I am in good spirits

Chapter 160 The Acacia Sect monks gather!

Chapter 160 The Acacia Sect monks gather!
"Are you sure you're not fooling me? Can we have a safe meal here?"

Standing in front of the pavilion, looking at the flamboyant and flying phoenixes on the plaque that said 'Wanhua Pavilion', Zhu Fu looked expressionlessly at Bai Jin, the leading party beside him, pointing at him with his index finger and suppressing his anger, and said: "Senior Brother! Senior Sister It's very boring, you have to chop a fork and let the senior sister kick, otherwise the senior sister won't be able to swallow this breath!"

"Hey~ Senior Sister's words are wrong."

Bai Jin explained with a smile: "Just like Senior Sister Zhu, you want to blow up my door now, the two female hooligans we met in front of the All Souls Association will definitely not come here."

"That's one, and the second is that the monks who can spend in Wanhua Pavilion are wealthy monks, and their ears are often more sensitive than ordinary monks. The most important thing for us when we first arrive is to ask for information from all sources."

"A small matter in the eyes of shopkeeper Cai may be a huge matter for us!"

Bai Jin analyzed for Zhu Fu in an orderly manner, and rounded up the logic of leading his brothers and sisters to visit Wanhua Pavilion.

Even presenting the facts and reasoning made the senior sister Immortal Beast Intuitive stunned for a moment. If I said a few more words, Zhu Fu might have to pay for Bai Jin's food, drink and entertainment later.

Of course, Bai Jin would not do this, but this time, Shi Feiyan said that he wanted to treat guests to dinner, so he pulled out his famous and decent senior sisters and brothers, and met with the devil's senior sisters again, so that we can see each other in the future.

Anyway, Xingluo Xianmen and Hehuanzong have reached a strategic partnership, so it is reasonable for the disciples to sit around and drink two glasses of wine to recite a poem and write a poem, right?

On a big scale, Bai Jin is now eliminating the stereotypes of good and evil to eliminate barriers, but on a small scale, it can be regarded as deceiving the master, destroying the ancestors and becoming a traitor.

"Help me find a private seat by the patio."

After Huyou fainted Zhu Fu, Bai Jin beckoned to Gui Gong and asked him to find a private seat for him.

"Ah this."

Mr. Gui looked at Zhu Fu and Yu Xueqing, with a look of embarrassment on his cheeks, and said, "My lord, the words you brought with you seem to be a bit out of order, why not you."

Wanhua Pavilion welcomes male cultivators, but its attitude towards female cultivators is very subtle.

The female cultivators came to the Wanhua Pavilion either to cause trouble, or to force the demolition and blasting when the force value was full, which made the Wanhua Pavilion quite afraid of the female cultivators.
"What are you guys, we're here to pay for our lives, understand?" Bai Jin waved his hand to signal Mr. Gui to lead the way.

"Oh oh oh, I understand, I understand, I misunderstood, please hurry up, gentlemen." Mr. Gui showed his comprehension and immediately called a group of people to the private seat for a slow chat.

Wanhua Pavilion is mainly engaged in playing and singing, but in fact it can be regarded as a means of collecting information, and there are also high-priced assassination services in the dark.It's just that they are doing too well in the public business, and the assassination fee is [-] million points, which often causes them to forget that they have this project.

Knowing that Bai Jin and his group came to pay for their lives, although Mr. Gui was still a little apprehensive, he had no reason to stop them from going to the store, and left the rest to the bustard.

"Let's go directly to the Qushui Liushang! Call your bustard again."

Bai Jin went to the courtyard on the third floor, and he could see the stage downstairs at a glance, and then he opened his mouth to tell Gui Gong next to him: "No need to connect, it's just a family banquet."

"Okay ~ Master! The girl wants to. Cough cough cough." Mr. Gui coughed twice with embarrassment on his face: "Straightforward. Wait a moment, gentlemen, I will find the shopkeeper right away."

