I am in good spirits

Chapter 110 Bai Jin's Chunliang Senior Sister

Chapter 110 Bai Jin's Pure Senior Sister
"Tao companion? Report back to Master, not now."

Being pressed by Sui Mingxing about the Taoist couple, Bai Jin's face appeared in his head, and he put aside Zhu Fu, who wanted to kick the devil boy to get the blessing bag, and had a fight with his brother. taught.

The master teacher not only cared about himself, but also led him out to have a big tea and dinner, chatting and laughing with the gods and demons in the sky, killing and decisive.
Become a Taoist partner in practice with Wuqingxian, can that be called a Taoist couple?That's called Women's University Sanqian, ranked in the fairy class!
But the Wuqingxian didn't seal his throat with a sword, and then the corpse would be broken into thousands of pieces. Bai Jin dared not even dream of doing such a far-fetched thing. In his heart, the master teacher is no different from black and white impermanence!

Sui Mingxing was quite disappointed and said: "Then you should hurry up. It is very difficult to find a heart-to-heart Taoist friend when you leave the academy. You will always face temptation when you step into the cultivation world. Sexy snobby fairy."

"It's not just you that will change, everyone will change, becoming no longer pure and everything is in line with the law of wealth. Although the teacher doesn't care much about money and other things, I don't want to see my disciples being deceived by ghosts until they have nothing left. , pear blossoms crying on Wei Shi’s chest with rain, and being heartbroken by the scumbags.”

"Huh? Master, you are so proficient, have you met before?" Bai Jin paused, looking at Sui Mingxing in surprise.

Even Wuqingxian's closest senior sister dared to lie, what kind of monk dared to be so defiant?Is the family tree still there?
"I don't have it as a teacher~ But as a teacher, many fairies and Taoists have encountered this situation. They were deceived by the magic cultivator of the Acacia Sect and lost their talents. Send a letter to the teacher to rescue." Sui Mingxing frowned and recalled: "It seems It's called the Swallowing Witch."

"Master Sister Tunyin? Then it's all right." Bai Jin had a strange look on his face.

Zhizhi and Tunyin are two demon cultivators, and their status in the Acacia Sect is basically that of being at the left and right of the old devil to protect the Dharma. On weekdays, Zhizhi stays with the Acacia Sect's "reincarnation of life and death is endless".

Tunyin has been missing all year round, but every time she returns to the Hehuan Sect, it is like celebrating the New Year for the juniors and sisters of the Hehuan Sect, and those expensive gifts are thrown to the juniors and juniors one after another.

Bai Jin saw Senior Sister Tunyin for the first time, and was almost overwhelmed by her heavy wife, crushed by those mountainous gifts.

What Senior Sister Tunyin desires in her heart, Bai Jin is actually not very clear, but it seems to have something to do with deception. For monks other than the Hehuan Sect, Tunyin is a scumbag who purely plays with people's hearts, and she still plays with all the male cultivators Dream Fairy!
For the monks of the Hehuan Sect, Senior Sister Tunyin is simply a perfect senior sister who works hard outside to subsidize the family, is gentle and kind-hearted, the kind who is so good that there is no boundary.

Bai Jin's charm technique was taught by Tunyin.

"Most Taoist couples in the cultivation world cheat money or sex. If you want to choose you in the future, you should try your best to choose someone from the teacher's school. At least you know the basics and you won't be cheated by others." Sui Mingxing warned.

"Try your best." Bai Jin said helplessly.


Together with Suimingxing, they had breakfast in Liumu Town and returned to Xingluo Xianmen.In front of the Lingchi, Sui Mingxing waved to Bai Jin with a smile on his face, telling him to pay attention to safety when going to the school, and not to fail.

Bai Jin walked towards the bamboo forest in Xuegong, and Sui Mingxing turned into a green light and returned to Wenyao Peak.

Bai Jin fluttered in mid-air, and there were people coming and going on the way to the academy. Bai Jin found a vacuum in the crowd, and a bandaged monk in a white robe embroidered with gold thread walked indifferently.

