Chapter 286 Returning to Cover the Sky
At the foot of Mount Tai, the parking lot.

[Participate in witnessing the major events in the perfect world: the catastrophe of the eight domains, the most important transformation of Shi Hao's life, and get a reward of a pot of true blood of the ancient ten fierce unicorns.

Li An was sitting on the rocking chair, but in his palm suddenly appeared a small porcelain bottle as white as suet jade.

It is full of light and color, and from time to time, the symbol of the Great Dao emerges, and strands of fairy lights overflow, condensing into a terrifying white unicorn in the void, roaring up to the sky, looking down on everything.

People who are oppressed by that kind of breath will suffocate and cannot breathe.

Qilin true blood!

This is the precious blood of the ancient ten fierce unicorns, a treasure that countless monks have dreamed of, but at this moment Li An's eyes revealed a trace of disappointment.

Although precious, it did not meet his expectations.

Logically speaking, the major event of the Eight Realms Catastrophe of the Lower Realm has a pivotal position, and in this event, Shi Hao has experienced the most important transformation in his life.

In the original book, Shi Hao successfully beheaded the seven powerhouses of the Divine Fire Realm in the lower realm, but he himself was seriously injured and dying, and the supreme bone in his body was broken into pieces one after another.

Before he died, he took out the second supreme bone bred in his body and transplanted it into his younger brother Qin Hao's body, and his life came to an end.

In the end, he was buried on a short hill in Shicun.

But he didn't really die. He transformed in the cemetery, completely guiding the supreme blood in his chest to his whole body, opening a path of invincibility.

And in this catastrophe of the Eight Regions, the reason why Li An sat back and watched Shi Hao die under the siege of those god-fire powerhouses from the upper realm at the end was because he didn't want to destroy his important transformation this time.


The next moment, a river of galaxies rushed out of the porcelain vase, directly submerging into Ang Li's chest, like a galaxy flowing backwards.

There, chaos was raging, and the avenue seemed to be obliterated, like a fairy fetus being conceived, and a more intense law of the immortal emperor overflowed from it.

It wasn't until half a moment later that all the visions subsided and calm was restored.


Li An just shook his head after glancing at it.

This person is afraid of comparison.

The bone in my little one's body has grown out twice, but when it comes to me, it's delicious and delicious, but it's only half formed.

"Sigh, it's been a long time since I went to see Xiao Ye Zi."

Sitting on the rocking chair, watching the cars coming and going in the underground garage, Li An was a little bored.

He couldn't help but miss the time when Ye Fan returned to Earth, how happy it was to be a security guard at the foot of Mount Tai with him?
It's a pity that now he is the only old man left alone, staying on the earth alone.

Empty and lonely and cold.

Or, just go and see Little Leaf?

Li An thought in his heart, but the next moment he shook his head violently.

This is not good, how can you give up sticking to your ten-year-long post just to take a look at Xiao Yezi?
He is very professional!


Calculating the time, more than ten years have passed, should I go to press for the parking fee?


The sea of ​​stars.

This is the journey every teenager longs for.

The vast universe, the boundless starry sky, the billions of shining stars, the treasures buried at the end of the universe, everything is imaginative.

But the real scene is cold and dark, silent and eternal.


But on this lonely road, a young man with black hair and shawl is advancing alone.

His eyes were deep and his aura was extremely powerful, but he still couldn't hide the tiredness on his face.

It has been ten years since he left the Big Dipper Starfield and set foot on the ancient road of starry sky.

During this period, he passed through the Eternal Starfield.

This is a star field combining technology and monks. It is extremely prosperous, and it is exactly the future world described in science fiction on Earth.

And after those monks who started from the Big Dipper Star Field and set foot on the ancient road of trials, came to this star field, information about the Big Dipper also spread like wildfire.

After learning the coordinates of the Big Dipper Starfield, the senior figures in the Eternal Starfield went crazy.

