Chapter 161
"The Qushui Liushang is connected to the third floor, walk around the second floor from me, and then walk around the first floor, so that all the dishes that can't be eaten are thrown in front of the stage!"

The young owner of the Puppet Hall shop sat on the third floor, sitting opposite the patio at a table of white brocade, with his legs crossed and his face full of arrogance, he took the flower brewing wine handed by the oiran, rinsed it in his mouth, and sprayed it into the patio mouth with a puff. out.

His provocative attitude is still vivid on the paper, and he is so arrogant and domineering that he has no boundaries.

Standing at the stairs, Mama Sang had a subtle expression on her face. She glanced at the disciples of the Xingluo Immortal Sect, and then at the young owner of the Puppet Hall shop on the opposite side of the crazy provocation. Huagu paid homage to the patriarch, how could this embarrassing thing not stop."

In the afternoon, Ten Thousand Flowers Valley came to help and was overwhelmed. Even the disciples of the valley owner were covered with small bells, and some of them were even pierced into their flesh. Now she is still picking small jingle bells in the backyard.
Wanhua Pavilion was also robbed of all its working capital, and the Moxiu of the Hehuan Sect was still living in the store.

At night, it was the Xingluo Xianmen, and the juniors of the Puppet Palace were rubbing against each other and preparing to smash the shop.

"It's the first time meeting you, gentlemen and ladies."

Mother Sang ignored the young master of the Puppet Palace, she didn't come here because of that guy, but because the clerk said that the Xingluo Xianmen cultivator in front of him had an assassination commission to issue, so she went upstairs to ask them who they wanted to kill.

"I am the shopkeeper of the Ten Thousand Flowers Pavilion here. Most people call me Sister Hua or the old bustard. I wonder whose life you want to buy? Tell me about the background, and I will give you a preferential price."

"Just buy that idiot over there!"

Bai Jin raised his hand and waved towards the opposite side, and said to the old bustard: "We just ate together, but Gui Gong refused to let my fellow Taoists come in, so I had to make a bad move. But seeing how happy the other side is jumping , help me see how much it costs to buy him."


The owner of the shop in the Puppet Palace took a sip of wine, jumped up from the seat quickly, put his hands on the guardrail and scolded Bai Jin angrily: "Are you jealous of the wind? Don't listen to him, old bustard, I will pay double for their lives!"

The old bustard looked at Bai Jin, and seemed to say that the opposite side belonged to old and regular customers, so it's not easy to deal with it. And he even added money.

"I'm not talented in Bai Jin, but my teacher is the star of life." Bai Jin said.

Knowing the past of Suiming Star, Bai Jin didn't panic at all in the Wanhua Pavilion. Suimingxing's spells perfectly restrained Wanhua Valley's spells. In the past chaotic wars and expeditions, monks below the heavenly people in Wanhua Valley were crushed and killed. G.

You Ten Thousand Flowers Valley moved me to give it a try, to see if my master can take the form of thousands and forcefully demolish your mountain.

"Come here! Young Master Sweeping Huang's house is going out to help our Young Master Bai!"



On the street outside Wanhua Pavilion.

"Senior, don't you want to get the luck of Zhenguo?" Zhizhi looked at the plaque of Wanhua Pavilion, and said with a strange face: "You don't really have an interest in my junior brother, do you? I can understand your depression in recent years but How can I say that the age difference is too big?"

"I have met him, but for some reason it is not convenient to approach him."

The flying squirrel on Zhizhi's shoulder continued with great interest: "Your junior brother is so interesting that he could repeatedly jump around among the three heavenly beings, and even dared to reprimand the two immortals of the sun and the moon. I admire his courage. Since I can meet him by chance, I plan to give him a chance."

"If he doesn't mind, I'm actually fine with Brother Shuinen."

"Senior can't do it, but Xiaobai can't bear it." Zhizhi hurriedly asked for mercy for his junior.

Sleeping in the same bed with a celestial being, no matter how strong Bai Jin's physique is, he is only at the golden core stage.

The caress of heaven and man on his body, I am afraid it is the lore that passes through the whole body, and if he sits like that again, it is most likely to be a tragic life-and-death love with a broken pelvis.

