I am in good spirits

Chapter 149 The wind and dust are rolling in, killing the wrong people.

Chapter 149 The wind and dust are rolling in, killing the wrong people.

"Ah, sir, you really like to joke. How dare we seek money and murder here, joking. We also find it very strange. It is obvious that people are completely dead, and the soul can still stay in the world."

In a gloomy inn, the wandering souls like flowers and jade are full of smiles, hugging Bai Jin's waist from left to right and leading him to the VIP room, ready to offer first-class service to make Xianchang happy .

The caravan traveled according to past experience. They came to a town in the evening and planned to rest for a night before leaving. However, when the head of the caravan saw a pile of dead bodies at the gate of the village, he immediately stopped and ran to Xingluo. In the carriage of the fairy head of the fairy gate, the great fairy is invited to come out.

Although the head of the bodyguard is a monk in the foundation-building period, he was just born in a wild way. Although he has rich experience and can judge many things, after experiencing the incident of Huang Pizi blocking the way to beg for longevity, the disciple of the Xingluo Xianmen has gradually become a member of the caravan. My metaphysics consultant.

When Bai Jin heard that a town had died, he thought he could hunt down some undead or resentful souls, so he tore apart an invisible barrier covering the town, and entered inside to kill a dark man.

But when those dead villagers saw Bai Jin, when they saw his waist card, they knelt down on the ground and shouted loudly: "The elder fairy of Xingluo Xianmen is here, someone has made a decision for us in vain, There is a blue sky and a bright day!"

Kneeling and worshiping by thousands of wronged souls, Bai Jin, who was eagerly preparing to hunt the soul, was completely incapable.

"Hey, I'll kick you if you get close!"

Zhu Fu's face was full of vigilance, and he put on a defensive posture and stared at the handsome male ghosts around him: "We don't engage in sex and seduction. If there is a grievance, we will say it. If there is no grievance, I will burn you dead ghosts who are not willing to die. Lose."

"Farewell, Immortal Chief, we are really wronged to die. We are just like the old days. Farmers are farmers, vegetable sellers are hooligans, and then a gust of wind blows by and we all die."

The mentality of the wronged souls is relatively optimistic. They either died of incomparable injustice or were tortured to death during their lifetime, or a gust of wind swept across the border, and their bodies were all rolled up to the sky and fell like hailstones, leaving only their souls standing in astonishment. in place.

Resentment in the heart is not enough to turn them into grievances.

The two female ghosts lying on Bai Jin's chest showed admiration on their faces, pouring wine and picking up vegetables for the head fairy, and described in detail what they saw and heard that day: "It's just a black light and a blue light passing across our town, That's it for us."

"There should be some monk fighting skills, and you are just within the affected range."

Jinlin calmly recounted the bitter experience: "I've seen this before, and one of them should be the demon cultivator."

Before being taken under the seat of Qixingxing, the young Jinlin was once involved in the monk's fighting style. A burst of crimson light illuminated the earth, and a large number of creatures burst open. The blood sea gathered in the sky along with the corpses, turning into a torrent towards the righteous monks. Unleash the deadly strike.

Although he was not sacrificed, he was seriously injured by the exploding creature. Before he fell into a coma, he remembered that a large number of translucent figures stood in place, and a beam of golden light pierced through the sky, piercing the sky with an unpredictable apocalyptic power.

Since leaving Luoxing City, it is no longer the actual jurisdiction of Xingluo Xianmen, and it is not surprising that there are demon cultivators passing by occasionally.As long as the fiefdoms or countries don't ask for help from the Xingluo Xianmen or happen to meet them, the Xingluo Xianmen generally don't care about these things.

Immortal cultivation pursues longevity and freedom, not to become stronger and benefit the common people. If you don’t accept complaints, you can cultivate yourself to become stronger and protect what you want to protect, instead of blaming others for your own waste.

Helping you is doing good deeds and accumulating virtue, but not helping you is justified!

Although the words are a bit harsh and rough, all monks in the cultivation world are basically like this. As for those demon cultivators, if they don't harm you, you should laugh.

If there are no decent sects of famous sects to suppress the demon way, it is actually very common to destroy countries and slaughter cities. The three major demon sects disdain the spirituality and spiritual power of mortals, but those small demon sects and evil craftsmen who refine magic weapons are rare!

"What will happen to those souls who cannot dissipate?"

