Chapter 170

Everyone in the Hehuan Sect sat on the top terrace of the Qi Sect, drinking wine and chatting about recent events. Bai Jin told the truth about her recent experience, Shi Feiyan proudly talked about her winning deeds, Meng Qi and Zhi Zhi Talk about Su Jie'er.

"Let's just say that there is something wrong with Fairy Holy Spirit. When I first saw him, I thought he was weird. It turned out to be Master Rabbit who likes to dress up as a woman."

Listening to Bai Jin's detailed talk, Zhizhi's face showed a hint of comprehension: "But I can understand it, after all, I have seen a man disguised as a woman in Wanhua Pavilion."

"Young Master Holy Spirit's mouth is too stinky, and he often insults other people's limbs for no reason."

Bai Jin peeled off the marinated peanuts and chewed them in his mouth, took out a five-centimeter short ruler from the storage ring, and said with a smile on his face: "He is nothing more than that. I guess he keeps talking about it all day long because he doesn't like others , if there is a chance to meet him, I will definitely personally give him a self-deception ruler for his own use at night."

"You're good or bad~" Shi Feiyan laughed and said, "I like it so much. If there is a chance next time, I will hang an iron weight on him!"

"Brother Zhizhi, where are you? Why did you get mixed up with Ling Yuexian?"

After Bai Jin finished talking about himself and how he planned to take revenge in a refined and easy-going manner, he turned to Brother Zhi.

Although he was very happy to see Brother Zhi, Bai Jin was more curious about how he escaped from the Hehuan Sect.


Zhizhi shook his head helplessly: "Originally, I just observed who was planning to harm Lingyuexian, and collected information to see if there was a third-party force who wanted to be a fisherman. In the end, Lingyuexian grabbed my collar and made me a mount."

"Of course, I became a bull and horse, responsible for running the map all the way to let Ling Yuexian recover his property."

From the very beginning, he didn't know that his junior sister and younger brother were all here at the All Souls Society. He was sent to the All Souls Society by the Lingyue Fairy as a rushing mount, intending to recover an ancient fairy artifact fragment and collect a country's luck.

Although the All Souls Society is called a market, it should be regarded as a small kingdom with loose management. The gates of the decent and evil sects are the princes and kings, and the spirit beast sect that established the All Souls Society is the Little Transparent King.

Collecting high-quality national luck is one of the reasons why Lingyuexian established the All Souls Club.

Spirit Beast Sect. Now it is a famous decent school, but its predecessor is not a famous decent school. The monks who practice the "secret method of controlling the soul" and the "law of taboo sacrifice" all desperately need the luck of the country to weaken the power of the catastrophe.

The Spirit Beast Sect is a justifiable demon gate, and it has been hand-picked and recognized by the laws of heaven and earth!
"Then let's not talk about those disappointing things. I have something here. I don't know if Brother Zhi is interested?"

From Zhizhi's ambiguous words, Bai Jin sensed the meaning of his senior brother's words. He should have found something wrong, but there was no clue for the time being, so Bai Jin didn't bother to care about those gods. Interest mentioned in the throat.

Zhizhi is the most reliable of the Hehuan Sect, and in Bai Jin's heart, he is like the number one existence. He is usually called senior brother in a more serious way. However, from Bai Jin's mouth, there is one less word for Zhizhi's senior brother.

Then, you will have to pay for the next content.

"Come on, we're all interested."

Everyone is from the lineage of Immortal Zizai, and they all know each other well. When they saw Bai Jin's unserious expression, they also began to show funny expressions, wanting to see what kind of flower Bai Jin could make out of it.

"Qiang Qiang~ The new companion puppet of Puppet Palace is still a high-end product that can pinch your face. I just discovered this from the pile of soul rations in the storage ring."

"It clearly says a substitute puppet." Zhizhi couldn't help but slapped Bai Jin.

"Just tell me it's measurements are pretty slim!"

