I am in good spirits

Chapter 152 The Immortal Dress with Wide Sleeves and Long Sleeves

Chapter 152 The Immortal Dress with Wide Sleeves and Long Sleeves

"Let's leave as soon as possible. They are not easy. When I see them, it's like seeing a grinning monster."

Watching the two female monks walk away, Jin Lin turned back and whispered to the crowd: "They are really too dangerous, I suggest finding a place with a big power to avoid the edge temporarily, and there must be some other purpose in coming here. I feel that they are purposely coming to us of!"

Jinlin is like a rabbit, he is extremely vigilant against everything outside, and he will never trust anyone, even if he saved his life, let alone two powerful monks who he did not know before.

For Big Heidanzi, everything outside the Xingluo Xianmen is fatally dangerous. Even if he drinks water, he may choke, and even if he breathes, he may inhale the poisonous smoke and miasma that comes from nowhere.

Caution, prudence, and prudence are the only secrets of Jin Lin's ability to survive till now.

"Then find a place to settle down first. If it's not possible, we'll show our faces and live in the VIP guest room of Jianbao Pavilion." Bai Jin couldn't laugh or cry in his heart, but on the surface he still put forward a more secure suggestion with a serious face.

Shi Feiyan is also really bad, she can hide and approach her quietly, but she chooses the method that can scare the newbies of Xingluo Xianmen to their souls.

Is Shi Feiyan in danger?Of course there is danger, and Bai Jin is the biggest danger to her.

The words "even capital with profit" can scare her into cardiac arrest.


After being disturbed by Concubine Shiyan, everyone who was still interested in Wanling Market was full of vigilance, and they didn't care about wandering around at all, they just wanted to find a safe place to settle down.

"You go straight along this street, and you can go to the inner city after passing the red archway. That's the most interesting place in All Souls."

Shi Feiyan, who had erased her own sense of existence, jumped onto Bai Jin's back and hugged his neck, put her feet around his waist and said with a smile on her face: "Hurry up and play! My sister can be said to be returning home like a brocade!" Nocturnal."

"When I first came out of the Boxi Building, I specially reserved a box in the Wanhua Pavilion, preparing to clean up the dust for my dear junior!"

"The spirit stone is only kept by you for the time being. Sooner or later, it will be returned to the dog village." Bai Jin pretended to be nonchalant and said via voice transmission: "It's just a dog biting a dog. Anyway, the end result is a mess."

"What a dirty mouth, Daya!" Shi Feiyan rolled her eyes angrily, almost breaking her defenses.

"By the way, do you know where the Qizong store is? I want to buy some daily necessities." Bai Jin asked.

"Here, it's the second room on the left of the red archway. Those cooks sell very expensive things. I suggest that you can get a [-]% discount for your status as a monk of the Acacia Sect." Shi Feiyan reminded: "I was not joking just now. There is really a branch of the Puppet Palace in the city, you have to be careful."

Although the Puppet Hall is disliked by people, the most important thing in the cultivation world is the size of the fist.

Counting up, there is a good old ancestor who left a lot of puppets with supernatural powers for the younger generations. The family background is super rich. Ordinary monks really have nothing to do with them. Be careful when you encounter areas with puppet halls.

"Master Di will come over tonight and burn down the Puppet Hall branch."

Bai Jin calmly returned to Shi Feiyan, looked at the four people walking in front, and said: "On the left. There is a Qizong shop on the left side of the red archway. Let's go there to buy something and then inquire about the situation of the All Souls Society. It’s good to find the general direction of Brother Jin’s opportunity.”

"Qizong shop?"

Jin Lin was stunned for a moment, a tangled whirlpool faintly appeared on the bandage on his cheek, and said in a subtle tone: "Isn't my fate in the shop of the Qi Sect?"

Jin Lin's speculation was not groundless, that multi-storey giant store with an area of ​​mu, there must be some top-level spiritual weapons inside.