The reason why Mr. Gui is so unprofessional can't be blamed on him, but Bai Jin is too professional.

As soon as he opened his mouth, he knew that the son of a rich family was not short of money, and he was definitely a VIP in Wanhua Pavilion VIP.

Qushuiliu Banquet is a banquet with no ceiling. If you have the most fun, you can even demolish the Wanhua Pavilion, divert the river to serve only one table of people, or invite people from the whole city to dinner.

Qushui flows, life is like a dream, and enjoys all the splendor.

"Brother Bai, what kind of banquet is this water cup?" Wei Benliang looked at Bai Jin curiously: "What dishes do you have?"

"Just some home-cooked food, but it's quieter, and you can watch a performance." Bai Jin said casually.

"Put the utensils on!"

With a clear and clear coquettish, everyone in Xingluo Xianmen also understood the performance that the younger brother was talking about.

Four or five beautiful oirans, completely disregarding whether their clothes would be worn out, each took a piece of red silk and danced in the courtyard of the floor, climbing to the top floor and weaving a strange protective net with silk.

"Boys, be careful~"

One of the oirans slid down the silk and sat in Bai Jin's arms naturally, the whole process was smooth and silky.Immediately, sections of extremely smooth stone troughs flowed upstream along with the silk and were laid out in front of the distinguished guests one by one, forming a high-mountain and flowing water dining table.

"Please take a seat~"

The oirans smiled and held one person in each hand, and led everyone to the seats on the flowing water mat. Even in order to allow them to see the stage on the first floor clearly, the oirans even swept away three rows of transparent glazed tiles from the floor.

During the disassembly and assembly process, they all faced Bai Jin to ensure that he could command the man-made scenery in front of him.

Dishes flow down the water one after another, and every second course there is a jug of vintage wine.

The Qushui Liucup keeps on serving without stopping. The whole process is to go to the store to catch delicacies. If there are no ingredients, they go to the sea to catch them. They even shoot them down from the sky with crossbow arrows. The whole process is distinguished and dignified.

Of course, Bai Jin didn't play that big, after all, the dinner was invited by Concubine Shi, and it was not easy for her to make money.

"Is this how home cooking is served?"

Zhu Fu, who is not deeply involved in the world, watched the so-called home-cooked dishes in the mundane world, and then recalled the days when he stayed in Zhu Liufeng eating big pot meals, and fell into deep thought.

Cultivation in the mountains is indeed hard work. The home-cooked dishes in the mundane world are so delicate and interesting.

"Not pure mountain spring water."

Compared with the dishes, Yuxueqing focuses on the flowing clean mountain spring water, and puts her hands in the flowing water to show a happy smile.

"Where is Young Master Holy Spirit? Why didn't you see him?"

Although Bai Jin was eating, he didn't pay attention to the dishes and the oiran who performed at all. He was always looking for the Holy Spirit Fairy who was covered with bells.

After defeating the goddesses of Wanhua Valley, Bai Jin didn't come to a strong man to lock men or hate insect nests, and went to Wanhua Pavilion to blackmail 30 with a knife and neck.

Bai Jin, Shi Feiyan, and Meng Qi each received [-] yuan for hard work and transportation.

It means that Wanhua Valley has insufficient cash flow, otherwise, with the worth of Young Master Sheng Sheng, Bai Jin can at least borrow more than 50 spirit stones with his own ability, and if there are more, he may be beaten all over his head by other monks.


"Huh? There are still people who dare to put on a water cup? Don't you know what kind of family background you have?"

Seeing the courtyard where the ribbon was hung, the young owner of the Puppet Palace shop who had just entered the door was stunned, and a smile appeared on his face and said: "Turtle mother put it on for me too, I haven't met such a kind monk for a long time, How dare you provoke trouble on my young master's territory!"

He has always regarded Wanhua Pavilion as his home, and Bai Jin's behavior is stepping on the boundary in his opinion, and he doesn't take his authority seriously.

(End of this chapter)

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