I am in good spirits

Chapter 126 Spirit Beast Gate

Chapter 126 Spirit Beast Gate (Subscribe)
"I found out that you are real leather"

Sitting on the ship going out to sea, Bai Jin glanced behind him, Bai Yongshou was extremely bold in front of his newlywed wife, Sui Ming Xing and Chong Ju, and put his arms around his waist to cover up his presence a little. , not at all afraid of not being discovered by those great immortals in front.

"I have been pursuing excitement all my life, since I want to pursue excitement, of course I will follow through to the end~"

Bai Yongshou moved his arm up with a smile, untied the technique of concealing his sense of existence, and put his arms around Bai Jin's neck like a brother who had a very close relationship: "Little friend Bai Jin, sea fishing is a major feature of our Royal Sea City , I might be able to catch a dragon sea beast if I protect you!"

Sea fishing should be one of the most expensive recreational activities in the world of comprehension. There are no monks above the transformation stage to watch, and monks who fish often disappear after fishing.

The dangers of the sea are not limited to strange beasts, often those sea beasts in groups or super giant sea beasts are the most unfriendly to human monks.Those dragon-species or rare beasts all lived in the deep sea, but they rarely met human monks face to face.

"The friendship between the monks is eccentric"

Seeing Bai Yongshou, who was singing and dancing with Suimingxing's apprentice, wishing to drink two cups to celebrate, the newlywed wife Ye Lin complained helplessly: "It's been less than two days since we met, and you are hooking shoulders, singing and dancing, your apprentice Is there any special talent for meeting friends?"

"Do you have a good heart and a good talent for cultivation? You can say a thing or two about eating, drinking and having fun. As for the others, it shouldn't be too special." Sui Mingxing pondered for a while and summed up his apprentice's communication talent.

"." Ye Lin rolled her eyes, and almost didn't spray tea on Sui Mingxing's face.What kind of talents are those of your apprentices? You eat, drink, gamble, drink and boast that your apprentice owns more than half of it. If you want to replace it with my monk, you will give him a discount on his legs. You still have the face to say it.

"What are they fishing for? My mother is still on the boat and still wants to fish"

Chong Xing sat on the second floor with his legs split, his upper body lying on the guardrail and his arms hanging down, swinging there with the waves of the sea, his face full of sleepiness, complaining about the two idiot monks on the first floor with fishing rods: " According to my mother's evil spirit, there may not be sea monsters in the five-mile sea area nearby."

"Xiaobai might as well untie his belt and run up to me to catch a plump one."


Chongju's eyes were fixed, and the scattered pink dots in his pupils were all focused on Chongxing, making Chongxing shudder until he swallowed all the obscene words on his mouth, and shrank back from the second floor with a smirk on his face. Continue to catch up on sleep.


Chongju withdrew her gaze, kept her little hands in her sleeves and hugged her chest, and said angrily, "I don't know whose brains I've been thinking about all day long. How can I not have a granddaughter to hug me now! If you like it, you can drag the dormitory, if you really can't, you can find the old star to get the poison!"

She is satisfied with Bai Jin as a whole, especially when Chong Xing stalks her mouth all day long, Chong Ju thinks she is going to hold a granddaughter, but after so many days, no one of Chong Xing farts.

If you like it, you can drag him by the hand, kiss him on the mouth, drag him into the woods and into the bedroom, instead of talking about it every day!


"Catch a hammer. I'm giao!"

Seeing that the destination is getting closer and closer, and the fishing rod in his hand still does not move at the top, Bai Jin almost breaks the fishing rod in his hand and throws it into the sea to feed the fish: "The bait has melted three or four times, and I can't even catch a single fry." Come on, the fish in the nearby waters want to turn the sky upside down!"

Bai Jin has never been wronged in this regard. When fishing in the rivers, basically a fishhook, large or small, could be hooked in three to five minutes. It can be concluded that there are no fish in the fish pond or turtles are caught.