Because for them, the Big Dipper is a treasure, which contains too many divine minerals. If they can get it, they can definitely extract a large amount of the strongest evolution fluid.

At that time, they can take this one step further.

Afterwards, a group of saints with red eyes headed towards the Big Dipper Star Field on the interstellar mothership, shouting to cultivate and plunder.

It's just a barren star field, and the technology hasn't even been developed. Didn't they use it randomly in the past?

But Ye Fan, who witnessed all this, just shook his head.

For this collision between technology and magic, if it was before, before embarking on the road of practice, it would definitely be considered that the Eternal Star Field would win a big victory.

Truth lies within the range of the cannon.

But now, there is already a different view.

The Eternal Star Field is certainly powerful, with a high level of technology, and even ordinary people can navigate the space.

But the Big Dipper Starfield is not a fuel-efficient lamp, it is the burial place of ancient emperors and great emperors, and the ancient ancestors of thousands of races alone are enough to drink a pot.

Not to mention, there is Senior Li sitting in charge.

This battle is destined to have only one outcome.

Soon, as he expected, the fleet of the Eternal Star Field Expedition fled back in a hurry, their faces were full of fear, and they all lost their minds.

Let the entire Eternal Star Territory vibrate and make a commotion, from the most holy to the ordinary people, it is all unbelievable.

This is their most powerful and proud fleet, shouldn't it be overwhelming to conquer a wild star field?
But now he fled back in embarrassment and was defeated by a group of natives who didn't even have technology?

It's really hard to accept.

After the news was sent back, Ye Fan stopped delaying in the Eternal Starfield and continued on the road.

This time, he left for ten years, walking alone along that ancient road, following the footsteps of the former sages, and embarked on the road of trials of the strongest.

Away from the Beidou and across eternity, there are constant crises and bloody battles along the way, and he fought all the way here.

This ancient starry sky road is worthy of being called the trial of the strongest in history. The difficulties encountered and the horror of facing the strong are unknown to outsiders.

No wonder even the Eucharist shed blood on this ancient road.

During the ten-year journey, he has seen the sage king of the ant clan, defeated the remnant saint in the stone, fought the remnants of the spirit clan, cut thorns, and walked against the sun and the moon.

This is his exhausting ten years, but also his rewarding ten years, witnessing one strong man after another and encountering thousands of secret arts.

Along the way, he left behind a period of undefeated mythology, powerful in foreign lands, and achieved a great reputation.

In the icy universe, the darkness is boundless, the lonely traveler savors loneliness in the silence, he travels through star fields one by one alone.

Although there are many dangers, Ye Fan's will is always firm and unshakable.

But looking at the lonely dark universe, he was a little confused.

During the ten years of conquests, he has advanced triumphantly along the way, without encountering a real life-or-death crisis, defeated the Tianjiao monks of all ethnic groups, and blazed an invincible path.


Now I don't know where I am.

The universe is too vast, and even the stars are as small as dust. Compared with the crises he encountered along the way, this kind of loneliness and loneliness of not knowing where to go is the real test.

"When is the end?"

Ye Fan whispered, ten years of exhaustion, ten years of harvest, his heart is unmoved, his mind is as iron, and he has adapted to all of this.

But the yearning in his heart became more and more intense. He missed Beidou, the earth, his parents and old friends. I wonder if they are doing well now?

There was an urge to turn around, but he suppressed it in the end.

This is a path of no retreat.

Moving on, a death star appeared in front of him, and Ye Fan landed directly on the star without hesitation.

He was not in danger. There were bones of alien beasts on this planet, which were as huge as a mountain and had long been extinct.

Another two months passed in a flash, he killed a group of ghostly and terrifying soul bodies, his mind was tortured, he broke through a hellish death star, and finally had a turning point.

Searching in the sea of ​​consciousness of a ghost saint, there are creatures in the depths of the universe ahead, and they are human beings, not Jedi anymore.

There is no better news than this, the boring journey is finally coming to an end, which makes him excited.


