I am in good spirits

Chapter 125 Sea Fishing

Chapter 125 Sea Fishing (Subscribe)

"Ball, help us! Super fresh sea beasts are out of stock, help me buy a sea beast!"

The morning market in Yuhai City was full of wailing, and the monks who came back from the sea wanted to cry but had no tears.Buyers who bought sea beasts in large quantities with their cards in the morning on weekdays, there were only a few of them doing the purchases there this morning, and they quickly bought enough sea beasts not to accept them.

Sea monsters are different from land monsters. Once they die, they must be dealt with immediately, otherwise they will easily rot or be contaminated by the food in their stomachs, unless a monk who is good at ice attributes can be found to freeze them.

But is it so easy to find a monk with different attributes? A monk with such a talent has long been recruited by the various immortals to be a promising little Taoist boy.
Because there were no sea beasts to sell, there were not many sea beast materials sold in the market today. Basically, sea beasts were knocked out one by one and kept in wooden barrels. The monks yelled loudly around for the kind people passing by to have a look.

As for the storage ring, they couldn't afford it, and it cost more than a dozen or 20 spirit stones, unless they were lucky enough to catch a weak chicken dragon sea beast.

"The market is so lively!"

Sui Mingxing, who was in disguise, looked at the seafood everywhere, and asked Bai Jin not to be polite, to choose casually.

"What a plump shark."

Bai Jin never left his eyes from a shop that sold cute mermen, those female mermen in starfish costumes sat on the table, smiling and stroking their heads and winking at the male monks around them.

"You like those?"

Sui Mingxing wondered what Bai Jin was looking at, and followed his gaze to see the source for a moment, then tapped his head lightly and said with a smile: "Those can kill people, you can go to Ye Dong's family after breakfast later , let them take you to Wanhua Pavilion for a stroll!"

Sharks seem to be weak and boneless, but their body fluids have a strong anesthetic effect, and their mouths can be split to the back of the neck, with fine teeth falling down their throats, and they can easily crush a monk's head. Buried eggs let the baby grow up eating people.

The mermaids can be called the artifacts of sex rebooting in the cultivation world. As long as they survive once caught by them, they will basically be suffering from misogyny in the future, and they will panic when they see women.

Suimingxing still wants to hug his disciples and grandchildren!I don't want Bai Jin to be so confused and scared by the sharks that he will be afraid of women ever since.

"Reporting to Master, it's winter now, I'm just curious how they sell themselves." Bai Jin looked at the teasing on Sui Mingxing's face, and said calmly.

"Because... life is not easy, the mermaid sighs, and the whole family relies on acting skills to reproduce." Sui Mingxing smiled funny.



After buying the ingredients with Sui Mingxing, Bai Jin specifically told the restaurant chef how to make crab roe noodles. Don't throw a lump of crab roe and crab meat at ordinary noodles. You must follow the step-by-step instructions you said, otherwise you will be let down all night tonight. You know what will happen if you offend Xingluo Xianmen!

You all go eat with you brother Jiahu!
"Master will wait for a while. They will serve boiled cuttlefish, fried golden thread pomfret and grilled electric eel first."

Bai Jin went back to his seat and sat down. He glanced at the leftovers on the table next door, and couldn't help but raise his eyebrows. Last night, Shi Feiyan and Meng Qi didn't pick up what they ate. This restaurant is hygienic. It's really clean. And hygienic!

It's just that there is a bit of seawater smell in the environment.


Sui Mingxing stared at the jade slip in his hand for a while, then looked away at Bai Jin and said, "Just now Xiaolin came to me and said that she was going to take me out to sea to try a new restaurant, will you get seasick?"

There are many ways to go out to sea in the world of comprehension. One is the courageous people of Yigao to ride the wind and waves and take a boat with a fishing rod in the sea. The other is to take a cowardly but safe fairy boat, flying over the sky that sea beasts can't reach or passing through the teleportation array.

