I am in good spirits

Chapter 163 Puppet Palace Old Daoist: Thank you for the gift of the patriarch

Chapter 163 Puppet Hall Veteran Thanks for the Gift of the Patriarch

The gentle and pleasant sound of the piano sounded in Wanhua Pavilion. People who heard the melodious melody of the sound of the piano all put down their needlework or put down their wine glasses, and pricked up their ears to listen carefully to the mesmerizing sound of the piano.

They seemed to have entered a new world, where they jumped from being a white man to a great Confucian, or became the regional hegemon by killing all directions in the Boxi Building, and even married a female cultivator who was thousands of years older.

With the sound of the piano swaying, life in the dreamlike dream world also begins to be colorful.

But at this moment, the sound of the piano stopped abruptly, and the people who were indulging in the dreamy life suddenly woke up, and they began to look for the performer who played such a fairy music with astonishment on their faces. They all looked at the beauty on the stage below the patio.

"Grass! There is a soundproof ban, it's a waste of effort!"

Concubine Shiyan was full of depression, with her hands on her hips, looking up at Bai Jin who was sitting in the private seat by the patio on the third floor, eating, drinking and toasting without even turning her head: "I just said that Xiaobai doesn't care about me at all, and there are no restrictions on eating. They Are you free and looking for something to do?"

"Fortunately, I also dedicated a piece of music to him, to see if the interest can be reduced from paying for the flesh to no interest, it's a big loss!"

"I'm Liao Yiqiu, dare to ask the girl's name."

Shi Feiyan was still sulking, but the stage was already full of young masters who were attracted by her piano sound and beauty.

They directly inquired about Shi Feiyan's name. After all, this is Wanhua Pavilion, and those who can go on stage should be the oirans trained by Wanhua Pavilion. It is not offensive for them to ask for their names.

"I'm a young dad!"

Shi Feiyan scolded unhappily, picked up a wooden signboard on the steps, and slapped the poor ghosts who blocked her from stepping down all over Wanhua Pavilion.

"Hey" the old bustard sighed, looking at the customers flying around in mid-air, and then at the bandaged Dixian of Wanhuagu sitting at the counter drinking and not talking.


The man in the bandage noticed the old bustard's gaze, rolled his eyes and snorted silently.

Anyway, I have no ability to drive people away. If you think it's wrong, tell the valley owners yourself that I can't control it.

"What's your surname? My surname is Nun, my name is Daddy, and my name is Daye. I almost cried out because of my loss, but I'm still chattering, all of which are jingling sounds that don't deserve to be beaten."

Shi Feiyan carried the wooden sign on her shoulders, returned to her seat with a depressed face, picked up a cup of flower wine that Meng Qi had just poured, and complained: "Xiaobai really set up some restrictions on eating, it's a waste of me Scheming."

When asked by the Acacia Sect to play a song, she was clearly priced at [-] spirit stones, even if the old devil asked her to give her a [-]% discount at most.

It's a shame that so many people heard it now. She originally wanted to wash away the suspicion as a resident singer, so that she could hang out with Bai Jin and his party to eat, drink and have fun. Now it's better, because of the sound insulation ban, they didn't attract their attention. .

"What are you looking at? Didn't you say that you are jingling, haven't you taken off all the bells on your body?"

After another glass of wine, she noticed the strange expression on the face of Young Master Sheng Sheng who was watching the two of them at the opposite table, Shi Feiyan opened her mouth and turned back without any politeness.

"Can you get drunk from drinking urine?" Fairy Holy Spirit said with a strange expression of indifference.

"Yin-yang imbalance. Small sign!" Shi Feiyan said in amazement all over her face.

Fairy Holy Spirit's face gradually turned ferocious, and she did not have the indifference of laughing at Bai Jin at all.

Although defeating Holy Spirit Fairy only lost money, Bai Jin has mastered a magical skill of breaking defense, and every move directly hits the pain in Young Holy Spirit's heart, which can make him half dead.

Bai Jin specially made a wooden ruler for this purpose. The scale at the beginning is the normal one, two, three, four, five, and then the next number is [-] centimeters.


"Take down that group of people upstairs. I want to let him know why shit is bitter today. Doesn't Xingluo Xianmen like to step people into the cesspit? I'm going to pull them out today and throw them into the cesspit as maggots." inside!"

"No, I don't like playing shit."

Huang Shaodong's family was still talking nonsense, and led the monks from the puppet palace shop to arrest people, but the person who had been walking beside him said lightly: "They are all high-quality materials for refining magical puppets, and you should keep those other hobbies. Play with those women, idiots!"


Huang Shaodong's family was impatient, but because of their class, they didn't dare to offend the monks at the headquarters too much.

He is only a young master, not a master, and the energy he can use is quite limited. The reason why he was able to find such a master to restore his face is purely because he violated his father's words and directly reported the information on the discovery of the Xingluo Xianmen group to the headquarters. The man in black.

Huang Shaodong's family didn't know at all that his move was an act of filial piety.

Is it true that the Xingluo Xianmen will not seek revenge?You sell information on the whereabouts of the disciples of the Xingluo Xianmen, and the Ruthless Immortal who came looking for revenge may be the first to draw your soul, and then directly kill until the Taoist Yunu shows up.

The disciples of the Xingluo Xianmen are high-quality materials, but every time the Puppet Hall succeeds, many people need to die.

But even so, they still flock to the magical puppets refined by the Xingluo Xianmen disciples!
If you can get together the magical puppets of the Five Elements Peak, you can form a powerful sealing formation.If you are lucky enough to catch Taiyigong disciples who are proficient in deduction, cooperate with Wuxingfeng disciples to get a super powerful set of '5+1'.

Xingluo Immortal Sect disciples alone are rubbish, but if you can get five of them together, they are too strong. Their sealing formation can restrain those inhuman beasts of the Acacia Sect.

It just so happened that according to the information reported by Huang Shaodong's family, there was only one disciple, Yifeng, from the Five Elements Peak. This made the black-robed man tremble with excitement. Such the most expensive materials were gathered together and formed a group to take action.

It is simply a gift from the patriarch!

So when he heard Huang Shaodong's family say that he wanted to trample his beloved material into the cesspit, he didn't give Huang Shaodong's family any sympathy. Of course, everyone directly called him a shabby in front of everyone.

What about his father dio?Who is not an earth immortal? When I refine the Wuxing Peak supernatural power puppet, I will be your father!

"Kill all of them, refine their spirits, and don't let any living one step away."

The black-robed man lifted his hood, revealing his pale head and smiling joyfully, he gave an order to everyone: "Re-declare that all living beings will not be spared, even those snakes, insects, rats and ants."

The search method is far more than soul searching. The Xingluo Immortal Gate has a lot of tricks, so that it is really leak-proof and does not leave any clues. The Xingluo Immortal Gate can still deduce the whole process by calculation.

Erasing the clues is just delaying time. Anyway, someone in the Puppet Palace has already released a very mature process for hunting the monks of the Xingluo Xianmen.

Although the final outcome is that someone beats the door, kills people indiscriminately or takes back the body of the deceased, but following that process can greatly increase the chance of capturing the material.

Taoist Skeleton, a disciple of Taoist Yunu, managed to gather '5+1' and '3' from the Qi Xingluo Immortal Sect in this way.

(End of this chapter)

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