I am in good spirits

Chapter 164 Bai Jin: I can't eat anymore... I'm really full!

Chapter 164 Bai Jin can't eat anymore, I'm really full!

"Slaughter the witness, grab the material!"

The old Taoist of the Puppet Palace whispered, and recruited two puppets with supernatural powers from the storage ring. One of them was as beautiful as a flower, and even if it died, it was made into a puppet. A bloody killing spree began in Huage.

The other magical puppet was a man, with nothing outstanding on his body, he squatted on the ground when he came out, his hands were pressed on the ground, and the crimson formation was spinning and spreading.

Thick chains rise from the formation and tightly wrap around the attic and courtyard of the Wanhua Pavilion, forming a regional multi-layered restriction of the Demon Town Mansion, cutting off all means of communication with the outside world, and prohibiting the escape of the five elements. There are investigations that prohibit the sharing of information with the monks of the Puppet Hall.


A female puppet with a silver finger cot entered the Wanhua Pavilion and raised her hand to pull out a blade-like force, tearing up everyone standing by the courtyard stage in an instant, and blood and mutilated limbs scattered from the air like rain.

In the next second, the female puppet moved to the stage, raised her hand and slapped the oiran's head, without stopping at all, jumped up to the second floor and turned into Liu Guang to slaughter a bloody path.

The streamer flashed by, and the cultivator staying in Wanhua Pavilion, singing poems and enjoying music, didn't even notice the strangeness, it turned into blood and filth and scattered all over the floor, soaking the floor.

The female puppet didn't have any magical skills or supernatural powers, except for her shocking speed, from entering the Wanhua Pavilion to slaughtering the monks all over the place in less than three seconds.

The disciples of the Puppet Palace, who had walked one step earlier, were belatedly rushing in from around the first floor at this moment.


Sitting in the dark, the Gu poison master, who was drinking a dull wine, glanced at the second floor in surprise.

He watched the puppet enter, but when he saw the familiar appearance of the magical puppet, he froze on the spot without making any further moves. The appearance of that puppet seemed to be a junior sister from Ten Thousand Flowers Valley.

"The puppet hall that never dies is a trick of good fortune."

The poison master shook his head and raised his hand, a purple-black water ball emerged from the palm of his hand and turned into a roaring poisonous dragon, tearing apart the obstacles around him and rushing towards the intruder. And the wet waste slag is filled with highly toxic fumes.

He didn't care about the goddess puppets running on the second floor, and raised his hand to release a highly toxic ocean tide, drowning and poisoning all the puppet hall monks who invaded Wanhua Pavilion.

"You all evacuate."

The poison master glanced at the second floor, looked at Immortal Holy Spirit and other oirans who survived the shock, and said, "The lunatics in the Puppet Hall are sick again. Fairy Holy Spirit, please take them to the secret room for refuge, I want to."

Before she finished speaking, the female puppet turned over from the second floor to the first floor and raised her hand to reveal the silver fingertips. She turned into a streamer and aimed at the poison master's face with her open palm, biting and strangling with snakes.


"Do they have any grievances? As for fighting until the attic is demolished?"

Bai Jin covered his mouth and nose and leaned on the guardrail, looking at the fighting methods in Wanhua Valley downstairs with interest: "We should retreat too? The Wanhua Pavilion is about to collapse."

Although it was fun to watch, Bai Jin was more interested in the dead monks and puppets of the Puppet Hall.It doesn't matter whether the puppets can use it or not, anyway, they will definitely make the soul chew up and swallow it and turn it into spiritual power!
The entire Ten Thousand Flowers Pavilion is already crumbling. If you don’t go to lick the bag, the civil war among the monks in Wanhua Valley will break out, and the world will be turned upside down within a three-kilometer radius. At that time, it will not be so easy for you to want to lick the bag.

"Please, Fairy Lingyue!"

