Chapter 287 The Prophecy Hundreds of Years Ago
The Eucharist of the Buried Emperor Star is here!

On this day, the second holy city of the human race shook, and soon the news spread to the front of the ancient road, causing an uproar.

Like a storm, sweeping in all directions, with a tendency to swallow mountains and rivers with arrogance.

"What, Emperor Burying Star? Could it be the star that the ancient emperor left far away in his later years?"

"Holy Body. This is an extremely powerful physique. I haven't set foot on the ancient road of starry sky for 10 years. Unexpectedly, it has appeared again now!"

The people on the ancient road were all surprised and made a noise.

It is rumored that the Buried Emperor Star is an ancient land. Since ancient times, many powerful people have walked out. Even the ancient emperors will descend on this star in their later years. There are rumors that the road to immortality will be on this star. open.

And the powerful physique of the holy body is even more eye-catching. Who doesn't know that the holy body can be called the great emperor of Pangu?

Every time you are born, you will fight until the ancient road collapses.

"Is that rumor true?"

When people were talking about it, the older generation of monks on the ancient road also got the news, but after hearing Ye Fan's name, they all looked strange.

"Senior, what's the matter with you, what rumors?" Someone asked curiously.

These people were all former testers. After they had no hope of competing for the Emperor's Road, they all chose to stay on the ancient road and become a guardian.

"That was a long time ago"

Someone from the older generation spoke, and a long memory appeared in his mind.

Once upon a time, there was a tester like them who walked this ancient road to the starry sky, but this person's style of painting was obviously different from other testers.

The other trainees either marched forward triumphantly and fought endless battles, or overthrew everything. They were invincible and showed a peerless imperial posture.

Everyone who walks on this ancient starry sky road has only one purpose, that is to prove the Tao and become an emperor, so they all have a proud and invincible heart, and they don't believe that they will be weaker than anyone else.

It has always been an upright battle, and I don't bother to take advantage of others' dangers, otherwise, even if I win, it will ruin my invincibility.

But that person was fine, he just threw his invincibility heart on the ground, and he didn't forget to step on his feet, cheating and abducting, and doing everything he could.

Using some low-handed means, even the strongest young supreme beings were humiliated and extremely embarrassed.

Makes everyone gnash their teeth.

In the end, that person still said triumphantly that he didn't defeat them, but left it to the latecomers to sharpen that's all.

In the end, that person also left behind a rumor that after hundreds of years, a man named Ye Fan will go on the road, overthrow all opponents, suppress nine heavens and ten lands, be invincible in the world, and become emperor.

This rumor caused a sensation at that time. Although that person was very shameless, he knew everything about the past and the present, and he knew some secrets in ancient history in detail, and he even made predictions many times.

As a result, they all corresponded one by one.

Therefore, many people paid great attention to that prophecy. After all, it involved the throne, and it is still fresh in their memory.

I had almost forgotten it, but I didn't expect that now, a person named Ye Fan was really on the road.


This Ye Fan is actually a Eucharist?
Since ancient times, it has become a consensus that the holy body cannot become an emperor, but that person said that this man named Ye Fan could become an emperor?
Some of the older generation of trainees who wanted to invest in advance and hold their thighs lost interest all of a sudden, shaking their heads and laughing in their hearts.

How could he take that person's nonsense back then seriously?

It's just that so many years have passed, and I don't know how the old man is doing now?How do you feel about this result.


Maybe he's dead already.

It's really too daring, to go to the tyrant ancestor star, and even provoke a great tyrant.

And under the pursuit of that domineering body, there is absolutely no way out.

Many people shook their heads and sighed, they couldn't avenge their past and ridicule them in public.

And Ye Fanren hadn't started on the road yet, but his name had already spread, causing a big shock in front of the Starry Sky Ancient Road and attracting attention from all directions.

Many of the trainees who had stayed on the ancient road were all recalled by this name, sneered, and waited for Ye Fan's arrival.

"I was negligent. I didn't know you were here before. I don't think the whole ancient road will be lonely anymore." On the occasion of parting, the lord of the second city of the human race said such a sentence to Ye Fan, which was very meaningful.

Ye Fan was puzzled, always feeling that the city lord had something to say, but he had no evidence.

Not only did he feel strange in the mouth of the city lord, but after entering the second holy city, he always felt that some veterans looked at him strangely.

At first he was already because he was the Eucharist, but then he felt that things were not that simple.

In the end, he asked the city lord of the second holy city, but he only saw a smile on his face and didn't ask anything.

Ye Fan didn't ask any more questions, and continued to move forward. With the baptism of life and death trials, he passed nine levels in a row.

And the time has passed more than a year.

After stepping through the galaxy and breaking through a large area of ​​restricted life, he came to the tenth level of the human race.

In the dark universe, a holy city hangs in space, radiating holy light, revolving around an ancient star, like a satellite.

Standing in this city and looking down, you can see some vague mountains and rivers on the star of life below. There are even terrifying creatures flying into the sky, and a terrible whistle is heard, shaking the vast universe.

This is the tenth level, located on an ancient planet of life, it is different, this is an ancient land full of vitality.

