I am in good spirits

Chapter 111 Is This Something Young Demon Cultivators Can See? !

Chapter 111 Is This Something Young Demon Cultivators Can See? !

"Deacon Huang, is the master teacher coming to give lectures in the palace today? This disciple can't wait to see the demeanor of the master master exiled from an immortal."

All the students of the academy gathered in the dojo, Bai Jin looked at the puzzled one and asked.

They had been standing in the dojo for a long time, but Bai Jin didn't feel the familiar chill for a long time, and was puzzled by the fact that Wuqing Xian came to the palace to give lectures but was late.

"Teacher Daoist? She didn't say she was coming? Where did you hear the gossip?"

Deacon Huang, who was stroking his beard, was taken aback for a moment, and answered Bai Jin's question with a smile, and said, "If you want to meet the real head teacher, you have to work hard. Usually, the head teacher just meditates in the ashram to comprehend the art of becoming a fairy. Don't go out."


Bai Jin silently put out a question mark, Sui Mingxing told him that Wuqingxian wanted to come to the school to give a lecture.

With their sisterly relationship, Wuqingxian has no reason to lie to Suimingxing.What's the situation now?
"Wait. Could it be?"

Bai Jin suddenly thought of a possibility, raised his hand and summoned the soul that completely devoured the sense of existence, and let it go to Wen Wenfeng's lair immediately, and took the "Mountain and Sea Strange Beast Code" that was outsourced for the monkeys and plant monsters to copy. Come.

Beating up the enemy (Lightning Wood) was so fun that he completely forgot to hand in his homework to the Ruthless Immortal.

"Wake up dead head, Deacon Yan is calling you."

Zhu Fu shook Bai Jin, who was sitting cross-legged, with one hand on his face and his eyes closed, and asked him to stand up. Just now, Deacon Yan called them to 'make waves' group.

"Huh? What are you calling us for?"

Bai Jin opened his eyes, and looked strangely at Deacon Yan who was carrying a wooden box into the dojo.

"Distribute these artifacts." Deacon Yan looked at Bai Jin and said, "We are now officially starting the class. The head teacher asked me to tell you a word. Chaos is coming. The courses in the palace should be carried out according to the current situation. Now you will contact The first lesson of killing evil. Find out the hidden demons!"

"These instruments can assist in the casting of the 'Lamp Instrument'."

"Lamp instrument? A three-foot formation?"

Bai Jin was stunned. He thought that the academy was going to teach the students to set up spiritual formations, so that everyone could absorb the spiritual energy in the spirit stone faster, or some simple auxiliary formations.

But he never expected that Deacon Yan would teach everyone a heavyweight detection formation.

This is the lantern instrument, the well-known three-foot formation in both the righteous and the evil!

Bai Jin was entrapped by this formation. Without this formation of lamps and instruments, even Thunderbolt Wood would not have been able to catch him.

"Each faction takes a lamp, and I will teach everyone how to use it."

Deacon Yan held the jade lotus lamp in his hand, and glanced at Wei Benliang: "It is a magic weapon made from high-grade spirit stones after evacuating the aura and carving. It does not contain sugar and is not hard, but it is expensive. Don't try to bite it! "

The jade lotus lamp looks very beautiful, and its yellowish and transparent texture makes it look like maltose. Deacon Yan thinks that Wei Benliang's greedy ghost may cause the school to lose five thousand spirit stones on the books, so I hereby explain it.

"It contains the lamp array. In the first class, you mainly experience and use it. As for the array prohibition, that's what you need to recite later."

Arrays require arrays and array eyes. Everything in the world that contains spirituality can be used as array eyes, and arrays are composed of different numbers of prohibitions, or carved on materials that can guide aura.

"One person acts as the eye of the formation to detect the surroundings, and the rest provide spiritual energy for the magic weapon, so that the built-in lamp array can start to operate and expand the detection range of the formation eye!"

Deacon Yan was very serious, and ordered the students to stop discussing immediately, and start today's array lesson in groups.

"Which of us will be the eyes?"

Bai Jin looked at Zhu Fu and Jin Lin in the same group, and asked them the most important question.