There may not be any supermodel spiritual artifacts refined from fairy artifact fragments, but there should be three or five top-level spiritual artifacts.

But if buying a spirit weapon is a chance, it will definitely drive Jin Lin to death. Whose monks who go out to practice can afford such an expensive thing!

It's not that the relationship is not unlucky recently, it's that the bad luck has accumulated energy to give yourself a blow, and the old heart is iron-clad lore!

"Is Senior Brother Wan Jiwen there? I have something to ask him."

Bai Jin entered Qi Zong's shop, looked at the brightly dressed cheongsam lady at the door and gave her name.

Wan Jiwen is the big brother Qi Zong who was used by Bai Jin to use the furnace as an oven at the Heaven and Man Banquet.

The cultivation world is large but small, and it is convenient to do things in a place with acquaintances.Although his friendship with Wan Jiwen is not so close that they can live together in the same room, but because of the ruthless fairy, the thin noodles can still get some points.

"Wan Jiwen? Uncle Wan is not here." The cheongsam girl was taken aback, and asked, "Dare to ask senior?"

"It's fine if you're not here. Can you refine large magical artifacts here? It's like a fairy boat. What materials and prices do you need to prepare?" Bai Jin asked.

Bai Jin and the hostess said a few words, and their identities changed from silent and transparent to guests, and they were immediately surrounded by people from the Qizong shop and sent to the VIP room.

Jin Lin, Zhu Fu, Yu Xueqing, and Wei Benliang were at a loss for the whole process.

Who is Wan Jiwen?Didn't we come in to inquire about the All Souls' news and avoid those two nuns?What about buying a fairy boat?
Although the whole person's thinking was dull, they did not dismantle Bai Jin's stage and kept silent the whole time.

Not only the people from Xingluo Xianmen were dumbfounded, even Shi Feiyan and Meng Qi were dumbfounded.

When a monk of the Hehuan Sect meets a disciple of the Qi Sect, one of them will either become a cook, or chase after him with a sledgehammer. Bai Jin will become a guest at the shop of the Qi Sect after a few words of nonsense, which really opened the eyes of Shi Feiyan and Meng Qi.

"Young master, do you want to post stickers?"

Entering Qi Zong's store, when passing a seven-meter-high lobby, a fairy with a slightly illusory figure in a wide-sleeved skirt stopped everyone, raised her hand and pointed to the transparent glass box and said, "I'm going to do it now." Special price, as long as 400 million 70 spirit stones can be bought home."

"I am not only close to the body, but also can provide defense that is difficult to achieve with ordinary armor, and I can also release the escape technique."

"Grandma Xianqun, you are not for sale. There can be no special price now, and there will be no special price in the future."

When the cheongsam girl saw the wide-sleeved skirt fairy, she immediately pushed it aside with black lines all over her face: "It is impossible to sell you now, in the future, in the future."

"Hey~ how can this be? I still want to follow my master all over the world of cultivation and stick with the male Qi Ling." Ling Qi rolled around on the ground with a frustrated face: "I'm paralyzed. There is no handsome brother Qi Ling Kiss can't get up."

"I laughed, I laughed."

The cheongsam lady said with embarrassment: "This is the treasure of our town store 'Wanhua Sunny Flame Wide-sleeved Fairy Dress'. I like to sell myself on weekdays. But in fact, it is refined from fragments of ancient fairy artifacts. The top-level spiritual weapon is a parade exhibit that cannot be sold outside."

Liuxian skirt is purely a work of Qi Zong showing off skills. Such a spiritual weapon, let alone selling it, even if you want to touch it, a strong Qi Zong can break your hand. No monk can own it. It should be Alone beautiful.


 Every time I enter the author group, I feel like Kong Yiji, so I have to deal with theft, otherwise it will make me feel like I have really brushed the collection, and my brain hurts.Shut up those bastards.

(End of this chapter)

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