I am in good spirits

Chapter 174 Life and death, we live, you die!

Chapter 174 Life and death, we live, you die!

Bai Jin let go of the thief's hand, threw the chopping party tens of meters away, stood in the formation drawn by blood, turned to look at his friends, and said, "It's some secret method from my hometown, when the time comes Then I will explain the reason to you, and you will help me protect the law first."

Although the array drawn by blood is called an array, it does not have any spiritual power. It can only be effective after Bai Jin casts a secret method to activate the array. Otherwise, the disciples of the spirit beast sect in the guarding mansion would have already run out.

"Everyone go away! There's nothing to see."

Zhizhi didn't intervene in Bai Jin's side, and politely said to the monks watching the show: "It's just that the disciples of the Xingluo Immortal Sect are going to kill the whole family. If you don't go far, you will not be able to save your own life."

The surrounding monks: "."

Just kill the whole family?You Xingluo Xianmen are worthy of being the decent sect with the worst quality, and you can say it so lightly like Qiuyou when you destroy people.
"Then. Charge port, open!"

While leaving the formation in the air, Bai Jin pinched the explosive seal in front of him, causing the lines of the formation on the ground to emit a scarlet ominous light, and the ground in the formation turned into pitch-black, ink-like mucus that squirmed non-stop.

Standing in mid-air, Bai Jin raised his left hand, took out a sack of high-grade spirit stones from the storage ring, and threw them directly into the black mud pit of the formation map, saying: "See if there is any rubbish that you can't use, and you can Throw it in the mud pit, it's just a big garbage collection point anyway."

Bai Jin doesn't know how to play explosive high-end games, but he is very good at drawing arrays and using energy storage methods.

After the array is fully activated, the charging port will be opened. Just fill it with items containing aura, all of which can be converted into aura of fire attribute, and start to compress infinitely, causing a big explosion like landslides and earth cracks.

The high-end gameplay is to hit the human body, or engrave it on yourself to detonate everything in the coverage area of ​​luck, life, soul and consciousness, so that the enemy and yourself can usher in the great harmony of life.

"What are you doing?"

A loud shout came from the guarding mansion, and the wave-like spiritual energy fluctuations came from the gate, making the monks in the guarding mansion aware that something was wrong with the outside world. As soon as they came out, they saw the formation floating on the ground in the front yard, and the monks in twos and threes Let the array throw things.

Such a weird scene made the cultivator of the Spirit Beast Sect guarding the mansion uncontrollably yell, grabbed a golden long whip, and whipped at the group of people, trying to stop them from performing strange rituals.


Bai Jin took out the shovel from the storage ring, opened the golden long whip that came out, looked at the monks running out of the guardian mansion, and said lightly: "From now on, this place will be divided into a magic cave by our Star Network Immortal Sect. , Anyone who hinders our actions will be harmed to our ancestors."

"A mere golden core dares to speak wild words in the middle stage"

The leading cultivator laughed angrily at Bai Jin, raised his arms and pressed the teleportation array in front of him to open, two green wood wolves, as strong as yaks, stepped on green lights, and opened their mouths to bite Bai Jin.

The other disciples of the Spirit Beast Sect drew out their golden long whips and beat them towards the Xingluo Xianmen group.

The golden long whip is not an illegal weapon, but a technique used by the Spirit Beast Sect to tame evil beasts. People or beasts who are whipped will experience severe pain that penetrates the soul. If the practitioner of this method is strong enough, it can even kill the soul. They are all beaten to the point of being scattered, so that the living beings will never be reborn.

"Life restarts!"

Light blue spiritual power covered the whole body, Bai Jin raised the shovel in his hand and slammed the wolf monster's head horizontally, slapped away one of the wolves recruited by the leading monk, and kicked away the other animal that was biting him with a sideways kick.

With just a stagger, one Cyan Wolf's head was slapped until its neck was tilted, and a colorful flower grew on the other Cyan Wolf's head, whimpering and unable to move, it dissipated as a handful of ashes in a short while.

"Tsk tsk tsk nascent infant madness~"

Bai Jin put the shovel on his shoulder, glanced at the Xingluo Immortal Sect companion who was pressing down on the disciples of the Spirit Beast Sect, and walked towards the leader who sneered just now: "You are the only one who likes to laugh?"

"You still look down on the Golden Core Stage cultivators? Come on, tell me where the Golden Core Stage cultivators have provoked you!"

The combat power of a monk has always been metaphysics. To measure the combat power of a monk, one needs to look at the cultivation level, and then add the number of magic weapons and secret methods held by the monk to get the comprehensive combat power.

In the Nascent Soul stage, he has a strong ability to survive, and the mana in his body can be turned into a streamer, so he dares to bark here.

"Yeah, don't fight anymore."

Being chased and beaten by two monks of the Spirit Beast Sect, Yu Xueqing, who was frantically running around the blasting formation, accidentally fell to the ground and watched two monks with golden hemp ropes approaching with lewd smiles on their faces. Cover your ears and close your eyes and let out an exciting whimper.


Meng Qi, who was just about to make a move, froze for a moment, a water ball gradually rose up beside Yu Xueqing, revealing a human form, protecting her master with the water ball, a cold long knife jumped out of Yu Xueqing's bracelet, and was caught The same closed-eyed water man holds it in his hand.


The two long knives were out of their sheaths, and the dazzling cold light wove into a sword net, instantly chopping the magic whips in the hands of the disciples of the Spirit Beast Sect, along with their clothes and hair, Shui Ling slowly opened his eyes, the eyes made of water The mouth opened in an arc that made people feel crazy.

Coupled with its slightly curved, crazy eyes as if enjoying something, it makes people shudder.


The dense sword net reappeared, and the two disciples of the Spirit Beast Sect divided them into pieces of different sizes and scattered them on the ground. Shui Ling turned his head 360 degrees, looked at the other disciples of the Spirit Beast Sect who wanted to bully the weather girl, and fell to the ground with both swords Na Yu posed behind his back in the posture of pulling out and chopping.

"What it is?"

Meng Qi was startled by the water spirit in front of her, and couldn't help asking the knowledgeable Zhizhi.

"A Brutal Evil Spirit"

Zhizhi frowned slightly and said, "That shouldn't be the spirituality of being as good as water. It's a ferocious evil spirit transferred by Yu Xueqing to the water method, which is very strange."

Zhizhi is good at the five elements of yin and yang, and his practice of water is not bad, but Yuxueqing's situation is also unknown, and he can only preliminarily conclude that the human-shaped water mass in front of him is not one of the water spirits, but Yuxueqing himself transfer of will.

To find out, one must conduct a spiritual power check and a spiritual check.

"Oh, I see. No wonder."

Just thinking about it in his head, Zhizhi's body has already moved, and the folding fan pierced the water curtain and pressed it on Yuxueqing's arm to perform a spiritual power check. He immediately knew why Yuxueqing could summon such a fierce, bloodthirsty and cruel It's juicy.



When Zhizhi made a move, Shui Ling immediately threw the long knife in his hand and stabbed Zhizhi. Zhizhi raised his hand and opened the folding fan to bounce the long knife back to Shui Ling. Leaving Yu Xueqing, he said with a smile: "Sorry, I didn't mean anything. I just kindly treat her for the fall just now."

Shui Ling didn't believe what he knew, so he didn't torture and kill the disciples of the Spirit Beast Sect at all, and went back to the defense and squatted beside Yu Xueqing with both hands on the handle of the knife, vigilant around.

"What's the situation with her?" Mengqi looked at Zhizhi.

(End of this chapter)

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