I am in good spirits

第159章 有1说1,真的有1说1

Chapter 159 One Says One, Really One Says One
"Drink a glass of wine, smoke a cigarette, jingle a bell"

Fairy Holy Spirit is a little bit beyond Bai Jin's expectations in terms of gender, but the man spits and nails, and he will do it if he can say it.

Even if he couldn't get him to blushed and bow his head and hands, at least he had to fasten the bell to Young Master Sheng Sheng, lest the world of comprehension say that he would say nothing if he made false claims!

"Xiao Wangwang is really vicious and smoky, he doesn't even let men off"

Concubine Shiyan with a funny smile on her face, squatting in the reception hall of the Qizong shop, hanging bells for Fairy Holy Spirit, who was stripped of all her silver ornaments and valuables, all her ear holes were covered with golden bells, and a bunch of them were tied on her hair, Meng Qi The whole process was filmed with a recording crystal.

"It's hard to chase after a word, if you say to hang his bell, hang his bell!" Bai Jin smoked his concubine Yan Yan's pipe, drank the tea at the front desk of the Qizong shop, and said in shock: "Hurry up and drag him away, Don't cause trouble for Shopkeeper Cai."

Shopkeeper Cai forced a smile and said, "Hehe. Just be happy. The most important thing about opening a store is to be happy. If you come here, you can be as casual as you want."

I didn't think of me until after playing a round. I really thank you guys for your concern. Remember to come and place an order for the fairy boat tomorrow, otherwise I will lose a lot.

Shopkeeper Cai secretly slandered in his heart, and at the same time didn't understand why the uncles and uncles didn't do anything. It's not difficult to transfer the magic cultivator with their cultivation base without injury, what's the point of letting them fight in the shop.

Just such a trivial matter, you can't just offend the two great demon sects, right?
Every day, I don't know what they are thinking!

Qi Zong shop · loft · top floor
"Wonderful battle! It's my junior brother, you simply killed him with one punch. Your Holy Spirit Fairy in Ten Thousand Flowers Valley is indeed a piece of beautiful jade as its name suggests."

Zhizhi held a folding fan in his right hand, lightly patted his left hand with admiration, and looked at a group of monks present. Some of them were wrapped in bandages and had slender nails, and some of them were covered in muscles and red skin, as if drinking alcohol.

"The only thing that makes me dissatisfied is that the Ten Thousand Flowers Valley, which is rich in beauties, is all male cultivators."


The Gu poison master of Ten Thousand Flowers Valley was silent for a moment, and said in a hoarse voice: "I'm not a beauty, I'm sorry, can you leave now? Drinking tea until I have to urinate urgently."

A dignified earth celestial being invulnerable to water and fire, able to rely on the aura of heaven and earth to live until the end of his lifespan, naturally it is impossible for him to have the desire to urinate.No matter what food or water source enters the earth fairy's body, it will be quickly decomposed into aura to feed back to the body without leaving any residue.

He was simply fidgeting, wanting to get away from the kind young man in front of him immediately.

Just sitting there, thoughts full of negative emotions have been lingering in his mind, giving him a sign that he may go crazy at any time and be attacked by his demons.

"Why are you leaving in such a hurry? Sit down and have another cup of tea to see how energetic you are, isn't it good?" Zhizhi smiled and knocked on the table with his folding fan. All the monks present were silent and sat straighter than each other.


A flying squirrel lying on Zhizhi's shoulder smacked its lips when it was awakened by his movements, rolled off his shoulders onto the bench and continued to sleep soundly on the pillow.

Knowing it is just his dao name, and everyone in the comprehension circle secretly calls him an outlaw madman, which really annoys him, but he can kill all of them in Wanling City
Everyone present didn't want to move, but they just didn't dare to move.

Move and die.

"Drink tea and drink tea. The tea is cold and people have to leave." Zhizhi made a pot of tea for everyone, and said with a smile: "Since my brothers and sisters are playing around here, I hope it will be for my sake." .Everyone can help, and be more tolerant of the playfulness among juniors."

