive.

The remnants of the Demon Sect no longer have any other thoughts in their minds at this moment.

Let's run, and you have to use a tricky way, and you must not make any small mistakes in judgment, otherwise, you will definitely end up in doom.

Difficult, all of this is quite difficult.

Not everyone is able to control the details so well.

When faced with a crisis situation, it is still necessary to make a reasonable decision.

If you can't think clearly at this time, then you won't have the slightest ability to resist pressure when facing a crisis.

Make necessary choices when necessary.

Necessary choices can help the remnants of the Demon Sect survive.

Survival itself is quite critical.

When a person has an unparalleled strength at the beginning, there is still hope for survival.

Not everyone wants to be played with in a threatened situation.

In many cases, the choice itself is very double-sided.

Sometimes you choose the right one.It also depends on how the other party chooses.

Only when the opponent makes a wrong choice can you maximize your benefits.

Otherwise, it would definitely be a very terrible thing.

Not all choices are effective in any situation.

Because if the opponent also chooses the right one, even if you choose the right one, the effect will not be so good.

The choices people make in different situations will bring people completely different feelings.

Everyone's choice will bring about a completely different situation.

At this point in time, the remnants of the Demon Sect chose to use Qimen Dunjia, so it can be said that they really made the right choice.

The choice at this point in time can be said to be completely just right.

No more tangling.

At this moment, there is no need to entangle any more.

Reasonably control your emotions. As long as you can reasonably control your emotions at this moment, you don't need to have any more entanglements.

Controlling emotions is actually a very easy thing in itself.

When you can grasp all these things clearly, everything becomes simple.

At least at this moment, the remnants of the Demon Sect don't need to have any hesitation in this situation.

The hesitation itself is actually quite embarrassing.When a person's mood begins to fluctuate greatly, it means that they may be under tremendous pressure in the future.

This kind of pressure is difficult for ordinary people to control.

These pressures must be properly channeled before they can be released.

But they obviously don't have time to think about these things now.

Because at this stage, the first thing they need to consider is survival.

Only by surviving, other things matter.

If they can't even survive at this point in time, what's the point of anything else?

No matter at any time, when you choose to make a mistake, you will inevitably have to bear the consequences.

Once the hips are stretched in the face of tremendous pressure, it will be over.

Not all people can make you resist the pressure.

Not just anyone can make you withstand these pressures.

To put it bluntly, you have to rely on yourself in the end.

When you yourself can withstand such a huge pressure, then you are the strongest person, and you are the most beautiful boy.

After all, at this moment, Zhao Xun's pursuit will not slow down.

Under the condition that Zhao Xun's pursuit will not slow down, what they have to do is to flee as far as possible.

Using Qimen Dunjia can form a good cover.

Once you have a good cover then there is no need for any further struggles.

At this moment, everything will be different after controlling your emotions.

Tsk tsk tsk, choice is quite critical in any situation.

Any time, when they make the right choice, then hope is much greater.

When a person is faced with tremendous pressure, he can actually look forward to it.

Because it can make people have an infinite possibility in the future.

The possibilities are truly exciting.

Not all people can make people feel a lot.

When faced with a crisis, they still need to bear enough huge pressure.

So this matter itself doesn’t matter. The key point is that you can control your emotions well, and you can reasonably control what you should do when a crisis arises.

This is the most important thing, and this is what must be controlled.

Otherwise, that kind of huge pressure is definitely not something that ordinary people can withstand.

This sense of crisis definitely requires reasonable control.

Otherwise, it is possible to fall into the abyss in the end.

Once they fall into the abyss, no one can help them.

That feeling of hopelessness can really break people's emotions.

Zhao Xun's sword energy was too fierce.

They can even imagine that once they fall into this kind of sword formation, they will be torn apart in an instant.

It was a horrible feeling.

It's not something anyone can control.

When faced with a huge crisis, people's instinct for survival still prevails.

These remnants of the Demon Sect began to flee crazily, and under such circumstances, there would be no stay at all.

Although Zhao Xun is desperately chasing after him, the effect is actually quite limited.

Zhao Xun also knew that he had tried his best, but the opponent's running speed was too fast.

Fleeing at such a fast speed, he was really powerless.

It's so hard, it's really, really hard.

Zhao Xun never thought that things would turn out like this.This kind of huge pressure is really painful.

Zhao Xun knew that the remnants of the Demon Sect had begun to use this profession again.

His old profession is illusion, or Qimen Dunjia.

The sharpness of this spell lies in the fact that it is both true and false.

There are false in the true, and true in the false.

True and false, false and true.

