I am in good spirits

Chapter 173 It's outrageous at first glance, but it's reasonable

Chapter 173 Outrageous at first glance, but reasonable

"Do you want to use the name of Xingluo Xianmen to beat up the manager of the Wanling Market, and then forcibly demolish the branch of the Guardian Mansion of the Spirit Beast Sect stationed in the Wanlinghui?"

Waving a folding fan, Zhizhi, who was watching the excitement, heard Bai Jin say that the front yard of the town guard's mansion would be demolished. Chu Wen felt that his junior brother's idea was a little outrageous. After all, he is now lurking in the famous family to eat the star meal.

But after thinking about it carefully, I feel inexplicably that playing under the banner of Xingluo Xianmen to swagger through the market seems to be quite suitable.

"What happened to the disciples of Xingluo Xianmen, uh. Actually, they are all reasonable. They are the most outrageous among the famous sects, and they are all kinds of weird things." Zhizhi put away his folding fan and couldn't help but complain.

The disciples in the Xingluo Xianmen are all innocent and kind like little white rabbits, but after the experience, most of the Xingluo monks are extremely poor in quality. Part of the self-cultivation is fairly good and correct.

The Xingluo Xianmen family was the only one who stepped Moxiu's head into the cesspit and drowned Moxiu alive.

The "diamond of quality" in Xingluo Xianmen does not refer to a certain individual but a group. Anyone can become a "diaspora of quality" and commit violence.Just like when Zhu Fu just kicked him into the fish pond to feed the fish because he was unhappy with the owner of the seafood shop bullying the living beings.

Even if Zhu Fu doesn't participate in the Xingluo Xianmen training, he is very likely to become a member of the "Brothers with Outstanding Quality" in the future.

The one with the worst quality should be a 'ruthless fairy'!
"Of course, Shizhi insists on Brother Bai, but what are you going to do, Brother Bai?" Zhizhi paused, then changed his words and asked with a smile.

"Of course it's a secret method from my hometown." Bai Jin said in a riddle.

But when they talked about the secret method of their hometown, Zhizhi and Shi Feiyan immediately nodded with a sudden realization.

How to do?Of course, blasting the tutelary mansion just like blasting Zizai Laomo Zangshu Pavilion, and blasting out the fragments of ancient immortal artifacts hidden more than 300 meters underground.

"Garbage people do garbage business.hetui!"

Zhu Fu drew out the Fire Spirit Whip and smashed the lock on the cage in the seafood shop, causing all kinds of beautiful and plump seafood inside to escape, and the sullenness on his cheeks gradually escalated into anger.

"It's useless for you to save them. If you don't solve the source, the owner will still continue to sell all kinds of seafood." Bai Jin stepped into the seafood shop, and grabbed Zhu Fu who wanted to continue smashing locks to save the half-demon of the ocean tribe.

"Then what can we do? Get rid of all the male cultivators?" Zhu Fu yelled at Bai Jin with a face full of resentment.

"Of course it's like what a friend of mine said, beating his father and burning his mother, arresting his grandma to recite the Three Character Classic!" Bai Jin said with a serious face: "The total eclipse market is so chaotic, the local managers have an inescapable responsibility, without their Will it be like this if you indulge in this place? I'm afraid it was demolished by a monk with a sense of justice long ago!"

"We should trouble the managers instead of doing meaningless things here. If we let them go, they might not be able to escape from the total eclipse market!"


Zhu Fu was speechless for a while, she never expected Bai Jin to say that, because she felt that with Bai Jin's personality, it was more likely to order another batch, or to toss those beautiful seafood out of curiosity.

Unexpectedly, I misunderstood Bai Jin again.Zhu Fu felt a little ashamed.

Smashing the fart lock is a waste of time, I'm still waiting for the guardian mansion who exploded the spirit beast gate to get the fragments of the fairy artifact!Bai Jin complained in his heart that Zhu Fu wasted time, everyone here calls you a seafood shop, and they run far away when they put seafood out?
As soon as you go out, other shops may not be stocked!

