I am in good spirits

Chapter 134 Master Teacher, I Want to Make a Small Report

Chapter 134 Master Teacher, I Want to Make a Small Report (Please Subscribe)

The atmosphere in the emerald green fairy boat was quite weird, Bai Jin looked at the golden gradients lined up on the wall, and a group of first-born lion-like creatures with scales.Sui Mingxing was shocked by his apprentice's body, and the anesthetic that caused severe drowsiness was only lasted for six hours.

Jin Jiancai and the three unlikes looked at each other, not knowing what expression to show, and finally looked at Suimingxing.

"If you have nothing to do, leave first!"

Sui Mingxing took a deep breath and waved his hands to let the golden gradients in the cabin leave. The light green lines on their bodies were also fading rapidly, but Bai Jin didn't see this scene because of the cover of the fur.

There are tens of thousands of types of wood law, some of which use a variety of plants to derive colossus and evils, some of which are parasitic, and there are orthodox medical treatments that focus on vitality.

The wooden method that Sui Mingxing just performed is actually a lie detection method that combines parasitic vines and medical skills. It can parasitize in the body of living beings in a physical way, and detect all subtle life fluctuations in the body in all aspects.

Once Mufa detects that the meridians and blood are abnormal, the enemy will be blown into a potted plant in the next second.The parasitic silk thread is not only parasitic on the physical body, it can even penetrate deep into the dantian and take root in the Jindan and Yuanying. It takes a huge price to break free.

If Bai Jin saw Sui Mingxing's hand, his expression would become very strange, and then he complained in his heart: "It's so strange. Master is getting more and more strange."

"Thank you Daxian, thank you Suimingxing Daxian."

Feeling the disintegration of the parasites in the body, the gu carving was full of ecstasy and knocked on the life star a few times, crawling and rolling out of the cabin, and with a whoosh, spread its wings and flew out of the fairy boat, breathing Breathe the fresh air from the outside world that does not contain the killing spirit of the Xingluo Xianmen.

Those colorful tigers covered in sinew and flesh, breathing like a booster engine whimpered, tiptoed and carefully left the cabin, and were very careful not to scratch the wooden floor with their claws in the fleshy balls.

Sui Mingxing gave an order, and in less than three seconds, the beasts were overwhelmed and the cabin became empty.

"It's a pity that I slept too late, and I didn't see how Master whipped and interrogated them."

Bai Jin looked at the herd of beasts that dispersed in a crowd, with a slightly regretful expression on his face. He had always heard from his master that Mufa interrogated the enemy so fiercely, but unfortunately, he had no chance to see them.

It's a rare opportunity now, but I overslept and didn't see the whole process of Master's torture, and I can't refer to my death method after exposing the identity of the inner ghost.

If the death wasn't so miserable, Bai Jin felt that he could speak a little more arrogantly in the future.

"Teacher, don't you want to sleep for a while?"

Sui Mingxing remained calm on the surface, gently took Bai Jin's hand to check his pulse, and pulled him to the tea table to refill him with a cup of hot tea, but he was very surprised in his heart.

Because when refining anesthetics, Sui Mingxing deliberately adopted a special alchemy method created by himself, first forming all the liquid medicine at one time, then making a concentrated core, and finally stacking the liquid medicine layer by layer, like an onion Unique Dan body structure.

The anesthetics refined in this way have a step-by-step release of potency, and each release of potency can reach the highest standard in the safe range, and the quality of the elixir will not be polluted by stomach acid or other food.

After feeding Baijin a bottle of anesthetic, which is a continuous infusion anesthetic refined from onion structure, it can only turn Tuerma for less than six hours.
Tu'er's body is really tough.



After waking up from sleep, Bai Jin didn't realize that Sui Mingxing looked at him strangely, so after tidying up his appearance, he went outside the fairy boat to blow a cool breeze to dispel the smell of alcohol to make himself more sober.