Zhu Fu, Jin Lin, Yu Xueqing, and Wei Benliang thought that Bai Jin said that he was going to ask Lingyue Xian for help when he said that he was evacuating, so the four of them ran up to the flying squirrel in a very sensible way, bowed respectfully and begged.

"Just ask him, it's such a small matter."

Ling Yuexian sat on the stone trough, ate vegetables and drank, and didn't care about the chaos in the outside world. One pile of rubbish piled up with another pile of rubbish to form a pile of rubbish. If it affected her enjoyment, she would kill them all.

"Do you think I'm weak?"

Sensing the subtle gazes of the four, Zhizhi showed a strange smile on his face and said, "I'm quite confident in my own strength. Although I can't say I'm strong, it's okay to protect you and leave."

Saying that, Zhizhi looked back at the corner, there was nothing there, but in the eyes of the Acacia Sect monks, he could see two female monks, one sitting cross-legged on the ground and covering his head, cursing angrily.

One was leaning against the wall, speechless, looking up at the beams on the roof, not knowing what to think.

Shi Feiyan and Meng Qi were standing at the stairs, but the magical puppet broke in and killed them. Shi Feiyan was just a little bit turned into a Mediterranean girl, and Meng Qi's long skirt was neatly opened with a high slit. As long as she moves her body a little bigger, the skirt will bloom.

Concubine Shi Yan was so angry that she cursed, Meng Qi was speechless and covered her upper body clothes and fragile skirts.

"Then... let's go!"

Zhizhi got up from his seat, glanced at the Ten Thousand Flowers Valley Gu School and Poison School monks on the patio stage, twirled the folding fan in his hand and then opened it with a "snap", and the surrounding scenery began to twist and rotate slowly.

The original indoor environment was changed to outdoor, and Zhizhi moved everyone and the dining table out, so as not to disturb Lingyuexian's wine-tasting pleasure.


Bai Jin raised his right hand and called out in his heart, asking the soul, who had no sense of existence, to take off the storage ring on his right hand, and began to pick up tatters in the dangerous building, stuffing all the storage rings into the ring if they could be stuffed, and picking them up if they couldn't.

Meng Qi pulled Shi Feiyan and turned to leave, planning to borrow the hut in the other courtyard next door to change her clothes.


The old Daoist of Puppet Hall was full of dementia, looked at a group of people who appeared not far from him out of thin air, then turned his head to look at the young master Huang who was full of tears and was sad for the destruction of Wanhua Pavilion: "You Deceiving the old man?!"

Space supernatural powers are extremely difficult to comprehend, and those who can comprehend are at least the first-class top earth immortal powerhouses in the Transcending Tribulation Period.

This brat Huang didn't say that the disciples of the Xingluo Immortal Sect were escorted by the elders of the sect!
"It's really not the right time for you to come, I was going to drink and have fun with the juniors just now."

Zhizhi turned the folding fan in his hand, folded the paper fan and patted his free left hand, and walked towards the old road of Puppet Hall: "Besides, you both disturbed the elegance of the seniors, and came here to bully my younger brothers and younger sisters."

"So courageous and courageous, I don't know if your strength is worthy of it?"

"Chi Town!"

The veteran of the Puppet Hall waved his hand, and the puppet of the Zhenmo Mansion, who had been squatting beside him, got up, quickly pinched Yin Jue with both hands and clasped them together in front of him: "Suppression·Five seals and four bans."

The crimson prohibition light flourished, and it turned into a large upside-down bowl that spread rapidly and spread outward, using the form of a seal to affect the unknown strong man who was slowly approaching.


The folding fan slapped heavily on his left hand, and the restriction cast by the magical puppet left in an instant, turning into crimson light spots all over the sky and beginning to scatter, a smile appeared on Zhizhi's face.

"It seems that you are nothing more than that."

"Yan Yan!"

The face of the old Taoist of Puppet Hall sank, and he didn't care about the poison master in Wanhua Pavilion, so he hurriedly called the bodyguard puppet back.


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(End of this chapter)

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