"Eh? Brother Jin, long time no see!"

Bai Jin fell from mid-air to the ground, and said with a smile: "I just looked down from the sky, and I didn't recognize Brother Jin with the short hair on the top of his head for a while. It's really rare!"

It is not uncommon for Jin Lin to grow hairs on his head. Bai Jin can see fine and fine hairs growing on his head every now and then, but within a few days, his poor hairs will be fatal due to various unlucky reasons.

"Good morning."

Jin Lin greeted Bai Jin and said, "I've been retreating for the past few days to break through the foundation-building stage, and my lord Master is protecting me and they survived by chance."

In fact, he is used to not having hair. After so many times of turning his head and rubbing his hair, Jinlin has given up on growing long hair. If he has long hair, he will keep it and observe it. If it is not, it will not affect his speed of drawing his sword.

Do as you like!If it doesn't work, let Brother Bai give birth to him or put on a strong wig.

"Congratulations to brother Jin for improving his strength." Bai Jin smiled and patted Jin Lin's shoulder, reaping the bad luck.

"Compared to Brother Bai, it's not worth mentioning. Master has been nagging Brother Bai in my ear all day long." Jin Lin's tone was quite resentful and helpless.

Sui Mingxing danced in front of Venus, proudly showing off his achievements in the Golden Trial Period, Venus turned around and began to train his disciples to double and double.

Bai Jin's talent is already great, but now it's a thunderbolt to join the Sui Ming star gate, and the elixir is fully activated to fully activate the talent, and he continues to work hard while learning the way on the way of cultivation.

There is no adventure against the sky, Jin Lin thinks that it is impossible to surpass Brother Bai.

He is as dazzling as a child of luck, and anyone who compares with him pales in comparison.

"By the way, Brother Bai, you, me, and Zhu Fu were organized into a faction by the deacon, and given the name 'Making Trouble'."

The bandage on Jinlin's cheek appeared distorted: "Originally, Deacon Yan wanted to give a name to stir up monsters and be ready to move. After Zhu Fu and I argued hard, it was changed to stir up trouble."

"I'm going to play tricks on him, and the top students in our dignified school gave me such an alias for the evil faction?"

Bai Jin was taken aback when he heard the words, and immediately became dissatisfied: "Is there still heaven and family rules? Isn't this bullying honest people? Deacon Yan is not afraid of being struck by lightning?"

"Forget it later, let's talk about it in a few days. Master Zhang is going to come to the academy to give lectures today, so there should be no disputes."

Bai Jin wasn't afraid that the Wuqingxian would punch her, but felt that with Wuqingxian's character, she might frown and scold Deacon Yan, saying, "Stupid, making waves is used to describe those who stir up trouble, and their faction's name should be changed. Be a monster!"

In Wuqingxian's heart, the word "making troubles and making waves" should not be enough to summarize the heinous crimes of the three people. What they did simply tarnished the four-character idiom of making waves and making waves.

With the value of Wuqingxian, Bai Jin has every reason to believe that she can put the four characters of "魑鬼鬼鬼" very reasonable on her three-person team.

"Good morning, Deacon Yan!"

Deacon Yan, who was on duty normally, was the first one to sign in for the students in front of the school gate as usual, holding a booklet with a calm face, and registering the absence of students there.

Bai Jin smiled and greeted Old Yan: "Last time I saw Deacon Yan fishing in the back mountain, and the bamboo basket was empty, did you catch anything big?"

Ghosts don't expect you to catch a senior three-legged turtle, or a He Luoyu with ten bodies and three heads, and you will be beaten severely.

"I hate eating fish."

Deacon Yan said lightly: "I just put a straight hook without bait while reading a book, to see if I can use my luck as a guide to meet a suitable spiritual pet."

The monk who came from a decent family is really tricky, which can also be used to explain Bai Jin's amazing answer to Deacon Yan.

(End of this chapter)

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