I am in good spirits

Chapter 112 Have You Healed Your Serious Illness?

Chapter 112 Have You Healed Your Serious Illness?

In the dojo, the students were divided into groups to familiarize themselves with the formations. Deacon Yan stood on the human stage in the arena of the Three Heavens, Earth and People, and was alert to the evil beasts who might intrude around him. Deacon Huang was smiling and pointing the students who didn't understand.

But the pervasive cold air made the deacons stunned. They stared blankly at the ice crystal cold mist that was led by the lotus lamp and descended all the way to the lamp holder of the 'Making Wind and Waves' group.

"Follow the spiritual perception to trace to the source?" Deacon Yan was stunned by Bai Jin's operation, and he didn't understand a common formation class at all, so how could he alarm the head teacher.


Bai Jin slowly opened his eyes, shivered uncontrollably, shook off the frost on his body, looked at Zhu Fu and Jin Lin beside him: "Do you feel all right?"

Zhu Fu and Jin Lin didn't have time to evacuate, and their bodies were shrouded in cold mist for a moment, experiencing the care and love of the ruthless cactus teacher, they shivered from the cold.

"Bai Jin, your bastard"

Seeing Bai Jin open his eyes, Zhu Fu let go of his palms pressed against the light wall, knelt down and put his arms around his arms, orange-red flames came out from his body to dispel the cold and water vapor: "It made my whole body soaked through."

Jin Lin's reaction was rather flat. He was wearing a special shaving bandage magic weapon made by Sui Mingxing. Although the heat dissipation performance was particularly poor on weekdays, the cold air that hit just now did not penetrate into the skin.

Knock off the frost on his body, he will be a good guy.

"What happened just now? Why did it alarm the headmaster who practiced in the palace?"

Deacon Yan came down from the ring and went straight to Bai Jin to ask why.

As a responsible teacher, he needs to understand the cause and effect of the accident.

As for whether to withhold the salary, it is up to the Dharma protector, anyway, Bai Jin, Jin Lin, and Zhu Fu have been persecuted to the point where he lost half a year's salary, and he doesn't care about making up for a whole year.

The most important thing now is to figure out what happened.

"Returning to the deacon, I was too aggressive just now. I used all my strength to directly probe the spiritual sense into the Taiyi Palace. The master teacher saw that my talent was not bad, so he asked me to copy the school rules twice, and immediately handed them over to her immediately. .”

Bai Jin showed a far-fetched smile, casually fabricated a reason to perfunctory Deacon Yan, and was about to run away.

Compared with lessons or anything else, it is better to put out the flames on the teacher's side first. Bai Jin doesn't want to see the Wuqingxian find the old devil with himself, and then ask the old devil in front of him: "If you are not obedient, I will call you!" , do you have an opinion?"

Will Immortal Zizai have any objections?Bai Jin guessed that he should have no objection at all, and wished someone would discipline him for him.

"Farewell, everyone."

After Bai Jin gave Zhu Fu and Jin Lin in the same group the Cold Repelling Pill refined by Sui Ming Xing, he soared into the sky and stepped on a shovel, which turned into a light green brilliance and disappeared.


Deacon Yan and Deacon Huang raised their heads, their heads covered with black lines, watching Bai Jin fly towards the Taiyi Mountains.

"It's gone, Bai Jin was fined to copy the gate rules, there is nothing to see and continue to practice the lamp ceremony."

"Could it be because of me?"

A thought suddenly popped up in Jin Lin's mind, recalling that when he met Bai Jin this morning, Bai Jin patted himself on the shoulder when greeting him, and now it was only half an hour away from the pat on the shoulder.

"it's your turn."

Zhu Fu handed over the lotus-shaped lamp to Jin Lin, and Deacon Huang stood by their team, ready to help.

Golden Scale: "."

Brother Bai, wait for me, I haven't been flying yet. Shovel?


When Bai Jin passed by the Taiyi Mountains, he quietly met with the soul and got the "Mountain and Sea Strange Beast Code". Zhi Yao and Spirit Monkey completed more than two hundred hand-written copies.

Bai Jin scanned in with his spiritual sense, picked out all the unqualified manuscripts and put them in the storage ring on his left hand, and put the homework for Wuqingxian in the storage ring on his right hand.

Yu Jian went straight up to the sky, and Bai Jin landed in front of the Taiyi Palace with a serious expression on his face, and said, "Disciple Bai Jin pays homage to Master Master."

"Come in."

Wuqingxian's voice came from the window sill on the left, causing Bai Jin's expression to change slightly.

"The disciple has completed more than [-] homeworks, please go through the rest of the master teacher, please give the disciple some time." Bai Jin stood in front of the door and shouted inward.

According to Bai Jin's knowledge, Wuqingxian is now [-]% in the Kaling Pond, but Suimingxing was stuck on the tree in his clothes, and Wuqingxian was stuck in the frozen ice while bathing, which is completely different.

Before Ni Datian could open his mouth, Bai Jin asked, "Master Headmaster? Are you stuck?"


Wuqingxian responded lightly, and there was a crackling sound from the bath: "What is the body of He Luoyu, which is called ten-headed and three-headed among the people?"

"Returning to Master Master, He Luoyu is a big octopus."

"Why can't the nine-headed bird be touched?"

"Because of the blood poison on its body surface, every nine-headed bird is born without a head, and the neck is constantly leaking poisonous blood."

"What are the meanings of firefox, white fox, heart fox, and sky fox in the fox family? What else do I have to say? What are the differences between male and female?"

Immortal Wuqing was changing clothes by the spirit pool, and she asked Baijin about the contents of the Shanhai Biological Beast Code, and the questions she asked were all weird, and she didn't ask how to subdue a certain kind of monster or strange beast.

All she asked were questions related to habits or the differences of individual races.

Although Bai Jin couldn't answer the questions fluently, he could still answer the questions after thinking about it in his head.

It is impossible to copy the book, but Bai Jin had predicted that the ruthless fairy would test him, so he deliberately spent a few days memorizing the book, memorizing the contents by rote.

"Well, there's no need to copy the rest."

Wearing a white split loose Taoist robe, Wuqingxian sat on a high-backed chair in the center of the hall, praised Bai Jin lightly, looked at the stack of mountains and seas and beasts that were taller than herself, and said: "It's a waste to throw it here. You work hard for a while, bind it, and put it in the library in the academy."

"Good teacher." Bai Jin breathed a sigh of relief, and finally turned the story of Wuqingxian.

"Has your head healed yet?" Wuqingxian raised her hand and waved towards her back, a book flew into her hand, and then she watched Bai Jin concerned about his condition.


Bai Jin looked at Wuqingxian in astonishment: "What's wrong?"

"I like the strange disease of the old woman." Wuqing Xian said: "Although the monks of the Xingluo Xianmen are good at spells and have no taboos, I have only seen you so far who have no taboos in style."

".Reporting to Master Headmaster, I am not sick, and I have never liked old women."

"I know it's nothing. If you let other talkative people know, you may lose your reputation. I don't want the outside world to hear that the only apprentice of Sui Mingxing is a pervert."

Bai Jin: "."

"If you are sick, go to Suimingxing for treatment. For the sake of master and apprentice, she will not beat you to death." Wuqingxian chatted with Bai Jin about family affairs while reading a book, caring about his disciple's health.

"Master Headmaster, if I am sick, I think the problem may be on you."

(End of this chapter)

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