I am in good spirits

Chapter 105 The troubles of the second generation of immortals

Chapter 105 The troubles of the second generation of immortals (updated)
"No, no, nonsense."

Drinking the stew pot that Bai Jin sent, Zhu Fu still stubbornly rejected the intern doctor's opinion, anyway, he absolutely refused to admit the embarrassment of his daughter's family, and enjoyed the deliciousness of the coconut stewed black-bone chicken with a happy face.

Bai Jin looked at Zhu Fu strangely, Zhu Fu's complexion was particularly rosy, and there was a girl's tenderness in the white. Apart from knowing that she had menstruation, she couldn't tell what kind of illness Zhu Fu had.

What made him feel even more strange was that, based on normal physiological knowledge, Zhu Fu's current state was not suitable for paddling in the pool, but Sui Ming Xing let Zhu Fu immerse himself in the boiling water and was not allowed to come out.

Bai Jin couldn't understand it at all, but he lay on the edge of the wooden pool and occasionally glanced at the water surface, waiting to see Zhu Fu's excitement.

"Hmm. Cough cough cough"

Zhu Fu, who was drinking the soup, paused, hid his cheeks to the edge of the pool and coughed, covered his mouth coughing up orange-red fire with his hand holding a spoon, and the blazing Samadhi real fire fell into the water surface to make the mist evaporate.

"Exhale the stagnated anger, and the tightness in the chest is much relieved."

Zhu Fu slowly let out a breath of burning breath. She is actually in a state of being in a state of madness, and she has entered puberty unexpectedly, which makes her weak and stagnant, causing the decline in mana control in her body.

As a second-generation immortal, Zhu Fu's physique is not that of ordinary flesh and blood like that of ordinary monks. Part of her body has the ability of an earth immortal, and it is very easy for Zhu Fu to drive the stepping fire method.

If she doesn't care about physical damage or even death, she can even summon the Nine Concealed True Fire and the Void Spiritual Fire. These are the powers of Yinghuoxing, and Zhu Futian, who inherited his blood, was born with these supernatural powers.

Inheritance does not mean that it can be used easily. Zhu Fu is now having difficulty controlling this power, and may be backlashed.

Now it is because her physique has declined, and she is being backlashed by the power from her blood. If Bai Jin kisses Zhufu now, she can burn his lips.

The pool arranged by Sui Mingxing contains formations, which can neutralize the anger in Zhu Fu's body and reduce the burden on her body.

Zhu Fu's illness was a trouble of happiness, and ordinary monks wished that there was also a natural talent hidden in their body.

If one day Bai Jin is also seriously ill and his control over the mana in his body becomes weaker, if he sneezes, he might be able to spit out a little demon in the shape of a tadpole
"I think you're up to no good!"

After Zhu Fu finished coughing, there was still some orange-red magma-like liquid hanging from the corner of his mouth, just as he wiped it off, when he was about to continue drinking the stew happily, he suddenly found Bai Jin looking directly at him.

He lowered his head and glanced down to make sure that his clothes were not loosened by the cough just now, Zhu Fuli stared back boldly.

"I think you are the one to blame! The saliva you coughed just now is magma, right? Hey!"

Bai Jin was so frightened that the white crane spread its wings, and aimed at Zhu Fu as a warning with the Mantis Fist.

It is normal for monks to breathe fire, nourish water, grow wood in the hem of their skirts, and even act as light balls that flicker and flicker. Once the mana in the body is activated, only you can't think of it, and there is nothing that those great immortals can't do.

But Zhu Fu only coughed, and she was able to cough up orange-red high-temperature liquid, and Bai Jin was frightened by her.

Now there is a picture in his head, when he was listening to the music in Wanhua Pavilion, the oiran who held the grapes in his delicate lips and fed him, would he stick a wooden stick out of his throat when he kissed him, and explode himself Tian Ling Gai?

Or a flood in the throat and blow yourself up?


"Where did you go these days? The academy didn't even see you. Deacon Huang said that you were seriously ill and asked for leave."

After bombarding each other a few times in life, after calming down, Zhu Fu continued to drink soup, and cared about the situation of the junior and younger brothers by the way.

Sui Mingxing came here in the middle of the night. At that time, she was burning in a daze, and she fell asleep when the out-of-control anger was controlled, and she did not speak to Sui Mingxing.

"I don't have anything to do, but the spiritual power in my body has reached a critical point, and I have learned something new."

Bai Jin responded casually, and did not provoke Zhu Fu, who was in an unstable state, lest the woman open her mouth and shoot flames at herself: "You should rest early. I just met Deacon Yan, and he said that there will be a new class next week."

"You care about me?"

Zhu Fu's face was full of disbelief and said: "I thought you would say that it's okay to get up and take a few steps, and say a few more words. I like to hear you say flattering words."

Junior brother Bai likes to choke people's heart and lungs when he speaks, but he actually said something nice today, how can Zhu Fu not be surprised.

"Do you want me to publish a book for you to see?" Bai Jin gave Zhu Fu a blank look, "Why don't you ask me to give you one."

"I have nothing to do, I will leave first, and I will go back to prepare dinner for Master later."

After confirming that Zhu Fu is really coming to Yuelu, Bai Jin has no intention of staying any longer.

Zhu Fu has a carefree personality, those close-fitting clothes are basically piled up in one piece, Bai Jin will not be embarrassed, even if Zhu Fu takes a bath and changes in front of him, at most he will ask if he can rub a piece of clothes for himself by the way.

Embarrassment is not embarrassing, brother, Bai Jin is afraid that he will meet Ying Huo Xing later, he can see Zhu Fu as a brother, Ying Huo Xing will not see his precious daughter as a son.
A man appeared in his daughter's bedroom. If he asked Bai Jin what he thought, he would definitely say that his legs were broken.

Bai Jin didn't want to be branded as a promotional price in the supermarket, even if Sui Ming Xing could connect his bones without a trace, he didn't want to.



"It's so boring, why can't there be anything to look at"

Back in the emerald green courtyard, Bai Jin lay on the chair next door to Chong Xing who had lost her dreams like a waste insect: "Sister Chong, what do you do when you have nothing to do?"

The disciples of the Xingluo Xianmen are all brothers and sisters, so it is difficult to find a private fight or a group fight, not to mention cheating and two female cultivators tearing each other.

The back mountain was overcrowded and Bai Jin didn't want to go, fearing that he would become the bright light of the righteous way in the Taiyi Palace if it was lively and caught.

"What do I do when I'm bored? I'll do it to you." Chong Xing sighed slightly, and said, "Forget it, we'll talk about mother's affairs when she arrives. If it doesn't work, I'll just pack you and me back to Pingfeng Mountain together."

"Why did I go back to Pingfeng Mountain with you? It's the territory of thousands of monsters. Is it plausible that I, a serious monk of the human race, went to the territory of monsters?"

"I'm not a monster among people who betrays the human race!" Bai Jin's head was full of black lines, complaining about the whimsy of worms.

What are you thinking?I haven't played enough, how could I go to live in seclusion in the deep mountains and old forests!
Besides, Bai Jin didn't dare to go to the primeval forest. Not long ago, at the feast of heaven and man, Zizai Laomo had just finished teasing Sun Jinwu and Taiyin Tengu, so he was brave enough to run into other people's territory now.

Bai Jin didn't know whether he was dead or not, but being hung up and beaten severely, exposing to the sun and peeling off his skin was absolutely inevitable.

That couple of dogs and men are not easy to talk to at first glance.

It's still the Ten Thousand Flowers Valley Gu who is good at playing tricks.


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(End of this chapter)

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