I am in good spirits

Chapter 124 That Cup of Tea....My Year-old Star Drinks Well!

Chapter 124 That Cup of Tea. My Sui Ming Xing Drinks Well!

"Little brother, help stop it, that baby has grown legs and runs so fast."

In the Zhang Mansion of Yuhai City, the concubine Shi Yan chased a sea dragon algae crawling all over the ground with a lewd smile on her face. The poor Zhi Yao ran until the roots were already soft, but she still couldn't get rid of it, as if she was blindfolded when she was visiting Wanhua Pavilion. The girl's concubine Yan.

Seeing the ball of seaweed being shrunk by the concubine Shi Yan, sitting on the head of the high hall in Zhang's mansion with Erlang's legs crossed, enjoying the tea and water poured by Master Zhang's concubine in an extremely comfortable way, he said perfunctorily: "It's almost enough, you So bullying a medicinal herb that has just opened up its wisdom, doesn't it hurt your conscience?"

From the perspective of Bai Jin, the sea dragon algae has just reached the age of long-legged runners, and it will definitely not exceed 600 years old.Moreover, sea dragon algae is an aquatic plant that heals the injuries of the lungs and spleen in the internal organs, not some terrestrial plant.

Shi Feiyan couldn't catch it, she would be damned if she couldn't catch it, she just thought a ten thousand spirit stones that could run was interesting, so she let it crawl around in front of her.

"Pack up and get ready to go. It's getting late and it's easy to be thieves if you walk at night."

Bai Jin pushed away the concubine from someone else's family, and said to Mr. Zhang who was making tea over there: "We don't need to send it away after we slip away."

"Take care, elders, and walk slowly. If you need to order anything in the future, please don't be too polite."

Master Zhang had a miserable face, forced a smile uglier than crying, and sent off the bandits in front of him.

He didn't do anything, but happily came out of the second room to inspect the third room, and planned to see if a little girl from Bodo could come out at the end of this year, but the door of the house was pushed open by the Acacia Sect, and a group of guys who walked inhumanly were humming. just came in.
His million-dollar family fortune was also discounted by [-]% and [-]% off. Now, let alone wanting to make a little girl into a beautiful idiom with both sons and daughters, he will have to think about who to borrow money from later on.

"Master woo woo woo."

Mrs. Zhang's wife was crying with pear blossoms and rain, her face was full of tears and she said with sobs: "You want to make the decision for us! That thing is not a good person, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, he wants me to rub his shoulders, and put a note on him." Thighs in front of me."

"Poor little sister has to help him tear the grape skin and feed it into that thing's mouth with her own hands. She wants to wear white silk!"

"Master help us decide, go to the city lord's mansion to sue those shameless people!"

"What do women and Taoists know, what kind of masters are they, let the city master hold them to death in our Yuhai City? Or let them spit out our wealth twice as much?"

Master Zhang was speechless: "The demon sect of those people is still one of the top two demon sects. Let's just use it as a way to save money and prevent disasters without disease or pain. But you reminded me of it."

"Looking for an emergency from the Lord of the City, I was ransacked by the whole family in Yuhai City. I should be able to ask the Lord to borrow some for emergency. It should be harmless to borrow a few thousand spirit stones."

A businessman pays attention to a well-funded person. If he asks a partner to borrow money for no reason, people may see the family affairs. If people know that he has been robbed, he will not even dare to fart, and he will not be laughed to death?

Master Zhang thought so, and ordered his servants to prepare a carriage to cover his figure and go to the City Lord's Mansion.

The city lord's mansion is also brightly lit now. Master Wang, Mr. Xie's family, shopkeeper Xu, Mrs. Ye, businessmen who went one after another, and the last family of unlucky Mr. Zhang all gathered together to play mahjong.

The city lord looked blankly, looking at the landlords who were embarrassed by each other and some businessmen who were crying.

He fell asleep with his wife wrapped in his arms, and when he woke up, the whole city of Yuhai was looted?