Therefore, when Bai Jin laughed at those air force fishing guys, they were full of confidence, and if they refused to accept it, they compared fishing.

But now that the sea fishing hook has been down for two hours, not even a fry has been caught. If the master hadn't been drinking tea and snacks in the back, Bai Jin would have rolled up his sleeves and raised his arms to summon a complete soul, blowing up the sea area.

"If you can't catch anything you can buy, it's no shame." Bai Yongshou glanced at the fishing rod with a little doubt, and spread his consciousness to explore the surrounding sea: "It doesn't make sense. The sea beasts in the sea are endless to catch and catch. How could it be impossible to catch even a single fry."

Even if I and Chongju are here, those sea beasts and strange beasts will be affected, and those stupid ordinary fish with immature intelligence will not show signs of fleeing.
But when Bai Yongshou probed into the seabed with his spiritual sense, he was surprised to find that there were no living things in the sea at all, and those fish seemed to be driven away like crazy, and even the starfish in the bottom of the sea crawled away step by step.

Both sea beasts and fish were running ahead, and it was a strange thing that they could catch fish.

The spiritual consciousness continued to extend outward, covering the entire sea area. Bai Yongshou finally realized that he couldn't even catch fish fry. The culprit was a big ship with the mark of 'Last Quarter Moon and Star Ring' printed on its body.

"The monks of the Spirit Beast Sect are administering medicine, and the sea beasts within [-] miles from them are all moving away. Our position happens to be within the dispersal circle."

Bai Yongshou shook his head and said, "Don't talk about fishing, now you can't even catch shells in the sea, and the remaining creatures are all plants that live on the bottom of the sea and cannot move."

"Spirit Beast Gate?"

Hearing the term Bai Yongshou said, what came to Bai Jin's mind was not the superb animal taming skills of the Spirit Beast Sect, nor the heroic demeanor when they led the beasts in battle, but the embarrassing appearance of Ling Yuexian, the master of the Spirit Beast Sect.

The little Lingyue Fairy, sitting on the long table of the banquet, was full of embarrassment, and didn't say much. From the beginning to the end, he basically ate with his head down. From time to time, he approached the master of the Qi Sect to suppress the Taoist, to increase safety feel.

Feeling aggrieved after being stared at by the Sun and Moon Immortals, Bai Jin felt that Lingyue Immortal could form a group with Chongju and debut as a young child celestial being and become an idol.

"It turned out that they were making trouble for me. When I was eating later, I thought of a way to release the soul, and let their boat sink into the bottom of the sea." Bai Jin snorted coldly in the direction Bai Yongshou pointed, and said inwardly.

"An evil animal from the Spirit Beast Sect?"

After hearing the words, Chongju turned his head slightly, shook his head and didn't say anything, just cursed to himself.

The Spirit Beast Sect and the monster clan have never been able to deal with each other. The Spirit Beast Sect uses demon taming as a means of cultivation, and can even integrate with the monsters and borrow supernatural powers. stronger.

These are actually nothing, even a good thing for monsters without blood talent.

The real reason why the monster race hates the spirit beast gate is that they will tame some monster beasts for sale, or let them help ordinary people work or cultivate blood in a targeted manner, so that the blood in the monster race will be diluted and lose its wildness, and it can help the human race with daily labor or transportation.

The Pegasus that travels three thousand miles a day, the triangular ox that seems to never get tired, and the unicorn that can help transport heavy objects are all made by the Spirit Beast Sect.

These are just common spirit beasts, they have also bred many spirit beasts with different uses.

This is a naked humiliation to the Yaozu. The Yaozu's most important thing is to infuse blood and reputation, but you are so outrageous that you regard the Yaozu's monsters as a directional reproduction machine?
Say no more, the disciples of the Monster Race draw their swords and join me in killing the entire family of the Spirit Beast Sect!
People who don't kill the spirit beast sect are not monsters, and they don't deserve the right to enjoy the wild beauties of the monsters!

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(End of this chapter)

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