"I'm sorry, I was angry just now. Actually, I didn't mean to kill you." Zhu Fu withdrew his hand that was held by Bai Jin, and apologized to him embarrassingly.

"It's okay." Bai Jin smiled.

Why don't you just scold me?I asked Master before if there is any secret medicine that can turn a woman into a man!
It's a pity that there are no such evil things.

"Are there monks from the Spirit Beast Sect in the guarding mansion?" Jin Lin frowned and asked, "We have the ability to teach them a lesson?"

"Train them all!"

Bai Jin didn't want to say anything more, he held Zhu with his left hand and brother Jin with his right hand and led them to run, towards the end of the total eclipse market road and rushed to the tutelary mansion.

"Wait for me" the chubby guy with a knife in his left hand and an oyster in his right chased after him.

"Don't leave me behind!"

Seeing that her brothers and sisters had all run away, the weather girl felt embarrassed and continued to sleep on Meng Qi, her feet gliding gracefully as if oiled, surpassing Wei Benliang and chasing after Zhu Fu who was in the front.

"Xiaobai can deceive her three hundred times in one night, and it is not impossible to deceive her into giving birth to three babies and one child in three years." Mengqi said with doubts on her face: "With such a soft temper, how did she become immortal through the Star Network Immortal Gate?" Will do"

"Is it that easy to cheat? How about I cheat some too." Shi Feiyan felt a little itchy when she heard this.

Meng Qi glanced at her sideways: "Hehe."

Your longing for Lingshi is written all over your face. You are just soft-spoken and not stupid. Do you think that everyone is desperate like Su Jieer and wants to join our Hehuan Sect?


"It's here!"

Leading the crowd to the place where Gambling Dog said, Bai Jin pointed to an open door at the end of the square. Next to the door was a drum that was full of plants, and even the drum skin was moldy and rotten.

"Bring you!"

Bai Jin raised his finger, and as soon as the silver gilt ring worn on the middle finger of his right hand was exposed, there was an extremely fast-moving monk rushing towards Bai Jin with a small knife.

"Thank you."

As soon as Bai Jin grabbed the man's hand, he took the knife from his hand and thanked him strangely.

The thief looked confused: "?"

"He should be the hand-chopping gang that has sprung up recently. They like to snatch accessories from people's hands." Shi Feiyan introduced the origin of the little thief in front of Bai Jin.

"Take your finger and use it."

Bai Jin didn't have much interest in the thief, so he pulled the tip of his hand horizontally with a knife, cut his four fingers, and kicked him heavily. After rolling on the ground, he stepped forward and grabbed the thief's foot and started to circle .

"he is"

Seeing the little thief's fingers draw a circle on the ground, Yuxueqing showed a surprised expression on his face: ". Formation?"

Tiantian Niang thinks that she is cowardly and cowardly, and she is not a monk who is particularly good at fighting, but she has been learning various restraints and formations from Chen Xixing, and she knows what the little brother is doing when she sees Bai Jin's movements.

"No, it's not a formation. Brother Bai used the thief's blood to write the incantation. It's one of Feng Yu's special secret methods. It's a bit like the spirit seal we use." Zhizhi corrected Yu Xueqing's words. Wrong, just play a cover for my junior brother casually.

The blasting style is not a secret technique of Feng Yu, it is an extremely authentic secret technique of the Hehuan sect, which is listed as the three major secret techniques together with the technique of blood and the technique of manipulating shadows.

Not all monks of the Acacia Sect have the ability to get in touch with the 'He Hua Zi Zi Tian Mo Jing', and those who are not qualified or have the courage to learn the secret method.

Although it is not from Feng Yu, but there are similar secret arts in Feng Yu's area, Zhizhi will push the explosive type to Feng Yu's secret arts, and it will be convenient for the younger brother to quibble, anyway, his family lives in Feng Yu's side , and the status is not low.



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 Yesterday, this chapter said to update 233333 words, but it was deleted because it was too much, and the remaining [-], [-].

(End of this chapter)

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