I am in good spirits

Chapter 106 Hi!Give you 1 scare as a teacher

Chapter 106 Hi!I give you a scare as a teacher (update)

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!"

Bai Jin, who was lying in the dormitory sleeping, felt a little itchy on his chest, and was about to reach out to scratch it, when he reached out and touched a very thick thing, and that thing was still writhing there.

Bai Jin was so frightened that he groaned, and used his power to smash through the mosquito net and went straight to the beam. He was still in shock and raised his right hand to see what kind of dog dared to sneak up on him while he was sleeping.

Bai Jin broke out in a cold sweat, and looked down at the uninvited guest in the dormitory. It was a vine, five big and three thick, and very smooth and delicate, just like a snake that had just eaten its fill.

"What's the trouble, master! Do you know that it's easy to lose my beloved disciple like this."

Seeing that the plant Baijin had stabilized his emotions a little bit, he secretly slandered Sui Ming Xing for being unreliable.

He almost summoned the Heavenly Demon just now, and directly punched the thing that was sneaking up on him, and then Sui Mingxing could also pack up and prepare to wear sackcloth and mourning, and see off his only treasure, Dumiao apprentice.

Bai Jin was so cold on the spot that he didn't even bother to change his clothes, so he went along the vines to look for Sui Mingxing, and was about to angrily reprimand him for not respecting his master.


As soon as he stepped into the front hall area, the familiar chill made Bai Jin stop his footsteps, the resentment on his face froze, and without a word, he immediately sneaked back to the dormitory to tidy up his appearance.

Feeling the familiar chill, Bai Jin knew that Wuqingxian must be in the living room. Although he didn't know what she was doing at Wenyao Peak, Bai Jin didn't dare to run in front of Wuqingxian in her pajamas.

Wuqing Xian is particularly concerned about her appearance, she has repeatedly told Bai Jin to dress like a human being, and remember to brush her teeth and wash her face carefully before going out.
Bai Jin was afraid that after being seen by the Wuqingxian, she said indifferently: "I can't talk more than three. Idiot, kill him!"

Bai Jin hurriedly went back to bed and changed her clothes, and put the cleansing technique on her body like money, so as to ensure that she was clean, white and tender when she met the head teacher.

"Disciple Bai Jin has met the real person in charge and the master. I don't know why the disciple is stubborn and calls the disciple to come to see him."

Bai Jin changed into a Taoist robe embroidered with pure white silk and green thread, entered the living room with a serious face, bowed respectfully and asked.

"Why do you speak so strangely?"

Sui Mingxing looked at his disciples as if they were changing, but he was short of engraving 'I love Xingluo Xianmen' on his forehead, and couldn't help complaining about his weird behavior: "Be serious, the head teacher is also watching here. "

"It's okay."

The Wuqingxian waved his hand, looked at Bai Jin and said, "Not long ago, the post station in Liumu Town received a letter from Chishui City in the Southwest Kingdom. claiming to be your father."


Bai Jin slowly put out a question mark, why did someone send a letter calling him my father? It's still going on!

I have never heard of the ghost of Chishui City in the southwest. I used to live in the second district of Hehuanzong, but now I live on the top of Wenyao Peak.

Although Bai Jin was so angry that he scratched his head and wanted to drag out the dog thief who wrote the letter and beat him up, he still had to behave naturally in front of Sui Mingxing, and he couldn't just say that it was Hehuanzong who wrote a letter to himself.

"My disciple doesn't know. You may need to read the contents of the letter to find out, or see the signature." Bai Jin answered Wuqingxian's question.

The letter slowly floated in front of Bai Jin, and Bai Jin tore open the letter without any worries, and read the contents openly, without being afraid of Sui Mingxing.

After all, it was also sent by the Hehuan Sect, and the information hidden in it is invisible to ordinary people.

Opening the brocade, he frowned at the first glance, and then tore up the letter in front of Wuqingxian and Suimingxing.

"Reporting to Master Master, the person who wrote the letter has committed a heinous crime of deceiving gods and ghosts, and his crime should be punished with words and pen!" Bai Jin took a deep breath to calm his beating heart, and said to Wuqingxian: "This person is not my relative, he should want to They're just trying to take advantage of me."

The dog is so big and Zizaixian wrote five words himself, and it was written on the first piece of paper. Bai Jin's heart stopped suddenly when he saw it.

Of course, Bai Jin knew that the words contained hidden supernatural powers, and only certain people could see them, but this did not prevent him from being guilty of being a thief and being frightened, so that he lost a lot of effort.

"Beware of fraud in the future." Wu Qingxian took a deep look at Bai Jin: "As a disciple of the Sui Ming Star, your name will become wider and wider, and fraud will increase."

"Report to the teacher if you are unsure, and we can deduce one or two through divination."

In the future, don't play with those scammers, just come to me when you encounter something you don't understand!

Dare to run away?Do you know what our Xingluo Xianmen started from?Between heaven and earth, where the sun and the moon shine within the four seas, I can tie you back!

The strange translation dictionary is online, and Bai Jin's mind automatically translates some terrible phrases.

"Is this the enlightenment in the legend? When a sage preaches, those who hear the Tao can understand the inner meaning." Bai Jin complained in his heart, like a bad student caught by the dean, full of yes and yes.

Obviously, Immortal Wuqing knew the contents of the letter. After the meeting, he followed Sui Mingxing to see what kind of monster Bai Jin had done again. Why did the Demon Cultivator of the Hehuan Sect write to him every now and then to convey the news.

"Those scumbags are disgusting"

Sui Mingxing showed disgust on his face: "You should be punished by God for cheating people under the name that blood is thicker than water. Fortunately, I can still remember my parents' names, and my birth date has not been revealed."

"Otherwise those daredevils"

"Come and kill one by one, until it stops, hang it at the entrance of the main hall of Jianbao Pavilion to alert the world." Wuqingxian looked at Suimingxing and said calmly: "Greedy until the end, dreams come to nothing."

If you dare to cheat, you will kill the Nine Clans to ensure that all relatives who can benefit will die.Although money is touching, you have to be able to use it.

Now not only you cannot become a beneficiary, but all potential beneficiaries are gone. What's the point of cheating?
Bai Jin quietly ran behind Suimingxing, glanced at Wuqingxian from the side, and said via voice transmission: "Master and disciple, can you leave first? I feel so cold."

Bai Jin is not a scammer, he is a victim who was caught by Sui Mingxing while walking down the street while singing!
He hasn't even asked Wuqingxian for compensation?
Bai Jin was in a hurry to leave not because of Wuqingxian, but because he wanted to read the contents of the letter. There was only one reason why Zizai Laomo sent him a letter, and that was that he didn't know where to find the five-element-perfect breathing method for himself.

The letter probably recorded those contents, Bai Jin was going to inspect the goods first, don't open it with anticipation and find that there is a little Liu Bei rubbing inside.

With the glory of the Hehuan Sect, Bai Jin believed that Zizai Laomo would give him a big shock by doing such a thing.

"Be patient, the headmaster will be very fast."

Sui Mingxing replied to Bai Jin, and said again: "Your uncle personally handed over the letter to you, which means that he attaches great importance to your affairs, how can you go back to sleep."

"Think about where we can go for breakfast after your uncle leaves later. The teahouse in Liumu Town is pretty good. I tried the buns there more than a hundred years ago. Shall we eat later?"

"More than a hundred years ago, are you sure that the store was still there and was not replaced by a pork stall or a vegetable market?"

(End of this chapter)

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