"Our Acacia Sect doesn't like to kill, except for the monks of the Puppet Palace"

Killing people doesn't make much sense. For the Hehuan Sect, a good monk is a living monk who knows how to breathe out spiritual energy.

Hehuanzong wished that the ground would be covered with charging treasures.

"Not good for tea."

Zhizhi sipped the tea in his cup lightly, looked at a glazed ball that was common in various shops of Display Sect, the corners of his mouth gradually raised and his eyes narrowed. Obviously, he is still in a good mood now.

After all, it was a pleasant surprise for Empty Nest Zhizhi to be able to run into juniors and younger sisters outside.

He seldom leaves the Hehuan Sect on weekdays, but his juniors like to go out very much. Sometimes Zhizhi falls into a half-dead sleep again, and he may not be able to see the juniors and juniors who have gone home.

I see a lot of Bai Jin, who started late, and I see Tun Yin, Li Mo, and Meng Qi less, Tun Yin seems to have not seen it in a hundred years.
Zhizhi felt like a lonely old man, sitting in the study all day drinking tea, reading books, and reading newspapers.

"Nephew Cai"

Gritting his teeth, the senior executive of Qizong picked up the jade slips, and sent a voice transmission to the shopkeeper Cai who was cleaning up the mess downstairs, and said, "I will accept the business that Hehuanzong took arbitrarily. If he comes to the store tomorrow, you can tell him and ask him to take the money." The materials are here!"

For those who drink tea and drink tea, the labor and management are so nervous that their underwear is soaked, you can drink as much as you like, and the labor and management want to go back to the dormitory and have a glass of wine to calm down the shock.

The Fireworks Taoist Yiyu Jane was broadcast, and he watched Zhizhi's guilty farewell with apologetic faces, leaving a group of people sitting in the monitoring room holding teacups and staring at each other.


"Huh? Why are you all here?"

After dealing with the Goddess of Ten Thousand Flowers Valley, Bai Jin regained his sense of existence, walked in from the Qi Zong shop with an oil paper bag in his hand, and looked at all the little friends standing in the exhibition hall pretending to be confused.

"Brother Bai, you are late."

Seeing the paper bag in Bai Jin's hand, Wei Benliang salivated and said, "Just now, the shop was wonderful. The goddess of Wanhua Valley and the devil of the Hehuan sect hacked each other, and the sky was full of locusts and poisonous insects flying around. There are strange creatures flying around when the gray-haired instrument is played."

"And that aunt, raised her hand, and the pink spirit seal condensed directly in the void, and the two of them suppressed more than ten people."

Let Mengqi know that you call her Auntie, she will probably remember this hatred for two years, be careful that she will beat you up in the middle of the night with your birth date. Bai Jin secretly complained in her heart.

"Bai Jin."

Hearing Wei Benliang's exclamation, Zhu Fu turned back from looking at the exhibition hall being cleaned, and walked angrily to Bai Jin, putting his hands on his chest.


Bai Jin was stunned for a moment, and said in surprise: "Isn't it? Are you still here?"

In the next second, the furious Zhu Fu tightly clenched Bai Jin's collar and began to shake it: "Bastard, it's not like you don't know what's going on with us now, if you run around, be careful of your aunt and grandma, I'll punch you twice! "

Zhu Fu became furious when she saw Bai Jin, she didn't know if it was because Bai Jin ran around and made her worry, or because she saw his heartless expression, she just wanted to grab his collar and shake it With a shake, I really wanted to give him a violent attack with the door wide open.

"Dizzy, dizzy, really shaking evenly." Bai Jin sighed helplessly.

As expected of Miss Zhu Fu, who was full of intuition, she instantly locked on the target she wanted to hammer.

Hey. It would be great if you were like a fairy of the Holy Spirit.

Although Zhu Fu calmed down a bit, there was at least a slowdown behind her, and it wasn't without a trace of turmoil.

Bai Jin, who has an accurate sixth sense of women, is afraid.

(End of this chapter)

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