Ye Fan looked into the depths of the universe, and there was no turning back. No matter how dangerous the road ahead was, even if it was the Netherworld, he would have to make a breakthrough.

He walked forward in the lonely universe. After more than ten days, he crossed several times with the help of small five-color altars, and finally found a special path.

Came to another starry sky, here is no longer the Death Star, there is a stone tablet to guide the front.

Guided by the stele, he traveled quickly in the universe, and walked for two days in a row. On the way, he saw dozens of ancient steles, pointing ahead.

During this process, he met some people one after another, and felt a kind of anger, which was no longer so dead.

Finally, he came to the destination guided by the stele.

"That is……"

Ye Fan looked forward, his originally calm eyes suddenly became a little dazed.

There, there is a majestic giant city, but it is not located on the stars of life, but suspended in the starry sky of the universe. There is a kind of vast atmosphere, flowing with immortal power.

"An ancient city under the starry sky..." Ye Fan was a little surprised.

This ancient city gave him the feeling of being mysterious and grand, as if it existed forever, telling the ancient history of the entire human race.

The moon is shining, the stars are shining like waterfalls, and silver-white galaxies hang down, which can be described as a place close to the gods.

The city wall is like a mountain, stretching endlessly, the city tower is tall and magnificent, and a pair of thick city gates are closed, which seems to be able to block thousands of troops, as well as the ancient saints!

In front of the ancient city, the heroes were silent, only the ferocious birds and beasts were neighing, extremely depressing, and the ancient city was full of oppression.

"Here, it seems that this is the first level of the human race."

Ye Fan stared at this ancient city, and he recalled some information about the ancient road in the starry sky that Uncle Li had told him on Earth.

There is not only one ancient road for the strongest trial, but many "small ancient roads", and what he wants to take is the ancient road of the human race.

On this road, there are many nodes and checkpoints. Only after passing through hundreds of checkpoints can one walk to the real only ancient road and compete for the throne.

And the city in front of him now is the first pass on the road to the strongest trial of the human race.

In a sense, this is the starting point of the strongest trial ancient road, and only those who have reached here are eligible for the next competition.

Only when you come here can you really step on the ancient road of trials.

But when Ye Fan walked to this majestic giant city, he found that there were already more than a hundred people waiting in front of the city, all of them were alone, everyone was the protagonist of the place, and all of them were outstanding.

None of them are weak, and some of them have even sanctified their mounts, dominating one side and majestic.

The city gate was closed and there was no sign of opening.

The first level of the human race is opened every six months to five years, and it is not yet time to open it.

Ye Fan was not in a hurry, he also sat on one side, waiting quietly.

After waiting for a full day and night, there was no fighting in this place, and everyone was very restrained, and there were more people in the process.

Most of them came from the depths of the star field and gathered here. In the end, there were more than four hundred people. This is an astonishing number.

In the end, a total of 430 seven people rushed to the first level of the human race and faced the vast city.

"Into the customs!"

Finally, a divine sense came, resounding like Huang Zhong Dalu, the bones of many people shaking, blood rushing, showing a look of horror.

The ancient city gate creaked open, and it was extremely heavy. This was a giant city standing in the starry sky, with an environment suitable for human survival.

430 The seven monks either urged their mounts, or walked on foot, and walked forward. Everyone was not calm.

And Ye Fan also walked into this ancient city together.

In the city, apart from the testers and guardians who came from distant star fields, there are also many original residents, many of whom are descendants of the former testers.

After Ye Fan entered the city, he walked around the streets to learn about various situations, and wanted to find out the whereabouts of Pang Bo, Ji Ziyue and others.

But after wandering around, there was no useful news at all.

In desperation, he had no choice but to find an inn to stay in, and was going to make some repairs in the city before continuing on the road.

But on the second day, a piece of news caused a sensation in the whole city. A seed-level powerhouse fell, died in his residence, and was mercilessly shot to death.

"What's going on, who was killed?"

The soldiers surrounded the place, but they failed to arrest the murderer immediately, which caused a lot of controversy.

