I am in good spirits

Chapter 154 Taking My Brother Online

Chapter 154 Taking My Brother Online

"Mr. Bai, all the recreational boats are here. If you like them, you can take them out and try them out."

Shopkeeper Cai came from under the counter with a smile on his face, took out four wooden boxes and put them on the table, opened them one by one and placed them in front of Bai Jin to make him resemble a model fairy boat.

Because the fairy boat contains space formations, it is different from other magical artifacts in its storage method. The fairy boat is sealed into small objects in a method similar to sealing demons and ghosts.

Otherwise, when stuffed into the storage ring, the two space formations or spirit seals will be affected by resonance, resulting in the loss of items or the failure of space magic tools.

The fairy boat model that shopkeeper Cai took out is an amusement-type fairy boat sealed into the base.

"It feels like buying a car, but the service attitude is much better than that of Sizidian"

Bai Jin groaned in his heart, calling for friends to look at the car together: "Let's see which one to choose."

It doesn't matter to Bai Jin what he chooses, he just wants to make it easier for him to travel, otherwise, if he completes the training with his legs, he will make Bai Jin foolish.

Tens of millions of miles at every turn, is that what normal monks can walk down?
"Shopkeeper Cai, do you know where there is a relatively safe inn nearby? We are all shopping at Wanling Market for the first time, and we want to stay here safely for a while." Bai Jin asked Shopkeeper Cai, ready to inquire. An overview of the All Souls region.

"Safe? It may not be safe recently"

Shopkeeper Cai smiled bitterly when he heard the words: "The All Souls Association is a market led by the Spirit Beast Sect. Not long ago, Fairy Lingyue, the master of the Spirit Beast Sect, suppressed the evil nine infants, and suddenly there was news of her disappearance."

"The monks of the Spirit Beast Sect stationed at the All Souls Society have all evacuated back to the Fangxian Sect. It seems that in order to deal with the sudden crisis, the high-level leaders of the Spirit Beast Sect seem to have unsealed the secret techniques in the Immortal Sect to allow most of the disciples to practice."

The All Souls Society started because of the Spirit Beast Gate, where the spirit beast cultivators often sold mixed-blood monsters, slowly attracting a large number of traveling merchants to barter and gradually prosper, becoming a transit point for the cultivation interface to the world.

The Spirit Beast Sect has also changed from a seller to a charterer, collecting rent on the land that originally belonged to the Spirit Beast Sect. By the way, it is responsible for public security and infrastructure measures for the people's livelihood, which has well maintained the trading environment of the All Souls Society.

It's just that there has been a major change in the Spirit Beast Gate recently. All the high-level monks have withdrawn to the fairy gate, leaving only the low-level monks to take care of the business outside the Spirit Beast Gate. The recent security environment in the market is really hard to describe.

The current business environment of Wanling Market, not to mention serious headaches for monks, even Wanhua Pavilion has sent more high-level monks to station in the past two days.

"Of course, if you don't mind, the store still has guest rooms." Shopkeeper Cai said with a smile.

Because of the storage of spirit weapons in Qizong stores, the security model of the stores has always been full, and there is really no one in the All Souls Society that can compare with Qizong in terms of security.

If everyone in Xingluo Xianmen doesn't dislike it, why don't they do the thing of selling a favor for nothing?
What's more, the people in front of them are all the children of rich families, who live in leisurely time and have nothing to do, and the monthly flow of water can soar!
"Where's Brother Jin? I'm going to knock you big black bastard!"

Hearing Cai's shopkeeper explain the inside story of All Souls' Society, Bai Jin almost jumped up without being startled.

Was Ling Yuexian really assassinated by the Earth Immortal?I know that the big black egg is not a fuel-efficient lamp, so I can choose whether to choose or not, but I choose to go to other people's sites to wander around when the old and new powers of the Spirit Beast Sect are changing.
"Then we should be respectful rather than obedient." Bai Jin stretched out his hand and patted a wooden box, and said, "Help me arrange the furniture that should be equipped inside, the toilet is divided into men and women, and some self-cleaning puppets are stuffed inside, how much is the total. "

"Do you have any gifts here?"