While talking with the flying squirrel, Zhizhi walked into Wanhua Pavilion.

He can also politely make way for the people who are fighting there to have enough space, open the folding fan with a smile on his face, and go upstairs to find his junior brother along the stairs while silently admiring his junior brother Xiu'er in his heart.

I learned from Zi Zaixian that Bai Jin relied on his face to eat the food of the previous year's star family, and even hit a snake and followed the stick to rub against Tai Taoist, and he might become a close disciple.

Then I learned from Lingyue Fairy that Bai Jin crawled into the bedroom of the Dementor Demon King during the heavenly feast, and played with the seven-tailed heart fox with thick hemp rope.

This junior brother is really an immortal, if he can be promoted to an earth immortal, is he still a true immortal in the sky?

"I know, I have met fellow Taoists!"

Zhizhi came to Bai Jin's dining table, interrupted Zhu Fu and pressed his hands on Bai Jin's face, rubbing his cheeks flat and round.


Bai Jin was startled when he saw Zhizhi, and he didn't understand why his senior brother appeared here.

Jin Lin frowned, and silently put his hands on the sword box to be on guard.Jin Lin's nervousness caught the attention of Yu Xueqing and Wei Benliang, and they also gently left their seats, ready for a surprise attack at any time.

"Come here, give me a kiss!"

The flying squirrel jumped from Zhizhi's shoulder to the stone table, looked at Bai Jin's face, and said, "I appreciate your courage, and I'm going to give you a chance to make you feel better, are you happy?"

"This is the Celestial Lingyue Immortal of the Spiritual Beast Sect." Zhizhi pretended not to know Bai Jin, and simply pulled out a layer of soundproof barrier to introduce their identities to both parties.

"Lingyuexian, you are not"

Everyone was shocked by the news, even Bai Jin had a look of shock on his face.

"Dead? What can those stinking fools do to me, mere nine infants and sacrifice techniques want to kill me?"

The flying squirrel said with disdain on his face: "But I'm dead, and Lingyue Xian, who is the head of the Spirit Beast Sect, is dead. Want to kill me? A bunch of ants."

"Then I won't be the master of this dick, let those stinky bastards play by themselves, and see if my mother's master is so easy to be, I've pretended to be grandson, and now my mother is going to pursue her own happiness .”

"So... come here, let the old lady suck hard!"

Listening to Lingyuexian's casual explanation, Bai Jin stared at senior brother Zhizhi dumbfounded the whole time.

Although the flying squirrel in front of him claims to be Lingyuexian, the Lingyuexian in Bai Jin's memory is a small one, gentle and elegant, as if he was born for her, a super ladylike cute lolita and the telegram in front of him Ji actually claimed to be the Lingyue Fairy? ? ?

Bai Jin couldn't understand this at all, but was also deeply shocked by the power of the telegraph's swear words.

"She is indeed Lingyuexian. I watched her transform into a flying squirrel with supernatural powers." Zhizhi nodded and said.

He was not surprised at all by the Flying Squirrel brand telegraph, and even thought it was a very normal thing. The Spiritual Beast Sect was originally a sect that was biased towards the chaotic camp, but it was brought to the painting style by Lingyue Fairy in the later period. .

Zhizhi has witnessed the transformation of the Spirit Beast Sect, so he is not surprised by Ling Yuexian's rudeness at all.


The flying squirrel smacked Bai Jin's cheek hard, and encouraged him with a satisfied face: "Very good, next time I see the turkey and hen of the Sun and Moon Immortal scolding them severely, I'd better go to the Dementor King." Pregnant with Liujia, then my old lady will love you to death!"

For the development of the Spirit Beast Sect, she was not less enraged by the group of Yaozu people. If she hadn't taken over the important task of developing the sect from her master, she would have to be subjected to those "stupid demon clan eggs" Taunting of stuff?

It's not because of those dead and weak chickens in the sect, without her bowing and apologizing, the sect would have been ruined by the Yaozu long ago.

Bai Jin: "."

What a vulgar day, what are you thinking of when you look at my pants?
Da da da da you always telegraph reincarnation?

(End of this chapter)

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