And the tenth pass is also very special, it is an important pass on the ancient road of the human race, full of dangers, but also contains infinite opportunities.

After entering the holy city of the tenth level, Ye Fan obviously felt that it was different from the first nine cities, it was bigger and more crowded.

This city is suspended in space, revolving around the ancient life star below, and it is unknown how many testers have been stranded in the past few decades.

For various reasons, many people stopped here and did not hit the road. It is not that they are not strong, but they have their own goals.


Suddenly, a chilling roar shook the heavens and the earth, and a stone man appeared outside the second holy city, roaring towards the ancient city.

The terrifying coercion made the entire ancient city tremble, as if it would collapse at any moment!

"Holy Spirit!" Ye Fan was taken aback.

I didn't expect to encounter such a catastrophe as soon as I arrived here. A stone man named Holy Spirit was born and attacked the tenth holy city of the human race.

Soon, the envoys in the city made a move and repelled the holy spirit, but the incident did not end yet.

In the following days, this storm will intensify, and the Holy Spirit Clan will lead thousands of troops to attack this star field.

The testers in the tenth level were all panicked and left early to avoid disaster.

After Ye Fan completed the trial of this level, he did not choose to leave like other trialists, he stayed.

Prepare to resist the Holy Spirit Clan together with the warriors in the city.

He thought of what the god king Jiang Taixu said to himself in the past, that the holy body has been the guardian of the human race since ancient times, suppressing darkness and turmoil, and shedding the last drop of blood.

And his junior, naturally, cannot shame the ancestors, even if his strength may be insignificant in this battle, he still has to stay and do his part.

Four days later.

The sky is clear and the blue sky is like washing.

However, a loud roar suddenly came, and the entire ancient star shook, and many mountains and rivers collapsed directly!

The supreme holy prestige came, and a big hand came from the star field, appeared in the sky, and grabbed the tenth city of the human race!

"Human race, your fortunes have come to an end. This life is far from being comparable to other races. It is destined to fall behind, and it is destined that no emperor will be born! Build the Tao and become an immortal, and you will miss it."

The majestic voice came, and the big hand didn't know thousands of miles around, covering the sky and grasping the tenth city of the human race into the palm.

In the cosmic starry sky, a huge stone man appeared, bloody and bloody, making the entire star field tremble, his eyes were as frightening as a torch, he stood upright, and his height did not know how many thousands of miles.

This is a mighty Holy Spirit!

"Spirit of the Holy Spirit, you have crossed the line!" A voice came out, and the human race guardian appeared to fight against the terrifying Holy Spirit.

The sky is torn apart, ghosts cry and gods howl, and the foreign army comes, attacking from the universe, murderous for eternity, shocking the entire ancient road of the starry sky.

The battle has begun!
Unprecedented, the entire starry sky is in flames of war, and even the ancient road has been destroyed.

It was a difficult time, full of blood.

No one expected that this battle lasted for 18 years, and it has not yet ended. These star fields are in great turmoil.

Not only the battle between the holy spirit clan and the human race, but also several powerful clans got involved later, even if they wanted to retreat, they couldn't retreat, and even powerful main clans from other star fields came.

The battles continued, blood rained, and this ancient road was desolate.

During these 18 years, Ye Fan never left, stayed in the Second Holy City, and fought against various races, all the time, all the time, almost all the way.

Sharpen yourself with the most brutal bloody battles, pass through mountains of corpses and seas of blood, and crawl through endless piles of dead people.

He has gone through all kinds of life and death honing, like a peerless heavenly sword, shining brightly and extremely sharp, hidden in the scabbard.

At the same time, Ye Fan's prestige resounded throughout the starry sky, and he was crushing in the duels of the younger generation. Even the so-called invincible Holy Spirit lineage was beheaded by him several times.

You must know that the lineage of the Holy Spirit is born and raised, and if it is born consummately, it can be compared to the ancient emperor.

And how many holy spirits can there be in such a huge star field?
But Ye Fan killed so many by himself, almost exterminating the stone men in this star field, which is really terrifying.

At the same time, this also caused a sensation. Rising stars of all races kept chasing him, and they all wanted to kill him, making a myth.

However, these powerhouses of various races who came here with the hope of becoming famous in World War I naturally fell, making Ye Fan's reputation more and more prosperous, and it was at the height of the sky.

Up to now, no one dares to challenge anymore, truly invincible in this starry sky.

And in these years, with his reputation spreading far and wide, he has also gained some followers, all of whom are saints.

They have also earned a great reputation, even the saint kings are unwilling to provoke, because this is a group of extraordinary saints, all of them are powerful, far surpassing the ordinary ancient saints.

In the twinkling of an eye, several years have passed, and the war that had been raging all over the world has ushered in a turning point.

Because old man Gai came, he made a strong appearance and killed a Holy Spirit who was close to Emperor Zhun, shocking all the clans and causing all parties to retreat.

In the end, the starry sky stopped fighting and the war subsided.

And Ye Fan is also ready to continue on the road. He has been delayed here for too long and cannot stay any longer.

He embarked on a new journey, marching forward, marching forward on this ancient road.

at last,

On this day, he came to Human Race City.

(End of this chapter)

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