"I do the math"

Shopkeeper Cai was taken aback when he heard the words, and quickly took out his abacus to calculate the total price for the young master: "If there are gifts, we will send three additional major repairs. As long as the keel is not cracked, we can repair furniture and puppets. Shenghui 67 spirit stones."


Bai Jin raised his left hand and stretched it out in front of shopkeeper Cai, ready to buy all the fairy boat and accessories.

In the realm of comprehension, it is more elegant to pay a large amount. You don't need to pour out all the spirit stones, you only need two storage rings close to both sides to open a one-way channel.

"Hello Mr. Bai!"


Qi Zong commodity · VIP reception room.

"You stole money from Uncle Sui Ming Xing?" Zhu Fu looked at Bai Jin with a face full of surprise, and summed up the thousands of doubts that had been simmering in his heart all the way into two sentences: "Or what fortune do you find that can be obtained out of thin air?" Got money?"

Bai Jin's generosity is surprising, and he doubts why he is so rich.

"It's so ugly to say it in secret, but that's the monthly money I earned from Master by virtue of my skills."

A smile appeared on Bai Jin's face, and said: "Of course, the monthly fee given by Master is quite reasonable. As for why I am so rich. I will keep it secret for now. I can only say that it has something to do with my frequent leave in the academy."

"Go to the Difeng Yu area and talk to you slowly."

Without Sui Mingxing by his side, Bai Jin has the final say on how awesome he is, and he won't be hunted down by the head teacher with a knife if he cheats on his friends, right?
And Bai Jin seldom lies, he just likes to mess up the timeline of some things.

Why does the Academy often ask for leave?The reason why he is so rich is of course thanks to the master Hong Fu, who was separated from his parents since childhood, and found a home by himself.

Feng Yu Bai Jiaju is rich, but Bai Jin doesn't know why he is so rich. He has never left his own small courtyard. He only knows that his father is a civil servant and his mother seems to be a monk of a small sect.

Their cultivation bases are not high, otherwise they wouldn't be able to live in the house for two months without noticing it.

The first time she left home, Bai Jin went to the Hehuan Sect.

"You guys sit down, I'll go out for a stroll." Bai Jin drank two sips of tea in the VIP room, and glared at the bored Shi Feiyan who ran behind Zhu Fu.

Pulling Grandma Fox's bellyband last time wasn't fun, now you're going to pull Yinghuoxingxing's daughter's bellyband? !
While talking, Bai Jin opened the door, deliberately stayed for a few seconds to let Shi Feiyan and Meng Qi come out, and said, "Remember to keep the Jade Slips of Thousand Miles of Sound Transmission unobstructed, and send a group message whenever something happens, everyone, don't leave the territory of Qi Sect."

"Brother Bai."

Wei Benliang was embarrassed and said: ".Can you bring me some food? I have eaten all the pastries and food in my storage ring."

Wei Benliang seldom speaks at ordinary times, because he is always chewing and eating, and when he speaks, the food crumbs in his mouth may spray out, so he does not speak.

He pays great attention to eating etiquette, all of which were developed by Zhen Ruixing since he was a child.

The mouth is beaten once, the food in the mouth is not swallowed and the words are beaten again, and the hook is beaten vertically and horizontally.

"It's a small matter, Brother Wei, I'll find the cheongsam girl at the gate of Qizong to buy you grilled chicken wings!" Bai Jin said with a smile.

The door of the VIP room was closed, and Shi Feiyan said with a happy face, "Come on, light up the pipe for our elder brother! Congratulations, Xiaobai, for picking up an amusement-type fairy boat."

"Lend me to play, I am such a big girl, I have never been on a fairy boat."

"Whatever, anyway, it's only used during training, and I probably won't be able to use that thing in the future."

Bai Jin replied through voice transmission with a calm face, and quickly walked outside the Qizong, ready to change into a leather case before returning.

"I want to buy a fairy boat that can be played, and the fairy boat for entertainment really can't hit my point."


Shi Feiyan looked at Bai Jin dully, as if seeing some immediate family member.

"Hey Xiaobai, do you think it's okay for me to take your surname? From now on, I will call you father, and you will call you little sister, baby, okay?"

Meng Qi: "."

Did you lose this face on the ground?

(End of this chapter)

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