I am in good spirits

Chapter 155 Fairy Holy Spirit: "Huh?"

Chapter 155 Holy Spirit Fairy "Huh?"

"Has there been any major events in the realm of comprehension recently?"

Bai Jin erased part of his body, leaving only a pure white figure from the beginning to the end, stretched his face comfortably, looked at Shi Feiyan and asked, "And what is the current situation of the Wanlinghui? Really? Is it as serious as Shopkeeper Cai said?"

After coming out of Xingluo Xianmen, all Bai Jin can come into contact with are ordinary people. They are lagging behind what happened in the cultivation world, and they may even discuss things that happened more than ten years ago.

As for the demon cultivators and demon cultivators encountered on the road, apart from being able to "woo woo woo" and being stubborn, they were all simple and foolish without the ability to communicate, so Bai Jin wrung it out and threw it aside.

They all know what they are afraid of. I don't even have a white face, so I don't know how tender I am.


Shi Feiyan's face was serious, and she raised a finger to hit Bai Jin's face: "I won a full one million spirit stones!"

Bai Jin patted away the hand that was on the face, and looked at Meng Qi, who had a stable and virtuous personality.

"The world of comprehension is very peaceful. Apart from the disappearance of the master of the Spiritual Beast Sect, there are no major events. Brother Zhizhi's resurrection should be considered one of them."

Meng Qi smiled and said, "As for the Society of All Souls, the order has been a little bit broken in the last half month, and some things that are not on the table have also begun to show up."

"Businesses such as contraband trafficking, human trafficking, and black money houses can be seen on the side of the road."

The All Souls Society is divided into three districts. The first one is the outer city mainly for basic commodity transactions, and the inner city is the inner city after walking through the red archway.The quarterly turnover here is more than ten times higher than that of the outer city. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a gathering place for luxury goods.

The third urban area is hidden. There is a black market area that is integrated and conveniently managed by the circle of the spirit beast gate. The black market has the characteristics of greed, adventure, cruelty, and proliferation.

As long as there is greed in the monk's heart, there will inevitably be some black transactions. Instead of letting the black market dealers walk around the streets and cause trouble in the All Souls Society, it is better to drive them all into a circle to play for themselves, and it is also convenient for the spirit beasts Gate management and collection of exorbitant taxes.

"Hmm, isn't it a little fun? Like the opening of ancient ruins."

Bai Jin swaggered in the Qizong store, asking Mengqi what she cared about with a nonchalant face.

He can't participate in big events, and he doesn't bother to take care of trivial matters. Bai Jin just wants to participate in some ancient ruins that are open regularly, or dig some graves of the top powerhouses of idle clouds and wild cranes.

It doesn't matter whether you can profit from it or not. Anyway, it's important to participate in collective activities in the cultivation world. The monks who fell halfway are all guaranteed, and they can watch them screaming miserably when they are tortured by the ruins or the grave mechanism with a happy face.

These are the things Bai Jin cares about now.



Wanhua Zhiyan's wide-sleeved fairy dress was full of surprise, looking at a pure white monk, and two women with erratic figures beside it: "Is it a ghost?"

"It's not a ghost, but it's not too bad." The disciples of the Qi Sect formed a human wall to surround the treasure of the store, and some disciples quickly took out red cloths to cover the glass box, and looked at the villains of the Hehuan Sect with vigilance.

It is common sense in the cultivation world that the Hehuan sect is rich in villains, and their daily greetings are basically: "Bring it to you!"

In case they fall in love with 'Auntie Zhendian', the Qizong will face the choice of jumping around or running away overnight.

It is extremely troublesome to get involved with Hehuanzong, and Qizong would rather sublet the shop than get entangled with them.

Seeing a monk of the Acacia sect jumping around, greeting your ancestor with a full face, you can't help but prepare to slap the monk with a bad mouth, but when you are about to slap him, there may be an Acacia Zong Qiang held your hand with excitement on his face.

The more you resist the monks of the Acacia sect, the more excited you become, and you may even bring the whole sect together to watch the show.

"Welcome. I wonder what you can do?"

Shopkeeper Cai lightly touched the mechanism, causing all the spiritual artifacts under the glazed countertop to sink into the safety compartment, and very reluctantly opened his mouth to entertain the monks of the Hehuan Sect.

"My Taoist name is Wrathful Acquisition, and I came here just to do one thing"

Bai Jin didn't care about Shopkeeper Cai's attitude, he was an old acquaintance, so what are you doing now: "I want to buy a fairy boat, don't tell me about those amusement toys, help me dismantle this demon to refine a top-level warship! "

As he said that, Bai Jin raised his hand to grab the void, and took out the 'Delusion of Heavenly Demon' that had been prepared.

It is Bai Jin's ability to arbitrarily capture the demon, he can consume mana to condense an entity with the power of the demon.

It's just that he is a puppet when he condenses, and he doesn't have any spiritual wisdom. Whether he is strong or not is also related to Bai Jin's cultivation base and how much mana he injects into it.

As for whether it can be used to refine weapons and be used as medicine, Bai Jin has no idea about it, but it is worth trying. Anyway, he has already inquired about it just now. The battle-type fairy boats are delivered to the main materials to refine the fairy boat core, and then it is officially pay.

If the refining fails, the main material will not be compensated. If the most important core can be refined, the first payment will be received.


Shopkeeper Cai looked at the light blue creature in horror, and took a step back subconsciously, trying to stay away from the hungry demon: "There is no problem in refining the fairy boat, but please let me contact the sect. Let's see if there are any free masters who want to take over the commission of refining the fairy boat."

The first step of refining requires a master, without a refining master, everything else is fake.

Refining the fairy boat not only requires the assistance of a craftsman, but also a highly skilled Lingzhu master.

"Uncle Master? There is a very important business of refining the war fairy boat here? You said that you took the order from Fairy Suimingxing last month, but you haven't accepted the order of refining the fairy boat for the past two years? Then... Well, I'll ask the other uncles."

Shopkeeper Cai dialed the jade slip again, but there was no news from the three-way voice transmission, which gave him a bad premonition: "Is it true that we are going to move the store?"

Although I thought so in my heart, shopkeeper Cai still flicked the jade slip on the surface calmly, and said: "I'm really sorry, the business of the Qi Sect is busy recently, why don't I ask the masters of the sect when they are free tonight, now I will I can't make an appointment with the master either."

Shopkeeper Cai's voice brought the shocked Bai Jin back to his senses and said, "Oh, that's fine, I'll come back tomorrow."

What did he just hear?Last month, Sui Ming Xing placed an order for Qi Zong to customize a fairy boat, and it would take two years to refine the core alone.
Master wouldn't want to exchange for a fairy boat and give me the old one, right?One of the top fairy boats is enough for a monk in his life, otherwise he can't step on one, in a sense, two boats, right?
Bai Jin secretly swallowed a mouthful of saliva, unreasonably thinking of the master teacher sitting on the high-backed chair.


Bai Jin, who lowered his head in thought, didn't notice a faint scent of flowers permeating the Qizong, a group of Yingyingyanyans were chatting and laughing in the armor area of ​​the inner hall, and a fairy with a face full of three flat faces stood in Wanhuazhi. In front of the display box of the wide-sleeved fairy dress, Yan looked sideways at the pure white figure.

"Is it an arrogance from the Hehuan Sect?"

The Holy Spirit Fairy Yu Su frowned, turned around and took a step to look at the three Hehuan Sect members walking out.


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(End of this chapter)

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