When faced with so many confusing situations, it is imperative to manage your emotions reasonably.

Otherwise, it is really possible to be confused by the other party.

At one point, the other party really began to confuse Zhao Xun's eyes, so it was difficult to ensure that his thinking would remain in a stable state within a certain period of time.

Once you start to encounter a crisis, it will really become quite bad.

At this point in time, Zhao Xun needs to control his emotions reasonably. As long as he can control his emotions reasonably, he will be able to show a better state when facing opponents.

It was obvious that the remnants of the Demon Sect had pinched him to death.

So at this stage of time, Zhao Xun's pressure is actually quite huge.

At this point in time, Zhao Xun needs to be able to adjust his state more reasonably.

Once a crisis occurs, it needs to be controlled as much as possible.

This is actually not a difficult thing, it is actually an instinctive choice.

Zhao Xun is not a hypocritical person.

When he faces a crisis, he will naturally choose the most suitable option.

As long as you choose the right one, there is actually no such huge pressure.

The reason why the pressure is high is essentially because one's own strength is not that strong, and if there is a problem with the choice, it is really quite difficult to deal with.

If the choice is correct, basically nothing too outrageous will happen.

At critical moments, people should show some different temperament.

In this case, the pressure will not be so huge, and everything will be fine.

Otherwise, the possibility of being dragged down in the end is not without possibility.

Zhao Xun is a very strong person, he can always track his opponents through his own efforts.

Zhao Xun's ability to track is very powerful.

So when he chooses a target, he will not change it easily, but will follow it consistently.

No matter how big the crisis is during the whole process, Zhao Xun will still control his emotions reasonably.

Although difficult, this process is necessary.

When he can fully control his emotions, any details become simple.

This time is actually the time to fight for rhythm and details.

When he can fill up all of these, he doesn't need to have any hesitation at all.

The reason why people start to hesitate is because of lack of strength.

But Zhao Xun's strength is absolutely sufficient.

So when he can fully realize his strength, it is still very helpful for tracking opponents.

The sense of crisis can sometimes make people feel desperate.

But Zhao Xun was able to downplay the sense of crisis very well.

After he downplayed the sense of crisis, everything was different.

Tsk tsk tsk, it's not easy, all of this is quite difficult.

It's hard to control, it's really not easy.

Zhao Xun has now formed his own set of effective methods.

And Zhao Xun believes that as long as he can continue to implement this method, he can still achieve good results in the future.

In many cases, it is necessary to choose the right one.

If you choose the wrong one, it's a complete waste of time.

There is no need to waste time, and wasting time will cause a person's state to take a turn for the worse.

At this point in time, Zhao Xun has been reasonably controlling his emotions, and he is constantly adjusting.

So when he can control all this, everything becomes easy.

Tsk tsk tsk, it's not easy, all of this is quite difficult.

In fact, Zhao Xun has been working hard to control all this.

So when he started to track with all his strength, there was no pressure at all.

But what I have to say is that the spells of the Qimen Dunjia, the remnants of the Demon Sect, are indeed quite well grasped.

Even Zhao Xun couldn't be completely unaffected.

During the period of time when Zhao Xun started to track him down, this kind of emotion is likely to continue to spread.

As long as this feeling continues to spread, it will be quite difficult for Zhao Xun.

Not all people are able to control their mentality under any circumstances, and not all the time people are able to handle their own affairs well.

Zhao Xun also knew this, so Zhao Xun didn't dare to slack off.

He knew very well in his heart what he should do.

Sometimes choosing the right one is all that matters.

When the correct premise is chosen, the sense of crisis will be diluted.

This feeling can be said to be unparalleled.

Zhao Xun has always been a very calm person, so when he fully adapted, the feeling of disdain in his heart completely disappeared.

What they can do at this point in time is to completely adapt themselves to this rhythm.

Adapting is not that difficult in nature, it will only increase his own pressure.

But in essence, Zhao Xun is a person who is not afraid of challenges.

So Zhao Xun didn't feel that this would put him under tremendous pressure.

In fact, as long as Zhao Xun can control his emotions well, he still believes that he can better form a follow-up in the future.

This pressure will not be so huge.

As long as he can control it well, the remnants of the Demon Sect will definitely be wiped out by Zhao Xun.

Zhao Xun is very confident, Zhao Xun can definitely reach his ultimate state.

Zhao Xun firmly believed in this.

So what he has to do at this moment is to do his part well, and don't think about other things at all.

As long as Zhao Xun can do this, then the victory will definitely belong to the Academy in the end.

Zhao Xun is a very realistic person, so he will definitely be successful in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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