Chapter 153
"What a beautiful dress!"

Inside the glass box was a crimson wide-sleeve dress, which perfectly hit Zhu Fu's cute spot, making her unable to take her eyes off Liu Xian's dress, drooling all over her face: "400 million spirit stones can really put Did it buy it?"

"The Impossible Fairy."

The cheongsam lady stopped in front of Zhu Fu, shaking her head crazily, expressing that she was just talking nonsense about the fairy dress just now: "The fairy dress with wide sleeves and wide sleeves is really not for takeaway. You can choose any dharma-like weapon, but it really doesn’t work.”

Although the cheongsam girl didn't know the background of the group of people in front of her, but judging from their Xingluo Xianmen Taoist robes and a set of gauze magic weapon armor, she probably guessed that they were the rich children of some high-level Xingluo Xianmen families.

If they really pooled their money to buy it, the cheongsam girl would really have a headache.

"Really? I'll quote 460 million, and I can give you a bargain because of your taste, girl!" Liu Xianqun's eyes lit up and she quickly got up and offered Zhu Fu an offer.

"Don't sell the price more and more cheaply! Auntie!" The cheongsam girl roared back with a furry face, and quickly signaled the other shop assistants to come along with her eyes, and pushed the treasured aunt back into the glass box to cover her mouth.

The group in front of them are all beasts. If they change their minds and don't buy the fairy boat, if they can really partner up and come up with the price of Liuxian skirt, everyone in Qizong will be blown away.

"Everyone, please come this way, there are private seats in the VIP room." The cheongsam lady led the way ahead, trying to lead the group of rich kids who didn't want to be short of money out of the hall.

"You guys go! I'll take a look here." Jinlin was not interested in those fake courtesies, and left the team with a heavy face, ready to look for the "opportunity" that might really be priced in the Qizong shop.

"Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow i can do this." wanhua zhiyan's wide-sleeved fairy dress was still struggling.

"Okay, auntie, just tell us. The customers are bad people. Be careful that they buy you home and pile them on the bed with your dirty clothes. You are so precious that you can't bear that kind of suffering."

The clerks had black lines all over their heads, and they hurriedly pushed the treasures they sold themselves back to the glass box.


"Oh oh oh, so that's the case, I understand."

Arriving ahead of time to the shopkeeper of Qizong in the VIP room, holding a special shaped jade slip in his hand, he made a phone call with Wan Jiwen on the opposite side of the jade slip, explaining that someone was looking for him just now, and it should be a big client.

The shopkeeper gave a general description of Bai Jin's appearance, and Wan Jiwen on the jade slip immediately recognized Bai Jin.

He didn't know many monks from the Xingluo Xianmen sect very well, and he only met Bai Jin not long ago. Wan Jiwen's impression of Bai Jin was almost engraved in his blood, and he almost praised Bai Jin to the sky in his heart.

He can follow the ruthless fairy alive and kicking around, and he can also have an ambiguous relationship with a female celestial being of the demon clan and a seven-tailed heart fox of the earth fairy level at the golden core level, and even live in the same dormitory with the three of them overnight. It didn't come out, it was like a miraculous legend.

Bai Jin really has something to offer, and he is a distinguished guest who must not be neglected easily.

After listening to Wan Jiwen's narration, the shopkeeper started to see cold sweat on his forehead. A customer involved two celestial beings, and an Earth Immortal, Monster Race, and Sui Mingxing with connections all over the cultivation world.

What kind of distinguished guest is this, this is my father!
The shopkeeper no longer sits at the counter in a concave shape. After tidying up his clothes a little, he goes to the door to welcome him.

"Welcome, welcome, Mr. Bai please."

The shopkeeper took a deep breath, opened the door with the brightest smile on his face, and walked forward quickly: "Mr. Cai didn't know Mr. Bai was coming, so it's really a mistake to welcome you!"


Bai Jin slowly put out a question mark, and looked at the huge man who was at least two meters four in front of him with an adoring face: "We don't seem to know Shopkeeper Cai? You are too polite."

"Master Bai didn't know that Mr. Cai was normal, but no one knew about Mr. Bai's feat. It shocked heaven and man."

Shopkeeper Cai waved his hand to disperse the welcoming disciples, and personally welcomed the group to the VIP room, saying, "I just heard that Mr. Bai wants to order a fairy boat, right?"

"Of course our Qizong can make it, but we just don't know what kind of fairy boat Bai Gongzi needs. Is it an amusement fairy boat for daily travel, a speed-type fairy boat, or a fairy boat with strong combat power?"

"This is probably the most humble cultivator I have ever seen." Zhu Fu complained silently in his heart: "Seeing the money is open, but also pretending to be a snake, it's too fake."


Qi Zong's VIP room is clean and flawless. In the living room, there are extra-long layered glass tables and tables, and exquisite and luxurious weapons are placed on the velvet red cloth.

There are also some translucent monsters under the glazed tabletop, they are no bigger than a palm, like elves walking out of cartoon animations, when they see strangers coming in, they hide in weapons and quietly look at outsiders.

"What are the characteristics of the amusement fairy boat? How many spirit stones do you need to add to the comfort package for the battle-type fairy boat? You don't have any mandatory decoration fees?"

Bai Jin glanced at those weapon spirits, and the greedy worms in his heart were jumping around, but he didn't continue to pay attention to them after only a few glances, because they were not worth spending money to buy to feed the soul.

For the price of one spiritual weapon, one can collect a warehouse of tatters in Baijin or buy dozens of magical weapons.

"Decoration fee? Forgive me for my shallow knowledge. I don't know what Mr. Bai means by this."

Shopkeeper Cai was stunned for a moment, and shook his head with a wry smile, "As the name suggests, the recreational boat is very comfortable. This kind of fairy boat is relatively affordable and versatile. The speed boat is the escape boat, which is very suitable for those A desperado with enemies everywhere."

"Both the speed type and the combat type need to be customized, and may require a waiting time of [-] million points, while the amusement type fairy boat is relatively affordable and versatile, so we have stock."

"Is it really possible to escape?" Shi Feiyan's eyes lit up, and she rubbed her hands excitedly.

"Well, what about the price and waiting time?" Bai Jin glanced at the excited Shi Feiyan, and sneered in her heart.

"The combat type needs [-] pieces, not counting the main materials. The specific price has to be calculated according to the actual consumption. The price of the speed type is hard to say. It depends on how fast you want to run. We may not be able to make it if Mr. Bai needs it in the future."

"The production cycle of Xianzhou usually starts from ten years. This is just when the craftsman is free and there is no need to schedule."

Mr. Bai eats the food of heaven and man, if he really wants to run away, he must run with heaven and man, but if the Qi sect can make a space fairy boat, it will already be the strongest sect, so there is no need to raise a sign to show permanent neutrality, no Participate in any comprehension world battle.

Therefore, shopkeeper Cai made it clear that he didn't want to offend people because of a business that was inexplicable.

"One million without the main materials? I don't deserve it, I really don't deserve to stand in the VIP room, I'll lick the floor clean later, you guys pretend I haven't been there!" .

"Then buy a recreational vehicle, don't you have it now? Take me to see what it looks like."

"Hello Mr. Bai!"

Zhu Fu, Yu Xueqing, Wei Benliang: "???"

Are you coming for real?Are you bragging?Aren't we here to take shelter from the limelight?

(End of this chapter)

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