I am in good spirits

Chapter 133 There are so many colorful and fierce...gold gradients.

Chapter 133 has a lot of colorful and fierce gold gradients.

A bottle of anesthetic was stuffed into the baby's belly, and according to Sui Mingxing's estimation, even with Bai Jin's strong physique, he would have to sleep for at least 28 or [-] hours.Therefore, after Sui Mingxing wiped his disciple's body with a towel, he left the dormitory with a full face and covered him with a quilt.

I never imagined that one day, I would be able to use the medicine of the torture demon cultivator on the apprentice, which is really unexpected.
"Xiaoju, do you think I am a bad person? When I was feeding the medicine just now, even if I drank it into mud, but after hearing my voice, I opened my mouth obediently and ate my food without even opening my eyelids." thing."


Chongju nodded lightly, she was very sure that her friend's behavior was very wrong. Except for those masters and apprentices who practiced acacia and played furnaces, it was also the first time she heard that a master gave wine and medicine to his disciples.

There is one thing to say, fellow daoist, she is very wrong, why don't you let the apprentice see some blood?What's the big deal, since Bai Jin studied under Sui Mingxing's sect and learned her techniques, the method of killing people in the future will naturally be the same, isn't it just that the blood spattering range is wider and the death is more miserable?

Chongju didn't think there was anything, she even felt that if Bai Jin hadn't fallen asleep, she would have been amazed, looked at her old friend Sui Mingxing with admiration, and shouted: "Master is great, Mufa is so good, it's still okay Turn into a giant flower god and make people into sauce people!"

"Humph! I'm ignoring you."

He didn't get comfort from his old friend, and was even complained by Chongju. Sui Mingxing snorted, walked into the cabin with his hands in his arms, and was going to the kitchen to find some snacks to soothe his soul.

"Where are you going?"

Chongju watched Chongxing tiptoe, walked quietly to the dormitory area, frowned and said: "Don't you even have a little common sense? You are so drunk, and you have taken the special anesthetic prepared by Suimingxing, he can stand up. Wake up? I'll swallow him, including his clothes, on the spot!"

"If you go in now, you won't get anything other than teasing him to vomit his lunch on you!"

Seeing the stupid daughter's movements, Chongtachi appeared behind her in an instant, raised his foot, and kicked her buttocks, Chongxing covered his buttocks, and slid a certain distance on the slippery ground.

Chong Xing muttered with displeasure on his face: "I don't know these things. The bloodline inheritance doesn't contain the knowledge you stored up in your romantic days, mom. Besides, it's great to measure it in the past and enjoy your hands, isn't it?"

"I haven't tried it yet. After I try it, won't I be experienced? Our two families even kiss each other."

"These are all common sense." Chongju looked indifferently at the stupid daughter who was clutching her buttocks, and complained lightly.



Bai Jin, who was lying in Sui Mingxing's dormitory, had slept for an unknown amount of time. Suddenly, he felt tightness in his chest, and opened his mouth to cough. Bai Jin coughed out thumb-sized beads from his throat. A turbid red spiritual fruit fell on the white bed sheet.


Bai Jin took a deep breath, opened his eyes, shivered, quickly scanned the bedroom, saw a strange-shaped wooden barrel behind the screen, ignored the fruit on the bed sheet, lifted the quilt covering his body and ran to the barrel Untie the waistband before leaning on the wall with both hands: "Huh"

"Drinking is the most annoying thing, I almost peed on the bed."

While pouring water, Bai Jin lamented that he drank too much with the senior sister, and almost peed on the bed. Drinks and drinks. Aside from the alcohol, it is all water. After being absorbed by the body, the alcohol and spiritual energy are absorbed, and the rest of the things are all All reported to the bladder.

"Fortunately, I'm not a drunkard, and I don't have the habit of talking nonsense and getting drunk."

Bai Jin shook his soul to go to the toilet, put on his belt again and yawned, ready to go back to sleep on the slightly familiar bed, his head is still a little groggy, not fully Waking up from a hangover.

"1, 2, 318, 19? The hippocampus brewed by the elder sister is so strong that the whole family is neat and strong, right? After so long, I can still squeeze out the spiritual power of a foundation-building period. What kind of spiritual plants did she use when she brewed wine? what?"

Recycling the turbid spirit fruit on the bed sheet, Bai Jin took off her socks and lay back on the bed, looking at the clean and green dormitory: "It's better not to delve into it, and don't just open the closet. Unscrew the lid of my heavenly spirit."

"Good night, Makabaka!"

Bai Jin hugged the quilt on her side, and continued to sleep with her face facing the door.

"Da da da da da da. da da da."

Bai Jin closed her eyes, and the sound of rhythmic and frequent footsteps echoed in her ears. Bai Jin covered her head with the quilt and continued to sleep pretending to be dead, completely ignoring what was running around.

The ones who can run on the Suiming Star Immortal Boat are probably the life forms derived from the Immortal Ark. Even if Bai Jin has a problem with their footsteps, he can't break their legs, so it's the same whether he looks at it or not.

"Wow, the Great Immortal of Fate Star, please spare me! I really don't know what the sect master meant. The adults said that we should gather in the country of Great Sickness, and gather in some city from the Western Desert. really don’t know”

"I dare to swear to the sky. No, I dare to swear to the ruthless fairy, I swear to the Lord of the Star Network, if I have a half-truth, the whole family will die with a genealogy, and they will die from now on!"

A strong man's voice mixed with sobbing came from outside the door to Bai Jin's ear, which made him startled for a moment, and raised his head to look towards the door with a questioning expression on his face.

In Suiming Xingxianzhou, there are no other men besides himself, so who is crying there?

Thinking about it, Bai Jin got up from the Sui Ming Xing bed with gossip all over his face and ran out. When he passed by the tea table, he poured a cup of hot tea. He walked barefoot through the aisle with a happy face, and came to the place where the voice was coming out. hall.

In the cabin hall, four or five colorful tigers squatted in a row in the corner of the wall, full of fear. A big tiger with straight antlers on the head, wings on the back of a lion, and a body covered with gorgeous scales, crawled at the feet of Suimingxing. Shaking like chaff, almost urinating on the ground in fright.

"A lot of gold gradient cats"

Seeing the cowardly appearances of those colorful tigers, although Bai Jin didn't know what happened, she still joked in her heart: "It's far behind, and you are too cowardly compared to the big cats I saw last time." .”

The last time I saw the big cat was the pylorus tiger pity. The image of fearlessness and bravery is still fresh in people's memory. As long as Su Tu opens his mouth to order the feminine-looking white tiger, Bai Jin will be amazed at the bloodiness that erupts.

Sitting on the chair, Sui Ming Xing was silent, turned his head abruptly, looked at the aisle passing through the dormitory, looked at the pale and weak boy, and stood at the intersection with a cup of hot water in his trembling hands: " How did you wake up so quickly?"

"There are three urgencies for returning to Master. I woke up in a daze and went to a latrine. When I heard noises outside, I came out to see if there was a thief." Bai Jin was taken aback, and explained why he was here.

"Master, what happened to the row of big cats crouching down with their heads in their arms, and the dozen kneeling lions falling in love with fish?"

Sui Mingxing was shocked, an anesthetic was fed down Bai Jin's throat and eyes, and now less than six hours later, the effect of the medicine dissipated.

If the medicine is not made by herself, but the material is fluff from Chongju's hand, she suspects that she bought a fake medicine!

"It's nothing. As a teacher, I just ask them about the recent situation of refining the pylorus."


Gu Diao slowly put out a question mark, looking at Sui Mingxing's face full of hesitation.

You didn't say that when we first met.
(End of this chapter)

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