I am in good spirits

Chapter 123 Tonight's night in Yuhai City...no peace

Chapter 123 Tonight's Night in Yuhai City. No Peace
"Is there such a thing as eating and taking?" Shi Feiyan said in surprise.

"Eat your big-headed ghost!" Bai Jin punched Shi Feiyan on the head with black lines all over her face, causing her to groan: "The local tyrants and evil gentry in Yuhai City are rich and unkind, we should rob their whole family with the idea of ​​eliminating harm for the people. Rich and poor!"

"You are about to sell yourself, you poor ghost, why don't you rob the rich and wealthy businessmen diligently?"

Sitting sideways on the floor, Shi Feiyan's eyes lit up beside Bai Jin's legs: "There is such a good thing? I was born to steal from the rich and help the poor. Quickly take the list of local tyrants and evil gentry and let my aunt beat his parents." ! Burn his filthy house!"

Shi Feiyan's answer made Bai Jin couldn't help complaining in her heart: "It really deserves to be you, gambling dog!"

Meng Qi has long been accustomed to Shi Feiyan's thick skin and will not show any expression. Tun Yin watched with interest as her junior brother and younger sister love each other.

"Clang Clang"

Waves of gongs knocking and vibrating sounded into the restaurant from far and near, and people couldn't help looking sideways. Some monks sitting and drinking in the restaurant were stunned, hurriedly packed their things and started to run out.

"Did something happen?"

Seeing the dense crowd of monks appearing on the originally silent street, Bai Jin couldn't help but stare blankly at Senior Sister Tunyin and asked.

"Now is the time to open the sea."

Tunyin explained lightly: "The monsters living in the sea in winter are very active, and it is the most serious in the early morning when the power of the moonlight is at its peak. You can understand that the sea beasts are now preparing to attack the city every day, plundering food and beautiful men."

"Those monks are all going to catch the sea. They just kill sea beasts and sell them to make money."

Tun Yin was not surprised by the behavior of the monks. After they finished their journey to the sea, they began to sort the materials. They peeled off valuable things and sold them at stalls or shops, and sold the remaining sea animal flesh and blood to those who collected seafood.

Except for the merman who came ashore occasionally, other sea beasts didn't have the slightest attraction to her.


Tunyin leaned into Bai Jin's ear, and whispered some strange and anecdotal stories to him by the sea, Bai Jin's eyes gradually widened and he said in disbelief: "Is this all possible? Are those fairies suffering from some serious illness? I I sincerely suggest that they go to Wenyao Peak to line up for treatment of brain diseases."

"Hmm, I haven't tried it, so I don't know. If you want those starfish, I'll ask Bai Yongshou's human skin to give you some." Tunyin said that she hadn't tried it either. But the fairies living by the sea have been quite popular with starfish costumes recently.

"Don't worry about those rotten fish and rotten shrimps, tell me where I can get rich, my golden left hand has already started to shine with the power of the demon!"

Shi Feiyan is not interested in starfish costumes, catching the sea, sea beasts attacking the city at all, she is only interested in those white and tender spirit stones lying in the homes of local tyrants and evil gentry.

"As long as the city lord's mansion can't be tampered with, if all the treasuries of other houses can be emptied, it will be considered a great thing of great merit." Tunyin said with a smile: "Junior brothers and sisters follow in the footsteps of senior sister, senior sister Take you to Yuhai City for a free meal."

She is not interested in money, but if it can make the younger brothers and sisters happy, Tunyin would not mind taking them to the landlord's house in Yuhai City. They would better empty the entire city of spirit stones and treasures.

In that case, it would also be beneficial for her to unify the family forces within the entire Yuhai City, so that she could carry out the plan of blood sacrifice to the water unicorn that Immortal Zi Zai had come up with.

"Then let's get what we need! You take the people's fat and people's anointing from the rich man."

Bai Jin shook his right hand and said, "I picked up some monks and squeezed a few glasses of juice on the side of the road. Recently, I don't have much time to do part-time jobs with Master Sui Mingxing."

With Tunyin on the side to help hide the sense of existence, to ensure that Sui Mingxing can't notice him, Bai Jin's words are as bold as a urn, as if he grew up again overnight, and he looks a little like a demon.

Essence Wuqing probably likes this kind of white brocade.


Bai Jin raised his feet wrapped in light blue mana, kicked open the fastened high wooden gate, and walked straight into the house of Wang Gongzi, one of Bai Yongshou's love rivals, where the free tadpole-shaped soul was wrapped in the guarding cap and began to use mana.

"He seems very excited?"

Shi Feiyan looked at the two doors weighing hundreds of catties that were kicked to the side and smashed into the pond, and was chased by white light and shadows and a large group of light blue tadpoles, crawling all over the ground and screaming as a delicate girl A drop of cold sweat appeared on the foreheads of the nurses: "I'm more excited than I am playing."

"I don't know how good it is to be lively and smart. It's not good to be that stupid, famous and decent little white before." Meng Qi raised her hand and struck out two bundles of spirit seals to form a barrier of perception to help Shi Feiyan find the small treasury of the Wang family.

Tun Yin didn't make a move. He stood on the gate of the palace to cover up the burst of mana fluctuations in the palace, and watched with a smile as Bai Jin volleyed Patriarch Wang vigorously like kicking a kick.

"Take it easy, we won't kill you for money"

"One, two, three."

Bai Jin stood in the middle of the courtyard and did not move. Except for kicking away the round ball that attacked him just now, he was basically tapping the mana contributed to him by the Wang family.

"No, it won't work there, no" Patriarch Wang, who was volleyed by the soul and lay down on the ground, held by several light blue tadpoles to extract mana, watched with despair on the face of Shi Feiyan who pried open the pond mechanism and broke him. The formation that was painstakingly arranged by someone entered the warehouse.

Patriarch Wang didn't come up in one breath, and almost used Nascent Soul to escape the shell and wanted to fight the female devil, but when he saw the white light and shadow in the courtyard and the tadpoles all over the sky, he just looked at this group of super monsters with grief and indignation. bandit.

What is this called!This group of bandits had a clear division of labor as if premeditated, one robbed the warehouse, the other blocked the monks he had invited, even the priests who spent a lot of money shrank into the corner and pretended to be dead for some reason
As if aware of the employer's angry gaze, the distracted man who was squatting at the foot of the wall enshrined Nunuzui, and signaled Patriarch Wang to look at what was standing on the door of his house.

Patriarch Wang glanced at the door, and saw a black tiger with three pairs of elytra and a colorful tiger emitting light blue light, so he silently shut up.

Ah. What a fucking big man, he only looks at the sky, and he can't afford to be offended by the sense of oppression on his body.

Is the city lord asleep?I can't sleep, my house was ransacked by a group of professional bandits, Patriarch Wang thought.

As the mana on his body was greatly reduced, the head of the Wang family lost his physical ability to move. The priests of the Wang family saw that the group of people looked at him, and stretched out their hands to grab a light blue tadpole and put it on their heads with a smile on their faces.

"It's no wonder that the great immortals don't know. I was so intimidated by the elders that I forgot to make a confession. Forgive me. Hahahaha."

The priest laughed awkwardly and lay down and pretended to be dead. Although the Wang family was attacked, he had been observing that the Acacia Sect group in front of him seemed to be just asking for money, and did not have the habit of killing the whole family in the Xingluo Xianmen.

Facing Wang Tianyan directly, he simply threw away the storage ring in his hand, and put on a squeezed tadpole. He would rather spend money to buy peace than one thing more, and he will definitely not be able to fight it. Miss Jie is worse than others Even bigger tiger palms can crush one's own to death.

(End of this chapter)

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