If Bai Jin doesn't suffer from seasickness, it must be the most fun fishing in the sea.

"It's not seasick, it's just." Bai Jin said with a strange face, "...we won't run into a black shop, will we?"

It's fine if Sui Mingxing didn't say about going to sea. As soon as she said it, Bai Jin immediately thought of Tunyin and told him yesterday that he can play anywhere in the city and don't go anywhere indiscriminately.

The background of the restaurant on the sea is a bit dark, it seems to be involved in the illegal trading of Demon Gate, Righteous Way and Kraken, Tunyin specially told him not to run there alone in a foolish way, lest his kidneys be taken off if he didn't eat the food.

"Black shop? How is it possible? There are still a lot of good people in the cultivation world, except for those in the Puppet Hall. Wanhua Valley seems to also cause family disharmony. Those monks of Hehuan Sect are super vengeful. I heard that they will record it in the notebook. , the whole sect shares the vengeance book."

Sui Mingxing's impression of the three major magic sects is that He Huan Zong's small book of vengeance. JPG, when the junior sister lifted the He Huan Zong's male and female magic repair table, the vengeance was fully recorded until the world war in the cultivation world.

There is nothing in Wanhua Valley, but it is very dissolute, which may cause some disharmony between husband and wife. Male cultivators may poison Lingzhi to death or make them very fat.

The puppet hall didn't have to be washed, and everyone beat it, so she fought with the head teacher of the Nucao puppet hall more than once.

"It's not delicious, Tuer is awesome."

When the crab roe noodles were placed on the table, Sui Mingxing took a sip with a blissful face full of praise: "It's full of deliciousness, and the taste is soft and glutinous, with a sticky taste of male crab paste."

Crab roe noodles are made by kneading crab roe into the dough, frying the crab shell until fragrant, then frying the crab roe and crab meat until fragrant, then boiling the crab shell soup to thicken the soup, and finally covering the crab noodles made of crab roe and crab paste.

The foundation-building crabs bought with [-] spirit stones melted into the noodles without any waste.

"Is there any more in the store? Have another one, and pack another fresh crab roe noodles for me."

Sui Mingxing raised his hand to say something to Xiao Er, raised his hand to hold the token hanging on his belt tightly, Bai Jin glanced at it and couldn't understand it, so he continued to slap the noodles until two sets of noodles were served, and one of Sui Mingxing sandwiched half of it In the bowl, give half of it to Bai Jin.

The other packaged one was placed on the table, and a gap in the space only for the arm to pass through was opened. The slightly cool white arm gave a thumbs up to Sui Mingxing, and took away the portion of the noodles that Sui Mingxing liked to eat on the table. .

"Sui Mingxing disturbed Wuqingxian and I was frightened. Wuqingxian tasted the top crab noodles. Suimingxing showed a sisterly love. The three of us have a bright future"

Bai Jin looked at the white arm that was leaving, hesitantly glanced at Suimingxing, and finally bowed his head without saying anything and continued to chatter.

It was really scary to meet the head teacher early in the morning, but Bai Jin never forgot. The Wuqingxian cram school has started.

It's just that I've had better luck recently, either in the forest with the master or out for dinner, so I didn't fall into the hands of the ruthless fairy who wanted to help me practice courage.

I don't know how to practice Bai Jin, but judging from his meager understanding of Wuqingxian, it must not be a good thing. The brain circuit of Master Zhangjiao is different from ordinary people.

Other fairies valued their bodies, but she had a face full of indifference. If she went in to spy, she could tell herself to sit by her spirit pool, and then teach herself why she was not polite, and she had to knock on the door!
Therefore, Bai Jin really didn't want to go to the bravery training class run by Wuqingxian.

However, he didn't dare to say that he was very courageous in front of Wuqingxian, for fear of being too bold, the head teacher felt that it would be a little in the way, and made himself and Suimingxing his adoptive mother and daughter, and Zhu Fu and Tian Niang as sisters.

(End of this chapter)

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