I am in good spirits

Chapter 171 Total Eclipse Bazaar

Chapter 171 Total Eclipse Bazaar
"You don't need to be in a hurry to do it slowly. The most important thing is to work slowly and meticulously to make my fairy boat beautiful. Now I am not in a hurry to sail the boat with the famous and decent. It is best to make the bow harder for me. It's good to kill the monk."

Bai Jin sat in the gazebo of the other courtyard with the treasurer Cai Zong and Taoist Firework to discuss the details of the fairy boat.

Bai Jin's requirements for the fairy boat are extremely simple, that is, he can run faster than the earth immortal by half a step on weekdays, and if a fairy boat hits it, it can kill a monk in the Nascent Soul Stage, or knock down a monk in the Transformation Stage.

As for drawings?It doesn't exist at all, Taoist Fireworks will only build an energy core for Bai Jin, and then create a hard keel, side panels, and carved spirit seals. As for what the fairy boat will eventually look like, it still depends on how Bai Jin nourishes the fairy boat on a daily basis. of.

The Wuqingxian raised an ice-breaking fairy boat, and even the space can be smashed into pieces and forced to break in. The fairy boat cultivated by Sui Mingxing is actually a living fairy boat, and it can even take the initiative to branch out one by one. Little plant demon.

The characteristic of the war fairy boat is that the object resembles the master, and it will be born like the master.It wouldn't be surprising if it was a prostitute's boat that grew 18 meters in front of the bow, but Taoist Fireworks didn't dare to promise Bai Jin what his fairy boat looked like.

Maybe. He flew up and wobbled, like a drunk Mengzi.


After solving the matter of the battle-type fairy boat, Bai Jin and Taoist Firework added contact information to each other, and then contacted after the core of the fairy boat was produced, and asked him to pay for the first payment for the fairy boat materials.

After finishing all this, Bai Jin climbed over the low wall of the other courtyard, completely ignoring the weird and confused expressions of Taoist Fireworks and Shopkeeper Cai. The wall was doomed to be climbed from the day it was built, so it's not surprising ?

Going through the main entrance is too troublesome, it's better to go over the wall and open the formation from the other courtyard, so that he can directly shed the human skin he took arbitrarily, and turn back into Bai Jin, the precious disciple that Sui Mingxing is proud of.

After going around a circle to buy breakfast, Bai Jin entered Qizong as if ignoring what had happened, and flicked the 'Liuxian skirt' who was squatting at the door doing nothing, and frightened the cheongsam girl until her waist-length black hair exploded.

"Well, what's the situation with you?"

Carrying Bai Jin, who was pretending to have breakfast, back to the other courtyard where Xingluo Xianmen temporarily settled down, watching Shi Feiyan, who is sitting upright, bragging about her bravery to her friends on the cliff. deeds.

Yu Xueqing sat next to Meng Qi, with a timid face, having a private conversation between the girl and the wife.

"Brother Bai."

Seeing Bai Jin coming back, Jin Lin waved to him and explained: "We all misunderstood the two fairies, they are not vicious gangsters. The concubine Yan in front of me is proficient in rhythm and plays the piano well. This is a dream. Fairy Qi is a magician who specializes in elf seal characters."

"They are old acquaintances with Zhiqian seniors"

Shi Feiyan and Meng Qi Jinlin couldn't believe it, but Zhizhi personally came forward to vouch for them, so he reluctantly believed that the two fairies in front of him should have no malicious intentions.

It's not that Jinlin trusts Zhizhi, it's purely because Zhizhi has Lingyue Xian as a credit endorsement behind Zhizhi.

Of course they didn't have any malicious intentions, they were all old buddies who had played with me since childhood. Bai Jin silently complained in his heart about the scene of the Demon Gate and the decent and friendly scene in front of him.

If Master Concubine Yan and the others really had malicious intentions, Zhu Fu's animal intuition would have gone crazy and warned him to run away.

There is no time for everyone to sit together and brag.

"Where were you talking about?"

