I am in good spirits

Chapter 150 A man is not rich without external wealth, and a horse is not fat without night grass

Chapter 150 A man is not rich without external wealth, and a horse is not fat without night grass


After collecting the corpses of the villagers in the small town, some of the ghosts of the villagers who could not leave dissipated voluntarily, and some were forced to dissipate unwillingly. The caravan bodyguard and Yu Xueqing also entered the inn to prepare rest.

"Brother Bai, I, forget it, you can do whatever you want!"

Jin Lin, who was in the same room with Bai Jin, looked at the feet that had been put on Fei Xiang crossing the river and put them on his legs. He wanted to say something, but he let it go after thinking about it. After sighing, he pulled the sheet covering his body away. breathable.

So hot
The bandages were already airtight, and there was a layer of quilt covering his body, and a thigh was pressed on the quilt, which made Jinlin wake up in the middle of the night, but seeing that Bai Jin had fallen asleep, he didn't kick him off. bed to go.

This is why Jinlin doesn't know what Bai Jin is doing. If he knows that his good brother Bai brother touched his head, pinched his shoulders, and pressed his abdomen when he was asleep, his expression would have changed drastically by now. The sharp straight sword faced Bai Jin with a vigilant face, ready to strike at any moment.

It's not about once or twice, it's about ones and zeros.

Bai Jin didn't do anything strange, he just drew some golden scales of bad luck, and didn't want the journey that could have been completed in a week or two to become like learning scriptures from the west, not only walking and stopping, but also going through ninety-nine and eighty-one difficulties.



On the second day, the caravan headed for All Souls as usual.

Pedestrians are a group of people who earn price difference and shipping fees. The Xingluo Xianmen elixir purchased by the steward has been ordered before it is delivered to the destination, so no matter it is windy or rainy, meteors fall, he will It must be delivered according to the agreed time, otherwise the liquidated damages paid on a daily basis will make his heart tremble.

According to the past experience of the caravan manager, everything went wrong on the first day of the trip, and the next journey may be a delivery trip full of disasters.

But a strange thing happened. Since the second day of the business, there has been no catastrophe, only some green forest heroes who don't have long eyes are jumping and hammering, and nothing is involved. .

Even if there are strange powers and distractions, they all pass by the side of the caravan, like righteous monks chasing monsters to slash or a group of demon monks chasing nosy monks away.

Anyway, the steward of the caravan was very happy, but the big black egg was puzzled by his sister, and he was in a daze the whole time.

In addition, the group also found that the farther away from Xingluo Xianmen, the lesser the effect of identity badges. Before wearing a waist badge, people would always look admiring, or call out respectfully. Fairy long.

But the farther you are from the Xingluo Xianmen, the fewer people in the world of mortals who know the waist card. When some monks from the small sect saw the belt card of the Xingluo Xianmen, they all backed away in unison, as if they saw some scourge .

Leaving the place under the influence of Xingluo Xianmen, there is no place for Bai Jin and others to make a fool of themselves.


"Senior Sister Yu help me massage my waist, I recently sat in a cart pulled by monsters until my bones became brittle"

Bai Jin lay all over the carriage, moaning a few words when he was bored, trying to trick the weather girl who didn't know how to reject others, to press herself and relax.

Crying children have milk, so it doesn't take much to yell.

"Go away, recruit plants to press yourself!"

Zhu Fu pulled Yu Xueqing who wanted to get up, rolled her eyes and stretched out her foot to kick Bai Jin's ass directly: "It's not bad for you to press our senior sister, you are addicted to directing, right?"

"Junior brother has really been working hard recently." Yu Xueqing said weakly: "Yesterday, you beat off the spies from the Demon Sect, so there shouldn't be anything wrong, right?"


Zhu Fu pressed Yu Xueqing's cheek sideways and rubbed it: "Give me a little bit of shame! Don't you know if a man and a woman will kiss or not? Beware of a male cultivator, even if he is a junior brother, he is also a male cultivator." Do you understand?"

