I am in good spirits

Chapter 157 The Tough Guy Fairy

Chapter 157 The Tough Guy Fairy

Seeing the one-on-one duel in front of him, and the gang fight between two female monks and a group of female monks, Jin Lin, who was standing at the center of the battle, slowly raised a question mark.

The waist card he had just hung on his waist fell off, so he bent down and squatted down to pick it up. When he got up, he saw that the surrounding area was completely fighting. Swords, swords, shadows, and spirit seals were flying all over the sky.

Although Jinlin was dumbfounded, she still paid attention to basic safety. After all, she was involved in the melee of monks in the Nascent Soul stage, and if she didn't pay attention, she might disappear completely.

Jin Lin walked through the battlefield with difficulty, and occasionally had to pay attention to the streamers and sound waves flying around his head.

"I knew it. I knew it!"

Zhu Fu ran out from the aisle, looked at Jin Lin who was struggling to perform the story of survival, and asked for help from the shopkeeper Cai who was stationed beside Wanhua Liuxian's skirt, "The shopkeeper, we have a companion inside. Can you help me save my younger brother?"

Hearing the explosion outside in the VIP room, Zhu Fu's first thought was Bai Jin, and the second thought was Jin Lin who hadn't followed her for a shopping trip.

The image that came to mind was that Bai Jin was doing trouble there, and Jin Lin was trembling and struggling to survive. Although his intuition was not so accurate, he guessed half of it at least. When he came out, he saw Jin Lin caught between two gangs of fighting monks.

"Brother? Where is it? I didn't see it!"

Shopkeeper Cai was startled when he heard Zhu Fu speak. He looked around but didn't see Mr. Bai, so he asked Zhu Fu where he saw Ruanfanwang just now.

It would be bad if Mr. Bai died here.

"That's the man! The whole body is wrapped in bandages, and the Xingluo Xianmen waist card is hanging on the waist." Zhu Fu looked at the skeleton warrior transformed by the sound wave, and flew over the golden scales with an invisible blade, slashing The Gu insect who seems to be like locusts crossing the border urged the full score.

Shopkeeper Cai: "."

There is one thing to say, if I hadn't seen the Xingluo Xianmen waist card hanging on his waist, I would have glanced over, and the little brother in front of me was 100% a Gu poison master in Pure Ten Thousand Flowers Valley.

Jin Lin's clothes looked too much like a poison master, Shopkeeper Cai glanced past him three times, every time he saw the bandage on his face, he automatically ignored Jin Lin, he didn't even pay attention to his clothes.

"Little brother, don't mess around with bandages in the future, otherwise it will easily cause other people to misunderstand."

Shopkeeper Cai swayed slightly, and Jinlin appeared in front of him in the next second, and even kept raising his sword to block: "I have seen you three times, and I just didn't put you and the Xingluo Immortal Sect disciple together. identities linked."

"Did Jinlin find the Baijin man?" Zhu Fu asked, looking at shopkeeper Cai and Jinlin.

"Is it the one who walks swaggeringly, with green embroidery on the collar and cuffs?" Wanhua Zhiyan's wide-sleeved Liuxian skirt pointed in the direction of the door: "I saw him walking outside in a hurry before, Muttering something difficult to understand such as Wanling Sixth District and Yuelingxian."

"I just know" Zhu Fu secretly slandered, and said not to leave Qi Zong Merchandise for the time being, but he didn't know where he took the opportunity to go to play.

"Senior Sister's arbitrariness is terrible, why don't you seek revenge from him?"

Yuxueqing tugged at Zhufu's cuff, and motioned her to look in front of the inner hall of the Qi Sect, where two monks, the more terrifying magic cultivators, were fighting.

A light blue illusory half-body monster, dragging its lower body like a tornado, flying in the seven-meter-high hall, catching the golden light in the sky, and directly below the golden silkworm Gu and the virtual monster, there are two monks who are not at all. Fighting without fuss.

The female monk Yu Xueqing didn't know her, but she had seen a pure white human figure once before, and she was very impressed. It was the auction of the Great Annoyed National Jianbao Pavilion, where the light blue tadpoles with their teeth and claws all over the ground scared her to death.

Zhu Fu looked back and was stunned.

Wrath was wearing a strange shoulder armor, and he was head-to-head with the female nun in the slightest. Every punch was accompanied by streamers, and air waves radiated from each other. The strong air pressure could even impress the monk next door casting spells.

Such a strong and crisp movement. Zhu Fu stared at the two wrestling in a daze.



Bai Jin raised his left hand to receive a punch from Fairy Holy Spirit. The silver poisonous snake came along his arm and bit Bai Jin's arm, but he didn't care about it at all. He punched Fairy Holy Spirit in the face with all his strength.

The heavy fist wrapped in Liuguang swung out, hitting Fairy Holy Spirit's face rolling and smashing on the wall of the formation, and the small cherry mouth spat out a mouthful of tooth blood.

"Soul, give her a hard blow!"

Bai Jin won the victory in one fell swoop and stopped chasing. He opened his arms and drew a semicircle with his left and right hands. Behind him, the light blue arrogance rose steadily and condensed into a giant figure. Color gems.

The Hehuan Sect and Wanhua Valley knew each other well, and Fairy Holy Spirit fought directly as soon as she came up, completely preventing Bai Jin from having the chance to cast spells, and mainly fighting and releasing Gu worms to interfere throughout the whole process.

This also caused Bai Jin to be suppressed all the way, except for the small souls and gauntlets he had recruited earlier, he couldn't make room to perform the skills he was good at.

But because of the blessing of the soul, and the fighting skills trained by Sui Mingxing, Bai Jin didn't suffer much, but he just couldn't spare his hands all the time.

"Bah damn thing."

The Holy Spirit Fairy nuzzled her mouth, spit out all the remaining tooth blood in her mouth, and looked at the five-meter-tall monster with a big mouth that condensed spells. The means of signing up: "Blood Plant Erosion Gu."

Countless crimson bloodshots burst out from Fairy Holy Spirit's body before the monster spewed out the scorching beam of light, wrapping her whole body layer by layer.

"Brilliant light!"

Bai Jin pointed the palm of the blood-red plant flower bud, and controlled the soul to spit out a spiral colorful beam of light. The dazzling light illuminated the surroundings until they turned white, and the blood-red flower bud was dissolved layer by layer by the beam of light.

The small soul that had been floating in mid-air to catch Gu worms suddenly turned around and rushed directly towards the disappearing light beam, raised its right hand and clenched its fist into a light blue ball with countless gaping mouths, and punched hard On dissipated blood-red buds.


Fairy Holy Spirit, who was shrunk into the defensive plant Gu, was kicked out, and was beaten and stuck to the wall of the formation by a group bigger than her, with a pale face but still stubbornly said: "I don't feel anything at all, hmm .”

"You'll know if you feel it later."

Bai Jin didn't care about Fairy Holy Spirit's words at all. 'Broken Spirit Slaughter' was not a strong attack move. Its function was to break through the defense and extract mana powerfully.

Don't look at Fairy Holy Spirit who is still there. Her feet are shaking there now. What can a monk do without mana? The mana is empty and I can't stand still.

(End of this chapter)

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