Bai Jin is often used as an array eye or something. Meng Qi likes to use Bai Jin as a living array eye, because Bai Jin seldom hits people personally. Every time, the demon soul will tear the enemy apart. break.

The biggest advantage of the living array eye is that it can run, as long as it does not run out of the array array, it can keep running.

"Everyone take turns, I'll go first!"

Zhu Fu quietly took a look at Bai Jin, and volunteered to be the first to be the first in line.

The famous Lantern Array, as a native of Xingluo Xianmen, Zhu Fubi knows everyone, and has long wanted to experience the feeling of opening his eyes as an array.

Naturally, Bai Jin and Jin Lin didn't care, they were not very interested in the Lantern Formation.

Wishing the handrail to hold the lotus-shaped lamp to inject mana, Bai Jin and Jinlin saw the formation map unfolding, they raised their hands and patted the light wall to inject mana to maintain the formation.

"Ah this."

The lotus lantern slowly rose into the sky, and Zhu Fu, holding the lamp holder in his hand, saw the scenery that he couldn't see normally.

Wherever the spiritual sense goes, it turns into a chessboard, and countless horizontal and vertical lines form a new world, and everyone turns into chess pieces and falls on it to reveal the essential things.

At this moment, in Zhu Fu's eyes, the white brocade is now a human-shaped object with green flames, and a large amount of light green spiritual energy from the sky and the earth is slowly falling on the top of his head.On the other side, there is a similar vision on the podium, but it is white.

The entire ashram was divided into two by two flames, Zhu Fu was stunned.

She knew that Bai Jin had been promoted to Golden Core stage, but why was the cyclone above his head bigger than that of Deacon Yan?
The other students all noticed Bai Jin's abnormality. During the first round of rotation, the students looked at Bai Jin who was yawning boredly, and then looked at Deacon Yan on the podium with a serious face and a smile on his face.

The student's mana is stronger than the deacon's mana, is there something wrong here?

"What are you all looking at me for?"

Bai Jin noticed the strange expressions of the others, and looked back with strange eyes.

"What kind of elixir did your master give you? The whirlwind on your head that absorbs spiritual energy is bigger than Deacon Yan." Zhu Fu opened his eyes to look at Bai Jin, and told what she saw.

"You say this?"

Bai Jin put his finger on it, and said casually: "People's bodies are different, and Jindan is different from Jindan. I usually practice wooden methods and my body is very good, so naturally I talk a lot."

"When the time comes, you will be promoted to the golden core stage, and the aura attracted by the transfer of golden core will be more terrifying than me!"

Deacon Yan glanced at Bai Jin, frowned, and didn't say anything to interrupt Bai Jin's nonsense.

The aura that can be aroused by the circulation of golden elixir has nothing to do with physical fitness, but has more to do with meridians in the body and golden elixir.

The aura aroused by Bai Jin is stronger than him, there are only three possibilities, one is that the mana in his body consumes a lot, the other is that his golden core is special, and the last is that it is particularly compatible with the aura in the surrounding environment.

Deacon Yan thinks that Bai Jin should be accounted for in both the second and third situations.

"to me"

Bai Jin held the lotus lantern and poured his mana into it. The formation slowly unfolded, and the lotus lantern rose to the sky with a whoosh as if it had been injected with hormones.

Zhu Fu and Jin Lin were taken aback for a moment, and quickly raised their hands to press on the light wall to stabilize Bai Jin's formation.

Bai Jin's spiritual sense was amplified by the lamp array, and the place where the spiritual sense touched was turned into a line chessboard, and each creature turned into flames and fell on the chessboard and moved slowly.


In Baijin Vision, the chess game is still changing. Unlike other students who only have X and Y axes, he sees that the image also has a Z axis, and a palace floating in the sky slowly appears in the black and green three-dimensional map.

Bai Jin: "Master Headmaster, good morning."


Wuqing Xian, who was lying on his back in the spirit pool, turned his head sideways and opened his eyes as if looking at Bai Jin in the academy, and said, "How is the homework done? I'll do random checks later."

(End of this chapter)

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