Yuxueqing is not very good at rejecting people, and she is not too wary of people she knows very well.

If he hadn't held hands just now, Zhu Fu would have believed [-]% that this heartless girl would sit on Bai Jin's lap, and with a serious face, she would start rubbing and pressing the poor waist.


Bai Jin changed from lying down to lying down, looked at the roof of the car, and said to Brother Wei and Brother Jin who were sitting on duty on the roof: "Will you see Wan Ling? Didn't you say that you can arrive today? I really want to sit in the car." My back hurts."

Since the group of five people left the Xingluo Xianmen territory and met the spies from the Puppet Hall, they had already grown vigilant and began to take turns to observe the surroundings.

Zhu Fu and Yu Xueqing are in a group, Jin Lin and Wei Benliang are in a group alternately, and Bai Jin is in charge of the military force and can maintain peak combat power throughout the whole process, ensuring that those sneaky spies can be dealt with at any time.

"You can see a general outline, and you should be able to go down the mountain road to Wanling Market in the afternoon." Jinlin's faint voice came from the roof of the car, and there was a dull and flat feeling in his voice.

He is used to being tripped by stones while walking, and he pays all attention to his feet, and he is also hit by bird droppings, stones, and monster droppings. He hasn't encountered any bad luck in the past two weeks, which made Jinlin start to panic.

He was a little suspicious that his bad luck was accumulating strength, and he wanted to give himself a trick.

"Then what are we waiting for here?"

Bai Jin sat up in shock from the dying illness, opened the beaded curtain of the car and looked through the woods, looking at the huge and orderly city by the sea: "Fly over there! Go straight to the cooks from Qizong to fix it for us." A flower job!"

Both spirit stones and spirit stones are false, there are so many spirit stones lying in the storage ring, if they are not transformed into props that can be enjoyed on the journey, Bai Jin thinks that he may be driven crazy before he has experienced it.

A mere 4000-mile journey, and it takes two weeks to ride a cart pulled by monsters. Isn't this a big deal?
If it wasn't for the fear of scaring senior brothers and sisters Xingluo, Bai Jin would be there within two hours on the Soul Spirit!
Hmm. If you play like that, Wuqingxian will also screw Bai Jin's head off. The current chief disciple of the majestic Xingluoxianmen is actually a spy of the Momen. Isn't this slapping the faces of Wuqingxian and Xingluoxianmen? ?
Seeing that incomparably huge city, Bai Jin looked like an old man who came out of prison and saw a beauty, the excitement on his face was beyond words, and he was ready to immediately bring his friends to the main pavilion of Wanhua Pavilion to have a good time.

But there was a sudden vibration in the storage ring, which made Bai Jin's excited expression startled slightly, and he looked down at the dark golden storage ring that was slightly shaking.

It's the identity token ring of the Hehuan Sect, Xiu'er from the Hehuan Sect contacted him.

"I'm so excited, I'm going to pee."

Bai Jin turned around and jumped out of the carriage. As if nothing had happened, he burrowed into the grass and took out the jade slip from the storage ring. Sensing Shi Feiyan's breath from above, he asked with a speechless face, "Why is your nose so sharp? I just came out of Xingluo Xianmen here."

"Tell me! How did you lose in Yuhai City with Senior Sister Tunyin last time?"

"Hum hum"

Shi Feiyan let out a low voice, and said: "A person like me, who is so lucky, so lucky, so lucky, so blessed, so blessed, and so blessed to live forever. How could he fall on the upper floor of Boxi. Hahaha, Xiaobai, come here quickly, sister, I will win big!"

"I've never seen so many spirit stones in my life, no. I seem to have seen them in your storage ring. Forget it, who cares about them? Come here quickly, sister, I will pack a hook for you to enjoy!"

Bai Jin: "."

It's really rare to win money betting on dogs.


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(End of this chapter)

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