Bai Jin yawned, reached out of the boat with both hands, grabbed a wild goose by the neck with the other hand, looked back at Sui Mingxing, who doubted life, and said, "Master, is there a kitchen in the fairy boat? I'll fix it for you." How about a big goose stewed in an iron pan full of sauce?"

The fairy boat was flying high in the sky, and there happened to be a group of migrating geese around the hull. Bai Jin felt that his arms were just long enough to try to catch them, but unexpectedly, two of them who were not very smart were caught.


Looking at the two half-hanging geese, Sui Mingxing covered his face and waved his hands, signaling that he would not eat.

Wild geese are actually a bit similar to geese, and the taste of stewing them in a pot is not bad. Sui Mingxing also caught them and ate them before, but it was a little bit inappropriate for Tuer to stew them for her.

Wild geese symbolize unswerving until death and grow old together. Tuer is holding two wild geese, one male and one female. As a master, the star of life is really embarrassed to eat.

"Well maybe you could just stew one?"

Sui Mingxing thought about it, and adopted a compromise method, asking Bai Jin to cook one for a try. One should not violate etiquette, and it tastes delicious.

"Still waiting for a while for the night? This is not far from the mountain gate, let those spirit monkeys handle it."

Although one does not violate etiquette, it still makes Sui Mingxing feel strange to let his apprentice handle it.

Bai Jin was confused, and looked at the mother and daughter of the Chong family and the master strangely. They looked at themselves, why did they always feel that they wanted to say something, but they didn't say it?
Could it be that the geese in the world of cultivating immortals are also some kind of rare protected animals?

Not necessarily!They don't even have cultivation bases.


The Great Array of Protecting the Mountain of Xingluo Xianmen opened, and the emerald green fairy boat slowly sailed towards Wenyao Peak. Bai Jin glanced at the sky, turned to look at Suimingxing and said, "Master, I will go to Wenwenfeng, Take some royal jelly to make milk seasoning tomorrow."

"Go early and come back early, we will have dinner later, tomorrow morning you will go to the Academy for class, and in the afternoon you will practice Mufa with your teacher, don't play too late." Sui Mingxing smiled and waved his hand to signal Bai Jin, let's go play.

Bai Jin went to the back mountain to play, and Sui Mingxing was quite at ease. He met a lot of friends there, as long as he came back before dinner time, if it was too late, even Jin Danqi would be a little dangerous in the back mountain.


Bai Jin jumped out of the fairy boat from the air, flew slowly towards the Taiyi Mountains, and flew to a distance beyond the distance of the Suiming Star that could not be seen by the naked eye. He made a [-]-degree turn and straightened to the high altitude at a very high speed, breaking through the clouds.

"Master Headmaster, disciple Bai Jin has something to report."

Landing on Baiyu Square, Bai Jin honestly called Immortal Wuqing: "It's very urgent, very urgent, this disciple heard that someone is going to attack your allies."

".Come in! I'm here at the Spirit Pond."

Wuqingxian's indifferent voice came out, and the smug smile on Bai Jin's face froze.

I was just complaining in my heart before, but you old man has a bit of courtesy, righteousness and shame, hey!
Even if you don't treat me as a man, at least you treat me as a strong boy, okay?
"Then I'd better stand here at the door and talk."

Standing in front of the entrance of the Lingchi, looking at the bead curtain, Bai Jin hesitated again and again but still did not choose to enter, he was afraid that Immortal Wuqing would become moody and turn himself into a sister.

"Reporting to Master Headmaster, when this disciple went to Yuhai City to attend the wedding banquet, he happened to meet Elder Dongzhiqing among the elders of the Four Elephants of the Spiritual Beast Sect, and heard him say that he wanted to assassinate the head of the Spiritual Beast Sect: Lingyuexian."

"They seem to say that they plan to release the sealed Chifei and Jiuying"


Wuqingxian responded and said, "Why did Dongzhiqing assassinate Lingyuexian?"

"I don't know, I just listened to some plans revealed by Elder Qing when he was in contact with someone."


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(End of this chapter)

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