"You just don't know it. There have always been unsolved cases. If they can't be found out, they will be closed." The aborigine said.

"How could this be, can't you find the murderer even if you connect with the envoy?" Zhu Xiong was dissatisfied.

"Many strong men come from the boundless universe and the vast star field. Many of them are inherited from ancient secret places. There are some strange taboo secret arts. Even if they are as powerful as a messenger, it is difficult to find clues."

As a result, the monks in the city became more cautious, wary of each other, and no longer trusted anyone.

Because, it was rumored that he was actually a saint who practiced Taoism for more than 430 years, and his Taoism was profound.

An undercurrent is surging, murderous intent is everywhere, and people realize that maybe something similar will happen again.

And in the next few days, another bloody incident occurred, someone was assassinated in the residence, and people were panicked for a while.

With the fueling and fanning the flames of people with good intentions, this scapegoat was pinned on Ye Fan's head for no apparent reason.

Within the second day, people started to target Ye Fan one after another, led by Tian Huang Shi San Qi.

These 13 people came from an ancient star field, and their strength was unpredictable. They fought bloody battles all the way, and they were invincible. They were all alarmed and listed as seed-level players.

Before entering the city, they had friction with Ye Fan, and saw Ye Fan's strength. These days, they are spreading rumors, identifying him as the assassin, and planning to use the guardians in the city to kill this powerful opponent. .

But after all, they underestimated Ye Fan, and all kinds of conspiracies and tricks were smashed by a pair of iron fists.

Thirteen knights, all fell in the First World War.

The whole city was clamoring, and the connection messengers were all shocked. They didn't expect Ye Fan to be so powerful.

Fight to fame.

The days that followed were peaceful and there was no more bloodshed.

Ye Fan did not continue to attack, but everyone knew that this was an existence that could not be provoked.

And on this day, the trial field of the first level of the human race finally opened, and all the trialists will undergo the first test and selection here before they can continue on the road.

But for Ye Fan, there was no suspense. His strength was undoubted, and it was fully demonstrated in this trial. No one who tried him could catch his move.

"Could it be, is it really another young supreme being like Di Tian, ​​Ba Wang, etc.?"

Someone whispered, their eyes shocked.

The names of those people make people tremble, and they are simply invincible in the world!
More than [-] years have passed, but no one will forget that it suffocates many monks. They are all god-like existences, and they have begun to assume the aura of a great emperor.

And now is there another one?
After passing the trial of the ancient road, Ye Fan continued to inquire about the news of the old man in the city, but he still found nothing.

It cast a haze over his heart.

On this day, he finally decided not to stop and was ready to continue on the road.

This news shocked everyone in the city, even the city lord of the first pass, they all came to see him off.

"City Lord, I wonder if you have ever heard of the name Ye Chengxian?"

After leaving, Ye Fan asked the city lord with a heartbeat.

Half of the reason why he embarked on this ancient path of trials was to find his sister, whom he had never met so far, and to worry about her safety.

But unexpectedly, after hearing his question, the city lord of the first level of the human race frowned and pondered for a long time before shaking his head and saying, "I haven't heard of it."

Ye Fan was astonished, why?
When she was in Beidou, her younger sister was already against the heavens, and the three ancient princes who beat her joined forces and would flee in embarrassment. If she stepped on the ancient road of trials, her strength would definitely be impressive.

But why no one has heard of it now?

Did he set foot on another ancient trial road, or did Uncle Li lie to him again that his sister didn't set foot on the ancient starry sky road at all?
He couldn't figure it out.

"By the way, don't you know the name of the little brother?" the city lord asked.

"Holy Eucharist Yefan."

Ye Fan whispered, there was a sense of pride between his brows, his name was destined to shake this ancient road of trials.

After all, he stepped into the starry sky and headed towards the next level.


Behind him, the city lord, who was originally smiling, was stunned, and a dusty memory appeared in his mind for a long time.

(End of this chapter)

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