Bai Jin put the bought breakfast on the table, and the smell of pancake meat began to permeate, Bai Jin took out a bowl of purple potato porridge from the oil paper bag and ate it, watching the beaming Shi Feiyan who was explaining with great interest.

"We met for the first time. The little girl's surname is Shi and her name is Feiyan. She is proficient in the rules of rhythm, dance and various kinds of learning. She is currently working hard to pay back the money by singing and performing arts."

Concubine Shi Yan finished her self-introduction, looked at Bai Jin who was drinking porridge, and couldn't help but tease her own black-hearted creditor with a teasing smile.

"We just talked about the total eclipse market, and they seem to be very interested in that place, so I will introduce them to the city within a city in All Souls."

"If you want to go shopping there, you have to be prepared to bleed your money bag. The top products currently sold there, children can't hold back the desire to spend money at all."

"Is it really that evil? I don't believe it." While drinking purple potato porridge, Bai Jin sang the oboe with Shi Feiyan.

"If you don't believe me, I'll take you there after breakfast, so that you can know what it means to be uncontrollable!" Shi Feiyan laughed.

She really didn't joke with Bai Jin, because the total eclipse market is not managed by the spirit beast gate, it looks very chaotic, the streets are full of slaves that I feel pity for, every little slave is dressed up beautifully, but To be tied to the side of the road in a very humiliating way.

There are not only little slaves I feel pity for on the side of the road, but also all kinds of male fox demons are also hung with their hands tied.

It can make men, women and children shout and can't stand it.

When Bai Jin was talking with Shi Feiyan, neither Jin Lin nor Zhu Fu interrupted their conversation.

Although Bai Jin is not a serious person, Zhu Fu and Jin Lin both believe that every word he utters has been thought through, and he will not be foolishly led by the nose to walk around the street.

Out of trust, none of them spoke.

"Then let's go!"

After drinking the porridge and eating mutton pancakes, Bai Jin looked at his little friends and said, "Let's take a trip to the so-called city that children can't grasp at all. Maybe we can find the opportunity for Brother Jin to come to the All Souls Society this time." .”

The diamond-shaped metal that exploded Jin Lin's head was now placed on the stone table in front of Jin Lin very casually.

Although the Meteorite from Heaven is precious, when Bai Jin saw Jin Lin, he knew that the Meteorite in front of him was almost meaningless.

"One thing in advance, although my sister has a bold personality and likes to make friends with younger brothers, but if it comes to borrowing money, it is an absolutely forbidden topic." Shi Feiyan said with a serious face.

Money or not is not important to her, except for Bai Jin's prodigal father-in-law, the little spirit stone on her body is not enough for Bai Jin to squander.

I bet the dog can't afford to invite Xiaobai out to play.

"Stingy." Bai Jin couldn't help complaining.

Shi Feiyan rolled her eyes: "Hehehe"


The road to the 'Total Eclipse Market' is not special, as long as you walk straight along the main road and see an arched city gate with monks standing on guard, you have already half-stepped into the All Souls Society A huge black market.

"Are you here to send money again?"

One of the guards saw Shi Feiyan, and said with a strange expression on his face: "This time...you lied to your junior brother again?"

"Or did you go somewhere to get the spirit stone on credit, and prepare to fight a battle that plunges into the bottomless abyss?" Another guard seemed to be flattering, and said more.

"What do you mean I lied to Junior Brother?"

Shi Feiyan was so angry that she trembled all over: "Every time I borrow money, I have an IOU with my junior brother, and I have to pay back the money!"

"Cheat money."

"Still cheating"

One of the guards on the left and right said something, and finally the two sang together: "Also~~ You really deserve to be a great benefactor of the All Souls Society!"


Concubine Shiyan spat on the husband and wife.

"Your friend is quite unique." Bai Jin looked at Shi Feiyan with a strange face: "The description is very appropriate."

Bai Jin didn't know where to throw the IOUs from gambling dogs. From the loan amounted to a million, until Shi Feiyan said that she needed night labor to pay back, Bai Jin treated the borrowed money as bad debts.



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