I am in good spirits

Chapter 156 Enemies meet, can you do it without seeing the red?

Chapter 156 Enemies meet, can you do it without seeing the red?

The pure white figure was walking in the hall, which was extremely eye-catching. When Fairy Holy Spirit saw Bai Jin, she let out a puzzled hmm, and immediately knew the identity of the pure white figure in front of her.

Although she couldn't see Bai Jin's appearance, figure, or even feel her breath, Bai Jin had shown her head in the Great Annoying Country, and had also participated in the task of destroying the Guyamen of the Puppet Hall branch. The reputation in the comprehension world is not small.

Yu Su guessed Bai Jin's identity by relying on the characteristics of a pure white humanoid, and various signs of Li Mo and Meng Qi.

"Golden Silkworm Gu."

Yu Xuan turned around and took a step, several golden light beams shot out from her soft hair, turned back and moved in mid-air, and shot at Wangao from different tricky angles.

Huan has never seen fraudulent taking, but the three of them who have a lot of business in the sect take care of them, and the business of Wanhua Pavilion in many countries has suffered a large loss. Sell ​​it to the wharf or mine as a coolie.

Even if the juice is not as clean as they are, there are still pharmacists lying on the hospital bed, trembling when they hear the name of the Hehuan sect
Now that they ran into each other in this ware shop, Yu Chu felt that it was necessary for them to develop empathy.

The golden silkworm is extremely fast, and when it moves, others can only see the golden light beam that is erratic.

It didn't even take a blink of an eye for the golden silkworm to leave its master and approach Bai Jin.

"Ding Ding Ding"

Bai Jin, who was deep in thought, came back to his senses from the stable triangle relationship between himself, Sui Mingxing, and Wu Qingxian, but the spirit that Bai Jin had just recruited to prepare the weapon moved, raised his thick arms to stop the two Gu insects, And three arms grew out of his chest to hold the remaining three Gu worms.

"The goddess of the Valley of Ten Thousand Flowers?"

Meng Qi noticed the mana fluctuation behind her, and jumped away from where she was standing just now, so she instantly locked onto the monk who was attacking her group.

"Holy Spirit puppy?"

At the moment of being attacked, Bai Jin also regained his senses from the trigonometric relationship and looked at his attacker.It's just that when he saw the attacker, Bai Jin suddenly showed a strange smile on his face: "Are you flattering me?"

Where in life do we not meet each other, but Mo Ran looked back at that person in a dimly lit place, which surprised Bai Jin. When we first met at the Heavenly Man Banquet, this girl made me feel uncomfortable all over.

All kinds of attacks on life, discrimination on organs, Fairy Holy Spirit's serious appearance but extremely bad mouth, but Fairy Wuqing was there at that time, Bai Jin couldn't just grab Fairy Holy Spirit by the dog's head and take her into the dormitory to prove it to her.

There are some things that can't be justified, and people must witness her before they can give up!
"There's a dog here, but I won't say who it is."

Fairy Holy Spirit responded to Bai Jin lightly, and continued: "The dignified monks of the Hehuan Sect bullied me, women, children, old and weak in Wanhua Pavilion, don't you think you need to give an explanation?"

The conflict that broke out between the two attracted Qi Sect disciples, and Fairy Wanhuagu, who was still shopping, also joined the ranks of the confrontation Hehuan Sect.

"We are teaching you how to do business, why don't you thank us for taking your junior?" Meng Qi sneered and said, "We are just correcting the bad manners and music caused by you, and teaching people to value love and righteousness!"

Disrupting people's house is regarded as violating morality, and disordering people's family is regarded as prostitution when soliciting customers, and dipping in a pig cage is not an exaggeration!

If Meng Qi really wanted to scold her, she could list the seven deadly sins to the goddesses of Wanhua Valley and scold them one by one.

"What are you talking about? Beat her up, hang a bell around their necks, and see if the ringing of the bell is loud enough or their voices are loud enough." Shi Feiyan taunted back with a smile on her face, holding back a wave of hatred .

Gou Lan is Gou Lan, and Wanhua Pavilion is Wanhua Pavilion. The two cannot be confused. The former is doing business, while the latter is about reciting a poem under the moon and moon. A talented man matches a beautiful woman.

Meng Qi and Shi Feiyan specialize in picking people up, whether they are oirans or goddesses, they hate people who confuse themselves with girls from Goulan.

"I hang the bell, do you have the ability to ring it? No ___ what?"

Fairy Shengling squinted at Limo and Mengqi, ignoring their intentions, as the lotus steps lightly moved, dots of golden light floated away from her body, and the group of golden silkworm Gu grew stronger with each step: "The plague of locust Gu! "

Hundreds of beams of golden light suddenly appeared, leaping out of thousands of golden trajectories in mid-air, aiming at the white brocade and falling.

"If you want to beat me up, just say it, what are you talking about?"

Bai Jin stood at the entrance and raised his hands, light blue mana flames rose, and an unusually strong translucent creature emerged from behind: "Ocean Demon Duer."

The blue blade-shaped shock wave centered on the soul, spread out in a circular shape, and knocked down the golden silkworm Gu that was flying towards Bai Jin at high speed.

But even so, the Golden Silkworm Gu didn't die, they were just hit so hard that they fell into a faint.

The carapace on the golden silkworm Gu's body is extremely strong, and ordinary spells and blows can't kill them.

"Twin Snakes."

Fairy Holy Spirit's offensive was like a tide. After she released a large amount of golden silkworm Gu, her movements did not stop. She hid behind the golden light beams all over the sky. Two silver snakes protruded their ferocious snake heads from her sleeves.

"Soul! Bite her!"

Bai Jin covered his arms with upper arm armor, manipulated the soul behind him to escape from his body and dodge in front of him, and punched the Holy Spirit Fairy Double Snake Killer, while he turned into a streamer and rushed forward to prepare for a pincer attack.

The cultivators in Ten Thousand Flowers Valley are divided into two factions. In the cultivation world, there is an inherent impression that poison masters are the ones who easily kill a city with poison. However, due to the difficulty of cultivation, only male monks in Ten Thousand Flowers Valley will choose to take this path.

And the oirans and goddesses are all Gu masters. Although they seem to be weak and weak, they are actually best at assassination and fighting. Then target strangled.

Their physique is extremely strong, even because of the blessing of Gu insects, they can crush spells without using mana.

"Oh~ I'm a tough guy in armor~" Wanhua Zhiyan sat in front of the glass box in a wide-sleeved fairy dress, watching the battle between the magic gates through layers of formations, and looked at Bai Jin with shining eyes. Wearing gauntlets.

"Grandma, please don't say a few words! You can't post that thing. It's a demon!"

Shopkeeper Cai stood beside the glazed box, looked at the demon cultivators huddling together in the shop, and sighed helplessly: "What's going on every day."

Although he is a monk in the transformation stage, he has no strength to stop a group of monks in the Nascent Soul stage from fighting without damaging the goods. It is better to let them fight in the hall protected by layers of formations. enough money.

The uncles and uncles hiding on the second floor haven't done anything yet, so it's the shopkeeper's turn to drive them away.

"Post me!"

Wanhua Zhiyan said in displeasure in her fairy dress with wide sleeves and long sleeves while holding the railing with both hands.

"Grandma, why do you point your fingers outward?"

"I, women's clothing, outgoing!"

(End of this chapter)

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