What about taxes at the end of the year?Difficult to do.



Bai Jin and his party asked Mr. Zhang that after taking the money, everyone returned to the White Mansion. Shi Feiyan and Meng Qi hid the dormitory where Bai Jin and Tunyin had posted before, and Tunyin and Bai Jin kissed and returned to the room after a while. In his own wedding room, he put Bai Yongshou's human skin on a sleeve and had a little tenderness with Ye Lin.

Bai Jin flashed back to the room and frantically took a bath, soaking his whole body in the wooden bucket of water to dissipate the fragrance of many people's rouge, water and powder.

After one night, Bai Jin himself forgot how many times he punched disobedient people and molested many married women, but his hair must be filled with the scent of his body, and if he doesn't clean it up now, Sui Mingxing will still be able to smell it. .

Bai Jin didn't want to be held down by Sui Mingxing and admit in front of the Zong family's mother and daughter that she died overnight in a brothel.

In addition, I am even more afraid that Sui Mingxing or Chongju will smell the smell of swallowing, and that dead woman will harm the entire cultivation world, and there are many friends who have not lacked in Sui Mingxing in the past. of.

Just like the current Ye Lin. Tunyin's senior sister is a scumbag, but Bai Jin doesn't want her to have a conflict with Suimingxing, otherwise it will be troublesome, especially after Tunyin was arrested.

"Master, are you awake?"

The guilty Bai Jin chose to take the initiative, knocked on the door of Sui Mingxing's bedroom, and said, "The morning market is open. If we go out at this time, we should be able to eat crab demon paste or Huang's top-quality crab roe noodles."


The bedroom door opened, and the well-dressed Sui Mingxing appeared in front of Bai Jin and almost bumped into him.Subconsciously, Bai Jin took two steps back to keep a safe distance, and involuntarily glanced at Li Yuanba's first-class master.

"Where is it?" Sui Mingxing asked curiously.

I don't know where I am, I just ran in front of you to check in. Bai Jin sneered in her heart, but on the surface she said with a smile on her face: "It's next to the Baifu. Yesterday I saw a shop that specializes in processing. We only need the Crab Demon and Moyu we bought at the morning market."

"Sensible! A good apprentice for the teacher!"

Sui Mingxing had a happy face, and patted Bai Jin's shoulder to show his satisfaction: "What do you want to eat later? Don't be polite with Wei Shi and just buy it when you see it. Don't make it so that Shi can choose by himself, we each It’s interesting to choose what you like and eat in exchange.”

"Follow Master." Bai Jin replied, "Do you need me to teach Auntie and Chongxing?"

"Forget it, Chong Xing drank too much last night, and she should still be lying there now, and Xiaoju will not go if she is taking care of her." Sui Mingxing thought for a while, and said: "It's better for us, the master and the apprentice, to go together." Be happy! Disciples follow!"

Sui Mingxing walked ahead with a smile and led the way. She was no stranger to Yu Haicheng, but she was quite curious about the crab roe noodles that Bai Jin was talking about.

Ever since he picked up the white brocade, Sui Mingxing really knows what the happy time of being an apprentice is, watching his apprentice gradually become what he likes in terms of cultivation base, and his daily living habits are also in line with his own
It would be better to say that I have joined Bai Jin, my apprentice is too filial, I know that I like to eat, and I can find unique recipes and combinations of special ingredients every time, which often surprises me.

He is really a good apprentice for his teacher, that cup of tea is not bad for my Sui Ming Xing!It's no wonder that the brothers and sisters like to teach apprentices so much. When I go back and talk to Xiaoxuan about letting her accept an apprentice for fun, it's really super comforting.

Sui Mingxing thought with a smile on his face, turned his head to look at the outstanding disciples around him, full of complacency.

As expected, I have already cultivated a special talent. Next time the Xingluo Xianmen opens the Shengxianmen, I will go and have a look.

(End of this chapter)

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