"What Brother Bai said is very true." Zhi Zhi also couldn't help showing a funny squinting smile on Zhi Zhi's face: "It's because my brother's eyesight is narrow, let's toast to my brother who loves to make trouble!"

He understood the meaning of Bai Jin's words, the younger brother is planning to harm the Puppet Hall!

Pointing at the stand-in puppet and insisting on hooking the puppet, if you pinch some powerful fairy looks a little bit, and then promote it for the fellow Taoists of the Puppet Hall, the Puppet Hall will be lively enough.

The atmosphere on the terrace gradually became more joyful, while the soul crouched in a corner and gnawed on the magical puppets, transforming a large amount of turbid spiritual fruits for Bai Jin to swallow as a tonic.


The Acacia Sect had a party until sunrise, Bai Jin got up and stretched, transformed the soul into turbid spirit fruits and put them all in the bag to erase the sense of existence, then turned and left the top terrace of the Qi Sect, ready to wake up shopkeeper Cai Take a pee and talk about the contract.

He still needs a battle-type fairy boat. After all, his current status is quite outrageous, and it is impossible to rely on a fairy boat to deal with it on weekdays.

As an experienced disciple, one must have one, and Sui Mingxing will prepare one for himself in the future, so the Acacia Sect can't travel with the same type of white brocade, right?

I'm afraid the ruthless fairy knife is not on his neck.

"Lao Cai is up at night!"

Bai Jin didn't care about Shopkeeper Cai's cultivation at all, and kicked his door so that it flew up: "How can you sleep with your current position? Don't you know that every minute and every second is money? Can you sleep?"

Shopkeeper Cai, who was meditating on the futon, looked at the pure white figure who broke into his dormitory with a face full of astonishment.

"Our Qi Sect is not open yet, so it's too early for you to take the young master?"

"There is no business, your house is not closed, our whole family sits on your roof to drink, if you don't prepare a contract, I will post your fairy dress!"

"Wait a minute! Arbitrarily take the young master's side!"

Hearing 'Wanhua Zhiyan's wide-sleeved fairy dress', shopkeeper Cai's body became weak. That aunt who hadn't hooked up with her usually wanted to sell herself at a low price, but now she was hooked by her armored brother in her mouth. I'm afraid she didn't carry the safe all night He ran away from home with Hehuanzong Moxiu.

"I still have some materials here, you guys will help me see what can be mixed together later, and get my fairy boat into my stomach in one step." Bai Jin followed behind shopkeeper Cai and asked for a new request.

Last night, the puppet hall was blasted and a lot of strange materials were picked up. Zhizhi also gave him a red pupil, the core of the strongest puppet guard in the puppet pavilion. Bai Jin now has a lot of strange materials.

If it is necessary to refine the fairy boat, Bai Jin doesn't mind throwing everything in it.

Precious materials in his hands are teething sticks, or piled up in the storage ring to accumulate dust, so it is better to take this opportunity to clean out the garbage that is not needed in the storage ring.

"Here, I will let my uncle show you your body, and then I will choose the main material you provided." Shopkeeper Cai took the white brocade to a courtyard full of high temperature: "I'm going to invite the master of the fairy boat now, and you can do it too." Now release the prepared main materials for the master to appraise."


Bai Jin raised his arms, and the two storage rings worn on the left and right middle fingers began to release the flood, and a torrent of colorful objects gushed out crazily, among which were mixed with strange stones of various attributes and small turbid spiritual fruits.

"And you."

Bai Jin clenched his right hand in the void, pinched a sturdy three-meter demon and threw it into the garbage dump.

The celestial demon lying on the rare treasures and broken parts even made a concave shape to show off his scary muscles.

Shopkeeper Cai: "."

Did you copy the house of Puppet Hall?Why are there so many puppet limbs and energy cores mixed in.


Ask for votes.

I was so angry that I asked for a ticket, and I was able to press the wrong button three times in a row to make a cheongsam. This dio input method is highly poisonous.

(End of this chapter)

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