Hearing that Jin Lin said that she had seen it before, Zhu Fu, who was irritated by those wanting to pour wine and vegetables, hurriedly asked, she just got rid of all these wronged souls: "Is there any way to make them enter reincarnation normally?"

"Destroy their sustenance, or find a monk who is good at saving them all." Jinlin said.

The reason why the ghosts have not dissipated is because they are still connected with the corpse.Their death speed was too fast, and some of the three souls and seven souls remained in their bodies, but most of them had left their bodies.

"I don't want to be a great immortal~ We also want to cultivate immortals."

The female ghosts delicately pulled the arms of the male cultivators present and began to act coquettishly.

Ordinary people may not have enough vision, but they are not fools. When they see a group of young monks, they immediately understand that this is a chance. Opportunity.

It's good to be young, it's good to be soft-hearted and easy to be deceived by sweet words!
"Hiss. Thanks, I don't smoke."

A bong was stuffed into Bai Jin's mouth, and he took a puff subconsciously, looked at the female ghost and said with a smile: "It's not a problem to practice, but you have to be careful of the mountain spirits and ghosts nearby. From the beginning of the road, there is a saying: My life is up to me."

"The full explanation of this statement is that from the day when the spiritual energy is breathed out, the body and mind will participate in the circulation of spiritual energy in the world. As long as you die, it will be transformed into spiritual energy to feed back to the world, and you will never be reborn forever. Do you really want to cultivate immortality?"

Bai Jin looked at the female ghost's face with great interest. It is true that low-level cultivators dissipate directly after death, but as long as they can cultivate to the Nascent Soul stage and can initially control the soul, they can choose whether to seize the body and reincarnate or reincarnate.

However, when Yuanying was killed, his soul was scattered, and he returned to heaven and earth as his aura of the same attribute.

This is another limitation of the law of heaven and earth besides the catastrophe, which can also be said to be a threat to those who want to go against the sky.

The female ghosts were silent, and the meaning of Hunfeiposan was a taboo that did not want to be spoken out by living beings.

Anyone who was born in the world of cultivating immortals will understand the weight and fear of the word "Hunfeiposan".

"Let the steward collect the firewood, and send them away in a dignified manner as soon as it catches fire after zero o'clock."

Seeing their quail appearance, Bai Jin felt a sense of accomplishment in his prank success. Not only could I trick the ghosts into drinking the talisman water, but I could tell the truth to them and scare them into peeing their pants!

Believe it or not, I can make you pass the wrong year!
"What if... I mean, what if... I still want to cultivate immortality." A female ghost grabbed Bai Jin's sleeve and said in a low voice with a full face of cowering.

"Then..." Bai Jin looked at her and said, "Of course I will kill you directly! Wealth couples are all empty, so we should choose ghost cultivation, which is the most difficult to complete. Not being reincarnated has meaning again."

"Brother Bai, if you can't do it, let me do it for you!" Jin Lin said lightly, "Life and death are determined by fate and wealth. The fact that I haven't died after a round of random killings only shows that its fate is hard, suitable for Practice a journey."


Seeing that Jin Lin really drew his sword, as if he wasn't joking, the bodies of the ghosts sank slowly, and they fled across the floor with terrified expressions on their faces.

"Are you two playing with ghosts here?"

Zhu Fu's head was full of black lines, and he complained: "It's like saying that you have ghosts who practice Dharma. It's not like to drive them away if you don't teach them, but you are still talking about them."

"It was they who seduced us first, and we also openly told them about the pros and cons of cultivating immortals."

Bai Jin said happily: "It's fun to tell real ghost stories to ghosts, Brother Jin, you can take it easy, I want to sleep peacefully at night, don't make me fight with Nascent Soul Stage or Transformation Stage monks. "

At noon, a weasel blocking the way was executed, and in the evening, I encountered a group of dead and muddle-headed ghosts, and now I have to help them find a place to escape.

Today is only the first day of going out, and Bai Jin starts to worry about whether Soul will be overwhelmed.

"No, Brother Jin, you'd better sleep in the same dormitory with me tonight, so that everyone will be safer." Bai Jin thought about it for a while, but still couldn't trust Jinlin, and felt that he would quietly draw out some of his fate and bad luck tonight, so as not to Really fell asleep and fell asleep, the one black and one blue fighting maniac ran back again.

The bandage on Jinlin's cheek tangled into a vortex: "I want to control too, Brother Bai."

(End of this chapter)

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